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Prayer Requests

By date:
2021: Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2020: Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2019: Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2018: Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2017: Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2016: Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2015: Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2014: Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2013: Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
2012: Dec

Alphabetical list (by first name)

> Prayer Update - Nov 23, 2021 - Pam Q. (Mora, MN)
Thanks to God for his wonderful intervention! Ed is being released from the hospital today! Thank you for all the prayers, love and support which helped us through all of this. We are so thankful he is improving and can come home to continue recovering . Please continue to pray for our complete healing and again we thank you for the outpouring of love and prayers.
Nov 21, 2021
I received a message from Pam and they have lowered Ed's oxygen from 50% to 5%. She said he was able to eat some today and when she talked with him he seemed in good spirits.
Nov 20, 2021
Ed has been admitted to the hospital with covid pneumonia and he has blood clots in his lungs as well. He and Pam would appreciate your prayers for him.
Nov 19, 2021
I got an update on Ed and Pam and they are no longer running a fever or having chills but they are both coughing a lot and have no energy. They also appreciate your prayers for them.
Nov 10, 2021
Ed and Pam would appreciate your prayers for them. They have Covid and both are really sick with it.
Oct 17, 2021
My brother Gary with brain cancer is declining. He is supposed to start his second round of chemo Mon but cannot due to his body's reaction to the first round.
He is vomiting every day throughout the day and is very dizzy. Monday is another check and MRI. If he cannot move forward with chemo, then decisions will have to be made on treatment vs palliative care.
Please pray for Gods comfort and guidance, His Will and the decisions that lie ahead.
Please also pray for my Dad, Duane who also multiple health issues. He just fell and has internal bruising and massive leg wounds from the fluids in his legs where the skin split open . Ed had him in the ER til late last night.
Please also pray for my family as we are going through a lot right now with both their health issues and trying to manage both person's care.
Oct 5, 2021
Pam is requesting prayers for her brother Gary. He had to be taken to the emergency room after having a reaction to the chemo treatment. The family would appreciate your prayers for him.
Jul 24, 2021
Ed and Pam were in an auto accident this morning on their way to services. Pam was taken by ambulance to the hospital and she was in a lot of pain. Thankfully she had no broken bones or major injuries but she does have some deep tissue bruising which is painful. Ed was ok. They are requesting prayers for relief of the pain and bruising that Pam has and also it has been very traumatizing for Pam. They had just bought the car and it was damaged quite a bit and may be totaled. The other driver was at fault and they are asking for prayers that his insurance will take care of everything. They appreciate your prayers very much.
Jul 17, 2021
Pam is requesting prayers for severe back pain she has had for about two weeks. She also fell this past week and badly sprained her finger and hurt the right leg from falling. Please pray for God's healing and an end to the pain.
Feb 9, 2021
I know it has been a while since I updated about my brother, Gary's brain cancer.
He had what doctors believed to be a small stroke from an MRI they performed in January. Because they could not be sure the spots they found then were indeed from the stroke and not redevelopment of cancer, they did another MRI today.
I am overjoyed and thankful to God that they just told him, the MRI is clear and he remains in remission!!
Thank you so much for your prayers and concerns over this long journey.
Dec 30, 2020
Thank you for your prayers, texts and support for my brother, Gary and sister in law, Carol.
She is at home and will begin physical and occupational therapy to help her with her motor skills from the brain bleed. They are due to close on a new one level home the end of January to reduce risk of falling on stairs again.
Please continue to pray for them both as they are recovering from both their illnesses.
Dec 27, 2020
Pam sent this prayer request to ask for your prayers for her sister-in-law.
"Please send out prayer request for my sister in law, Carol. She took a bad fall and hit her head on the ceramic floor. A CT scan last night shows she has a brain bleed. They performed another CT at 5:30am this morning and are waiting for the results. This is my brother Gary's wife who is still recovering from brain cancer. Please pray for him too. He doesn't need anymore stress as he struggles himself with his recovery.
Jul 15, 2020
Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts for my brother, Gary who has brain cancer. This is definitely answered prayers! Please continue to pray for his complete healing.
From Gary:
Hey everyone!
Thank you for all your love and prayers! I just got back from an MRI and seeing my Oncologist. He said between my last MRI and this one, I should have a life expectancy of 90%. He said he would like for it to be 100%, but no can be that certain. My kidneys are back to normal so if I have to go back on chemo, they are in order. I have to go back in 3 months for another MRI to make sure the cancer hasn't returned. I will keep my ports for awhile "just in case". He's pretty confident that the MRI will show that the tumor cavity won't show any change, which is a good thing! He's not letting me go back to work for at least 3 months, depending what the MRI shows.
Feb 28, 2020
Ed and Pam wish to thank you all for your continued prayers for her brother Gary's brain cancer. He has been stable the past few days and we know God is with him and my family. His aggressive chemo treatments continue and it takes a lot out of him.
Please continue to pray for God's strength and intervention for him in whatever God's will is.
Jan 24, 2020
Pam is requesting prayers for her brother who has cancer. He has been released from the hospital and he will be going through another round of chemo treatments soon. Your continued prayers for him are much appreciated.
Dec 28, 2019
Pam Quam has ask me to send out this prayer request for her brother:
Please pray for my brother Gary who was just diagnosed today with a brain tumor. He is currently in the ER and will soon be moved to Abbott Northwest hospital.
It is not known at this time if the tumor is cancerous.
Please pray that the tumor is not cancerous and for God's healing.
Nov 30, 2019
Pam would like to request prayers. She got sick with Bronchitis right after the feast and now she has been sick since Wednesday. Her immune system is very weak and she would appreciate your prayers for healing and also the building up of her immunity.
Jun 23, 2018
Pam writes: Thank you for your prayers, texts, cards and calls. They mean a lot. I want to let you know I am about 50% better so all the prayers have helped immensely. The pain has decreased to a more manageable level. My shingles are getting better slowly. Ed and I are very grateful for all the prayers and support through this difficult trial.
Jun 15, 2018
Thank you for your prayers, cards and calls for my tendinitis, shoulder pain and now shingles. Please continue to pray for relief since the shingle pain is very intense. I am quite broke out now so hoping the pain will subside soon. Thank you.
Jun 12, 2018
In addition to the intense pain I have in my shoulder, I now have shingles on that same side. The doctors feel the bone spurs are pushing on my tendons causing pain. I am getting a cortisone shot tomorrow for the bone spurs in my shoulder. This, along with the shingles appears to be why the pain is so bad. Please pray for healing of my pain, bone spurs and shingles. Thank you.
Jun 8, 2018
Pam has chronic pain from fibromyalgia, neuropathy. She also has bad knee pain, and cannot afford knee surgery. For the last several weeks, she has had tendinitis in her right elbow, making it difficult to work. She works on a computer all day, and this aggravates the tendon. The past few days her fibromyalgia has been terribly painful. She requests prayers for God to heal the fibromyalgia and tendinitis, and to have less pain in general. Thanks in advance.
Feb 27, 2014
Pam wishes to thank everyone for the prayers, cards and words of encouragement for my Fibromyalgia. There has been some relief of pain this past week. I have started with massage sessions and this has helped among other natural alternatives. Please continue to pray that my pain level stays manageable so I can keep working and doing day to day tasks. Thank you.
Jan 23, 2014
Pam requests prayers for her ongoing Fibromyalgia pain which has increased significantly over the past several weeks. Some natural treatments are going to be tried since conventional medicine has not been helpful and has limited options. Please pray for direction and wisdom to make the right choices for treatment as well as relief from the pain. This has been a long time trial and gets discouraging when the pain is unmanageable. Thank you!

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 23, 2021 - Ken S. (Gary, SD)
Ken and Dianne S. request your prayers for Ken's healing. On Friday he suffered a blow to the head while working on his truck, then later in the weekend he was diagnosed with COVID, for the second time. Ken is currently serving the North Dakota churches as interim pastor. He and Dianne both thank you very much for your earnest prayers for God's healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 21, 2021 - Jonathan M. (St. Paul, MN)
I received a message from Laurie and she was able to talk today with Jonathan's doctor. He said Jonathan is doing fine but in more of a holding pattern that may take several weeks to get better.
Nov 20, 2021
I received an update on Jonathan and he is continuing to be stable and they were able to lower his oxygen by 10% which is encouraging.
Nov 19, 2021
I talked with Laurie last night and she had talked with Jonathan's doctor and he is being treated for COVID pneumonia, bacterial pneumonia, and Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. I got a text from Jonathan today and his O2 levels remained stable last night. It was the first time they hadn't had to increase the O2. The doctor is hoping this may be a sign he is starting to turn the bend. He is still requiring a high level and they will continue to monitor it. He said he is very weak but he has been able to eat some which is a good sign. He wanted to pass along to all of you how much he appreciates your prayers for him.
Nov 16, 2021
I wanted to update you on Jonathan. I heard from him today and he said that the kidney dialysis has been going well but he hasn't rounded the bend yet with the covid. His 02 has worsened to the point that the standard 02 is not enough and they are going to do Hi Low breathing machine. They have him laying flat on his stomach for a minimum 15 hrs a day to encourage drainage out of the lungs. He has appreciated all the prayers and I know he would appreciate your continued prayers for a full recovery.
Nov 14, 2021
Jonathan was admitted to Regions Hospital due to covid. They ran a lot of tests and his Xrays were suspicious of covid. He is currently being supplemented with O2.
Please pray that the Dr's and staff give him the treatment necessary and that his body responds. Please also pray for his full recovery from this.
Jonathan does have a preexisting granulomatosis with polyangitis disease (also known as Wegener's disease) and end stage kidney disease.
Thank you for your prayers on Jonathan's behalf!
Aug 27, 2021
Here is an update that Jonathan sent today;
Last week, I traveled down to Mayo Clinic to be evaluated for kidney transplant. The visit to Mayo went well. Kidney function continues to be something doctors will continue to closely monitor. Doctors think I will likely need to be started on dialysis soon. Right now, doctors want to see if the additional medications they prescribed will help my kidney function. I will also restrict my diet further.
A couple of doctors commented about how surprised they were to see how healthy I appear. They say most people they see physically appear as ill as they feel/are at my level of kidney failure.
My case was presented to the Mayo Transplant Committee. I was told a decision typically takes a few weeks to reach. Earlier this week, I was notified that I have been approved by the committee to have a kidney transplant. This is a positive step forward in a long process. Now that I have been approved, the search for a live donor match will begin. If one is found, a transplant surgery will be scheduled. If one isn't found, I will wait until one becomes available on the registry. In our region, the average wait for a kidney to become available via the registry is 5 years.
I would like to thank the brethren for all their prayers, messages, and texts. They are greatly appreciated. Will try to keep you updated as there are further updates.
Jun 11, 2021
Jonathan is requesting your prayers. In January, Jonathan was diagnosed with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (aka Wegener's disease), a rare autoimmune multisystem disease, which resulted in him being hospitalized for nearly two weeks. Wegener's disease causes inflammation and damage to the blood vessels in nose, sinuses, throat, lungs and kidney. The disease hit Jonathan's kidneys especially hard, leaving him in total kidney failure. Doctors were hopeful his kidneys would recover since his autoimmune disease was responding well to immunosuppressive therapy. Unfortunately, his kidney function has not improved. Earlier this week, Jonathan received results from a recent kidney biopsy. Doctors now believe the damage to the kidneys to be significant and irreversible. Jonathan has been referred to specialists to begin the process for a kidney transplant. Jonathan asks we pray for God's guidance, the skills of the doctors who will be caring for him, and for God's merciful intervention.
Jan 29, 2021
I was discharged from the hospital and now recovering at home. The first round of immunosuppression therapy went well last week without complications. The next round is scheduled for Wednesday. My kidneys did begin to show som signs of improvement prior to discharge from the hospital. Doctors continue to monitor and treat my acute kidney failure on an outpatient basis.
Doctors say Wegener's autoimmune disease is treatable. At this time, doctors expect that I will need at least a couple years of immunosuppression therapy to put it into remission, given how hard it hit. There is no known cause for Wegener's.
Thank you all for your prayers (and continued prayers) on my behalf and the outpouring of calls, emails, and texts. They have been very encouraging and comforting.
I talked with Jonathan and he got some good news this week that his kidneys were slowly recovering. The doctors are pleased with how he is progressing but he has a long road ahead. He will be starting infusion therapy next week and that will be ongoing for a long time. He is a real trooper in the way he is handling all of this. Your continued prayers are much appreciated.
Jan 22, 2021
I talked with Jonathan this week and he got to go home earlier in the week. They are still waiting for his kidneys to begin functioning properly so he would appreciate your continued prayers for him.
Jan 13, 2021
I just heard from Laurie and the doctors have a diagnosis now. He has a rare and aggressive type autoimmune disease that they suspected. It is called granulomatosis with polyangitis. Doctors say it is very treatable, but need to get kidneys and the rest of the organs to heal first.
They would appreciate your continued prayers.
Jan 12, 2021
from a roommate:
"Jonathan has been admitted to the hospital. He went in on Saturday to urgent care with chest and sinus congestion and it was determined his bloodwork is abnormal, his blood pressure is really high and he has fluid buildup in his lungs and heart, and doctors are concerned about internal bleeding. His kidneys are struggling as well. Doctors were able to perform a kidney biopsy yesterday morning as blood pressure stabilized (but still remains high). Doctors have been unable to determine cause of these issues. Doctors hope the kidney biopsy will help identify what is going on. Jonathan would greatly appreciate any prayers.
They are now looking to start him on kidney dialysis as well."
They did do the biopsy yesterday on his kidneys and they should get the results sometime today. They are also treating him for fluid on his heart and lungs as well. His blood pressure has been stable.
Jan 11, 2021
I just heard from Laurie and she said that they are going to do a kidney biopsy at 11:30 am. If his blood pressure continues to hold where it is, they may do it earlier. They would appreciate your prayers as the doctors are trying to figure out what is going on.
I received an update from Laurie this morning on Jonathan. His blood pressure has lowered a bit but they are going to run more test today to try and find out what's going on. The family does appreciate your prayers and we will keep you posted.
Jan 9, 2021
I just received an email from Jonathan M. and he is being admitted to the hospital. He went in with chest and sinus congestion and his bloodwork is abnormal, his blood pressure is really high and he has fluid buildup in his lungs. His kidneys are struggling and they are checking him for blood clots or internal bleeding.
He would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 20, 2021 - Tom K. (Eau Claire, WI)
Tom has experienced severe back pain this week and they discovered that he has a strained muscle. They have given him another walker which should help him. He would appreciate your prayers.
Oct 28, 2021
I talked with Tom and he was able to come home from the hospital on Monday and he is doing much better. He would appreciate your prayers that his ankle that he broke would heal properly.
Oct 22, 2021
I was able to talk with Bridget today and she is feeling much better but has a lot of fatigue and still has a cough. She did have some good news that Tom is scheduled to come home from the hospital on Monday. They appreciate very much everyone's prayers.
Oct 15, 2021
I talked with Bridget and Tom has improved some but he is still in the hospital and would appreciate your continued prayers as well.
Oct 11, 2021
I talked with Katie earlier today and she said that the doctor said that he didn�t like the look of Toms lungs so they have put him on oxygen. The family would appreciate your continued prayers for Tom.
Oct 8, 2021
Katie called this morning to tell me that her father Tom is in the hospital. He was getting out of his chair and he fell . He has covid and they also discovered he has a UTI . They did a scan of his lungs and they are not too bad. He would appreciate your prayers and also for Bridget who is sick as well.
Sep 5, 2021
Tom has been having trouble with his legs for quite some time. His doctor recently told him that he has some blood clots in his legs and there is nothing they can do. He would appreciate your prayers for him.
Jan 31, 2015
Tom hurt his back on Tuesday while loading the car to drive to Madison two days of doctors' appointments. It has been getting worse throughout the week, and he is in a lot of pain. Hopefully he didn't damage what the doctors fixed during the last surgery, otherwise he will have to have fusion done, and plates put in. Having another surgery would be high risk due to the condition of this heart. Please pray his back improves and there is no serious damage. Jan 3, 2015
Tom was taken to the hospital this morning. He is suffering from kidney stones in his ureter. I know he'd appreciate your prayers for a quick recovery.
May 30, 2014
Tom was experiencing terrible leg pain on Saturday afternoon. It went away that evening, but did come back. Tests determined it was not a blood clot. Additional tests have shown that the pain is being caused by cramping due to the lack of water in his legs. He had been taking a diuretic because of having a buildup of water, but it caused him to lose too much. Please pray a balance can be struck and the pain will be relieved.
Apr 5, 2013
Tom was released from the hospital this week, and continues to recuperate from surgery at home. He is doing pretty well, but still has to take it easy. He's been told he will never be allowed to lift any more than about 10 pounds. He still has a long way to go, but at least he is getting some appetite back, he lost around thirty pounds.
Mar 30
(from his wife Bridget) Tom finally called me today, they had him up and walking a bit last night, about 3 feet to the door, and three feet back to the bed. took him a long time to complete. Then today they had him walking in the hall some, but he was in such severe pain when he got back, that they put him back on the morphine drip as well as all the other pain meds he had been on. They are talking about rehab of around 20 days or so, once he gets out. Hopefully that can be in Tomah, so he is closer to home. He had heaviness in his chest after that walk today, so he had a cat scan, or some procedure. (can't remember) So its either some problem with lungs, or possibly heart. He still hadn't heard from the doctor. He is supposed to be coughing after anesthesia, but the pain is so great, that he can't, so that's not good. I'll let you know more as I find out.
Bridget also mentioned that the meals have been a problem- either leavening or pork. He doesn't have an appetite anyway, but needs to eat. Please pray God will intervene and pull Tom through this post-surgery struggle.

I talked with Katie earlier today and she said that the doctor said that he didn�t like the look of Toms lungs so they have put him on oxygen. The family would appreciate your continued prayers for Tom.
Oct 8, 2021
Katie called this morning to tell me that her father Tom is in the hospital. He was getting out of his chair and he fell . He has covid and they also discovered he has a UTI . They did a scan of his lungs and they are not too bad. He would appreciate your prayers and also for Bridget who is sick as well.
Sep 5, 2021
Tom has been having trouble with his legs for quite some time. His doctor recently told him that he has some blood clots in his legs and there is nothing they can do. He would appreciate your prayers for him.
Jan 31, 2015
Tom hurt his back on Tuesday while loading the car to drive to Madison two days of doctors' appointments. It has been getting worse throughout the week, and he is in a lot of pain. Hopefully he didn't damage what the doctors fixed during the last surgery, otherwise he will have to have fusion done, and plates put in. Having another surgery would be high risk due to the condition of this heart. Please pray his back improves and there is no serious damage. Jan 3, 2015
Tom was taken to the hospital this morning. He is suffering from kidney stones in his ureter. I know he'd appreciate your prayers for a quick recovery.
May 30, 2014
Tom was experiencing terrible leg pain on Saturday afternoon. It went away that evening, but did come back. Tests determined it was not a blood clot. Additional tests have shown that the pain is being caused by cramping due to the lack of water in his legs. He had been taking a diuretic because of having a buildup of water, but it caused him to lose too much. Please pray a balance can be struck and the pain will be relieved.
Apr 5, 2013
Tom was released from the hospital this week, and continues to recuperate from surgery at home. He is doing pretty well, but still has to take it easy. He's been told he will never be allowed to lift any more than about 10 pounds. He still has a long way to go, but at least he is getting some appetite back, he lost around thirty pounds.
Mar 30
(from his wife Bridget) Tom finally called me today, they had him up and walking a bit last night, about 3 feet to the door, and three feet back to the bed. took him a long time to complete. Then today they had him walking in the hall some, but he was in such severe pain when he got back, that they put him back on the morphine drip as well as all the other pain meds he had been on. They are talking about rehab of around 20 days or so, once he gets out. Hopefully that can be in Tomah, so he is closer to home. He had heaviness in his chest after that walk today, so he had a cat scan, or some procedure. (can't remember) So its either some problem with lungs, or possibly heart. He still hadn't heard from the doctor. He is supposed to be coughing after anesthesia, but the pain is so great, that he can't, so that's not good. I'll let you know more as I find out.
Bridget also mentioned that the meals have been a problem- either leavening or pork. He doesn't have an appetite anyway, but needs to eat. Please pray God will intervene and pull Tom through this post-surgery struggle.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 20, 2021 - Melissa P. (Rowlett, TX)
"The oncologist came to her room for a consult. He explained to Melissa and Gino (her husband) that he always wanted to be optimistic, yet honest. He explained that he is very concerned. Though they may have won a small battle, they are losing the war. He said the high calcium levels in her blood and all that it entails is a serious issue. He said that he has been praying that God would help him figure this out. "The oncologist said there are certain things that Melissa should do now in the event that she will not be capable of doing them later. Some of these things are: assign a medical power of attorney, a DNR (do not resuscitate) if that be her wishes, write letters, make videos and generally get prepared. "Her oncologist is an extremely skilled and caring doctor with the best that medical science has to offer at his fingertips. He fears that he may not be able to save her. He prays to God to help him. Melissa's body is being assailed by cancer. She has it in her brain, her spine, her bones, her liver, her uterus, her lymphatic system, and possibly her throat and other places. She is currently having trouble talking and swallowing. She is wasting away and often in extreme pain. Having lost in excess of 40 pounds in just a few weeks and unable to walk." Her situation is dire and no man can save her, but God can! Please join us in praying that God perform an undeniable miracle and heal her.
Nov 17, 2021
Max M. (Melissa P's brother) writes that Melissa was taken to the hospital ER for her extreme fatigue and pain with other issues (she has lost 40lbs to date). Melissa was admitted and had some scans done. She was found to have high calcium levels in her blood, which is being caused by the cancer and can be very dangerous. High calcium like this can cause tiredness, make one very groggy, confusion, pain to worsen, constipation, and bones to hurt - she has all these symptoms. The doctor said they are trying to get ahead of the issue, but sometimes this problem requires ICU if the condition worsens. She will need to stay in the hospital until this calcium issue is corrected and to be evaluated by the endocrinology team.
Tomorrow a decision will be made as to whether it is best to start radiation for five sessions. If so, the chemotherapy scheduled for next week will be moved to the following week. The radiation would focus on the original lower vertebrae where she had her initial surgery. The tumor has grown over the last few weeks.
Oct 27, 2021
Melissa had to be readmitted to the hospital due to severe pain down her left side likely from a fall several days ago. The doctors have adjusted some pain medications and started some anti-inflammatory meds that hopefully will help. Melissa is still on schedule for her second round of chemo on Friday (five hours long). We are asking for prayers that her current pain can be managed and the side effects from the chemo be minimal again.
Melissa is now rapidly losing her hair each time it gets brushed. Not a huge deal in the big picture of trying to save her life, but it still takes some getting use to for the women who have been through it. Melissa was able to be with family recently and celebrate her son Guardian's third birthday. It was special and we were all thankful she was not bedridden or in too much pain to the enjoy the occasion.
Thank you all for your continued prayers, love, and concern as we try to patiently wait on the Lord.
Sep 14, 2021
Mark M. and Carmen M. of the Dallas Texas congregation are asking for prayers for their daughter Melissa P.:
Melissa, mother of an adorable 2 year old has just been diagnosed with bone cancer. This journey began about seven weeks ago when a sneeze possibly fractured one of her spinal disks. Last week she had three different body scans that revealed cancer. This week she will have several biopsies to find out the extent and origin of the cancer. Melissa is in almost constant, extreme pain. She has not been able to hold her little boy in seven weeks. They are trying to get help to manage the pain. Due to COVID, hospital bed availability and tighter restrictions on pain medication, she is not getting the help she needs.
During this same time frame she had a miscarriage and discovered a lump in her breast. There are several biopsies this week.
Melissa and her husband, Gino, son Guardian and Carmen will not be able to attend the feast in Montana as planned.
We are asking for your prayers for God to ease her suffering, and to heal her completely if it be His will. To strengthen and comfort Gino and Carmen as they provide home care for her. Guardian needs his mother, Gino needs his wife, and the family needs the love, enthusiasm and humor that Melissa brings to us all.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 20, 2021 - Jim G. (West Bloomfield, MI)
Mike G. of the Detroit congregation appreciates your prayers for his father, Jim G. Three weeks ago, Jim had surgery to repair the damaging effects of esophageal cancer at the Mayo Clinic in Cleveland. While the surgery itself was deemed successful, Jim has had to work through some setbacks in his recovery. He has battled a small infection, elevated blood pressure, and most recently fluid around his heart and lungs. Doctors have been able to drain some of the fluid, so Jim is now feeling a bit better and breathing easier. But overall, while his esophagus is healing very well, he continues to battle through these setbacks in his recovery. Prayers for God's intervention and healing, so Jim can move past these bumps, are very appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 20, 2021 - Jim B. (Golden Valley, MN)
Jim is out of the hospital and in Sunrise, his memory care facility. His transition went well and he slept well last night. He would love visitors. Visitors have to wear masks but otherwise they are not extremely strict about visits.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 18, 2021 - Cary A. (Wichita, KS)
Cary was released from the hospital and returned home at the start of the Sabbath last Friday evening. He is recovering well from COVID pneumonia, but will continue to be on oxygen and medication for approximately two to three weeks. Cary, and his wife, Christine, give thanks to God for His intervention, healing hand, mercy and lovingkindness. They were overwhelmed by the outpouring of cards, concern, prayers and letters from the brethren around the world. They said it was very humbling for them to see such an expression of love directed toward them and were reminded of John 13:35, which says, "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." They also deeply appreciate everyone's continued prayers for a complete recovery.
Nov 4, 2021
Cary A., a member of the Wichita, Kansas, congregation, contracted COVID and has been admitted to the hospital with double pneumonia. He and his family would greatly appreciate your prayers.

<  > Death Announcement - Nov 17, 2021 - Andrea Thomas (Lithonia, GA)
It's with a heavy heart that I share that Andrea Thomas died early this past Sabbath morning, following a bout with COVID. Erol Thomas, her husband, shared that Andrea went to sleep just after 5:30 AM. Her next moment of consciousness will be at Christ's return (1 Corinthians 15:50-53, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). Erol and their family pass along thanks for your prayers and notes of encouragement to date. Continued prayers are appreciated.
Hebrews 11:13-16 All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen and welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. 14 For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. 15 And indeed if they had been thinking of that country which they left, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.
Oct 21, 2021
Your urgent prayers are requested for Andrea (M.) T. at this time. Andrea was diagnosed with COVID a little over a week ago. Once she received the diagnosis, she set up a time to receive a monoclonal antibody treatment; however, when she went this past Sunday to receive it, she was told she already had pneumonia and needed to be admitted to the hospital. Over the past few days, her oxygen level had improved from below 90% to 94%, but a short while ago it fell to 86%. Andrea has an asthma condition which is complicating her recovery. For this reason, she is currently being moved to an INCU unit for a BiPAP (breathing) machine.
Please pray that Andrea's oxygen level rises as soon as possible and her body makes improvement in fighting this virus. Please also keep Erol, her husband, in your prayers. Although he has pneumonia as well, he is doing better and is at home; nevertheless, he is certainly suffering due to Andrea's condition. Thank you for acting on this prayer request from them.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 17, 2021 - Ralph M. (Clitherall, MN)
I talked with Joyce this morning and got an update on Ralph. He will be able to come home from the rehab facility today. He is doing well overall but they would appreciate your continued prayers for the difficulty he is having with his speech.
Joyce wanted me to thank all of you very much for your prayers.
Nov 12, 2021
I just talked with Ralph and he is in a rehab facility . He would appreciate your continued prayers for him as he is still having some trouble with his speech.
Nov 5, 2021
I just received a call from Joyce and they have taken Ralph to the hospital. They are running test but think he may have had another mild stroke. They would appreciate your prayers for him.
Oct 6, 2021
I just talked with Ralph and he is doing much better. He was thrilled that he is getting to go home this afternoon and he appreciates your prayers for him.
Oct 5, 2021
Joyce called me this morning to tell me that Ralph is in the hospital in Fargo. His doctor said that Ralph had a mild stroke. They are going to do a procedure this morning to clear out blockage in his carotid artery on his right side. Joyce said Ralph seemed to be feeling ok now but they would appreciate your prayers for him.
Aug 27, 2021
Ralph and Joyce are getting better. They all have appreciated your prayers very much.
Aug 22, 2021
I heard from Ralph and he and Joyce are feeling much better and they appreciate all of the prayers for them.
Aug 20, 2021
I have been in contact with Ralph and Joyce M. and they have tested positive for Covid. Ralph mentioned that for him and Joyce the symptoms have been like a bad head cold. They have had no fever with it so far and they would appreciate your prayers for them.
Nov 2, 2018
Ralph's latest checkup shows he is cancer free. He may have to deal with some future spots of skin cancer, but cancer is not present anywhere else, which is wonderful news. Thank you for your prayers.
Jun 29, 2018
Ralph continues to improve, and is recovering as a pace that the doctor believes is good. The surgeon, oncologist, and cardiologist examined him this week and said he is doing well. Best of all, no chemo will be required. He hopes to be able to attend services in the next couple of weeks. Ralph and Joyce are very grateful for your cards and prayers.
Jun 15, 2018
Ralph had colon surgery Friday morning at 9 a.m. and was done at 11:30 a.m. The surgeon gave us the good news that all went well and that Ralph made it through the surgery without any problems. The cancer was removed and he is resting quite a lot today. He will be up and walking as soon as he feels up to it. We want to thank everyone for all the thoughts and prayers. We appreciated them so much.
Jun 8, 2018
Ralph will be going into surgery on June 15th to remove a recently discovered colon cancer. He and his family would greatly appreciate your prayers for a successful operation.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 15, 2021 - Jackie L. (San Jose, CA)
When Jackie went in for a pre-operation visit last Thursday, the doctors half expected the cancer tumor to either be the same size or to have grown, due to passing on additional chemo therapies. However, it was discovered that the tumor had simply disappeared. Jackie's surgery went very well; the tumor was gone and they removed scar tissue. Due to how well she managed surgery Jackie was sent home a little early. At the moment she is dealing with some irritating bed sores. Jackie is all smiles and recovering well and wishes to thank everyone for their precious prayers, love, and support.
Oct 27, 2021
Jackie requests your prayers on her behalf as her cancer surgery has been scheduled for Friday, Nov. 5. Jackie is optimistic. Her doctors have put her condition as stage III; and that the cancerous mass had significantly diminished in size. Due to the physical impact that the chemo sessions have had on her, Jackie has declined further sessions. She is tired but is quite pleased to have a normal appetite. There have been discussions concerning the removal of the colostomy bag; however, the focus is on the cancer and the bag will stay for now. Jackie wishes to thank everyone for their prayers, for their calls and cards, and for their unflagging support during this trial. She does request that flowers and plants not be sent. Jackie remains upbeat and encouraged by our Father's interventions and by the love of the brethren.
Jun 16, 2021
Jackie is midway through her chemo sessions. She has been managing them well, mostly without difficult and/or negative side effects - headaches and muscle pain in her arms and legs and, of course, loss of hair. Jackie is encouraged that the doctors have put her condition as stage III; and that the cancerous mass has significantly diminished in size, down to 3 cm. Jackie wishes to thank everyone for their prayers, for their calls and cards, and for their unflagging support during this trial. She remains upbeat, encouraged and comforted through our Father's intervention and by the love of the brethren.
Jun 3, 2021
Jackie wishes to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and care. The outpouring of love has been quite uplifting and comforting. Overall, Jackie has remained positive while going through this trial and continues to try to live life as normally as possible. She has just finished her second of three scheduled chemo treatments with minimal side effects; there is loss of hair, aches in her arms and legs, but through it all she continues to smile and laughs a lot. She is thankful that the use of the colostomy bag during chemotherapy has not been an issue. Next week, she will meet with her oncologist to schedule surgery. There is a concern going forward: to have the surgery, Jackie needs to be off blood thinners. But the blood thinners are being used to help with the blood clots in her legs. She asks for prayers for God's mercy to remove the clots, so as not to delay surgery. Jackie is very thankful to God for His mercy and intervention, and to everyone for their kindness and continued prayers.
Apr 23, 2021
Jackie extends her heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your prayers and cards. They have been so welcome. She asks for your continued prayers. She has had blood work performed for the process going forward. In preparing for the chemo treatments, and due to having small veins, an access port will have to be attached to her body (possibly on her shoulder) to allow for the treatments. In addition, during an evaluation, a spot was discovered on her liver. Surgery is now being planned to address the liver issue. It is during that surgery that the doctors will also address whether the colostomy bag can be removed before beginning chemotherapy.
As you might imagine, Jackie is quite frazzled and tired. She is also quite positive about facing tomorrow and has faith in our Father's loving mercy on her behalf. Jackie again sends her thanks and appreciation for your kindness and care.
A revision is necessary to address some process errors that were posted. [above] Before Jackie can enter the chemotherapy phase, a port must first be placed on her body, due to small veins. Her chemo treatments (one a week for three weeks) will begin within two weeks after the inclusion of the port. It is after the chemo treatments that Jackie will undergo surgery to address the cancer and remove the cancerous lump. During that surgery, the team will also determine if the colostomy bag can be removed. Separate from the surgery, the liver issue will be addressed with an MRI and blood work. Jackie thanks you very much for your prayers, kindness, and care.
Apr 1, 2021
Your prayers are requested on behalf of Jackie. While she is recovering from a previous surgery, Jackie has been required to use the colostomy bag system. She is now consulting with her oncologist for treatment for ovarian cancer. There is the potential of using chemotherapy and Jackie is quite tired of all the medical impacts she has been enduring and would like the use of the bag system to cease before entering any prescribed treatment program. In addition, a hardness was recently discovered on Jackie's abdomen. Your love, care and concern in prayers on her behalf will most gratefully be appreciated.
Jan 19, 2021
Jackie wants to thank everyone for the cards, letters and calls she has received. They meant a lot while in a hospital bed recovering from surgery. The many words of warmth, encouragement and comfort added and aided her in recovery. She is excited that, after almost a month in the hospital, she has been cleared to go home this Thursday. She still has some health challenges to face but is looking to and trusting God for the future He promised. Again, thank you for your prayers.
Jan 4, 2021
Jackie thanks everyone for their prayers and concern and wanted all to know that she is now out of the hospital, in a rehab facility, and is improving. She is engaged in physical therapy and is up and walking. She is still experiencing some abdominal discomfort and pain. Today, there is the added concern about an infection at the point of surgery; the area was cleaned and will be monitored. Jackie is being positive and is relying on the strength of our Father, looking to Him for healing, comfort, and encouragement.
Dec 31, 2020
Your prayers are requested on behalf of Jackie L. She recently went into the ER with abdominal pain and was taken to surgery for a bowel resection. A week into recovery, the doctors told Jackie that she had ovarian cancer. She is meeting with an oncologist to discuss the path forward. Please ask our Father to intervene for healing and to provide comfort and encouragement for Jackie and her family. Jackie knows the true future of mankind and looks to God in faith knowing she is in "good hands."

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 13, 2021 - Hanna P. (Burlington, WA)
Please join us in prayer for Hanna, who is a young mother and is in need of our Father's intervention. The below message is from Hanna:
As many of you know, I have been dealing with a lymphoma diagnosis for the past two years. Recent scans show that my cancer has stopped responding to the current chemotherapy regimen. Doctors want to put me on a new chemotherapy regimen which includes high-intensity chemo, followed by a type of stem cell transplant. This will be a difficult treatment, but it is one that can result in a cure. Please pray that I can (1) make the right treatment decisions, (2) be healed, and (3) be able to stay as healthy as possible through this process. I feel very confident that God knows what is happening here and that there is a purpose for everything. I am also confident that He provided me with excellent doctors and a good plan moving forward. Again, thank you to the many people who have called me, sent cards, cooked food, and prayed continually. I am blessed by your love.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 12, 2021 - Shirley T. (Eau Claire, WI)
Shirley was able to go home from the hospital on Monday but please keep her in your prayers for a full recovery.
Nov 5, 2021
Shirley is in the hospital and would appreciate your prayers. She has had a problem with severe dry skin and has had a reoccurring skin infection. They have her on IV antibiotics and will do more test on Monday.
Nov 18, 2019
Shirley saw the doctor last week; very good news. The lump in her breast is shrinking, there is no cancer in the lymph glands, her skin is clearing up and doesn't itch as much and she is overall feeling better.
Oct 25, 2019
I was able to talk with Shirley this afternoon and she is not feeling well. She got the test results back and the cancer has progressed to stage 4. At this point she is not planning to have surgery and they are giving her a chemo pill. The chemo makes her very weak and she is not able to attend church. She was telling me that she came into the church in 1963 and this was the first feast she has missed in all those years. She appreciates your prayers and if you would like to send her a card I know she would appreciate it. She lives in an assisted living apartment.
Sep 27, 2019
Shirley has been diagnosed with Breast cancer. She is asking for your prayers.
May 17,
Shirley continues to suffer from a bacterial skin condition that that is very difficult to cope with. Her medication has been changed, but has not helped like it should. To make matters worse her son, Carl Tilseth, died this week. He had been suffering from cancer. Please keep Shirley her family in your prayers.
Mar 16, 2018
Shirley has been experiencing serious back and leg pain. She has had back problems for years, but now her legs and feet are swollen. Her doctor tells her that the veins in her legs are not working as they should be, and there is little that can be done to help. The lack of blood flow is causing the swelling. She has not been able to attend services regularly, and is requesting prayers that God will intervene.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 12, 2021 - David J. (McKinney, TX)
David J., Foundation Institute instructor and elder serving at headquarters, is requesting your prayers.
He had outpatient surgery just over a week ago. The surgery went better than expected and God's intervention was obvious. However, the recovery has been more challenging than anticipated, and he has not yet been able to return to the classroom or most of his other duties. He asks for your prayers for his ability to make the right decisions, and for speed in recovering.
Thank you in advance for your prayers and concern.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 12, 2021 - Pam C. (Berryville, VA)
Pam C., a member of the Clarksville, Maryland, congregation is requesting your prayers. Pam has been struggling with chronic breathing conditions for some time now. After several tests, it was determined that she has Interstitial Lung Disease, which is a serious condition. Pam would appreciate your prayers for healing and also wisdom in dealing with her illness.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 11, 2021 - Sue E. (Nevada, Iowa)
Talking to Sue today, she reports doing well. She also had ear surgery and now is much better.
Oct 22, 2021
I also talked with Sue today and she is home and feeling much better. She really appreciates all of the prayers for her.
Oct 15, 2021
Sue is still in the hospital and probably will be for a few more days. Her pancreas numbers are improving and she is off her IV. She is able to drink clear liquids and soups now. She has made some improvements but she has a ways to go yet and she would appreciate your continued prayers.
Oct 13, 2021
I received a update on Sue. Bill took her into the emergency room this morning because the abdominal pain she was dealing with was getting worse. The doctors ran some tests and they believe that she has pancreatitis. They're going to treat her and monitor her at the hospital overnight. She very much appreciates everyone's continued prayers for a speedy recovery. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and encouragement.
Oct 12, 2021
I am asking for prayers. I have been struggling with covid for 11 days now. I have significant pain in my stomach and have eaten very little during this time. Please pray that the stomach pain will go away and I may be able to eat.

<  > Death Announcement - Nov 9, 2021 - Hugh Buchanan (Boonsboro, MD)
Very early this morning, Hugh breathed his last breath, and essentially has already entered God's kingdom as his next moment of consciousness with be in the resurrection. Hugh was a fighter to the end, but he has always been a different type of person, and he embraced the next chapter - eternal life - and was ready for the new journey to begin.
Hugh was the first person called of God, from our county in Western Maryland, in the modern era of the true Church of God and lived a conscientious, diligent life of faith and service to God and His people. Hugh is survived by his wife Boni, his daughter Heather (Disher) and son Scott, and five grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held in Frederick, Maryland, at the Stouffer Funeral Home, 1621 Opossumtown Pike, at 11 a.m., Sunday, November 14.
Once again, our family wishes to express deep gratitude for the love of God (Romans 5:5) shown by our members.
Oct 22, 2021
This past Wednesday, I received a call from my brother, Hugh. After consultation with his physicians, and John's Hopkins oncologists, they have determined that he is out of treatment options for his battle with Multiple Myeloma. Hugh has made the decision to go into hospice care, at home.
This has been a rough year for both Boni and Hugh. Hugh explained that the road to eternal life begins with death. We aren't ruling out God's intervention, but he has fought this disease with every fiber of his being for over a decade, and I'm proud of his decision, and the courage of his conviction and the strength he has shown through the years.
The family, Hugh and Boni especially, have been very appreciative of many cards of encouragement throughout this decade long battle. God's people love, love, love and then pour on more love, even to their brethren they have never met! Thank you!
Hugh makes decisions firmly, and is focused on God's kingdom. Boni has been a rock for him, and especially this past year through clinical trials and treatments.
If any are so inclined, a note of cheer via email might provide Hugh with a boost. I am so proud of what my brother has accomplished, in the faith, as a husband, father, elder, teacher, and brother in the flesh and in the faith. God used him as an instrument to introduce me and my sister to the truth. In our small town in western Maryland, we are the only ones called of God, to the best of my knowledge. Thanks everyone for your concern.
Jul 16, 2021 - Hugh B. (Boonsboro, MD)
Thank you for your prayers for my brother Hugh, in Boonsboro, MD.
Hugh has been involved in a CAR T cell therapy clinical trial for Multiple Myeloma. On Monday Hugh went back to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore for follow up after completion of CAR T cell therapy. Since he was released he has been anemic and weak, with several potential causes. He felt pain at the same site where his original myeloma tumor was discovered 11 years ago, and tests revealed another tumor. The pain he felt may have been an indication his re-engineered white blood cells are attacking the site. Surgery for Hugh is scheduled for Monday.
Thank you for your prayers for a successful outcome of the surgery, as well as the success of the clinical trial. Both Hugh and Boni have been very appreciative of the many loving supportive cards and letters. Thank you from our family!
Jun 18, 2021
Prayers are requested for my brother, Hugh B. Hugh and his wife, Boni, are members of the congregation in Columbia, Maryland.
In 2010, Hugh was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a serious blood cancer. Through the past 11 years, Hugh has had a number of different chemotherapy treatments, with varying degrees of remission. Recently he was accepted for a new treatment, based on the patient's own harvested white blood cells. The cells are modified and are designed to attack the cancer cells. Preceding this treatment, Hugh has been undergoing chemotherapy Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week. He will receive the infusion of modified white blood cells at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore on June 20. The new treatment is promising, but not without risk. He will be monitored at the hospital for 7 days.
Throughout the past 10 years, Hugh has often been in a great deal of bone pain but never complains, and has continued to serve congregations in Maryland, Virginia and Delaware. Thank you for your prayers for Hugh and Boni.
Jan 18, 2019 - Hugh B. (Western MD)
I want to take the opportunity to pass on my personal thank you, to everyone around the world, who have been praying for my brother Hugh B., an elder in Western Maryland, who has had Multiple Myeloma. Hugh continues regular check ups at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Treatment options at this time are slowing the progression of the disease with various side effects. It is very heartwarming for my family to know there are so many with such great concern when there is need. So thank you to everyone, the encouragement has been very much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 9, 2021 - Irma T. (Bolivia)
Paola M. requests continued prayers for her mother, Irma, as her life is at critical point. She has been on oxygen support practically all day everyday, struggles with severe pain, fluid retention, and terrible necrotic bed sores.
Paola has put all her trust in the wise will of our loving Father, because she knows that nothing compares the promise of his coming Kingdom. Thank you for your earnest prayers for Irmam
Jun 7, 2021
Irma is weak - testing confirmed metastatic cancer in her bones and lungs. Irma's doctor decided to apply 16 sessions of radiotherapy on her hip, as palliative medicine, and it worked for a while. However, the pain in her leg has not stopped - causing her discomfort.
After consulting a clinical oncologist, due to the blood test results, zoledronic acid was recommended every three months to strengthen her bones and prevent possible fractures. The first four days of the treatment were very difficult because the pain increased so much that she could not lie down for half an hour. She had to receive painkillers because the medicine entered directly into the bones through the injection.
Due to severe knee pain, imaging studies were performed. The results confirmed three crushed vertebrae and tightness of the nerve, as well as tendonitis due to the poor position of her leg, caused by excessive hip pain, as well as osteoarthritis in the hip and knee.
The next step is to apply chemotherapy to stop the cancer, especially in her lungs. She continues with a choking cough and sometimes with traces of blood. If this procedure is confirmed, the treatment will be performed orally with the option of suspending it if her body manifests serious complications that could put her life at risk. Her diet is very restricted due to digestive difficulties.
Despite her suffering, Irma maintains her living faith in God. She needs our many prayers.
Feb 8, 2021
Unfortunately, the pneumologist said Irma has metastasis in the lumbar sacral region of the spine, which was confirmed by the oncologist, as well, after learning that she suffers pulmonary metastasis. There is no possible cure, but he will try to administer a medicine to slow its progress. The oncologist has referred them to another doctor to find out how many chemotherapy sessions she will need. Also, due to the metastasis in her bones, she will be transferred to another doctor to find out what kind of radiation therapy she may need. To treat her knee, which is very sore, she should go to a specialized nuclear center for a complete study, to find out which parts of the body are affected by cancer. Their daughters will buy an anti-decubitus mattress so that her back may not deteriorate further. The radiologist has also requested a new MRI study.
Paola made her mother aware of the conditions that she now has. She is aware that a very great reward awaits her mother from God, and she asks for her mother not to suffer more than she can bear. Adding to the danger, Irma must be taken to different centers for care in the midst of a second wave of coronavirus.
We all feel much pain ourselves in watching someone we love suffer pain. Paola says that her mother will soon leave them, and while her mother's pain will end at last, it will give rise to her own suffering due to the emptiness that her mother's absence will leave in their hearts. We are all asking our Heavenly Father, praying that His will be done, so that her family may obtain the strength they need in this difficult hour of trial. Meanwhile, her family will continue fighting in favor of their mom.
Jan 25, 2021
Irma is once more in a critical situation. An ultrasound study of her lung shows lesions of metastasis, although the doctor showed some doubt. She urgently needs a pneumologist for a three-day laboratory test, and also sputum cytology. Doctors say it's often a lung injury in colon cancer diagnosis, as she has no liver damage.
Irma also has pain in her knee and leg so intense that she can no longer bear it, so mostly she is in tears and feeling despair. She also needs an urgent X-ray to determine the cause of her intense leg pain. She is so desperate that she asked the doctor to consider amputation.
Irma also feels heartburn continuously, despite a gastric protector; she has lost her appetite. This Monday she will have an interview with a pneumologist. Pain relievers hurt her stomach a lot, so her daughter, Paola, plans to take her to pain therapy to reduce her suffering. Paola no longer knows what else to do for her mother's unfortunate situation.
All testing must be done in the middle of the second wave of COVID-19, which makes the procedure dangerous. In Bolivia, hospitals have collapsed and it is extremely difficult to find any medical assistance. We ask everyone to pray for God's intervention concerning the delicate state of Irma and for her family helping her.
The Bolivian congregation is sad; we are praying for her and will fast this week for her recovery. On behalf of Mrs. Irma's family, we ask the members of the Church to pray to God with us fervently, so our Lord may intervene soon for her very deteriorated health.
Jun 5, 2018 - Irma T.
Irma T., a long-standing member of the Church in Bolivia, is again in a very delicate and critical condition, she was being administered strong painkillers. After having had many digestive discomforts, she underwent an exploratory operation because CT scans revealed no greater clarity. During the procedure, the surgeons found that the small intestines were seriously compromised by a complication called radiation enteritis, due to the radiotherapy she was previously subjected. For that reason, Irma felt burning and very strong pains. The surgeons could not operate the intestines because they are melted and its structure is inoperable. They only removed three feet of large intestine to reduce the digestive path and make their digestion less painful. Surgeons say she will not be able to eat any solid food again,

so she is feeding nutriment through catheter, only.
The whole Bolivian congregation is very sad, praying for her and we are also going to fast this week. On behalf of Irma's family, we ask the members of the Church, may accompany us with their fervent prayers so God may intervene soon in her deteriorated health.
Oct 27, 2017
Irma T., a longtime member in Bolivia, recently had surgery for a colostomy. Afterwards she was recovering very well, but suddenly her energy began to decrease due to the formation of adhesions and flanges in the intestine. For that reason she had on-going digestive issues and could not attend the Feast of Tabernacles. So she needed a second surgery. Actually she is recovering once more, thanks to our Father's blessings and the care of her daughters. We ask God to heal her, with continuous prayers from the members of our congregation and from the brethren outside our area. Thanks in advance for your prayers and for the messages of encouragement she really needs.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 7, 2021 - Manny C. (Brisbane, Australia)
Manny C., a member from the Brisbane, Australia, congregation, has requested prayers.
He was admitted to the hospital after visiting his general practitioner due to considerable pain in his chest and abdomen. The pain was caused by gallstones which had blocked his bile duct. They performed a procedure to remove the stones from the duct and inserted a stent to allow the flow of bile. However, the blockage made the gallbladder release bile back into his liver which has caused damage and has contaminated his blood.
At present the doctors cannot raise the pH in his blood which is very low. He also has low blood pressure which is contributing to him feeling weak. He will be on antibiotics for at least three months for the infection as well as changing his diet to raise his pH.
Manny is requesting prayers to heal the liver and his blood so they can remove the gallbladder which is full of stones. When the liver is healed and the gallbladder is removed, they can attend to his heart which has a blockage. Your prayers on Manny's behalf are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 5, 2021 - David G. (Brookings, OR)
Kandy G. writes (Mon, Nov. 1): "David seemed more sleepy today and I think he was sleeping most of the time I was there, though he did respond to me just a little bit while I read to him.
"The nurse said he is looking better every day, which I agree with. He does look better than when I first saw him 2 days ago! The doctor said there are not a lot of huge changes, but overall he is trending in the right direction. He is on 40% O2 flow, and been on that most of the morning and doing well. He will be left on 40% if he stays doing well. His vent pressure has been lowered a bit. Yesterday he was on "high" and today on 15 (I don't know what that means, but it is no longer on "high" pressure). Their goal is to lower it down to 5-8, but that will take time and don't expect that in the next few days. The plan today is to go down by 2 and see how he does. There have been only small changes in the sedation today. She said he is not out of the woods yet, but going in that direction."
There has been an update to Kandy's location. It is most appreciated that brethren in the Portland area have provided Kandy a place to stay, along with transportation to and from the hospital so she may visit David. Your continue prayers of intervention for David, and Kandy and family, during the ongoing trial are so very welcome.
Oct 27, 2021
From Kandy G.: "On Oct. 9, I took my husband to the local ER with low (85%) oxygen. He tested positive for COVID-19. They were able to elevate his oxygen levels and sent him home. However, by Monday (11th) he returned to the ER with extremely low oxygen levels (at 45%) and was hospitalized. On Tuesday he was transferred to Portland (340 miles away). David was then sent to the ICU on the 13th, and by Friday (15th), having great difficulty breathing, David had to be sedated and intubated. Over the past two weeks, David was twice off intubation, but each time had to be resedated and intubated again. Blood clots were found in his legs (common with COVID-19 treatment) and given blood thinners. This is such a difficult time, but I know David is in God's hands. God is our Great Healer. Thank you, everyone, for your love and prayers!"
The stress over the past two-plus weeks on David and his family has been enormous. Please keep David in your prayers for complete healing; please keep Kandy and the family in your prayers asking the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort to intervene and provide comfort, encouragement and strength.

<  > Death Announcement - Nov 4, 2021 - Ron Goethals (Grapeview, WA)
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Ron Goethals died of COVID-19 complications on November 3rd, having fought a good fight, having finished his race. His wife, Cristine, a few family members, his pastor and previous pastor were able to be with him before he died. Ron was a member of a large, active, loving family. Ron was greatly loved and respected by many members of the Church, having served in various summer camp settings for more than 50 years, since he was a young teenager. He will be greatly missed in the local congregations and throughout the Northwest region. We look forward to the next time we see him, on that day when Christ returns.
Nov 2, 2021
Ron remains in critical condition, fighting for his life against the COVID-19 virus and subsequent symptoms and infections in his lungs and throughout his body. He has been on a ventilator for the past two weeks, heavily sedated. A CT scan yesterday revealed additional damage in his lungs. The hospital doesn't provide PPE (personal protective equipment) for visitors, and discourages family and clergy from visiting, but they are setting up a virtual visit so we can pray for Ron, and he can hear our voices.
Prayers for Ron, for his wife Cristine, and for all of their family are urgently needed, and greatly appreciated. We also know that, "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." Our prayer is for the miracles of healing, comforting, and grace, according to God's perfect will.
Oct 24, 2021
It would be a blessing, brethren, to have your fervent prayers for Ron G. He's been fighting COVID-19 for over two weeks, and has been in ICU since October 14th. Through this time he's had small improvements on some days, followed by more serious symptoms for the next day or two. On Wednesday of this week he was intubated and transferred to a larger hospital in the region. Today (Sabbath), his oxygen needs went back up to 100%, and he was more heavily sedated. His wife, Cristine asks for prayers that his lungs be completely healed, as he is so compromised at this point. We also ask for prayers for Cristine and for the whole family.
Both Ron and Cristine are deacon and deaconess and are well known as Staff members at the UYC NW Camp. We're asking everyone for prayers. They both do so much to help so many people.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 4, 2021 - Heidi L. (Twin Cities, MN)
Mary Jo just called to tell me that Heidi, her husband Mark and their daughter Rachel have tested positive for COVID and are requesting our prayers for God's healing, protection and guidance as they battle this infection.
Mary Jo is also asking that we pray for her. Though she has not tested positive, please pray that God would keep her safe as she helps her family as best she can
Nov 8, 2020
Heidi is requesting prayers for her father who was diagnosed yesterday with COVID-19. He is in the care of a nursing home where 16 of 20 residents have tested positive for the virus. He is also suffering from dementia. She is asking that we ask God for His healing and mercy.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 3, 2021 - Brenda M. (Clear Lake, WI)
I heard from Brenda today and her second cataract surgery that was scheduled for the 22nd has been moved to this coming Monday. She would appreciate your prayers for a successful surgery.
Oct 28, 2021
I heard from Brenda and her cataract surgery went well and she appreciates your prayers for her and for her next surgery on November 22nd.
Oct 23, 2021
I received a prayer request tonight from Brenda M. She is having cataract surgery on Monday and then on November 22nd surgery on the second eye. She would appreciate your prayers for a successful surgery.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 2, 2021 - Vonnie S. (Twin Cities, MN)
Vonnie ask me to send out this prayer request. Her granddaughter Brandi is expecting in four days and has tested positive for Covid. She would appreciate your prayers for her and the baby.
Mar 12, 2021
Vonnie sent in a prayer request for her sister Mary S.
She went into the hospital Wed morning with low oxygen levels, trouble breathing. Yesterday she was told she had bronchitis they are keeping her to watch the oxygen levels.
Feb 1, 2021 - Vonnie S. (Twin Cities, MN)
Thank you for the prayers for my sister Ann and me. Please continue, Ann is going home tomorrow from rehab. She still has had some headaches and she is over Covid. I went to Ortho Dr. today and she said my fracture is healed but I have to go to therapy to make my muscles stronger so I don't have to use the walker any more.
Nov 8, 2020
Vonnie ask me to send out this prayer request for her sister: Oct 23, 2020
Vonnie has been having problems with her back for quite a while. She had an X-ray of her lower back and it revealed a possible compression fracture. She will have an MRI to make sure. She would appreciate your prayers.
Jun 26, 2020
Thank you for your prayers for my back. I'm improving but slowly. Please pray for my sister Carol who has pneumonia and an infection on her leg and please continue to pray for me.
Apr 24, 2020
I talked with Vonnie this week and she has been able to go to a chiropractor and that has helped with her pain. She wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and she ask for your continued prayers.
Apr 9, 2020 I received an email from Vonnie requesting prayers for her and her sister. Vonnie is having a lot of pain in her back and it is making it difficult to get up and stand. She is also asking for prayers for her sister who has shingles.
Jan 23, 2020
Prayer request for my Grandson, Joey A. in Sheboygan, WI. He fell on the ice Sunday and injured his knee. It's extremely swollen and very painful. Thank you, Vonnie.
Jan 3, 2020
Vonnie is requesting prayers for herself and her daughter Sheral. Vonnie has been sick and has a bad cough and her daughter has an ear infection, sinus infection and bronchitus.
Nov 29, 2019
She also wanted to thank you for your prayers for her daughter Sheral. The infection in her jaw has cleared up and she will not have to have surgery.
Vonnie is also requesting prayers for her sister Ann S. who is having surgery December 11.
Oct 4, 2019
Thank you all for your prayers for my daughter Sheral in Ga. The infection is gone from her jaw and she doesn't need surgery. Her pain level is down to a 2.
Thank you for prayers for my daughter Angel's father-in-law. It's been touch and go for 3 weeks. Today he went back to Sheboygan. He will be in a rehab facility for a week or so.
Feb 22, 2019
Vonnie and her son were suffering health problems last week. Vonnie was having lung trouble and has been on medication all week. This week both she, and her son are better. Please pray for their full recovery. Vonnie wishes to thank you all for your prayers.
Sep 14, 2018
The doctor examined Vonnie's arm this week and said she has two fractures that are healing nicely. It has been painful, making it difficult to sleep. It should be another to 2-4 weeks of healing. Vonnie thanks you all for your prayers.
Aug 31, 2018
Vonnie fell this week and fractured her right arm. She's suffering quite a bit of pain, and would appreciate your prayers.
Jul 27, 2018
Vonnie is feeling better, but still would appreciate continued prayers as she is still experiencing occasional sleep problems.
Jun 24, 2016
Vonnie has been having breathing problems for a few months. She had an appointment with a lung specialist Tuesday, and has been hoping and praying it's nothing serious. She would appreciate your prayers. UPDATE - Thank-you everyone for your prayers yesterday. My appointment went better than expected. The Dr. gave me a new medication and I have another appointment in 6 weeks to see if it is helping. I actually feel better already.
Aug 10, 2013
Vonnie is asking for prayers on behalf of her daughter Sheral in Georgia. Her friend - a father of four, was just diagnosed with either muscular dystrophy or multiple sclerosis. Vonnie was not sure which one, but he collapses when he walks. He is around 45 years old. Vonnie also asked that prayer be continued for her niece Ruth, who's catatonic state has not improved. And she wanted to thank everyone for their prayers for her granddaughter Alli, who came through her tonsil operation fine.

<  > Death Announcement - Nov 2, 2021 - Craig Mason (St. Louis, MO)
I am sorry to inform you that Craig Mason died today of COVID complications.
Thank you for your continued prayers for his wife Liz, his mom Tammy, and Liz's parents, the Schumachers as they are deeply appreciated.
Update from Liz: "On the Sabbath I received a call at 7 a.m. The night nurse told me that Craig had had a rough night and his numbers were all down. At 8 a.m., the day nurse called and said that we should come because his heart rate was 150 and his oxygen was 48% and dropping. In addition he had a 103.9 fever. We rushed over and the doctor came and said how sorry he was but that he thought it might be time to put Craig on Do Not Resuscitate in the event he dies to eliminate the possible broken ribs that would occur. He said that his x-rays look so bad and his ABG (arterial blood gas) results are so bad that he thinks Craig is not going to make it.
"The Lord had already taken care of this for me (yet another blessing in this trial) a few months before, when Craig and I had a conversation about such a possibility. He said he wanted a medical team to do whatever they could to save him in the event he died again (based on last year's accident), but that if there was absolutely NO hope of him getting better to not keep him alive on machines. Praise Him because I never wanted to make these decisions. So I told the doctor Craig's wishes and he said okay. We sat with Craig for the rest of the day and by the time I left, his O2 was in the high 80s! The nurses/doctors still can't explain what happened. His levels have stayed in the high 70s-high 80s since then; no fever, normal blood pressure for the most part, and normal heart rate.
"So we continue waiting. I know God has a plan. It is just hard to wait for it - like waiting for the Kingdom. That is one thing I have learned out of this trial. If you could also please pray for my mom-in-law Tammy, she has an old Achilles tendon injury on her left foot and it makes walking very painful for her, which has added to her anxiety about Craig. It started acting up a couple of weeks ago while she was trying to walk for exercise. Also on Saturday, when Craig was declining fast, her blood pressure got very low. She started feeling shaky and that continued until last night. She felt better this morning, but it's still a concern.
"Thank you all, brothers and sisters, for your love, support of all kinds which is miraculous, and examples of the fruit of the Spirit. Each card isn't just a card, it's a hug from a child of God."
Oct 28, 2021
Liz writes: "Yesterday, after the nurse called about Craig and I sent a prayer request out, I got to the hospital about 20 minutes later. By the time I got there, his oxygen had raised up to the low 70s and by the time I left, his oxygen was up to 83%.
God heard all the brethren praying and did that. Praise Him! They took a second x-ray while I was there and the x-ray came back the same as the one in the morning - so still congested, still not good - but it hasn't gotten any worse. Currently his oxygen is at 87% with the vent at 100%, his pulse is at 95, and his blood pressure is 99/58.
Wanted to let everyone know that the Lord hears all of your prayers and is acting. I am praying that he is able to taken off the vent by next week. If he's not off of it within the next two weeks, they will need to do a tracheotomy so that he can breathe on his own. He really did not want that, if possible.
I'm too tired to respond back to all of you who have contacted me, but please know that I have read your words and I love you and I'm praying for you. You inspire me to be a better servant to others in their time of need. I can't wait to get home and read all of the beautiful cards. Our cat sitter said "you're getting a ton of cards from all over the world."
Liz writes: "The nurse just called and told me Craig's chest x-ray is worse and his oxygen has dipped into the 60s and it won't come back up."
Thank you so very much for your urgent and continued prayers for Craig!
Oct 21, 2021
Liz writes: "Yes, we are still in Florida. Craig is fully sedated and immobile. He's been on the vent seven days now with not much change. They have the vent at 85% and his oxygen saturation is between 88-91%. He had a weird episode yesterday where he physically looked okay but his vitals all suddenly dropped. They already have him on four sedation medications. They also keep trying to slowly pull the vent down to see what his lungs can do on their own. His lung x-rays remain the same: cloudy. They're not sure how long this will take - only time will tell. I am prepared for the worst but planning for the best. God did so much last year, including bringing him back to life, that I just don't believe He is going to let him go now. This will be for God's glory as well. I have been learning patience with this, lots and lots of patience. And many other spiritual things."
Oct 8, 2021
Craig and Liz came down with COVID-19 during the Feast and are still in Panama City Beach. Last night, Craig developed fluid in one lung, in addition to his oxygen being very low and panic issues. He has had COVID-19 for 12 days and is not sure how much longer it will last. They can't risk returning home before Craig is well and possibly having an emergency on the road.
Please pray that Craig will not need to be put on a ventilator. Liz is doing better, and thinks her COVID pneumonia is almost gone, but she is still really tired. Please pray for strength, peace and healing for them.
Jun 8, 2021 - Craig M. (St. Louis, MO)
Liz M. writes: "I can't believe it's been almost a year . . . Craig saw a sleep disorder physician and was diagnosed with possible narcolepsy and sleep apnea. Craig has had sleep problems since he was a child, so the accident has exacerbated those. Please ask our Father to clearly show the physicians how to help Craig with this issue. His urologic issues continue. He will also have to have a colostomy bag for the rest of his life because he won't be able to control going to the bathroom. The other option is having an implant surgically put into his bladder. His (head) scars are healing up well--you almost can't tell he had brain surgery until he cuts his hair.
"Our primary care doctor says that his pre-diabetes and his blood pressure are on the right track. His depression, anxiety and OCD are slowly making progress thanks to wonderful psychiatrists and medication that has been working well. The accident exacerbated these issues and as anyone with these issues can tell you, if untreated your life is very hard.

Mar 2, 2021
Craig saw his urologist last week, who wants him to see another urologic specialist who specializes in a different treatment type to see if that will help him. Next Tuesday, he will also see a doctor to do a consultation for a sleep study, hoping that this will help with his sleep, headaches and overall healing. Craig is also going to a doctor who specializes in headaches and the plastic surgeons who helped with his facial fractures. Hopefully they'll be able to help him use his nasal passages so he can smell again.
Feb 16, 2021
Craig is still about the same; his urologic procedures are still in process, but prayer is requested because he had a setback and he wasn't able to do the first one. Craig will also be going to see an ophthalmologist next month to look at the loss of vision in his right eye.
Dec 20, 2020 - Craig M. (St. Louis, MO)
Liz writes: "I wanted to update everyone on Craig's condition since the Feast of Tabernacles. We were able to have a blessed and relaxing Feast in Daytona Beach. I want to share two blessings that God bestowed: First I was granted FMLA to take the entire month of October off to take care of Craig and also myself. We had time to get our own new 'normal' kind of schedule. Secondly, FMLA doesn't pay for your time off, just guarantees your job will be there for you when you get back. So many of you in our spiritual family gave us means to help with this, and we can't even speak about how thankful we are because no words are sufficient. God also inspired a co-worker and his wife, a nurse, to donate to us an entire week of PTO so that my pay was covered! They also have us on their church prayer list. God is using this entire event to be an example for them of His miracle-working power.
"Craig's head began hurting in a different spot than normal and that has been concerning. We're going to see his neurologist on Jan. 6 to find out more. In addition, his short term memory has begun to cause trouble in the last couple months. He can't remember something I told him even 3 days ago. This is a new development, but not unexpected for someone with the trauma he's been through. His anxiety, depression, and OCD -- which he has struggled with all of his life -- has also been a struggle. He has a wonderful psychiatrist who is helping with medication and counseling him through having a traumatic brain injury in addition to the mental illnesses.
"Also, his urinary system has been an issue. We were sent to a specialist who we will see again in 3 months. He gave Craig some medication that he hopes will help the issues and heal him.
"Craig is still very tired and sleeps as much as possible. He really can't take too much exertion. If he overdoes physical activity, he will finish whatever task he is working on and then he will collapse on the couch or bed and really not be able to do much for the next couple of days. He's a fighter and likes to finish doing what he can.
"He was able to rake leaves in the backyard and burn them, so that was a great feeling of success after all these months! Just knowing that 5 months ago God let him die and then allowed him to come back never fails to amaze me. God is amazing, I don't say that word lightly because I have heard it overused many times.
"I so rely on your prayers, cards, and care packages for strength, as does Craig. They make us smile so much when we open them and we know that you are praying for us. Praying for all y'all always!"
Oct 1, 2020
Liz writes about her husband, Craig: "Last Monday, September 21, we went to the hospital for a post-op CT scan of his brain and a follow up with neurosurgery. The nurse practitioner was amazed at his condition and said, 'You're not even 3 months post-op and you are walking and talking and look phenomenal compared to how you came in.' She said that the CT scan was good, that he hadn't regressed any. She also made a point to say that the hematoma he had was very bad and that if he had gotten to the hospital any later, they may not have been able to save him because of how fast he would have bled out. That's been something multiple providers have told us along the way. She also said that the rest of his healing will just continue to take a lot of time and just to take it as easy as possible until he is feeling physically more able.
"His facial fractures are still healing and his body is still very sore. His pain level is still about the same but he's trying to fight through it without taking medication. His scars are better and his hair is starting to grow back more. His sleeping has gotten much better. Now he'll sleep for a few hours, get up and eat, then go back to sleep for 6-7 hours, so that's good. The doctor didn't end up prescribing us a wheelchair because he thinks Craig really doesn't need one all the time, just to use one if we're going places where a lot of walking will be required. Craig keeps trying to push himself to stay active, but then I have to remind him not to push himself too hard or he'll end up going one step forward and two steps back.
"We keep moving forward and praying for God's help daily as we know He's the only reason we've made it this far. The blessings throughout this time of hardship do outweigh the pain, for the spiritual growth that has come from it. Thank you all so much for caring and for being our family. We are blessed to be among you."
Sep 15, 2020
Liz writes about her husband, Craig: "It is now Sept. 14, exactly 2 months since this whole trial started and I can hardly believe where we are now. The last 16 days since he arrived home have been even more exhausting for both of us than when he was in ICU. When he came home initially, he was having some dizzy spells, but after titrating down off of one of his blood pressure medications he hasn't been dizzy or fallen. When he initially came home he wasn't able to sleep very well, but after a new medication he's now able to sleep for about 4 hours at a time but that definitely needs to improve. He is able to move around on his own, dress, shave, shower, feed himself and the dogs sometimes. He still can't walk more than about 2 minutes though before he has to sit down. We go back to the doctor on Wednesday and I'm going to get a wheelchair prescribed so then I can more easily help him get around while he's healing. The pain level in his head is still pretty strong, even after medication. His neck is also very sore. He can't sleep on his right side because it makes his head hurt even more - that's the side where his skull had to be pieced back together. 3 days ago he said that he thought maybe his pneumonia was coming back because he felt something in his lungs. I immediately asked for an anointed cloth and after that he said he thinks it's gotten a bit better. Praise God for that!
"He wants to get better and he knows without a doubt God is helping him. He knows God brought him back for a reason and he is praying to find out why that is (your prayers would be appreciated on that, too). He can carry on a conversation about some things but we have to speak much slower.
"Craig is still unable to see out of his right eye at the corner and his peripheral vision is black, kind of like a horse with blinders on. He can see forward and his left eye is okay. Hopefully the vision will eventually come back 100%. His throat is still sore from the tubes and he talks lower than normal. He really can't handle being around people in general right now either during this healing time, mainly just me and our dogs. He does get very anxious at times and wonders if he's going to heal but then when we start talking about the miraculous nature of the whole thing he focuses back on God's purpose for his life. Memory-wise he can remember a bunch of things from our lives before the accident but some things he cannot. He cannot remember anything about the accident itself or ICU, mainly that when he woke up he wanted water to drink but couldn't get any because he had the breathing tube in. He has said over and over that is the worst thing that has ever happened to him, all the tubes and being tied down to the bed in restraints. It had to be done though because he was trying to pull all of his tubes out and that would have killed him. He understands that now, but it is still a vivid memory that will not soon be forgotten.
"Each night before we go to bed we pray together and ask God for help with everything. This experience has definitely bonded us as a couple. Our parents have gone home now, so it is just the two of us. Next month I am going to take leave from work so I can focus on the Feast and taking care of Craig full time. I also am going to focus more on taking care of me. I don't think I've really slept in 2 months - I'm sure many of you know that feeling in your trials as well. Since God has miraculously blessed us for Craig to be physically well enough to handle traveling away from our home, we have decided to go to Daytona Beach, God-willing. We'll stay by ourselves and watch services online, but we'll all be together in worship. The ocean has always been a place of healing and calm for us, and Craig feels it will help him to get a little bit better in his mind. He has said that looking out at the horizon over the ocean reminds him just how awesome God's creation is, that He created all this and that we are so small compared to all of it. If his health changes at the last minute, we will just stay here like we had planned before.
"Our Lord is so good and kind to us. My family, thank you. We love your cards, pictures, gifts of encouragement, food, and everything else you have sent. Everything has been looked at and appreciated more than you'll ever know. Keep the prayers coming, you know you have mine!"
Aug 24, 2020
Liz writes about her husband, Craig: "After Craig was discharged to a rehabilitation hospital, his condition worsened. Still not able to eat or sleep, his pain was excruciating, freezing cold all the time, and he couldn't see well out of his right eye. He also had anxiety, which made everything worse.
"On Monday, August 18, I asked for another anointed cloth, and that afternoon they took Craig to the Emergency Department because they believed something bad was happening related to his ICU medications. Many teams of doctors saw him: toxicologists, internal medicine, trauma, neurologists and more. His heart rate was way too fast, among other things, and they were concerned about cardiac arrest since he had previously died before that. A bed finally became Tuesday afternoon, and from that point God allowed things to slowly progress. He didn't have a roommate while he was in the hospital (God heard our prayers about this). He was able to get short bursts of sleep but was still not hungry or pain free.
"On Wednesday, they were able to FINALLY give him something that worked to reduce his pain to a manageable level. They were also able to give him something for his anxiety that (thankfully) made him tired and hungry. He got sleep and was hungry and not as anxious! He slept off and on and he constantly told God 'thank you.'
"On Friday, he was was able to nap and I could run errands. This was the first time he had felt safe for me to leave him! When I came back, we were told that he was ready to go back to the rehabilitation hospital. He was transferred that evening.
"He has now had his first therapy evaluations to see where he is strength-wise and mentally. He will have 3 hours of intense therapy Monday-Friday for the next 2 weeks, at a minimum, more if needed. He will have evaluations on the weekends to determine his progress and further steps.
"I can't even explain anything I'm feeling at the moment. Our Father didn't cause the circumstance we find ourselves in, but He is reaching down and cradling us in His mighty, wonderful hands with Jesus at His right hand, who paid the price for Craig's healing and mine. I feel the overwhelming care and attention God has given us when He has no shortage of things to do in this world. He is turning the same loving comfort to all of YOU, my wonderful, giant, family in Christ. My family and Craig's family send their love and appreciation to you for everything."
Aug 17, 2020
Liz writes about her husband, Craig: "On Monday, August 10, Craig was extubated successfully! Praise God for hearing our prayer and deciding it was time for the next phase of care to begin. All glory to Him! Every doctor and nurse who saw him was astonished to see such a quick turn around and so complete. A lot of them had thought that he wasn't going to make it. The decision was made to transfer him to the neuro-step down progressive care unit. He was transferred there on Wednesday.
"On Friday, August 15, he was discharged to the next phase of care, the inpatient rehabilitation hospital. Everyone who has cared for him over this month is still in shock that he is alive, let alone walking and talking. Craig is getting settled in and has already had therapy. His head is giving him excruciating pain; if he lays it down on a pillow to go to sleep he said it feels like someone is bashing him in the head constantly. Yesterday I walked him up and down the halls for almost 4 hours- constant movement where he is upright is the only time he says he has any relief from the pain. His body is so weak from being in bed for a month, in addition to the injuries. The doctors are in the process of pain management and other medical issues he has, so currently he is in constant agony because they haven't found a good mix yet. Prayers for that would be appreciated greatly. He also won't eat much currently because he has no appetite and is always cold. He has to eat to heal and also sleep well, and he is having trouble with that, too. Also it would be a blessing if he could be put in a private room. He currently has a roommate and it's so difficult for him to get any kind of feeling of comfort and healing with someone strange in the room. It will be a rocky journey but with God's loving help we will prevail.
"To my family in Christ, please continue your prayers on our behalf for this and every other phase of healing. Your letters are SUCH A COMFORT to me. I know that our wonderful Father is looking and is so proud of you for exercising the fruit of the Spirit by encouraging us and praying for us. You are in our prayers as well for the trials you're going through. I pray that one day in the Kingdom God - willing, I get to meet each and every one of you!"
Aug 7, 2020
Liz writes about her husband, Craig: "We are nearing the end of week 3 in Neuro ICU. On Tuesday the 11th, it will be 1 month that he has been here. The doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses, techs, respiratory therapists and everyone else have all been wonderful.
"Craig is now sleeping deeply and not agitated. As of today he is breathing on his own with the vent in supportive mode only. I pray this stays the same. His pneumonia is still only about halfway healed and either Saturday or Sunday the doctors will make the decision whether to extubate him (if he continues to breathe well on his own) or to perform a tracheotomy to keep his breathing supported just until the pneumonia heals completely. There are benefits to the tracheotomy, but I am asking God to let him heal enough to be able to pull the tube out and breathe on his own. They are being very cautious because of the cardiac arrest when they tried to re-intubate him 2 Sabbaths ago. Whatever God's will, however, as that will be perfect.
"He also has a blood infection, MSSA. It is related to MRSA but not as bad; it is being treated by antibiotics.
"Craig"s fever is down and his vitals are stable, mainly rising when he has coughing fits. They have taken him off of sedation for the most part since it's not good to have it long term; however, he still has very heavy pain medication to keep him comfortable and still. He is desperate to pull the numerous tubes out, I can only imagine how bad they feel.
"After we get past the pneumonia, things will progress with evaluating his traumatic brain injury. He is responding well to his neuro checks during the day and has been falling back asleep afterwards. Today when he saw me he opened his eyes wide, as if he were trying to talk to me. I asked him some questions and he nodded his head up and down to indicate yes. I told him to ask God to help heal him, that God can do it. I also continue to pray with him when he is awake.
"The scar on his head from the surgery is healing well and so are his other facial scars. His arms and leg wounds are, as well.
"I will be starting my next master's class soon. I take a different new class every 2 months and continued prayers for me would also be wonderful. Thank you everyone for EVERYTHING!"
Aug 4, 2020
Liz writes about her husband, Craig: "He is still sedated and being kept comfortable. His lungs are still very inflamed, and still in need of healing. His fever has been going up and down all week, but they have been able to bring it down with a combination of things. Hopefully, his lungs will heal in the next week and then they'll be able to start the neurological tests to determine the extent of his traumatic brain injury.
"Yesterday, he fought through the sedation and opened his eyes while I was talking to him and he was able to keep looking at me for a while, about 20-30 minutes. I believe he understood what I was saying and that he was trying to talk to me. I prayed the Lord's Prayer with him and also recited Psalm 23. We are still taking it one day at a time, but knowing God has a purpose for this, as with everything.
"I also made an A in my management class!!! I have had several brethren ask me in cards to keep them updated on my grades, too. God heard their prayers on this small matter, as well as the larger ones."
Jul 27, 2020
Here is an update from Liz about her husband, Craig: "Last week, Craig had pulled his respirator out early and everything seemed to be progressing along somewhat fine even though his overall numbers weren't going up where the doctors wanted them to be. The pneumonia appeared to be healed and he was somewhat awake and being weaned off sedation.
"Friday night he was severely agitated and in pain. Saturday morning, July 26, they took a chest x-ray and saw that his lungs looked very bad, a lot of fluid everywhere, even though the pneumonia was cleared up for the most part. They said that this is common to happen after pneumonia in some cases. The doctors concurred that he needed to be reintubated due to his lungs declining all week. During the reintubation process, Craig's heart stopped and he was clinically dead for 2-3 minutes. They were able to do 2 rounds of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and revive him.
"God allowed Craig to clinically DIE and then BROUGHT HIM BACK. I will never get used to saying that - I am still in so much shock and the emotions are unreal. The entire time his heart was stopped, his brain NEVER lost any oxygen, so the traumatic brain injury wasn't made worse. If a person is in cardiac arrest, and their heart has stopped beating for more than seven minutes, then the possibility of bringing them back is much harder and Craig was well under that limit at 2-3 minutes. As far as they know his heart will not suffer any long term effects, but we'll know more soon.
"I don't know why God allowed this unless He wanted to perform a miracle so everyone including the doctors could see that He is in charge of everything. I do know that my faith in God has grown beyond what I thought possible. Maybe we'll never know. All I know is that He gets all the glory and honor and praise that we can give. He is so deserving and I thank Him so much. Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ, for your continued prayers."
Jul 25, 2020
Here is an update from Liz M. about her husband, Craig: "We have received so many wonderful cards from my dear brothers and sisters in Christ to comfort us in this time. I have been too exhausted and stressed to do anything except go through the motions of getting things done.
"Craig is off of the respirator. Praise God! He was scheduled to have it taken out Sunday morning, but Saturday night he had a VERY bad night and was so agitated from the brain injury, the pain, and coming out of sedation that he worked himself up so that he pulled the respirator out himself in a crazy turn of events. God allowed it to come out the way it did for whatever reason He did.
"He finished his antibiotics for the pneumonia and that is healing up most all the way now. Yesterday, his mother was told that the timing had to be EXACTLY as it was for Craig to even be alive right now. She is seeing great miracles from God in this whole situation.
"To explain Craig's current state, one nurse explained his brain injury this way. She said his poor brain has been traumatized and all of the centers in the brain that normally work together can't do that now because they are bruised and in pain. That is why sometimes he can't verbalize that he hurts, but sometimes he can say 'please help me' and 'thank you.' It will take some time for his brain to heal and calm down so that it can start to function somewhat normally. Once he can stay calm for a period of time, they can do a more thorough neurological exam to determine where we need to go from here.
"Please pray that God will cover the costs of everything including the rehab facility where he will have to live before he comes home. Thank you all so much for your tears, your words, your prayers. There are no words sufficient to explain the gratitude that I, my parents and family, and Craig's mom feel for your love and concern. God has used you all and your prayers and cards to help strengthen us through this spiritual and physical battle. God is so good, praise His Holy Name!"
Jul 15, 2020
Church member Elizabeth M.'s husband, Craig, suffered severe skull fractures and a brain bleed due to a serious scooter accident. Craig was in surgery Tuesday morning, that lasted about 4-5 hours. There were 3 things that were attended to:
1) A subdural hematoma - neurosurgeons were able to remove most of the blood on his brain but he currently has an open spot on the top of his head where a JP drain allows the nurses to continue suctioning out the remainder of the blood. Once that is done and not needed anymore, they will suture it up.
2) A skull fracture - the skull was fractured pretty badly. They cut him from one ear to another over the top of his head, pulled his scalp forward over his forehead, took out the fractured pieces of skull, checked to make sure that the membrane that covers the brain was still intact (this was a miracle for it to not be punctured), took a skin graft from the top of his head to put on top of the membrane as a second layer of protection for his brain, then finally took the pieces of broken skull and using titanium plates they put that back together to close up his skull, kind of like puzzle pieces. His head is stapled together and will be that way for a few weeks probably while it heals.
3) A sinus cavity fracture - The sinus cavity was fractured, and to prevent the possibility of spinal fluid or anything else traveling up his left nostril and reaching his brain (which could cause meningitis and death among other things), they permanently closed up his left nostril by placing bone, muscle, and lots of glue to help hold it in place. He will have only his right nostril to breathe out of for the rest of his life, but he is alive and has a nose!
So far all of his neuro checks they do every hour or so are good. He is in such tremendous pain every time the pain medications wear off, he gets very agitated. Both eyes are swollen and black and blue. He also has several wounds on his knees and right arm. He is very heavily sedated in addition to the pain meds.
He may still have a traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussion, or memory loss; however, we won't know that until more time passes. We're just needing to get him past this initial phase of trauma. He will definitely be having therapy as well.
Elizabeth writes: "Blessings: He could be dead but he is not; he could be in a coma but he is not; he could be paralyzed but he is not; no one else got hurt. God has moved so much already. God is my Comforter and I know He is with me and Craig now and always like He is with all of us. To all the brethren praying for us and our family: THANK YOU SO MUCH. As I write this I am in tears for the compassion that has been shown to us; however, I knew that it would be that way because we love and take care of each other through trials. I do not know why God has allowed this, but He has a perfect purpose for it for Craig's and my lives and I will continue to trust Him with everything (Romans 8:28).
"I have only had about 8 and a half hours of sleep since Monday, so I am exhausted. I'm also trying to keep busy with work so that I don't totally break down with the overwhelming task of recovery that is ahead of us. I will not be afraid, God has this and He allowed it, and HE IS GOOD, and He already has the plan mapped out, we just have to trust Him and follow it. If you could also please pray for me to pass my graduate school class final on Monday night, that would help out as well. I am so tired. The last thing I want to do is study, but I must do good on this so I will lean on God with that like always."

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 2, 2021 - Delfin L. (Quezon City , Philippines)
Delfin has recovered from the COVID-19 infection and pneumonia and was discharged from the hospital. Thank God and thank you for your concern and prayers for his healing.
Oct 28, 2021
Delfin's oxygen level seemed to be okay this morning and the supplemental oxygen was removed. However, his oxygen level dropped this afternoon and he is again receiving supplemental oxygen. He is receiving insulin now. He is still under observation. Your continued prayers for healing are requested.
Oct 25, 2021
Delfin is finally confined at the Mary Chiles General Hospital, Sampaloc Manila. He started having antibiotic through IV yesterday to treat his pneumonia and other meds to treat his coughing. Thankfully, he has no fever and his blood pressure is normal. He is receiving supplemental oxygen into the nose using plastic tubing. CT scan of his lungs was done early today. Thankfully as well, his son was allowed to be with him in the room. Thank you very much for your prayers and please continue to pray for his complete recovery and healing.
Oct 24, 2021
Delfin L. tested positive for COVID-19 over and above his diagnosis of pneumonia on both lungs. He is currently at the De Los Santos Hospital.
Your prayers are requested for his complete recovery and healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 31, 2021 - William G. (Yorba Linda, CA)
William, who last week attained the ripe old age of six, has a brief update on his treatment for leukemia. Though in remission (thanks to God) we had expected his next round to be two to three weeks ago, but his low blood counts prevented this and now the treatments will start next week, uninterrupted for approximately two months and will be intense.
His spirits and activity are high and we ask for prayers to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ for strength, continued healing and that treatment would be effective. The family is appreciative and thankful for the continued cards, letters, emails and calls.
Oct 5, 2021
From the parents of William (age 5), Jon and Jen: "We want to update you all as to Will's battle with leukemia. Although it is in remission (for which we are very thankful to God and His Son), his treatment continues. As part of this next phase, which will last 2-3 months, he'll have more intense chemotherapy which will be harder on him. It will start in the next 2 weeks.
Please pray for his blood count to be sufficient for treatment and that a transfusion will not be required. Please also pray for protection from infection, as he will be immuno-compromised.
We are so blessed to see him feeling like himself most days and know God is holding him and our family. Thank you sincerely for all of the continued prayers, love and support!"
Jul 13, 2021
Our God is so GOOD! We received the news this morning that Will's bone marrow was clear of leukemia!! We are so incredibly relieved, thankful, and blessed.
Tomorrow he will be admitted to the hospital for 2-4 days for IV chemo to start the next treatment phase which is normal even in remission. We don't have the full schedule yet but anticipate this next phase to be about two months. We know his full treatment still has a long journey ahead but we are resting in God's faithfulness and Will's remission for today.
Please join us in rejoicing and breathing out an intense amount of gratitude for how GOOD our God is and how He has answered the prayers of so many! Thank you all for standing so firmly with us! Please continue to lift Will up in prayer for this next phase of chemo and praise God for his goodness with us.
His grandparents, Jon and Becky also send their very sincere and heartfelt thanks for all the cards, letters, posts, calls etc. from brethren from every corner. We also think of so many other brethren who have gone down this path and until you or a close loved-one or friend has experienced it... it is truly humbling and gives new compassion.... praying takes on new significance.
Again, we graciously will continue to ask for your meaningful prayers as Will's treatment proceeds. Of course, the greatest of thanks go to our Healer and Protector; God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
Jun 26, 2021
We wanted to let everyone know that Will's bone marrow biopsy scheduled for 6/23 was postponed. After spending two days in the hospital for his platelet reaction last week, we were admitted again on Tuesday due to an infected blister on his foot. Due to Will's low counts and lack of immune response, they are keeping him for 7-10 days for IV antibiotics and count recovery.
Despite all this and wanting to go home, he remains in good spirits and has amazing energy. The team is always shocked at how well he does with low counts and we know it is a true blessing from God; especially as we are in for a longer stay, while we await improved counts and healing.
Please continue prayers for the upcoming biopsy to be clear of cancer cells, for his wound to heal and counts to come up so we can be cleared for home. We appreciate everyone's continued support in cards, letters and prayers for Will and our family.
Jun 12, 2021
Parents Jon & Jen G. give an update on William: "It's been a long week with chemo and transfusions, but overall Will continues to do well. We expected that this phase of treatment would be harder, but he has amazed everyone with his energy and high spirits. It has been such a blessing that he feels like himself despite the leukemia and chemo.
"They have tentatively scheduled his next bone marrow biopsy for Jun. 23, so we ask that everyone continue to pray that it would be completely clear of any cancer cells so we can continue into the next scheduled chemo phase. This biopsy being clear is critical or the next steps would most likely involve a transplant, which we pray is not the case. We know our good and faithful God is holding Will and our family and we are so humbled and thankful for all of your prayers and support."
May 1, 2021
Parents Jon and Jen wanted to share that Will did great this week! In a huge answer to prayer, he was able to complete his chemo treatment on Tuesday with NO allergic reaction and his immune counts had a nice bump up. His symptoms and side effects continue to be very minimal and he continues to be in high spirits. We've been enjoying the bit of a break for the rest of this week and only have a weekly chemo next Tuesday. As long as Will's counts are good, we hope to start the second part of this phase of treatment the week of May 10. We surely thank God for these many blessings!
Our fervent prayers continue to be that Will be completely clear of cancer cells at the end of this phase of treatment and he continues to feel like himself.
We continue to be so thankful for everyone's support, prayers and love. Will loves reading through his cards and appreciates everything that has surprised him in the mail. All of the love and prayers are felt by our whole family as we continue to walk through this.
Apr 10, 2021
Jon and Jen wanted to share an update, now that Will's first phase of chemo for leukemia has been completed. The tests from last Friday came back still showing some presence of cancer cells, although it's come down tremendously and is a low percentage. We are so thankful for God's faithfulness in Will's progress so far.
As such, they have shifted gears a bit with his treatment protocols, which adds an extra phase of chemo and lengthens the treatment timeframe. The team remains confident that Will should clear after this next phase (about 2 months). As such, we ask for God's healing hand and prayers for the following:
- That Will's body would continue to respond well and he would clear the remaining cancer cells in this phase.
- That his immune system would recover quickly in between phases, specifically within the next week or so to start his next phase.
- For no issues from some new medications he will be starting in the coming weeks.
A continued thank you from the whole family for all of the prayers, support, and cards/gifts! We can definitely feel God's faithfulness and your prayers as we continue on this journey.
Mar 26, 2021
From William's parents, Jon and Jen: "William had his Friday chemo and handled it like a champ yet again! His levels remain consistently where they are expected and we hope them to be. We are so thankful that most of his treatments will continue outpatient. His energy levels and spirits remain high and he is enjoying all his time at home. We do have a specific prayer request going into this next week. Will has some tests coming up on Friday, 4/2, that will determine the next steps in his treatment. We are praying for clear (best case) or low results from his procedure. Please join us in asking our great God for His continued, faithful hand on Will and our family and the best results possible.
"We would also like to sincerely thank everyone for the prayers, posts and cards that have come from all over the world. William has loved seeing how many people are praying for him and makes mention of how God is helping people pray for him... Every time we open the cards he is so excited to see where they come from.
"We wish everyone a memorable Passover season and all it means in Jesus Christ's life, death and resurrection."
Mar 7, 2021
Our [Jon] grandson, William G. (age 5), has contracted a type of leukemia known as ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia). It has all occurred in the last few days.
He has been anointed and his parents, Jon and Jen, are with him and he is thankfully at an excellent local children's hospital that keeps the kids engaged in "kid stuff" while treated. Will has a wonderfully caring pediatrician, has been assigned a team and has begun a regimen already. Family is with their two other small children.
We are asking for your prayers for Will to our merciful Father and Jesus Christ that they will indeed heal him completely and in Their time. Prayers also for his parents and siblings who are trying to take it all in. Prayers for the superb medical team, as well. Other than this, Will has a strong constitution and is very active and we pray that this will put him in good stead.
Thank you so much for your prayers.

<  > Death Announcement - Oct 31, 2021 - Carol Rageth (Cottage Grove, MN)
Carol Rageth passed away peacefully on Sabbath and now awaits the resurrection. She and her husband Ken came into the church in 1963 and raised 5 children, which led to 8 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren, with another due in December.
Plans for her Celebration of Life haven't been solidified, but it will probably be next week. I will send out another email as soon as I get more information. Thanks for all the cards, visits, and prayers for Carol over the years. She loved all of you!
Nov 27, 2020
Carol is still in the same nursing home, but they've had multiple cases of COVID so everyone is confined to their rooms. There are no visits, except for one designated family member. Randy has asked that mail be sent to him and he will get it to her during that visit.
Aug 31, 2020
Carol is currently in Oak Meadows Nursing Home in Oakdale, but she can't have visitors. She is trying to get strong enough to return to her home, but as of right now, that doesn't seem likely without God's intervention. Her communication is really limited, so phone calls don't work well. Cards and prayers would be appreciated.
Jul 23, 2020
Carol is requesting our prayers. She is at Woodwinds Hospital and will remain there for a least a few days so they can determine why she is experiencing severe weakness. She also is currently unable to transfer out of her wheelchair by herself, which impacts whether she can stay in her own home. Please ask God to heal and strengthen her. Cards would be greatly appreciated as she loves hearing from her church family.
Jun 3, 2018
Carol is recovering and is in transitional care at Saint Therese of Woodbury. For those who would like to call, visit or send her an encouraging note, the address is 7555 Bailey Road, Woodbury.
Jun 3, 2016
Carol is requesting prayers as she is having severe pain in her wrists. Since she is in a wheelchair, she has to use her hands and wrists to get around and the severe pain is making that difficult. She is so grateful for the love and prayers on her behalf.
Feb 13, 2015
Carol is requesting prayers for God's intervention. She is experiencing severe dizziness which has resulted in her not being able to use a walker anymore. She is now in a wheelchair and is unable to attend services, which she misses terribly. She would appreciate prayers that God would heal her dizziness so she can be a part of our fellowship again. She is very grateful for the prayers, cards and phone calls from her church family.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 31, 2021 - Rebecca K.
I received a prayer request from Susan K. in Rapid City. Her sister Rebecca is having a double bypass surgery on November 9th and she would appreciate your prayers that the surgery would go well.

<  > Death Announcement - Oct 31, 2021 - Marcia D. (Mobile AL)
Marcia Dungan took her last breath at 9:45 a.m. Friday morning in peace and surrounded by family members. Her children and family considered it an honor and blessing that they were able to come together to take care of her these last few weeks. It is certainly going to be hard for them not to have her here, but they were all thrilled to be with her as she finished the race that God set before her. She ran it with her whole heart and instilled in them the same - to run with one hundred percent commitment to God and His way. Now she rests until the resurrection and her new job that God has in mind for her. The children, Eddie, Sherill (Tannert), Anne (Lucas), Sam and family members thank all who prayed, called, sent words of encouragement and were just there for them. They appreciate and love all the comments of how much Marcia meant to so many.
Oct 11, 2021
Marcia D., of the Mobile, Alabama, congregation, is requesting prayers. She was diagnosed with COVID on Sept. 25 and hospitalized a week later with pneumonia in both lungs, only to be released from the hospital a few days later. She has been readmitted once again with pneumonia, breathing issues, and low oxygen. This has been a tough trial for her, and she asking for prayers for complete healing and guidance through the healing process. Marcia plans to stay with her daughter, Sherrill, in Tucson while she recovers. Thank you in advance for you prayers.

Marcia D., of the Mobile, Alabama, congregation, is requesting prayers. She was diagnosed with COVID on Sept. 25 and hospitalized a week later with pneumonia in both lungs, only to be released from the hospital a few days later. She has been readmitted once again with pneumonia, breathing issues, and low oxygen. This has been a tough trial for her, and she asking for prayers for complete healing and guidance through the healing process. Marcia plans to stay with her daughter, Sherrill, in Tucson while she recovers. Thank you in advance for you prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 28, 2021 - John Q. (Eau Claire, WI)
I received this note from John Quast and he asked if I could share it with you;
Dear Brethren,
It was recently addressed by Mr. Franks to pray "for one another." That was after we had already received many, many cards, texts and phone messages; many were already doing that out of love and concern. We received such a stack of cards, Betty and I were brought to tears literally each time the mail came. We just could not respond to them all.
Anyway, I was tested positive at the FOT; however, we wanted to get to our home in AZ where we could be more comfortable. I was admitted on Oct 4th and spent 5 days in ICU and 14 days total. In that period Betty came down with Covid, having to tough it all out at home all alone. I was released on Oct 17th at 5:00 pm. We could just look at each other and cry.... 55 years of marriage and bonded at the hip and the heart is just too long to be apart.
I decided I was strong enough for a walk outside but fell bruising my shoulder and gouging my elbow. It was an emotional and physical setback. Since then we both have been improving daily. Now, 12 days out of the hospital and we are both responding very well.
We know God has heard and given us tremendous blessings - - - - healing, and brethren who "pray for one another; an army of prayers to God on our behalf." May God bless each and every one of you. You lifted us when we were down.
Oct 22, 2021
I heard from John today and he would like to request your prayers. He and Betty went out for a walk and he fell and bruised his shoulder, gouged his elbow and skinned three of his fingers. This was certainly a setback for him and he would appreciate your continued prayers.
Oct 18, 2021 - John Q. (Eau Claire, WI)
John was released from the hospital last night. He is resting comfortably at home and his breathing is much better but he still has a ways to go. He is thankful to be back home with his wife and he has appreciated all of prayers on his behalf and ask for your continued prayers for a full recovery.
They are asking for no calls at this time as he needs time to rest and to heal and Betty needs to fully recover as well.
I know we are all thankful to hear this news and we thank God for it.
Oct 12, 2021
I just received a call from Betty giving me a update on John. He is doing better and they have moved him to a regular room . His oxygen levels have improved and they have him up doing some exercises to help move the fluid out of the lungs. He has a good appetite and she said he sounded good on the phone. The doctors said that if he continues to do good there is a chance he may be able to go home at the end of the week. They very much appreciate all of the prayers and ask for your continued prayers that he will fully recover. This is good news that things are moving in the right direction and we thank God for that.
Oct 8, 2021
I received an update from John today and the lung doctor came by today and said he liked what he was hearing. They are going to bump his oxygen up and down to see how he does. He mentioned that he was able to rest better last night. He wanted me to pass along to all of you how much he appreciates your prayers.
Oct 7, 2021
I received a update on John. They did a CT scan on his lungs and the doctor said the lungs do not look good and there is very little clear area. They have him on a strong program for healing them and for dealing with the covid. He ask the doctor for his prognosis and the doctors response was I can only say it takes time. He said if your system responds well you will do well.
Please continue to pray for God's intervention and healing. Also, continue to pray for Betty as she has been dealing with covid as well and also being very concerned for John.
Oct 5, 2021
I talked with Betty earlier and she said John's breathing had improved some. He is still in the hospital and they do appreciate your continued prayers.
Oct 4, 2021
I just got off the phone with John and he is being admitted to the hospital. He has been suffering with covid and his oxygen levels are critically low. He would appreciate your prayers.
Oct 1, 2021
John and Betty have been sick with covid since the Feast. Betty seems to be a little better but John went to the doctor today and he has pneumonia in one lung. They are at their home in Arizona and would appreciate your prayers.
Aug 17, 2018
Thank you brethren for your calls, cards and words of encouragement. The first hospital stated "the patient was bleeding profusely and there was a large scalp laceration and skull fracture." They were not staffed for such procedures so they prepped me for surgery and transported me to Mayo Emergency. An MRI there revealed no skull fracture nor brain bruising. God obviously intervened between hospitals.
Aug 10, 2018
John tripped and fell on Tuesday morning, hitting his forehead hard on a rock. Unable to stop the bleeding, he went to the hospital, where the doctor believed John's skull was damaged enough to require surgery. He was transferred to another hospital in Eau Claire where an MRI revealed no internal bleeding and no significant damage to his skull, though he does have a concussion and quite a few stitches. He was sent home Tuesday afternoon, and was told he would have a bad headache for several days. John is thankful to God that the injury was not more severe, and requests prayers for a quick recovery. He is requesting no calls for a few days, until he's a feeling better. Thank you.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 28, 2021 - Mary P. (Battle Lake, MN)
We got some good news this week that Kevin is doing much better.
Oct 22, 2021
I talked with Kevin and he is still not feeling well and would appreciate your continued prayers for him. I
Oct 10, 2021 - Mary P. (Battle Lake, MN)
It's been a rough week with Kevin and me being really sick, but also, because my dad is now on hospice care. I ask that you say prayers for him and my family during this difficult time. Thank you all.
Oct 5, 2021
Mary P. is requesting prayers for her family and herself. Her father is going through heart failure and her family is having to make some really tough decisions regarding his health care. She has tested positive for covid and can't be with him. They lost her Mom in April and they are still dealing with that loss. Please pray for the comfort for her family and a quick recovery from the covid.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 28, 2021 - Carmelo A. (Italy)
I am very happy to share this update from our good friend and fellow minister, Carmelo:
"First of all, thank you for your prayers and please excuse my involuntary silence immediately after the days of the surgery. Now I can answer you and reassure everyone else that the cancer in my stomach seems to have been successfully eliminated. I am now at home but on November 3 I need to return to the hospital for further medical checkup."
"I would be grateful to you if you can inform all our fellow ministers and church members about my family wishing to send our personal thanks to all the wonderful Church of God and friends around the world for their prayers and cards of encouragement they have sent to us during this difficult trial. They have been of great moral help."
"We thank and give praise to our Eternal Father and to his Son Jesus Christ for their grace to my progressive healing. Our heartfelt thanks to you and strong hugs in Christ Jesus."
Thank you for your continued prayers for Carmelo and his wife, Antonella, and family.
Oct 18, 2021
Thank you for your prayers. I can reassure everyone that the cancer in my stomach seems to have been successfully eliminated and I should be released from the hospital today, Monday, Oct. 18. I will need a period of convalescence, but this should not prevent me from continuing to serve the Lord and the Church, albeit with more moderation than before. The brethren will continue to be as well served as they have been during my absence for the past few weeks.
I wish to send my personal thanks, and that of my family also, to all the wonderful Church of God and friends around the world for their continuous prayers and support that they have sent us during this difficult trial. We thank and give praise to our Eternal Father and to his Son, Jesus Christ. Our heartfelt thanks to all and strong hugs in Christ Jesus.
Oct 11, 2021
I know many of you have been very concerned for Carmelo and have been praying for him, so I wanted to share an update from his daughter, Delia. The doctors decided that it was urgent to have surgery to remove the cancer, and a four hour surgery was performed last Thursday. The doctors were pleased with how the surgery went and they believe they have been able to remove all the cancer. Carmelo is struggling with post-surgery pains, but the doctors have reassured the family that he is strong and is responding well. Due to COVID-19 hospital rules, the family is not allowed to see Carmelo so that is very difficult, but they are hopeful he may be released from the hospital this coming Thursday. His daughter Delia writes, "We are more than grateful for how things are progressing. We surely know God worked miraculously, protecting him from much more drastic outcomes" Thank you for all the prayers and your sincere love in Jesus Christ; we greatly appreciate and ask you to continue to pray for a total recovery."
Thank you for your continued prayers for Carmelo, and his wife, Antonella and family.
Oct 2, 2021
A few days ago I was diagnosed with a severe stomach ulcer. I would like to request the Church to pray that our loving God would intervene with His healing power for my current health conditions.
Over the last ten days I have been subjected to a series of medical tests, CT scans and gastroscopies. Today I was informed that on Monday, Oct. 4, I will be admitted to the hospital for surgery on Thursday, Oct. 7. A week of hospitalization will follow before being discharged with the help of our Heavenly Father. Over the last ten days I have been subjected to a series of medical tests,
I send you my brotherly hugs, with the confidence to see you again in the future.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 27, 2021 - Gary P. (Nashville, TN)
We would like to express our gratitude for those who prayed for us during our bout with COVID, we are both fully recovered and doing well. It was encouraging to receive so many cards and emails from individuals and entire congregations. God was merciful to us. We were both very sick, but it could have been much worse. As a couple of nurses told me, "You are a blessed man." Most of all we want to express our gratitude to our heavenly Father for His intervention.
Aug 5, 2021
Gary reports: "I was finally sent home from the hospital today. A number of the nurses and doctors told me that I was a 'blessed man' because my COVID could have been much worse than it was. It has been a difficult illness and I am still very weak." Gary's wife, Kim, also had COVID-19 but was not as seriously ill. She is also doing better
Aug 3, 2021
Here is the latest update from both Gary and Kim. Vic and I have both spoken to Gary and, thankfully, he is making progress. Gary asked Kim to send the following update: "Gary is still in the hospital going through the various COVID protocol. He is still on oxygen but they have been able to decrease it some. Hopefully he will be allowed to come home in two days. It will take some time to fully recover once he is home. We are very thankful for the outpouring of prayers and concern."
Kim had also contracted COVID around the same time as Gary. I also asked her to give us an update. Kim writes, "I am feeling better, just weak. Yesterday, I took a home COVID test to see if I was still contagious. It came out negative. I called my doctor's office & spoke to the nurse. She said it had been 14 days & I could come out of quarantine. Our daughters came to town on Sunday. They have been making sure I have plenty of good meals. They've also taken things to the hospital to be given to Gary. It's been wonderful having them here. Thank you for your prayers and concern for both of us."
I know we are all grateful to our great God for His blessing upon Gary and Kim and that we will all continue to beseech God for a complete healing for Gary. As you likely know, a number of ministers and members have been recently affected by COVID and have struggled, and may still be struggling, in varying degrees. Please let me know if any of you would like a prayer request sent to our ministry and if there is any way that MMS may be of greater service to you all.
Please make this update available to the members in your area as soon as possible as I know many of them are concerned and love to be kept well informed.
Jul 31, 2021 - Gary P. (Nashville, TN)
Your urgent and fervent prayers are requested for pastor Gary P. who was admitted to the hospital earlier today because of very low oxygen levels due to Covid-19. Of course, your prayers for comfort and encouragement for Gary's wife, Kim, and their family are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 27, 2021 - Lena B. (Columbia, MO)
After 21 days in the hospital, Lena was discharged yesterday! What a blessing and relief that she is well enough to be home - praise God for His faithfulness! Please do pray for her continued recovery, as it will take time for her to fully regain her health and strength. Lena and her family are very thankful to the brethren for the love, support and encouragement you all have shown through this difficult time.
Oct 22, 2021
Lena has not yet been able to come home as expected. Earlier this week, the doctors noted that her heart rate was jumping up very high just from walking down the hall and then also dropping down very low afterwards - now, they are saying that even at rest her heart rate is staying quite high. Additionally, her lungs sounded clear of fluid a few days ago, but today (Thursday) they heard some fluid on them. The doctors also found that she has a bent trachea.
Given these concerns, they plan to keep her for a while longer until her vitals even out, and they are running a lot of tests. It is disappointing because of course we all want her to be able to go home, but it is also wise to ensure she has access to the monitoring and care she needs. We also acknowledge what a blessing it is that she has been on the path to recovery compared to when she first went in, despite these setbacks. Surely, the hand of our God has been with her to this point - continue praying for her complete recovery!
Oct 18, 2021
Lena has been improving over the weekend - she is now remaining stable with just one liter of oxygen! Praise our awesome God for delivering her life!
The doctors are discussing sending her home within another day or two, though she will likely take several weeks to fully recover. It's unclear if she will continue to need oxygen for a while when she leaves the hospital.
Remember to pray and give thanks to God for His healing and mercy toward Lena, and pray that He brings her through a quick and full recovery.
Oct 8, 2021
Please pray for Lena B. of the Columbia congregation. She has been sick with COVID-19 since returning from the Feast and a chest X-ray confirmed she has pneumonia. She was admitted to the hospital in Baltimore on Wednesday morning with difficulty breathing, and her blood oxygen drops dangerously low when she coughs and she is in a lot of pain. Lena is not able to have visitors at this time, and the breathing makes it hard and painful to talk.
Her condition has been stable since she was admitted to the hospital, but she is not improving yet. Pray to our loving God for His healing, as only He can provide, by the power and through the suffering of Jesus Christ!

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 25, 2021 - Indeera B. (Champ Fleur, Trinidad & Tobago)
Dale B., a deacon in Trinidad and Tobago, requests and appreciates the prayers of the brethren on behalf of his wife, Indeera. We think she is suffering from trigeminal neuralgia, and they are looking at the various options to treat it. It may have been triggered by dental work when she had a root canal earlier this year.

Jan 14, 2014
Indeera is doing a lot better now. Mr. Smith will see her this weekend for the 1st time since the FOT.
Jul 28, 2013
Indeera has been suffering from severe stomach pain, nausea, dizziness & weakness in her arms, especially at night & early-morning.
Sep 12, 2013
The health of Indeera has gradually improved over the past week. Her lower abdomen pain has gone while her stomach pain only occurs occasionally. All the tests done are normal and she is still not sure what the cause of the pain is. However she is grateful to God that she is now well enough to attend the Feast of Tabernacles with her family. She thanks all the brethren for their prayers, cards, love and concern shown to her during her illness.
Aug 2
Prayers are requested for Indeera B., the wife of Trinidad & Tobago deacon Dale B. Indeera has been suffering from severe stomach pain, nausea, dizziness and weakness in her arms, especially at night and early in the morning. She has undergone a number of tests, which so far have been negative, so we still don't know what is the cause of the problem. The prayers of the brethren would be appreciated for her healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 22, 2021 - Roger B. (Woodbury, MN)
Here is an update on Roger B.'s eye surgery;
Roger's eye surgery went well and he is healing properly, so far. He really appreciates your prayers and thanks you for them. Surgery on the next eye is scheduled for November 1st. and he would appreciate your prayers that all will go well also."

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 22, 2021 - Alec S. (Wichita Falls TX)
Donna writes: "We send our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been praying for Alec. I have seen God's hand in our lives many times during this trial. Within the last six weeks Alec has had two mini strokes and he became so weak that he cannot stand and was hospitalized for ten days. He was then moved to a skilled nursing facility. He is taking therapy to strengthen his muscles, but progress is very slow. He doesn't have a very good appetite. Alec is in a lot of pain at times and sleeps a lot.
Please continue to pray for him, thank you!"
Jun 11, 2020 Alec and Donna want to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and phone calls during Alec's bout in the hospital after a stroke. He was able to come home from the rehabilitation facility last Friday (June 5). He made a great deal of improvement during the three weeks that he was there. They worked him hard and he was able to graduate from a wheelchair to a walker. He will now have home health come to the house to do further therapy for the next eight weeks. He has been told that full recovery is possible. With God all things are possible.
May 16, 2020
Donna S. sent me an update this afternoon concerning Alec: "He is doing better. He was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital for aggressive therapy Thursday evening. While he does not have much feeling on his left side, he does have the ability to move his arm and leg. While he has very little control over the movement, he does have more strength than expected in both."
May 13, 2020
Prayers are requested for Alec S. He apparently had one or more strokes last Sabbath, May 9, and was taken to the emergency room. He was admitted and later that night had a cardiac arrest and received a pacemaker. Currently he remains in the hospital but today was moved out of Critical Care and into the Progressive Care unit. He has been making steady progress. Thankfully his wife, Donna, has been able to be with him daily.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 22, 2021 - Oliver B. (Springdale, AR)
Oliver, age 89, suffered a stroke on August 8th causing him to lose his ability to speak. Since that time he has had weekly speech therapy at home to relearn speaking and writing. Oliver is otherwise active and healthy caring for himself at home and mowing his lawn. His son drives him to and from Sabbath services each week, where Oliver assists in hall clean up and putting away the audio-visual equipment. Oliver also attends a weekly lunch with a number of brethren. While he continues to be hugely frustrated with his loss of speech, his ability to enunciate his words is improving. Oliver is grateful for the prayers and healing that have benefitted him. He needs our continued prayers for healing for him to be able to communicate.
Aug 13, 2021
On Sunday, August 8th, Oliver B., age 89, suffered a stroke that caused him to lose his speech. The hospital diagnosed a stroke that appears to affect only that part of the brain that controls speech. Otherwise Oliver can hear and understand. He is in excellent physical condition and had been helping with set-up and take-down of chairs and tables at Sabbath services each week. Oliver is terribly frustrated at not being able to communicate. He has not yet been released from the hospital.
This is a difficult time for Oliver because his wife Shirley died last November and his younger son Mark died in January, both after short illnesses. Your prayers for Oliver's ability to speak as well as his return to general good health would be much appreciated.

<  > Death Announcement - Oct 21, 2021 - Lomax Morris (Uniondale, NY)
I am saddened to inform you of the death of Lomax Morris at 9:45 pm this evening. Lomax served his God and his brethren faithfully as an elder in the ministry of Jesus Christ. Now he sleeps, awaiting his change at the moment of Jesus Christ's return. We look forward to the day when he will be resurrected and ready to serve alongside his Savior and his spiritual family in the kingdom of God. Please keep his wife, Marcia, and the New York City area congregations in your prayers during this difficult time.
Oct 18, 2021 - Lomax M. (Uniondale, NY)
Lomax didn't so very well yesterday. He has a urinary tract infection, a fever, elevated white blood cell count, and his kidneys are not functioning well. Please continue praying for God's healing, strength, and encouragement for both Lomax and Marcia.
Oct 17, 2021
Marcia says she is doing alright overall. She's is monitoring her own health regularly, and her son is taking good care of any of her needs at home. She's mostly concerned about her husband.
Today doctors were able to give Lomax IV nutrition and medication. He's still having trouble swallowing but is able to speak now and seems to be more alert and aware of what is happening. His blood pressure has gone down which is a good improvement. He's still suffering with pneumonia and issues from COVID.
Oct 14, 2021
Lomax M. is an elder who serves in the New York City (Queens) congregation. He and his wife Marcia weren't feeling well after coming home from the Feast. Lomax, who is diabetic and had a leg amputated in 2019, fell in his home and was taken to the hospital where he tested positive for COVID. He is currently in the hospital receiving treatments.
Earlier this week Lomax had difficulty swallowing and wasn't able to speak very well over the phone. Doctors will insert a feeding tube because of his swallowing difficulties. Today we found out he has pneumonia which he is being treated for and other symptoms. On top of everything Lomax is having trouble with his memory and this has worsened recently.
Marcia also tested positive for COVID and is at home monitoring her own symptoms. Marcia has some breathing difficulties and her appetite has decreased. She is also often tired. Please keep Lomax and Marcia in your prayers during this very trying time. They are in God's powerful and comforting hands.
Aug 15, 2019
I was able to visit with Lomax after Sabbath services a few days ago. He has been fitted with a prosthetic and continues to receive physical therapy and care at a rehabilitation center in the area. Lomax had nearly his normal level of energy and excitement when we visited. He and his wife, Marcia, wanted to pass along the following message thanking the brethren for their prayers, cards, and words of encouragement:
"We are tremendously grateful for the generous outpouring of love from you brethren, from all over the world. Thank you for the beautiful prayers, letters, poems, e-mails, calls and gifts, and most of all for your prayers. We received over 180 cards, which gave us a great deal of encouragement and made us realize the love of brethren in times of crisis. God has certainly heard your prayers.
"My amputation on 6/26/19 was successful and healed well. I then went to rehabilitation for 1 month and received my prosthesis on 8/7/19. I need further training on how to walk properly, and with God's help, we plan to attend the Feast in Cincinnati. Thanks be to God for healing me."
Jun 26, 2019
This afternoon Lomax had a successful amputation just below the knee to stop the progression of an infected right foot. The surgery took about an hour and the doctor reported that Lomax is doing fine. He will be in the hospital for at least three days (probably through the weekend) as he rests and recuperates. Already doctors are working with him to get him a prosthesis so he can quickly begin rehabilitation as he recuperates. Lomax and Marcia both thank all of you for your continued prayers and support during this challenging time. Please continue to ask God for their comfort, strength, and healing.
Jun 19, 2019
Local elder Lomax M. has been home from the hospital for the past week after having postponed an amputation surgery due to the infection on his right foot. Nurses and doctors have monitored his progress, but the infection seems to be getting worse. The decision has been made to schedule him for an amputation surgery next Wednesday (6/26/19) before the infection progresses any further. Please pray for the comfort of Lomax and his wife Marcia as well as guidance on the part of the doctors who will be performing the surgery.
Jun 10, 2019
Lomax was originally scheduled to have his right foot amputated last week because of infection that didn't seem to be healing, but the surgery was postponed. Doctors put him on antiobiotics and continued to monitor his progress in the hospital over the weekend. Doctors wanted to perform the amputation surgery this afternoon (6/10/19). After much prayer and discussion, Lomax and Marcia have decided to refuse the surgery. They have seen improvement in his infected toes and would rather wait on God's healing than rush into amputation. His pain levels are up and down regularly, but he is otherwise feeling alright.
Lomax is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital this afternoon. His wife Marcia is going to monitor his progress in the infected toes while he continues antibiotics. Both of them send their thanks for your heartfelt prayers and the overwhelming love shown to them by their brethren everywhere. Please continue to pray for his healing, and strength for both of them.
Jun 6, 2019
Lomax was originally scheduled for a foot amputation surgery yesterday (6/5/19). Doctors wanted to run some tests before surgery could be scheduled. An MRI of his foot concluded that only two toes on his right foot are infected. The family is now faced with the decision to: go home with antibiotics, amputate the infected toes, or amputate the entire right foot. Doctors said that the amputation of the entire foot (actually above the foot) would be best. The family would like to try antibiotics and leave amputation as a last resort. Please pray that God guides them and their doctors. Also please continue to pray for God's healing of Lomax's foot and for the strength and comfort of his wife Marcia who cares for him.
May 31, 2019
Your prayers are requested for Lomax M., a local elder from the New York City, NY congregation. Mr. M. came from a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Doctors told him he will most likely need to have his right foot amputated this coming Wednesday. This comes after having a stent placed in his foot to help blood flow, but the results were not as beneficial as doctors had hoped. Please pray that the amputation surgery is not necessary. However, if the decision is made to amputate his foot, that the surgery is successful and that Mr. M. recovers fully and speedily.

<  > Death Announcement - Oct 21, 2021 - Randy Isner (Dawsonville, GA)
Randy Isner took his last breaths this afternoon. With his family around him he was removed from the ventilator and he died peacefully within minutes. Randy was a gentle man with a warm and loving heart who will be greatly missed. His wife, Lori, and their grown children, Craig and Paige, are appreciative of everyone's prayers asking for God's intervention. The family could use our prayers now as they grieve the loss of Randy and begin to move forward with their lives.
Oct 12, 2021
As of yesterday, Randy was heavily sedated and sepsis had set in. He was at 100 percent on the ventilator and his white blood cells were under attack of infection. Today his fever is gone, and his white cell count and platelets are within normal range. That needs to continue so his body will fight the virus. Currently he is at 90 percent on the ventilator, however his lung compliance is low. That means he is developing scar tissue. Currently there is no other organ failure. As we know, God is not limited in any way, so we are continuing to ask that God would choose to intervene and spare Randy if it be His will.
The family much appreciates your prayers and the cards that have been coming; they are a tremendous lift to his wife, Lori, and children, Craig and Paige.
Oct 6, 2021
Doctors say Randy has had a good spell recently and they have taken him off the paralytic so they can soon attempt to take him off the ventilator. This is the first step towards that. The family is very appreciative of our continued prayers and for God's intervention to date. Thank you for keeping Randy and his family in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Udate - Oct 18, 2021 - Peter R. (Madras OR)
Back in June, Peter had been in and out of the emergency room with heart-related issues, including atrial fibrillation. His symptoms got worse over time (including passing out at work) and doctors ran tests which led to him having cryoablation surgery on Friday, Oct. 15. This surgery is used to restore a normal heart rhythm, and Peter was told there is an 80% success rate with this procedure.
He did have some complications after surgery, including some bleeding in his legs from the insertion site, severe chest pain, and pneumonia in both lungs. These last two were due to the ablation and due to being under anesthesia for 6 hours. Thankfully, doctors were able to stabilize him, and he is now home resting comfortably. He has strict orders not to work, must lie flat on his back for the first week, very little walking, no bending or lifting anything! Even very little movement at all. Peter has a fair bit ahead of him and is still in a lot of pain, with dizziness and shortness of breath. He and his family would appreciate prayers that the procedure was successful so that he can ward off having open heart surgery any time soon, and that God will provide calm and peace for Peter as he recovers. They are so thankful for the prayers and know that God is the one that provides the healing.
Jun 16, 2021
The family of Peter R. is requesting prayers on his behalf. Peter lately has been in and out of the ER with shortness of breath and exhaustion and is under the care of a cardiologist for issues that cause him to go into atrial fibrillation. He has had many tests and is awaiting the results of his wearing a 14-day heart monitor. Doctors have also discovered a dark spot on his left lung that is of unknown origin that will be re-checked in four months. Naturally, this is a concern for Peter and his whole family.

<  > Death Announcement - Oct 17, 2021 - John Keith (Lexington, SC)
This past Thursday John Keith died from his struggles with COVID-19. He was hospitalized on Monday and immediately sedated and put on a ventilator. His oxygen levels were very low and never were able to get back to normal. By Wednesday, his kidneys had shut down. Thursday the family asked if he could be taken off the ventilator and within minutes he died. God was merciful in that he did not struggle at that point but died peacefully. Your continued prayers would be appreciated for John's wife, Dee, who is recovering from COVID, as well as his entire family.
Oct 13, 2021
Prayers are requested for John K., a member of the Columbia, South Carolina, congregation. John had been fighting the COVID virus for over a week and was taken to the hospital this afternoon due to difficulty with his breathing. The doctors said his oxygen levels were in the low 30s, and that he is also battling pneumonia and a bacterial infection. Please keep John in your prayers. His wife, Dee, who is fighting the COVID virus, would appreciate your prayers as well.

<  > Death Announcement - Oct 17, 2021 - Beverly Daugherty (Sierra Vista, AZ)
Our dear friend and sister in Christ, Bev, died Friday afternoon, after the removal of her intubation tube. Bev had been in the hospital since before the Feast of Tabernacles.
The Daugherty family thanks everyone for their prayers for Beverly. They are a close family and handling this difficult situation with grace and dignity. The Church in Southern Arizona has suffered a huge loss, but we look forward, with great anticipation, to Beverly's awakening at the Resurrection.
Thank you everyone for your heartfelt concern and prayers.
Oct 12, 2021
Your prayers are requested for God's immediate and direct intervention on behalf of our dear sister in Christ, Beverly Daugherty, of Sierra Vista, Arizona. Bev was admitted to the hospital several days before the Feast of Tabernacles with COVID-19 and pneumonia. She has been unconscious most of the time because they put her on a ventilator. The attending physician has just informed Mandy, her daughter, that Bev, "probably won't make it," due to the fact that she has been the ventilator for so long.
Thank you on behalf of the family for your fervent prayer for Bev.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 17, 2021 - Rachel K. (Harborcreek, PA)
Rachel K., of the Buffalo, New York, congregation, has been struggling with issues with COVID since just after the Feast. She is currently in the hospital with double pneumonia and they removed a large amount of water from her lungs. She was showing some improvements but very slow progress. Last night was a hard night which set her back in her progress. She is confined to the bed. She and the family are asking for prayers for her to be able to fully recover.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 14, 2021 - Ewin B. (Ashland, MO)
Lorraine, Erwin's wife writes: I wanted to send an update on Ewin to all who have been so faithful to pray. I was going to wait until we got some word from the blood tests but who knows when that will be. I suspect that things are just fine in that regard. Our house is full of beautiful cards that have just lifted both our spirits. God has been so good and faithful, I want to share that with all:
Ewin came home from the hospital just two weeks ago. He came home extremely weak and frail, on oxygen and blood thinners. This morning I returned his oxygen paraphernalia to the provider and they were shocked. They could not believe that the oxygen was no longer needed in such a case. God has been so gracious to us! I truly believe that we have seen a miracle in Ewin's turn-around. He is getting around very well without the walker and has no need of the supplemental oxygen. His mind is bright and he has lots to say after being silent for several weeks! He is determined to get his energy back and is finally able to enjoy food again!
We have been overwhelmed by the kindness of the brethren! We have gotten so many beautiful and heart-felt cards from all over the world. Every day we go through the cards and we feel great encouragement and peace as we read the scriptures and the genuine love from the brethren. Thank you to all who have lifted us to the Throne of Grace. It has been so comforting to know that Ewin was at any time during the day being brought to God's Throne. We especially want to thank Our Great God and Healer for His faithful watchful care through this past month.
We are especially aware of the many who are still suffering from this terrible disease. We pray fervently for their healing and for the comfort and encouragement of their families. May God have mercy on us all.
Sep 27, 2021
Urgent prayers are requested for Ewin B. He is suffering from severe symptoms from COVID-19. He fainted this morning and his brain is just not functioning clearly. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital and is undergoing tests. Because of COVID-19 he is in isolation and not allowed visitors. This is very difficult for Lorraine as you can imagine.
Please beseech our merciful Father for His healing and intervention for Ewin and for guidance for the medical staff treating him.
Please also pray for Lorraine as we know there is a lot of waiting in hospitals. She needs to have extra emotional and physical strength as she is recently recovering from Covid-19 herself and she needs the miraculous peace that God offers in Phil. 4:6-7. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Death Announcement - Oct 13, 2021 - Randy D'Alessandro (Yorkville, IL)
Unfortunately, I am writing to share some very, very sad news. Early this morning Mr. Randy D'Alessandro died from complications from Covid-19 while in the hospital. As you can imagine this is a very extremely hard time for Mary and the family. As a congregation please pray for the family and Mary as we also are encouraged by Mr. D'Alessandro's "enduring to the end" example in his walk with God.
As we are all extremely saddened and will mourn the loss of Mr. D'Alessandro please encourage each other as we look forward to the hope of Christ's return and seeing our good friends and family again.
As a family, we rejoice together and we mourn together and at this time we share in the mourning.
On behalf of Mary and the family thank you for your ongoing prayers and thoughts at this time.
Oct 8, 2021
As of 1:30pm Friday, October 8th, Mr. D is on the highest amount of oxygen allowed. He is doing well with it. He is also on two antibiotics to fight against pneumonia (the nurse said they give those to all Covid patients)
He is also on a steroid (for his cough). He has a blood clot in his right leg and they are treating that with another medication. He will be in the hospital 7-10 days. Possibly less if treatment goes really well. He is on so much oxygen he will have to be weaned off it before returning home.
Please continue to pray for God's oversight and healing intervention.
Oct 7, 2021
Mary requests your prayers for her husband, Randy, who pastors the Chicago, IL and Beloit, WI churches. Randy was admitted into the hospital this afternoon with acute respiratory failure due to Covid-19. He is currently on high flow oxygen and is being treated with antibiotics and fluids. Mary also has Covid-19, but overall she is doing well except for tiredness. Please pray for God's intervention and complete healing for Randy and for Mary. Thank you for your prayers.
Sept 6, 2015 - Randy D.
Randy, who had quadruple bypass surgery on Friday, August 28, returned home after a successful surgery and hospital stay. Randy, and his wife Mary, thank God for His gracious intervention on Randy's behalf. The morning after the surgery, one medical student remarked to Randy while making the rounds, that "You sure don't look like you just had open heart surgery!" At almost every step of the recuperation process Randy seemed to be one step ahead of the situation. Again, due to the lovingkindness of our Great God! Randy and Mary also thank the many brethren from around the world for their outpouring of encouragement and love as shown by the many calls, cards, and e-mails.
Aug 20, 2015
Randy and Mary D. are requesting that you remember them in your prayers. On August 28, Randy will be undergoing quadruple bypass surgery. Your prayers to our Great God for His supernatural guidance of the medical professionals that will be attending to Randy is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 12, 2021 - Linda H. (Princeton, TX)
We thank everyone for their prayers, cards, emails, flowers and gifts for the last few weeks, especially during the Feast. It's been overwhelming and we cannot possibly answer everyone. The Feast was obviously different since we had to stay home with two of our daughters but we rejoiced in God's marvelous plan and found the messages very uplifting and edifying.
Linda's wounds have been healing nicely. Her voice is back. The breathing tube is gone. She started to eat soft foods even though she is still mainly being fed through a tube in her stomach until the radiation is finished (in about six to seven weeks).
We had a bit of a scare a few days ago when two specialists found something on the PET scan that they did not like. Yesterday the surgeon examined Linda's mouth and said what he saw was not to worry about, being part of the healing process. He gave the okay for the radiation to start. It was a great relief.
We thank you all for your support. It's been quite sobering. We're all fine, staying positive, trusting God and looking forward to the Kingdom. Your continued prayers for a full recovery are still much needed and appreciated.
Sep 9, 2021
The family again thanks everyone for the many cards of encouragement, and especially for the many prayers for Linda's healing.
After a scary hemorrhage a few days ago due to a blood clot in her mouth, the ensuing cauterization, a blood transfusion, and the removal of her trachea tube, she finally was released yesterday and spent her first night at home in over three weeks.
It does not appear at this stage that she will need radiation or chemotherapy. She is being fed through a tube in her stomach for a while (hopefully not too long). Your prayers are still much appreciated for her full healing.
Aug 18, 2021
Linda and Bernard's family thanks everyone for their prayers and cards, which have been very encouraging and touching. They are very thankful for the love shown.
Linda's surgery was successful. The cancer had spread more than originally expected but the surgeon was able to remove all. The operation was quite extensive, with reconstructive surgery. It lasted five hours. Linda will stay at the hospital in a special care unit at Baylor in Dallas for at least another six days, and will not be able to eat for six days. A tracheotomy was also performed. Your continued prayers for total recovery and healing are much appreciated.
Aug 9, 2021
Bernard H., an elder serving in the French Department at headquarters in McKinney, requests prayers for his wife, Linda. They received confirmation this morning (Aug. 9) that Linda has a cancer growth in her mouth. A SCAN should be performed very soon to determine the extent of the damage and she is scheduled for surgery next week. She will stay at the hospital seven days, having reconstructive surgery. The specialist was optimistic that the cancer can be removed with a 90 percent chance of success, but we know we are in God's hands and their scheduling may be somewhat modified to fit His will. Linda and Bernard, along with their children, would appreciate your prayers on her behalf at this time.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 12, 2021 - Louise B. (Avondale, AZ)
Urgent prayers are requested for Louise B. She has been admitted to the Hospital where she was rushed to Intensive Care. She and her husband Tom have been battling COVID since the Feast and she has now developed pneumonia. Her oxygen levels have been very low and the medical team is doing all they can to help her at this point. Please implore our Father for His grace and mercy in this time of need.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 11, 2021 - Patrick R. (Ethel, ON, Canada)
My fellow pastor, Patrick R., has been dealing with an ongoing health issue for almost two years. In late August of this year, he had what he thought was a severe gall bladder attack. The following day he went to the hospital to determine the cause. After an ultrasound the doctor told him that his gall bladder was fine. However, they found two spots on his liver.
A follow up MRI was ordered and a few days after the test, Patrick went to see his doctor who delivered the devastating news that he had stage 4 cancer with tumors in his liver, lungs and colon.
No treatment was offered and no time frame was given, only that in rare cases some have survived a few years. Patrick is asking for earnest prayers that God would grant him peace, comfort and healing and that it is according to God's will.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 8, 2021 - Barry N. (Los Angeles, CA)
Anne and Alysia N. are requesting prayers for Barry N. He is in the ICU with COVID pneumonia. They gave him a convalescent plasma treatment around 11 pm last night (Thursday, October 7th) and so far no change. His breathing is very rapid. They are preparing to place him on a ventilator if it becomes necessary. We are hoping and praying he will come back home, but the Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia he has been fighting for 16 years is a negative factor. We are asking for prayers for God's intervention and peace of mind.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 8, 2021 - Jean C. (Coon Rapids, MN)
Jean C. is asking for our prayers for God's relief and healing of her COVID-19 infection. Ken says he is doing OK for now, but Jean has been hit pretty hard by this and isn't seeing much improvement yet. She doesn't seem to be getting any worse either and her cough seems to be breaking up and lessening, so that is encouraging, but after ten days of this she just wants it gone.
Please ask that would heal her and give her strength and encouragement to endure.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 8, 2021 - Sam D. (Mobile, AL)
Sam D. of the Mobile, Alabama, congregation, was diagnosed with COVID while in Rapid City for the Feast. He was hospitalized after returning home.
Sam was discharged from the hospital late Thursday afternoon. His vitals and oxygen are normal. He is still very sick and will be monitored closely. He has pneumonia in both lungs. A CT revealed multiple blood clots in both lungs today. His blood thinner is being increased for the next month. If they are still there and haven't shrunk, they will change his medication to something stronger. Sam has had issues in the past when clots break up. He is short of breath with walking or any exertion. We are asking for continued prayers as he still has a long recovery ahead. The family thank everyone for your prayers, calls, and texts. The outpouring of love and concern has truly touched their hearts.
Sep 27, 2019 - Sam D. (Grove Hill, AL)
Sam has greatly improved. He is pain free with the exception of a little soreness. Sam and his wife, Shaleena, thank everyone for their prayers for the healing of his back. Very thankful for God's mercy and healing, it looks like they will be able to attend the Feast of Tabernacles in Hawaii this year, which was their goal.
Dec 16, 2017
Sam had his follow-up doctor's appointment regarding his eye yesterday, Dec. 14. His eye is completely healed. His vision is actually better than before the eye issue. The doctor and his assistant were dumbfounded because they said no one heals that fast. It normally takes months for healing. God definitely intervened! Sam and his family are very thankful for all of the prayers, cards and calls.
Jan 17, 2014
Sam recently had his six-month checkup and all went well - he does not need to return to the doctor except as needed. In fact, this is the happiest his doctor has been about his health since the accident (Feb. 18 will mark five years). Sam and his family would like to thank everyone for all their prayers, calls and visits through all of this.
Aug 29, 2014
Sam will have surgery on Wednesday, Aug. 27. He will have his gallbladder removed and hiatal and umbilical hernia repairs. He has been in a lot of pain. He has a complicated medical history that includes blood clotting issues and a diminished lung capacity which makes this a serious surgery and health situation. We are asking for prayers that God will guide all doctors involved, for no complications and for a speedy recovery. Thank you all in advance for your prayers!
Dec 7, 2013
Sam recently provided an update on his health. He still has crackling and wheezing in the lungs and hasn't worsened or gotten better. In the doctor's words, Sam has stabilized, and will only need to return to see him as needed. Sam thanks everyone for the calls, prayers and cards. He has seen that God has answered those prayers, and asks for continued prayers that the lungs would maintain and not worsen.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 7, 2021 - Miranda S. (Walled Lake, MI)
I'm happy to pass along the great news that Miranda's vitals were back to normal today and she was released from the hospital this afternoon. She's now been reunited with her newborn son and husband in their home. The Sylvester's pass along their enormous thanks for your prayers and for God's mercy and grace as He supported all three of them through Miranda's hospital stay.
Oct 6, 2021
Chris and Miranda S. appreciate your prayers for Miranda who delivered their son last week. Miranda is dealing with some issues related to the pregnancy and delivery and Chris passed the message below along to me which outlines the prayer request.
Miranda and I wanted to put out a prayer request for Miranda, she has to go back to the hospital tonight and stay overnight and a possibility of another following night. She went to a check up appointment and her tests came back not at the numbers they wanted. The doctors are concerned that she could still be at risk of preeclampsia. So they are going to put her on magnesium and run tests on her for 24 hours or more. I'm glad that Miranda's Mom is here to help with the baby but it's very difficult for us to be able to properly take care of Ian with his mother away, I'm still working full time. So we just wanted to ask our Father in heaven to provide for Miranda the help and hasty recovery, that she will be ok and comforted, and that she can return home sooner than they expect.
Updated today, October 6th:
Miranda remains in the hospital today as they continue to monitor her health. Yesterday she started running a fever and last night it jumped to 102. Right now it's back down but it seems her body is fighting some sort of infection. Prayers are appreciated that God will heal the infection and all her vitals return to normal and stabilize so she can return home soon and be reunited with her son and husband.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 6, 2021 - Jan C. (Elk River, MN)
After the feast, Jan, Cheyenne and Brady all tested positive for Covid-19. Cheyenne has had the most complications with respiratory issues. Your prayers are appreciated for complete recovery for all three. Thanks
Sep 23, 2019
I talked with Dan this morning and he said Jan was home and doing better. She is very sore but the doctor said she may be able to go back to work in a few days. We are all thankful that there were no broken bones. They appreciate your prayers very much.
Sep 22, 2019
As some of you know, my [Dan] wife Jan fell after services today when her shoe somehow stuck to the floor. She went face first, cutting her head.
She was taken to ER. They scanned her head for brain bleeding and hip for fracture. Thankfully neither happened. They will keep her overnight to observe. Her eye is swollen and they want to make sure the retina is not detached. Also, her wrist is in a splint and they will do therapy tomorrow as she sprained her wrist.
I know many of you prayed for her recovery and God intervened. Thanks so much.
Dan C.
Dec 12, 2015
Hello everyone, Jan and I would like to send our heartfelt thanks to everyone for your prayers and support during Jan's hospitalization. Thanks for the many acts of kindness, including food and offerings to shop for groceries.
Jan was able to come home Thursday afternoon after spending five days in the intensive care unit at the Maple Grove hospital.
Jan collapsed on Sunday after intense chest pressure, shortness of breath, numbness in both hands, and her fingers & nails had turned blue and purple. After the police and ambulance arrived, they administered oxygen and her color improved. She was diagnosed with a bacterial infection, a viral infection, and pneumonia all leading to a condition called Sepsis, which causes the infection to spread throughout the body. Due to the widespread infection, the lactate acid went as high as 5.1. The doctors told us this condition put Jan in a high mortality rate meaning many people do not survive this extreme condition.
Additionally, due to the infection, it was difficult to keep her blood pressure in control which led to Atrial Fibrillation with rapid Ventricular Rhythm. At one point her heart rate went as high as 164 beats per minute. There were many, many test done and the good news is her heart is in good condition and the other tests completed all came back negative.
She is home recovering. The doctors have said it will take some time for her to fully recover after all her body has gone through. They are recommending she not return to work until after the first of the year. We both give God the credit for her speedy recovery and again thank all of you for your many prayers!!!
Dec 8, 2015
After a series of tests, a little more is known about Jan's condition. Evidently she contracted some kind of serious infection that brought on several life threatening conditions. Her blood pressure spiked dangerously, lactate acid levels were at fatal levels, and her lungs collected fluid so that it was extremely difficult to breath.
Jan was given several liters of fluid which brought the lactate acid levels down, and several antibiotics to fight infection. Hopefully blood tests will soon show the exact cause of the infection, and doctors can select an antibiotic that could be more effective.
Although she was originally treated by first responders and in the ER for a suspected heart attack, thankfully Jan did not have a heart attack, and her heart seems fine.
She will likely have to remain in the hospital until at least Wednesday or Thursday, if things go well. Thankfully, she is feeling a little better, and seems to be improving. Please continue to pray that she can quickly regain her health, and that there are no lasting effects from the infection.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 6, 2021 - Cheyenne C. (Elk River, MN)
After the feast, Jan, Cheyenne and Brady all tested positive for Covid-19. Cheyenne has had the most complications with respiratory issues. Your prayers are appreciated for complete recovery for all three. Thanks
Aug 1, 2015
Thanks everyone for you prayers regarding Cheyenne eye pressure problem. We had a follow-up visit at the U of M this past week and the pressure went from 38 to 18. Thirty-eight is considered dangerously high and 18 is back in the normal range. Thanks again for your prayers on her behalf.
Jun 5, 2015
Cheyenne had a follow-up eye exam at the U of M this week. She was diagnosed with glaucoma in her left eye, her good eye. We ask for your prayers for God's intervention for Cheyenne, as He so often has. For now, we are using drops to bring down the pressure. We are asking for God's complete healing for her. Thanks.
Dec 19, 2014
We wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and support on behalf of Cheyenne's surgery. All went well. The eye surgeon was able to take good measurements for her corrective lens and the medical doctor was able to stitch her feeding tube opening from the inside. She did have a little problem stabilizing her oxygen levels after she woke up. They kept us an extra two-hours to monitor her and everything was fine. Thanks again.
Dec 12, 2014
The family would like to request your prayers again for Cheyenne. She will go into surgery again on Thursday at Children's Hospital to repair the feeding tube site in her stomach. Since removing the feeding tube several months ago, the site has not completely healed. Doctors will go into the stomach and stitch each layer. While Cheyenne is asleep, the eye surgeon will also do a procedure to check her eyes again and determine corrective lens needed to improve her vision even more. We truly hope this is the last procedure she'll need for a long time. Thanks in advance for your prayers. Dan & Jan
Sep 6, 2014
Cheyenne will have her second eye surgery on Monday, September 15th. Your prayers are requested for a safe procedure and that her eye sight will be much improved. Thanks in advance for your prayers. Dan and Jan
Jul 25, 2014
Cheyenne had eye surgery on Monday, July 21st. The family report that everything seemed to have gone well. The doctor said the cataract was more dense than expected, but the it came out easily. The lens was removed, but not replaced at this time. When the eye heals completely, a decision will be made about when to replace the lens and doing surgery on the second eye. The healing may take a month or two. Thanks to everyone for your prayers. The famiily know the surgery was successful due to the prayers of so many.
Jul 11, 2014
Cheyenne's eye surgery is now scheduled for Monday, July 21st. A retina specialist will perform surgery to determine what exactly needs to be done. Cheyenne has cataracts on both eyes and some calcium build up. We appreciate your prayers on her behalf that her vision will be much improved and that God will guide the hands of the surgeons and they will make the right decisions regarding procedures during the surgery. Thanks, Dan and Jan
Jun 20, 2014
Cheyenne went to the U of M for eye surgery on Wednesday. They were supposed to remove cataracts, but the doctors did not do the surgery they had originally planned. There were some complications they discovered after they began their procedures. They did measurements and computations on both eyes while she was under anesthesia and decided to defer to a Retina Specialist. The doctors felt if they proceeded with their original plan, they would potentially do more damage than repair. Apparently, she not only has cataracts but also calcium deposits on the lens and because of where they are located it make is difficult to extract the lens without potentially causing more damage.
Cheyenne was pretty worn out by the whole experience. Her balance was a little off and she stumbled some, but were told that was to be expected because they did so much with her eyes.
The C's wish to thank you for your recent prayers. They feel God answered all of their prayers as they asked God to guide the decisions the doctors made regarding her surgery. Your continued prayers are much appreciated. They are hoping to see the specialist within the next couple of weeks.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 6, 2021 - Ken C. (Coon Rapids, MN)
Ken and Jean are battling COVID. Prayers are requested
Aug 15, 2015
Ken, an elder in the Twin Cities, has had a sore knee for about a month. The pain comes and goes, but can sometimes be severe. The cause is yet unknown.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 5, 2021 - Lois R. (Midlothian, VA)
Lois was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. She had surgery for breast cancer in Dec. 2017. Recent testing by her oncologist revealed three spots on her right lung that are malignant. She will have a follow-up visit in a couple of weeks to determine what steps will follow. Lois would appreciate your prayers for healing and for wisdom in the decisions she will have to make regarding treatment.
Dec 26, 2019
Lois thanks all of you for the many cards she received. Most of all she is grateful for your prayers. Her surgery was successful and she has begun a follow-up treatment. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Dec 10, 2019
Lois R. of the Williamsburg, Virginia, congregation, recently had a large malignant tumor removed from her right breast. Lois requests prayers as she recovers. Chemotherapy and radiation are not an option for her, and doctors have opted for an alternative follow-up treatment.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 5, 2021 - Sue C. (St. Cloud, MN)
Sue C. of the St Cloud congregation is requesting prayers. She has covid and has been running a fever, congestion and is having a lot of nausea.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 4, 2021 - Emma H. (N. Little Rock, AR)
As of today, Emma has not had a seizure for 64 days. She was having 3 to 40 seizures per day. She is feeling much better and most of the PANS/PANDAS symptoms have left. We believe that God has healed her. She stills has some problems such as her peripheral vision has not completely returned and she still has POTS. We are very grateful for her huge improvement.
Please continuing praying for her that she won't relapse! God has been very good to us in this as it has been a really long, hard trial. We are very grateful for this healing and your prayers.
May 22, 2020 - Emma H. (N. Little Rock, AR)
Emma has taken a turn for the worse. She is now blacking out frequently and having seizures as she wakes up. She has three different types of seizures. One pulls her backwards, and she chokes. Another involves her body jerking back and forth, and the last one is a staring seizure. The blacking out is especially dangerous, as she falls to the floor if she is standing. The doctors here in Little Rock and in Memphis are unable to help her. We are currently trying to get her into the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. We are also testing her for Lyme disease, which can cause PANS/PANDAS. The insurance company continues to refuse to pay for the IVIG treatments that might help her. Please pray for God to heal her completely and, if it is not His will to do so, to open doors so we can find some help. This is very stressful not only for Emma, but for the whole family.
May 31, 2019
Thank you for all your prayers and cards for our granddaughter, Emma. We are sure they are helping and we see that she is making progress. Her seizures are mostly gone. After a few months of tests, we finally have a doctor's diagnosis: Encephalitis, PANS, and PANDAS. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. PANS stands for "Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder" caused by staph infection. PANDAS is similar to PANS, but is caused by strep infection. They also believe she may have another undetermined autoimmune disease. She is being treated with antibiotics and steroids, and we are seeing improvements. Her attitude has greatly improved. She is talking (sometimes a lot) and getting up to play with her dog. Emma says that she is still having a lot of pain and her vision continues to be a problem. The vision problem is neurological in basis and fluctuates as a result. She is being scheduled for more eye tests. Please continue to pray for continuing improvement and that she will not need an IVIG treatment. IVIG is an infusion using blood cells from healthy donors. This is extremely expensive and is not covered by her insurance in Arkansas until January, 2020. Emma has been very excited and encouraged by all the cards she has received. Thank you very much for them.
Apr 13, 2019
We took Emma to Houston this week hoping to get a correct diagnosis and help. Emma was born with Apraxia, a rare neurological language disability. The specialists in Houston told us that because of Emma's Apraxia her brain works different than most peoples. As a result, it is very difficult for them to give an accurate diagnosis. It is important that the diagnosis is correct as some of the treatments are very intensive. Doctors ran an EEG for 45 minutes and took some blood to check for rare neurological diseases. They are ordering a week long EEG to be conducted at home. An EEG is used to monitor electrical activity of the brain.
We are home now and waiting for the results of the tests they conducted. In the meanwhile we are going to take her to a specialist closer to home who specializes in PANS. PANS stands for Pediatric Acute Neurological Syndrome. At this point, Emma is still suffering from some seizures and pain as well as other severe symptoms.
Please continue to pray for Emma and God's intervention. God has directed our paths and we can see His hand at work. Please pray for a correct diagnosis and intervention. Thank you very much for all of your prayers.
Feb 21, 2019
Thanks largely to your prayers, Emma is showing a few signs of progress. The seizures she has now are not as intense or as frequent as they once were. However, she has cognitive problems, weakness in her arms and legs, and she has lost most of the vision in her right eye and some in her left eye. The hospital in Memphis has yet to provide a diagnosis of Emma's illness, so her mother is obtaining an appointment with a specialist in the Houston, TX area. We suspect she has an autoimmune disease. We sincerely appreciate your prayers in her behalf, and ask that you would please continue to pray for God's intervention and guidance.
Jan 29, 2019
We are requesting prayers for our 14 year-old granddaughter, Emma H., whose health has been declining rapidly since before Thanksgiving. She has experienced unusual symptoms, including over 100 severe seizures during a 48-hour period last week. Doctors at the children's hospital in Memphis have been running tests for several days but without a final diagnosis so far. Please pray for a correct diagnosis and treatment soon, and for God's intervention and healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 1, 2021 - Larry L. (Christiansburg, VA)
Wilma and I would like to thank you for your prayers during our recent health trial. We are so encouraged by all of the text messages, emails, cards, calls and food we received and we especially appreciate your prayers. God intervened and we are making good progress toward full recovery and are looking forward to returning to Sabbath service on Oct. 9. We had an excellent Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day with the opportunity to tune in to multiple services each day.
Thank you, family, for your love and support. It is greatly appreciated.
Sep 15, 2021
On behalf of my parents as well as my family, we would like to extend our sincerest appreciation for all of the brethren who prayed for healing as well as continually checked on all of us to see how things were going. It's truly uplifting to hear from all of the family members and to feel the genuine love and concern.
Mom and Dad were able to come home from the hospital yesterday, and they're in very good spirits. They're understandably weak from the ordeal, and recovery will take some time yet. They will remain on supplemental oxygen for the foreseeable future, and also they'll need to carefully monitor their blood sugar, as it had been erratic over the last few days. All in all, the prognosis is good, and they'll continue to rest and recover.
Thank you all again, it's truly meant a lot to us.
Sep 10, 2021
First of all thank you all so very much for your prayers, your love and support. We wish we could answer every call and respond to every text and email. We try but we are too weak to talk on the phone.
Wilma's doctors told her today that they believe the bleeding on her brain will resolve itself over time on its own. There has not been any swelling so far. However she too now has COVID pneumonia and they began her treatment today for that. They are often reminding me that they cannot cure this pneumonia. They can only try to manage it to go in the right direction. The right direction being a continual improvement and one in which we would not need to be put on a ventilator.
It is looking like the possibility exists that we may have to miss the Feast this year. God is still in charge and will work His perfect will in His perfect timing. We trust Him very much and are not anxious at all.
With deep and sincere love from Wilma and me.
Sep 8, 2021
I'd like to request prayers for my parents, Larry and Wilma L. Both are currently in the hospital with COVID, and have been ill since the conference, and having severe symptoms over the past several days. Both went to the hospital this past Sabbath, but were sent home after receiving supplemental oxygen. My mother passed out this morning and hit her head, and was taken to the hospital by ambulance and finally admitted. Both she and dad have oxygen levels around 82 right now. The prayers of the ministry for mom and dad are greatly appreciated.
Feb 8, 2019
Surgery to remove my prostate on Monday, Feb. 4 was successful. The surgeon is optimistic that it has not metastasized. He did not see any positive markers which is a good indicator. He will go over the results with my wife, Wilma, and me on Feb. 14. We are so overwhelmed in a positive way about the outpouring of love from our Church family. We so appreciate the many calls, cards, visits and most importantly everyone's prayers. We cannot wait to get back to our circuit and see our family there again. We will be back soon. And, we are thanking our Father for His healing and love.
Jan 11, 2019
I was diagnosed in 2017 with prostate cancer. It was determined at that time that the cancer was low risk for metastasizing and "active surveillance" was chosen as a treatment option. This past year my PSA levels began to rise again and a second biopsy was performed. The second biopsy revealed that the cancer is more aggressive than previously thought. After discussions with my urologist, my wife and I believe surgery is my best choice. He does not feel it has metastasized and believes this to be the best pro-active approach to preventing metastatic disease. I am scheduled for a radical prostatectomy in early February. I would be grateful to you for your prayers asking our Father to guide the surgeon's hands, remove the cancer completely and grant me a speedy and complete recovery. I fully trust Him to manage this health trial according to His perfect will and perfect timing.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 1, 2021 - Al K. (Onamia, MN)
I was able to talk with Al this afternoon and he is home and doing well. We are very thankful that his heart procedure went well.
Sep 27, 2021
I just received an update on Al, he was released from the hospital and is back with the family in their feast accommodations. They really appreciate a your prayers.
The family of Al K. would appreciate prayers for Al. Al was admitted last night to a hospital for a heart attack. As the situation stands he is currently stable but needs to be transferred to a larger hospital for a heart cath. Family would appreciate prayers for a full recovery and to guide the doctors and health care providers as they care for him.
Update that came later:
Update: Al was transferred to a facility with a cath lab and had 3 stents put in. Family was able to visit with him before he was taken to the icu for observation. Due to covid protocol they will not be able to see him until discharge. The family is asking for continued prayers for a full recovery and safe travel home after the Feast

I just received an update on Al, he was released from the hospital and is back with the family in their feast accommodations. They really appreciate a your prayers.
The family of Al K. would appreciate prayers for Al. Al was admitted last night to a hospital for a heart attack. As the situation stands he is currently stable but needs to be transferred to a larger hospital for a heart cath. Family would appreciate prayers for a full recovery and to guide the doctors and health care providers as they care for him.
Update that came later:
Update: Al was transferred to a facility with a cath lab and had 3 stents put in. Family was able to visit with him before he was taken to the icu for observation. Due to covid protocol they will not be able to see him until discharge. The family is asking for continued prayers for a full recovery and safe travel home after the Feast

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 25, 2021 - Larry W. (Oshkosh, WI)
Your prayers are requested for Mr. Larry W. from the Oshkosh congregation. Larry had a heart episode last night. This is a known issue, but when he took a nitro, which is the treatment, it had no effect. He took another nitro and he was anointed. He began to recover, but was still needing to be cautious.
Larry has had to take a number of nitro pills this Feast and is praying that he has not further episodes and can make it through the remainder of this Feast of Tabernacles. Please pray that God would give him strength and healing to continue to keep God's Feast.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 18, 2021 - Scott L. (MD)
Your prayers are request for Scott L., our pastor in Maryland and Central Pennsylvania. Scott and Monica tested positive for COVID-19 almost three weeks ago. Although recovering and improved, Scott experienced a neurological event/possible stroke early in the week, and was admitted into the hospital on Friday. While currently showing no apparent signs of a stroke, Scott will undergo an MRI today to further assess his situation. He and Monica would deeply appreciate your prayers requesting God's healing and their desire to attend the Feast in the coming days.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 1, 2021 - Dan S. (Roseville, CA)
It was determined that Dan has stage IV metastatic colon cancer spread into his bones and throughout his body. It hasn't affected all of his major organs as yet. There are no chemo or other treatment options at this point. The doctors are only giving him six months to live. This is very challenging for both Dan and Marci.
Dan asked that we share this:
"Your cards, letters, inspirational scripture, music, and the children's get well art work, have lifted my spirits more than anyone will ever know. I read the mail from every single one of you, worldwide, and I am blessed knowing so many are thinking, caring and praying for me. Thank you so much, with love,
Sincerely, I remain, Your Brother in Christ, Dan S."
Aug 11, 2021
Dan has an appointment Wednesday, August 18th to determine what treatment options are available and how to move forward. Please pray for good news.
He has some good days and bad days in regard to pain and strength, but he seems to be slowly feeling better. Please continue to pray for healing, strength, appetite, and less pain.
Dan asked me to share with everyone how much he has appreciated all the cards. They have meant so much to him during this challenging time and they truly are inspiring and uplifting to him. He loves knowing so many are praying for and thinking about him.
Jul 31, 2021
Over the last month Dan has had stomach pain off and on. It was eventually discovered that a portion of his descending colon needed to be removed. Two weeks ago he had the surgery and they ended up removing two feet due to the extent of the damage. He has been slowly recovering from the surgery with very little energy or appetite.
Dan just had a pathology report come back and it was discovered that his lymph nodes tested positive for cancer. He had 37 nodes removed and 27 of them were cancerous.
Dan will see the oncologist this next week to decide how to move forward. Your prayers and cards will be greatly appreciated by Dan and his wife Marci.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 28, 2021 - Robert M. (Clear Lake, WI)
I received a message from Brenda requesting prayers for Robert. He had two teeth extracted Yesterday and has been in pain all day and night even after taking pain medication. The extractions were not difficult so they are not sure why the extreme pain. He would appreciate your prayers.
Jan 8, 2021
Robert was feeling well enough to chat this afternoon and I really enjoyed talking to him. He is continuing to improve and the doctors think that the pain he was having around his kidneys was with the muscles instead of the kidneys. He mentioned to me how much he appreciated all of the cards he has received, it was very encouraging to him.
Jan 1, 2021
I talked with Brenda M. this week to see how Robert was feeling and she mentioned that his test didn't show anything but he is still having some pain around his kidneys. They would appreciate your continued prayers for him.
Dec 26, 2020
I just received a message from Brenda M. requesting prayers for her husband Robert. He is having a lot of kidney pain and they would appreciate your prayers.
Dec 15, 2020
I just talked with Brenda M. and she said Robert is feeling better today. He had an infection that they are treating and he is hoping to get to come home today or tomorrow. They really appreciate your prayers.
Dec 14, 2020
Shelly S. contacted me to ask for prayers for her father Robert M. He is not feeling well and he is having chills and he is disoriented. They have called 911. The family would appreciate your prayers.
Nov 20, 2020
Robert continues to improve and his wife told me that he is able to join the family at the table for meals now. The family appreciates the continued prayers for him.
Nov 13, 2020
I talked today with Brenda and she said her husband Robert is improving by the day. He is still weak and on oxygen but is doing much better. They appreciate everyone's prayers for him.
Nov 9, 2020
Brenda M. just called and said she was on her way to bring Robert home from the hospital. He has improved and they feel he is ok to go home. He is still on oxygen but his levels have gone down.
The family very much appreciates all of the prayers for him.
Nov 5, 2020
I wanted to give all of you an update on Robert. His wife told me that he is improving, and if he continues he may be released from the hospital in three to six days. His oxygen level is at 55% now, which is down from a 100%. They want it closer to normal which is 21%. The family very much appreciates your prayers for him.
Oct 30, 2020
I talked with Brenda this afternoon to see how her husband Robert was doing. He is still in the hospital and still has pneumonia. He is having to be on oxygen and they are hoping that his oxygen levels continue to stay in the normal range so they don't have to intubate. They would appreciate your continued prayers for him.
Oct 29, 2020
I just talked with Mrs. M. and the report she is getting from the hospital is that Robert is slowly improving. They really appreciate everyone's prayers.
Just wanted you to be updated on his condition.
Oct 23, 2020
Shelly S has ask me to send out a prayer request for her father Robert M. He was taken to the hospital and they think he has pneumonia. They are still waiting for some test results. The family would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 27, 2021 - Rod F. (Mandan, ND)
Rod continues to improve a little every day.
Aug 19, 2021
I just got off the phone with Rod and he was able to go home today. He is feeling much better and he has appreciated the many calls, texts and cards and prayers.
Aug 17, 2021
I wanted to give you an update on Rod. I have been checking on him and he is continuing to improve. Yesterday they began to lower his oxygen to see how he would do. Today, he was able to get up and take a walk and the doctor is optimistic. He is hoping he can go home in a couple of days without oxygen. He said his appetite is good. He really appreciates all of the prayers.
Aug 13, 2021
I just talked with Tracey F. and she said that Rod has been admitted to the hospital. He has Covid and he seemed to be getting better but the last couple of days he has gotten worse. He was admitted to the ICU and they have him on oxygen. They are requesting your prayers.
Aug 6, 2021
I heard from Rod and he is doing better. He appreciates everyone's prayers for him.
Aug 3, 2021
Rod started feeling bad yesterday after work with chills and body aches. He went today and got tested for covid and it came back positive. He would appreciate your prayers.
Oct 4, 2019
There has been good improvement today. Our plans are to be in Fargo for Atonement and on to Minneapolis and to Pondicherry.
Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers and to our great and merciful God.
Wishing you all well and will see some of you soon.
Sep 27, 2019
Rod F, who attends in Fargo has injured his back at work. He is in a lot of pain and has difficulty walking. He and his wife Tracey are planning on going to the feast in India and would appreciate your prayers for healing of his back.
Rod is recovering well from his knee surgery. The swelling is going down and there are no blood clots. At physical therapy this week, Rod was able to bend his knee 80%, and hopes to be at 90% next week. He would like to thank everyone for your prayers and encouragement.
Jan 22, 2016
Rod is recovering at home from surgery on his right knee. The recovery is going slower than he expected, but there are no serious concerns. He has been experiencing an off-and-on low grade fever. Please remember Rod in your prayers as well.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 27, 2021 - Susan K. (Rapid City, SD)
I have been checking on Susan this week who has been sick with covid. She is still pretty sick and she mentioned today that her daughter in Montana has it. She would appreciate your prayers for her.
Aug 25, 2021
I got a call from Susan in Rapid City and she has covid. She is not feeling well at all and she would appreciate your prayers for her.
Jan 15, 2021
I talked with Susan yesterday and she has been so encouraged by the many cards and prayers on her behalf and she wanted me to pass along to you that she appreciates all of the prayers and cards that have been sent.
Jan 8, 2021
I called Susan today and she was able to go home yesterday since they didn't find the blockage they thought was there. She was very encouraged and she appreciates all of your prayers for her. What inspiring intervention by God.
Jan 7, 2021
I heard from Susan's son this morning and when the doctors went in this morning, to their surprise there was no blockage. All of the tests they had run had revealed blockage and that they might have to do open heart surgery. The family is very thankful and appreciates all of the prayers for Susan.
Jan 6, 2021
Susan called my wife early this morning after receiving distressing news from her physician. She recently had a stress test and the results were most concerning. She has very little blood flow to the inferior part of her heart and the septal wall. She will be going in later today for cardiac catheterization to place stents if possible. If the blockages are too significant they will be performing open heart surgery. Susan asks for prayers for healing and for God's guiding hand on the practitioners working with her today.
Dec 16, 2020
Susan will be having a CTA to take a closer look at her superior mesenteric artery and other test to look for possible blockage. She has had heart issues for a while now and she would appreciate your prayers for her.
Nov 17, 2020
Susan is asking for your prayers for her son. He has asthma and he has covid symptoms with difficulty breathing. All of his coworkers have tested positive for covid.
Sep 18, 2020
I got an email from Susan K., a member in Rapid City, SD. She recently had a CAT scan and it revealed she has an enlarged spleen. The doctors are going to do more test right after the feast but she would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 25, 2021 - Laura K. (Spokane, WA)
Thank you for your prayers for Laura. She has been in and out of the hospital since the original prayer request, but she is making some progress. The doctors no longer believe that she is suffering with multiple myeloma, which is very good news! However, her health still remains in a very fragile state and has been life altering for someone in their early 40's.
Laura has returned to the Spokane region and is staying with church members locally as she receives dialysis treatments three days a week. Her kidney function has come back slightly, but still has a long way to go. There are many unanswered questions surrounding the specifics of Laura's health trial. She does suffer with MS, which is flared up at this time. However, the full extent of what she is dealing with remains uncertain, but not to God.
Please continue to raise up our sister in Christ in prayer. Our Father is on His throne, with all power to intervene according to His perfect will.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 20, 2021 - Kevin A. (Twin Cities, MN)
I heard from Kevin this week and he is doing ok but he has a difficult time with the heat. I know he would appreciate your continued prayers for him.
Dec 11, 2020
I heard this week from Kevin and he would appreciate your continued prayers for him. He has not been feeling well and because of his weakened immune system, he is not able to get out of the house. He has appreciated the cards and texts that he has received.
Nov 13, 2020
I heard from Kevin and his chemo treatments have ended. He is still having some issues with a sensitive stomach. He wanted me to pass along to all of you that he appreciates all of the cards and text messages he has received.
Sep 3, 2020
I visited with Kevin recently and he ask if I could send out a prayer request for him. He was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer. Please remember him in your prayers.
Nov 18, 2019
Kevin was in a car accident today and was taken to the hospital. Thankfully he was not seriously injured. He is very sore and did have a lot of bruises and they told him that he has whiplash. His car was totaled. He would appreciate your prayers.
Feb 16, 2018
Kevin has been suffering from several torn ligaments in his knees. He has been improving though, and this week visited the doctor to be checked. The doctor was amazed that 2 of the 3 torn ligaments healed. The one remaining is improving. This was very good news for Kevin. Kevin had opted not to have surgery to repair the ligaments, so it is clear that this is God's merciful healing. As for the cancer; it is neither better nor worse. Kevin wears uses a special electrode therepy 24/7 to help manage the pain. And fatigue is a problem. He is very thankful for your prayers, and God's intervention.
Dec 1, 2017
Kevin learned this week that he has several torn ligaments in his knees. They were injured in the car accident he had previously, but went undiagnosed until now. There have been times when his knees lock up and he cannot walk. He will be having surgery in December. One knee will be repaired at a time. Please pray the surgery is successful and he can have a swift recovery.
Oct 20, 2017
Kevin was involved in a car accident Wednesday night. He was treated at Hennepin County Medical Center and released. He has three broken ribs and numerus bruises. Breathing can be difficult because of the broken ribs. He appreciates your prayers. And also he would like to say thank you for the Feast basket, all the cards, letters, texts and a couple of phone calls during the Feast.
Jan 13, 2017
Kevin was involved in a car accident Friday afternoon. There were no serious injuries, but his left arm was hurt. X-rays were taken but there was no word from the doctors at the time of this writing. He expects it's a sprain. Please pray there are no more serious problems, and that his arm heals quickly.
Aug 27, 2016
The tumor in Kevin's chest is starting to break apart with both dead and live cancer cells. So that is good. There is also a new tumor in his groin region that is intertwined with the artery. Kevin has decided not to have it removed at this time, although it does bother him at times. The tumor in his brain is growing slowly. He will go on disability in September, and his last day of work is August 22nd. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Mar 11, 2016
Kevin's mother died this week. He was able to see her last Saturday evening, but she was not conscious at the time. There will be no formal service. Your prayers for Kevin as he mourns her loss is appreciated.
Jan 15, 2016
Kevin's doctor informed him that the cancer cells in his blood stayed the same that last checkup. But because the cancer is now in his brain, he gets frequent nose bleeds. He will go from two months between checkups to one. They are hopeful that the cancer cell count will stay the same, or even drop. Kevin is also dealing with flank pain on the right side. It has been severe enough to consider going to the ER. The pain is likely caused by his liver and kidney. His urine has become more bloody - actually a mixture of urine, blood and bile. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Jun 12, 2015
Kevin has been diagnosed with a second cancer in his blood. This one is called multiple myeloma, which interferes with red blood cell production. He has been prescribed medication to help with it, but it makes him feel bad. Please keep Kevin in your prayers.
May 31, 2015
Kevin's right shoulder has become very painful, and he can find no position that is comfortable. The doctors performed a plasma therapy this week, which is basically injecting a concentrated dose plasma into his arm using an MRI to guide the needle. This is considered a more holistic approach than surgery. The injection went well, but it has not really helped alleviate the pain. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Feb 27, 2015
Kevin's last exam revealed cancer is doing damage in his kidneys. This is causing blood in his urine and some pain. Cancer has metastasized almost everywhere now. Kevin gets tired easily, but has maintained his will to fight the cancer.
Jan 17, 2015
The doctor wanted Kevin to agree to a procedure involving the insertion of tubes in his lungs through his back, in order to draw as much liquid out of his lungs as possible. They'd also give him a new type of medication that would require Kevin to be monitored closely. After prayer and fasting, Kevin has decided that he will not go into the hospital voluntarily for the procedure on his lungs. He writes, "I would rather throw myself on the mercy of God and ask Him to decide what He wants to do and to have the strength and courage to accept it - I would rather trust God and not what man can do." This week Kevin was still weak, but he could breathe a little better, without as much pain. Thank you for your prayers.
Nov 14, 2014
Kevin is still battling respiratory problems, and now has the flu. He would like to thank everyone for welcoming his nephew and his nephew's foster mother last Sabbath. They felt very welcome, and Kevin enjoyed introducing them to his friends. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Nov 7, 2014
Kevin's pneumonia is getting better. Thank you for praying about that. As you know, cancer has spread to various parts of Kevin's body. The only organ spared was his right lung. Now it has spread there as well. Kevin is requesting prayers as his nephew and his foster mom will be visiting this weekend. He would like the visit to go well, and to feel well enough to enjoy that time together.
Oct 29, 2014
Last night Kevin was informed that his bronchitis has now degenerated into pneumonia. He continues to need our prayers that God will intervene to heal the infection.
Oct 17, 2014
Kevin has still been unable to recover from bronchitis. A different antibiotic was prescribed, but it has not killed the infection. Please continue to pray for Kevin's health.
Jul 18, 2014
Kevin went to a sleep lab to see if his sleep could be improved. They had to administer oxygen during the test, and recommended he have rescue oxygen when he sleeps. Also, because of a headache he's been experiencing, he had a specialized scan and found the cancer has spread. It's now in the lining of his liver, heart, kidney and every major organ, including his brain. It is also making different muscles spasm which causes different types of pain. It's getting harder for Kevin to drive, as getting in and out of the car is challenging. Kevin continues to persevere faithfully. As he puts it in his latest update: "You see how we live is how we defeat something like cancer, for cancer can take your life but, it cannot take how you lived. I look forward to being able to go to church. I look forward to seeing friends and family. I look forward to the Kingdom." Kevin appreciates all your prayers on his behalf.
Jun 6, 2014
There is a bit of good news, the cancer is no longer in Kevin's eyes. There was some damage done, but that shouldn't be a big problem for him. More concerning, though, is that the cancer is now in his central nervous system in various points. The pain cannot be controlled well. The medication only takes the edge off. Kevin relies on God to help him through the pain. The doctor wants to install a port and pump morphine, but Kevin doesn't want that because he would not be able to do anything. He would rather live with the pain. He also is having to cough more, and at times it is hard to get the excess fluids out of his lungs. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
May 9, 2014
Doctors tell Kevin that unless they put chemo in his eyes he will lose vision sometime in the future. They could not be more definite on how long it would be because it seems that it is not happening as quickly as expected. Kevin attributes this to prayers and that his body still wants to fight the cancer. Ultimately he wants to leave things up to God, but your prayers for God's guidance in Kevin's decision are appreciated. He's also having a hard time getting "ahead" of the pain with the pain medications. Your continued prayers are much appreciated.
Apr 18, 2014
The tumor in Kevin's lung is causing him more trouble now. It's harder to get rid of the fluid that's collecting in the lung, which at times makes it difficult for Kevin to catch his breath. Also his vision is becoming blurry, he has watery eyes and is experiencing tunnel vision at times. The doctor thinks this means cancer has spread into his orbital sockets. There is also pressure on the nerves. He'll see an eye specialist and to see what can be done.
Feb 21, 2014
Kevin's left leg and back recently started to have bad spasms. New scans revealed that the cancer has done more damage to his lower spine, and has gone further into the pelvis than was seen before. There are areas of the bone that are no longer there that are needed to protect the nerves. Doctors suggest fusing his spine in the lower back, and implant two titanium rods for support to the spine. The pain is getting to the level that he'll have to make decisions on pain meds. Tests also reveal that the tumor in his lung has begun growing again. Please pray for Kevin as he makes decisions regarding treatment, and please pray for God's intervention and encouragement for Kevin.
Dec 7, 2013
Kevin writes: "For the first time in a long time, I have some good news. For some unknown reason, according to my doctor my cancer cells in my blood have reduced by almost 50 percent - I have the start of some new bone marrow, for looking at the scans you can see it and it looks to be healthy tissue. He told me not to get too excited and that it is only a start and it can change just as quickly." Also his blood is back to normal thickness. It had started to thicken up with the lack of bone marrow and the doctor had wanted to do a blood transfusion. There is some concern over some ribs that are no longer connected, and that he might have injured his heart after falling a few weeks ago. Kevin has been feeling more tired and week, and the doctor wonders if that might be the reason. Kevin appreciates your prayers. Please pray he continues to do better.
Nov 15, 2013
Doctors continue to find more small fractures in Kevin's bones, due to the bone cancer. There are numerous cracks in his left arm, and he'll probably soon need to have a titanium rod put in it. He will be getting a new back brace next week. He expects that he'll need to have rods put in his back at the beginning of next year. He continues to have severe pain, and he'll soon be going back to the pain clinic to see if there are any other medications that might help. He's been very bad headaches that have been making it hard to think clearly. Kevin writes; "I want to thank you for your prayers and for your boundless patience with me. I appreciate it more than I can ever say in words. I cannot even tell you how all the cards and letters have made me feel and touched my heart."
Oct 11, 2013
Kevin had an appointment at the pain clinic last week. The level of pain medication he'd been prescribed wasn't working. After a few tests with an increased dosage Fentanyl patch, the doctor told Kevin that he'd recommend Kevin take a much increased dose. But this would mean he cannot work or drive. Kevin has chosen to remain at the current level of medication and trust God to help him through. It's been much more difficult for Kevin recently. He thanks you very much for your prayers.
Sept 6, 2013
The cancer cells in his blood have increased. The tumor in his lung has also begun to grow again. He also has hairline fractures in his vertebrae, legs, and left arm, and the doctor says that because of those, he'll need to lose even more weight. The doctor said Kevin has cancer "basically everywhere," and that he "does not know why [he's] still alive." Kevin is in a lot of pain, but has still been able to function - thank God for that. Your continued prayers are appreciated, and very helpful for Kevin.
Jul 12, 2013
This week the doctor informed Kevin the cancer has spread into his hips, particularly the left side. The blood has more cancer cells in it. The tumor in his left lung is not changed. He now has a pain patch on all the time - now at 20 mg. The dose will steadily increase as his body gets use to the medication, and it's needed. Also, the doctor also removed another area of melanoma inside his thigh. Your continued prayers for God's intervention is appreciated.
Jul 6, 2013 Kevin is now being prescribed a pain patch that is supposed to deliver a hefty dose of pain killer. The dose has to be increased gradually so they can monitor his body's response. Please pray it works, and there is no adverse reaction to the medication.
Jun 14, 2013
Earlier in June, Kevin's doctor told him that he should look into hospice care soon. The cancer continues to take its toll on Kevin. The pain has become so severe that he occasionally passes out. The bone cancer has spread down, and across his back. That is the bad news. The good news is that Kevin continues to learn and grow spiritually from this ongoing trial. Please continue to pray for Kevin.
May 18, 2013
The bone cancer in Kevin's left arm has now spread into his shoulder blade. Kevin is experiencing a great deal of pain. The tumor in his lung is unchanged, but there are more cancer cells in his bloodstream. Kevin very much appreciates all the cards, letters, and encouraging emails. Please continue to remember him in your prayers.
Apr 19, 2013
The pain in Kevin's left arm has increased to the point that it radiates through his whole body. Kevin visited his oncologist last week. The scans revealed that the tumor in his lung is the same size. The cancer cells in his blood have increased. The tumor in his arm has spread so that it now basically encompasses the upper left arm from the elbow to the shoulder. He was given the immediate option of amputation, but chose not to have that done. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Mar 9, 2013
Kevin's left arm has been swelling and in pain. He had scans this week that revealed there are nerves being pinched in the neck, and this has been a problem for over 6 months. Because it's been a problem so long, it has affected nerves down near his hand. The doctor recommends two surgeries; a simple one for the hand, and a major one in his neck, at the spine. Kevin will probably get a second opinion before making a decision about treatment. UPDATE: The tumor in his lung is the same, and the cancer cells in his blood are the same - within a percentage point as last month. The tumor in his left arm has increased in size to 7 millimeters which the doctor considers to be significant growth.
Kevin's left arm has been swelling and in pain. He had scans this week that revealed there are nerves being pinched in the neck, and this has been a problem for over 6 months. Because it's been a problem so long, it has affected nerves down near his hand. The doctor recommends two surgeries; a simple one for the hand, and a major one in his neck, at the spine. Kevin will probably get a second opinion before making a decision about treatment. Scans were done Thursday to see what's happening with the tumors.
Kevin's left arm is swelling. Doctors say it should not be swelling at this stage of bone cancer, so there is some concern that the cancer may be progressing faster than anticipated. He'll have tests run on Monday to see if it is being caused by the cancer. He's also experiencing more pain in the arm. Please continue to pray for Kevin.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 20, 2021 - Rodney V. (Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka)
Prayers are requested for Rodney (serving as a deacon) and Jean V., in Sri Lanka. They diagnosed as COVID positive, and were asked to quarantine at home for 14 days. They are okay at the moment and taking all precautions and necessary medications to help in getting better, but see their need for God's healing as the situation there is terrible. They sincerely request your prayers, as people are just falling dead there, even people who have received the second vaccine, which is frightening. In their area there is disagreements regarding a national lockdown, though most of the shops and markets in many parts of the country have closed, some till Aug. 25, some till Aug. 31. The government does not want to lockdown even though people are doing it of their own free will to try to save lives. Thank you for your prayers, love and concern.
Mar 15, 2019
Rodney (shingles) is feeling much better now and is thankful for God's healing and for the prayers of all the brethren.
Mar 8, 2019
Rodney is suffering from a very severe attack of herpes zoster (another name for shingles) which is causing a lot of pain. He and Norma Jean request prayers asking for God's intervention in healing them.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 18, 2021 - Jim H. (Oklahoma City, OK)
Jim was released from the hospital Sunday and has shown marked improvement. His appetite is good but he still tires easily and is eager to regain his energy. Jim and his wife, Debbie, thank everyone for their prayers and concern and would appreciate your continued prayers for Jim's complete recovery.
Aug 13, 2021
Yesterday, Jim's oxygen requirement rose to 12L. His nurse told the family that he was on a high flow requirement which would require at least 20 days of isolation from the inception of his first COVID symptoms, at least for as long as he was in the hospital. He would not be released to go home until he could maintain required oxygen levels with 4L supplementation. His nutritionist indicated he was acutely malnourished from the effects of COVID and his breathing issues. This morning, after sending out a local prayer request update, he is significantly better and was able to have a video chat with his wife, Debbie.
Within a few hours of the request being made, his oxygen requirement dropped to 6L while still maintaining good oxygen saturation. Jim's daughter and son-in-law, Nancy and Nathan S., are frontline respiratory therapists in the COVID battle. Nancy stated, today, that as long as she has been taking care of COVID patients, she has never seen such a dramatic improvement in oxygenation. She followed with "We are so thankful!! We know this is God's doing!". Your continued prayers for Jim's improved breathing and eating, strength and complete healing are much appreciated. Debbie is 95 percent better, outside of tiring more easily. Thanks to everyone for their cards, texts and calls!
Aug 9, 2021
Jim H., an elder serving our Tulsa congregation, was diagnosed with COVID this past Sunday, Aug. 1. He was admitted to Mercy Hospital in Oklahoma City this morning as his breathing had become increasingly difficult. He was placed on oxygen and IV's earlier today. His wife, Debbie, also tested positive for COVID but other than being more tired than usual, she is fine. They would appreciate everyone's prayers for Jim's strength and healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 16, 2021 - Scott F. (Chicago, IL)
Scott is doing even better today. The doctor's are slowly weaning him off of the ventilator, as well as one of the medicines that was sedating him. He is groggy but able to respond to questions from the nurse and from Dawn by nodding his head. His lung oxygen levels continue to improve to the point that tomorrow the doctors will try to move him to a CPAP (while still on the ventilator).
He still has a way to go but this is all good news and the family is very encouraged.

Thank you for your continued prayers for Scott and the family.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 15, 2021 - Wilda M. (McKinleyville, CA)
Wilda M. was exposed to COVID-19. Her test was pending when she was taken by ambulance and admitted to the hospital on August 14th with respiratory distress and low system oxygen. The doctors have been able to increase her oxygen count and she is resting. Along with the physical struggle Wilda is going through, the hospital is in lock-down - no visitors allowed, so she is isolated which can be very unsettling. Please pray for our Father's intervention for Wilda and her family who are also recovering from the COVID-19 virus.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 14, 2021 - Albert S. (El Paso. TX)
To our members around the world. Thank you for praying for our brother, Albert S., in El Paso, Tx. Albert is home and in hospice. I want to thank you for your prayer and consideration of Albert. It is so heartwarming to know that so many take time to not only pray, but reach out to someone they've never met. Thank you! Albert is passing along this personal message to all who have contacted him:
"Hello all
Just writing to let everyone know that I'm doing ok other than weak and tired. My mom is also doing well. She is constantly on alert and worrying not just for my well being but everything else around here. I ask that you all continue to pray and keep us in your thoughts. I also had one more favor from who may be reading this. I have received many letters from many people from congregation all over the country. I would love to give a big THANK YOU to all. If you know one another please pass it along. Thank you to all from California, Washington all the way to north Carolina and east coast.
Love Albert S."
Jul 25, 2021
Albert, 37, was diagnosed with leukemia when he was 5, and has been confined to a wheelchair since he was 14, after he had a bone marrow transplant from his sister Aurora. This caused a condition called Graft vs Host Disease (GVHD). The graft finally was successful, but resulted in the loss of mobility.
Albert was able to attend services with us on June 26, but his condition has declined in the last few days and he was admitted to a hospital in El Paso with the following; he is losing kidney, liver and cardiovascular function. His condition is critical. Albert has lost interest in eating, and his physicians are inserting a feeding tube to get him needed nutrition. Thank you for your intercession for Albert.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 7, 2021 - Brian S. (Cambridge, MN)
I just wanted to update you all to let you know that our family hase put this virus behind us. It began for us on July 13th at Camp Pinecrest and we have had no symptoms since July 28th. Those two weeks were like lost time for us as the whole house was struggling with high fevers and the pain associated with them. But Doctors told us that this thing runs its course between 10 to 14 days and it did. Each of us are back to work now, so we should be back to Sabbath services as well.
Please rest assured that we are no longer contagious - we would not be coming if we were. We all look a little gaunt, having all lost some weight and muscle strength, and there is a fatigue factor with that, but we have spent the last week recovering and feel strong enough to attend with you all today. We can share more of our experience with you later today at Sabbath services.
Jul 23, 2021 - Brian S. (Cambridge, MN)
None of us has been hospitalized. We are following a Covid treatment protocol, but it has all been from home and it has been very effective. At our current rate of improvement, I expect this thing will run its course by the middle of next week.
It has been a particularly difficult week for all of us, but we are slowly getting better. ReNae and the girls seem to be recovering faster than I am though. I think because of my age, I may have born the worst of this and have been drifting in and out of a painful fever for the last week. Now the fever seems to be dissipating, but I am still so tired I cannot do much more than sleep.
We appreciate all your prayers and well wishes and look forward to seeing you all again after we fully recover.
Jul 20, 2021
We have appreciated the many prayers and words of encouragement from so many. We all continue to fight a painful fever and its disorienting effects, as have many since leaving Camp Pinecrest, and will remain in quarantine for a couple of weeks. We are all very grateful for your ongoing prayers and concern.
Jul 19, 2021
[the family was at the Pinecrest summer camp]
About mid-week, some campers and staff began experiencing virus-like conditions. When camp ended on Sunday morning many drove home with escalating fevers, including us.
Many staff and campers have been tested since the end of camp and have confirmed that they are suffering from Covid-19. We will not know definitively if we have Covid-19 until we are tested, but we are confident that we have it,

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 6, 2021 - Darren M. (Oregon)
I also heard from Brenda and she said her son Darren is continuing to improve. They also appreciate everyone's prayers for their son.
Aug 1, 2021
Robert and Brenda M.(Clear Lake, WI) are requesting prayers for their son Darren. He and his family have had Covid but he is not improving. He has lost a lot of weight and is having a hard time breathing. His oxygen levels are low and he is very weak. They would appreciate your prayers for him.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 5, 2021 - Leo S. (Murfreesboro, TN)
Your prayers are requested for Leo S. of the Murfreesboro congregation. He has been battling COVID-19 for many days and has been in and out of the hospital. He was readmitted to the hospital, has pneumonia and is on oxygen. He sent a text message today to a member of the congregation, saying he feels that he is dying. Please pray for God's intervention and comfort.
His wife, Barbara, has dementia issues and also has COVID-19. Although she has not been as sick as her husband, the last report we received was that she was eating and drinking very little and this was adding to her confusion. The couple are in their 80s. Thank you so much for your heartfelt prayers for these dear people.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 5, 2021 - Shirley S. (Benton City, WA)
Shirley went to the ER Monday night with a suspected intestinal blockage. A CT scan revealed that an eight inch tumor on Shirley's ovary has grown another 5 cm and is blocking her colon. Additionally, she has kidney failure setting in from a lack of liquids, as she has not been able to ingest much in recent times. Shirley also has a lot of fluid on her lungs and other organ issues. In light of her condition, the doctor feels that Shirley only has a few more weeks to live. Hospice care has been ordered.
Shirley trusts fully in God's purpose for her, knowing that her physical and eternal life are in His loving hands. Please keep Shirley and the rest of her family in your prayers at this difficult time.
Apr 1, 2020
Shirley S., a long-time member of the Kennewick congregation, resides in a nursing home which has become stricken with an outbreak of COVID-19 cases. On Sunday, four residents were taken to the hospital. On Tuesday, twelve residents were confirmed to have the virus. Today, Shirley was told by the nurse's aide that she is one of the few remaining residents who has not contracted COVID-19. Also, the facility is now treating all new patients in-house rather than transporting them to the local hospital.
At 80 years old, Shirley is in the high risk category for the coronavirus, along with the fact that her location is now considered high risk. Your prayers for her protection and health would be greatly appreciated. Shirley trusts in God to place a hedge about her. Let us all join her in that prayer. Please also remember the other residents, as well as the medical staff which has been stretched to the maximum in the face of this severe difficulty.
Jan 22, 2019
Her leg ulcers and the pain have all been healed. God is very merciful! She appreciated the cards from all over the world from her brethren. It helped her through a very hard time.
Dec 28, 2017
Upon returning home, Shirley's sores increased once again. She currently has two on each leg that must receive ongoing treatment. Your continued prayers for healing are appreciated. Shirley looks to God, knowing He is in charge.
Dec 29, 2016
Shirley S. has suffered from ulcers on her legs due to poor circulation for an extended period of time. The sores are extremely painful, especially when the bandages are changed, which occurs daily. She cannot tolerate many medicines and pain management is nearly impossible. Due to the ulcers Shirley has limited mobility and has been in and out of hospitals and care centers in recent years. She is asking for your prayers for increased circulation in her legs to promote the healing process. This has been a very difficult trial for Shirley and her family with no relief. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 4, 2021 - Eden O. (North Cotabato, Philippines)
Mrs. Hiyasmin T., a member from Roxas, North Cotabato, requests our prayers for her daughter Mrs. Eden O., 46 years old. Eden was diagnosed with breast cancer terminal stage and at the moment admitted at Mindanao Doctors Hospital-Kabacan. She is scheduled for her 1st chemotherapy treatment.
The family is asking for our faithful prayers for God's healing and intervention for Eden.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 4, 2021 - Oleh Z. (Arcadia, CA)
We wish that we were writing to you under better circumstances with news regarding our father, Oleh Z. An MRI this week revealed the presence of a metastasized cancer throughout the spine, origin unknown. There are presently more questions than answers and many appointments and tests lie ahead. We request that our spiritual family join us in praying for God's guidance, intervention, and healing, as well as wisdom and insight for the doctors, with quick results from medical testing. Our true hope lies where it always has with the infinite love of God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Oleh's overall health remains very strong and for that we are thankful.
With thanks, Alex, Stephanie, and Gregory
P.S. We encourage that this request circulates among the Church. But we request that it not be posted to any public website or social media platforms.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 3, 2021 - Natasha C. (Maryville, TN)
Prayers are requested for Natasha C., a member in the Knoxville, Tennessee, congregation. On Friday, July 30, Natasha was admitted to the hospital, diagnosed with COVID-19 along with bilateral pneumonia. She is unable to breathe without the help of oxygen. On Saturday, she was at the maximum of 12L of oxygen. She is down to 8L today but still in very serious condition. Her husband, Russell, and children, Christian and Jaxon, are deeply concerned as they are unable to visit with her due to the COVID restrictions.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 31, 2021 - Sharon R. (Fargo, ND)
Sharon was facing another major back surgery, but has some good news to share: "I sought out a second opinion from a highly recommended surgeon. He feels that the loose hardware doesn't need to be replaced since there is great new bone growth. I'm so thankful God has been merciful to me! He feels the recurring pain and abnormal gait is due to my left sacroiliac joint. He intends to do three separate injections in the area to find out how much pain relief it gives. If there is good pain relief it would only require outpatient surgery. I have canceled the surgery for August 2nd. Please pray that this minimally invasive route will work. I am so very grateful for all the prayers being said on my behalf."
Jul 15, 2021
Sharon now faces a third major back surgery in less than one year. From Sharon: "I have received results from a CT scan done July 14th, that shows the hardware that was put in place to correct my scoliosis is now disengaging and separating. I have been dealing with more pain and now I know why. I will be going into surgery to correct this on August 2nd. Please pray this surgery will be successful without a lot of pain and that I will heal quickly. There is bone growth which is good news. I have also made plans to keep the Feast and I ask that you pray I will be physically able to attend. Thank You."
Apr 23, 2021
Sharon would like to thank everyone for their continued prayers for her. She has undergone two major surgeries on her back; the first in October, 2020, and a second one performed this past January. Her recovery is not progressing as expected. She is seeking further tests and another opinion as to where to go from here. Obviously, she would love be healed of this affliction and continues to trust God to see her through this trial. Please continue your prayers for her.
Mar 5, 2021
As you know Sharon has had two major painful back surgeries within 3 months of each other. They were hoping to correct the curvature but they were unable to, she will still have a 30 degree curve. The doctor is hopeful that the surgery will prevent any additional curvature.
Sharon will be unable to work for a total of 9 months. She is currently on short term disability and will need to move over to long-term disability starting in April.
She is still currently on pain medications but is starting a gradual decrease in the milligrams today and will continue until she can go back to work in July.
Family Umbrella Network would like to financially assist Sharon. If you would like to give a tax deductible donation to Sharon, checks can be made out to and sent to: Family Umbrella Network;P.O. Box 400; Rosemount, MN 55068
Please add "for Sharon R." in the memo line.
Jan 30, 2021
Here is another update on Sharon. Her second major back surgery was delayed to this past Tuesday. It lasted seven hours instead of the three to five hours expected. The lower screws inserted into the bones in the first surgery had become loose and were not able to be fixed. Two more rods were clamped to the original ones and inserted, extending down into the pelvis. A plate was fastened to the sacrum and the rods are screwed to it. On Friday she was moved out of the ICU. Overall, the surgery appears to be successful. The pain following surgery was extreme and continues to be a problem. Her right leg still has numbness. On the bright side, using a walker, she was able to walk a few hundred feet twice on Friday and she feels more stable than she felt after the first surgery. She is now expected to be in the hospital until sometime next week. She appreciates so much your prayers along with the many, many cards.
Jan 19, 2021
Sharon had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon this past Wednesday. The outcome was disappointing for her. The 3rd and 4th lumbar screws inserted during the complex surgery on her back in October are loose and the bone appears "soft." Her only option is to have another surgery in which the loose screws will be replaced with larger hollow screws filled with a cement. That alone will not solve the problem, so new rods will be inserted (alongside and clamped to the previous ones) down into the pelvis to provide more stability. This is expected to be a five-hour surgery. She will be in the hospital 3-5 days. Surgery has been set for Jan. 25.
Sharon will need to be off work another 6 months, which will be a total of 9 months. This also creates a financial hardship. Sharon truly appreciates your prayers and the cards she has received. Keep her in your prayers that this will go as planned with no complications.
Dec 25, 2020
This is an updated prayer request for Sharon, a member of the Fargo congregation. Sharon had a major, complex surgery on her back just after the Feast. A total of 24 screws were placed in her spine and she has been slowly recovering. During a doctor's visit today, Sharon was told x-rays show four of the screws placed in her lower back are loose. She has been placed on stringent restrictions for the next six weeks specific to movement and wearing a back brace. If the bone begins to fuse to the screws during that time she can resume more aggressive therapy in order to recover. If not, the doctor wants to do another surgery and go deeper down to the pelvis. Please pray that the healing process will work out for Sharon and another surgery won't be necessary. She deeply appreciates all of the cards and letters she has received from so many of you.
Nov 10, 2020
Sharon, of the Fargo congregation has made some significant progress after an 11-hour surgery on her back. Late last week, she had 86 staples removed from the incision in her back. The surgeon told her "the surgery could not have gone better" and the long term prognosis is good. Her hemoglobin level has returned to near normal and there is no longer a concern over infection.
Physical and occupational therapists working with Sharon are pleased with her progress and recovery. Her pain level is still high and continued prayers for that are needed. Sharon wants to thank everyone for their prayers and is overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and concern of the brethren. She has gotten cards from as far away as the Isle of Man, Australia and New Zealand. Thanks so much to all who have reached out to Sharon.
Oct 13, 2020
Sharon R. of the Fargo congregation is requesting the prayers of her brethren as she faces a complex back surgery. The surgery will take place on October 22 and is expected to take around 10 hours. She asks for God's mighty hand of guidance for the surgeon along with healing and no complications after the procedure. Sharon is a nurse and has been dealing with back pain for quite some time.
Dec 11, 2017 - Sharon R. (New Brighton, MN)
Hi, I'm back home from the hospital. They've started me on plavix(blood thinner). They drew a lot of blood and will be checking for vasculitis and other autoimmune diseases as they feel that this was a contributing factor in my stroke. Thank you and all those who are praying for me. It certainly is nice to know that I have a family of believers who care for me!
Dec 8, 2017
Sharon went back into Unity Hospital in Fridley this afternoon and wanted everyone to know that she will not be at services tomorrow. She noticed signs of a stroke returning and doctors wanted to monitor her for a few more days just to be sure. She hopes to be released by Monday, but is asking us to continue praying for her.
Dec 6, 2017
Sharon is feeling much better and is being released from the hospital today. The blockage that caused the stroke has dissipated and she has been placed on an aspirin and low cholesterol regiment to thin her blood and diminish the possibility of recurrence. She is very grateful for our prayers and concern.
Dec 5, 2017
Sharon is about to be transferred to the ICU of Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids and will begin interventional radiology to treat a tear they found in one of the ventricles of her heart. She is regaining some control of her left side, but it still experiencing slurring of her speech and problems with movement. She is very grateful for continued our prayers on her behalf.
Sharon is in the ER at Unity Hospital in Fridley. She admitted herself after having severe headaches and the doctors have told he she suffered a stroke. She is having difficulty using the left side of her body and will be kept in the hospital under observation until they can determine the cause and an appropriate treatment.
She is requesting our prayers for God's healing and His wisdom to know how to handle this going forward.
Sep 10, 2017
Sharon R. has been in the hospital for severe headaches and was just released yesterday. She is still having daily migraines however. To date doctors have not been able to tell her what is causing them and she is having side effects to the medicine they gave her in the hospital. She is barely functioning and is not eating much due to the nausea and headaches. She is requesting our prayers for God's intervention and healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 27, 2021 - Catherine G. (San Jose, CA)
Catherine's cast came off yesterday (July 26). Here is an update from James:
"Thanks to everyone for your prayers and cards. Catherine injured her arm back in February and was in a cast for six weeks. In early June, the bones were still vulnerable and in the process of regrowing to their original shape when she suffered a second fall at school, reinjuring the bones in the same spot. The breaks were less severe, but enough to require a new cast. Yesterday, the cast came off, and the bones are coming along well, and will take some months to return to normal. She is now in a wrist/forearm brace to stabilize and protect the area for the next couple of months. Range of motion is limited, and she will be working on elbow and wrist mobility twice a day with the brace off. Overall she has been very brave through the pain and hassle. Your continued prayers are appreciated that the bones continue to heal correctly and that full range of motion will return."
Feb 9, 2021
Update on 6-year-old Catherine from James: "Thank you everyone for your prayers and well-wishes. Catherine met with the orthopedist this morning, and the doctor was able to reposition her forearm bones without surgery. Her arm is now in a cast, with a scheduled follow-up in two weeks for any necessary adjustments. Your continued prayers are requested for the bones to heal and straighten out on their own."
Feb 6, 2021
Your prayers are requested on behalf of 6-year-old Catherine G., the daughter of James and Jessica G. On Friday afternoon, Catherine fell outside her after-school care center and sustained fractures of both the radius and ulna on her left arm; the breaks were significant enough that the arm was contorted. Catherine was taken to the hospital where doctors determined from X-rays that emergency surgery would not be required. She was sent home with her arm immobilized in the current shape it was in. They will not know the exact severity of the fractures until they meet with the orthopedic doctor on Monday to discuss treatment options; surgery is likely to be recommended in order to correct and stabilize the bones.
After the initial shock, Catherine is handling the break pretty well. Your prayers are requested that the pain remains manageable during this weekend, that infections do not develop as a result of her injury, and that the (potential) surgery would be fully successful. James adds, "Also, as Catherine and my wife, Jessica, were in the hospital for several hours, we ask for prayers that they be spared from developing any COVID-19 symptoms from such exposure."

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 25, 2021 - Liam D. (Corpus Christi, TX)
Liam is at home and having dialysis administered daily by his parents, along with weekly Doctor check ups. This will continue until he gets a kidney transplant at an older age or God intervenes and completely heals him for which we are earnestly praying. The family asks your continued prayers for Liam's complete healing. This has been an enormous strain on the entire family and they ask for prayers for strength, wisdom and endurance.
Apr 10, 2021
Colleen D. and family write: "After almost 3 weeks in the hospital, we were able to bring Liam home last Thursday to meet his 4 sisters! We will continue his care as outpatient with weekly visits to his kidney specialist. He is gaining weight, his kidney function numbers are improving (but still much higher than normal - still indicating kidney failure). We were told he would have to spend at least 6 months in the hospital, so to be home already is truly a gift from God. His condition makes growth difficult, so we are continuing to pray that he be able to grow well and that his kidney function improves so we can hold off dialysis as long as possible (or completely, if our powerful Creator chooses to heal him fully).
"We are doing our best to trust in His plan and path for Liam and asking for strength and endurance to navigate this path with faith. God's mighty hand has been apparent in all of this but it is still too easy to become fearful when we look at the physical and forget to keep focused on God. We appreciate continued prayers that we would all grow in faith and trust and accept God's perfect will and timing; that He would guide us in the care and training of these precious children He has blessed us with, and that through all of our trials God may be praised and glorified continually! Thank you for all your prayers and love!"
Mar 18, 2021
Colleen D., Liam's mother, makes the following request for prayers for her family:
"We had a baby Sabbath morning, March 13, and we have since found out he was born with one kidney that is small and failing. Our four girls were so looking forward to their brother, and my husband to his only son. The doctors are hopeful for a future of dialysis, but I believe God has a different plan and that he will not likely survive this. We will have to wait to see for sure, but I have been shown many scriptures in the last few days that are very clearly speaking to me. I am at peace with this, but this process is going to be very trying physically and emotionally. Please ask our loving God to strengthen and hold us and guide us all toward Him at this time and for the peace which surpasses all understanding to guard our hearts and minds through Jesus Christ, our Savior!"

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 23, 2021 - Martha A. (Rogers, NM)
She is still being treated for chronic leukemia. She is very weak and has no energy or appetite. She will be on her medication until the end of the year. Please pray for her strength, comfort and her complete healing.
Jan 19, 2021
Martha is still waiting for her doctor to decide what medication she can use instead of her current medication which isn't working. At this point she is unable to decide whether to continue to go to Lovington, NM for cancer treatments or to Lubbock, TX for alternative treatments. She is currently experiencing severe head and stomach aches. Please pray for Martha's complete healing and comfort.
Aug 15, 2020
Martha would like to thank everyone for the lovely cards, letters and even financial assistance from her brethren from around the world. They have been enormously encouraging for her. The results of her bone marrow test show the cancer is progressing but her doctors are concerned about doing anything right now due to the COVID-19 situation.
They are concerned that any treatment might compromise her immune system and expose her to a perilous situation, so they want to hold off on treatments for 3 to 6 months unless the situation becomes more critical.
Jul 24, 2020
Martha has been overwhelmed with the outpouring of cards and well wishes from brethren around the world. It has given her great comfort at a difficult time. She will be undergoing a bone marrow test at St. Joseph's hospital in Lubbock, Texas, on July 28. The doctor will then know better how to proceed with her treatments. Please keep her in your prayers for God's comfort and strength to be upon her and for her complete healing.
Jul 13, 2020
Martha was diagnosed with chronic leukemia in 2003. She has been able to manage it fairly well until recently. She recently went to her doctor who told her the cancer has become much more aggressive. She will be undergoing treatments soon which will require daily blood work. She asks for your prayers for the strength to endure this situation and for God's complete healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 23, 2021 - David G. (Lubbock, Texas)
In addition to your prayers for the healing of David's spine and spinal nerves, which he is slated for surgery on Aug. 9. He's also having a lot of trouble with his esophagus and stomach. The doctor will do a Bravo test (to test his swallowing ability) and a gallbladder sonogram so they can do surgery on his stomach. In addition, David has a bad hiatal hernia which has caused him to have Barrett's esophagus. The doctor also said he has malabsorption syndrome or celiac. He is scheduled for surgery for his stomach issues on Sept. 7.
David is having a lot of pain and it is very painful for him to move or walk. Please pray for strength, comfort and his complete healing from our loving Father in heaven.
Jun 27, 2021
David's bulging disk is worse and cracking from inside. His spinal cord is attached to his spinal column, but should be free floating and this is causing more nerve damage. David is enduring a tremendous amount of pain. He will need surgery to fix this barring God's healing. Please pray for his complete healing so that he can be free of pain and return to work.
Feb 6, 2021
Please pray for David's complete healing. In 2005, he had a back injury at work. This left him with a bulging disk in his mid-back and above a fusion point in his lower back. He also has a prominent facet arthropathy (causing bone spurs), left-sided foraminal stenosis (which compresses the spinal nerve roots) and canal stenosis leaving him in constant pain. David is trusting in God for healing and would sincerely appreciate your intercessory prayers on his behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 19, 2021 - Cinda W. (Little Canada, MN)
Today we got results from Cinda's latest CT scan, and her melanoma has been reversed somewhat. She now has tumors only in one lung. There are just a handful, and the largest is 4x5mm. Several have disappeared. Her immunotherapy had been making her dizzy so that has been halted for a while. But she has been on an alternative medication for 14 weeks and we suspect that it is now effective. We thank you for your concern and your prayers.
Nov 26, 2020
Cinda has had another round of CT scans and MRI's. Her melanoma is responding well to the immunotherapy drugs that she is taking. The tumors in her internal organs have shrunk - they are now about 3mm. And the tumor that was surgically removed from her brain two years ago has not returned. These are both things we are thankful for. The therapy still makes her tired.
She appreciates your prayers and your concern.
Jun 26, 2020
Cinda still takes daily doses of immunotherapy drugs and has regular CT and MRI scans. She is still responding to this therapy. The tumors in her torso are either smaller or stable. The area in her brain where a tumor was removed seems okay too. She is tired a lot but still in good spirits. Your continued prayers are appreciated. Thanks for your comments of concern.
Jan 30, 2020
Cinda has had another round of CT scans and MRI's. Her melanoma is responding well so far to the immunotherapy drugs that she is taking.
The tumors in her internal organs have shrunk, and the tumor that was surgically removed from her brain 17 months ago has not returned. The therapy does not make her sick but it does make her tired. She is in good spirits, and she appreciates your prayers and your kind expressions of love and concern.
Jul 4, 2019
Cinda's chemotherapy continues. Her latest CT scan showed that the tumor in her liver has decreased. That was the one that wasn't responding to the first kind of treatment but is responding to this second one. The other tumors have likewise shrunk or not grown. She is tired but not having pain or other symptoms (other than being itchy). And her outlook is positive.
Though the melanoma is currently under control your prayers for healing are still needed and much appreciated.
Feb 14, 2019
Cinda had a CT scan on February 12th. It showed a great reduction in the size of the melanoma tumors. Some of the small ones have even disappeared. She still has some in her lungs and liver, but the two immunotherapy drugs seem to be working. She will now be reduced to an infusion of one drug every two weeks, which is a maintenance schedule. The treatments are no sure cure, but are meant to control the disease.
Your continued prayers are still needed, and appreciated.
Jan 4, 2019
Thank you for your prayers as Cinda continues treatment for melanoma.
She has just had the third of four heavy doses of immunotherapy. After the fourth one she will have a scan to check on the effectiveness of the drugs. If there is progress she will go on a maintenance schedule of lighter doses every two weeks. But if the current drugs are not effective she will be switched to another drug.
She is feeling pretty good, with only a few small side effects from the treatment. Medicine can most likely only control the melanoma. Your continued prayers for healing are still needed.
Oct 25, 2018
Two separate tests have identified her cancer as melanoma. She had such a cancer on the surface of her skin (on her back) in 1995. That was removed. But now it seems to have come back internally. Your continued requests to the only Healer are appreciated.
Oct 11, 2018
Cinda has been diagnosed with some kind of cancer, which caused the brain tumor that was removed on Sept. 7.
The exact source of the cancer has not yet been determined. Tests of the tumor itself suggested the kidneys or adrenal gland. But a PET scan showed no cancer there.
There are cancerous nodes in the lungs, so a biopsy will be performed on one of those early next week.
Chemotherapy will begin when the precise nature of the cancer is known.
Thank you very much for your continued prayers for healing.
Sep 14, 2018
Cliff and Cinda received some results from the pathology lab this week and wanted to share them with us. The lab said the tumor that was removed was not a primary tumor but came from elsewhere. The tests strongly evidenced against it coming from the lungs, but seem to indicate the kidneys or adrenal gland.
They will be getting a PET scan and seeing Minnesota Oncology after the feast and would appreciate our ongoing prayers.
Sep 8, 2018
The brain tumor was successfully removed on Friday. The pathology of it and where it came from are not fully known yet, but suspicion is that it came from the the lungs. So prayers are still gratefully needed.
Sep 5, 2018
Cliff and Cinda W. are requesting our prayers for Cinda. A CT scan recently revealed that she has a tumor in the front left of her brain. She is now in St. Joseph's Hospital undergoing more scans and then will have surgery soon. Please ask God to heal her.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 17, 2021 - Ondrea D. (South Bend, IN)
Ondrea D. had an appointment this week regarding the tumor on her adrenal gland. In addition, she suffered some injuries this past weekend, that were pretty severe. After reviewing all of the scans, etc. the doctor let her know that the injuries were tissue damage and no broken bones as she had feared. In addition, she learned that the tumor is benign. They will monitor it and do more scans in a few more months.
Thank you for your prayers for the whole family!
Apr 28, 2021
Chuck and Onalee K. are requesting your prayers on behalf of their daughter.
Ondrea Donley just learned that she has a tumor on her adrenal gland. It is not yet known if it is benign or malignant. She will be meeting with the doctor this week to discuss further treatment. Either way, it will require surgery to have the tumor removed.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 17, 2021 - Lisa W. (Allendale, MI)
Lisa W. (Allendale, MI) Lisa W. had surgery to have a tumor removed from her kidney. They had thought they might have to remove the entire kidney, but that was not the case. She has been in quite a bit of pain since the surgery, but received some good news this week. The results of the lab tests came back on the tumor and it was not cancerous, as had been thought.
Thank you for your prayers for the whole family!
Apr 28, 2021
Chuck and Onalee K. are requesting your prayers on behalf of their daughter.
Lisa W. has been hospitalized with COVID-19, and has developed pneumonia. While undergoing tests and scans, it was discovered that she has stage I renal cell carcinoma. Plans are for her kidney to be removed sometime in May. She is grateful that this was discovered early.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 17, 2021 - Gerardo R. (Santiago, Chile)
This is a prayer request from my wife Caty and me [Mario] about her father, Gerardo R Sr., a deacon in the Santiago, Chile congregation. Gerardo and his wife Adriana got COVID-19 from their caregiver. Adriana recovered just fine but Gerardo had to battle severe pneumonia for two weeks. He was taken care of at home with daily visits from the hospital staff and just when the pneumonia was clearing up, he got a blood clot in his right leg. There was no other option than taking him to the hospital, where he has been since Monday. He is on blood thinners, steroids, and antibiotics. His condition is stable but not improving and now he has an embolism in his lung. There are no visitors allowed because of the high number of COVID-19 cases, so he can only be visited by a minister once in a while. Please pray for his recovery so he can go home to his wife and family and pray for God's will and that he doesn't have to suffer.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 16, 2021 - Judy B. (Murfreesboro TN)
Judy and Bob have been able to return to Sabbath services after her long battle with cancer. Bob issued this update: "Judy had a follow up visit with the oncologist May 20th. He considers her to be in remission and authorized removal of the port, which was done a few weeks ago. There will be future checkups, but aside from that, treatment is complete.
Thanks to our great God for His healing and for all of you for your prayers for that healing!"
Apr 13, 2021
Bob writes: "Judy had her follow-up colonoscopy after her chemo treatments. The results were positively good! They tell her she can now wait three years until the next one unless the oncologist thinks otherwise! All that remains in the near future is her follow-up visit with that oncologist May 25th. Please pray that he has nothing but good things to tell us."
Mar 5, 2021
Bob B. writes: "After Judy completed her chemotherapy treatments, she had a CT scan and bloodwork and a visit with the oncologist to discuss the results. When he entered the room, he asked, 'Do you want the good news or the good news'! The good news was that both the scan and bloodwork were normal!
"Next will be a follow-up visit with the oncologist in May, before which she has another test. She is in remission now, but will not be considered cured until she remains cancer-free for five years.
"We are enormously and enthusiastically grateful for all the prayers of our wonderful church family this past year and of course for the inspiring, awesome comfort and healing provided by our merciful, healing Father!"
Dec 31, 2020
Bob B. writes: "Judy has finally had her last of 12 treatments for her colon cancer. Along the way, there have been two CT scans, both of which were clear! She gets a bit of a respite now, not having another appointment of any kind until Feb. 15, giving her body a chance to rest. After that, she will probably have another CT scan, and maybe a PET scan, to see how effective the chemo was.
"We are deeply grateful to all you caring brethren for your abundant and fervent prayers to our wonderful healer God! And for the many cards expressing comforting and encouraging thoughts!"
Aug 27, 2020
Judy had her fifth infusion Monday following her colon cancer surgery, slowly getting to that final twelfth one! Twice she has had postponements of treatments due to white blood cell counts being too low. The problem is, since the purpose of chemo is to kill fast growing cells like cancer, it also indiscriminately kills bone marrow cells. So, the oncologist has twice given her a shot of something to boost production of those cells, then waited at least a couple of days for an infusion. He also has slightly decreased the amount of chemo with each infusion so that the white cell count won't drop below where it needs to be.
Some really good news is that the CT scan she had after the fourth treatment showed no sign of cancer cells! Judy and her husband, Bob, thank our loving and merciful God as well as all you brethren who have been petitioning our Father on Judy's behalf.
Jun 4, 2020
From Judy's husband Bob: "First, we are so very thankful for the awesome number of cards (some hand-crafted) which we have received and for the prayers which have been offered to our merciful Father on Judy's behalf! The wonderful, warm, inspiring words of encouragement are extremely comforting and much appreciated.
"Second, on June 3rd, Judy had a follow-up visit with the surgeon who did her second surgery some weeks ago, from which she has pretty much healed. We also saw the oncologist, who has set up her chemotherapy which is scheduled to begin June 8 and continue biweekly for six months. Judy needs to essentially isolate herself during that time since her immune system will be reduced and her age makes her vulnerable. The doctor also said whenever I go out (which needs to be infrequently), I need to wear a mask and practice social distancing to keep Judy from contamination. He also said another factor involved is that there has been a spike in the cases of COVID-19 since Tennessee relaxed its stay-at-home policy (we have seen very full parking lots!)."
Apr 16, 2020
Bob and Judy thank all of you wonderful brethren for your prayers on Judy's behalf, as well as for the many cards and letters of encouragement. Monday, April 13, she had successful surgery which included a hysterectomy as a followup to her recent colon surgery. The results appear to be good and chemotherapy is scheduled to begin in the next few weeks. They would appreciate your continued prayers.
Apr 11, 2020
Bob and Judy appreciate very much all the many cards she has received in response to their request for prayers. Judy will be undergoing another surgery this Monday before any further treatment can begin. They would appreciate your continued prayers for her complete healing.
Mar 6, 2020
Bob and Judy B. request prayers for Judy, who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. She underwent surgery to remove the cancer, but the pathology report after her surgery indicates chemotherapy is highly recommended. Please pray that God will guide her and her husband, Bob, in making all the right decisions to provide the most positive results.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 16, 2021 - Carl M. (Misamis Occidental, Philippines)
Mr. Rustico M., a member from Jimenez, Misamis Occidental, Philippines, requests our prayers for his son, Carl. He was involved in a motor accident July 5 that caused a severe injury with a dislocation near his right clavicle (collar bone). He needs to undergo surgery as soon as possible to address the fractured bone. With the challenges of the availability of our hospital facilities due to the pandemic, please help us pray for God's favor in finding the available hospital and the surgery's success.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 16, 2021 - Dennis F. (Billings, MT)
On Tuesday evening Dennis was taken to the Emergency Room due to edema, kidney pain, and vertigo. He was admitted to the hospital. Dennis has stage 3 kidney disease, and was also experiencing atrial fibrillation, which raised concern that he could have a stroke. On Wednesday, Dennis was very tired and was having difficulty breathing, but his vital signs were good.
Please pray for God's merciful loving guidance, direction, and intervention for Dennis' recovery. Please also pray for God to strengthen his wife, Annie, and son, David.
Oct 4, 2020
Dennis F., a long-time church member from Billings, Montana, is in need of your prayers. Last night, after the opening service, Dennis, who is a double amputee with many other health issues, fell and suffered a broken hip. He was taken by ambulance to the North Valley hospital in Whitefish. At the time of this writing, his surgery has not yet been scheduled, but it is expected to happen in the next day or two. His wife, Annie, the sign language interpreter for the Feast and her husband's caretaker, is also in need of your prayers. We ask that you please remember them to our Father in Heaven, especially during these days when we look forward to God's kingdom being established on this earth and when He will pour out His Spirit and healing upon the world.
Feb 5, 2018
Longtime member of the Church of God, Dennis F. was taken to the emergency room on Tuesday, January 30th complaining of chest pain. He has since been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and chronic kidney disease. He is also retaining much fluid and experiencing considerable discomfort. The stress test on Friday was long and painful and it drained Dennis of much strength. Prayers are requested for Dennis' recovery and return to good health. Also prayers for his wife Annie, son David and David's fiance, Cassie M., all of whom are supporting Dennis in this health trial. Dennis remains in the hospital but the family is hopeful he will be released soon to a short term care facility where he can regain the strength he needs to return home. Dennis has been an integral part of the small Billings congregation and his absence is sorely missed.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 14, 2021 - Mary B. (Windsor, ON))
Sometimes words cannot express our humble gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His tender mercies. Mary Brdar went for a follow up appointment with the surgeon yesterday to find out the results of her cancer operation and they could not be more encouraging and positive.
The cancer has not spread and there is no need for any chemo or radiation treatment. The doctor was so happy that he wanted to give Mary a hug and stated that he is amazed that she has come through it so well. Perhaps the best way of expressing our gratitude is in Mary's own words after the surgery and still in the hospital when she simply stated "God is good".
Brethren, please continue to offer prayers for Mary's complete recovery and thank you for your prayers.
Jun 11, 2021
On Wednesday, Mary had surgery to remove the large mass on her left kidney. As a result of the size of the mass and the inability to see the extent of the situation, the surgeon set aside six hours for the surgery as well as a team of surgeons to deal with anything unforeseen if it should arise.
God's hand was clearly involved, as the team of surgeons that had already been on standby did have to remove her spleen and part of her pancreas as well as sections of both her small and large intestine. We are eternally blessed to know that we have a merciful Father who is never limited and can provide what would be considered to be impossible. Let us continue to pray for Mary's complete healing and recovery, as well a reduction of the pain she is currently dealing with, as well as continued comfort and support for Mr. B. and the rest of the family.
Jun 1, 2021
Your urgent and heartfelt prayers would be deeply appreciated for Mary B.
After a recent MRI, it was discovered that Mary has a large mass on her left kidney and an appointment was made with the urologist. That appointment has confirmed that the mass is stage III cancer, and Mary is being referred to the London, Ontario, hospital for surgery. The urologist informed Mary that the mass is so large that they were not able to see the other organs and, as a result, they will not know the extent of the growth and the impact on the other organs until the surgery.
Although no date for the surgery has been set, please pray that it will be taken care of quickly and also that God will provide the absolute best surgeon for her. Mary is at peace with the reality that God is still in control and can isolate the cancer to the mass itself and will be completely removed.
Mary is a deaconess in the Windsor congregation and has been a shining example to the brethren. She is much loved and respected by her family both in her home and in her Church.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 10, 2021 - Lynn R. (Dobson, NC)
Davey & Lynn R. of the Roanoke, VA congregation are requesting your prayers. In the fall of 2020, Lynn started experiencing back pain. It was determined that her cancer had returned to her spinal column and right shoulder.
Since that time, God has intervened and sustained her, confounding the doctors with her progress. However, Lynn is back in the hospital and the current deterioration from the cancer in her bones is causing severe pain and has rendered Lynn once again immobile.
Please pray that God would strengthen and heal her bones to allow her to be mobile once again. Also pray that God would encourage and comfort the family. They have seen God's hand in their lives in the past and that gives them complete trust in God that His will that is done throughout this trial.
Aug 7, 2020
Davey & Lynn R. of the Roanoke congregation are requesting your prayers. Late last week, Lynn started experiencing back pain. The pain became more severe, and after a trip to the emergency room she was admitted to Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem, NC. It was determined that cancer has returned and is now attacking Lynn's spinal column and right shoulder.
The current deterioration of her spine is causing severe pain and has rendered Lynn immobile. Prayers are requested on multiple fronts. First and foremost, that the pain will subside - allowing Lynn to once again be mobile. Second, that Lynn, Davey, and the medical team are able to wisely determine and pursue the best treatment options. Last, that they remain encouraged and have the strength to fight yet another battle together. The Ramseys have complete trust in God and have faith that it will only be His will that is done throughout this trial.
Apr 12, 2018
This is the latest update for Lynn R. who had cancer surgery this morning (Friday, April 13). She came through the operation fine. She and Davey wish to express their sincere thanks to everyone for all the prayers. Lynn is in the hospital in Winston Salem, NC and will probably be there only overnight. They are so grateful to serve a caring, loving God who protects, comforts and guides us through these most difficult trials in life.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 9, 2021 - Shela A. (Davao City, Philippines)
After being swabbed positive for COVID-19 along with symptoms, Shela was able to recover and was later released from the Covid-19 quarantine facility. Although her husband Elmer and sister Charmaine also tested positive for COVID-19 after the mandatory swabbing, they were able to complete their 24 day quarantine in their home without being picked up by the government for isolation in the designated facilities. Thankful to God for His healing and favor for Shela, Bryan, and Charmaine.
They would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all the brethren for their prayers.
Jun 17, 2021
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel V., an elder from Mindanao, Philippines, request our prayers for their daughter, Shela Mae A. She has been complaining of frequent severe headaches and fever for the past few days. Yesterday, she went to the hospital for a checkup and laboratory test. Laboratory results indicated that she has a urinary tract infection. Her headache and fever persisted after her checkup, so she decided to go back to the hospital for admission. Part of the hospital protocol during admission is the mandatory swab test that indicated she is COVID-19 positive. Hence, she is now in isolation at that hospital. Her husband Bryan and sister Charmaine (living with them) are also scheduled to be picked up for the mandatory swab test since they are considered close contact. Please pray for God's intervention and healing for Shela, and may God's favor be upon Bryan and Charmaine for their swab test results.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 9, 2021 - Angela B. (Rome, GA)
It has now been 8 months since Angela's surgery on November 12, 2020. She has independent mobility although she has to be very careful and there are certain things that she will never be able to do again. She has to wear a binder day and night and will have to do so for the rest of her life. Since the surgery, she has dealt with dizziness 24/7. Some days it's worse than others. Along with the dizziness are headaches that vary in intensity seemingly related to the measure of dizziness. The cause of the dizziness and headaches is not known. The most pressing concern is for tissue to grow into the exposed mesh and for skin to grow a covering over it. There is encouraging growth of tissue into the mesh and skin covering some of it, but there's a significant way to go. This is the most critical need at this point. The mesh is bio mesh and will only last 1 to 1 ½ years before it has dissolved. We still go to the wound clinic once a month, and I change her dressing every day. We are deeply and humbly thankful to God for His obvious and merciful interventions along with everyone's prayers on our behalf. Thanks be to our Great God and Savior and to you, our dear Brethren, for your loving concern and prayers.
Dec 3, 2020
Although Angela is slowly gaining a little strength, she continues to have a lot of pain and weakness. The current and pressing concern is this: a hole at the mid-point of her stitches has opened up revealing the mesh beneath. This is not a failure of the stitches, nor is the solution to simply restitch. The problem and the failure is the skin. The skin here is very thin and fragile. The area is currently being treated with a special dressing. It is crucial that this hernia repair be preserved. More surgery is not an option. The need is for new tissue/skin to fill in while the remaining tissue/skin is strengthened and preserved. Thank you for going to our Father and Elder Brother on our behalf with this crucial need.
Nov 24, 2020
Angela was discharged from the hospital on Saturday. She was scheduled to be discharged on Friday, but the portable wound vac that was needed didn't arrive until 1 a.m. Saturday morning. We arrived home early Saturday afternoon.
The reconnection surgery went well. Some of her small intestine had to be taken out, but not much. And quite a bit of scar tissue was removed. Also, the "tunnels" were eliminated. But the hernia surgery was more challenging. Due to the factors involved, complete and full range/comprehensive hernia surgery was to be done in 2 stages: a temporary one at this time and a permanent one sometime next year. But that plan is now null and void. This surgery, which was to be the temporary one, has to be permanent. The hernia turned out to be bigger than they thought and more complex and they had to use the largest bio mesh that they had. Again, due to what was involved, synthetic mesh was not usable. Regarding the initial post-operative conversation with the hernia surgeon, he has serious doubts/reservations that another and more extensive hernia surgery can be done. There's just not enough to work with. The risk factors are too high. Plus, Angela cannot take another major surgery. This was her sixth major abdominal surgery. So we must do everything that we can to preserve the integrity of this one. Angela will have to be extra careful in everything she does. There is no muscle over a sizeable portion of her belly, only mesh and skin. In 1 to 1.5� years, the bio mesh will have been absorbed/dissolved, leaving her once again with only tissue and skin over her intestines in the center of her abdomen. She'll have to wear a hernia belt/binder for the remainder of this life. She is thrilled to now be able to have more of a measure of a normal life, but she'll still have to continuously and vigilantly exercise caution.
Currently, her condition is this: she is in a tremendous amount of pain and is very weak. She cannot get up and down and around by herself. I have to provide/be the physical strength for her doing so. This will be for a while. Once again, I am literally having to do everything. I cannot leave her for more than a very brief period of time.
We would appreciate your ongoing prayers for Angela to have as full and quick a recovery as possible regarding her strength, mobility and healing, along with a lessening and freedom from pain. And I appreciate your prayers for God's strengthening of me. Thank you, and most of all, thanks to our Loving and Merciful God and Savior.
Nov 17, 2020
Prayers are needed for Angela's bowels to open up. They're still "asleep" (inactive) due to all that had to be done. As a result, nothing can get out of her stomach into them. This has generated a lot of nausea and throwing up. The throwing up presents risk to the surgeries, plus the possibility of getting material into her lungs. She has been taken off all intake by mouth and put back on an IV and a tube has been put down her throat into her stomach to keep it pumped out. The amount of time needed for the bowels to "wake up" after surgery varies from patient to patient. Please pray for God to speed up the process and open her up fully. Thank you.
Nov 12, 2020
Angela's surgeries went well and she came through them fine. She has been reconnected along with a temporary hernia repair. The permanent hernia repair will have to be done next year. Her situation remains fragile, especially in these days immediately following. We thank everyone for their prayers on our behalf and ask that we remain in them during this critical aftermath. And most of all, thanks to our Great, Loving and Merciful God!
Nov 11, 2020
My wife, Angela, is scheduled for major surgery Thursday morning (12th) at Emory Hospital in Atlanta to reconnect her small intestine to the remainder of her colon and to perform a temporary hernia repair. A permanent hernia repair cannot be done at this time, but will have to be done sometime next year. This will be a 4 to 5 hour surgery and her hospital stay is projected to be from 7 to 12 days. Due to the factors involved, this is a complicated and risky surgery with a fragile aftermath. Your prayers for God's involvement for a safe and successful surgery and outcome are very much appreciated. Thank you.
Jul 18, 2019
On Sabbath, June 29, Angela was back in services for the first time since February 16. Although her appetite is good, her nutrient absorption is quite poor. She has gained some strength, but remains weak with little stamina. Overall, her situation is still very fragile. We still go to the wound clinic two times each week. The wound is doing very well and has almost healed except for the two "tunnels" that have not changed. But at least there is no infection present. She has a hernia at the ileostomy site which the doctor rates as a 3 on a scale of 1 - 10. Also, since her right and left rectus muscles (the main belly muscles) were not pulled back together and stitched due to having to let the "wound" heal from the inside out due to the infection, she has an "incisional hernia." One third of the right rectus muscle had to be taken out in order to get clean margins around the tumor when it was removed which greatly weakened her core. The medical diagnosis is that eventually she will have to have more surgery. Of course, this diagnosis is not factoring God into the picture. We bear in mind I Corinthians 10:13 and thank God the Father and Jesus Christ for Their continual intervention of strengthening and healing. And we thank each and all of you, brethren, for your tremendous outpouring of love and support through your cards, emails, calls and most of all, your prayers. Such has been a great source of encouragement. May God richly bless you for your loving kindness.
May 31, 2019
Angela has been progressing very well. She has been off the Wound V.A.C. since April 18. With more mobility, she has gained some of her strength back. In consultation with her oncologist, chemotherapy was recommended as a safeguard, but not stressed as necessary. So Angela will not be having any chemo. Her radiologist outright told her, "You don't need radiation." So she will not be having any radiation either. Obviously, that's great news on both accounts. Her wound has been healing very well with one exception: there's an area of two tunnels that refuses to heal. Today, we received the results of a culture taken and she has MRSA as well as some other bacteria in the tunnels. Immediate treatment is with antibiotics to clear it up. If this fails, more surgery will be needed. At this point in time, this is the specific issue that we need God's intervention of healing with. Thank you for your continuing concern and prayers.
Mar 12, 2019
After three weeks in the hospital as of today (3/11), Angela was discharged and brought home. She was taken off all antibiotics last Tuesday and off intravenous feeding on Wednesday. Thursday she had some true appetite for the first time since her second surgery. Saturday she showed measurable gain in strengthening. And that continued on Sunday. Today the PICC line was removed and she was cleared to go. Although she is still weak, she has gained some solid ground, and her pain has lessened and is more manageable. What remains is for her surgery incision to heal. It is an open wound and is being treated as such. The treatment involves a wound dressing with a medicated sponge and a wound V.A.C. (vacuum) to keep it drained as a preventative to it becoming infected. On average with this kind of situation, it takes several weeks up to a few months for such to heal. It has to close up gradually from the inside out. Every Monday and Thursday of every week, she'll go to the clinic that specializes in this for her dressing to be changed. In the meantime and in between changes, she'll carry a portable V.A.C. with her everywhere. She still has a ways to go, but things are looking so much better than they did. We know that's because of God's love and mercy, and the many, many prayers that have gone up on our behalf. We're so very thankful to God the Father and Jesus Christ for Their merciful intervention and strengthening and for the tremendous outpouring of love and concern of all of you our brothers and sisters in Christ. Your prayers have meant and mean so much. And your flood of cards and emails have been so encouraging. Thank you dear Brethren for the support that you have shown, and please continue to remember Angela in your prayers in the weeks and months ahead. May God richly bless you for your loving kindness.
Mar 1, 2019
The situation with Angela remains about the same since the previous update. Although there has been some measure of improvement (her bowels are working, she has been put on clear liquids, no additional infections have shown up other than what has been there and is being dealt with, and things are "normal" in terms of where they should be at this point with her situation being what it is - all of which we are very thankful for), she is still in a lot of pain and very weak, and in a measure of physical and emotional shock due to the damages to her body. The doctors have continued to keep her on very strong antibiotics and very strong pain medications. There is a constant stream of nurses and medical personnel throughout the day and night doing their necessary jobs of responsible care with all the checkups, blood drawings, testings, etc., that have to be done. The saying that you have to go home to get some rest is very true. Angela is exhausted and worn out. Between the pain and the comings and goings, she can't get more than 1 or 2 hours rest/sleep at a time at the most. Please continue to pray for God's intervention of strengthening and healing, both emotionally and physically. Thank you, dear Brethren.
Feb 28, 2019
Angela's situation is fragile and she still has a lot of pain. They have her on very strong antibiotics and pain medications. They have also installed a PICC line to feed her intravenously since she can't eat or drink yet. She had a very bad and miserable night last night (2/26). Due to her weakened condition she is not up to having visitors right now but is deeply appreciative of the love and concern and ongoing prayers for her. Thank you for continuing to remember her and our family during this very difficult health trial.
Feb 22, 2019
Although the doctor was pleased with the follow up surgery that he performed Monday afternoon (2/25/19) on Angela (it went as he expected), he still has concerns. This surgery was necessary due to a setback in the aftermath of the previous surgery. The intestinal connection done as a result of removing a cancerous colon tumor previously (2/18/19) did not hold but leaked. This contributed to a serious infection. Due to the infection's damages, the doctor could not reconnect the small intestine to the remaining colon, but had to do an ileostomy (the same as a colostomy but with the small intestine instead of the large one). Hopefully, this can be reversed in time. Angela's vital signs remained good throughout the three hour surgery. The doctor cleaned out the infection as best he could and has kept her on strong antibiotics to be on the safe side. Due to this being the 5th time that Angela has had to be cut in the same place (resulting in a lot of scar tissue and a reduced muscular wall of the abdomen specific to the surgery last Monday), there is a measure of open surface wound that will have to heal with time and treatment. Angela will have to remain in the hospital for at least another week, maybe two. This has been and is quite an ordeal for her and for the whole family. Our thanks and appreciation go out to our brothers and sisters in Christ for their loving concern and prayers and to our Great God of loving mercy and power.
Feb 22, 2019
Here is a message from the B. Family:
"Angela B. is in the hospital recovering from emergency colon cancer surgery last Monday. They had to remove 40% of her colon due to the size of the tumor and because it had grown outside the colon. The surgery was successful and the doctor thinks he removed all the cancer. He is still suggesting radiation and chemotherapy treatments as a follow up. Angela is very weak and in a lot of pain. This is her second bout with cancer, the first being endometrial cancer in 2006. We know God has been merciful through this health threat and we are very grateful. Brethren, please pray for a full recovery than thank you for you loving concern."
Angela is in the Floyd Medical Center in Rome, Georgia.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 9, 2021 - Diane L.(Tacloban, Philippines)
Mrs. Diane L., a senior citizen and member of Tacloban congregation was admitted to the hospital on Thursday evening, July 8th, after suffering from body weakness and loss of appetite, two weeks after being vaccinated for COVID-19. Her oxygen saturation was found at low levels. She was transferred to the isolation room from ER while waiting for the result of the COVID-19 SWAB Test.
Her husband Mr. Florentino L. is requesting fervent prayers from all the brethren that God's blessings of healing be extended to his beloved wife, especially since he is the only one attending her in the hospital and visitors are prohibited due to health protocols.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 7, 2021 - Ester deV. (San Carlos, Philippines)
Good news, my mother was discharged today. The CT scan showed that she had a mini stroke before she bumped her head, which is still manageable. The neurologist will visit her after a week. Rest from any strenuous activity is mandated by the doctors. Thank you everyone for the love, care and for the fervent prayers for my mother's swift recovery.
Jul 6, 2021
Grace M. requests for her 84 year old mother, Ester de V. of San Carlos, City congregation.
Please pray for the quick recovery of my mother. She slipped near her bedpost and bumped her head, the hospital will do a CT scan today. She also complained of chest pains and other problems so the hospital will be doing a series of tests. If the tests look good and she is cleared by her cardiologist, she may be discharged tomorrow.
Please pray for Ester's full recovery.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 4, 2021 - Eli L. (Austin, TX)
Good news, Eli, great grandson of Nancy E. of the Charlotte, NC congregation, is off the ventilator and doing well! Here's an update from the family:
"Thank you all so very much for continued prayers and encouragement for Eli, his parents, and the medical team. This isn't over yet, but he's pulling through the most critical period like a little champ! Praise be to our Creator and Healer!!"
Jun 28, 2021
Your urgent prayers are requested for Eli L., 13 month old great grandson of Nancy E. of the Charlotte, NC congregation. Eli lives in Austin, TX and became very ill last week, requiring hospitalization in the ICU with a ventilator. Doctors have now diagnosed him with bacterial meningitis and have stated that the next 48 hour are critical with a danger of brain damage or even death. Please pray for God's intervention, mercy and healing as well as comfort and guidance for the entire family.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 2, 2021 - Isaac V. (Graham, WA)
Update from Isaac's mother, Amy:
"It's been an incredible month of progress with Isaac and the strength he is regaining. Thank you for your prayers as God is answering them daily! We had a visit with his surgeon in early June. The surgeon was surprised at the strength and function Isaac is regaining through his daily OT. Isaac is pushing himself to get as strong as possible, as he's determined to do everything he was able to do before the accident. The surgeon informed us that Isaac is ready for his next surgery...the surgery he had predicted would take place in August. Essentially, through the healing power of our Lord and Savior, Isaac healed 3 months faster than anticipated. Praise God for his expedited healing!
He was blessed with the opportunity to attend church camp last week in Ohio. He was able to participate in archery, rock climbing, kayaking, and many other challenging activities. He was determined to push himself!
We are awaiting his first thumb prosthetic. This has been another blessing! This prosthetic is $2000, but they are providing it at no charge. This is incredible! The more expensive prosthetics will come after his next surgery scheduled for October. After that surgery, his last surgery will be in December.
We are so grateful for the prayers being offered up on Isaac's behalf. Thank you all for your love and prayers!"
May 28, 2021
After 4 weeks of intensive therapy on his injured hand, Isaac is making big strides to recovery. Having a much shorter thumb is still challenging, but his pain has decreased to a 2-3, and the re-sensitization of his hand is progressing (1 cm per month). He has been blessed beyond measure with fantastic certified hand therapists who are pushing him to do more and more every day. He is able to finally hold a guitar pick and his ring finger and pinky can finally touch his thumb. He has worked hard daily to accomplish this, but Isaac also recognizes the power of God. We couldn't be happier with this development! Now he is working on strengthening his grip to tolerate resistance against guitar strings, so he can play. He hasn't played guitar since February, so to be able to start playing again will be a chore to learn, for sure - but it'll be a positive challenge! He's able to bathe and dress himself. He just purchased short socks and shoes without laces, so he can put them on without assistance. We have spoken to several prosthetists, and it's been a challenge getting clarity on how best to navigate this process. We have an appointment on Friday morning with a prosthetist who seems to understand best what Isaac's needs are, so we are hoping he will help to expedite this process for us. Isaac's occupational therapist believes it's important for him to start using a prosthetic now to maximize his therapy. Thank you for your continued prayers for Isaac's healing (restoration of his nerves), increased strength, progress with function, and acceptance. We are blessed to have you in our lives!
May 1, 2021
Thank you for your continued prayers, cards, care packages, and for sharing your personal stories with us. We have felt your love and a deep sense of connectedness with our church brethren around the world! The video card from Phoenix was especially meaningful, as it was probably time-consuming to put it together.
Isaac started working with a new Certified Hand Therapist last week and he has progressed more in one week with this new therapist than he has in the previous 2-3 weeks. She has been an incredible blessing! Please pray that Isaac will be able to extend his fingers completely straight, be able to pick up things, hold objects, regain full use of his hand, and that his hand will start to warm up. It's cooler than his right hand most of the time. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for praying fervently to our Father in Heaven for Isaac's healing.
Apr 23, 2021
Since many Church brethren are praying for Isaac, we've been sending updates at significant points in his recovery. Samuel and Amy sent the following update about their son, Isaac:
"Thank you for your diligent prayers and encouraging cards for Isaac. We have seen some big progress in the last week! His pain levels have dropped to a 3-4 (from 8-9), his remaining wound shrunk to 1/3 of its size, and he is now able to pick up foam blocks during occupational therapy. They started him off with larger sized blocks and are gradually working toward smaller sizes to increase his range of motion. This demonstrates the progress he's made with breaking up scar tissue in the palm of his hand and his fingers, to use his opposing digits for grabbing light objects. It's painful, but we are very excited with this progress! We met with the surgeon this morning and he was very surprised to see how well Isaac's wounds are healing, the decrease in swelling, and his ability to pick up a foam block. He was visibly surprised! Isaac will likely have a total of 90 occupational visits before the next surgery, which now looks like it'll be in August. This surgery will be to contour the thumb, a skin transfer for sensation, and potentially surgical scar tissue intervention. He'll be able to attend UCG camps without surgical disruptions in between, which is quite encouraging! Thank you again for your prayers as we can see that God is answering them!"
Apr 16, 2021
Samuel and Amy sent the following update about their son, Isaac:
"Good news first! All but one of Isaac's wounds have healed and the swelling in his hand has gone down quite a bit. We are down to one wound, which is huge progress! Praise our Father in Heaven for His merciful healing. Isaac started his next chapter of this journey last week (a couple of days after the hardware removal surgery). He's had a very rough start to occupational therapy for his hand and fingers. Because there's so much scar tissue formed and the nerve endings are still trying to reconnect, it has been excruciatingly painful for him. We started with a couple of visits a week but are working up to daily sessions to regain range of motion and full functionality faster. Yesterday, he was able to almost wrap his hand around a bottle. He was excited that he's seeing progress!
"He also started acupuncture to reduce the pain and break up the scar tissue. He is not a fan of either type of therapy, but understands they are necessary for a full recovery. We also had a visit with a prosthetist to learn what our options are for 'new' fingers in the future. There's a lot out there and he will likely end up with a couple of options for various activities. He won't be eligible until his surgeries are complete, possibly later this summer. It's been difficult for Isaac to see his hand this way, so please pray for acceptance. This is a big hurdle that we know God can help us with. Thank you for reaching out to share your personal stories and experiences, for your love, concern, the thoughtful care packages, and encouraging cards! These really do brighten up each day for our family."
Apr 2, 2021 - Isaac V. (Graham, WA)
This week, God has heard our prayers for healing and lower pain levels. Isaac's wounds are continuing to show progress and his pain levels are down from an 8 to a 6. He has surgery scheduled Monday for the removal of the 5 pins in his hand. Post-surgery, he will have elevated pain levels for a week or so. After this surgery, we are hopeful that the next surgery won't be until late May or early June. Isaac's spirits are lifted by the heartfelt cards we receive every day. Thank you so much for your love, concern and outpouring of prayers to our Father in Heaven!
Mar 25, 2021
Samuel and Amy V. sent the following update about their son, Isaac:
"As we enter the Spring Holy Day season, we'd like to thank all of you who have been praying diligently for Isaac's recovery! Your cards and beautiful messages of encouragement have been so uplifting! As you can imagine, we take each day minute by minute and hour by hour, as there are so many emotions experienced. These cards and messages seem to arrive at just the right time to keep us looking forward. Thank you for your love and concern! Isaac's third surgery went very well this past Monday afternoon. Now his hand is no longer attached to his hip, so he's elated to have this freedom! Remember, he had it sewn to his hip for 3 weeks trying to rebuild tissue structures.
"Since it's a post-op week, he's experiencing escalated pain from this detachment. During surgery, they were able to take skin from his hip to do a skin graft on the back of his hand, so we are praying that his body accepts this skin and it grows perfectly. His hand and wrist are now in a splint to prevent his hand from moving to help with the skin graft healing. The site where his thumb was sewn to him is extremely painful right now.
"On Friday, he will start physical therapy for his arm and shoulder since they were immobile for 3 weeks while his thumb was sewn to him.
"If all goes well, and we know God will ensure it does, he will have another surgery in 3 weeks to remove the pins placed in his hand a month ago. Please continue to pray for decreased pain, speedy healing for his skin graft and several other wounds, and for God to keep his spirits lifted so he may fulfil the future God has carved out for Isaac."
Mar 14, 2021
Samuel and Amy sent the following update about their son, Isaac: "We continue to receive an overwhelming number of cards from brethren around the country. We sit with Isaac each evening and read them together. We've had some big answered prayers this week that we'd like to share, as we know so many people are praying for Isaac. It means so much to us to know so many care and are reaching out to our Father in heaven for intervention.
"For the first time since we have been home (10 days ago), Isaac has dropped from a pain level of 8-9 to a solid 7 throughout the day. This is HUGE! Last night was the first time he slept the whole night through since before the accident (Feb. 22). We were very blessed to have a dear church friend introduce us to a pediatric nurse practitioner who took over Isaac's care this past Wednesday. She not only has addressed his pain management aggressively but has encouraged Isaac to become very active again to keep his muscles and lungs strong between surgeries. She wants to keep his spirits high and confidence strong.
"He started doing homework, going outside, throwing rocks at trees and dribbling a basketball yesterday. It's not a matter of whether he will play basketball, football, baseball, swimming, or snowboarding again . . . it's a matter of when! While Isaac still has moments of sadness about his fingers, he is encouraged and inspired by the love of friends, family and church brethren around the country. To take the time to write a card to someone you don't know says a lot! The books on inventions and candy make Isaac smile big time! Isaac's next surgery is Mar. 22, to detach his thumb from his hip. He's excited to have more freedom of movement soon! He can at least start exercising his arm that will have been immobile for 3 weeks by then. Physical therapy for his hand won't start until after his next surgery in April.
"Thank you for all of your love and encouragement during this trial!"
Mar 3, 2021
Isaac, who suffered a severe hand injury recently, was able to return home last evening, March 2. His parents, Samuel and Amy, sent the following update:
"We are so humbled and grateful for all the prayers being offered up!! God is answering our prayers daily. Isaac's pain is sustaining at a pain level 8. We are praying for a 7. Isaac can function at a 7. Lower is better! We are praying that we get the plan down so transitioning to home will be smooth. We are buying a lift chair to help with his mobility and comfort until his next surgery in 3 weeks. We pray for comfort! He will have a surgery every month for the next 3 months. After that, the surgeries will be spaced out more. Prayers for low pain, healing and comfortability will be our focus over the next 3 weeks. We are feeling the love and outpouring of prayers that's comforting beyond words.
"He's already talking about how he can help other kids who go through a similar accident. His focus is on positive progress and God's messages to him through this journey. Isaac is excited to see his friends this week. It will lift his spirits to see them. Pain control, comfort and healing are our big focus for prayers. Thank you to everyone who cares for Isaac."
Feb 24, 2021
Isaac V, age 14, was seriously injured in a freak accident, resulting in extensive damage to his left hand. He has lost two fingers and the end of his left thumb, and major reconstructive surgery is scheduled for Friday. Isaac's father and mother, Samuel and Amy, his sister, Adelina, and his grandmother, Ann V., are asking for prayers from God's faithful people. Please pray that the reconstructive surgery, which will include extensive skin grafting, will go very well, and that Isaac may have relief from the enormous pain. There will be a lengthy recovery time, and eventually two prosthetic fingers will be needed.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 28, 2021 - Alida R. (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
We want to ask for your prayers for Alida R. She, her husband and her three sons attend the congregation in Guatemala City. Recently Alida was diagnosed with cancer in her ovaries and the doctors, for the sake of prevention, also removed her womb. After the operation, Alida continued to have strange pains in the lower part of her body. She was again taken to the hospital and the doctors found that the cancer was also in her colon. Alida will be operated for a second time to take away the affected area. This second operation will be done during the month of July. Alida and her family will be very appreciative of your prayers in this uncertain situation.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 25, 2021 - John R. (Taft, OK)
John is continuing to improve since his hospitalization for extreme fluid buildup around his heart and 100% blockage on the back side of his heart, which resulted in a heart attack in late April. He is now only using oxygen as needed and continuing to get stronger, but still has to pace himself when moving about. This is tremendous improvement and we collectively thank God for answering the prayers of His people! During our last visit with John, he expressed great appreciation for the cards and letters he has received. He is personally answering all that have included a return address, but wants to especially thank the congregations that sent cards signed by the members.
Thank you for your continued prayers for his complete healing; your prayers for John are greatly appreciated
May 21, 2021
We were happy to resume our monthly visits with John last week. It has been over a year since all of the Oklahoma prisons were locked down due to COVID-19. John was very happy to see us and has recovered enough to walk from the medical ward to the chapel where we met (200-300 yards). John was happy, humbled and thankful to have already received 110 cards and letters from around the world. Even though John's heart condition has improved some, he still needs our fervent prayer to God for his continued healing and improvement. He remains on oxygen, and has a continuous EKG monitor and defibrillator strapped to his chest. John would very much appreciate your additional cards and letters. He is a faithful man and very committed to changing his mindset to be in line with God's way of love. Please always include a return address (not your personal address as this is a prison facility) and do not use any stick-on labels. Thank you for your continued prayers for John's health.
Apr 15, 2021 - John R. (Taft, OK)
Your prayers are requested for a very dedicated baptized member of the Tulsa, Oklahoma, congregation, John R. John recently discovered he has a very serious and life-threatening heart condition. Due to very labored breathing, John was recently taken to a local hospital where it was determined that he had extreme fluid buildup around his heart and 100% blockage on the back side of his heart. During his treatment, about 1.5 gallons of fluid was removed from around his heart. There was also an unsuccessful attempt to install a stent. The doctors feel he needs open heart surgery, but this was postponed due to his weak heart. John is very weak and on constant oxygen.
John is a very serious student of the Bible and considers his church family near and dear to him - a source of strength. Please ask God for His continued blessings and protection to be with John, as well as ultimate healing from his heart issues. For those of us who know John, God has provided incredible miracles and blessings in his life, despite the prison situation he is in. Thank you for your prayers to our Almighty God on John's behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 23, 2021 - Maria Jose C.(Charneca da Caparica, Portugal)
Maria's health situation continues to be precarious, but thanks to God she has been holding her own.
The laryngitis problem seems to have been resolved, as the issue has not re-occurred. The latest regular checkup due to previous breast cancer showed a "mass" but thanks to God a subsequent biopsy showed it to be negative.
Her elbows are still not well yet, but they are better. However, her current main concern are her shoulders (adhesive capsulitis). To avoid an operation, she is having ozone infiltrations and physical therapy. Their effectiveness is still unknown.
The family in Portugal sincerely appreciates all your prayers for Maria.
Jul 14, 2020
Jaime C. in Portugal just sent the following update about the health of his wife, Maria José: "The granuloma she had in the larynx disappeared, thank God. It's one less problem and one less concern.
"At the moment, the most pressing problem is epicondylitis that she has on both elbows. She has had several treatments but is still not well. This week she will start doing electrotherapy treatments (twice a week for 2 months). It is another attempt to see if we can avoid an operation, because the operation has a very low success rate, that is, it can be operated and still remain in the same condition (or worse). So let's see if these treatments help her. We pray that God willing these electrotherapy treatments will help.
"On the other hand, and because unfortunately Maria José seems to be in constant suffering, she now has vertigo. She has already managed to make an appointment with a specialist, but there is only a slot with the specialist in August. As David (their son) has already moved into 5th year medicine and is already knowledgeable, he has been doing Epley maneuvers to help relieve her symptoms."
The family is very grateful for your prayers.
Nov 25, 2019
Maria wrote a note expressing her gratitude for all of your prayers and the many letters she has received from various people and congregations with words of strength, affection and faith. She is extremely grateful and it touched her deeply.
I was very pleased that she was able to speak to me today, albeit she gets very tired.
Her surgery lasted 7 hours and was performed with robotic technology. The postoperative was difficult. There were two suspected carcinoma lesions. One of them was confirmed by pathological anatomy analysis but the other was not diagnosed as such. Therefore, she has to repeat the exams 3 months from now. The one that tested positive was in a very early stage and will not need chemotherapy. At this point she has completed her respiratory therapy and is still recovering.
Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Oct 28, 2019
Maria (living on the outskirts of Lisbon, Portugal) underwent a 7-hour operation during which the doctors removed two parts of her right lung (part of the right superior lobe and part of the right inferior lobe). These two sections are being sent for analysis, but it will take a while before they know the results.
The family deeply appreciates the prayers for Maria Jose and thanks you from the bottom of their hearts for the letters and cards received. Maria Jose is extremely happy and grateful for the love and concern demonstrated by the church.
Now she is going through a difficult and long recuperation phase, being very tired, and even talking makes her tired. She will be doing respiratory physical therapy. She also needs to be very careful to avoid any sickness or choking on food. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Sep 27, 2019
Prayer is requested for Maria. She has four cancerous adenocarcinoma cysts in her lungs (spread out amongst both lungs) and according to a panel of specialists it requires an intricate robotic surgery with high tech equipment and specialized doctors. She is also suffering from acute epicondylitis.
The situation is compounded that this operation has to be performed by private hospitals which are not covered by the general governmental medical plan. They are still awaiting for a cost estimate. This could be prohibitive, financially speaking.
Aug 21, 2015
Maria went for a CAT scan update last week, and the specialist identified various additional small nodules in her lungs. The largest has grown 1 millimeter and the doctor was not able to identify if they are due to the breast cancer that she had. She is not sure what to do next and is getting a second and third opinion from other doctors in the next few weeks. She may need a biopsy. She thanks all the brethren for the many prayers, well wishes and cards.
Jun 18, 2015
Prayers are requested for Maria Jose in Lisbon (Caparica). Maria had a breast removed due to cancer nearly two years ago and underwent radio therapy for about 6 months. All local tests and blood appear negative but she had a total body scan recently and they found two spots in her lungs. They have decided to wait for another 6 months for a subsequent body scan to determine if there is any development on these spots. But they kindly ask you to pray that God may intervene so that these spots may either be benign or disappear by the next scan.
Dec 27, 2013
The biopsy results were positive. Surgery to remove her left breast took place in mid-October & she is currently at home recovering. She is undergoing daily radio therapy 5 days a week until mid-January. She is suffering from skin burns due to the therapy, but is grateful that the cancer is not the aggressive type. Maria heartily thanks all who have been praying for her. The prayers & cards have been a great source of strength for her & her family.
Nov 1, 2013
Maria had her left breast removal procedure on October 16 and is currently at home recovering. The doctors, as of today, are still awaiting final results of all biopsies. So far, preliminary indications are that it is not an aggressive form of cancer. Subject to the final tests, which are expected next Tuesday (Nov 5), an appropriate treatment program will be put in place. Maria Jose heartily thanks all members and congregations that have been praying for her from all over the world, and says that the cards and prayers have been a great source of strength for her and her family. She does not know how to begin thanking you all. Your continued prayers for Maria Jose are appreciated.
Oct 11
Maria's biopsy results have proved to be positive, and she is scheduled for a surgical procedure next Wednesday, October 16. A month after the removal she will start further treatment. Your continued prayers for Maria are appreciated.
Oct 4
Prayers are kindly requested for Maria Jose C, wife of deacon, Jaime C, of Lisbon, Portugal. She has just had a biopsy of a nodule on her breast done and the doctor suspects cancer. The results of the biopsy are expected later today, or at latest next Monday, October 7. We are fervently praying for God's intervention. Cards may be sent in English, as the family understands written English.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 21, 2021 - Doug K. (Edmonton, AB Canada)
Doug and Jane K. from the Edmonton, Alberta, congregation, would like to request your prayers. Doug has been suffering from a rare neurological disease the past number of years called Corticobasal Degeneration. It is a rare disease in which areas of your brain shrink and your nerve cells degenerate and die over time. This degeneration results in growing difficulty in movement on one or both sides of your body, stiffness, and difficulty thinking and other problems. Doug has been in a care facility the past year because he could no longer be looked after at home. The disease has progressed to the point where he is in great distress for much of the day with stiffness and pain and impaired thoughts. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 17, 2021 - Sarah N. (Davao City, Philippines)
Mr. Gem N., an elder from Mindanao, Philippines, requests our prayers for his wife, Sarah. Just recently, she underwent minor surgery to remove the fatty flesh from her right hand due to a growing lump/cyst. Biopsy results came out, and she was diagnosed with fibrosarcoma. Fibrosarcoma is a rare type of cancer that affects cells known as fibroblasts that create the fibrous tissue found throughout the body. Tendons, which connect muscles to bones, are made up of fibrous tissue.
With this condition, Sarah needs to immediately undergo an operation to remove the tissue to prevent the spread to other parts of her body. Please help us pray for God's intervention and healing for Sarah. Pray for God's guidance and wisdom for those performing the needed medical operation, including the resources the family will need for her medical expenses.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 16, 2021 - Merlito T. (North Cotabato Philippines)
Merlito T., an elder from Mindanao, Philippines, requests our prayers for him and some of his immediate family members. Currently, they are experiencing body aches, pain and fever. Mrs. Venice T. has a cough, and their youngest daughter, Ruth, has been under self-isolation due to some COVID-19 cases in her workplace. And now Ruth's second child, Zia, is feverish. He already anointed his wife and daughter, and grandchild Zia. Mr. T. is already in his mid-70s, and it is a challenge for him to attend to his family's needs. At the same time, the town is also in strict lockdown due to a spike in COVID-19 cases. Pray for God's healing to be upon them and that God will continuously provide and comfort them in these times of stresses and effects of the pandemic.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 16, 2021 - Bernie M. (North Vancouver BC Canada)
Lisa shares the following update regarding her cancer treatment: "We wish to send our grateful thanks for all the prayers and cards. The words of encouragement and hope were very comforting.
"My doctor has decided to take me off the chemotherapy. The treatments I received had a modest effect on my cancer so he felt that more chemotherapy would not help much. I will move on to hormone therapy which is less harsh and toxic to the body - the doctor says this therapy is very good for my type of cancer. I am very happy to be off the chemo. It was getting harder to deal with the side effects. I ask for your continued prayers."
Apr 29, 2021
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie and Lisa M. are long-time members in Vancouver.
Bernie's doctor feels that he had a stroke several years ago. The stroke impacted his speech and memory, which have been in decline ever since. The doctor assumes that Bernie continues to have micro strokes. He remains mobile and alert and it's always a pleasure to see him. However, the situation is very frustrating to Bernie and he would appreciate relief from it if God so wills. Please remember the Bernie to God in your prayers. Encouragement for him during his trials will be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 15, 2021 - Karen B. (North Battleford, SK, Canada)
Your prayers are requested for Karen B. of the North Battleford congregation. Karen had a biopsy done on a growth inside her mouth (along the jaw line) that has come back as cancerous. She also has a lump below her jaw.
At this time the doctors are still assessing, but have suggested that the first step is surgery, with further treatment as required.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 15, 2021 - Nelmer G. (Davao City, Philippines)
Last week, on June 8, my brother Nelmer was discharged from his mandatory quarantine due to being tested as positive for COVID-19. Later on that day, his daughter and wife Nehabella and Beatrice were also picked up at their residence for their separate quarantine at a hotel isolation facility here in Davao City. Thankfully, after Beatrice (mother) was re-swabbed on June 10, she is still negative for COVID-19. So today, June 15, we were able to pick up Beatrice and Nehabella from the isolation facility after finishing their mandatory quarantine period and were cleared. They're now reunited in their home after almost a month of being separated. We are so thankful for God's intervention and favor for the family during their ordeal.
The family would like to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our brethren for your faithful prayers and support.
Jun 3, 2021
Your prayers are requested for Nelmer G., his wife Beatrice, and daughter Nehabella. Last May 28, Nelmer, who has been working in technical support for a contact center company here in Davao, tested positive for COVID-19 after the company-wide swab test (due to a spike in COVID-19 cases at their workplace). Immediately, his wife and daughter were also put under quarantine and subjected to COVID-19 testing.
Just yesterday afternoon, the results came out. Although his wife, Beatrice tested negative, their daughter, Nehabella (who just turned 4 years old today) tested positive. Thankfully, all of them are asymptomatic (showing no sign of symptoms), but we are asking for your prayers that God will intervene for them and that the possible quarantine isolation for Nehabella will be in the same facility with her father, Nelmer, but if not, then with her mother, Beatrice.
Your continued prayers for the family are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 8, 2021 - Larry L. (Harris, MN)
I received an update this evening on Larry. He did have his back surgery today and it went well. He will stay overnight in the hospital and go home tomorrow. He wanted me to pass along how much he appreciated your prayers for him.
Jun 26, 2020
Larry is slowly getting better. He would also appreciate our continued prayers for him.
Jun 13, 2020
Larry had a bad fall a while back and he has had a lot pain and health issues as a result. He went to the Mayo Clinic on Friday and they told him at his age it can take up to three months to recover from a fall like he had. It has been a month and the recovery has been slow. He also suffers with Neuropathy and with the fall it has hit him hard. He would appreciate your prayers for his health and healing.
Jan 24, 2020
I talked with Larry this week and his rotator cuff surgery went well. He does have some pain but is looking forward to being pain free soon. I know he would appreciate our prayers for a speedy recovery.
June 2, 2018
Larry returned home from the hospital on Sunday. He is doing much better, but still has weeks of recovery ahead of him. Because of complications with the appendectomy, the incision was quite large, so it will take longer to heal. Thank you for your prayers.
May 25, 2018
Good evening--just wanted to provide an update on Larry's surgery and thank everyone whether they came to visit, called or are praying for an uneventful recovery. We are happy to share that the pathology report came back clear of any cancer. Larry is still in the hospital without a planned discharge date as yet. The doctor indicated this evening that this was far from a typical appendectomy is not in a hurry to release him as the digestive system has not started working as yet. We appreciate your continued prayers. Larry & Teresa
May 23, 2018
Larry L. went to the hospital on Tuesday suffering abdominal pain. He was diagnosed with appendicitis. Laparoscopic surgery was attempted, but the appendix was too swollen and inflamed, so regular surgery was performed to remove his appendix. Because of the size abnormality, the doctor sent it for testing to see if there might be other problems. Larry is still in the Cambridge Medical Center, in Cambridge, MN. He might have to remain hospitalized for a couple of days. Larry and Teresa would appreciate your prayers that the pathology report comes back clear, and that Larry recovers from the surgery quickly.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 8, 2021 - Liz M. (St. Louis, MO)
"My surgery on Friday, April 16, was successful and went very well. The surgeon told me right after surgery that the tendon he took out was very badly diseased and that it was necessary to get it out. I am so thankful to God that he clearly showed the problem. I had a follow up with my primary care physician about the mass in my right breast and if I should get a mammogram sooner than August. I knew that God was using the doctor to tell me that everything was fine and that I just needed to walk through those two trials first and not think about any possible future trials.
"The blessings in this are too numerous to recount. God has also given me a promotion at work as of this week and also it comes with a bit more pay! Only God could have made this happen and let it be fine with the Sabbath and Holy Days, I thank Him so much. I'm also halfway done with my Master's Degree, also only could have done this with our Father's guidance!
"Thank you my brothers and sisters, for everything and for your continued prayers! You are constantly in mine!"
Mar 2, 2021
Liz writes: "My MRI showed that I have severe lateral epicondylitis and tearing in other parts of my arm with small joint effusion. The pain is constant and has been worsening the last 2 weeks. I don't know why it's commonly known as "tennis elbow" because that doesn't sound like it would hurt. This hurts!
"Now to my mammogram results. The doctor said she thinks it's probably benign, however she's not 100%. Taking into account my family history she wants me to come back in 6 months to make sure that it hasn't grown. I'm so glad that our God is the only true God, because He has unending grace and mercy! He is so good for giving us each other in our trials to support each other. This will all be worth it one day!
"We are so thankful for everything that has been sent to us or given to us, and also for those who have prayed for us."
Feb 16, 2021
Liz went to get an MRI two weeks ago for her undiagnosed and severe arm pain, but due to a panic attack and claustrophobia was not able to proceed with the test. Her doctor prescribed some medications to help her calm down and has rescheduled the test for this Friday.
In addition, she received a call from her doctor saying that they found an oval mass in her right breast after a screening mammogram. She is going back for a diagnostic mammogram with an ultrasound on Feb. 24. Liz asks that you pray for God's will, peace, His glory and complete healing of all of these issues.
Liz wrote: "I am putting these things into Our Father's hands and letting Him take care of them. Please pray for me to give them to Him and not take them back!"
Jan 19, 2021
Liz writes: "I have been having unexplained left hand and arm pain since Oct. 2019. I have seen 5 different specialists, had 2 ultrasounds to rule out blood clots, an x-ray, a nerve conduction test, cortisone shots in my wrist and elbow to rule out lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), physical therapy for 3 months, rheumatoid arthritis panels and other blood tests. All tests have come back normal, which is frustrating because the pain is worse and always there. I do not trust my left arm to hold anything heavier than a pen most of the time because I will drop it. I don't drive with my left hand either because it has involuntarily let go of the steering wheel in the past because of the pain.
"The rheumatologist ordered an MRI, so on Friday, Feb. 5, I go to see if that will finally discover the problem deeper within my arm. Please ask God to let the MRI finally show the cause and that the cure be complete and not worse than the pain I'm already in. It's exhausting, in addition to everything else going on with my husband, Craig.
"On the same day, I'm also getting a mammogram. While it is routine, I do have a family history of breast cancer, so I'd appreciate your prayers since it never hurts to pray and that's my first step for any trial in my life! I thank you all and love you!'

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 6, 2021 - Bruce A. (Litchfield, MN)
After having my 1st chemo treatment this last week, and allowing a few days to pass to assess side effects and my general body response, I'm giving a current update that can be shared with the circuit.
I have just recently gone through my "first chemo treatment" (6/2/2021), and wanted to share the results so far. The preparatory blood work showed my "cancer marker" had dropped from 471 to 101 from my last blood test (about three weeks ago - "normal levels" are below 38). This is excellent news to say the least !!! However, you are probably wondering how this could happen seeing this is my first chemo infusion which was given "after" this preliminary blood work-up. Well, I have been on a "parallel alternative program" for about a month now - one very similar to the program my brother Leif has been using quite successfully over the last 10 months or so with his cancer. This program provides help as well to lessen or eliminate "chemo side effects". So far so good for me after a few days, as I seem to have nothing very noticeable yet. I am on a "chemo cycle" of one treatment per week for 3 consecutive weeks, then 1 week off. This is for an anticipated period of about 4-6 months - or until the markers have come into the normal range and the tumor disappears (...as has happened in Leif's situation with some of his).
This news has been very encouraging so far for Phyllis and me. As you can imagine this has been quite a shocking event for us, especially after me being in 25-30 years of "very good health" (and in generally good health for the 45-50 before!). We want to thank you for your prayers and emotional support during this most trying time, and ask for that continued support in the weeks and months ahead until I am "out of the woods", and hear that most wonderful of phrases: "You are totally healed!!!"
May 14, 2021
Late in April, one of our elders in Little Falls, Bruce A., underwent an endoscopy to address an intestinal blockage that had caused him to develop jaundice and lose about 15 pounds over the previous month. The surgery put in a stent for the blockage, and took a biopsy of a tumor that was pinching his bile duct.
This week, Bruce received an update from his doctors that the tumor is cancerous. It is isolated to the one location and thankfully, has not metastasized, but he will now be prepping for surgery and undergoing chemo therapy to "condition" the tumor for easier removal.
Bruce will keep me posted as all this unfolds, but he is asking our prayers for God's healing, encouragement and wisdom as he and Phyllis face this challenge.

<  > Prayer Update - May 27, 2021 - RaeAnn D. (Broken Arrow, OK)
King David wrote a beautiful Psalm in chapter 30, "Oh Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me." It is with great excitement that we ask that you join us in great thanksgiving to our loving Father.
When we first learned of the battle we would face, we turned to our God in prayer and fasting. Over the past 20 months, God has heard ours, and your, prayers. Our deepest and most sincere thanks to God for hearing those prayers and mercifully responding.
The breast cancer had metastasized to both the bone and liver. My liver was estimated to be 75% compromised, with no medical forecast of where the "cliff" was before organ failure. My bones were greatly compromised in 9 locations. Slowly and methodically, God has healed the bones and the liver. We are excited to share that my most recent checkup shows significant bone regeneration in all areas and my liver is now estimated to be a miraculous 90% improved. The cancer markers in my blood show that I am within 14 points of "normal"; you may recall in Fall 2019 it was over 6,000 above normal. I have no pain and have regained virtually full mobility. I continue to put great effort and personal ownership into my health, but the most incredible recognition goes to God. He is my Healer, My God, My Savior.
From my family to you, thank you for your love and support. Thank you for your prayers on my behalf. Thank you for trusting in our Great God.
Oct 29, 2020 - RaeAnn D. (Broken Arrow, OK)
It is with great excitement that our family shares with you some very positive news concerning RaeAnn's health trial. After over a year of ups and downs, choosing joy and contentment through times of difficulty, God has blessed me with great health improvement. Our merciful, loving Father has not waivered in providing constant direction and healing.
In September 2019, I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with bone and liver metastasis. In late March 2020, scans showed that the cancer progression had stopped, with possible early signs of the cancer receding. As of yesterday, October 27, 2020, my bone scan showed significant healthy bone regrowth and regeneration activity in all involved areas. My liver scans continue to show significant tumor regression and healthy liver regrowth. In comparison with my liver scan from March, the spots are noticeably smaller and no longer grouped together. All liver counts and blood panels are in the normal range! My oncologist is no longer concerned with my liver. One of the most incredible markers for me to watch is the cancer tumor presence in my blood. For my specific cancer, normal is 40. When I was first diagnosed, it was over 6,000. In March, it was 800. In July, it was 160. Yesterday, my number was 87! Our team of doctors and oncologists are thrilled and recognize the healing is coming from beyond what they have done. Of course, we know where the healing has and is coming from: Our Great God!
To help illustrate to you how this has impacted my overall health, in April, my team of therapists began working very aggressively to transition me out of the wheelchair and towards strength and independent mobility in both my legs and right arm. My pain levels continued to decrease. As of late April, I have had no need of pain medication. In May, I began using a walker full time. In June, I was able to transition to a cane. In August, with God's help I was able to complete a 7-mile hike in the mountains. On the way to the Feast of Tabernacles, I successfully hiked a 9.5-mile hike up Paintbrush Canyon in the Grand Tetons (over 1,240 ft elevation gain) with Ed and our two youngest sons, Zarek and Broen!
We were able to go to the Feast of Tabernacles/8th Day in beautiful Montana this year. It was a blessing to be able to go and rejoice before our God at His commanded holy time. However, due to my white blood cell count being compromised, we could not be in the main hall. I am slowly regaining the ability to do normal life items around our home, but my energy levels and physical strength is compromised. I am continuing physical therapy weekly for help with strength, mobility, and range of motion. Thank you for your past, present, and continued prayers for my full and complete healing in God's time. Our family is so grateful for the continued support, encouragement, and love that you provide. It is certainly a more joyous road when it is not walked alone. May God continue to bless you, as you love Him and serve His people.

<  > Prayer Update - May 27, 2021 - Rhonda K. (Williston, ND)
This is to everyone who sent me cards and prayed for me. I appreciate all the prayers. I didn't realize how many people really cared about me. I know I am in God's hands - He will take care of everything. I loved the cards and the words and meanings from those who took time to write in their cards. I'm still having trouble with weakness and not being able to keep things down. I have seen a specialist and he has ordered a colonoscopy on the 8th of June. It might be also be an ulcer or my liver, but it's in God's hands. Hopefully He will show what is going on with me. Again, thank you all for the cards and prayers and please just keep praying for me. I love each and every one of my sisters and brothers.
Apr 28, 2021
Rhonda K., a member of the Minot congregation, is in need of the prayers of the church. Rhonda became ill and has not been able to work for the past two weeks. Instead of recovering, she has grown steadily weaker, is constantly nauseous and is now too weak to even drive a vehicle. She is undergoing medical tests and the doctor suspects something serious. Obviously, God knows what is wrong and she humbly asks all of you to boldly beseech God our Father on her behalf. Thank you.

<  > Prayer Update - May 25, 2021 - Adam K. (Tamarac, FL)
Adam underwent surgery on his carotid arteries and open-heart surgery as scheduled on Monday, May 24. According to the doctors, everything went well with the operations. He is still in the Intensive Care Unit and on oxygen, likely for another 24 to 48 hours. Please continue to keep Adam in your prayers during his recovery, and be sure to thank God for watching over him and for His continued involvement in Adam's recovery.
May 22, 2021
Adam K. of the Miami, Florida, congregation, is requesting your prayers. While under examination for a planned knee surgery, the doctors discovered abnormalities with the functioning of Adam's heart. On Friday, it was discovered that he has three major blockages in his heart, two of which will require veins taken out of his leg to repair them. In addition, both of Adam's carotid arteries in his neck are partially blocked and must be cleared prior to the heart surgery. He is scheduled for the carotid artery's procedure this weekend and open-heart surgery on Monday. Adam is very grateful that the chronic condition was discovered, and asks that we pray for the skills of the doctors who will be caring for him, and for God's merciful intervention.

<  > Prayer Request - May 21, 2021 - Betty W. (Spring, TX)
Chuck and Betty W., members of the Houston North congregation, are requesting prayers. Betty has been fighting cancer for a couple of years, but the cancer treatments were causing heart problems which consequently interfered with the frequency of her treatments. Her oncologist has now informed them that her cancer is terminal. He has advised her to go into hospice care. Both Chuck and Betty have faith in God's power to heal, and request that you would pray for His intervention.

<  > Prayer Request - May 18, 2021 - Julie C. (Edgewood NM)
Julie C. of the Albuquerque congregation was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and has been undergoing chemo treatments. Over this past weekend she developed a fever as the result of an infection around the port where the chemo tube is inserted. Julie was anointed and was able to join Pentecost services online, but her fever increased and she was taken to the emergency department late Sunday evening.
It was discovered that the tube was causing the infection� and Julie had to have surgery to remove the tube from the infected port. They are anticipating having another port installed in a couple of days and resuming her chemo schedule. She will be staying in the hospital until the end of the week, also hoping to bring her white blood cell count up to an acceptable level.
Julie's husband, Clarence, and her family are also part of the Albuquerque congregation, and appreciate your prayers for their support and encouragement.

<  > Prayer Update - May 14, 2021 - Brad E. (Kailua Kona, HI)
Your continued prayers are requested for Brad. After many weeks isolated in a care facility, he is at home and doing somewhat better.
Sherry, his wife, writes, "His wound closed about four weeks ago, then reopened about two weeks ago. I changed his dressing, and it closed again, but it is fragile and must keep the dressing on to protect it. He is doing home physical therapy but he still is weak - though he can now go from the bedroom to the couch in the TV room. His big trial now is his eyesight. Some days he sees better than others, but his vision isn't good. He is legally blind in the right eye, and reading is impossible."
Please continue to pray Brad can improve in strength day by day and that his sight will improve.
Feb 17, 2021
Your continued prayers are requested for Brad as he battles against the lifelong effects of type-1 diabetes. Brad had surgery on his foot and the surgeon removed the front half of his foot. This was a great blessing in that he and his wife feared he might lose his leg below the knee.
Prior to the surgery, the surgeon had to place stents in his blood vessels to increase blood flow to the leg and foot. His foot showed positive signs, but the surgical incision was stubborn in closing up.
His surgeon placed a vacuum on his foot to draw out the buildup of purulent exudation. Brad's foot slowly began to heal properly. It has healed enough now that the physician removed the vacuum.
Since Brad has been mostly confined to the bed for many weeks, he is very weak because of muscular atrophy. Please pray God gives him greater strength as he begins to do more physical therapy to build back up.
Brad and his wife, Sherry, wish to extend their thanks to all of the brethren for their prayers and to our loving Father and His Son for Their kindness and mercy.
Please continue to pray that Brad can improve day by day.
Oct 31, 2020
Brad's surgeon placed a vacuum on his foot this past Monday, Oct. 26, to try to draw out the buildup of purulent exudate. On Friday, the physician examined Brad's foot and he feels it is now beginning to heal properly.
Brad and his wife, Sherry, wish to extend their thanks to all of the brethren for their prayers and to the Great God for His kindness and mercy. Please continue to pray for Brad so he is able to leave the care facility and return home.
Oct 23, 2020
Your continued prayers are requested for Brad as he battles against the lifelong effects of his type 1 diabetes. Brad had surgery on his foot and the surgeon removed the front half of his foot, and this was a great blessing in that he and his wife feared he might lose his leg below the knee.
Prior to the surgery the surgeon had to place stents in his blood vessels to increase blood flow to the leg and foot. His foot has shown signs that were positive, but the surgical incision isn't closing up as hoped.
Today, Friday, Oct. 23, Brad said there was a burrowing effect in the surgical wound. This indicates it is not healing properly deep down. His surgeon intends to place a vacuum on his foot on Monday to try to draw out the buildup of purulent exudate.
Brad isn't out of the woods as yet, and he urgently needs our prayers so his leg can be saved.
Brad and his wife, Sherry, place their faith in God and His marvelous mercy. They love their spiritual family, and they wish to thank all of you who are helping them bear this difficult burden.
Oct 14, 2020
Brad is in a care/rehab facility on the Big Island in Kona, Hawaii, and he is set to be released from his 14-day quarantine tomorrow. His wife, Sherry, will be able to be with him.
Diabetics often experience narrowing veins and arteries due to plaque, and his physician opened up his leg veins by placing stents to increase the blood flow to his foot. Brad and Sherry had a counseling session with his doctor today, and the surgery on his foot looks like it is healing nicely. Some of the incisions are yet to close, but the healing is moving in the right direction.
Brad and Sherry truly appreciate the outflowing of love from their spiritual family. They are so thankful for the love and mercy of our Father, and the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ so that by His stripes we can be healed! Please pray that the healing process continues for Brad's foot.
Sep 20, 2020
Greetings and happy Feast of Trumpets! Brad is out of surgery and I just spoke to the surgeon. He says that the surgery went well. They removed the front half of his foot. They will give it a couple weeks to see if it will advance in the healing process. If so, great! If not, Brad will go back in for a BKA (below the knee amputation). Thanks so much to everyone for all the love, prayers and heartfelt concern. You have no idea how encouraging and bolstering this has been for both of us. Warmest aloha!!
Please continue to pray for the healing process to rapidly advance for Brad's foot.
Sep 18, 2020
Sherry E. called today (Friday, Sept. 18) with news about Brad's condition. Brad is in Honolulu in the emergency room, and Sherry will be unable to be with him now, or after the surgery. His surgeon did an angioplasty of his leg, and the veins were blocked to his foot. He opened the veins up as much as possible - hoping to save at least his heel and part of his foot. His surgeon felt there was a 50-60 percent chance he could do that, and the doctor thought it was worth the chance. Due to the emergency situation, doctors will have to do the operation early tomorrow morning.
Please pray that God will intervene so Sherry can be with Brad at some point - otherwise they will have to be apart for 14 days. It is hard for both, but a bit more difficult for Sherry. Brad and Sherry place their trust in Almighty God, and they have faith that through the stripes of Jesus Christ we are healed. They are very much thankful for your prayers, texts, cards and emails during this urgent time.
Sep 13, 2020
Sherry E. called today (Sunday, Sept 13) with urgent news about Brad's condition. They took the bandages off and found his foot had gotten worse, and his surgeon told them to go to the emergency room. Upon examination in the hospital ER, his doctor felt since his condition was so complicated it was best to transport him to Honolulu where there are more advanced medical resources.
The physician prepared Brad with antibiotics and did advance blood work for Brad's foot surgery on Monday. At this point, they do not know how many of his toes or how much of his foot may have to be removed.
Also another potential problem regards Hawaii COVID-19 restrictions which could prevent Sherry from being with Brad for 14 days. Please pray that God will intervene so Sherry can accompany her husband and the Holy Spirit will comfort both of them during this trial.
They are very concerned, but Brad and Sherry place their trust in Almighty God. Brad and Sherry have been in God's Church for decades, and they know and have faith that through the stripes of Jesus Christ we are healed.
They are very much thankful for your prayers during this urgent time.
Sep 11, 2020
Your earnest prayers are requested for Brad as he battles the lifelong effects of type 1 diabetes. Brad saw his surgeon on August 28 and his foot was not healing. The doctor trimmed more of the bone on his big toe and removed the upper part of another toe on September 4. He placed a vacuum on the foot to remove fluid to help his foot heal and promote mending, but on his appointment September 11, he was told his foot wasn't healing. The vacuum was removed by the doctor, and Brad will go in for an examination on Monday, September 14, to check the status.
This is a real struggle to try and save his right foot. Please offer up your prayers for God's intervention on Brad's behalf. Brad and Sherry place their trust in God and His mercy, and they truly appreciate the prayers of their spiritual family as the endure this serious trial.
Sep 3, 2020
Your earnest prayers are requested for Brad as he battles the lifelong effects of type 1 diabetes. Brad saw his surgeon on August 28 and his foot is not healing. He was told another toe would need to be removed. The procedure was postponed until Friday, September 4. This is a real struggle and possibly the last opportunity to save his right foot. Please offer up your prayers for God to intervene on Brad's behalf.
Jan 17, 2019
Brad was released from the hospital, and has been at home recuperating. Doctors found they needed to adjust some of his medications & he has gained some strength and is more able to get around. He has an ongoing battle inherent with type one diabetes. Brad and Sherry Ellis want to thank you all for your prayers. Thankfully, our loving God does hear the cry of His people. Please pray that God will give him more strength each day.
Jul 5, 2017
After further testing, it was found there is a slight narrowing in one of his coronary arteries, but not enough for surgery. They flushed his kidneys while in the hospital. He is still fighting a stubborn ulcer on his foot.
Jan 14, 2017
Brad of Kona, Hawaii has been in Upland, California undergoing tests and treatments for skin cancer, kidney function, and a stubborn ulcer on his foot. Upon seeing his cardiologist he was concerned that there might be blockage in his arteries, but his wife, Sherry, sent wonderful news. The cardiologist was amazed and somewhat perplexed because based on the abnormal results of his recent stress test the doctor was pretty certain he had some significant impaired blood flow to his heart. So much so that he over ruled his Nephrologists objection to the angiogram because of the risk of kidney damage from the dye they use. The results were amazing! There was some slight narrowing in one of his coronary arteries, but not enough to justify a stent, much less bypass surgery. They are going to keep him for the next five hours to flush his kidney real well then let him go back to his families home in Upland. He is now back home in Kona, Hawaii. Thank you everyone for your heartfelt thoughts and prayers. God is great!
May 2, 2016
Brad of the Big Island of Hawaii has be battling a threatening infection on his right foot which could have resulted in the loss of his lower leg. He has been struggling with this problem for nearly a year. He and his wife, Sherry, are elated to inform those who prayed for him that the cast he has wearing for the last two months was removed from his right foot and lower leg. He needs to be careful not to damage the area by overdoing it, and he will be fitted for custom orthotics to help protect the area of concern as it is still tender. Brad and Sherry wrote, "We are so very grateful for all the prayers and correspondence that we are receiving from the brethren and wish to thank them and our Healing Father for all they have done to support us during this long trial."
Feb 27, 2016
Brad is a longtime member living in Kailua Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii is suffering from an infection of his right foot caused by diabetes which has penetrated to the bone. He and his wife, Sherry, are requesting prayers for God's intervention because Brad is in danger of losing his foot. He lost his other foot to diabetes a number of years ago. Please pray earnestly with them for our Father in heaven to halt the infection and heal Brad's foot completely.

<  > Prayer Update - May 14, 2021 - Randy H. (Erie, CO)
Randy writes: "Thank you to all who have prayed for my healing, and have expressed encouragement and empathy through this trial. It is such a blessing to be the recipient of the love and compassion of God's people.
"In what should be the last step of this journey, I begin radiation treatments this coming week. The treatments will be every weekday for three consecutive weeks. The primary KNOWN side effects are fairly minor, including fatigue and possibly a scratchy or sore throat. However, the area in which the radiation treatments will occur is in the vicinity of some sensitive tissue, such as arteries, thyroid gland and salivary glands. We have concerns that there will be damage and other negative side effects to these areas. One example is that there are studies which indicate that the artery walls can be damaged (thicken) after radiation, which leads to greater risk of strokes.
"I would appreciate prayers that these areas would be protected from damage, and that I would have enough energy to maintain my work schedule."
Mar 12, 2021
Randy writes: "First of all, thank you to all the many people and congregations who have sent cards with encouragement, sympathy, prayers and Bible verses to remind me that God is holding me - and all of us - in His loving hand. It is truly a loving, active service to reach out and support those going through trials. I am inspired and blessed by the example of all of you.
"God has been so merciful to me through this trial. The results of my bone marrow biopsy came back earlier than expected, and it's really good news. There was no evidence of lymphoma cells in my bone marrow. This was the final step in narrowing down the scope of the lymphoma in my body, and means that the location in my neck where the enlarged lymph nodes were taken out is the only location where it was growing. "May the Almighty God be glorified for His love, healing, and the loving concern of His people."
Feb 26, 2021
Here is an update with the latest development in Randy's journey with non-Hodgkins lymphoma:
"I had a PET scan last week to determine if there was evidence of lymphoma in lymph areas other than those in my neck. I am filled with gratitude and joy to report that the PET scan revealed no additional areas of growth in lymph areas. This is certainly the result we were hoping and praying for, and is a generous gift from God.
"The only remaining possible area in which lymphoma could be growing is in my bone marrow. So the next and final step in determining the extent of the lymphoma is to undergo a bone marrow biopsy, which is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, March 2.
"If there is no evidence of lymphoma cells in my bone marrow, that would narrow down the lymphoma presence to only my neck. According to the oncologist, it could then be treated with localized radiation and I would 'be cured.' I again request your prayers that this biopsy show no evidence of lymphoma in my bone marrow.
"Thank you to all who have expressed condolences, support, encouragement and love, and have included me and my family in your prayers to our God. It is touching and humbling to be on the receiving end of this outpouring of concern, including from people who are enduring much more severe trials than I am."
Feb 14, 2021
From Randy H.: "I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma after removal and biopsy of enlarged lymph nodes in my neck. A PET scan and possibly a bone marrow biopsy will be performed to determine if the lymphoma cells have spread elsewhere in my body.
"The good news is that this particular type of non-Hodgkins lymphoma is very slow-growing, and the course of action recommended by the oncologist is to wait and watch. We are thrilled and so grateful to our merciful God about that. It gives us time to pray and fast and incorporate natural remedies to complement the healing processes God has so brilliantly designed in the human body.
"I would greatly appreciate prayers to our loving, wise and powerful God for healing according to His perfect will, peace of mind for me and my family, and that God would be glorified through this trial."

<  > Prayer Request - May 14, 2021 - Donny C. (Eau Claire, WI)
Donny is the brother of Mellanie G. of the Eau Claire congregation, and she sent this prayer request for her brother. " I would like to request prayers for my brother Donny C. He has grown progressively sicker this past month with little energy or appetite, panic and anxiety attacks, claustrophobia, and heightened sensitivity to light, noise, heat and cold. He has his own fabrication shop but hasn't been able to work much so therefore little income coming in. He has been to the Dr. but they didn't know what is wrong either. He and his wife went to the emergency room today and they did several blood tests but won't have any results for a couple of days."

<  > Prayer Request - May 13, 2021 - Mitch K. (Omaha, NE)
Reporting back on the previous prayer request last Sabbath, I had the atrium ablation procedure on Monday morning. It went just as expected, and my heart was restored to "sinus rhythm" (normal rhythm). After three hours of recuperation, I was discharged and was able to return home. I'm still very tired and a little groggy, and I'm supposed to take it easy for 10 days. After that I should be back to normal.
Thanks for passing this on to those who asked in your areas. My thanks to all for prayers for God's healing, cards, calls and well wishes. Your support means so much to Linda and I and is greatly appreciated!
May 8
I lost the original, but Mitch K., pastor in NE and IA has an irregular heartbeat.

<  > Prayer Request - May 13, 2021 - Nelson B. (Lexington, SC)
Prayers are requested for Nelson B., a member in the Columbia, South Carolina, congregation. This past Monday, Nelson went to the hospital with a burning sensation in his chest and shortness of breath. After running some tests on Tuesday, it was discovered that Nelson had four major arteries blocked at least 90 percent. The doctors immediately scheduled a quadruple bypass surgery for Thursday, May 13. Your prayers for God's intervention and for a successful surgery are greatly appreciated. Please also include Nelson's wife, Phyllis, in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - May 12, 2021 - Joanne C. (St. Louis, MO)
Prayers are requested for Joanne C., a member in the St. Louis congregation. She will be going to the hospital Friday for removal of a cancerous tumor in her lung. Please pray that the doctors will do a good job and that God will remove it all. Thank you.

<  > Prayer Update - May 8, 2021 - Fred K. (Lahaina HI)
Fred had congestive heart failure some time back and had been on oxygen. Fred was sent to recuperate at home, and his doctor graciously came by to look in on him.
Ann recently wrote this note to give us an update on her husband's recovery: "Please let everyone know Fred is much stronger now. He still requires some assistance and care but is up and about. We appreciate everyone's prayers and cards so much."
Ann and Fred truly are grateful for the love of their brethren around the world and, most of all, they thank the Father and Jesus Christ for Their great love and mercy.
Feb 17, 2021
Fred, who is 86, had congestive heart failure and has been on oxygen. Fred is at home and his doctor comes to their home to look in on him.
A caregiver does come each day, and this is of immense help, as his wife Anne takes care of him.
Please pray Fred can build up his strength. They truly are grateful for the prayers and loving support of their brethren, and they thank Almighty God for His great love and mercy.
Oct 31, 2020
Fred, who is 86, now has his doctor coming to their home to administer the IV and his wife, Anne, was amazed that God intervened to make that possible. Also, their son from Florida and Daniel are with them now and are helping.
Yesterday, Friday, Oct. 30, Anne was elated to report that now Fred is much improved and gaining in strength. He is able to get up and walk with the aid of a walker. They must be careful not to let him fall.
They truly are grateful for the loving support of their brethren, and they thank Almighty God for His great love and mercy.
Oct 23, 2020
On October 20, Fred K. was taken by ambulance to the emergency room because he was growing weak due to possible intestinal problems, causing him to be dehydrated. Doctors placed him on an IV, and he improved and later was sent home. A test revealed he did not have the COVID-19 virus.
Yesterday, October 22, Anne called and said she took Fred to their doctor for an IV hook up, and she thought he was a little improved. One major issue is that Anne is unable to lift Fred on her own, but thankfully their son from Florida and Daniel will be coming to temporarily help.
Anne is hoping a doctor can come to their home to do an IV and take care of him at home, but that may not work.
Anne is very concerned considering Fred age, and they ask we please pray for God's intervention so he can gain back his strength.
Anne and Fred are longtime faithful church members, and they know about God's promise to heal. They very much appreciate the spiritual support and love of their brethren, and they thank Almighty God for His great mercy.

<  > Prayer Update - May 7, 2021 - Vicki W.(Bella Vista, AR)
Jack and Vicki and their family are very grateful for all the cards, calls, texts and most importantly prayers of their brethren. Vicki underwent open-heart surgery Thursday, Apr. 29 to replace a defective aortic valve and remove some calcification that was interfering with blood flow. The surgery was successful, and her recovery has been smooth. She was able to return home on Monday, May 3. She will have several months of therapy and rehab to get back to full strength. Thankfully her pain levels have been lower than expected, and are manageable. She is grateful for her family, who are making sure everything she needs is taken care of! And thanks to all of you for your love and prayers on her behalf.
May 1, 2021
Vicki had her scheduled open-heart surgery yesterday morning, Thursday, Apr. 29. The surgery was successful and she is doing really well. The surgeon mentioned this morning that he is impressed with how rapid her healing is taking place. Her pain level has decreased dramatically from yesterday and they already have her up walking and sitting. She should be out of ICU on Sunday and able to go home by Tuesday.
Both Vicki and her husband, Jack, would like to thank everyone for the many prayers, calls, texts and many, many cards. The outpouring of love and concern has truly been humbling.
Mar 18, 2021
Jack and Vicki W., members of the Bentonville, Arkansas, congregation, where Jack serves as an elder, are requesting prayers for Vicki.
Vicki has been diagnosed with Aortic stenosis, which is a narrowing of the aortic valve that reduces the blood flow to the body, making the heart work much harder than it should. This has been caused due to calcium deposits building up on the aortic valve, known as aortic valve calcification. These deposits result in the stiffening of the valve cusps and in turn narrowing the valve.
To remedy this issue, a cleaning of the calcification and a full aortic valve replacement will be required, done through open-heart surgery. Vicki has opted to have this procedure done and will be having open heart surgery on Thursday, Apr. 29, 2021.
The prayers of the brethren are requested for God to guide the surgeons for a successful surgery and then a rapid and complete healing. Your prayers for Vicki in this matter are tremendously appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - May 7, 2021 - Abby C. (Cottage Grove, MN)
Abby C. is requesting prayers. She has injured her foot and ankle and the doctor says she either has a sprain or a torn ligament. They will monitor it to see how it heals to determine if it is a sprain or torn ligament. If it is a torn ligament it will require surgery. She would appreciate your prayers. She is in a lot of pain and unable to walk.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 30, 2021 - Dana B. (Minneapolis, MN)
Two health issues to pray about: My dentist looked at my x-rays and referred me to a specialist because "there is something going on" with my lymph nodes.
My eye doctor also referred me to a specialist because "there is something going on" with my right eye.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 29, 2021 - Lisa M. (North Vancouver BC Canada)
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie and Lisa M. are long-time members in Vancouver.
Lisa, who cares for Bernie, has a reoccurrence of breast cancer, which was successfully treated some 20 years ago. Lisa provided this update: "The cancer is in my abdomen area and is causing fluid to build up. I am having the fluid odrained every 3-4 weeks. I am taking chemotherapy treatments and this will be followed by hormone therapy. I have only a few side effects: body aches, headache, tiredness. A CT scan is scheduled to check on the progress of the treatments. The doctor says that this cancer is no longer curable; it can only be managed to keep it in check." Please remember the Lisa to God in your prayers. Encouragement for her during his trials will be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 27, 2021 - Carolyn S. (Scott City, MO)
Carolyn recently had a mastectomy. The operation was successful. They also removed some lymph nodes and she is thankful to God that they all tested negative for cancer. She went to the doctor today and everything is healing nicely. They were able to take out the drainage tube from her surgery, as well.
She was very encouraged by the many cards and letters she received and wants to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support from brethren around the world. Please continue to pray for her continued recovery.
Apr 14, 2021
Carolyn had a mastectomy done yesterday. According to the doctor, the procedure went smoothly. He also took two lymph nodes out from under her arm to test for possible cancer. Those results will be known in 3-5 days. Liz M., her daughter, says, "Carolyn felt the prayers of the brethren around her and God's calming spirit as well. She is so thankful for all the cards and things sent to her and has all the cards taped on the wall of her room at home, right in front of her bed so she can look up while resting and see the love of God's children looking back at her. It will help her heal and continue to strengthen her faith in God. Thank you all so much for your prayers, your kindness, and for helping to steel her for this trial."
Please continue to pray for her recovery as well as pray for the entire family.
Mar 30, 2021
Carolyn S. and her husband, Allen, of the Cape Girardeau congregation are requesting prayers on Caroline's behalf. Caroline was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. First and foremost, they are asking for God's healing for the cancer. They are also asking for the wisdom and strength to make the decisions that will have to be made. Finally, please pray for the doctors involved so they, too, would be wise and make the right decisions.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 27, 2021 - Adam C. (Cottage Grove, MN)
I heard from Abby and she said the CT scan they did on Adam came back OK. He is still having some nausea but they gave him some medicine and sent him home. They appreciate everyone's prayers for him.
Apr 26, 2021
I just received a call from Jason C. and they were in the emergency room with Adam. He was playing with some friends and accidently got hit in the head. He started having the signs of a concussion, sleepy and he can't hold any food or water down They would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 21, 2021 - Lucas L. (Hibbing, MN)
From Jauna,
Lucas just returned from the hospital. He broke his forearm close to the wrist, they are sending his information and images out for future surgery. At this point is sounds as though his recovering knee did not experience any additional damage. It appears that it will simply remain swollen and sore on top of his slow healing. But his wrist and forearm are in great pain. Continued prayers would be much appreciated regarding his recovery and our situation.
From Brian,
Luke and I spoke this afternoon and he expressed growing despair and frustration over the weakening condition of his body, as this fall and broken wrist is only the most recent of a long series of bone, joint and muscle problems that have made him very weary. He is asking us to pray that God would grant him encouragement and strength to continue enduring.
I just received a concerning development with Luke from his wife Jauna. Luke slipped and fell in his backyard today and broke his arm. As he is still recovering from two knee surgeries, Jauna is asking for our prayers for God's healing, strength and comfort as Luke tries to cope with his recent injuries.
Mar 30, 2021
I am contacting you in regards to Lucas' total knee replacement. With many prayers and hope for healing Lucas had his knee replaced on February 22nd 2021, to fix the bone against bone rubbing/arthritis pain. His knee was shot. After a few short weeks we noticed that he wasn't getting much relief from the pain after surgery and in fact had been worse in some ways. I recall him telling me "something just wasn't right"; it was really swollen and he just couldn't find a neutral spot to even sleep for more than an hour at a time. He told me that his bone hurt. He has not had a full night sleep since his surgery only a few hours here and a few hours there when he can.
About two weeks ago he was walking in the kitchen and stepped on a water bottle cap that was on the floor and in reaction hyperextended his knee and it popped. JR and Polly took him to Duluth ER late a few days after it had happened thinking if something were wrong, they would be able to help; but they told him it was the normal healing process. They did blood work to check for an infection and thankfully there was no indication of one so they sent him home. The next day he went to Bigfork where he had the first surgery and the moment he walked in there they knew what had happened. His knee was unstable and the pop that he heard was his PCL tearing and needed to be fixed as soon as possible.
In the first replacement they removed his ACL and replaced the joint leaving his PCL in hopes that he would be able to have a little more movement in his knee. Now they will remove his PCL and place a different joint in his knee which will basically only allow him to bend at the joint.
His surgery is today. We are just asking that brethren pray that God intervenes with surgery and the healing process. Any relief from pain would truly be a blessing and a swift recovery absolutely merciful at this point.
As his wife I am truly sad and hurt to see him in such constant pain and this is very different, he can hardly walk from our bedroom to the kitchen or even the bathroom without severe pain. I have never seen him like this!
Thank you so much for your prayers and concern,

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 21, 2021 - Teanna N. (Twin Cities, MN)
I talked with Shirley N. today and Teanna is home from the hospital and doing good. Her surgery went well and she received her test results today and they were all good. She appreciates everyone's prayers for her.
Apr 19, 2021
Teanna is requesting prayers for God's healing as she is having surgery April 19th to remove a tumor caused by breast cancer. Prognosis is positive as it was found early. Thank you from Teanna and her parents Bruce and Shirley.
Jan 17, 2020
I just talked with Teanna and she had just gotten home from the hospital. She is doing good but still very sore. It will probably be a few weeks before she can return to work. She does appreciate everyone's prayers.
Jan 14, 2020
Teanna had her surgery this afternoon around 1pm. The surgeon said it was more extensive than they thought it would be so she will be in the hospital a couple of days. The family appreciates your prayers for the surgery and her recovery.
Jan 13, 2020
Teanna N. has been admitted to the hospital to have an appendectomy. She would like to request prayers that the surgery goes well.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 17, 2021 - Daniel W. (Montgomery, TX)
Daniel and Rebekah W., of the Houston North, Texas, congregation, are requesting prayers for Daniel. This week he received a diagnosis of testicular cancer, which has caused the growth of a large mass up into his abdomen. They are asking for prayers of God's intervention, as well as for the comfort of themselves and their family.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 13, 2021 - Jaime G. (Santiago, Chile)
Jaime G, an elder in Santiago, Chile, contracted the coronavirus a few days ago. Initially the symptoms weren't worrisome. However, as the days passed, his health situation has gotten more complicated. At this moment Jaime is having problems breathing by himself. He had to go to the hospital last night. Unfortunately the hospitals are crowded, so the doctor sent Jaime home with some medications. We are asking for your prayers for God'� intervention for Jaime and for several other brethren with the same infection due to a second and stronger wave of this virus in this part of the world.
May 9, 2020
Prayers are requested for Jaime G., pastor of the Chilean churches, who has come down with COVID-19 since last Sunday. His wife, Maria, also has the same symptoms, so it's very likely she has it as well. They are both at home and quarantined. He said today that he is feeling a bit better, but his wife Maria still has a fever. They have a four-year old son, Isaac, who does not have any of the symptoms. Please remember to pray for them.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 13, 2021 - Garry L. (Barrie, ON Canada)
Your prayers are requested for my father, Garry Lucas. He has served as an elder for over 40 years. After suffering some seemingly unrelated health setbacks in the past few months, my dad was diagnosed with an aggressive form of colon cancer that has also spread to his liver, lymphatic system and possibly his lungs. The doctors did not recommend any sort of treatment due to his age (83) and because of how far the cancer has spread. As a family, we tried to care for him at home but it became increasingly difficult on all of us, especially on Mom (Emmie). He is now at Simcoe Hospice where he is receiving absolutely top-notch care. He is alert, although a little confused at times and, thankfully, is not suffering much pain.
Our prayers are not the "least" thing we can do for one another - they are the BEST thing that we can do. Please pray for my dad at this time and for the comfort that only our loving Father can give.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 6, 2021 - Heidi S. (Peterborough, ON)
Heidi (age 65 with sleep and memory challenges and PTSD) is deeply grateful for the many ways brethren have reached out to her with caring concern. Her mother (with severe dementia) has been hospitalized, having grown too weak to get up on her own. Please pray for God's intervention that a suitable care space becomes available and that God would grant her mom peace from fragments of difficult memories from long ago.
Dec 18, 2020
Heidi S., 65, requests prayers on behalf of herself, her mother and family. Heidi struggles with decades-long effects of PTSD, including chronic insomnia, exhaustion, flashbacks and memory issues. Helping to care for her dear mom, who has dementia, for the past 5-plus years has exacerbated Heidi's condition. Prayers for God's wisdom and peace would be much appreciated as she decides how to best help her mom and herself.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 3, 2021 - Mitzi B. (St. Paul, MN)
Mitzi B. has been in the hospital on a ventilator since Saturday, Mar. 27, with Covid-19.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 26, 2021 - Austin W. (Bentonville, AR)
Austin W., 23 years old, of the Bentonville, Arkansas, congregation, and his family, request prayers. Several years ago he began experiencing changes in health a little at a time, then his health began declining quickly after a bout of COVID in July. Since then, he's been diagnosed with Lyme Disease, toxic levels of mold in his body, and dysfunction regulating heart rate and blood pressure. He can only tolerate limited movement and had to quit work after the Feast due to pain and fatigue. The doctors are attempting to stabilize his health so he is strong enough to receive treatments. Lab results recently show a decline in several areas.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 26, 2021 - Merrill H. (Northwest Arkansas)
After a fall in his apartment and following surgery to pin his broken femur and left hip together, Merrill has been non-verbal and is only moving his left arm. Tests have now revealed that he has had a massive stroke and can neither speak nor swallow. He has had a feeding tube emplaced. His daughter came to Northeest Arkansas and arranged for him to be moved to hospice today (Thursday, March 25, 2021). Merrill is not expected to survive more than a couple of weeks. We are all honored by his faithfulness to God over the years. And we applaud his courage in facing what he knew to be a life-threatening challenge. I want to thank everyone for their prayers on Merrill's behalf.
Mar 24, 2021
Our beloved Merrill H., age 94, fell in his apartment and broke his left femur on Monday morning. Fortunately, he was wearing a call button. Despite the pain, he was conversant and pleasant while the hospital prepared for surgery. He told the nurse how pleased he was that the pain subsided following an anointing. The surgery to pin his femur to his hip went well, but Merrill has been non-verbal since surgery. He possibly has anesthesia-induced temporary dementia, or he may have had a stroke. No family live in the area. Please remember Merrill in your fervent prayers that he be restored to full function.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 26, 2021 - Sharon M. (Fort Jones, CA)
Sharon received some great news at the latest appointment with her doctor that she wanted to share. She reports that her tumor has shrunk to half of its original size. She is hopeful that at the next check in 4 months it will be gone. Thank you all for your prayers for healing, they are much appreciated.
Nov 25, 2020
Sharon saw her doctor Tuesday and, since the tumor is small, he recommended hormone therapy treatment rather than chemo or radiation. She will see him in a month for lab work and then every three months. She is very thankful for this approach. Thanks to you all for your continued prayers.
Nov 15, 2020
Sharon M. of the Medford congregation is requesting prayers for healing. During the Feast, Sharon went to the hospital with what she thought was heart trouble. It turned out that she has a small cancerous tumor in her lower left lung. Doctors told her it has not spread anywhere else and she is requesting prayers for God's healing at this time. Sharon is grateful for the prayers of the brethren.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 24, 2021 - Teresa G. (Ashland, VA)
Teresa had a CT scan Feb. 22, which was a baseline to compare with any future scans. A couple of lymph nodes had changed shape since surgery last fall and this concerned her oncologist. Teresa had a PET scan last week and the scan came back clear with no signs of cancer. Teresa is feeling much improved overall and is so grateful to everyone for their prayers on her behalf. Please continue to pray for God's complete healing and perfect will to be done.
Oct 12, 2020
Teresa G. of the Williamsburg, Virginia, congregation, has been diagnosed with stage 3 uterine cancer. She recently underwent surgery and is recovering at home. She will begin chemo treatments soon with the possibility of radiation to follow. Please continue to pray for Teresa as she continues with treatments.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 24, 2021 - Tina H. (Taft, TX)
Tina had open heart surgery on Monday, March 22. The doctors, performing a quadruple bypass, were very pleased with the outcome of the operation and indicated that Tina has a very strong heart. Tina is recovering well and has received many visitors, including her twin sister, Janie M., and other relatives. At the time of the visits Tina was sitting up and talking.
Tina will be in ICU for another day or so, and then will be moved to a regular hospital room. She and her husband, Raymond, would like to thank the brethren for their cards, calls, emails and especially for their prayers. Please continue to keep Tina in your prayers and ask God to bless her with a complete and uneventful recovery.
Mar 16, 2021
Tina's open heart surgery has been scheduled for early morning Monday, March 22. The doctors will determine then whether a triple or quadruple bypass will be performed.
Prayers are requested for a successful operation and a quick recovery.
Mar 2, 2021
Tina H. is requesting prayers. She and her husband, Raymond, are members attending the Corpus Christi, Texas, congregation. She has been suffering from chest pain and recently went to the doctor expecting to be placed on medication or a possible stent. She was diagnosed with blocked arteries. Two major arteries are 100 percent blocked another is 70 percent blocked. She will be undergoing open-heart surgery on Tuesday, March 2. Prayers are requested for a successful surgery and her complete recovery.
After further inquiries it has been determined that the open-heart surgery will take place not tomorrow but at a later date. As soon as the date of the surgery is determined it will be announced. Please continue to keep Tina and her husband, Raymond, in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 18, 2021 - Elana K. (Cape Town, South Africa)
Elana K., who attends the Cape Town, South Africa, congregation, recently experienced unexpected and painful kidney problems. She was informed today that it is a result of cancerous obstructions originating from cancer of the pancreas - which they then also found. Surgery is not an option and Elana and her husband, Willy, will be seeing an oncologist on Tuesday to determine what chemo rout is recommended.
Please pray that God will intervene, strengthen, help and uphold them as Isaiah writes in chapter 41:10. Both certainly need the strength to be at peace with what has come their way.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 18, 2021 - Dick T. (Ocala, FL)
Dick was moved from ICU to PCU yesterday. He is continuing with medication and physical therapy. The hospital still allows only one visitor per day. Dick's sons rotate visiting with him and they are the only ones allowed to do so. He continues to recover and improve, although slowly. There has been no discharge date set. His sons say they have to empty his mail box every other day to keep it from overflowing. Thank you to everyone for your continuing prayers and concern.
Mar 8, 2021
Dick came through the surgery okay, is stable and resting. He came off the ventilator about an hour after returning to his room and was put on a BiPap (which helps with breathing). He had quadruple bypass, a Maze procedure, and a left atrial appendage clipping to prevent an irregular heartbeat as he recovers. He and his sons greatly appreciate all the love and support that has been shown.
Mar 4, 2021
Dick is now scheduled to have open heart surgery tomorrow morning, Friday, March 5, at 7 a.m. He is in good spirits and deeply appreciates the continued prayers of the brethren on his behalf.
Mar 3, 2021
Dick is still waiting for a surgery date. The doctors gave him blood thinners and are waiting until his body replenishes his platelets so his blood will coagulate. They are resting his heart. He really appreciates all the thoughts and prayers on his behalf.
Feb 28, 2021
Dick met with the cardiologist/surgeon this morning. They showed him a picture of his heart; three arteries are mostly blocked. After much prayer he decided to have the open-heart surgery, which will be scheduled sometime this week. The doctors told him to expect to stay in the hospital for five to seven days after the surgery. He was able to meet with both his sons today, which they normally don't allow.
Dick thanks everyone for their prayers. Knowing of them has provided him with a big boost in spirits and encouragement.
Feb 27, 2021
Dick T., a retired pastor who has served in many areas over the years, was found to have had a heart attack while giving a sermon in Ocala, Florida, this morning. Due to discomfort, he cut the sermon short and was given a chair to sit in. He passed out several times while he was sitting down. An ambulance was called and he was taken to AdventHealth hospital in Ocala. The doctors performed a heart catheterization. The results showed one of his arteries was 100 percent blocked and another one was 80 percent blocked. The doctors did not put stents in; he is stable and will be deciding with a cardiologist whether or not surgery is the best option. He would appreciate your prayers that God grant healing according to His will and that God lead him to the proper decision.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 18, 2021 - Rufus W. (Bulan, KY)
Continued prayers are requested for Rufus, a deacon serving in the London, Kentucky, congregation. After enduring the throat cancer treatments, Rufus has been unable to swallow, has been sleeping approximately 20 hours each day and has only been able to walk short distances with the use of a walker. Yet the good news is that a recent CT scan revealed that there was no cancer found in his throat.
Rufus will go through a full body PET scan sometime next month which will show any cancer hot spots in his body. They are also changing his feeding tube formula to a diabetic one which should help regulate his blood sugar. They will be scheduling swallow therapy as well.
The couple have also endured two bouts with Covid19 as well as having to care for his wife Glenna's mother, who has Alzheimer's.
Your continued prayers for Rufus, Glenna and the family are greatly appreciated.
Jan 28, 2021
We have some very encouraging news: Rufus was released from the hospital and is home! He has endured chemo treatment, radiation therapy, Covid and pneumonia. A therapist is helping him to walk around his home but he is exhausted and cannot eat or drink anything orally. The most he can do is some ice shavings.
Rufus is not out of the woods but God's intervention has certainly been evident. He and his family appreciate and request your continued prayers, cards and emails of encouragement.
Jan 19, 2021
Continued prayers are requested for Rufus, a deacon serving in the London, Kentucky, congregation. He completed his chemo treatments but still has two radiation treatments to complete. He and his wife, Glenna, along with her mother, also endured the Covid-19 illness.
Though they were tested Covid-free, Rufus was admitted to the hospital on Friday afternoon after being incoherent, disoriented and dehydrated and was treated with fluids and antibiotics. This morning (Tuesday), Glenna was notified that he is unresponsive so they have intubated him and moved him to ICU.
Thank you in advance for thinking about and praying for Rufus and his family.
The cards, letters and emails they have received have been greatly appreciated.
Nov 12, 2020
Continued prayers are requested for Rufus W., a deacon serving in the London, Kentucky, congregation. He continues to battle prostate and tonsil cancer and will begin radiation and chemotherapy treatments Nov. 23.
Rufus was able to attend the entire Feast with his wife, Glenna, and his family, and is grateful for and encouraged by the cards and letters already received.
Sep 24, 2020
Prayers are requested for Rufus W., a deacon serving the London, Kentucky, congregation.
Besides prostate cancer, which he has been battling, he has now been diagnosed with tonsil cancer in the lymph nodes on the right side of his neck. He is still planning on attending the Feast, as he has done for many years with his family.
Your prayers for Rufus, his wife, Glenna, and his family are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 14, 2021 - Thomas M. (Eau Claire, WI)
Bridget is asking for prayers for her brother Thomas. He is back in the hospital with pneumonia and he is on a ventilator because he is having so much trouble breathing.
The family appreciates your prayers.
Feb 12, 2021
Bridget K. for her brother;
I would like to request prayers for my brother, Thomas M. He is having difficulty walking any short distance without being completely winded and exhausted. He is diabetic and has recently had to deal with kidney failure, high blood pressure that they can't seem to get under control, and tremors and dizziness, all related to the kidney disease. This all came about in just the last 6 months. Thank you, Bridget

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 8, 2021 - Mark B. (Murfreesboro, TN)
There has not been any improvement in Mark's condition. Mark still feels bad the majority of the time, and his doctors cannot find the cause.
Mark does not wish to receive any mail, because he is too exhausted to respond. Your continued prayers will be greatly appreciated.
Sep 22, 2020
Mark B. requests prayers for his long-term health problems that are getting worse. He is experiencing dizziness, disorientation, nausea, rapidly-worsening memory problems and fatigue. Sleep does not relieve his fatigue. He also has pain in both feet, behind his knees, and in his elbows. Mark feels bad the majority of the time, and his doctors cannot find the cause.
Please pray that God will deliver him from this suffering. Mark does not wish to receive any mail, because he is too exhausted to respond. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 8, 2021 - Jacques R. (Auckland, New Zealand)
Amber R. of the Auckland, New Zealand, congregation is requesting prayers on behalf of her husband, Jacques. In January, he was diagnosed with heart failure after experiencing severe shortness of breath and swelling. Scans and tests have revealed multiple blocked arteries, a leaky valve and an enlarged heart that is pumping in a dysfunctional manner. While feeling quite a bit better on medication, the prognosis is still only up to a 50% chance of living another 5 years. He is only 53.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 2, 2021 - Brenda H. (Kingsport, TN)
Brenda has still not been found. There has been no contact with her since Saturday morning, Feb. 27, 2021. Police are investigating/searching. I will update immediately with new information as it comes.
While we are becoming more and more fearful with each day that passes, we know that God is sovereign over all things and that He deeply loves Brenda. Thank you so much for your continued prayers.
Feb 28, 2021
We are requesting your urgent prayers for Brenda H. of the Kingsport congregation.
Bob (Brenda's husband) has reported that Brenda has not come home and there's been no communication from her since leaving for church at around 1 p.m. Saturday afternoon. Brenda never arrived at services. This is not at all typical for Brenda. Her phone is not working and so there's been no contact from her at all since that time.
Bob has reported her missing to the police, who have had no success with pinging her phone for location. Bob and many of our local brethren have driven the roads that Brenda would have traveled on her way to church. A countywide search is now in effect since it has been 24 hours since her last contact.
Please urgently pray that God protect Brenda and return her home safely. I will immediately update with any new information. Thank you for your sincere and urgent prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 1, 2021 - Joanne T. (Yuma AZ)
Joanne has been diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure. She is scheduled for a consultation with the doctor on March 3 and requests your prayers for God's direction in selecting the right treatment option, as her kidneys are functioning at 20%. Joanne trusts in God's healing according to His will and thanks you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 28, 2021 - Gayle W. (Reform, AL)
Gayle had a follow-up visit with her back surgeon this past week and he has indicated that she is able to start being more active now. She seems to be healing nicely. There is, of course, still a great deal of pain due to the nature of the surgery. The pain from the fractures seems to be much reduced along with the sciatic nerve issue. The nerve still gives her some discomfort on occasion but has reduced significantly. We are so thankful for so many cards and words of encouragement that have poured in from around the world. What a wonderful blessing to be a part of such a loving family in Jesus Christ. God bless each and everyone of you.
Jan 15, 2021
We were finally able to bring Gayle home today (Friday, Jan. 15), a day later than we had anticipated. Yesterday, Gayle was very weak and in a great deal of pain. It was determined that she was anemic and did require a unit of blood along with a B-12 shot. This seemed to strengthen her a great deal. He blood pressure is still below its normal range, but improving.
The surgeon was able to finish the operation Monday, Jan. 11, but had a great deal more work than he had anticipated. There was a great amount of scar tissue from the previous procedure that had to be removed in order to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. He had to make several incisions in order to place another rod along her spine, and then do some repair work on the previous location along with this last fracture. Although she is still in a great deal of pain, it is mostly generated by the procedure. The surgeon indicated he expected to see a great deal of improvement going forward. Her follow-up appointment is scheduled in two weeks. Gayle is home resting and we will be doing therapy here in our home.
We can't begin to adequately express our love and appreciation for the e-mails, calls and cards from around the world. Thank each and every one of you and God bless you. We serve an amazing Father and elder brother.
Dec 20, 2020
After Gayle underwent her first back surgery, it was discovered that another vertebra had been fractured. Gayle has received her date for the second back surgery which is scheduled for Jan. 11. This procedure will be just below the original surgery that placed rods along part of her spine. Her pain continues to be constant and severe in her back and along the sciatic nerve. Please pray that this operation will repair her back and relieve the constant pain. We would like to thank everyone for their prayers thus far and please continue to pray to our loving Father for complete healing.
Mar 1, 2019
Gayle is home from in house rehab after fourteen days (a week early) and is doing nicely. She is improving in her ability to move around and do some of the things she is accustomed to. There is still a long road of in home and in house rehab to go but she is improving on a daily basis. The back surgery was very successful and most of the pain in her back and legs are gone (except for the surgical cuts of course). We have received so many e-mails, cards, phone calls, etc that it would be impossible to answer each one individually. Her speedy recovery is a testimony to the effectiveness of the prayers of God's people and we wish to thank each and every one of you from the depths of our hearts. Our Loving Father is an awesome God. In the meantime she will be attending services at the Home Office (electronically of course) until she is able to travel and make a day of the Sabbath. Thank you all, each and everyone.
Feb 12, 2019
Gayle is out of surgery and is resting. Surgery included repair of L1-L5 which consist of rod placement which corrected her nerve damage. She will remain in the hospital for 3-4 days which will also include physical therapy. Dr. Bassett informed us of her having to do a 21 day rehab upon discharge of hospital. We thank you all for your prayers. Continue to remember us through the recovery process. We will keep you updated on Gayle's progress.
Dec 13, 2018
Gayle had an assessment from her heart surgeon and she has now been released for back surgery which is scheduled for February 11th at Druid City Hospital in Northport, Alabama. This is going to be a difficult surgery. Gayle is diabetic and will be required to be on the table for at least six hours. Your prayers are requested that this procedure goes well and that she can return to her normal activities soon thereafter. We want to thank everyone who has offered up prayers and sent cards, e-mails and notes of encouragement. Your love and concern has been greatly appreciated and we know that God is well pleased with his children when they join together in prayer for each other. Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Oct 26, 2018
Gayle underwent a cath procedure on Wednesday and stayed overnight in the hospital. The surgeon placed a stint where a blockage was discovered. There appears to be no further blockages. Gayle will be reassessed in 30 days to determine when she will be able to undergo back surgery. We wish to thank everyone for their e-mails, calls, cards, and especially for their prayers. Please continue to pray that any ongoing procedures will be successful and remove the intense pain Gayle is suffering.
Oct 19, 2018
Prayers are requested for my [Jim's] wife, Gayle. She was scheduled for back surgery on October 22nd which had to be cleared by her cardiologist. Yesterday, after undergoing the required tests, Gayle was notified that she would be needing a cath for possible blockages. The back surgery had to be postponed until this can be resolved. She is to see the cardiologist on Tuesday, October 23 to determine what specific action needs to be taken. Gayle is in continual severe pain due to broken vertebrae from an accident two years ago. Please pray for her healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 27, 2021 - Cindy N. (Roseville, MN)
An update report from Steve: Cindy walks with the aid of walker, can occasionally put together complete sentences, and has been making improvements in all areas. The rehab staff notices remarkable strides. She will come home Monday. Her attitude is sterling - upbeat, determined and positive.
Feb 13, 2021
Cindy N. and her husband Steve attend with the Living Church of God, and many of you will remember them from when they attended in St. Paul with the Worldwide Church of God.
Cindy experienced a massive stroke this past weekend and was taken to the hospital where she had another stroke a few days later. As a result, her speech has been impaired, and her right side is mostly paralyzed. She is expected to be in physical, occupational, and speech therapy for at least the next few weeks. Steve and Cindy would very much appreciate your prayers for comfort, healing, and wise counsel from her doctors and therapists.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 26, 2021 - Shirley W. (Nottingham MD)
Shirley was able to return home on Wednesday from the rehab facility. She is so thankful to everyone who has sent cards from around the country and poured out love and prayers on her behalf! She is able to maneuver around the house with her walker and is relieved to be back home. She is well on the road to recovery, but please continue to pray that all goes well. Thanks to our loving God for watching over her and bringing her safely through!
Feb 14, 2021
Shirley W. suffered a fall in her home on Sunday, Feb. 7. Thankfully, her daughter, Laura, heard it from downstairs and was with her right away. Some of the brethren nearby came to help assess her condition and get her to the hospital, where they determined she had a fractured femur. She had a successful surgery the next day to insert a rod, and she was moved to a rehab facility midweek.
She was able to walk a short distance with a walker last Thursday during physical therapy, but otherwise she has been in bed. She has not been given an expected length of time that she will need to stay in rehab, and it may depend on how she progresses with therapy.
Shirley is 86 years old and suffers from COPD. She also developed pneumonia just a couple of weeks ago, but tested negative for COVID. Because of the restrictions, she is not able to have visitors. This was especially difficult while she was in the hospital and her condition wasn't fully known. Now that she is at rehab, her room is on the first floor and her family can at least "visit" by standing outside the window.
Please pray for Shirley's continued healing as she recovers from this injury, and remember her ongoing difficulty breathing due to COPD as well. Our God is faithful and abounding in love - please ask that He grants her comfort as He sustains her through this trial!

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 26, 2021 - Lisa W. (Nottingham, MD)
Lisa W. has been suffering from swelling in her leg with severe pain in the knee for over a month that has continued to worsen. After having it checked out, they discovered a large cyst in her knee that they tried unsuccessfully to drain several weeks ago, which is compounding on arthritis pain that she has had for a number of years. Her hope has been to have knee replacement surgery and remove the cyst at the same time, which she has been working towards with her doctors.
The pain became bad enough that she began using a walker at home, and it has continued to worsen and spread to other joints. In the course of tests needed for the knee replacement, Lisa was diagnosed with a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis, which explains the acute inflammation and joint pain she has been experiencing. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune condition with no known cure; however, knowing that is the cause allows the doctors to select more targeted treatments that will hopefully help manage Lisa's day-to-day health. She is still hoping to proceed soon with a knee replacement and cyst removal.
This last week was difficult for Lisa, and she needs your prayers. Her joint pain became so bad that she has hardly been able to get out of bed each day. While mankind does not have a cure, our powerful God is able to heal all by the stripes of Jesus Christ, by which He took our infirmities on Himself (Isaiah 53:3-4).
Please pray that God would grant Lisa relief above and beyond what medication can do and that He would completely heal her! Pray also that He grants her strength and endurance to face a potentially long struggle with this condition, according to His will.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 26, 2021 - Gyle H. (Roswell, GA)
Gyle has successfully gone through open-heart surgery. He is out of ICU and in a private room in the hospital looking forward to returning home soon. Your continued prayers for a full recovery would be greatly appreciated. It will be weeks before he is back to or close to full strength.
Feb 17, 2021
Your prayers for Gyle H. would be greatly appreciated. Gyle attends services with his wife, Jennifer, and family in the Jefferson and Atlanta, Georgia, congregations. He has over 80 percent blockage in all three of his main arteries and is scheduled for open heart surgery on Tuesday, Feb. 23. He and his family would appreciate you asking God to intervene when and where it is needed. Thank you very much on their behalf.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 23, 2021 - Shailveena C. (Agra, India)
Shailveena C. of the Agra, India, congregation is requesting your prayers for God's intervention and healing. Shailveena was born with a birth defect in both legs and has been able to walk over the years by using crutches. However, she fell recently and has injured both of her knees. She has a left knee fracture and right knee ligament damage. She is currently bedridden and has a cast on both legs from her ankles to just above her knees. Shailveena is experiencing a lot of physical discomfort and is earnestly seeking God's healing. Your prayers on her behalf would be very much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 23, 2021 - Grace A. (Paris, IL)
Here is an update on my wife Grace's condition. Grace is doing much better with her breathing now and doesn't cough very much. Grace is able to sleep much better at night and her oxygen levels are staying up much better to where they should be. She doesn't need supplemental oxygen, which we are very thankful for. Grace was able to attend Sabbath services with me this past week.
Thanks to all of you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, for your prayers. Our Father answered them, for which we are very thankful.
Feb 8, 2021
My wife, Grace A., was admitted to the hospital Thursday with breathing problems. Grace has severe asthma and congestive heart failure, which complicates her condition. She was released from the hospital Friday, but I had to take her back to the emergency room Sunday morning with severe breathing problems again. They discovered that Grace has diabetes, as well. Grace has asked for the prayers of her brothers and sisters that God would intervene with healing of her respiratory problems.
Two years ago, Grace was operated on and it was discovered she had ovarian cancer. God intervened with healing from the cancer and she has had no treatments of any kind or any follow-up of chemotherapy or radiation, which amazes her oncologist. Thanks to all of you faithful brethren in advance for your faithful prayers to our Father and for all those who are sick and are in need of healing.
Jan 11, 2019
Grace, who underwent surgery for stage two ovarian cancer in May 2018, is doing well. Her doctors are just astounded that she hasn't any signs of cancer since she had no treatments. We know that God intervened with healing for her because of all you brethren who have prayed for her healing. On January 8 Grace had her second follow up tests and she is still cancer free - to the oncologists amazement. Grace still has a small place in her surgery wound that doesn't want to heal properly. She would appreciate your prayers that God would cause her wound to heal totally. This surgery was done on May 10. Thank you to all you faithful brethren for you prayers and to our great God for His mercy.
Oct 6, 2018
We are writing to let all the brethren around the world know that my wife Grace was able to keep the Feast of Tabernacles this year with her family after a long recovery to get her strength back after the surgery after her colon had ruptured on May 10th. The surgeon discovered that Grace had a very large cyst on her ovary which turned out to be stage two cancer. The last visit to see her surgeon to check Grace's wound about a month ago told her he that because of her weak heart he had been afraid that she might not survive the surgery. After many months of recovering from the surgery she met on October 3rd with her oncologist to do a CT scan. The next day we met with her oncologist to obtain the results. He said there no signs of cancer and the blood test showed no cancer markers. The oncologist said that Grace was a very unusual case since she has taken no medicine or any treatments at all since her operation. He was amazed by the test results. We all know that our loving Father and Jesus Christ have intervened to heal her and has heard the prayers of all the righteous brethren around the world who have been praying for her healing. We are so thankful to everyone for their fervent, effective prayers on Grace's behalf. May God bless you all with encouragement as well. Please pass this information on to all the brethren in your congregations. Give God the praise.
Aug 19, 2018
My wife Grace had a visit with her surgeon at the Carle hospital in Champaign, IL this week and she was told that she no longer needs to be carrying around her wound-vac machine because her wound has healed to the point that she only needs a dressing for the next few weeks. Grace is very happy about this good news and is going to be going to Sabbath services today. She wants to give thanks to our merciful God and all you many brethren for your earnest prayers for her healing. Please pray for God's direction as to what kind of treatment will be needed for her ovarian cancer. As of now we are making plans to go to the Feast, God willing.
Aug 3, 2018
My wife Grace is finally home after 70 days in a nursing home rehab center. She is still under wound center care after her surgery but is healing nicely now after a setback of infection. Grace is doing rehab to help her regain her strength. She and I are so very thankful to all you brethren that have sent cards, letters of prayers and encouragement. They have meant more than you can know for both Grace and me. We want to thank our heavenly Father for intervening for Grace to bring her to this point in time. She is looking forward to begin attending Sabbath services again as soon as possible. She still has the ovarian cancer to deal with but she knows she is in God's hands and we are praying for complete healing.
Jun 4, 2018
Here is an update on my wife Grace. She is now out of the ICU from Carle hospital and back in our hometown of Paris, IL. She is in a nursing home rehab physicality where she is getting therapy five days a week to help her get her strength built up so she can hopefully begin to walk again. After so many days in the hospital she has lost all her muscle strength.
We are just so very grateful to our heavenly Father for answering the prayers of all of you loving and caring brethren around the world. We have received so many cards and letters that we can't begin to thank each and every one of you individually so I want to do it in this message. You can't begin to imagine the impact you have made on Grace and I with your kind thoughts. Holding the cards and letters and seeing all the names on them is like holding your prayers to our Father in our hands. Grace was very near death but God was very merciful and answered your prayers. Thank you all so much for your loving kindness. Grace was told by the doctors in the hospital that the cyst that ruptured was cancerous so please continue to pray to our great heavenly Father for her complete healing.
May 14, 2018
My wife Grace was taken to the Carle hospital Emergency Room at 3:00 a.m. Thursday morning. She underwent emergency surgery due to a very large cyst on her ovary which burst. The cyst had attached itself to her colon and caused a small hole in it. This spilled poison into her abdomen and caused her to become septic. Grace has a very weak heart which has further complicated things. All of this has created a life threatening situation. Your prayers for God's healing and a full recovery would be much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 21, 2021 - Don S. (Christiansburg, VA)
The doctor found a small spot of bone cancer in Don's right shoulder. He had his first radiation treatment this week. Don says the treatment went well, and no after effects so far. The doctor thinks 10 treatments will get rid of the cancer. Please join us in asking for complete healing and no lasting complications for Don. Thanks in advance for this service.
Apr 3, 2020
Don reports the swelling in his leg has diminished and he is feeling much better. He feels sad about not being able to answer all the cards and letters he has received. But he sends his thanks to all those who expressed their love by praying and sending cards. In his 50 years in the Church he has not seen as much love as now. Thanks be to our Heavenly Father.
Mar 10, 2020
Don had scans last week and the doctor said his cancer is smaller and not spreading. He has to see a specialist soon about his left leg. It is still swollen and painful for him to walk and the doctor wants him to keep it elevated. Please pray for Don for he is very anxious to get back to services - he really misses being with his church family on the Sabbath. Thanks in advance for your prayers.
Sep 22, 2017
Your prayers are requested for Don S. of the Roanoke VA congregation. Don is having some serious health problems. Please pray that God would heal Don and strengthen him. Thank you for your fervent prayers on Don's behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 18, 2021 - Dana F. (Twin Cities, MN)
I [Dana] wanted to update everyone on Josh. We wanted to Thank everyone for their prayers for Josh, Joyce and I.
Josh spent two weeks in the Hospital. He is out of the Hospital and back home. It is taking time to recover from the control of the medication they put him on. They have put him on other medication to help him be on level behavior.
It's going to take a little longer, but it is working. We thank everyone.
Feb 4, 2021
As Josh's mental health has gotten worse, he had to be taken to the Hospital and placed under sedation earlier this week. He has been undergoing many tests to determine his problem and what they could do for him. Today he seems better and after he was taken off sedation has been up and active. Later he was taken from the ICU to a location for Mental Health Patients.
Because of the Corona Virus we are not allowed to be with him. He can call us and visit by phone.
Joyce and I want to thank everyone for their prayers and Cards. Please continue to pray for us all.
Jan 29, 2021
Dana and Joyce are requesting our prayers for God to kelp them in caring for their grandson Josh. He has been diagnosed with autism and is becoming increasingly difficult for them to care for. It was a particularly difficult week for all of them and they are feeling very stressed and exhausted.
Please ask that God would guide them and give them ongoing strength and patience.
Feb 28, 2019
Dana recently fell and broke his pelvis. After surgery he is resting and recovering at home. Please ask God to heal Dana and remove his pain.
Oct 11, 2018
Dana is doing better, though they doctors still want to keep him sedated to limit his movement. He opened his eyes briefly to see Joyce and his sons yesterday and they were confident that he knew they were there. His ICU nurse told Joyce that he may be able to leave the ICU over the weekend if his improvement continues.
Joyce, Greg and Dan are very grateful for our prayers and ask that we continue.
Oct 10, 2018
Dana went into Fairview Hospital this morning to have a stint put in and is now in major surgery. Joyce is requesting our urgent prayers for Dana.
Dana is resting comfortably after undergoing emergency quadruple bypass surgery this afternoon. He was schedule for what was supposed to be a routine procedure to put in a stint, but the artery was so week that it burst during the procedure. Dana then experienced a heart attack, to which the surgery team quickly responded. Another doctor was brought in to perform the bypass and according to his ICU nurse, all went well. He is currently sedated and will need to spend an extended amount of time in the hospital in recovery.
Joyce is doing well. Their sons Greg and Dan were there in support. On the advice of the ICU nurse, she went home to get some rest and will return to Fairview Southdale in Edina tomorrow.
Joyce wanted to thank all of you for your prayers and asks that we continue to pray for Dana's speedy recovery.
Mar 4, 2017
Dana F. is requesting our prayers for healing, as he has been experiencing pain and other complications from a bleeding bladder. He has not been able to attend services and is pretty much confined to his bed. He is undergoing testing to determine the cause and what he may be able to do to arrest the problem, but above all he would like God to intervene as He so often miraculously does. Dana would very much appreciate if we would all keep him in mind in our petitions to God.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 16, 2021 - Marion Y. (Dudley, NC)
Marion told me today that her follow-up appointment with an oncologist confirms the presence of lung cancer. The cancer has been categorized as stage 4 and has spread to other parts of her body. Marion has decided to go through chemotherapy to slow the spread. Marion requests your prayers to our merciful Father for her healing and for the spiritual strength to face the rigors of her coming therapy.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 13, 2021 - Faith H. (Fulton, MO)
Brian & Carole H. write: "Faith has been home for close to 2 weeks now. She had a follow-up with the orthopedic surgeon this past Thursday. They took out almost all of her stitches and took new X-rays. The rods looked good, still in place! She will go back next Thursday to have the last few stitches removed and then hopefully back to school on the following Monday.
"We are so touched by all of the cards Faith has received. She's excited about the mail every day now! We want to thank you all for your meaningful cards, gifts and (most importantly) prayers! God has certainly healed our broken hearts and has bound up her wounds. We are so grateful to Him!"
Jan 29, 2021
We received this encouraging update from Carole H. regarding Faith:
"The surgeon said that on Friday morning they will put screws into the pelvis, which will straighten the rods again. After he does that, the plastic surgeon will come in and close her up. After looking at her, he does not think that he needs to do any kind of muscle tissue flaps! This is wonderful news! Way less surgery involved!!"
They are very thankful for the prayers of all the brethren on their behalf. Please pray about the surgery Friday morning, Jan. 29.
Jan 26, 2021
Brian and Carole H. write: "We are requesting prayers for our daughter, Faith. Over the past year, she developed severe scoliosis and surgical intervention was required. She had special magnetic growing rods placed in her back 4 weeks ago. Unfortunately, a surgical wound recently opened up which sent her to the ER. She was admitted to the hospital on Saturday night to develop a plan to mitigate an infection risk and wound closure. But after X-rays were taken Tuesday, it was discovered the rods have moved.
"They were held in place with spikes that go through saddle joints over top of the pelvis. But they lost their tension and the saddle joints moved. The other problem is that her skin is so tight from her spina bifida surgery that the wound closure is going to be challenging.
"The orthopedic surgeon said he will need to open her back up at the bottom and replace those saddles with either screws or S-hooks. He said he will come in Wednesday with a plan. We expect them to have the plastic surgeon involved as well. They might have to move tissue around to cover the surgical wound. We expect the surgery to be completed this week.
"There are a lot of details that are up in the air right now. Please pray that God uses the surgeons as His right hand and gives them the proper wisdom on what to do. We would like to all be back home together as a family again."
Apr 12, 2018
We wanted to give you an update on our daughter Faith H. (age 5.5). We thank our God that she came out of surgery with no complications and she is resting comfortably in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). She is sore from the surgery, but the pain medication has helped to keep it under control. She is feeling better each day and has shown sparks of her normal confidence and 'sassiness.' When the nurse was updating the next shift nurse about Faith's age (she said she was 5) -- Faith interrupted and stated that she was 5.5�! And moments later, "I'm almost 6! It's good to see her beginning to "be herself" again. Mom is with her every minute -- even through the sleepless hospital nights.
We hope she will be discharged by Friday. As for the surgery, the neurosurgeon was hoping to decompress an artery on the left side of the brainstem that was not visualized on an MRI (this was thought to be the culprit of her vomiting). But when she got in there, she was not able to see the artery because of the scar tissue. And with the scar tissue being so close to the brainstem and surrounding anatomy, the risk was too great to take it out. But she did remove some other scar tissue and a small piece of the skull to allow more room for the brainstem in general, in hopes that this will take pressure off the vomiting centers. We now pray to our merciful God in Heaven that her problem will be resolved. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers and the cards that we so speedily received. They certainly help lift us up in our time of need.
Apr 5, 2018
Brian and Carole H. of the Fulton, MO congregation are requesting prayers for their daughter, Faith (age 5.5).
Brian and Carole wrote: "Faith has had daily vomiting issues for the past 5 years. Despite many different treatments, this continues to occur multiple times a day. She is scheduled for brain decompression on Tuesday April 10th, to decompress areas that effect vomiting. Please pray that God would be with the neurosurgeon during this delicate procedure and that our beautiful daughter will finally be rid of this issue for good. Thank you so much for your prayers. We will update you as soon as we can after the surgery."
Jan 9, 2017
Faith is making progress in many areas. Since using a feeding tube, she is gaining weight & is always actively rolling around in her wheelchair at services keeping up with the other kids. She still has the problem of vomiting, often even prior to eating. Prayers for her healing are appreciated.
Mar 19, 2014
Faith is home, and doing great. She has gained all her weight back and a little more. In fact, so far she has not been nauseous, and she has only vomited 3 times in the past week. That is a record for her. She has had a ravenous appetite as well. The past week has been such a blessing and maybe this rotovirus has been a blessing in disguise. It truly has been a remarkable week! God has done more through this sickness than all the doctors have done over the past 2 years! Please pray that her vomiting days are past. Brian and Carole thank all of our wonderful brethren for your prayers, cards and concern for their daughter, Faith.
Sep 30, 2014
It has been a few months since our 2 year old, Faith's Chiari (pronounced KE-ARE-EE) decompression surgery. A follow-up MRI showed better spinal fluid movement and she has recovered from the surgery nicely and seems to be moving her head around just as before. Unfortunately, it has seemed to do little to help her vomiting issues. So, we have sent her medical records to Mayo Clinic to see if there is anything they can do to help her. We expect to hear something back within a month to let us know if they will set an appointment for her.
As we head into the Feast season, please pray that we can find some relief from Faith's vomiting. There have been only 2 times in the past 1 1/2 years that she has gone for any extensive period of time with minimal or no vomiting - and that has been at the Spring and Fall festivals. We continue to look to God for his comfort and guidance and thank everyone for your thoughtful cards and prayers. Words cannot truly express our deepest appreciation.
Jun 13, 2014
Brian and Carole H. wanted you all to know that their 2-year-old daughter, Faith, had her surgery to decompress her brainstem. The surgery went well. They found she had a great deal of scar tissue that was causing most of the compression, and once it was removed the cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) began to flow. She still has scar tissue further down the spinal canal, but they don't yet know the implications. Now we are eager to see if this improves her daily vomiting and any other issues.
She is currently in the pediatric intensive care unit and plans to be moved to the main floor later today (Thursday). They think she might be able to go home on Friday or Saturday. She is able to hold her head up when she is held, and with pain medication she moved her head once and has smiled several times - mostly when family or friends sing the Disney movie "Frozen" music!
The family writes: "Though we don't know you all, we are all members of one body and feel close to everyone. Thank you for your petitions to our Father in heaven, and for the cards of encouragement and support. We will give you another update soon to let you know how she progresses."
May 28, 2014
Faith's surgery scheduled for May 27 had to be postponed due to an equipment issue at the hospital. It will be rescheduled about a month from now. Your prayers for her and her family during this time are appreciated.
Oct 18, 2013
Faith has recently been able to eat 'table food'. She chokes every so often and will even throw up, but she's doing so much better. She saw the neurosurgeon in St. Louis on Oct. 15 regarding the Decompression surgery. He was happy to hear that she's vomiting less and eating more but he was extremely unhappy with her weight. Before the Feast she weighed 17 lbs 15 oz and today she weighed 17 lbs 12 oz. He wants to give her 3 months to see if she can gain weight, if not he will think that the Chiari Malformation is the problem and will want to do the surgery. We would appreciate prayers that God will continue helping Faith to eat well and gain weight to avoid this major surgery around her brainstem.
Sept 4
Faith, daughter of Brian and Carole. The surgery would be scheduled after the Feast. Please pray for God's continued intervention and guidance for the family as they face this current health concern for Faith.
The Neurosurgeon in Columbia just called about Faith's MRI. She sees a syrinx (fluid collecting on the spinal cord). This is caused by the Chiari. So she wants to do a decompression surgery, which means they would cut out a piece of Faith's skull to make more room for her brainstem which is being tugged downward by her spinal cord a.k.a Chiari. She thinks this is causing her vomiting. It may or may not make it better but it would make it so she doesn't get worse. If the Chiari/Syrinx is left alone she could lose feeling in her upper body. Obviously this is not the news we were wanting to hear. But we do want to help her so that she can eat and gain weight.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 12, 2021 - Joe J. (Gig Harbor WA)
Joe writes: "I would like you all to join me in THANKFUL PRAISE to our wonderful Heavenly Father. Wednesday (Feb. 10), I had a post-op appointment with my retina surgeon. After a few tests and removal of stitches from my eye, I was told that not only was my retina 100% attached, but it has stayed that way for the past 3 weeks.
"Thank you to all for your cards, letters, words of encouragement and prayers on my behalf. Most of all, thanks be to our great, merciful God for His healing. When my doctor told me she had a 98% success rate, but only gave me a 50-50 chance of success, the first thought that came into my head was, 'that's OK - God has a 100% success rate.'"
"I will still need to go in for cataract surgery, but God has healed my detached retina. All thanks to our wonderful Heavenly Father."
Aug 21, 2020
Joe writes: "Yesterday was my second surgery to see how much of the retina stayed attached and to remove all the scar tissue on the retina. I am happy to report, thanks to our Heavenly Father, that all the scar tissue has been removed and the retina is attached except for a small little corner. Compared to where I was before the surgery, this is a HUGE BLESSING! I don't know the extent of what vision improvement I have until the swelling goes down.
"Due to the small portion of the retina that still has not attached itself, the doctor was not able to fill the eye with saline as hoped for, but changed the oil. Now I know how my car feels when it gets an oil change. It is unclear at this time how long it will take for the retina to heal. With God, no worries, sometimes the answer to our prayers is not yet . . . have patience.
"I want to thank our Great and Merciful Heavenly Father for the vision I have gained, and thank all of you, my family, for your continued support and prayers through this time of need."
Aug 15, 2020
Joe writes: "Words cannot express our gratitude for the blessing and love our great God has for me. I also want to thank all of you for your prayers on my behalf about my eyesight. God has already blessed me with more than I previously had.
"This week I went in for my pre-operation appointment with my eye surgeon. After a battery of tests, she notified me that the retina is attached. This, in and of itself, is cause for much praise and thankfulness to our wonderful Father. Next Thursday, August 20th, I will have my second surgery to remove the oil and buckle that has been holding the retina in place. The difficult part will be removing as much of the scar tissue as possible; this will determine how clear my eyesight will become. Please pray that God, according to His will, would give me my full eyesight back."
May 15, 2020
Joe writes: "Hallelujah! Praise to our Heavenly Father. Our merciful God has sought to give me my eyesight back. As you might remember the surgeon did not have a positive outlook concerning my detached retina, but yesterday after a 3 week check up I am able to see 20/50 without any correction. This is a miracle!!! Even though my eye will still have 3 months with gel to stabilize the retina in place, all I need is a stronger lens for my glasses. My heart is full of joy and praise for our Heavenly Father. We can never take for granted the little things we expect to do on a daily basis.
"I want to thank our great God for His Holy Spirit in each of you. I have a stack of cards 6 inches thick from all around the world, mostly from people I don't even know. The highlight of my day comes after dinner when Laura opens the cards and letters from each of you and reads them to me. At this point my eyes at the end of the day are still extremely tired and reading is difficult, but that will all change as soon as I get my new glasses. Thank you to all those who spent the time and effort to beseech our Father on my behalf, His Holy Spirit flows through His Church! May our God bless each one of you."
Apr 24, 2020
Joe writes: "Two days before the surgery, as Laura and I were walking, I noticed the dark spot in my vision had disappeared. Even though there was still a veil over my vision, I could begin to make out certain objects and I could see God's mighty hand working on my eye.
"According to the doctor, the surgery yesterday (April 23rd) went better than expected. Once she was finally able to see into the eye, she found little scar tissue. That, in an of itself, was a miracle. She was able to successfully reattach the retina. This morning after the bandages came off, I was able to see normally out of my right eye. It will be a long three months before we know the extent of the damage, but all prognoses are better than originally expected. I'm still dealing with a lot of pain and discomfort right now.
"Thanks be to our Heavenly Father for this miraculous outcome. I want to thank everyone for the outflowing of love and support through prayers, emails, texts, messages, cards and calls. Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery."
Apr 17, 2020
Joe and Laura J. are long time members and Joe serves as a deacon in the Seattle congregation.
Over the past three weeks, Joe's vision has deteriorated to the point where driving and working is troublesome. Joe works in the surveying field and is an accomplished photographer. This week, his eye doctor told him he has a detached retina in his right eye. The doctor was confused as to how this happened because Joe had not had any head trauma. An emergency appointment was made with a retina specialist. It was decided that Joe will have surgery on Thursday, April 23rd. The specialist was not very optimistic that even limited vision would be restored, but Joe and Laura gladly place their trust in God and His will.
They are requesting the prayers of God's children on Joe's behalf, that full vision is restored to his right eye and that God be glorified in the process.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 12, 2021 - Les C. (Oaklyn, NJ)
Les has been home from the rehabilitation center for several weeks now, and is able to walk better, but still a little unsteady. He continues to deal with prostate cancer, and still needs our prayers.
Newton P., who tested positive for COVID-19 in November, and then was told the same day that he had kidney failure, has been getting dialysis treatments 3 times a week, but was given the good news today that his kidneys are now improved to where he only needs 2 treatments each week! Please continue praying for his complete recovery.
Dec 13, 2020
Following is an update on the COVID outbreak in the Philadelphia congregation. In all, we had 19 members who became ill . . . 11 who had a positive COVID test, and 8 more who were not tested, but who developed similar symptoms. I'm happy to report that 13 of those 19 have now recovered and have no more symptoms, and of the remaining 6, most are showing signs of improvement. However, two of them are in their 80s, and one or two others are still dealing with persistent symptoms. We are most thankful for everyone's ongoing prayers on behalf of the congregation.
Those who have recovered and are no longer symptomatic include Les C., who remains in a rehabilitation center with an issue (likely not COVID-related) where he is still having difficulty walking; and also Newton P., who is now home from the hospital but is now required to have dialysis several times a week, for a non-COVID-related condition that was only recently discovered. Your continued prayers are requested for complete recovery for both Les and Newton, and also for all those whose COVID symptoms are still hanging on.
Jul 25, 2020
After being admitted to the hospital on April 6th with kidney failure, it was learned that Les also suffered a ministroke, which has slightly affected his speech. After spending some time in rehabilitation, he was released and is now home. His speech has not yet returned to normal, and the original problem of prostate cancer remains. Through it all, his attitude has been positive and upbeat, as he often reassures us that he feels "great." This morning, July 24th, his wife Diana died after a battle with cancer, yet Les continues to be positive, focusing on her resurrection and the fact that when she awakens she will no longer be in pain! Les is a great example of strength, and tremendous faith!
Apr 6, 2020
Your prayers are requested for Les C., who was just admitted to the hospital today with kidney failure. Making matters worse, because of increased restrictions at the hospital due to coronavirus concerns, visitors are not permitted, meaning his wife Diana is not able to be there with him. Your urgent prayers are requested for Les and Diana at this difficult time.
Feb 3, 2020
Les, an elder in the Philadelphia congregation, is still recovering from renal failure and prostate cancer which he experienced last year. While his condition has improved, he is not at a point where he can provide the level of care [his wife] Diana would need if she were at home. Please pray for Les and Diana during this difficult time.
Mar 26, 2019
Your prayers are requested for Les C., elder in the Philadelphia, PA congregation. For the past several weeks, Les has not been well and has been losing both weight and strength. Test results received today showed that Les is suffering from renal failure, and he was instructed to go immediately to the ER, where he is currently being examined.
Les has been under much stress lately, as his wife, Diana, has been receiving chemo and radiation treatment, and has been in much pain herself. Les has been taking Diana to her cancer treatments and caring for her at home. Now she may find herself having to provide care for him. Please pray for both Les and Diana, not only for healing for both of them, but for improved strength during this trial. Les is 79 years old, and he and Diana do not have any children or grandchildren. With no family nearby, this is extremely difficult for them. Please pray for God's rapid intervention for them both.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 8, 2021 - Sarah A. (Kennesaw GA)
As most of you know, back in November after a routine physical, many tests, doctor appointments, and procedures, my care team discovered a large mass in my abdomen. I was later diagnosed as having a rare Neuroendocrine tumor called a Paraganglioma. On December 30, my tumor was successfully removed, and I have been healing at home for the last five weeks. Last Friday, January 29, I had a follow-up appointment at Emory University Hospital. At my appointment, my doctor gave me a clean bill of health! I am humbled and thankful for God's mercy and healing. I continue to cry tears of joy and happiness! God has guided us through this trial from the time of my diagnosis. He continues to do so.
I want to say thank you so much to my family and friends for your prayers, love, support, and words of encouragement during this difficult time! The love everyone has shown to me and my family has been so heartwarming. We will never forget it! Please know we appreciate all of the get-well cards, flowers, gifts, meals, calls, and messages. A special thank you goes to my precious family for fighting with me every step of the way! They took turns going to my appointments and procedures. Thank you to my sweet husband for being by my side during this journey and for staying with me in the hospital, even though he slept in a small crib-like bed. Thank you to Jordan for encouraging me and giving me the best man-child hugs ever. And to Jasmine for being the little momma bear at home - cooking and shopping and being my personal chauffeur, thank you.
Jan 19, 2021
To provide an update of where my wife, Sarah, is at this time in terms of her recovery, she has continued to slowly heal. She sleeps a lot and shuffles about, but she has given up her walker. It's now in the basement. Her doctor has started to eliminate some of her many medications (she's taken the prescribed number of certain pills); however, the other day she found that eliminating one medication made life unbearable (great pain and an inability to sleep). So, after a call to her doctor's office, he added it back to her regimen. Otherwise, her incision is beginning to heal on the outside. We trust the same is taking place on the inside.
A simple movement yesterday reminded her she is far from normal. She began to show me what caused the issue - raising her hands some - but then stopped because she didn't want to duplicate the movement for fear of excruciating pain. Her progress is much like baby steps. Still, we are very thankful for the direction she is headed. And now that she is cancer-free, she has no need for chemotherapy or radiation. We are truly blessed. Thank you so much for keeping Sarah and our family in your prayers.
Dec 31, 2020
It is with sincere thankfulness that we share that Sarah's paraganglioma (cancer) tumor was removed yesterday. She came through the six-hour surgery very well considering the tumor's size. As one doctor put it, "It took a really long time to peel the large tumor off of her organs and not damage her aorta or vena cava." (We learned this morning Sarah's heart had extended veins into the tumor. These veins had to be separated from the tumor during its removal. A vascular surgeon was called to help with this.) While Sarah lost several pints of blood and needed a transfusion last night, her vitals were steady. Although she is extremely sore, the most difficult part of the process - removal of the tumor - is behind her. No additional cancer was found.
Our family greatly appreciates your prayers to this point. Everything we've asked of God, He has answered, plus some. Sarah's medications for her unique cancer worked. The tumor was removed without her organs or vena cava compromised, and Sarah was stable throughout surgery. Additionally, God took care of Sarah's heart, which we did not know was an issue. God is seeing her through (Isaiah 43:2).
The next few days will be a challenge as her wound heals, she manages the pain of surgery, and she starts to get around; nevertheless, we continue to rely on God for healing as Sarah begins a six-week road to recovery. Your continued prayers are requested as she makes progress and especially that she has no complications moving forward. Thank you very much.
Dec 24, 2020
Since my last update, we've continued to make progress regarding Sarah's cancer. Her surgeon now believes Sarah's tumor grows from the blanket of nerves that rests on the top of her vena cava. This is good news because it means there would be less vein repair in surgery. Her cancer team has prescribed two medications to minimize her tumor's reaction to extraction. (Paraganglioma tumors secrete adrenalin when being removed. This risks the potential of high blood pressure and possibly a heart attack or a stroke.) Sarah began taking her first medication last Saturday. She starts her second medication on Sunday when she is admitted to Emory Hospital. She is set for surgery on Dec. 30 at 11 a.m. Please keep her in your prayers so (1) her medications work, (2) her tumor is non-sticky and may be easily removed (not adhering to organs), and (3) her blood pressure remains stable during surgery. Above all, we ask that God oversees Sarah's surgery and healing. Thank you.
Dec 14, 2020
Since I last wrote, we've continued to learn information about my wife, Sarah's, condition. In seeking a second opinion of her cancer, we were blessed to gain access to a specialist who more precisely identified Sarah's sub-type of tumor. We now know she has a paraganglioma tumor in her abdomen. Upon learning this information, we've switched surgeons and surgery dates so this doctor can perform her surgery. Whereas we were set for surgery tomorrow, Dec. 15, her new date of surgery is now Dec. 30.
We continue to ask for prayers that (1) her tumor be cleanly removed (tumors can be sticky) and (2) her blood pressure remains stable during surgery. (A paraganglioma tumor can, when being removed, secrete hormones that send a person's blood pressure extremely high. Because Sarah has medium to low blood pressure, her doctor is choosing not to give her a medication that lowers her blood pressure during surgery. He shared this is a necessary risk he must take.) We also ask that (3) her coronavirus test on Dec. 28 be negative so her surgery is not delayed any further. Thank you for going to God with these requests.
Dec 3, 2020
After a month of medical appointments, yesterday we learned the results of Sarah's biopsy on the tumor in her abdomen. Based on her pathology report, Sarah has a neuroendocrine (cancerous) tumor as determined by two local pathologists. The sample of her biopsy is now at Mayo Clinic to confirm the diagnosis. If this is the case, this type of cancer has a much better prognosis than what her doctors originally believed just a week ago. As her primary oncologist shared this afternoon, without knowing what the cancer team will find in surgery, a neuroendocrine tumor can at times be removed with no need for radiation or chemotherapy. We still have a long way to go in this process, but this news is encouraging. Sarah is scheduled for surgery in less than two weeks. Between now and then, we will continue to meet with doctors (e.g., a gastroenterologist, a genetic oncologist), as needed.
For the many who have been praying for Sarah, thank you. We have witnessed God's hand throughout this process, not just in the diagnosis, but also in how we've been able to move through medical appointments at a time when coronavirus limits diagnosis and delays treatment. Thank you as well to those who have sent cards, notes and emails to Sarah. They are a daily source of encouragement.
Please continue to pray for God's oversight and healing for Sarah as we move toward her date of surgery on December 15. In particular, we ask that her surgeons find a tumor that may be cleanly removed, its removal not affect her organs or veins, and that there are no other signs of cancer. Further, that Sarah's healing goes well following surgery.
Nov 23, 2020
Philip and Sarah A. are asking for urgent prayers on behalf of Sarah due to the result of a recent large tumor diagnosis. In terms of background, Sarah went in for an annual physical three weeks ago, and it was discovered that she had a tumor in her abdomen. Since that time, it has been a never-ending series of daily medical appointments involving oncologists (cancer specialists) and tests to identity the consistency of the tumor. Based on an ultrasound, two CT scans, an MRI, and blood tests, we currently know two things: (1) Sarah's tumor in her abdomen is quite large (the size of a football), and (2) although we've been seeing cancer doctors, we have not gotten absolute proof she has cancer. That comes on Wednesday when a biopsy of her tumor is done as well as an angiogram. In the meantime, we have two more doctors' appointments: one today and one on Tuesday.
The rapid growth of the tumor has Sarah's doctors tentatively thinking she has a rare cancer of the soft tissues termed leiomyosarcoma. Given its size, we have been told her tumor would not be impacted by radiology or chemotherapy. It must be removed by surgery. As of yet, we do not yet know where the tumor originates and where it drains; however, we know the tumor is pressing on her vena cava (one of the two major veins).
Personally, it has been a roller coaster of emotions as we move from thinking things are not that bad to facing the reality of surgery. Please keep Sarah in your prayers. We firmly believe God - the great Healer (Exodus 15:26) - is overseeing things as we have moved rapidly through appointments. As our prayer (Psalms 14:12), we ask: (a) that the tumor does not grow any more (in fact shrink), (b) that it is not cancer (and if so, benign), and (c) that the tumor can be removed without affecting any organs or her circulatory system, especially her primary vein, the vena cava. Thank you for going to God on Sarah's behalf. With love, Philip, Sarah, Jordan and Jasmine.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 5, 2021 - Amy D. (Osceola, WI)
I did talk with Kyle today and he said that all of the family are doing good and they are looking forward to being back next Sabbath. Thank you for your prayers for them.
Jan 29, 2021
I received a prayer request from Amy. They are in quarantine due to someone in their house testing positive for covid 19. She is pregnant and due June 30th and would appreciate your prayers for the safety of the baby. (the one who is positive was not in services last week)
Aug 26, 2020
I have a sad announcement and a prayer request. Amy D. had a miscarriage today. Kyle and Amy are requesting prayers for Amy's recovery and comfort for their family during this trial.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 30, 2021 - Tallulah O. (Blaine, MN)
Tallulah has been in the hospital the last few days with low hemoglobin and will be having a transfusion. She requests your prayers for her physical, mental and spiritual strength.
Aug 18, 2020
Tallulah came home from the hospital yesterday evening. She wants to thank all of you for your prayers on her behalf, the encouraging cards and offers of help, and our great God for his healing and comfort. She does have several recovery issues so please continue to pray for her. Thanks.
Aug 15, 2020
Tallulah needs to have excess bile removed from her system. Her small intestine hasn't fully adjusted to absorbing the extra amount it receives due to the absence of her gall bladder. The procedure should take place sometime this afternoon or evening. Also, her heart rate is very low so it is being monitored as well. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Aug 10, 2020
The doctor called David last night with an update. The surgery started at 7:45PM and lasted almost an hour and a half. He said her gall bladder was in bad shape and that she had an infection. However, the surgery went well and the infection is clearing. He expects her to be discharged on Tuesday or Wednesday if recovery goes well.
Thank you all for your prayers.
(later) Tallulah is currently experiencing high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high blood platelets, low hemoglobin, and a low blood count. The doctor thinks it is a result of the leftover stuff that her gall bladder wasn't able to process. They've started treating these issues.
She is asking that we would consider this in our request to God for her healing.
Aug 9, 2020
Tallulah is requesting prayers for the removal of her gall bladder tonight around 6p. It started giving her problems two weeks ago. The problem cleared up for a few days but didn't completely go away. She checked into the ER at Mercy Hospital this morning. The doctor said her gall bladder was inflamed and swollen to 10 ten times its normal size. It couldn't be drained as they had previously done. She also needed a blood transfusion. She has left it in God's hands. Please pray for a successful operation and recovery.
Feb 14, 2020
I want to thank you all for the cards, emails and texts expressing your thoughts and prayers. I am sorry that I can not reply to you all individually at this time. I came home Monday night only to relize that both David and Euodias were sick. They started their medications today. Please pray for them to get well and for strength for me to care for them as they have so beautifully done for me.
To those who express an interest in visiting, between the three of us we sounded like The Three Tenors coughing out a rendition of "Libiamo ne' lieti calici". We do not want to expose your ears nor your immune system to that.
I'm addition, thank you for webcasting the Interactive Bible Study. I was not allowed to see Euodias during my hospital stay and it was so lonesome and dreary. How comforting and encouraging to hear all of your voices proclaiming God's Truth in such a truthless time. It was uplifting and it brought my heart and mind to what REALLY matters, God's Kingdom.
Feb 9, 2020
Tallulah is feeling better, but her temperature fluctuates too much between normal and fever range. Her oxygen levels are low so she's hooked up to oxygen and they gave her something today that they hope will open up her air passages some. Once her temperature stops going up she may be released. Friday was the only day it didn't go up.
Please continue praying for God's healing.
Feb 5, 2020
Tallulah was released from the hospital on Sunday. She had some medical symptoms that worsened over the past 3 days. Upon a follow-up visit with her primary doctor today she was readmitted. One test came back as Influenza A. The other tests they performed came back inconclusive. Please keep her in your prayers.
Feb 1, 2020
We stopped by Mercy Hospital on our way back from Eau Claire last night to see Tallulah, though she was pretty tired and I'm not sure she will remember it. David and Euodias were with her most of the day. David said the procedure was successful and the stones blocking her gall bladder have been removed. He was hoping to bring her home to day.
They very much appreciate our prayers and hope she can return to services soon.
Jan 31, 2020
Tallulah has not been able to keep anything down since Monday. A visit to the ER today revealed that stones from her gall bladder are enlarged in her ducts. This is causing bile blockage from the liver. She was admitted at Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids. We are awaiting recommended procedures.
We ask for your prayers to God for His merciful healing and His wisdom for both the medical teams and us to know which way He wants us to proceed.
Feb 13, 2019
Tallulah was able to leave the hospital on Sunday and is recovering at home. Please continue to pray that her symptoms will dissipate and that she be strengthened physically. Thank you for your prayers and concern.
Feb 10, 2019
Good news. The doctor said Tallulah could go home this afternoon by 2pm. After another x-ray last night her red and white blood cells are almost back to normal. He also stopped the IV last night. David will give me another update this evening after they get home and I will pass that on.
Feb 10, 2019
Tallulah is still in the hospital and is receiving medications to prevent blood clots and to control pain and lung function. Her white blood cells are elevated while her red cells are decreasing. If this continues a transfusion will be needed. Please pray that this will not be the case.
Feb 6, 2019
Tallulah was struggling with a cold and cough all of last week and was feeling so run down yesterday that she went to go to the emergency room, where they decided to admit her to the hospital and to monitor her. All tests have since come back normal, but they did give her an IV to replenish fluids as well as medication for pain, and she is feeling better today.
She and David are asking for our prayers that God would heal her and advance her recovery.
Jan 16, 2016
David O. is asking us to pray for Tallulah as she has been in Park Nicollet-Methodist Hospital for the past five days and has now been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. She's having some other complications as well, so they will be moving her to another unit for more intensive care. She's been in pain and would not like to have visitors at this point, but would certainly appreciate our asking God for His healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 29, 2021 - Gene F. (Eau Claire, WI)
I talked this afternoon with Gene and he said he was feeling much better. He got to go home from the hospital on Tuesday and he is scheduled to begin rehab next week. He has really appreciated all of your prayers.
Jan 24, 2021
Gene F. of the Eau Claire congregation, had a heart attack last night and was taken to the hospital where they put in a stint. I spoke to him this afternoon and he is feeling much better but would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 29, 2021 - Elizabeth S. (MN)
Elizabeth S. is asking for our prayers to help her cope with the progressing illness of her beloved dog Teddy. He is a white German shepherd who has been her friend and companion for nearly seven years, but now his heart is slowly failing him and she is taking this very hard. Please ask that God would guide Liz, comfort her, and strengthen her though this difficult time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 29, 2021 - Ward S. (Lubbock TX)
In a world full of bad news, it's nice to hear something wonderful. Mr. S. spoke with his doctor today concerning his recent post-operative test results. He was elated to hear the doctor say that the tests showed that he is cancer-free. We all rejoice with Mr. S. and his family.
Jan 19, 2021
Mr. S. is out of the hospital and is home healing from the surgery. He will be consulting with an oncologist soon to ensure that the cancer was fully removed.
Jan 1, 2021
Mr. S. underwent surgery on Wednesday, Dec. 30. He came through fine. He is sore, but in good spirits. He may be released from the hospital this Sunday. The doctors felt that they got the cancer; however, Ward will be referred to an oncologist to make sure he is cancer-free. Please continue to pray for his complete recovery.
Dec 19, 2020
Ward S., an elder in the Lubbock, Texas, congregation, has been diagnosed with colon cancer. He has been scheduled for surgery on Tuesday, Dec. 22, to remove the affected part of the colon. Mr. Shamblin asks for prayers for the success of the operation, that this cancer has not spread, and for God's complete healing and mercy.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 26, 2021 - Zarth D. (Ragama, Sri Lanka)
Zarth D. S. of the Colombo, Sri Lanka, congregation is requesting your prayers for God's intervention for health concerns and prostate issues. At the present time, there is a very high level of infection coupled with a high PSA reading. Further tests are being run, as well as a biopsy taken to decide on the next course of action. Zarth is experiencing a lot of physical discomfort and is earnestly seeking God's healing. Zarth said: "The prayers of fellow brethren are humbly requested."

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 26, 2021 - Richard D. (Montana)
Richard and Darlene wish to thank the brethren for your prayers on their behalf and all the lovely and encouraging cards, letters and notes they received around the time of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Richard's health is continuing to decline, yet both he and Darlene are striving to maintain a positive attitude, knowing God is in charge of their lives. The battle with Parkinson's is difficult and challenging. Richard is having more difficulty speaking and is communicating with Darlene primarily with hand gestures. Your continued prayers that our loving heavenly Father would strengthen them in every way would be much appreciated. Your cards and letters are also very encouraging and heartwarming to them.
Oct 3, 2020
Long time member of the Church of God and member of the Montana UCG congregation since 1995, Richard D. is entering the final struggle with an advanced form of Parkinson's disease. As a Marine veteran, Richard, and his faithful wife, Darlene, have been fighting the good fight against this disease. They are confident of the reward promised at the sound of the last trump. Now under hospice care, they know Richard's fight is nearly over. Please pray for God to give them the needed physical and spiritual strength, and to remove the pain Richard experiences.
For many years Richard and Darlene acted as the campground hosts at the Feast of Tabernacles sites in Bigfork and Glacier Country, Montana. This will be the second year they've missed the Feast due to Richard's fight with Parkinson's. I'm sure they would be greatly encouraged to receive notes and post cards from God's people around the country keeping the Feast.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 24, 2021 - Laura S. (Gold Hill, OR)
I just got some tough news from James regarding Laura. His message is below. Please keep them in your prayers at this most difficult time.
James writes: "We just got the worst news. The cancer has spread to her legs. As far as they know, Laura will never walk again and we are putting her on comfort care. She may go home Monday and be put on hospice. We tried everything to improve her health, but it looks like it was too late to do much good."
Jan 22, 2021
Laura had surgery today for the blood clots that were causing her legs to swell. Now her legs will heal so she can exercise and walk again. Her vitals are up to normal which is a fast turnaround, thank you Lord.
She wants palliative treatment which includes physical and occupational therapy. Her diagnosis of 3 months to live was a shock, and trying to stay positive mentally has become essential. If anyone has survived cancer we thought it could help to have others call and encourage her if they want to. She needs hope and support. Phone calls should go to James first, who can set up appointments with her. Love to everyone for your incredibly helpful prayers and love.
Jan 21, 2021
Laura was taken by ambulance in a lot of pain where it was determined that she had blood clots in both legs. She is not able to get out of bed or even turn herself at this point. She had surgery to remove the clots and she is currently being monitored in recovery. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Jan 5, 2021
Laura is continuing to recover from the surgery to reconstruct her femur. She had been dealing with quite a bit of pain, as you can imagine, but has recently gotten better pain management and is resting much better. She wants everyone to know how much she appreciates your prayers for her and how much the cards and letters have meant to her as she goes through this ordeal. She gets so much comfort and love from them. One area Laura would appreciate continued prayer is lymph node edema in her leg which has caused it to swell quite a bit. She is asking for relief from this and that her lymph nodes flush themselves and return to normal again.
Nov 25, 2020
Yesterday, Nov. 24, as Laura was lifting her left leg into bed, her femur fractured in multiple places. She was taken to the hospital in extreme pain where an X-ray confirmed the diagnosis. Today, Wednesday afternoon, she is scheduled for a 1-hour surgery where a steel rod will be inserted to repair the damage. Doctors said she has a lesion on the bone which weakened the leg. There is some good news. First, she is not currently in much pain from the fractures, which is a blessing. Also, her tailbone has healed and that pain is gone and the X-ray for her tailbone came back healthy.
Laura and James thank you all for your loving support.
Nov 11, 2020
I received this update from James S.: "Laura asked me to give her wonderful prayer warriors an update. Immediately on finding out that Laura had cancer I put her on a cancer growth free diet: no dairy, no meat and no processed foods. We did not see any noticeable change for 6 weeks. She had been bleeding for 6 months.
"Then she stopped bleeding. The next week almost all muscle cramps dramatically stopped and now happen maybe 2 times a week. The next week she got up every 2-3 hours and started walking - she could barely move at first. Now she does several laps easily every 3 hours. Laura started sleeping more at night without tossing and turning. She has lost 40 pounds so far, fortunately in the stomach area where the cancer mass was biggest.
"We found out her fever was a 'change of life' sign and not an infection, thankfully. A chiropractor has suggested physical therapy. Laura is less stressed. Much good news."
Oct 21, 2020
Laura was able to meet with the naturopathic oncology doctor this week and the meeting went very well. The clinic was very positive and helpful and Laura and James left feeling encouraged. They will be having future appointments. Thank you all for your continued prayers.
Oct 16, 2020
Laura met with the radiologist this week and, after much discussion, determined that radiation and chemotherapy are not in line with her values and she will not be considering that course of treatment. Instead, she made an appointment with a board certified, cancer-educated naturopathic oncology doctor next Tuesday who will provide other options more aligned with Laura's values.
Laura requires help physically because she has a fractured tailbone causing her pain. Laura and her husband, James, are so grateful that brethren have sent so many cards and flowers. A hearty thanks to all their loving brethren.
Oct 13, 2020
Laura recently had an appointment with a specialist who gave some information about how to move forward. They have determined that the cancer has spread to the bone and that the next step would be radiation. Laura will be meeting with the radiologist on Thursday to become more informed and discuss the options.
Thank you for your continued prayers for Laura and her husband, James.
Sep 28, 2020
Laura has received results from the biopsy she recently had and they have found a carcinoma cancer mass near her uterus. She is currently in the Asante Rogue Valley Medical Center. James and Laura would appreciate prayers for complete shrinking of the cancer. James and Laura have been relying on God to provide the strength they need during this difficult time and are thankful for the support of the brethren.
Sep 6, 2020
Laura S. of the Medford congregation was admitted to the Ashland Asante Hospital for a kidney infection and low sodium levels. She was also experiencing back and leg pain. Upon running tests, the doctors determined that a mass the size of a lemon was growing near one of her kidneys. They are going to do a biopsy to determine if it is cancerous or not and whether chemo is needed. The doctors believe the mass is what is causing her leg and back pain and interfering with normal bodily function, so they will need to do surgery to remove it. As you can imagine, this was very difficult news to process after this ordeal. I talked with Laura this morning and she is comforted knowing that God is by her side through all of this and that brethren are praying for her. The family is asking for prayers for healing and comfort during this time.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 23, 2021 - Margaret H. (Williamsport, OH)
Prayers are requested for Margaret H., a member of the Columbus/Cambridge, Ohio, congregation. Margaret contracted Polio (both spinal and bulbar) sixty-two years ago from the vaccine. All these years she has suffered many and great health issues as a result. Thirty-two years ago she was diagnosed with Post-polio sequelae. PPS is a degenerative neuromuscular disease. She has striven to live as normal a life as possible, but the combination of PPS and aging are making it impossible. Her pain level is extreme and unbearable. To this point medications have not worked for her. Prayers for the relief of her pain would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 22, 2021 - Piper R. (Minnesota)
I talked to Cheryl tonight regarding her grand daughter Piper. Cheryl said that initially Piper was put into an induced coma due to her head trauma, swelling in her brain and fluid in her lungs. Her orbital on both sides of her skull were fractured and she has a broken nose. She has a feeding tube for nutrition. As of today, she in no longer in an induced coma, but is still unconscious as she is heavily medicated. Your continued prayers are requested as it still has not been determined if Piper has brain damage. However, there is positive news, Piper is responding to some pinching tests.
Cheryl wants to thank everyone for their prayers on Piper's behalf.
Jan 19, 2021 Cheryl S. called tonight and asked for our prayers for her grand daughter 17 year-old Piper R. Earlier today Piper was involved as a passenger in a serious car accident and was flown by helicopter to the hospital. She has sustained serious head and chest injuries. Your prayers for God's intervention, comfort and healing on Piper's behalf would be very much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 21, 2021 - Elifazi S. (Blantyre, Malawi)
Prayers are requested for Elifazi S., pastor for the Church in Malawi. A week ago Mr. S. began to experience fever and body pains. Expecting Malaria, he was tested as negative. After a week, on Monday, Jan. 18, he was found to have the Malaria parasite.
A week's fever and pain have seriously weakened Mr. S.; he needs our prayers for quick recovery.

Mar 15, 2019
We have received report from Elifazi S., an elder in Blantyre, Malawi, where most of our members are, that three days of heavy rains caused disastrous flooding of fourteen districts in southern Malawi, affecting more than 400,000 people. To date 56 have died and 370 are known to be injured along with the usual destruction of roads, bridges, houses and a shortage of drinking water and electricity. Some of our members have had walls of their homes collapse and others severely cracked; thankfully there are no reported injuries from any of our members. But Malawi has now again been put on alert for more rain tomorrow, Thursday, when Tropical Cyclone Idai is expected to make landfall through Beira, Mozambique, on the East coast and then inland through southern Malawi and further to Zimbabwe where we also have 270 in attendance. The cyclone is expected to dump heavy rains and winds of up to 100 kilometres (62 miles) per hour. These are very poor countries and our members can ill afford their homes collapsing and having their small crops destroyed. Your prayers are needed for our Father to hedge our members and the countries as a whole from further destruction.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 15, 2021 - Heather W. (Rochester, MN)
"I have a slight headache and am quite tired, but I am feeling much better. The doctor ran some cardiology tests because of my family's history of heart conditions and they all came back negative which is a great relief.
We are following up, next week, on one blood test that came back slightly elevated to ensure it has returned to normal, but most of the tests already taken have come back negative.
I really appreciate all the prayers of the brethren for me. Please send my grateful thanks to everyone for their petitions on my behalf. Knowing God is there to intervene has been a great comfort.
Happy Sabbath
Jan 12, 2021
Blaine W. called this morning to request prayers for Heather. She has been very weak for a couple of months and has had bad headaches. She has passed out a couple of times recently. They are going to try to get in to see a doctor today and they would appreciate your prayers for Heather.
Aug 6, 2020 - Heather W. (Rochester, MN)
I received a call today from Heather W. and she is requesting your prayers. About three weeks ago she injured her leg and the doctor said it should take 1 to 2 weeks to recover. She said it is not getting better and the doctor thinks she has injured her gastrocnemius muscle and that can take several more weeks to heal. She is not able to get around very good and would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 15, 2021 - Ed Q. (Mora, MN)
Ed is feeling much better and he sent this message to me today to pass along;
"I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and cards concerning my injury at work. My cut on the head is almost healed up and I am pretty much back to normal. Your prayers and concern were so appreciated. God healed and protected me because it could have been worse than it was, with no concussion effects or lasting problems.
Thank you all. Ed"
Jan 8, 2021
I talked with Ed and he is still having some issues with dizziness due to his head injury. He also said he really appreciates all of the prayers.
Jan 7, 2021
Thank you for your prayers, calls and texts regarding my head injury.
I went to the hospital today for the CT scan. The doctor said I likely have a mild concussion. In addition, they found fluid behind my ear which may be from an infection. They want me to see an ENT doctor to determine more since the fluid was not something the doctor today could evaluate further. This fluid and the concussion is most likely what is causing the dizziness and nausea.
Please continue to pray for God's intervention and complete healing.
Ed is requesting prayers for a fall he took at work last week with resulting cut to the top of his head. He had staples put in and seemed to be doing ok. However, he has developed symptoms of nausea and dizziness which may suggest a concussion. They did not test for this when he was examined. He is scheduling a CT scan to determine what is causing the symptoms.
Please pray for the scan to be clear if issues and his complete healing.
Aug 23, 2014
Ed and Pam would like to thank you for your prayers, cards, and well wishes during this health trial. Ed is home recovering from the heart attack. The heart doctor says that with exercise and care his heart should be able to get close to normal in time.
Aug 18, 2014
Ed had an angiogram on Sunday which resulted an having two stints put in his heart at the same time. It was a true blessing to not have to have any additional surgery. Ed is now home. He is lightheaded and very tired, but otherwise doing well for all that has happened. Ed and Pam greatly appreciate all the prayers, support and messages.
Aug 16, 2014
Ed is feeling better, is not in pain anymore, and is in good spirits. Evidently the heart attack is over. He is receiving medication to help heal his heart. Tomorrow he'll undergo more tests, and on Monday he'll have an angiogram, and angioplasty if necessary. He'll probably go home on Tuesday. Please pray there is minimal damage, minimal or no blockage remaining, and that the procedures go well. Ed and Pam greatly appreciate your continued prayers.
Ed left services today because he was having chest pains. They got better, but started again this evening. Initial tests show an elevated heart enzyme. The EKG was questionable. Doctors will be doing further tests. Ed and Pam request your prayers for the situation.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 12, 2021 - Holly B. (Kansas City, MO)
Caleb F., pastor in Kansas City is asking for prayers for his mother in law, Holly B. who is also a member in Kansas City. Holly tested positive for covid 19 about 10 days ago.
Instead of progressively getting betters she has gradually been getting worse. As a result, she went to the hospital this afternoon. The doctors confirmed that she has double pneumonia and that her lungs have a lot of fluid in them. Her oxygen levels are dangerously low at times. They have admitted her and are currently giving her steroids, oxygen, an IV, and other treatment. They anticipate her being in the hospital for 2 weeks with no visitors. We would appreciate your prayers on behalf of Katie's mother.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 9, 2021 - Kambani B. (Zambia)
Kambani B., pastor for Zambia, has tested positive to COVID and is currently quarantined at home. His wife, Shirley, succumbed to cancer only a few weeks ago so this is a difficult time for the whole family and in particular for their daughter, Tine, who stood by Shirley in the last days and now is taking care of Mr. B.
Please pray for God's healing intervention and strengthening at this time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 8, 2021 - Jon R. (Twin Cities, MN)
I talked with Julie and her son Jonathan is home and getting better after his recent back surgery and the blood pressure issues he had. They also appreciate your prayers.
Jan 6, 2021
I just talked with Julie and she was very happy that her son Jonathan's blood pressure is back to normal and he is able to come home this afternoon. They really appreciate all of your prayers for him.
Jan 5, 2021
I talked with Julie this morning and they have moved her son to ICU and his blood pressure is down quite a bit in the 160 over 90 range. She does appreciate all the prayers for Jonathan.
Jan 5, 2021
[son of Julie R.] My [Anna] brother Jon has been having back issues from a work injury and had his third surgery today. The surgery went well but his blood pressure is extremely high (256/145) and the doctors are having trouble getting it down though it is at 170/90 after a new medication, this is still really high. If they can't get it down or it doesn't come down soon there is risk of death, heart failure, or heart damage.
The family would like to ask the congregation for prayers at this time that the doctors are able to get it down and my brother's body can heal.
Jan 4, 2021
Julie R's son had back surgery today around noon and they are having trouble getting his blood pressure down. His blood pressure is at 256/145 and she is asking for your prayers for him.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 7, 2021 - Charlotte S. (Washington)
I want to thank everyone for their prayers and expressions of concern for my mother, Charlotte. She was very ill with Covid-19 for several days but her symptoms, with the exception of some residual weakness, seem to have fully resolved.
Dec 30, 2020
My [Tony S., Eagan MN] mother Charlotte, was diagnosed yesterday with Covid-19. She's had flu like symptoms, but so far no breathing issues and her CO2 saturation is good. However, they are worried about dehydration as she has had a fever and diarrhea. I would appreciate prayers for her full recovery.
Sep 23, 2016
Thanks so much for all of your prayers for my mother, Charlotte S., who suffered a stroke and heart attack on September 11th. Over the last two weeks she has made a great deal of positive progress. Doctors determined that the damage to her heart was not as serious as they initially thought so they are able to focus primarily on stroke recovery.
She has recovered use of her left leg and is now able to walk again. She is currently in a rehab facility undergoing daily therapy to regain the ability to swallow, speak and the use her left arm and hand. Your continued prayers for her continued recovery are greatly appreciated.
Sep 12, 2016
Tony S. is asking for our prayers for his mother. Yesterday she suffered a significant heart attack and stroke. She is currently in serious condition at U of M hospital with paralysis on the left side of her body and inability to speak. She has atrial fibrillation which puts her at risk for additional strokes but they cannot give her blood thinners at the moment to prevent clotting because of a greater risk of bleeding to her brain.
Please pray for her heart to regain strength and normal rhythm to be restored. Also please pray that her paralysis would begin to show signs of improving.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 5, 2021 - Hal C. (Central Point, OR)
We are very grateful that Hal did not need surgery and was able to go home Sabbath afternoon, which was an answer to prayers. As Hal continues to heal from the previous surgery, he needs to be on a restrictive diet. Pray that he heals quickly and is able to eat normally again. We give the credit to God and thanks to everyone for their prayers on Hal's behalf.
Jan 1, 2021
Hal was admitted to the hospital today with a bowel blockage. They are trying to determine if the blockage was due to scar tissue from his previous surgery. They may have to perform surgery but are giving him some medication to resolve it naturally. We are asking for God's healing through this ordeal and that Hal will not need additional surgery. I spoke with Hal's wife, Cheryl, and she knows that God is in control and so appreciates the prayers from the brethren.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 29, 2020 - Aaron B. (Springfield, MO)
Aaron B., 48, the son of Springfield members Bob and Nancy B., is suffering more frequent and serious seizures as the result of brain cancer. The family has requested prayer for Aaron's healing and comfort for him and his family.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 25, 2020 - Jackson W. (Boones Mill, VA)
Jackson W., 16-year-old son of Mark and Catherine W., has begun infusion treatments for Multiple Sclerosis. Thus far he has been able to receive the medication without side effects and he is taking everything in stride. He will undergo another MRI to monitor current brain and spinal plaques as well as watch for new lesions. This will be an ongoing process as part of his treatment plan. The prayers, cards, letters, texts, and phone calls have been a significant source of encouragement and inspiration to the Witcher family and they are very appreciative to their church family.
Nov 6, 2020
Jackson W., of the Roanoke, Virginia, congregation, has been diagnosed with relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis. He will begin life-long medication immediately in an effort to halt the progression of current lesions and the formation of new lesions. Jackson will be required to have MRI scans of his brain at regular intervals to track progression or the lack thereof. The medication takes approximately four months to become fully effective. Prayers are requested for healing of the lesions on Jack's brain and spinal cord and that new lesions will not form between the initiation of prescriptive therapies and when they take full effect.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 24, 2020 - Richard S. (Hopkinsville KY)
Richard S. of the Paducah congregation is requesting prayers from the brethren. He has a couple of health challenges that are really affecting his health and his ability to attend services. He has an ongoing issue with his heart, which is working at a very low capacity. He's been plagued by issues with fluid retention from heart medication and the after effects that go with it, including weakness. He has had several heart procedures in the past.
Sometime in mid-January, Richard is scheduled to have a procedure to remove a pacemaker and have an ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) inserted. He is asking for prayers that God would heal his heart condition and/or guide the physicians in their efforts to restore his heart function.
He is also dealing with prostate cancer. He is about to begin an 82-day course of radiation treatment and is asking for prayers that they will be effective and that God would heal through the treatments. Please also pray that the treatments do not wear him down too much.
Richard has been faithful in attending worship services for decades and it's very discouraging for him not to be able to attend.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 23, 2020 - Marvin W. (Fremont MO)
Marvin W. of the Poplar Bluff congregation is requesting your prayers. Marvin was recently diagnosed as having had a stroke about 2 years ago. He was never diagnosed at the time, nor did he have severe symptoms that would have required a doctor's visit. As a result, he has had ongoing brain deterioration that he has been told is not reversible. His speech has been greatly affected and it is affecting his eyesight as well as other areas. This is in addition to his other medical conditions of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and neuropathy which are also taking a toll. Please pray to our great God that He would reverse the damage and restore Marvin to health.
Jun 8, 2020
Marvin and Rita of the Poplar Bluff congregation are requesting your prayers.
Please also pray for Marvin to regain his strength. He was recently diagnosed with neuropathy, a progressive nerve disorder. It can be managed by lifestyle and vitamins, but it is difficult to function because this disease affects all portions of the body. It was also determined that he had suffered a stroke at some point in the past and is dealing with the aftereffects of that. On a better note, Marvin was being treated for a type of blood cancer over the last several months and it has been determined that he is now cancer-free. Praise God for that and please continue to pray for God's healing and comfort.
As you can imagine, living with physical difficulties can be frustrating and tiring. Please pray for encouragement and strength for the entire family as they deal with these conditions.
Jul 23, 2019
Marvin was diagnosed last year with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. At that time he had been in very serious condition with multiple tumors all over his body. The doctors recommended chemotherapy. Marvin now is pleased to report that God has been good. The treatment was successful and the disease is now in remission. He is now only on pill therapy to maintain his health. He wants to sincerely thank everyone all around the world for their thoughts, prayers, cards and letters as well as God's intervention. He is continuing to get stronger and his prayer is that he can return soon to attend regular Sabbath services.
Jan 31, 2019
Marvin and his wife Rita of the Poplar Bluff, Missouri congregation want to express their gratitude for all the prayers, cards and letters they have received. They are also requesting your continuing prayers for Marvin's medical condition. He was diagnosed with stage 3 Non-Hodgkins lymphoma last December. It had not spread into his bones or organs. However, he had several areas of tumor like growth that were causing much pain and discomfort. He began chemotherapy and since then has had two rounds. He is currently scheduled for chemo every four weeks for two days in a row.
Marvin has been tolerating the treatments remarkably well. He has had little to no side effects that are normally associated with chemotherapy. The tumors are greatly reduced with only one area slightly raised. His pain is greatly reduced and he feels much better. He is optimistic that he will be able to go to a pill form of chemo after his next round of traditional chemotherapy. Marvin knows that this healing is of God through your fervent prayers. He is deeply appreciative of and grateful for the encouragement, care and concern shown by the brethren all over the world.
Marvin and Rita are still asking you to pray that God will continue to intervene and heal the lymphoma through whatever means He decides. Marvin is requesting additional prayers for a problem with his right eye that is affecting his vision. The problem has not yet been diagnosed but he has a doctor's visit scheduled in the near future to have it checked. Your cards and letters of support are still very welcome and are VERY much appreciated.
Dec 24, 2018
Marvin W. and his wife Rita of the Poplar Bluff, Missouri congregation are requesting prayers for Marvin. He has recently been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. It is currently at stage 4. It has not spread into his bones or organs as of yet. However he has several areas of tumor like growth that are causing much pain and discomfort. He is scheduled to begin chemotherapy on December 26th, 2018. Your prayers are requested that God will heal the lymphoma outright and if He chooses not to heal in that way that he will work through the medical community to heal Marvin. Marvin is faithful and optimistic about the outcome no matter what happens but it is a difficult time and prayers are welcome for the entire family as they go through this process.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 23, 2020 - Rita W. (Fremont MO)
Rita W. of the Poplar Bluff congregation is requesting your prayers. She has been having problems with her heart rhythm due to atrial fibrillation (AFib). She is doing better, but had not taken any kind of prescription medicine for decades and so the doctors are finding it difficult to adjust her medication. Please pray that God would intervene and either fix her AFib or guide the doctors into making wise decisions about the medication.
Jun 8, 2020
Marvin and Rita of the Poplar Bluff congregation are requesting your prayers.
Rita recently underwent two procedures and ended up having two stents inserted into her heart veins. She was also diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. These conditions cause much fatigue, weakness and pain. She is also having to adjust to medications for various reasons, which is also taking a physical toll that includes involuntary shaking. Please continue to pray to our Father that she will recover and grow physically stronger.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 23, 2020 - Alan B. (Saint Peters, MO)
Fervent prayers are requested for long-time member Mary B. and her son, Alan. They have both tested positive for COVID-19. Mary is in her 80s and may be improving at this point. Alan is in quite a bit of danger, and doctors are not sure that he will recover from this.
Mary is the mother of Sherrie G., wife of elder Ralph G. Your continued prayers for the family are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 15, 2020 - Joanne Z. (Woodbury, MN)
I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and concern during my recent breast cancer diagnosis and surgery. Our heavenly Father has answered our prayers for guidance to doctors and caregivers that are very skilled and were able to remove the cancer. Thank our heavenly Father that my recovery is progressing well.
Dec 9, 2020
Chuck said the operation went well today and Joanne is now home recovering. They will not be at services for the next few weeks, but it looks like everything is OK for now.
He and Joanne are very thankful for our prayers and would appreciate if we would continue them until she is through all this.
Dec 8, 2020
Prayers are requested for Joanne Zutz who will be having surgery tomorrow morning (Wednesday) as part of the treatment for her recent breast cancer diagnosis. With the current pandemic there is additional risk that requires extra precautions. She and Chuck would ask for God's protection, healing and help for the medical team for Wednesday's procedure as they faithfully look to His promises to care for those that love Him.
Oct 29, 2020
Chuck and Joanne Z. request your prayers for Joanne who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. The scope and treatment options are still being determined while they prayerfully and faithfully seek God's wisdom in the choices ahead. They would appreciate the added prayers of their dear friends and brethren for God's guidance, healing, and protection. And that He would provide the right doctors to give her the treatment and care she needs, according to His will.
Oct 8, 2019
Chuck and Joanne Z. are requesting our prayers for Joanne. Her hip is giving her great pain and can hardly move. A visit to the clinic yesterday failed to identify the problem and she has an MRI schedule for this afternoon.
Please pray that God will heal her and that the MRI will give them a better idea of what happened and how to best deal with it.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 11, 2020 - Tom D. (Louin, MS)
I received last Tuesday's CT scan results. Those examining them said they didn't see anything. Just to be sure though, my doctor wants me to have a PET scan near the end of next May. My sincere thanks for everyone's prayers, cards and encouragements.
Nov 25, 2020
My CT scan originally scheduled for Nov. 25 has been rescheduled for Dec, 8 at the VA hospital in Jackson, Mississippi. Thanks again for everyone's prayers.
Jan 17, 2020
I received good news - the size of my tumor has shrunk even further down to 0.1 centimeter, from a high in April last year of 5.7 centimeters. A follow-up will be done in three months with a CT scan. God's mercy as well as everyone's prayers are so inspiring and appreciated.
Jan 3, 2020
I now have an appointment for my next P.E.T. scan: 9 a.m. on Jan. 14, followed by an oncology appointment on Jan. 16. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Oct 2, 2019
The oncologist's report on the recent PET scan shows a reduction in tumor size from 5.7 to 1.4 centimeters. We are waiting to hear from urology as to whether or not they will want to do surgery right away. The oncologist will want to order another PET scan in three months to verify the tumor's condition in either case. We appreciate your continued prayers.
Sep 27, 2019
Tom is scheduled Friday morning, Sept. 27, for a PET scan to determine the condition of his cancer. As you may recall, he went through chemo and radiation therapy recently to try to rid him of a spot of cancer in his abdomen near where his kidney used to be. Please pray for a good result; everyone's prayers are deeply appreciated.
May 31, 2019
Yesterday morning (May 28) I had a blood lab test and chemotherapy, followed by radiation therapy in the afternoon. So far I have been blessed with no complications. The next radiation takes place today (May 29), and the next chemotherapy will be next Tuesday. A local deacon and his wife took us to a hotel near the VA hospital, where we'll be staying Monday thru Friday each week for six weeks of treatment. My wife, Linda, and I thank you all so much for your prayers and loving concern.
May 10, 2019
Due to the recent increased growth of my cancer, with the threat of spreading further, the decision has been made to undergo radiation therapy coupled with chemotherapy. The initial setup for the radiation treatments will be done on Wednesday, May 15, while the actual treatments will start on Monday, May 27. The radiation process will take six weeks, on Monday through Friday of each week. The chemo will be administered as determined by the oncologist. I'm told there will be no threat to my only kidney. This schedule will allow me to enjoy being able to attend the ministerial conference. The continued prayers of everyone will be greatly appreciated.
Apr 5, 2019
Tom D. an elder in the Laurel, Mississippi, congregation, is requesting prayers concerning an upcoming PET scan on Apr. 11. In December of 2014 he was diagnosed with cancer behind his left kidney. It was decided that the left kidney had to be removed, with a strong recommendation to take an aggressive type of chemo. Since the aggressive form of chemo would have been a threat to the remaining kidney, he declined this treatment and opted for an alternative method. Since then he has been checked with CT scans every six months with no growth detected. A PET scan was performed once about two years ago, with no indication of growth. The oncologist felt it was time for another PET scan; test results will be provided Apr. 29. Tom and his wife, Linda, are confident that prayers from the brethren made a big difference along with the alternative means of treatment. Everyone's prayers will again be greatly appreciated.
Sep 23, 2016
Thank you all, brethren, for your prayers, cards and emails. My most recent tests came back clear. We humbly thank you all so much for your love and concern.
Sep 2, 2016
Yesterday (Wednesday) my urologist scheduled a test next Tuesday to make sure everything is okay in my bladder and kidney. He said I would have to be put to sleep for this test. Please pray that God will provide me with another clear result. Everyone's prayers are so deeply appreciated.
Jul 29, 2016
The oncologist at the VA hospital in Jackson, Mississippi, ordered a C.T. scan of my pelvic area as well as my chest cavity. The scan took place July 27. For the pelvic area, there was absolutely no detectable growth in the area of previous concern. For the chest cavity area, there was formerly a nodule at the bottom of each lung. Since 2014 there has been no growth or activity of either nodule, thus not requiring any more tests. The doctor said the test results looked so good that she won't schedule another pelvic C.T. scan for nine months. (Previously it was done at six-month intervals). She said nothing she could give me would work anywhere near as well as what I am doing, and encouraged me to keep doing the same because it is obviously working. My wife, Linda, and I thank you for all your prayers and encouragement.
Feb 19, 2016
I had two appointments at the VA hospital in Jackson, Mississippi, Feb.10.
At the urology clinic, a cystogram was performed to check my bladder. The results were clear. The doctor assured me he would continue helping me keep an eye on things and would see me again in six months.
At the chemotherapy clinic, the oncologist reviewed my previous decision to not take chemotherapy. My decision remained the same. She assured me she would continue helping me keep an eye on the active spot revealed in the P.E.T. scan of Jan. 21.
Our sincerest thanks for everyone's prayers and concerns; they are greatly appreciated.
Jan 29, 2016
I received the results of the P.E.T. scan yesterday, which was done on Jan. 21. The scan showed an active spot in the area where the left kidney removal surgery was accomplished Dec. 14, 2012. They termed this spot a "residual cancer" left over from the surgery. This was not detectable previously in a number of CT scans because those tests could not highlight "active" tissue as the P.E.T. scan is designed to do. The urologist provided options, such as removing the "active" area with invasive (large incision) surgery, but that would have to be followed by strong chemotherapy, which he admitted could damage my only kidney. Sad to say, this could place me in a dialysis condition. Considering the threat to my kidney, I asked if we could forgo the surgery and just keep a close eye on this spot as we had been doing. He said that he would be glad to do that. My next urology appointment is Feb. 10 for further discussion. It is my wish to opt for the continued regular checkups and forgo the surgery. With this in mind, I request prayers for God's further intervention.
Jan 1, 2016
Tom, an elder in Laurel, Mississippi, is having a CT scan on Monday, Dec. 28, to determine if his cancer has returned. He sent a message asking for prayers for a clear test.
Update: "A heartfelt thanks to everyone for your prayers. God has answered you. The CT scan was very good with one exception: One of the lymph nodes was a little larger than the others, but has been that way since a test in 2013. The Oncologist is not concerned, but just to be sure is going to schedule me for a PET scan in the near future. All in all, the doctor feels the Protocel I'm taking seems to be working, so she wants me to keep it up. Thank you guys so much for your prayers."
Jul 10, 2015
Tom's test at the VA hospital came back all clear. He wrote: "God has once again shown His power and His limitless mercy in response to the heartfelt prayers of you all. My wife Linda and I cannot thank you enough."
Jun 27, 2015
The results of Tom's June 9 C.T. scan came back clear June 17; however another test is scheduled for July 7. This will reveal anything the C.T. scan could not detect. They will have to sedate him for this procedure, which he has had three times before. If any small tumors are revealed they will be removed during this test. The doctor is very optimistic at this point. Please continue to pray for God's healing. It is so much appreciated.
Jun 19, 2015
The results of Tom's June 9 C.T. scan came back clear June 17; however another test is scheduled for July 7. This will reveal anything the C.T. scan could not detect. They will have to sedate him for this procedure, which he has had three times before. If any small tumors are revealed they will be removed during this test. The doctor is very optimistic at this point. Please continue to pray for God's healing. It is so much appreciated.
Jun 12, 2015
Tom, an elder in the Laurel, Mississippi, congregation, had a C.T. scan done on Tuesday, June 9, to see if any cancer has returned. He won't know the results until Jun 17. Please pray that the results will show clear. He deeply appreciate everyone's prayers in the past and believe those prayers were a direct bearing on the good results received thus far.
Dec 5, 2014
My visit went well yesterday at the VA in Jackson Mississippi. There was a triple CT scan done immediately following my recent out-patient surgery in which no cancer was found. Yesterday, we went to receive the results of those scans. Again, there was no cancer to be found. The doctor was amazed at how well I'm doing. He said it was a miracle. My next appointment is in six months. A deep heartfelt thanks for everyone's prayers.
May 11, 2013
I had two appointments at the VA hospital in Jackson, Mississippi, including blood work, a C.T. scan and a visit with an oncologist. Everything came out clear. The oncologist was very pleased with the results even though she knows I elected not to take any chemo treatments but to remain on my alternative treatments using Protocell. I have one more appointment on Monday, May 13, for a cystogram to make sure my bladder is still clear. There will be no more appointments for three months. Thanks so much to everyone for all your prayers and please continue so that the cystogram will also be clear.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 10, 2020 - Beverly B. (Selma OR)
I spoke with Beverly today and she wants everyone to know she is feeling so much better and getting stronger every day. As she recovered at home she was overwhelmed by the many cards she received. She said she read every word and every signature and they meant so much to her knowing so many of God's people are praying for her. She is so thankful for the wonderful encouragement God sends through His people to those who need it most and how God answers those prayers.
Dec 2, 2020
Beverly spent the night in the hospital after fainting due to low blood pressure following a procedure to insert a stent in her leg. Doctors found that the wound site had started bleeding and pooling internally. The bleeding has stopped and her blood pressure has stabilized and she is recuperating. Thanks to all for your prayers on Beverly's behalf.
Dec 1, 2020
Beverly had the procedure to remove the blood clot from behind her leg and they inserted a stent as part of that process. Today, however, her blood pressure dropped too low and she was taken back to the hospital. They are trying to learn why and to bring it back up again. Please pray for God's intervention to stabilize her blood pressure and for her continued healing.
Nov 24, 2020
Beverly saw her doctor and they are going to either remove the clot via surgery or insert a stent this Monday, Nov. 30, at 10:30. Your prayers for a successful procedure would be appreciated.
Nov 23, 2020
Beverly B. developed a blood clot in her leg, behind her knee. It is quite painful to walk any distance. She is going in today to discuss treatment options with her doctor and would appreciate prayers for complete healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 10, 2020 - Bob P. (West Palm Beach, FL)
Bo underwent the surgical procedure with the intent of replacing the left aortic valve. Unfortunately, it was determined, prior to the replacing the valve, that the right tricuspid value is also damaged. The valve replacement operation has been postponed to Dec. 17 when either both valves will be replaced or just the left aortic value. Bob and his wife, Sue, thanks everyone for their continued prayers for God intervention.
Dec 3, 2020
Bob P., of the West Palm Beach, Florida, congregation was diagnosed today with Severe Aortic Stenosis, a narrowing of the aortic valve restricting blood flow from the left side of the heart. The condition, which presented itself suddenly last week, caused difficulty walking short distances, difficulty sleeping, major breathing problems and danger of heart failure. Bob is scheduled to undergo emergency value replacement surgery on Friday, Dec. 4. Bob and his wife, Sue, are requesting prayers for increased faith in God, a successful surgery and speedy restoration of his health.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 4, 2020 - Grace J. (Estelline, SD)
From Joy: "Hello to our beloved Church family. Many of you have asked how Grace is doing since her surgery shortly before the Feast to have a central giant-cell tumor removed from her jaw. This past week, Grace had a round of appointments at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, to take new scans of her jaw and visit with various specialists. We were told that the scans show no evidence of the tumor's regrowth. The scans did show that her jaw is beginning to "remodel" or "regrow" and fill in. This was fantastic news. The doctors all expressed total satisfaction and gladness in how Grace is recovering. The outcome thus far has been better than anyone anticipated.
"At this time, the doctors would like to give her jaw a bit more time to heal and the bone to continue to remodel before doing any reconstruction. We will have a virtual visit in another month to discuss a game plan for how to go forward with caring for Grace in the coming years, but the prognosis is very good. We are so thankful.
"David and I, and our entire family, would like to thank you for your prayers on Grace's behalf. The time leading up to the Feast was an absolute whirlwind of activity, doctor visits and ultimately surgery for Grace to remove the tumor. All of this was on top of David trying to coordinate and prepare the Feast site in Montana. The stress was incredible, but God's people stepped up in so many ways to help, pray, encourage and support us. Grace received cards, blankets, gifts and financial support from all over the world. We have been truly held.
"In the coming months, Grace and I will be working to send out 'thank you' notes to so many. There is no way that we will be able to thank everyone in the way that we would like, but I want you all to know how thankful and grateful we are. I wish that I could hug each and every one who prayed for our daughter. Your prayers have been a priceless gift. Thank you."
Sep 17, 2020
We are settled into a hospital room at the Mayo Clinic. Gracie's surgery went amazingly well. The surgeon believes he was able to remove all of the tumor with clean margins. Miraculously the nerve that runs through the jaw was left healthy and intact. This was not what the doctor was expecting to find, as it was enclosed by the tumor. There is very little of the upper part of the jaw left and it is fragile, but with how young Grace is the doctors are hoping that the bone will fill in on its own. Gracie lost 4 teeth in total but the surgeon left two permanent teeth buds that he hopes will come up as her jaw heals and fills in.
Grace will eventually need some reconstruction, but this is so much better than we were expecting and we praise God for His love and mercy. We also want to thank all of you for your fervent prayers on Gracie's behalf. We are so very blessed. There is even the hope that Gracie will be able to recover in time to honor God's commandment to keep the Feast of Tabernacles and rejoice!
We were able to bring Grace over to the Mayo Clinic this week for a few days of meetings with the doctors here in Rochester, Minnesota. After two days of visiting with different specialists, they have decided to do surgery on Gracie Thursday morning (tomorrow). We were not expecting surgery quite so quickly, and so the decision this afternoon has felt very sudden, but we can clearly see God's hand in it. The specialists here have decided that they can remove the tumor, sparing the bottom of the jaw plate, and thus avoid a complete resection. The doctor will be removing more than was originally thought, but they think they can get "clean margins." Gracie's jaw will be quite fragile, but they believe that with her young age the bone has a good chance of growing and filling back in. We would like to thank all of you for your love and prayers and ask that you join your prayers with ours, that God guide the hands of the doctors and that He pour out His healing upon our girl.
Sep 4, 2020
We greatly appreciate the outpouring of concern and prayers for our daughter, Grace. We were able to meet with the pediatric oncologist/hematologist yesterday (Thursday), and it looked like we were going to proceed as planned. That changed today. The Tumor Board at Sanford Children's Hospital met this afternoon to review Grace's case regarding her Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG), a benign tumor that is located in her jaw. Grace's tumor is an aggressive CGCG. Up to this point, the plan has been to have the tumor removed, but spare her jaw. After reviewing the CT images the Tumor Board believes that it may be in Grace's best interest to do a resection of the jaw. This means removing that portion of her jaw and would require extensive surgery and reconstruction. The CT scan shows that there is very little bone left around the tumor. Blood tests have also revealed that Grace may have a blood disorder that impacts clotting.
The pediatric oncologist would like Grace to have an MRI next week to get a clearer view of the tumor. The MRI images will go to the Mayo Clinic for review. This type of tumor is extremely rare, and rarer still in children. Grace's doctor feels that the Mayo Clinic may be the best option, and recommends proceeding before the end of the month.
From my wife, Joy:
We received this information today and, needless to say, we feel like we have been punched in the gut. What we had hoped would be a surgery that Grace would recover fairly quickly from has potentially turned into something that could be life altering for her.
We know well where our help comes from... "Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth" (Psalm 121:1). We know that He is not slumbering or sleeping through any of this. We know that He intends good for our little girl. We have experienced His Faithfulness again and again, and we have confidence that He will be with Grace and our family, going forward.
We ask our family in Christ to please beseech God on Grace's behalf that further imaging will show that the bone is not badly compromised, that the surgeon here in Sioux Falls will be able to go forward with removing the tumor without having to remove the jaw. We fall on our knees before the Lord and pray that He will hold our Grace in the palm of His hand through this process and work out for her what will be in her best interest according to His perfect Will, and that He will help us to walk forward in courage and faith.
Aug 31, 2020
This is a prayer request for our daughter, Grace, age 10. Several weeks ago we noticed some swelling on the right side of Gracie's jaw while taking pictures. My wife, Joy, made a dentist appointment for her on the 18th of August and within 24 hours she underwent a biopsy of her jaw. The pathology report states that Grace has an aggressive Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG). These are tumors that have developed on the lower jaw bone, causing it to swell, become less dense and deteriorate. CGCG is not cancer, but the treatment is similar - requiring extensive surgery to remove the tumors and further interferon treatments. We are waiting on a panel of doctors to review her case and are expecting her to have surgery either at the end of this week or after Labor Day.
Gracie is scared, but has been a tough little trooper through all of this. This is a hard thing for a little girl to go through, but our family is very thankful that this isn't cancer. We ask that you please remember Grace in your prayers for God's intervention and complete healing. We pray that our Father in heaven guide us as we go forward and that Gracie may be able to truly keep God's commandment to rejoice at His Feast.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 3, 2020 - Rita A. (Lansing, WV)
Rita has almost recovered from the COVID virus that she was hospitalized with during the Feast. She has recovered a lot of her strength, and is able to resume her daily activities. She wants to thank everyone for their prayers and their many cards. She is very grateful for all the loving help she received from friends and brethren. Most of all, she thanks our loving heavenly Father.
Nov 3, 2020
My wife, Rita, who was hospitalized during the feast with COVID-19, is still slowly recovering. Please continue to pray for her complete healing. Many thanks for your concern.
Oct 29, 2020
While at the Feast in Florida my wife, Rita, had to be hospitalized almost the entire feast with the flu. After the long trip home which was very tiring, her recovery has been very slow. We are asking for prayer for her, asking our Heavenly Father for His complete healing for Rita. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 2, 2020 - Jaden D. (Boralesgamuwa, Sri Lanka)
Your prayers are requested for 14-year-old Jaden D, son of Joash and Dilshi D. of the Colombo, Sri Lanka, congregation. Jaden has recently developed severe pain and swelling in his spine. On closer inspection, the doctor and Jaden's parents have noticed swelling, as well as an abnormal curvature in his spine. Surgery may be necessary, but Jaden's parents are looking to God for guidance in how to proceed.
Your prayers for God's intervention, comfort and healing would be very much appreciated for Jaden and his family at this time.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 1, 2020 - Donna H. (Ronald, WA)
Donna, her husband Karl, and all of her family would like to thank you for your prayers for her. God has graciously healed Donna to a point exceeding the expectations of the doctors and staff at the hospital. Yesterday, Nov. 30, she was able to return home without having to go to a rehabilitation facility. We are grateful for this blessing of healing that God has given.
For a while there was concern that she might not recover from sepsis, a blood clot in her lungs, very high fever, and her kidneys failing. Though still weak, Donna is well enough to be home with her family around her to help her gain strength and to share the love. She and Karl enjoyed a good conversation about the sermon from last Sabbath as they continue to remain strong and growing in faith. As we thank all of you, please remember to thank our heavenly Father for His wonderful help for all of His children.
Nov 24, 2020
It would be a blessing to have your prayers added to those of our family. Nancy C.'s mother, Donna H., has been in a hospital for seven days now. None of the family are able to visit her, which adds to the stress for all of the family.
Donna is very seriously ill with complications from sepsis (a bacterial infection in her bloodstream), and lingering effects of a clot in her right lung. During the first day or so of her illness she had a fever of up to 105 degrees, a clot in her right lung, pneumonia and very low blood pressure. Her kidneys were damaged, as a result, and she may need dialysis for a while to cleanse her blood as the kidneys heal. She has needed a unit of blood, and some of her blood counts continue to drop well below normal. The extended family asks for prayers from Donna's church family for her healing, and that she be able to return home to her husband, Karl (age 91).

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 27, 2020 - Romel G. (Bacolod City, Philippines)
Mrs. Gilda G. of the Bacolod City congregation, wife of Romel G., is very happy to update all the brethren worldwide regarding her husband's successful heart bypass.
Mrs. G writes: "I wish to inform you all that we are already discharged from the hospital. His doctors suggested for him to stay near the hospital for one month for rehabilitation treatment and follow-up check-up. Right now, he is still recovering from the operation. We ask for your continued prayers as you have been our support in this difficult trial. Thank you very much and God bless us all."
Nov 4, 2020
Romel is still in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) since the successful heart bypass last Thursday, October 29, for close observation by the doctors. G. is humbly requesting your continued fervent prayers for her husband, Romel, that God will extend His blessings of healing and fast recovery. Thank you very much for your love and concern.
Oct 30, 2020
Mrs. G. is extending her heartfelt thanks for the fervent prayers of the brethren worldwide for her husband, Romel. She is also very grateful and joyful to God the most because the heart bypass for her husband that lasted for 8 hours on Thursday, Oct. 29, was very successful.
Romel will be under close observation for 2 days after the heart surgery and he is still in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) of Western Visayas Medical Center, Iloilo City.
Your continuing prayers are humbly requested by Mrs. G. and her family that God will extend His blessings of complete healing for her husband.
Oct 29, 2020
Romel of the Bacolod City congregation humbly expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the brethren in God's Church worldwide for praying for him. He has felt that God is gradually improving his physical condition.
Romel is again requesting your continuing fervent prayers for him and he humbly requests that anyone willing and able could fast because he is finally scheduled for a heart bypass tomorrow morning, Thursday, October 29. Please pray that God's blessings of healing and intervention be upon him and his family for these challenging times they are facing.
Oct 6, 2020
We received a call from Mrs. Gilda G. this morning, reporting that her husband, Romel G. was already transferred to another hospital in Western Visayas Medical Center, Iloilo City, last September 28, 2020. Angiogram results show that there is severe damage to the right part of the heart which can only be treated through a heart bypass instead of angioplasty. A further viability study will be conducted by a heart surgeon from the Heart Center in Manila on Friday to assess the condition before the next medical procedure.
Additionally, Mrs. G. was found positive asymptomatic after undergoing the hospital protocol of a COVID-19 swab test. She is now in strict isolation for three days. Her husband is now taken care of by their two daughters.
Prayers from the brethren are fervently requested that God will extend His blessings of healing upon the family.
Sep 10, 2020
We would greatly appreciate and request your continued prayers for God's healing and intervention for Romel. He is still under ICU care after his massive heart attack on September 2, 2020. Added to his complications is that he has also tested positive for COVID-19 after the required swab test. These crises and trials not only add stress to the family emotionally, but also financially. At this point, he needs to be put in an isolation room and hospital bills are already piling up. In addition, he still needs to undergo an angioplasty procedure after his current medical situation is stabilized.
Thank you very much for your love, support and prayers.
Sep 2, 2020
Prayers are requested for Romel G. of the Bacolod congregation. Romel has been admitted to the Adventist Hospital in Bacolod City due to recurring back pain. He has been vomiting with some fresh blood residue and the x-ray impression shows a tortuous and atheromatous aorta, along with degenerative changes to the spine. The doctor recommended that he be put in the ICU to thoroughly and carefully monitor his vital signs, as he is suspected of having had a mild stroke. We would really appreciate your prayers for God's healing and intervention for him. Thank you very much for your love and prayers.

<  > Prayer Updaate - Nov 20, 2020 - John E. (Harris, MN) I talked with Teresa L. today and her son in law John E. was being released from the hospital today. The infection in his salivary gland led to him being septic. The family appreciates everyone's prayers for him.
Nov 18, 2020 - John E. (Harris, MN)
Larry and Teresa L. are requesting prayers for their son-in-law John E. He is in the hospital with an infected salivary gland and it is not responding to treatment. Last night he took a turn for the worse with fever and chills. He is on covid watch as this could be a result of covid. This could be potentially life threatening and the family would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 20, 2020 - Daniel P. (Olympia, WA)
I want to thank you all for the thousands of cards, and especially for the thousands of prayers you have offered up on my behalf over the past few years.
My wife Linda and I were able to move back to Washington State at the end of June, and be reunited with our children, Bree and Keith.
In September, I saw a radiation oncologist and general oncologist in Olympia for follow-up care. Both were impressed with the aggressive cancer treatment I received in New Zealand. Blood tests revealed the various markers are clear of cancer. I'll have more blood tests in December, and every 3 months following, as is standard protocol. We thank our merciful Creator for His intervention and direction.
We are now in the process of rebuilding our lives, and looking for work in this COVID-world. Your prayers for my continued recovery from treatment are appreciated.
Jun 4, 2020
Once New Zealand moved to COVID-19 Alert Level 2, Linda and I were able to resume the move back to Washington State. New Zealand's strict lockdown happened just as the moving company was scheduled to be at our place the end of March, which delayed all our plans.
The removals company will be at our place Monday to cart our household goods away in a container, and we fly out of Auckland on 25 June. International moves are complicated at the best of times, so we appreciate your prayers for our move during this extra-complicated time in the world.
We also appreciate your continued prayers for my full recovery. The radiation oncologist advised it could take up to 18 months to recover from the aggressive treatment, and we should know by the end of this year if it was all successful. I'm feeling much better in myself than I have for some time. All your prayers and kind words have been instrumental in helping our whole family through this challenging time -- Heartfelt "Thank You."
Jan 24, 2020
Who knew the worst 2 weeks of radiation would be after the radiation was finished?
Linda and I have had a very rough couple of weeks, more similar to post-chemo, but I seem to have turned the corner the last couple of days where we hope I can now begin the recovery phase. We are waiting to receive an appointment to see the Radiation Oncologist (it will be sometime between end-Feb and early-March) where we will discuss "what next�" and have more of an idea of when we can begin making plans. One challenging aspect to cancer is realizing how little control we have. But a very important aspect we retain is that we are in control of our outlook, attitude, trust and faith that God is in control.
We give you our heartfelt thanks for your prayers for my continued recovery and for God's guidance of my family.
Jan 3, 2020
Today marks #31 of 33 radiotherapy treatments. The final one will be Tuesday, 7 January, and the radiation will continue to "work" for a few weeks even without the daily onslaught of radiation beams.
The side effects have been manageable, though unpleasant, and not as many as were possible. Some fatigue has surfaced this past week, probably associated with the pelvic lymph nodes being treated. I meet with the Radiation Oncologist in 6-8 weeks to evaluate the "where to next�" phase. He has already recommended hormone therapy to continue for another year, and then we will see if the radiation treatment has been successful. He fully expects this to be the case.
My family and I want to thank you for all your prayers on my and my family's behalf. Your many cards, notes, and texts have been encouraging and uplifting. We thank our Great God for the many amazing miracles we have seen through this time, especially allowing us to see His Hand directly when we were at our lowest. My wife Linda says I have maintained my optimism, humour, and even-temperament, and I say that is also a gift God has granted us.
I appreciate your continued prayers as we plan to take a little time to focus solely on recovery before tackling projects associated with the move ahead. The move time frame will depend on the Radiation Oncologist's recommendations, but we're hoping to be reunited with Bree and Keith by the Unleavened Bread season. We continue to pray for full healing, recovery, and no permanent damage from the cancer and the very aggressive treatment regime.
Linda adds: Post-chemo, Daniel is sporting a wavy "silver fox� hair style. He's had thick straight blonde hair all his life so this is something new.
Nov 13, 2019
My family and I had a wonderful Feast together in New Zealand, and I thank you all for your prayers for my energy and general well-being. I finished chemotherapy at the end of September and am appreciating the "rest and recovery" before the next phase of treatment begins. The oncology team is maintaining an aggressive approach, with daily (M-F) radiotherapy treatments beginning 19 November through mid-January. I again seek your prayers on my behalf that the cancer be eradicated, and for no (or minimal) permanent damage to result from the radiotherapy.
The continued positive support and kindnesses shown to me and my family are daily reminders of God's hand leading us through this challenging time. Thank you for your part in that.
Sep 19, 2019
I saw the Oncologist yesterday (Thursday), and am on track for my final chemo treatment on Monday 23rd September. After the last cycle (#5), my white blood cell count failed to rebound and I picked up some kind of infection. I spent a few days in Auckland Hospital getting those issues sorted. I have been given further support medications to help me through this final chemo cycle. Thank you all for your continued prayers on my behalf. I thank God daily for His intervention and support of the brethren. We are looking forward to having this part of the treatment behind us.
Aug 30, 2019
My oncology team is pleased that I continue to tolerate the chemotherapy well, with minimal side effects. The fatigue is mounting, but I am able to rest as needed. My next treatment is this coming Monday, 2 September (#5 of 6). I will have "rest & recovery" time over the Feast before beginning the radiotherapy portion of my treatment. I'm still managing to get to the gym 5-6 mornings a week, even on the real crud days. A sincere thank you to everyone for their continued prayers on my behalf and that of my family. The letters, cards, and notes are real highlights.
Aug 10, 2019
My next dose of chemotherapy (#4 of 6) is this coming Monday, 13 August. I ask for your continued prayers on my behalf. This last round of chemo was the easiest so far and we give thanks to God for His care and protection. Chemo side effects are cumulative and we are expecting that I will become more fatigued over the next few weeks. After chemo is completed, I have a rest period that coincides with the Feast, then I begin a 7 week course of radiotherapy. We are grateful for Auckland Oncology's level of care and positive approach. When people ask me what my prognosis is, I'm happy to say, "Cure," with the aggressive treatment by the medical and radiation oncology teams (and God's blessing). My family appreciates your continued prayers and words of encouragement.
Jul 19, 2019
My next dose of chemotherapy (#3 of 6) is on Monday, 22 July. After two cycles, the side effects have been few and relatively easy to manage. However, we don't take that for granted and ask you to continue to pray along with us for God's continued protection. I receive about nine cards/emails a week from brethren around the world. Your continued encouragement and kindness boost my spirits and keep me focused on the positive. Thank you so very much.
Jun 7, 2019
Daniel begins chemotherapy on Monday 10 June. After a 4-month course of chemo, he will have a break for a month or two and then begin radiotherapy. The family appreciates your continued prayers for Daniel's treatments to be effective with minimal side effects and for God to continue directing him and the doctors involved. We truly appreciate the aggressive approach to this cancer by the Auckland oncology team. The cards and stories of encouragement from the brethren are priceless and we thank them for their kindness, care and support.
May 1, 2019
The latest scans show that the cancer has spread to a spot in the bone. I will meet with the medical oncology team on 13 May to discuss further treatment. The likely outcome is that I will be advised to have chemotherapy prior to radiotherapy treatment. Your continued prayers are very much appreciated. The cards and personal notes continue to mean a great deal to our family.
Mar 15, 2019
Thank you for your fervent and earnest prayers on my behalf. It truly feels like God has directly intervened. On Monday (11 March), I received a phone call, advising that the Director of Urology who performed my surgery, had conferred on my case. He immediately started the next phase of my cancer treatment, including the referral to radiation/oncology. I have also experienced some improvement with the pelvic floor strength and bladder control. Please continue praying for my treatment and healing to continue moving forward.
Mar 8, 2019 - Daniel P.
I met with the Urology doctor early this week. They will not refer me to radiation until I have better bladder control (it is common after prostate removal surgery for this to take some time to improve). I am determined in the next 4 weeks to make serious headway with the pelvic floor exercises so that at the next appointment, Urology will refer me to Radiation/Oncology. I am classed as "high risk" so it is important to begin radiation soon. We are asking for prayers that God will intervene in this specifically so I can finish my cancer treatment, and have our family reunited within a few months. Since the 10-week post-op milestone (2 weeks ago), my general feeling of well-being has greatly improved. We are grateful for the many instances we have seen God's Hand, and so thankful for the prayers on our behalf, and support of the brethren, family and friends.
Feb 1, 2019
Daniel was diagnosed with prostate cancer on 31 August, and had his prostate removed on 13 December. There have been a couple complications since the surgery, slowing recovery. Daniel met with the urology team 24 January. Based on the histology report from the surgery and recent blood work, surgery was the right course of action, but he requires further cancer treatment. Another CT scan is scheduled for 8 Feb, and a bladder assessment within 10 days, before meeting with the radiology team to put together a treatment plan. These further complications are very disheartening but we trust God with His timeframe and comfort. Our family requests your prayers for the energy, strength and courage to deal with what's before us. The many cards and personal notes with encouragement are treasured!
Our move to the United States has been delayed until treatment concludes and assessments are clear.
Dec 21, 2018 - Daniel P. (Helensville, New Zealand)
Daniel had prostate cancer surgery on 13 December. The surgery went well, but we are eager for the histology report by mid-January. Immediately after the surgery Daniel experienced an internal bleed, which is common with this type of surgery, but because of a DVT he experienced in mid-2016, there are safety protocols in place to prevent another DVT event. The protocols (anti-coagulants for one month post-op) are preventing the bleed from clotting as would normally occur. The surgeon, Dr. Koya, is monitoring his hemoglobin levels and supplementing with iron tablets. Daniel's drainage tube was scheduled to be removed yesterday but will remain in place for an additional week. Please pray for this internal bleed to heal properly. The many cards that have poured in from various areas around the world are so encouraging and uplifting. We want to thank the brethren for their prayers, love and outward expressions of support.
Nov 27, 2018
On 31 August I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. In September and October I had a CT Scan and Bone Scan, both indicating the cancer hasn't spread. I have finally received a surgery date of 13 December. We are currently in the middle of a move from Auckland, New Zealand, to Washington State. Both of my children have now moved back to the U.S., living with a family friend, while they settle into school and work (my son is a junior in high school, and my daughter just finished high school in New Zealand).
My family and I greatly appreciate your continued prayers on my behalf, for the cancer to stay localised leading up to surgery, for surgery and recovery to go smoothly, and the international move to proceed with minimal headaches. We feel at peace, trusting that God is directing things.
Sep 13, 2018
Daniel P., currently pastoring New Zealand, has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Yesterday (Thursday, 13 Sept) he had a CT Scan, and hopefully a Bone Scan next week before the Feast, then the Urology Team will likely schedule surgery for removal of the prostate. If that happens, the timeframe for surgery is end of October, early November. This has been caught early and - at this point - no complications are expected. The Porteous family was planning to move back to the U.S. at the end of October, but Daniel and Linda will need to stay in New Zealand while Daniel undergoes treatment and recovery. Alternative plans are being made for the children. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for Daniel, Linda, Bree & Keith during this challenging transitional time.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 18, 2020 - Ernst H. (Dormagen, Germany)
Ernst H. of our Dormagen, Germany, congregation and his wife, Gisela, would like to thank everyone for their prayers and the many cards of support and encouragement Ernst received. Prior to his surgery to remove a 1.25 inch length of cancerous jawbone last May, Ernst was told that his facial appearance would likely be deformed and he would be unable to talk normally again. His recovery would take until the end of the year.
On the day Ernst was rolled into the operating room, he told the surgical team (3 doctors and team) that he wanted to pray before they started. They agreed and everyone present said "amen" when Ernst had finished his prayer. His 8-hour surgery was deemed a success. Despite having a section of bone cut out of his jaw, Ernst had no pain the next days and he was released from the hospital several days early.
His facial appearance is the same as before the operation (no deformity) and after the wound had healed somewhat, he was able to speak nearly 100 percent normally. Being somewhat of a workaholic, Ernst did not really feel totally recovered until he went back to work just 2 months after his surgery. In one of his routine post-operation check-ups, the doctor told Ernst that they had never had a patient like him with such a remarkable recovery. Ernst and his family attribute that to God's intervention and guidance, augmented by the prayers of many brethren, for which they are very grateful.
May 7, 2020
Prayer is requested for Ernst H., a deacon in the Dormagen, Germany congregation. During a 3-day examination at the Aachen University Hospital last week, cancer was found in Ernst's right upper jaw bone. That portion of the bone, along with 2 teeth in the front area, have to be completely removed. The exposed area will be covered with a skin transplant from the forearm. In addition, the lymph nodes on the right side will be removed and a tracheotomy will be necessary for the operation to be performed. Ernst's operation is scheduled for May 18 and will take about 7 hours, if all goes as planned.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 18, 2020 - Brianna C. (Ava MO)
Christal and Willie C.'s teenage daughter, Brianna, suffered a broken arm following a fall from a horse. She was scheduled for surgery Wednesday (Nov. 18). Please pray to our Heavenly Father for a successful surgery, subsequent healing and comfort for the family.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 16, 2020 - Alvaro M. (Talca, Chile)
Since Sabbath, Nov. 7, our minister in Talca, Chile, Alvaro M., presented symptoms of COVID-19, which was confirmed the next Monday. The following week Alvaro was at his home with symptoms under control and even sometimes improving. However, this morning Alvaro was not breathing well at all and had to be taken to the hospital. We are asking for your prayers for the health of Alvaro M. at this difficult moment.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 4, 2020 - George O. (Illinois)
Becky B. and Sheri K. request prayers for their father, George O. George has resided in assisted living care facilities since late 2015. In June, his Dementia had grown beyond the care his assisted living facility of 2.5 years was able to provide, and the family had to quickly move him to a new facility, in the middle of the Pandemic and lockdown. His care facilities have still been on lock down since March 15, and the family has only recently been able to start seeing him for short visits outside the facility, but visitors are still not allowed inside the facility.
Only 5 months later, Becky has been informed again that his Dementia needs have grown beyond the ability of this new facility, even though they are an "Age in Place" facility with a Memory Care wing. Becky is being asked to move him again, but the staff has not yet even been able to discuss details/expectations with her, because they are all so overworked and short-staffed, because of the continued COVID restrictions and lockdown.
Prayers are requested that the family can find the right place for George, and that this can truly be his last move, and that he will tolerate the move well. Prayers are also requested that George is not put at greater risk of COVID, because of having to transition to a new facility. Lastly, prayers are requested for the family, as each move is very taxing on them as well.
Jun 24, 2016
My [Sheri K.] dad, George O., was scheduled to have a follow up colonoscopy tomorrow to see if things had improved since being on the antibiotics and probiotics. Unfortunately, we found out today that the VA is not approving this procedure with the doctor he has been seeing and not at the hospital where it had been scheduled. My sister, Rebecca, spent many hours on the phone today trying to get this approved, rescheduling the appointment to a later date, only to be told late today that the VA would never approve it without it being through their doctors at their facilities. So, no colonoscopy this week, and we begin trying to get it scheduled through the VA. We would appreciate prayers that this goes smoothly and quickly, and that Dad is able to have the procedure soon so that we can find out what the next steps in this journey are. Thank you very much for your continued prayers. Sheri K.
Dec 26, 2015
From Sheri: Dad was moved to a nursing home for some physical and occupational therapy. There are still many unanswered questions, but he does not have a bone infection, which is good news. The joints of his feet are still stiff, which makes it difficult for him to walk smoothly. Hopefully this will improve so that he has more independent mobility. Thanks again for all your prayers and words of encouragement...they mean a lot!
Dec 13, 2015
Dad is in Stage 4 kidney disease, which we originally thought was causing the problems on Friday and Saturday, but that seems to be stable. One of the tests revealed that he has some major ulcers which have contributed to his pain and discomfort. This is one of many things going on, and he has a ways to go, but hopefully will continue to improve. His gout is bothering him, and he has some wounds that may or may not have been due to a fall. Your continued prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Dec 13, 2015
Hello. I am writing to request prayers for my Dad, George O. He was taken by ambulance to the hospital yesterday. He has been admitted, but they're not sure what is causing his problems. They have been running many tests for the past 24+hours.
My main concern is his pain. He appears to be in pain, but when asked, most of the time he either says no or doesn't answer the question.
Becky and I are here in Illinois along with the rest of our siblings. Thank you very much.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 3, 2020 - Joe R. (Monroeville PA)
Your continued, fervent prayers for Joe's condition are appreciated. Annie R. shares the following update regarding her husband:
"Two neurologists, in two separate 10-minute online sessions with Joe, diagnosed him with FTD: frontotemporal degeneration. This hideous condition has stolen my husband's daily life and his joy, at age 61.
"The cause of this disease is unknown and there is no treatment or cure. It's called one of the cruelest diseases because it renders its victim a prisoner inside their own mind and body, unable to make choices or to follow through with anything. In Joe's case, he is very aware of everything around him - and sadly aware - of how he cannot grasp a single piece of it.
"A couple months ago, I was able to have Joe anointed, and am very grateful for that. There's been no positive change. Sadly, I see and feel his continued progression in various ways. This condition with Joe began to manifest itself in June of 2017. Each case is individual, although the basic stages that are affected are behavioral, speech, and then movement. Joe also suffers from long term depression and this also affects his communication.
"I believe Joe is in the 1st and 2nd stages. He paces back and forth, back and forth, inside the house all day; he rarely can even go onto the porch. He used to be constantly busy with projects outside. He was an avid fisherman, but now can barely look at a rod. He is very aware of what he cannot do, and he continues to have more and more uncontrollable anger regarding his limited activities.
"Thank you so, so much for all the many cards. I still use them for strength especially on those many days I don't seem to have any. I am heartbroken, distraught, and very tired. Please continue to pray for us - for deliverance, for healing, for strength, for endurance, for focus, for guidance, for comfort, for our Father's perfect will, and for the strength to carry it out."

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 30, 2020 - Carol B. (Springfield, MO)
My wife, Carol, has been having progressive difficulty with memory and other related issues. She had a second appointment with a neurologist on Monday to discuss her situation and receive further evaluation. She had heard previously that it may be Alzheimer's disease. After more study and evaluation, she has been diagnosed with mixed dementia. It is a combination of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia, apparently caused by heart problems and small strokes in the past.
While the news was distressing to say the least, we know that God can heal this as easily as He can heal a broken bone or any other problem, and we are trusting Him to do so. We would like to ask you to join us in praying for God's intervention for Carol and His strength and healing for her.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 26, 2020 - Faye J. (Denver CO)
Faye writes: "I have received many cards, letters of encouragement, gifts, visits and advice. I am deeply touched and comforted and I thank God for your concern and expressions of true love.
"The swelling in my arm has diminished and it is sometimes a normal size. The nerve pain (neuropathy), caused by a cancerous mass in the armpit sitting on the nerve root, has improved at times. The oncologist says that is because the tumor has shrunk a bit. So I do have some relief at times, but it's a long story.
"I thank you all again, and those who (like me) sometimes don't have the health resources to send cards, etc., thank you also for your loving, continued prayers. Blessings for your sacrifices of love. It takes time and work to love others."
Jul 2, 2020
Faye J., a 77-year-old deaconess, has been having pain in her left arm for a number of weeks now. She had a biopsy done and she has cancer in an armpit lymph node which has metastasized into her arm lymph nodes. Her left arm is very painful and swollen.
In 2016, she was healed of breast cancer when prayed for at the Feast in Steamboat and hopes she can be healed again if that is God's will. She is in good spirits but greatly needs and appreciates your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 25, 2020 - Mike D. (Salem, VA)
Mike D. is going to have major surgery on his back. It has been rescheduled for Oct 26th, please pray that the surgery will be successful and that he will heal rapidly.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 25, 2020 - Cynthia C. (Vinton VA)
After the partial amputation of her toe, Cindy C. is now suffering from inflammation in her foot and leg. Please pray that God will intervene and complete the healing process.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 19, 2020 - Virginia T. (Pitipana, Sri Lanka)
Your prayers are requested for Virginia T. of the Colombo, Sri Lanka, congregation. Virginia was experiencing imbalance prior to and during the Feast. The doctor she consulted before the Feast presumed her condition and treated her for vertigo. She attended the Feast, taking the vertigo treatment. Virginia was admitted to the hospital after returning from the Feast on October 11th because the imbalance was continuing.
After several tests, the doctors determined that Virginia actually suffered a stroke at least three weeks prior to being admitted. She attended all Feast services with assistance from brethren, but was not her normal self. No one imagined she had actually suffered a stroke. She was anointed at the Feast and God must have protected her and helped her survive the stroke for three weeks without urgent treatment. The doctors were shocked. She was treated in the hospital until recently being released.
Virginia feels better now but needs to take prescribed medication until she sees the doctor on October 27 for further tests. Please pray that God would completely heal her from this stroke and that there will be no further complications.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 9, 2020 - Velma B. (Nebraska)
Update on my mom: I am told that it is common for COVID patients to experience ups & downs during the initial days of the illness. That is certainly true in my mom's case. At first she seemed to be doing extremely well. On Tuesday she took a turn for the worse & was airlifted to the hospital in Yankton SD (a larger hospital where she could receive a higher level of medical care). When she first arrived, she had to be on oxygen, but now that has improved & her oxygen saturation level is fine without help. However, she is now having difficulty swallowing.
Oct 1, 2020
Dana is asking for our prayers for his mother Velma who just tested positive for COVID-19.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 25, 2020 - Bob M. (Sacramento, CA)
Prayers are requested for Bob M., an elder in the Sacramento, California, congregation. Bob fell at his home and broke his hip. Surgery was performed to repair the break and he was recovering in hospital. A few days after surgery, his condition took a turn for the worse, and he was moved to the ICU where he spent a few days on a ventilator. He is doing somewhat better now and has been moved from ICU, and the hospital, to a skilled nursing facility.
Bob and his wife, Lois, would greatly appreciate prayers for his complete healing and recovery.
Aug 23, 2013 - Bob M. (Sacramento CA)
Bob continues his lengthy recovery from major surgery over two months ago to address an aneurysm on his liver. He is slowly regaining his strength and was finally able to return to services last week. Bob is in good spirits and he and his wife, Lois, wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and calls, all of which lifted their spirits during a very difficult time. Please pray that Bob's recovery will accelerate and enable him to celebrate and serve at the Feast here in Rocklin this year.
May 18, 2013
Bob, an elder, underwent surgery several months ago to have a stent inserted as a result of an aneurysm which was blocking blood flow to the liver. Though another vessel has compensated somewhat, the aneurism itself is continuing to grow and the potential of it bursting without any forewarning is of great concern. Bob is scheduled to have an angiogram on May 30 to determine the exact nature of the aneurysm and a four-hour surgery June 7 to remove it. Bob also had a biopsy this week from a potential area of concern on his nose. Please pray for God's guidance for his doctors and guidance, strength and healing for Bob in the coming days and weeks.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 23, 2020 - Dianne C. (Fellsmere, FL)
Dale and Dianne C., of the West Palm Beach, Florida, congregation, are requesting your prayer for Dianne, who has been diagnosed with cancer behind her right eye very close to the optic nerve. There is a similar, smaller growth behind her left eye which has been assumed to be the same. Her oncologist will be making an evaluation to determine which procedure she will endure.
Thank you in advance for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 23, 2020 - Mel H. (Burnaby, BC)
Mel would like to thank everyone for their prayers for God's intervention regarding the prognosis doctors gave him that he has prostate cancer. He reports that his condition now is very good and he is getting better all the time. Mel also wants you to know that he is praying for others and is very grateful for all the prayers for him. He feels blessed and asks for God's blessings to be upon you.
Nov 23, 2019
Mel H. of Vancouver, British Columbia, has been in the Church since the 1960s. He regularly prays and fasts for those mentioned in prayer requests. Mel recently received distressing news that he has prostate cancer and now finds himself in need of our prayers. Further testing is expected to provide a thorough diagnosis of the condition. Please keep Mel in your prayers as we request God's guidance and healing during this trial.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 22, 2020 - Derek W. (Dobson, NC)
Doc W. of the Roanoke congregation requests prayer for his son, Derek. Derek is experiencing extreme personal problems and is in desperate need of God's intervention.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 15, 2020 - Art V. (New Zealand)
Art just learned that he has two cancerous growths, one in his oesophagus and another in one of his lungs. An operation is not recommended based on a variety of reasons discovered upon further diagnosis. Next week he and his wife, Sari, will meet with medical practitioners, who will advise what medication is recommended, and other possible forms of cancer treatment. One procedure is that they will insert a stent in order to assist with swallowing.
Your prayers for Art, and his wife, would be greatly appreciated.
Sep 7, 2020
Art V., an 82-year-old elder in New Zealand who serves throughout the southern Pacific area, just learned that he has two cancerous growths, one in his oesophagus and another in one of his lungs. An operation is not recommended based on a variety of reasons discovered upon further diagnosis. Next week he and his wife, Sari, will meet with medical practitioners, who will advise what medication is recommended, and other possible forms of cancer treatment. One procedure is that they will insert a stent in order to assist with swallowing.
Your prayers for Art, and his wife, would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 14, 2020 - Robson C. (Uberlandia, Brazil)
The family wishes to thank the brethren for Robson's healing from COVID-19. Thanks to God, he is completely healed and back at work in the hospital taking care of COVID-19 patients. He went through recovery at home and, thanks to God, no one at home got infected.
Jul 27, 2020
Prayer is requested for Robson C., the husband of Josiane Macedo C., a recently baptized member living in Uberlandia, Brazil. Robson is a nurse and has been working at one of the local hospitals, specifically treating COVID-19 patients. He contracted COVID-19 last week and he is not doing well, having fever, body pains and a heavy and cold chest.
Please pray for God's mercy on him and the family as he is being treated at home and Josiane with the three children are alone fighting this battle. Robson has always been very understanding and respectful to the Church and God's teachings.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 31, 2020 - Rudy_R. (Glen Carbon, IL)
Prayers are requested for the family of Rudy and Carolyn R. of the Troy congregation. Carolyn has just tested positive for COVID-19. Also, Aaron and Michelle R. were over to see them last Sabbath, so they have been tested too, and should get results by Wednesday or Thursday. Thank you very much for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 25, 2020 - Ellen G. family (Ashford AL)
Your prayers are requested for the family of Ellen G., a member of the DeFuniak Springs congregation. Five of the family members have come down with the COVID-19 virus. Ellen's husband, son, daughter, granddaughter and niece have all tested positive and show symptoms of the virus. Thankfully, Ellen tested negative and is doing okay under the circumstances. Please pray for a speedy recovery for all.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 20, 2020 - Oscar B. V. (La Paz, Bolivia)
The family requests your prayers for the delicate and serious health condition of our great and beloved friend, Oscar Baldivieso V., who has been practically in a coma for five months due to heart failure.
Oscar needs an operation, but due to the coronavirus pandemic it is impossible to transfer him to a hospital. The pandemic has invaded our entire country, and hospitals are saturated with patients.
His wife, Teresa, is troubled and has asked for prayers for God's intervention and for her husband to be delivered from the difficult situation he is now suffering. Thank you all for your support.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 20, 2020 - Mary Ann R. (Miamisburg OH)
Mary Ann R. writes: "I want to express my love and appreciation for all the cards, prayers and concern from my family, the Church of God. My MRI came back worse than the X-ray, but with prayer and strong medications, I am able to function. The side effects of the meds are not good. So after the Feast, I will decide whether to have the surgery. I am doing everything I can. God will do the rest. Thank you so much for your prayers. It is in God's hands."

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 15, 2020 - Manuel V. (Manila, Philippines)
Manuel V, of the Manila congregation, asks the brethren for their prayers. He experienced flu-like symptoms last Sunday, August 9. Last Tuesday, August 11, he began to lose his sense of smell. As of today, he said he is feeling well but his sense of smell has not yet returned. He is now on personal home quarantine. I advised him to undergo a rapid test or swab test to determine his true condition. Let's remember him in our prayers that God would heal him completely and that his condition will improve quickly.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 14, 2020 - Jessica L. (Twin Cities, MN)
Jessi is out of hospital and on the mend. Thank everyone for prayers. Jessi was in such a battle for her life, at 27 yrs. old ...but everything went away! Still praising God.
Aug 11, 2020
Mary Jo A. is requesting our prayers for God's intervention on behalf of her granddaughter, and Heidi L's daughter Jessica, who has a 3 month old child to take care of. Jessica has developed a serious infection from some stents that were recently put in and is also struggling with pain from kidney stones.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 3, 2020 - Mary B. (Champlin, MN)
Last Thursday as I was stepping off my curb to visit my neighbor I tripped and fell hard on the asphalt. Today I had an X-ray and found there are 3 cracked ribs. I would appreciate the prayers of the brethren for the ribs to heal speedily without any complications. My appreciation to all.
Oct 4, 2019
I have annual skin checks because of a melanoma on my thumb years ago. On my recent skin check the doctor biopsied a lesion on my abdomen. It tuned out to be a basal cell carcinoma and excision is scheduled for November 14. I plan to be anointed tomorrow, and I would like to ask for prayers of the brethren for healing and that this will be no big deal.
Jun 29, 2018
Mary saw her podiatrist on Wednesday and was given a clean bill of health with respect to her foot. The broken bone has healed and she can now go back to wearing regular shoes and resume normal activity (i.e. taking care of Steve!). She also thanks everyone for their prayers, cards, and help around the house during the last months.
Jun 8, 2018
Mary writes - I got a good report from the Doctor this week regarding my foot. The bone is filling in nicely. I should be able to wear regular shoes in 3 weeks. Thanks for your prayers!
May 25, 2018
Her two-week follow up with the podiatrist didn't go as well as hoped for. The broken bone in the foot has partially healed, but there is evidence in the x-rays that the break could worsen if Mary doesn't continue to stay off her feet. Her next exam is in 2 weeks and she needs your prayers for both God's healing and that she will have the patience to stay off her feet as much as possible.
Mar 16, 2018
Steve writes: Mary hurt her foot Wednesday evening. The X-RAY shows a broken bone near the outside edge of her right foot. They wrapped it up in an ace bandage and she's wearing a "boot" on that foot. She was told to stay off of the foot for 3 months. It's a slow healing area of the foot and surgery might be required before all is said and done. Only moderate pain for now. This is definitely a pre Passover trial for us as I am still dealing with the low hemoglobin problems. Prayers would be greatly appreciated!

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 30, 2020 - Elizabeth C. (Blantyre, Malawi)
Mrs. C. has greatly improved from the time she was inflicted with a stroke. She is now able to struggle to walk, and her arm and leg are now functioning a little. It is amazing, at her age of 90, to be blessed with that kind of healing. She is so grateful and thankful to God and all of you for your fervent prayers. Your love and support and words of encouragement have been so overwhelming. She still needs your prayers for her total healing. May God bless you all!
Apr 8, 2020
Mrs. Elizabeth C. was diagnosed by a doctor with a blood clot in her brain after collapsing at home on April 3. This led to the left side of her body not working after suffering a stroke. She was discharged from the hospital with some medication to take that will assist to dilute the clot.
Mrs. C. is a widow and a longtime member of the church. She is 90 years old. Your prayers are requested, asking our Merciful God to bless her with healing. She was anointed yesterday. She is able to talk and, surprisingly, she was able to attend the Passover service in a wheelchair. Currently, her granddaughter Thokozani is arranging physiotherapy to be carried out while at home.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 30, 2020 - Leroy S. (Marissa, IL)
Thank you for your prayers of some years ago on behalf of Le Roy S., and his situation with multiple myeloma. It has returned. From his wife, Dollie: "Le Roy's weekly chemo injection begins next Tuesday afternoon. We are grateful to God that this return of the cancer was caught early, his chemo treatment is mild dose, and he doesn't feel bad. God is so wonderful."
Jan 14, 2019
Leroy is taking an immunotherapy pill every evening for 21 days. Then he gets a 7-day break. Then back to the 21-day cycle. He continues to improve. All of his blood work and organ functions are good. Dizziness is one of the side effects of the immunotherapy drug. The dizziness has never been this severe before. Please pray for healing & that the dizziness does not occur again.
Dec 20, 2017
Leroy's body has built up immunity to the chemo pill he was taking since July. The doctors have put him on a new chemo treatment. The change in treatment is a 2 hour IV 2 days in a row each week. Leroy still needs to use his cane because of hip pain. Prayers are still needed.
Dec 28, 2016
The leukemia will hopefully be in remission soon. He is continuing with his chemotherapy. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Jun 2016
Leroy was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer, was anointed, asking God for healing & with chemo, Leroy has shown improvement. However he lost quite a bit of weight & had been in such pain during the Feast that he & his wife, Dollie were unable to stay the full 8 days. They both remain cheerful & trust God for his complete healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 27, 2020 - Dorothy S. (Mount Vernon, WA)
Your prayers are requested for Dorothy S., a member of the Seattle, Washington, congregation. Earlier this year, Dorothy had surgery to remove her gall bladder. The surgeon noticed irregularities with her liver. She was referred to a specialist who diagnosed her with autoimmune hepatitis. Autoimmune hepatitis is a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the liver as if it were a foreign body. Dorothy sought a second opinion and the original diagnosis was confirmed.
To treat the condition, she was put on medication that essentially weakens her immune system, controlling the attack on her liver. However, that also makes her susceptible to any and all illnesses such as flu, colds, etc. as well as curtailing, if not eliminating, trips outside of the home. In some cases, through medication the condition goes away. Unfortunately in many cases the condition returns once going off the medication. Dorothy and family request your prayers that God would intervene and heal her from this condition.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 26, 2020 - Deanna W. (Richlands NC)
Deanna reports "Recently I had 3 month scans at UNC-Chapel Hill and they revealed that the cancer is still stable, with some improvement in my bones. It appears that I am responding to treatment. The treatment for metastatic breast cancer is to slow the progression - it is considered terminal. I look to God each day for strength. I know that my life is in his hands. I have added to my prayers for God to show me what I need to change in my life as it relates to how I am to grow from this trial. I was glad to hear that the cancer is still stable and not on the move! Thanks to everyone for their prayers. I still receive messages of encouragement and they are greatly appreciated. I am thankful that I am able to work and care for my family!"
Jan 9, 2020
"I am happy to report that after 3 months of hormone suppression and non-traditional chemotherapy (targeted therapy) my metastatic breast cancer has not spread to other areas of my body and remains in a few areas in my bones and in my right breast. I have been doing really well tolerating the medications with few side-effects. I am to continue the current treatment regimen. I will have new scans done in 3-4 months to evaluate the status of the cancer. I have been having some pain and discomfort from intestinal inflammation. I am trying to manage it by watching my diet to avoid trigger foods. Your prayers regarding this matter are greatly appreciated. I would like to thank all of my beloved brethren for their support, encouragement, and prayers for me and my family. I treasure the cards and personal messages of encouragement. Tommy, Anna, and I had a fantastic time at Winter Family Weekend! It was so wonderful to be with the family of God! God is answering the prayers of His people and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart!"
Aug 29, 2019
Your prayers are requested for Deanna W. who has been diagnosed with a form of cancer called metastatic breast cancer. The cancer has spread into her bones in several locations. However, Deanna's oncologist reported that it has not spread to any other tissue besides the bone. At this point her oncologist has said no chemo or surgery will be used. Deanna will be on a regimen of 2 oral pills and a monthly shot. Deanna is 44 years old, wife of Tommy W. Her daughter is 9 years old. Please pray to our Father Creator for Deanna's healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 14, 2020 - Amanda S. (Loveland, OH)
Amanda has now been diagnosed with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. She still is unable to move or feel her right leg or foot. They have completed the treatments. They are sending her to a rehab facility where a doctor from the Mayo Clinic who specializes in MS will care for her.
Amanda was very uplifted by the cards and flowers from church members. Please continue to pray for Amanda, for her healing and relief from the pain as well as encouragement. It has also been very frustrating for her grandparents, Richard and Barbara M., as they are unable to travel to see Amanda. Notes and cards are still very much appreciated. She receives so much joy from hearing from you. Thank you again.
Jul 3, 2020
Amanda S. is in the hospital and undergoing painful tests. She has had several lumbar punctures and is having plasma exchange done every other day. She is still unable to walk and is experiencing peripheral vision loss and difficulty with her breathing.
Due to COVID-19 she is only allowed one visitor per day for the whole day so she spends much of her day alone. She is frightened and by herself most of the time.
Amanda is 27 years old. She is a student at University of Cincinnati and is on the Dean's list.
The doctors now suspect either multiple sclerosis or NMO disease, which are both auto-immune diseases that attack the nerves and spinal cord. She will be in the hospital at least another 1-2 weeks waiting for the results of testing.
Thank you for your prayers for Amanda.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 9, 2020 - Joyce Ma. (St. Cloud, MN)
The headache that was worrying us disappeared last night after Joyce went to bed and she seems to have had a good night's rest. (First in about 4-5 days) Her temps are somewhat lower than we expected but no more horrible chills or freezing episodes. and her speech is back to the pleasant normal.
She'd requested an anointed cloth and prayers from brethren yesterday and it was after that that she seems to be approaching "her old self", God has provided and I'm very grateful! .
We're still awaiting results from a couple tests that were taken to identify Lyme's but, overall, she is getting stronger again and l booking forward to a normal life. Thanks for the prayers and concern. I'M VERY GRATEFUL!
Jul 7, 2020
On Friday, Joyce M. of the Fargo and St Cloud congregations, woke up not feeling well and running a high fever. Ralph took her to the ER and they tested her for Covid 19 and it was negative. After more test they now believe she has Lyme disease. She is still very sick and has had a very bad headache for four days. She would very much appreciate your prayers for God's intervention.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 8, 2020 - Kinsey F. (NC)
Cosden and Doreen F., members in Indiana, request prayers for their granddaughter Kinsey F., 17 years old, in North Carolina, with a bone condition and a weak immune system. Kinsey has just contracted COVID-19. The family is also high-risk due to various immune deficiencies. Thank you for your prayers. The family is limiting the amount of mail received and has asked that their address not be included.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 26, 2020 - Aimee L. (Twin Cities, MN)
Aimee is feeling better but is still having some balancing issues and has trouble forming her thoughts and speech at times. She would appreciate your continued prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 26, 2020 - Teresa S. (Los Angeles, CA)
Teresa and the family would like to thank you all for the cards, letters and prayers that they have received. She had follow-up appointments with several different doctors, and has been comforted to know that her heart is not nearly at the risk that they originally believed and that they feel confident that she will not have issues with the surgery
That being said, she has opted to move forward with the surgery, and is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 1.
Thank you for your continued prayers for her and the family during this difficult time.
Jun 10, 2020
Teresa had a doctor's appointment this week, and will need to return on June 22 to decide what further action to take. Doctors are strongly urging surgery, even though it is risky. The alternative is a continual decline in her ability to function.
The family asks for prayers that God will guide them in making decisions for the right course of action to take. It is a difficult decision either way, and the family is praying for healing, as well as clarity and discernment. If surgery is the route taken, it would likely take place at the end of the month.
Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Jun 3, 2020
Abigail B. and her daughter, Claudia, of the Los Angeles, California, congregation, request your prayers for Abigail's mother (Claudia's grandmother), Teresa S., also of the Los Angeles congregation, for a very critical situation and ongoing health issue. Teresa has been having shoulder and neck issues for quite some time, and they have progressively gotten worse. She had to go to the hospital this week because of the pain, and they quickly performed an MRI on her neck and shoulder, informing her that arthritis in her neck is the source of the pain and of the shoulder issues.
She was informed that without surgery her condition will progressively get worse, and she would likely end up in a vegetative state. The other pressing issue is, doctors are telling her that because of the risk involved with her heart and other health issues, surgery is not recommended, because based on her situation, it could be fatal.
The family requests and thanks you in advance for your prayers for her healing, and also for direction and answers to this dire situation. Apr 11, 2014
Teresa would like to thank you for the prayers, cards and letters that so many sent concerning her recent prayer request. She is feeling much better, as she is able to use her arm and hand ith less pain and it is apparent that prayers were answered. Doctors are still concerned, but the severity is not as bad as originally thought. Please continue to keep her in your prayers, that God will heal the nerves and tendons in her neck, relieving the pain she is suffering and that God's will be done.
Mar 28, 2014
Prayers are requested for Teresa from the Los Angeles congregation. Doctors are recommending immediate surgery on her neck again (after a recent neck surgery) because of possible nerve damage. She has been in severe pain at times, and this is something that could be very serious. Your prayers are requested for guidance on decisions to be made, as well as for God's mercy in healing her and for His will to be done. Please keep the entire family in your prayers as well.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 8, 2020 - Relpha S. (London, UK)
Our daughter reported back to work last Monday after she was declared free of COVID-19 last week. According to her doctors, "all her systems are go" with no traces whatsoever of the infection and they asked her what medications she took that made her physically sound once more. She told them about the natural remedies she administered to herself, plus the existence of our Wonderful Healer. Frank Jarvis, pastor of London UCG, sent me an email message telling us that they had not seen her in their church services - but regardless of that matter, they will pray for her. So, I told my daughter to keep in touch with Mr. Jarvis, and to send him an email message of thanks. Which she did, and according to Mr Jarvis, that email was read to the London brethren mentioning Relpha and thanking the brethren for the wonderful developments.
My wife and I, and the entire family, thank the brethren whose prayers were responsible for bringing about Relpha's healing. Your help brought to our Father's attention our daughter's health need during her most crucial moments. We earnestly hope that you will help us pray for our daughter's spiritual healing as well - for her to become part of the body of Christ once again.
May 14, 2020
In our video chat this evening, Relpha had a calm and serenity in her face and voice already, all of which are strong indications that she is indeed past the critical stage. This is her 15th day of self quarantine. God willing, she will soon be with her fellow frontliners once more in London. Surely, we have a God who listens, and acts accordingly, to the prayers of His saints. Thank God
May 7, 2020
Almighty and the brethren who prayed with us for the healing of our daughter. Relpha S., daughter of elder Merlito T. of Kidapawan, is a nurse at the NHS Hospital in London. She has been adversely affected by COVID-19 due to the high incidence of the viral infection in her work area. She must stay at home and would appreciate it very much if the brethren would help pray to God Almighty for her healing and early recovery so she can resume her work as one of the front-line health workers. Also pray for comfort of her family.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 6, 2020 - Fred R. (Portland, OR)
Here is an update from Fred: "I would like to say "Thank You" to all of you who have been praying for me, who sent cards or called during my recent trial with prostate cancer. I finished my final radiation treatment this last Thursday, June 4. The side effects have been minimal with daily fatigue being most noticeable, but common with this type of treatment. I will now wait three months before I see my doctor again for a blood test to determine my PSA level. I'm praying for "zero." "Once again, I am grateful for a loving and merciful God who has clearly been involved in my trial and I'm extremely grateful for your prayers on my and Cheryl's behalf. I will update again in three months."
May 20, 2020
A few months back I had a blood test that revealed my PSA level was high. It had been gradually going up over the last three years. A urologist examined me, and after the results of blood test showed a even higher PSA level, an MRI revealed the possibility of prostate cancer. A biopsy was performed which revealed five areas of cancer. Four scored low but one spot scored high. After praying for wisdom, anointing, research on different options, input from my naturopath doctor and my wife, I have chosen a radiation treatment. The treatment procedure is called CyberKnife, which I chose for its short duration. Instead of 36 treatments it will be 5 treatments using high intensity radiation. Any type of radiation treatment brings risks, especially the possibility of irradiating other organs or other parts of the body in addition to the prostate itself. I am asking for your prayers that our Great God be involved in the procedure and side effects and that any stray radiation be minimal. Also, pray that the cancer be eliminated and that I recover quickly so I can continue to work. Of course complete healing is best option, but all to God's will. I have another MRI scheduled this week and then the procedures will begin. Thank you so much.
Dec 22, 2016
Currently, I am doing very well. I will be having another PET Scan in January to see if I remain cancer free. I continue to take alternative medical treatments & will do so for at least another year. I very much appreciate the prayers of the brethren on my behalf.
Mar 26, 2015
After meeting with my surgeon today, I couldn't have asked for better results. I hadn't been able to swallow any liquid, and everything had been going through a feeding tube. The Throat/Speech Therapist worked with me for about an hour and got things working. The doctor determined that the feeding tube was causing a sore in the throat which added to the swallowing problem. After they were comfortable that I was going to be able to swallow they removed the tube. How wonderful that was!
The biopsies on my tonsils show that one is completely clear and the other showed no sign of cancer in the margins he took. The biopsies on my 29 removed lymph nodes showed that only 2 of them were cancerous. The good news is that in those two, the cancer was completely encapsulated.
So as it stands right now, I am cancer free. The only concern are those microscopic cells that might be floating around. If this is a possibility then I will pursue holistic medicines and most importantly, of course, God's healing to take care of them. Brethren, God is great and He always hears our prayers for each other. Cheryl and I can't begin to thank you enough!
Feb 26, 2015
Here is an update on my planned surgery which has been rescheduled for this coming week, March 4. They will be removing the right tonsil and the diseased lymph nodes in the right side of my neck. I request your prayers that God will direct all aspects of the surgery and that there will not be any complications afterwards and, of course, quick healing. I will be in the hospital between 4-5 days and hopefully return to Sabbath services in 3 weeks. Thank you for your prayers and concern on my behalf.
Feb 20, 2015
I am requesting your prayers on my behalf. On Feb. 5, I was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma cancer of the throat. The CT scan revealed that the cancer is currently located in the right tonsil and in the lymph nodes in the right side of my neck. On Feb. 19, my Oncologist reviewed the results of the PET scan with me, which show no cancer anywhere else in my body. I want to say thank you to those of you that have been praying about that. What a relief that was! I'm not out of woods yet, so more prayers are needed. I currently have surgery planned for Feb. 24, here in Vancouver, Washington. That could change, as I am seeking a second opinion from a surgeon who specializes in this type of cancer surgery at OHSU in Portland, Oregon. Please pray that God will guide the surgeon's hands and that he is successful at removing all the infected lymph nodes and there will be minimal damage to the small nerves in my neck. My wife, Cheryl, and I have seen God's hand in this trial and we know He will continue to be with the both of us as we deal with my cancer. Your prayers are truly a blessing and God hears them all.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 4, 2020 - Tim B. (Sacramento, CA)
The following is an update from Joe B. about his son, Tim: "Tim is supposed to be returning home tomorrow after his amazing recovery from the COVID-19 virus and I want to thank all the wonderful people for the many cards and expressions of hopeful recovery. With gratitude and love to our Amazing Father in His dwelling place, He surely has heard the prayers of His people. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and concern.
Apr 27, 2020
Tim has made significant improvements over the last week. He is much more alert and has even been able to video chat with his family. He is down to receiving only 30% oxygen, and while he still tires easily he is making steady progress. If he continues to progress, he will be moved to a rehab facility for the remainder of his recovery. Thank you for the prayers, cards and concern for Joe, Tim and the family.
Apr 17, 2020
Joe B's son, Tim, has now been in the hospital for four weeks. He is no longer testing positive for the coronavirus but he is still having a difficult time. On Monday, they performed a tracheostomy and it was done without complication. They plan on inserting a feeding tube soon, as well.
Tim is being taken off of the sedation medication but he is suffering from delirium and other effects from the medication and is still receiving 50% oxygen. Please continue to keep Joe and Tim in your prayers.
Apr 3, 2020
Joe continues to ask for prayers for his son. Tim, who is 53, has now been in the hospital for two weeks fighting the Coronavirus. He has shown some improvement, his oxygen has been lowered to 40%, but he is still being kept sedated and has a long way to go. It has been very hard on Joe since he is not able to see Tim during this trial and can only rely on what the doctors tell him over the phone.
As of now, Joe and his grandchildren (Tim's children, in their 20s) have not shown any signs of the virus. Thank you for your prayers for Joe and Tim.
Mar 25, 2020
Joe B. is requesting prayers for his son, Timothy. Last Friday, Tim was taken by ambulance to the hospital with pneumonia-like symptoms. His symptoms have worsened to the point where he is being kept sedated and the doctors are concerned that his heart may give out. Yesterday, tests came back confirming that he had coronavirus. Joe, who is a senior, lives with Tim and his two grandchildren. Please pray for healing for Tim, as well as protection from the virus for Joe and his grandchildren at this very difficult time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 4, 2020 - Cheryl B. (Nashville, TN)
From Cheryl: "Thank you. I can't stop thanking God for what he has done for me and all those who prayed for me. I ended up having a hysterectomy plus the cancer surgery because the cancer was attached to my uterus. Four hours in all. I'm on a pain drip. So very sore but they had me walking and I did 200 yards, which they said was wonderful! I'm so glad and thankful to be able to write this! The surgeon was in this morning and he said he is very pleased with everything."
Dec 20, 2019
Cheryl B. of the Nashville congregation has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. She has started chemotherapy and will be reevaluated in a couple of months to see if the mass has shrunk enough so that they can do surgery. Cheryl also has a few small spots in her liver that are cancerous, as well. Please pray for her healing and also for strength for her husband Ralph, who is her primary caregiver.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 3, 2020 - Jana E. (Twin Cities, MN)
Dustin and Jana would like to ask for prayers for Jana, who over the past year has experienced increasing pain and stiffness in her joints and back. After testing, she was recently diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, which is a genetic inflammatory arthritis that over time can cause vertebrae to fuse together. They'd like to request prayers for healing and wisdom for the best course of treatment. Thanks ever so much!
Jan 22, 2016
We'd like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, gifts, and support. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful church family. Jana continues to recover well after her surgery. She's still pretty sore, but she's completely off her pain meds now, and hopes she'll be well enough to see everyone at services in a couple weeks. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sabbath. Much love, Dusty & Jana.
Jan 1, 2016
Update, the surgery went well, and there has been no bleeding problems thus far. Please pray for a speedy recovery. Thank you!
Dec 30, 2015
Dusty and Jana would like to request prayers for Jana's surgery this Wednesday, Dec. 30th. The surgery should eliminate much of the abdominal pain and internal bleeding she has been experiencing, and will also remove any scar tissue in her abdomen. Because of her bleeding disorder, she will be having a clotting factor transfusion before the surgery and will be staying down at Mayo until Sunday for monitoring. Prayers for a successful outcome and a speedy recovery would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
May 11, 2013
Jana was at the Mayo Clinic for another round of tests this week. Based on Jana's tests this past month, the doctors are concerned that she may have auto-immune related kidney disease. The family would greatly appreciate prayers that the tests will all go well, that God will grant Jana healing, and that He would guide them and the doctors to make the best decisions regarding Jana's health. Thank you for your prayers.
Update from Dusty:
We got some great news about Jana's kidneys yesterday. The ultrasound indicated that the kidneys are healthy and functioning normally. This definitely goes down as an answered prayer in our book. The doctor seemed quite surprised by the result. She even said that someone with Jana's previous test results would generally need 2-3 surgeries to address the kidney problems, so she was really happy to report that Jana didn't need any further follow-up regarding her kidneys. Additionally, one of the main kidney failure indicators dropped dramatically back into normal range since the last time we were there! Since the kidneys are working fine, they wanted to investigate the heart in an effort to account for the previous test results. Jana did an EKG and heart x-ray yesterday (results still pending), and they want her to come down next week for a couple days again to wrap up the tests and talk about next steps.

<  > Prayer Update - May 27, 2020 - Donna G. (Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada)
Donna has had her surgery. The surgeons found stage two cancer; however, they feel that they have successfully removed the cancer. She is healing well from the surgery but has been suffering from the inability to keep food down and with digestive tract blockages ever since the operation. She has also lost considerable weight. The good news is that in the last few days her condition has improved and she is in good spirits. She is slated for chemotherapy, but has no scheduled start date. She wishes to thank everyone for the wonderful cards, they have be a huge encouragement for her.
Apr 22, 2020
For the last two weeks, Donna has been - and still is - in excruciating pain. As a result, she has just finished two days in the hospital undergoing tests. The doctors discovered that she has a cyst the size of a grapefruit on her right ovary. The results of the biopsy and blood work will not be available for a week, but the doctors are suggesting that the cyst is likely cancerous. Please pray for God's healing, a removal of the pain and for the results of the biopsy to come back negative for cancer. Also pray for comfort for her husband, Gary.

<  > Prayer Update - May 27, 2020 - Bill G. (Waldron, AR)
Bill underwent surgery on his left leg yesterday afternoon. The surgeon was able to remove the rod and other hardware that had been left in from a previous attempt to remove the rod. However, in order to do this he had to split the tibia (shinbone). Bill will have several more days in the hospital working with a bacteria specialist to help clear up the infection. The doctor warned that there will be a good deal of pain, but they will work to control it as best they can with IV medication. At this point the doctor is hopeful that this will resolve the problem, and that the leg and bone will heal properly this time.
Thank you for all the calls and emails they have already received, and most of all thank you for your prayers!
May 25, 2020
Bill, an elder serving the Bentonville, Van Buren and Mena, Arkansas, congregations, is requesting your prayers. He is once again having severe problems with his left leg - the same leg he had surgery on nearly three years ago. This past week he was in excruciating pain, and was diagnosed with Tibial Osteomyelitis, a severe infection of the bone.
This is the leg he broke in late 1989 and doctors had to insert a rod, which is still in place, and apparently at the core of this problem. Tomorrow (Tuesday, May 26), doctors will attempt to remove the rod. It is expected that he will need to be in the hospital another five or six days on IV antibiotics to kill the infection. Unfortunately, the hospital has not yet relaxed their regulations as a result of the COVID-19 infection, and so no one is able to be with or see him in the hospital. Please keep Bill and his wife, Aurora, in your prayers.
Jan 11, 2019
Bill and Aurora G. wish to express their thanks to everyone - the prayers and comforting thoughts from so many brethren has made this trial easier to bear! During a doctor's visit this week, an x-ray was taken which revealed great progress and a process of healing. The doctor's first comment was, "You are very blessed, it now looks like a bone graft may not be necessary!" It appears the bone is starting to grow back by itself to fill the void in the leg bone! Bill will continue with the antibiotic infusion until Jan. 19 and the antibiotic pills until mid-February. What a relief it will be to have the "port" taken out. Another x-ray will be taken in six weeks and further progress will be evaluated. Also, the doctor recommended light exercises. Thank you again for your prayers and concerns!
Dec 14, 2018
Bill G., an elder in the Van Buren, Arkansas, congregation, broke his lower leg many years ago, and doctors inserted a rod to stabilize the bone. But the rod moved up, and facing a need for a knee replacement, he went in for what should have been a quick procedure in late May to remove the rod. That surgery did not go as intended, and the surgeon was not only unable to remove the rod, but in the end was unable to even remove equipment inserted to get the rod out. He did manage to cut off the top part of the rod, and Bill was sent home to recover and consider the knee replacement after he healed.
Unfortunately, he never has been able to heal, and has suffered a great deal of pain since then. Within the last few weeks the pain has increased greatly, and a large lump formed on the outside of the knee. After consulting a different orthopedic surgeon he underwent another surgical procedure this past Friday. It was discovered that the entire operation site of the May procedure was filled with infection, and it had eaten away at the tibia (shin bone). After cleaning out the area the doctor found a void inside his leg the size of a peach, and the bone is so deteriorated that if Bill had stepped wrong the bone would have shattered.
Bill remained in the hospital for several days receiving powerful IV antibiotics to combat the infection. But further consultation is necessary to determine what will need to be done to repair the damage and save the leg.
Bill was released from the hospital a day earlier than expected. He must largely stay off of the left leg because the bone is so fragile from the deterioration caused by the severe infection. His wife, Aurora, said before he was released the doctor told them the culture matured finally and infection has been identified. Bill is to stay off of his feet and only do limited walking inside the house. A home health caregiver will be coming to administer the antibiotics (a six-week regimen) and to teach how to do it, since she will come only once a day and two doses per day are required. They are thankful for God's blessing, and the prayers and concern of their brethren.

<  > Prayer Request - May 22, 2020 - Ted B. (Bothell, WA)
Ted is a longtime member of the Seattle congregation with a condition called Tinnitus (the perception of noise ringing in the ears). Ted does have hearing loss and wears hearing aids, but this ringing has progressed to the point where he cannot sleep. The lack of sleep has then caused all the aches and pains of an aged body to be burdensome. As you can imagine, this ringing is mentally and physically taxing. Ted is asking for your prayers on his behalf, that God would heal him and allow him to rest at night.

<  > Prayer Request - May 22, 2020 - Shirley M.(Gig Harbor WA)
Shirley M. requests prayers on her behalf from all the brethren. She has been suffering for a long while with painful and persistent rashes, itching and sores on her skin, now leading to fungal infections. She has been under the care of doctors and receiving treatments from a wound care clinic for at least two years, but there has been little relief. The medications prescribed are hard on her liver, and have had to be reduced, changed or eliminated. Her doctor seems to be at a loss as to how to help her. Recently these conditions have become worse, and Shirley is "desperate" for help and for healing. She asks for prayers from God's people, and as she ended the phone call she said, "I love you all!" Shirley lives in a senior housing apartment, and would appreciate a few cards of encouragement as well as our prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - May 20, 2020 - Lisa B. (West Richland, WA)
Lisa B. of the Kennewick, WA congregation would very much appreciate your prayers for her overall health. Lisa has been battling lupus for quite some time now. In recent weeks her condition has intensified, resulting in extreme pain that rarely relents. The condition also creates a constant burning sensation of her face that sometimes feels like an electric shock. Her husband Randy writes, "I would ask God for healing and comfort according to His great mercy and compassion, but most of all according to His perfect will."

<  > Prayer Request - May 13, 2020 - Joe G. (Saskatoon, SK)
Kathy G. is asking for prayers for her husband, Joe. Joe was rushed to emergency Tuesday for an infected gallbladder with a stone blocking the bile duct. He was in a lot of pain with elevated blood counts. They admitted him and put him on pain meds and antibiotics with a CAT scan done.
He is having surgery tomorrow morning (Thursday) at City Hospital. They are doing a procedure called ERCP. It is where they go down the esophagus into the stomach, pass through the stomach into the gall bladder and grab the stones. Joe is a high risk intubation due to his neck girth. So it will be performed under medication as a conscious intubation to protect his airway. It prevents an abdominal incision and it's done under MRI. They will both be glad when this is over. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 30, 2020 - Lupi P (Jordan, MN)
As we all isolate and stay in our homes due to the virus, I thought it would be nice to send a quick update on my recovery. Firstly, I would like to thank the brethren for the many prayers and the everyday messages. I could not have gotten through this if it wasn't for the many encouragements and of course the answered prayers. It has now been 8 weeks since my surgery and my doctor is impressed with how quick I'm recovering. I am no longer needing my crutches to move around the house, nor am I required to sleep with my knee brace any longer.
However, when I am out and about of the house I do have to wear my brace til I am a lot more comfortable. During my last visit, my Doctor would repeat how impressed he was at how active I am. He mentioned, and I quote, "For someone who had a major repair on both meniscus and an ACL reconstruction, I am impressed with your recovery."
Due to the virus all my appointments have been virtual. I have a PT appointment tomorrow and won't have my next doctors visit until my 3rd month mark. I am slowly getting back to my everyday routine and now looking to hopefully return to working again. Thank you!
Mar 3, 2020
Our family wanted to extend our appreciation to everyone for their prayers and messages received throughout the day. Lupi's surgery was successful and was cleared to go home shortly after. She is eating well and in good spirits. She has her follow up and first physical therapy session this coming Thursday.
Mar 2, 2020
As confirmed from my doctor, I will be going through with my knee surgery tomorrow morning at about 10:30AM. I kindly request the brethrens prayers as I go through with this. My operation is considered an outpatient surgery so I should be out same day. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. If there are any changes we will keep you informed.
Jan 31, 2020
Prayer request for our sister Lupi in Jordan. She was walking up the stairs and as she opened the door to her next class she took a wrong step and lost her balanced as her knees gave out on her. She got an MRI and found out that she's torn her ACL and meniscus. She's gonna have surgery but no date has been set yet.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 29, 2020 - Darlene L. (Menomonie, WI)
Just wanted to update you on my situation. (You can share with others). My dad passed away on Monday morning. Dan and the girls hit the road that afternoon to drive to Texas. They got here about 7 pm yesterday.
The funeral will be on Friday. The Texas governor just made changes, so 40 people will be allowed at the funeral instead of 10. That is an answered prayer.
Apr 24, 2020
I flew down to Texas on Tuesay to be with my mom. My dad has been moved into hospice care. I'm currently sitting outside the hospice facility while my brother and mom are inside. Only two of us are allowed to be inside at a time. It is a difficult time made more difficult by all the restrictions.
My mom has been his caregiver almost 24 years, ever since he had a stroke in August of 1996. The last couple of years have taken a toll on my mom's health as my dad became more and more difficult to care for. She is at peace with all of this and prays my dad will pass soon. She is so very exhausted, physically and emotionally.
I know Dan and I came to the brethren just last month asking for prayers on my behalf. I thank you all for that. And of course, we all know God listens and answers prayers. My family could use a little extra strength right now.
Mar 30, 2020
We just finally found out some information about Darlene, and the good news is that the Covid19 test came back negative! So we are very pleased to hear that. Please thank everyone for the prayers and for continued prayers that they can find out what else may have caused the shortness of breath.
Overall, she is doing much better and in good spirits. Tomorrow they plan to do an Echocardiogram to determine what else may be going on, but it sounds like she would be allowed to go home after that.
from Darlene: Dan and the girls are on the way to the hospital to get me and take me home. Please feel free to forward this email on to the brethren. I'm so grateful to everyone for helping Dan and me get through this long weekend.
I went into the ER Friday night because I didn't like the way I was feeling. My heart was racing and wouldn't calm down. That was causing me to feel shortness of breath. I have been having those episodes on and off for the past week or so, and after a short while of resting they passed. But that wasn't the case on Friday.
When they tested me at the ER, my troponin levels were high which could indicate a problem with the heart. They couldn't come up with a good reason why those levels would be high, so they decided to test me for COVID-19. It was a long wait to get those results back. Sunday evening I found out I was negative.
This morning they did an echocardiogram, just to make sure my heart was fine. It is. My heart rate is still a little elevated, but not dangerously, suddenly spiking. The doctor on Saturday starting having me take iron supplements because my hemoglobin levels were low. My official diagnosis coming out of this is anemia. With some supplements and follow up with my doctor, I will be all right. We did have some kind of cold/virus thing going on too, but we all seem to be mostly over that.
Thank you everyone for praying for me and my family!
Mar 28, 2020
Dan L. just called to request prayers for his wife Darlene. The whole family has been struggling with some flu-like, respiratory issues for about 3 weeks. They sought guidance from their doctor and from the Mayo clinic over a week ago, but did not meet all the requirements for COVID-19 testing. Dan and the girls now seem to be recovering, but Darlene's condition is worsening and was taken and admitted to the hospital for further care. She is now being tested for the virus and they are awaiting results.
Please pray for our heavenly Father's healing for Darlene, and His merciful guidance, wisdom and resolve through this trial for her, Dan and the whole family.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 29, 2020 - Dave S. (Rochester WA)
Dave extends his gratitude and love to all who were praying for his health, and for the comforting of his wife, Eunice. For months he had felt and been told that the problem was his heart.
After this last episode he wrote, "God guided the doctors to give me an MRI and found the problem was my gall bladder which was almost full of gall stones and one had lodged in the bile duct. The enzyme that shows heart attack is the same that shows muscle stress, and the gall bladder was under stress. With the removal of the gall bladder, everything is healing nicely and today is the second day I can eat a normal diet without discomfort. I knew people were praying for me but I had no idea how many and the scope of love and encouragement! My mailbox was stuffed with cards from all over the US sent by individuals and whole congregations. Talk about encouragement!!! Thanks, everyone for your prayers! God is so merciful and has answered all of our prayers!! Please give my love to ALL who were praying for Eunice and myself."
Apr 16, 2020
Dave S., a deacon in the Olympia congregation, has been having a series of health issues for a long while, and within the last couple of weeks has had two heart attacks, one that sent him to the hospital and another while there. He was released a couple of days ago, and then yesterday had extreme pain and vomiting. He's now back in the hospital in Olympia, and tests are being done to see if some of the problem may be caused by a malfunctioning gallbladder.
Dave and his wife, Eunice, have been through a lot lately, and are seeking God's blessing of healing with your intercessory prayers. Please also pray for protection from exposure to other illnesses that are spreading during this time.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 28, 2020 - Irene H. (Saskatoon, SK)
Irene is doing much better; she has recovered from her surgery and much of her strength has returned. She wishes to thank everyone for the cards she has received. They have meant so much to her, especially with the seniors' home she lives in being in total lockdown because of COVID-19. The lockdown has confined her to her room at all times.
Mar 31, 2020
Irene is still weak but slowly improving. She has been suffering from gall stones, for which she has been receiving medication to pass.
Mar 9, 2020
Irene is suffering from gall stones, particularly one that is lodged against her liver. The doctors will not operate on anyone 90 years old or older, so they are hoping to dissolve the stone enough with medication for her to pass it. It is a slow process that can be trying on anyone. Please pray that God will heal Irene and give her the strength needed to fully recover.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 28, 2020 - Saber R. (Perdue, SK, Canada)
Lorrie R. wishes to thank everyone for the cards of encouragement that they have received; the love and concern means so much. Saber's fistula has healed but he is still waiting for his chemotherapy treatments to start.
Mar 18, 2020
Lorrie R. is asking for prayers for her husband, Saber. He has a fistula that won't heal and has stage 3 colon cancer. The fistula is the result of complications from his cancer operation. The operation did not get all the cancer, so he needs to have chemo but can't until the fistula heals.
Prayers are needed for Lorrie as well, as she is fulfilling the roles of caregiver and breadwinner. Both Lorrie and Saber are under a lot of stress, and now the Coronavirus scare is adding to that stress.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 26, 2020 - Steve R. (Sugarcreek, OH)
I have an urgent prayer request for longtime SUPERB employee and member Stephen (Steve) R. Steve survived stage four cancer eight years ago and has been battling stage four cancer again this past year. He is in a lot of pain and his situation has become critical because the tumor is growing again. His doctor has increased his chemotherapy, which has difficult side effects. He has trouble eating and walking. His elderly parents, Ben and Mary Lou R., are here from New England to be with him.
He thanks everyone for their prayers and cards. He requests further prayer for relief of pain, for his surgery to be approved, and for God to intervene on his behalf. We pray that he will be able to win this battle with cancer.
Dec 25, 2013
Steve has made a full & complete recovery.
Jan 19, 2013
We request your prayers on behalf of Steve R., who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in his throat area. The cancer has spread to the tonsils (which have been removed), the throat tissue, and the lymph nodes. He will be undergoing treatment at the Cleveland Clinic. Steve is a long-time member of the North Canton congregation. Additional Update: Steve Richmond also had an infection in his throat that required surgical removal. Doctors determined that the infection is still present and would reduce the effectiveness of the cancer treatment plan. Please pray that the infection would clear up so that the cancer can be treated effectively.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 25, 2020 - Dave B. (Coon Rapids, MN)
The exploratory surgery revealed cancer in the colon and liver, and it is quite advanced. The doctor estimates Dave's life expectancy at six months. Maybe an additional six months with treatment.
Apr 23, 2020
Dave B. was hospitalized yesterday at Mercy Hospital in Coon Rapids. He has been experiencing bowel issues for the past week and decided to check himself in. Preliminary examinations are indicating some form of cancer, either in his colon or liver or both. He will be undergoing exploratory surgery today and is asking that we would beseech God on his behalf for His healing, His wisdom, and His peace.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 22, 2020 - Jose Q. (Lima, Peru)
Please pray for Jose Quijano, member in Peru. He has been diagnosed positive with COVID-19. He is being treated at home, as he can only be hospitalized if there is an emergency or his condition worsens.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 22, 2020 - Roberto Q. (Lima, Peru)
Please pray for Roberto Quijano, member in Peru. He has been diagnosed positive with COVID-19. He is being treated at home, as he can only be hospitalized if there is an emergency or his condition worsens.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 17, 2020 - Woodie & Cheryl M. (Westwego LA)
The M's write: "It is a great comfort to have the thoughts and prayers of the many brethren. With God's intervention, we are on the mend from the COVID-19 virus. Cheryl is in her fourth week and I am heading into my third week. The first week to 10 days were pretty rough with flu-like symptoms of fever, fatigue, a cough, and nasal congestion. This was combined with aches and pains, minor difficulty breathing, and loss of taste and smell. As of now we are feeling much better, but still have the loss of taste and smell, and overall weakness.
We appreciate your continued prayers, as we don't know what the future holds with this virus. And you all will be in our prayers as well. Thank you for the many cards, calls, emails, messages and texts."
Apr 10, 2020
Your fervent prayers are requested for Woodie and Cheryl M. of the New Orleans congregation for their healing from the COVID-19 virus. They have been fighting this virus for a couple of weeks now. Some days it seems like they are on the mend and then it comes back again with a vengeance. Woodie tested positive for it and Cheryl has the exact same symptoms. They currently are under a doctor's care at home.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 16, 2020 - Ruben R. (New York, NY)
I received another brief update from Ruben's wife, Blanca. She said Ruben is home and slowly recovering. She also mentioned that the whole family is doing well. Blanca wanted to pass along their thanks for our prayers and support during this time.
Apr 11, 2020
Ruben was hospitalized on Wednesday of this week for treatment for COVID-19. I received a brief update from Ruben's wife, Blanca, this morning. Ruben is doing much better today and is expected to be home soon. Thank you for your continued prayers for Ruben's recovery and the comfort of his family.
Apr 8, 2020
Ruben R. is an EMT for the New York Fire Department who attends in the New York City area. Yesterday, he was admitted to the hospital for COVID-19. His family is concerned for him at this time. Please pray for Ruben's quick recovery and for the comfort of his wife, Blanca, and their children.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 8, 2020 - Kayla M. (Northfield, MN)
I just wanted to ask for a prayer request for Kayla. Today around 4pm just after arriving home from work she was carrying some plates and glass cups up some stairs. She slipped while walking and broke the glasses and plates on her hands. She has a lacerated flexor tendon, a injured nerve on her left hand, and a few more cuts on both hands.
She is doing fine for the time being but feels a stinging sensation from time to time. She will need to go to a hand specialist to find out more.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 3, 2020 - Gloria B. (Smithton, IL)
We thank God that Mrs. B. is doing much better now! Yesterday she was confused and unable to speak clearly. Now she is fine, and will be coming home from the hospital. She will need to be watched carefully for the next couple of days. Thank God and thank you for your prayers!
Apr 2, 2020
Gloria B., a long time member and deaconess, has suffered a serious stroke. She is in Red Bud Hospital in Illinois. Please pray and ask God for her complete recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 22, 2020 - CharLynn M. (Boyne City, MI)
I would like to send a thank you to our wonderful church. I have received so many cards filled with prayers and uplifting messages. I am truly blessed with being a part of an awesome extended family.
I am feeling less pain now that I have gone to part time at work. Although I still have rough days, I have been able to do many more household tasks.
My appointment at the Ear Institute has been postponed until this virus outbreak is behind us. My hearing so far has not worsened and I think my balance has improved. I am still praying that I will not lose my hearing, but I have faith that God will either heal me or give me the strength to overcome any outcome.
Feb 18, 2020
Your prayers are requested on behalf of CharLynn M., a member in the Gaylord congregation. She is dealing with a few different issues. She has an acoustic neuroma which is affecting her hearing and balance. She has an appointment with a specialist, but would like to avoid surgery or radiation. If it continues to grow, she could end up in a wheelchair and lose her hearing. She is also experiencing severe pain in her joints. This affects her being able to work. She just went from full-time to part-time to try to give her body a chance to heal. Due to all she is dealing with, she says she could really use some Godly intervention. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 19, 2020 - Sylvia D. (Midland, TX)
On Tuesday, March 17, Sylvia had some breathing problems (which she had also experienced last year). She has a prescribed inhaler, but it was providing minimal relief. When her daughter called her that evening, she could barely talk. She had a horrible headache and her ears hurt and felt blocked. She was also weak from not eating, and threw up her pain meds. On Tuesday evening, her daughter took Sylvia to the ER. Some tests, including a CT scan, revealed an acute sinusitis condition and that she had had a small stroke some time back.
She was released that evening and prescribed new medication. On Wednesday, I anointed her. She is feeling better, but very tired from her ordeal. Your prayers for her healing and comfort are deeply appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 17, 2020 - Tom R. (Lizella, GA)
The ablation surgery for Tom resulted in his heart rate coming back down to normal (in the 50's per minute). Unfortunately they struggled to stop the bleeding which led them to cause significant bruising and soreness. He is now back home and beginning to heal. He is most thankful for God's hand in intervening and wants to thank everyone for their prayers and cards. He has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love.
Mar 6, 2020
Tom R., an elder in the Macon, Georgia, congregation, is back in the hospital and will be there until the middle of next week at the earliest. His heart rate is not staying down. He will be having an ablation procedure designed to treat the cause of his elevated heart rate on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Your continued prayers are appreciated. He thanks everyone for their prayers and for the cards he has received.
Mar 2, 2020
Tom is headed home from the hospital after having his heart shocked back into rhythm. His numbers are all looking good once again. Although it is unknown what caused his heart to speed to such a rapid rate, he is happy to see this outcome. He and his wife, Bonny, would like to thank everyone for their prayers during this recent health scare. They truly appreciate the outpouring of loving support.
Feb 26, 2020
Your prayers are requested for Tom R., an elder in the Macon, Georgia, congregation. Tom has been in the hospital battling with atrial fibrillation. He was sent home after some alterations to medications but that has not corrected the problem and his cardiologist is putting him back in the hospital. This is certainly serious as they need to get his heart rate down in order to avoid a stroke or worse. Your prayers for him, and his wife, Bonny, are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 17, 2020 - Gary A. (Batavia, OH)
The family would like to thank you for your thoughts and prayers, as the minimally invasive procedure Gary had to replace his aortic valve on Monday, March 16th was successful. Gary is still in the hospital for observation to determine if a permanent pacemaker will be necessary. All of the doctors who have worked with Gary consistently highlight that he did great and a full recovery is expected. Gary is in good spirits and is looking forward to going home tomorrow. Thank you again for keeping him in your prayers.
Mar 10, 2020
Mr. Gary A., longtime pastor, teacher and administrator of the United Church of God, collapsed while giving a sermon at services a few weeks ago. After anointing and several consultations with a surgical team, he is scheduled to have a procedure to replace his aortic valve on Monday, March 16th at 9:30 a.m. He would appreciate your continued prayers for God's presence and blessing for successful surgery and full recuperation.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 10, 2020 - Linda E. (Perth Amboy, NJ)
Linda is now home recovering from treatment for a kidney infection. Doctors said her heart is still enlarged. She has been given medication and instructions to rest. She is very grateful for all of the prayers and cards from brethren. They are very uplifting. Thank you for your continued prayers for Linda.
Feb 29, 2020
Linda E. from the New Jersey-North congregation was admitted to a hospital a few days ago after feeling ill and disoriented. After testing, she was diagnosed with a kidney infection and treated by doctors. It was also discovered that Linda has an enlarged heart. Doctors are continuing test and may keep her in the hospital for observation. Please pray for Linda's healing and encouragement during this difficult time.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 10, 2020 - Lucille P. (Dobson NC)
It has been confirmed that Lucille had a stroke last week on her right side. She has been moved to a rehab center, where she will receive therapy for around three weeks, as needed. Her right arm, right hand and right hip were mainly affected by the stroke. Please pray for her complete recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 6, 2020 - Vickie D. (Eau Claire, WI)
I just came home from the hospital from seeing my brother Scott. He is out of ICU doing OK. Thank you very much for your prayers.
Mar 5, 2020
Vickie is requesting prayers for her Brother Scott M. Scott had a heart attack this morning and he is having open heart surgery tonight. The family would appreciate your prayers.
Feb 22, 2019
Vickie had an appointment with her doctor in Madison this week. She had an MRI done and a lot of blood work. It turns out that she is doing very well, and will not have to see her liver doctor anymore. Evidently no one else has gotten better and needed to be removed from the liver transplant list. Vickie was told there was no process to have her name removed.... it had to be developed. Thank you for your prayers!
Jul 27, 2018
Vickie went in for a liver checkup a couple of weeks ago, and it is functioning so well that they have taken her off the liver transplant waiting list. Dan has been suffering a couple of weeks with shingles. He is getting better, but would appreciate prayers for complete healing.
Feb 23, 2018
Vickie is doing really well. She won't have to see any Doctor's for awhile now. On Feb. 2 she saw her kidney Doctor, and she told Vickie that they shouldn't have to see her anymore because all her tests results were good. She's doing so well that they are considering taking her off the Live Transplant list. She wants to thank everyone for your Prayers.
Jan 19, 2018
Vickie had her doctor's appointment in Madison Thursday. He said the cyst on her gallbladder hasn't grown. He doesn't recommend operating at this time. This is good news. She doesn't have to go back to the gallbladder doctor until next year. The plan is to watch it over time to see if there are any changes. Vickie would like to thank you all for your prayers.
Jan 5, 2018
Vickie is going in this week to have her gallbladder checked. Doctors have noticed a spot and want to determine what it is. Please pray it goes away, or is nothing serious.
Jul 21, 2017
Vickie went to the Marshfield Clinic on Monday and had blood work done. The result of her liver test was a "Meld Score" of 7. The doctor could hardly beleive it. A Meld score is to determine if you need a liver transplant. It rates from 6 (best) - 40 (worst). So 7 is very good. Vickie would like to thank everyone very much for your prayers. They have truly been effective and God has intervened to heal her.
Jun 3, 2017
Vickie continues to improve. She is on the list for possible liver transplant, but is so much better she probably wouldn't go through the procedure. In fact, if she improves just a little more, she will be removed from the list. Previously, she had to have fluids drained from her abdomen every week or two, but that has not been required for several months now. Vickie would like to thank you all for your prayers. She is very thankful for God's intervention.
Feb 10, 2017
Vickie was admitted to the Marshfield hospital on Sunday after experiencing difficulty breathing and sharp pain in her chest. Doctors determined that her right lung was 80% full of fluid. She had liquid drained from her lung twice and from her abdomen once. Vickie was able to return home from the hospital on Wednesday night. She is feeling much better. She's still experiencing some shortness of breath but it is improving. Thank you for your prayers.
Jan 27, 2017
Vickie went to Madison early this week for a liver transplant evaluation. The news was good. Two doctors said liver is improving. Her regular doctor said her MELD score, which stands for Model for End-stage Liver Disease, went from 20 to 10. MELD is scored from 6 - 40, six being the best. So this improvement means she is low on the list of those needing transplants. She will have bloodwork done every 3 months to continue monitoring how her liver is doing. She's feeling better and would like to thank you all for your prayers.
Sep 10, 2016
Vickie continues to feel better each passing week. Blood tests were done this week and indicate her liver function slowly improving. Fluid retention has slowed, and she has more energy. Vickie would like to thank you all for your prayers and cards.
Aug 19, 2016
There are some signs of improvement. She has been a little more active and has been able to eat a little more solid foods. Please keep praying that God will restore her health.
Jul 22, 2016
Vickie came home from the hospital on Wednesday. Her hospital stay was a little longer than expected. Her liver is functioning at a fraction of what it should be. Doctors continue to run tests to determine how to help. The family really appreciate your prayers.
Jul 15, 2016
Vickie was taken to the hospital this week, where she had 5 quarts of fluid removed. She was feeling better afterward. Her liver is functioning at a fraction of what it should be. Vickie really appreciates your prayers.
Jul 1, 2016
Vickie and Dan D. are requesting prayers for Vickie. She is experiencing excessive fluid build-up because her liver is not functioning properly. The excess fluids are putting a strain on her heart and is making breathing difficult. This is a very serious condition and we are asking that you pray for God's mercy, compassion and intervention.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 2, 2020 - Mary Jo A. (Twin Cities, MN)
Mary Jo A.'s son was killed in a traffic accident over the weekend and is asking us to pray for her and her family. Please ask God to comfort them and give them peace as they suffer through this tragic loss.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 2, 2020 - Bonny E. (La Paz, Bolivia)
We ask for prayers for the delicate health of our sister, Bonny E., who is in the Gastroenterological Hospital of La Paz because her hepatic duct was blocked, causing pancreatitis. Doctors say she must remain hospitalized until the pancreas returns to normal. Her family is very worried and asks for our prayers so she may get out of the situation she is in. Thank you for all your support.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 18, 2020 - Maureen M. (China Spring, TX)
Maureen M., a widow in the Waco congregation, is requesting prayer for comfort and healing. She has been diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, which affects her thyroid as well as causing allergies to all types of fragrances, perfumes, chemicals, cleaners and many other things in the environment. She is not able to attend church and is limited in going to public places. Many times after shopping, she is not able to leave her house for several days.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 10, 2020 - Ina M. (McKinney, TX)
Ina, an employee at the Church's office in McKinney, Texas, would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and messages of encouragement.
As mentioned a few weeks ago, she recently underwent several medical tests to rule out the recurrence of cancer. As of last week, all test results show no cancer at this time! Ina's oncologist will schedule follow-up scans later this summer. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Dec 20, 2019
Ina, an employee at the Church's office in McKinney, Texas, requests your prayers.
A recent CAT scan revealed six tumors - in her adrenal glands, lung and thyroid. This is particularly concerning since Ina had surgery for breast cancer in February of this year. Her oncologist does not believe these tumors are related to the breast cancer (and her doctors still feel they got all of the cancer in February), but nothing can be known until further testing is done.
The oncologist has done blood tests and is scheduling biopsies. Depending on the results, there might need to be surgery.
Surgery will likely be necessary for the tumors in her adrenal glands. The oncologist told her these - even if not cancerous - are likely responsible for problems she's had with serious blood pressure spikes. Resolving the blood pressure issue is critically important, but prayers for complete healing or other possible remedies for her blood pressure are requested. Surgery has been very hard for Ina in the past, and surgery on these glands would probably result in hormone replacement therapy for the rest of her life.
Of course, Ina also desires prayers that none of the tumors be cancerous, since that would be a whole new set of problems.
Ina will learn the results of the blood tests and biopsies - and the proposed course of treatment - on Dec. 30. She is grateful for your prayers for healing, for wisdom and help to make any decisions necessary, and for the skill of the medical professionals she is working with.
Feb 22, 2019
Ina's second surgery, to remove additional tissue margins, went well. During the post-op appointment, the surgeon told her that all signs of the cancers and margins were removed! Ina is very thankful for God's intervention and for the answered prayers. Targeted radiation is recommended as a precaution against cancer recurring sometime in the future. Ina is seeking God's guidance with that decision, and would like to convey her heartfelt appreciation to the brethren for their prayers, love and concern during this trial.
Feb 15, 2019
Ina would like to thank everyone for their prayers for last week's surgery and how well everything went. She wanted to wait until today when she had her post-op appointment to give an update.
While Ina had hoped to report only good news, the doctor gave her both good and bad news. The good news is that her lymph nodes are clear and the HER2 test came back good. The bad news is that the results revealed a second cancer. (Apparently this is rare, but does happen.) It is smaller, but because it is a more aggressive type, she will have to undergo another surgery on Friday to remove this additional cancerous tissue that seems to be in the margins of the tumors that were removed.
Ina requests your prayers for God's will and guidance as the surgeon removes more tissue around both areas where the tumors were removed. As well, she asks for prayers that the cancer has not spread. (The doctor advised Ina that the absence of cancer cells in the lymph nodes doesn't mean cancer cells have not spread to the bloodstream.)
Ina continues to have full confidence that she is in God's loving hands and that He will see her through this next hurdle. Your concern and prayers are appreciated.
Feb 1, 2019
Ina would like to thank the brethren for their prayers concerning her recent diagnosis of breast cancer and the decisions to be made for the best course of treatment. On Monday, Feb. 4, she will have a lumpectomy to remove the cancer and adjacent sentinel lymph nodes. Ina would appreciate continued prayers for God's will and healing during and after the procedures.
Dec 7, 2018
Prayers are requested for Ina M., an employee at the Church's office in Texas. She was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer this week. More tests still need to be done to determine whether she will have a lumpectomy with the removal of lymph nodes or a mastectomy. Ina asks for prayers that the cancer is contained and that God will provide the healing, guidance and wisdom she needs in facing this trial.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 9, 2020 - Kristen H. (Kansas City, MO)
Kristen H. was diagnosed with a rare, fast-growing cancer of the spine after sudden loss of feeling in her lower extremities. She underwent an urgent six-hour operation to try and remove the aggressive tumor. Her doctors were able to remove most of the tumor; however, some of the tumor still remains in the spine. After further testing, doctors have concluded that it is a benign grade 2 Ependymoma tumor with aggressive growth rates. The current treatment plan is six weeks of radiation. Please pray that God will intervene and heal her of the tumor, as well as the resulting paralysis. She strongly desires to be there for her 11-year-old son and her husband.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 4, 2020 - Bruce H. (Portland, OR)
Bruce H. will be having eye surgery Wednesday morning, February 5, for a macular pucker in his left eye. It has slowly gotten worse over the past few years, with blind spots in his vision. His right eye is starting down the same path, so the hope is to correct the left so that he can continue to drive, since he can no longer depend on his right eye to see everything that is out there.
He has been anointed, and we know that God is aware of our every need, yet we ask for your prayers for a successful surgery to restore his eyesight, for guidance for the surgeon and a complete and uneventful recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 4, 2020 - Walter Z. (North Battleford, SK)
Walter has been slowly improving, although he still is not up to attending Sabbath services. The love and concern from the brethren has been overwhelming and he asked me to forward the following thank you:
"This must be made known: the love and concern of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Annie is recovering from an operation and has bad eye-sight problems; myself, I had the flu for over a month. The response is unbelievable, and yet it is; for it happened.
"The cards of love and prayers of concern for our healing come in the mail, five at a time from individuals and church groups. The response was overwhelming. Phone calls and e-mails, what a godly love. Annie and I give joyous thanks for your concerns.
"We are senior citizens in our eighties; 58 years in the Church of God, deacons; June 4, 2020, will be our 60th wedding anniversary; we needed help, and you all responded. God heard, and He replied. 'I would have lost heart unless I had seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living' (Psalm 27:13). Never in our church history had we ever received, nor comprehended, such love and concern in our time of need. Thank you all for the love of God's family - something to give God honor and praise for. His loving care, His work (God Bless). This will be remembered and recalled for eternity. May we all turn to our loving Eternal Father in our time of need. He does answer (He has)."
Jan 19, 2020
Anne has asked for prayers for Walter's health. He is suffering from an infection and, as a result, is very weak. The doctor has put him on antibiotics; however, at this time he is still suffering. Please pray for God's intervention and that he will be healed of whatever is ailing him.
Also, Anne has asked for prayers for herself that God gives her strength so that she can be the help for Walter that is necessary, as she is still recovering from surgery.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 4, 2020 - Annette W. (Saskatoon, SK)
Prayers are requested for Annette W. She is suffering from extreme exhaustion and tension headaches. Annette is finding it hard to cope because she has not experienced any relief for some time. Please pray for healing, for relief, and for an understanding of the cause.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 29, 2020 - June D. (New Westminster, BC, Canada)
June D., a member in the Vancouver, British Columbia, area, would appreciate your prayers. She has been dealing with bone cancer for over three years. Currently, the bone cancer is "static" in that it is not advancing, but she received news on Jan. 24 that two cancerous lesions have been detected on her liver, meaning her health battle must now be fought on at least two fronts. In addition, the medications used to treat her bone cancer generally have a decreasing effectiveness over time. Her doctors, anticipating that, are ready to change the treatment methods for dealing with her bone cancer if patterns change.
She appreciates the prayers, concerns and cards she has received from many brethren, and thanks everyone for their encouragement.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 24, 2020 - Don E. (Apple Valley, MN)
I was able to talk with Don this afternoon and he is continuing to improve and is looking forward to hopefully coming to services in the near future. He mentioned that he is able to exercise everyday and he enjoys being able to do that. He appreciates your prayers and I know we all miss him and look forward to seeing him again soon.
Dec 28, 2019
I went to visit Don on Wednesday in the hospital and when I got there he was packed and getting ready to leave. He said he was feeling good but they are still concerned about his elevated blood sugar. So let's continue to keep him in our prayers.
Dec 23, 2019
My family and I would like to thank everyone for their concerns and prayers for my dad Don E. He is currently in Fairview Southdale, and is actually doing well despite the present difficult circumstances he has faced.
He passed out Sabbath morning, and went to Fairview by ambulance. His blood pressure and blood sugar levels were elevated. By the time I showed up in the Emergency Room, he was awake and in good spirits. I anointed him and in classic Don E. form, he prayed to God and thanked Him for His life, and told God before my mom and his children that he was very happy and content to go and await the resurrection.
He did not go that day, and since then it was learned he had a very minor heart incident. The doctors went in today and performed an angiogram. They then installed stents on two arteries and he is doing very well. Due to his health practices and disciplines over the years, and more importantly God's intervention, he is doing very well. He has gone from being ready and content to go to being ready for many more years of good life!
His blood sugar level continues to be elevated so the family would appreciate your continued prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 17, 2020 - Heinke L. (Richfield, MN)
Heinke L. fell this week and fractured her elbow. She also has cellulitis in her right arm, which is the same arm with the fracture. She would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 17, 2020 - Nora F. (Scotland)
Yesterday, Nora had a test which brought some good news. She does not have cancer, nor a tumor. She does have a very large polyp blocking her colon. They will operate if Nora so chooses, but it is not urgent, and would take place in about three months. Everyone here is feeling some relief over the diagnosis.
Kit and I (John F., Twin Cities) both caught a horrible cold however. I'm going on 12 days now, and it just won't go away. Today, Nora made breakfast for us. And we're supposed to be looking after her. Sigh.
Many of you had written and expressed concern. Thank you.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 17, 2020 - Sherry M. (Covina, CA)
Sherry M., a longtime and faithful member and wife of George M., is battling liver cancer and the situation has deteriorated to the point where her doctors have recommended getting hospice care, which she has accepted. She is in good spirits and asks for your prayers on her behalf.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 8, 2020 - Mike J. (Camden NJ)
For some time, Mike J. has been suffering with a stage 4 cancerous tumor on his pancreas. He entered the hospital last week, where it was determined that the tumor is causing a blockage on the duodenum (connection between the stomach and intestine). The blockage causes everything to back up as it tries to pass from the stomach to the intestine, and this is creating much pain. As a result, Mike has not been able to eat or drink anything for the last 6 days. In addition, a second tumor was also discovered.
Last night, he was transferred to a different hospital where a procedure was performed today, placing a stent in the duodenum to open the blockage and allow him to eat again. Now that the procedure is completed, Mike is stable but very tired. Prayers for Mike are requested: first, that the stent will have successful results and allow Mike to eat again, and second, for the successful and complete removal and healing of the tumors.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 8, 2020 - Mary C. (Eau Claire, WI)
June sent this update on her daughter Mary;
Thanks so very much for the prayers these last few months. Mary will be coming home this morning, not much sleep of course. Surgery went very well, no more cancer showing up, so no radiation that is great news. Now for the healing process.
Love to all , June
Nov 22, 2019
June C. of the Eau Claire congregation is requesting prayers for her daughter Mary. Mary has a very aggressive and fast moving breast cancer. She will complete her chemo treatment next week and is scheduled for surgery in January. June would appreciate your prayers very much.

Jan 6, 2017
Blanche S., wife of COGWA elder David S. (St. John's, Newfoundland) continues to struggle with health issues. She has great difficulty in sleeping; only virtually constant motion seems to alleviate the pain and anxiety. Blanche has appreciated the prayers and concern of her brethren over quite an extended time of trial, and once more requests your prayers.
Nov 6, 2015
Thank you all for your prayers, cards and emails for Blanche. Unfortunately, she is not doing very well. With little sleep, or rest, constant body pain, and mental anguish she is struggling to get through each day and night. We know that God will heal in His time, but as we wait, sometimes the battle seems almost too much to bear. Please pray that there will be an end to this trial that has gone on for many years. We know that many others in the Church also have severe trials; we pray for God's mercy on them, as well as for this dying world.
Dec 12, 2014
Thank all of you who responded by email with encouraging words, for your prayers, and for the prayers of many others who have been praying. Unfortunately there is more bad news: Saturday morning Blanche was fell down the stairs and broke her left leg in two places. One of the breaks requires surgery. She only survives by walking most of the time; now it seems like even that has been taken away from her, for a while at least. Please pray that she can quickly recover to be able to walk again, and that God in his mercy will say that she has suffered enough.
FRIDAY UPDATE: Blanche had her operation and everything went well. She had a plate installed on the worst break. She has had a lot of pain and discomfort, but is coping, obviously with the help of the loving Father of us all. She is having to deal with the restlessness of having to stay in one position most of the time, so it's very difficult for her. They have been getting her out of bed with a walker to go to the washroom and sit in a chair. This is more progress than I expected in such a short time, but she will need to be able to get around like this well, without assistance, before they let her come home. Hopefully our God will answer the many prayers of His people and give her complete recovery and healing.
Dec 5, 2014
My wife, Blanche, would like to thank you for your prayers and support over the last number of years. On Friday she talked with her doctor about a recent CT scan, that revealed that she has a broken vertebra in her back. He asked if she ever had broken chest bones as there is an abnormality there as well. She also has a hernia, and what he called fat in her liver. For the last month she has had a severe cough, and has taken three series of antibiotics to no avail. She is suffering from depression and loss of sleep also. He didn't offer any further procedures or medication except a strong pain medication, which she declined, and hopefully can avoid taking. She has a very poor quality of life to say the least. We appreciate your continued prayers that God's will would be that she doesn't have to continue suffering as she has been for many years.
Dec 13, 2013
Thank you all for your prayers, cards and emails. Some have requested an update as it has been a while. Unfortunately Blanche isn't doing any better. She sleeps very little because she cannot lie or sit still for any extended period of time. She has to be on her feet almost continuously. Her situation has worsened to where she hasn't been able to attend Sabbath Services for the past several weeks. Her heart rate is erratic and tends to be in the high range, and when she uses the stairs her heart rate goes above 100. She feels like shocks in her body which prevents her from resting. We thank God that this will have to end at some point in time. It's been a severe trial, but with the help of our loving Father we will get through it. Thank you again for your prayers and concern.
Feb 22
It's been some time since there was an update on my wife Blanche's health problems. Quite a few have been inquiring. We know that there are many people to pray for in the church - many of whom have very severe health problems, and many long term health problems. We pray God will give us all relief soon. Unfortunately Blanche's condition hasn't improved, but she keeps struggling on as best as she can. Recently she fell during the night again and caused problems in her chest. Her doctor has put her on pain medication. The sleepless nights continue. Thankfully she can attend services most Sabbaths, but her quality of life is not good most of the time. We do thank all of you for your concern and prayers, and know that our loving God will deliver her in His own time. We pray for faith to endure until then. Thank you again for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 3, 2020 - Chuck S. (New Port Richey, FL)
Chuck S., an elder in the St. Petersburg, Florida, congregation, [and Mitch's father] had emergency surgery for a ruptured congenital diverticula in his small intestine. The surgeon removed 12 inches of his small intestine and performed a successful resection. Chuck remains on an IV antibiotic and has a drainage tube. At times he has considerable pain which the nursing team is managing. He has to pass a few milestones before being sent home. Please pray for complete healing and a cessation of pain.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 27, 2019 - Mark S. (Wattle Flat, New South Wales, Australia)
Mark and Karen would like to thank everyone for your prayers and expressed concern during this difficult time in Australia with the fires, excessive heat and drought. Over the last five days fires continue to burn near their farm west of Sydney, but the closest fire which was 10 kilometers (approximately 6.2 miles) from their house is now about 25 kilometers (approximately 15.5 miles) away.
According to news reports, about 5 million hectares (12.35 million acres) of land have burned nationwide in Australia over the past few months, with nine people killed and more than 950 homes destroyed. New South Wales, the country's most populous state, has received the brunt of the damage, with around 850 homes razed. Over the last few days there has been a slight reprieve from the catastrophic conditions flaming the fires, but the surge of heat is due to return just a week after Australia recorded its two hottest days on record, consecutively. According to BBC News, on 19 December, the national average maximum temperature in Australia hit an all-time high of 41.9 degrees Celsius (107.4 degrees Fahrenheit). Fire officials in NSW say that they are bracing for similar heat, dryness, low humidity and volatile winds over the next several days.
Your continued prayers for God's protection and blessings upon His people in Australia during this time of distress and tragedy would be greatly appreciated along with prayers for God's mercy for all of Australia.
Dec 23, 2019
Your prayers would be appreciated for Mark and Karen S., members in New South Wales, Australia. They live in a rural area west of Sydney in the state of New South Wales. Currently there are fires about 10 km (approximately 6.2 miles) from their house and farm. While there are not a lot of trees and brush right around their house, they do have livestock which would not be able to be evacuated if the fires continue toward their farm. Currently all majors roads into their area from Sydney are closed to all except residents.
Ongoing hot, dry and windy conditions have created a "catastrophic fire danger" with no end in sight. Smoke inhalation is causing health concerns in many areas as well, and other members in the Sydney area are affected by the smoke and haze.
Your prayers for God's intervention to provide relief and protection for His people and all affected by this catastrophe are requested.
Feb 12, 2016
Mark, 45, a member in Australia, is suffering from severe back pain. In Dec. 2012, Mark was fighting a bush fire when without warning a plane unloaded a full tank of water onto the area where he was located. The impact not only flattened the surrounding trees, but also knocked Mark unconscious. He was miraculously protected, but suffered some injuries, which were later diagnosed as being in his lower back, compressing vertebras L4 and L5. Mark received a spinal injection to relieve the pain and to enable him to work. About six weeks ago, while moving a fencing post, he aggravated the injury and has since been suffering unbearable pain, struggles to sleep, and has trouble walking. Next week he has an appointment with a specialist in Sydney, and will be given another spinal injection. Mark and his wife, Karen, would appreciate your prayers, especially that God will help him cope with the travelling, and that the procedure will go well, providing him relief from the pain.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 20, 2019 - Evelyn E. (Wasola MO)
Evelyn E. of the Springfield congregation has been hospitalized with difficulty breathing. Her oxygen level is dangerously low and they are trying to raise it. When it's high enough, she is expected to be sent home under hospice care. Evelyn and her late husband, Royce, were baptized in the 1950s and have been foundational members of the church here. Please pray to our loving Father for her healing and comfort for her and her family.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 11, 2019 - Brenda A. (Mansfield, IL)
Brenda writes: "I wanted to thank everyone for the many prayers and cards I have received over the past several months. I had a lumpectomy that went very well and I was able to attend the Feast, as hoped. I finished my radiation before Thanksgiving and was able to travel to be with our sons and family. Now I am healing very nicely and am so grateful for all of you. God has been so very good to me and the support from all of the brethren has been such a blessing. There were so many wonderful words of encouragement that were much needed and so very appreciated. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart."
Sep 13, 2019
It has been a busy couple of days. Multiple appointments with several doctors including, oncologist, surgeon, radiologist, and several other appointments. The good news is Brenda's cancer is stage 1 and they do not believe it has traveled into the lymph nodes. This was wonderful news! Her surgery is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 27th. They will be doing a lumpectomy and taking two of the lymph nodes to get tested just to make sure they are clear. She will have to go in two days prior to the surgery to have a radiation seed implanted in the cancer area. This helps guide the surgeon to the exact spot for the lumpectomy. Then they will give her about three weeks to heal before starting the radiation treatments. She will have radiation every day, five days a week for about 3 weeks. The pathology test from the lumpectomy will determine if any chemo is needed however they do not think it will be necessary.
Over all this is pretty good new considering what it could have been. With the way the dates of the surgery fall and the radiation treatments we plans to attend the Feast in Branson. We have had a tremendous amount of support and thank everyone for their many prayers on her behalf. God has heard your prayers and has intervened in so many ways already. We appreciate all of you and ask for continued prayers for the surgery and radiation treatments to go well and for her to have a quick recovery and minimal side effects. Thank you, Mike & Brenda.
Sep 6, 2019
Your prayers are requested for Brenda A. Brenda serves as a deaconess, alongside her husband Mike who is an elder in the Bloomington, IL congregation. The Arnolds received news today that Brenda was diagnosed with breast cancer (invasive carcinoma and ductal carcinoma). She has a full schedule of appointments next Wednesday and Thursday with the oncologist, radiologist, surgeon and others to determine what needs to be done and when. Mike and Brenda request your prayers for wisdom - for themselves as well as the doctors - regarding the decisions that will need to be made in the coming weeks and months. Please pray for God's healing and comfort for Brenda. Thank you all for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 10, 2019 - Chuck F. (Soldotna AK)
Mr. F. writes: "I am overwhelmed with joy from all the well wishes from around the world. Thank you all. God is good. I'm doing well, my mind is sharp. So deeply thankful to God that His way of life and His truth were not erased from my mind. I am speaking well, walking with a walker, able to go to church and be with the brethren. Thanks again for all the love and prayers, they are very much appreciated."
Oct 8, 2019
Your prayers are requested for Charles "Chuck" F., longtime elder in Soldotna, Alaska. Terry F., Chuck's son and also an elder in Soldotna, shared the following details regarding his dad's condition.
Chuck suffered a massive stroke right after he arrived at services in Soldotna this past Sabbath. Thankfully, he was rushed to the local hospital and then later that evening transferred to the ICU in an Anchorage hospital. He remains in the ICU in Anchorage as of today, but is doing much better than the neurologist treating him was inclined to believe. The neurologist said he really shouldn't be conscious, or able to speak, or move his right side at all. But, he is conscious, able to think and reason. He is capable of speaking, but a bit slurred. He can move his right leg a bit, though not enough to walk or stand on his own. His right arm is showing some signs of movement, but currently very slight. Chuck is determined to do all his rehab and work hard at it. He is looking to God for healing and would appreciate your prayers for him. Thank you for your fervent prayers for Chuck, for his wife, Arlene, and for the entire family.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 6, 2019 - Ali H. (Davisville, WV)
Ali had surgery Wednesday morning and it was very successful. What the doctor had thought to be cancer was not cancer. She is so very thankful. Ali and her husband, Craig, appreciate your many calls, texts, emails, flowers and especially your prayers. a
Nov 25, 2019
Ali H. of the Charleston, West Virginia, congregation, has been diagnosed with early stage uterine cancer. She will be having surgery in December and would appreciate your prayers for successful surgery, a speedy recovery and no need for chemo or radiation in the future.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 4, 2019 - Robert H. (Springfield MO)
On November 22, 78-year-old Robert H. underwent a 7-hour surgery to remove a kidney containing a malignant tumor. He was released from the hospital on November 29. Last Tuesday, he went to the doctor to have staples removed from the site of the surgery. Within an hour he had to be hospitalized again, as his abdomen tore open, exposing his intestines.
He is now in intense pain. Please pray to our great God for his comfort and complete healing.
Jan 11, 2019
Robert is still suffering from severe pain from a spinal injury he suffered decades ago.
Dec 13, 2017
He is having severe pain in his legs due to a pinched nerve in his back. Doctors have been unable to give him any relief. He does make it to church services most weeks and gets out to shop for groceries through the week. He is seeing a doctor who may recommend surgery to improve his vision.
Mar 30, 2017
Robert H. of the Springfield Missouri congregation has completely lost sight in his left eye. His doctor said it would probably never come back (although in some cases patients recover some limited sight). Robert is 75 years old and lives alone so this situation is causing some disruption in his daily activities. Please pray for God to heal and comfort him.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 4, 2019 - Cherylin C. (Monroe Township, NJ)
Cherylin C., a member of the Central New Jersey congregation, was diagnosed this year with a neurological disorder called MSA (Multiple System Atrophy). The symptoms reflect the progressive loss of function and death of different types of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. The cause of MSA is unknown. MSA shares many pathologic and clinical features with the better-known and more common Parkinson's disease, for which it is often mistaken. There is no cure for MSA, and lifespan with the disease typically ranges between seven to 10 years. The doctor thinks that Cherylin, 68, will make 70 years. Cherylin is very thankful for your continued love and support.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 2, 2019 - Amara J. (Mankato, MN)
Thanks for the prayers. We feel very blessed by Gods love and mercy!
Amara is still currently hospitalized in the NICU at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. She is improving and making progress, and is now off of her oxygen and has been able to feed orally, allowing the feeding tube to be removed as well.
She is still currently requiring IV antibiotics. As long as progress continues, they are planning to discharge her home sometime this week.
We want to express our heartfelt thanks for your concern and prayers!

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 1, 2019 - Tim M. (Aiken, SC)
Tim M., a deacon in the Augusta, Georgia, congregation, is asking for prayers. Tim was admitted to the hospital last week with abdominal pains. It was discovered that he needed surgery to remove his gall bladder. It was also discovered that he has an intestinal blockage that might also require surgery. Then, this past Friday, the doctors found a small blood clot in one of his lungs. He was put on a blood thinner and the surgeries are on hold until the blood clot dissolves. Your prayers are appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 18, 2019 - Jim M. (Pinellas Park, FL)
Jim M., an elder in the St. Petersburg, Florida, congregation, is making very good progress in overcoming the sepsis infection. The home health care team has removed the pick line and IV drip from Jim. They still want to check his vitals for about two weeks. He is slowly gaining his strength and believes the sepsis is either gone or under control.
Jim and his wife, Rose, want to express their gratefulness for the outpouring of love, cards and prayers from our brethren.
Nov 6, 2019
Jim M., an elder serving in the St. Petersburg, Florida, congregation, has been hospitalized with shortness of breath, continual hiccups and a urinary tract infection. The urinary tract infection has now entered his bloodstream and the doctors are treating him with antibiotics to fight sepsis. It is potentially a life-threatening condition caused by the body's response to an infection. Jim and his wife, Rose, would appreciate the prayers of the brethren that God would heal him of this potentially dangerous blood infection, the urinary infection and from his around the clock hiccups that are making it very difficult to get any rest.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 9, 2019 - Michelle M. (Bend, OR)
Michelle's husband, Gary, said her heart never reverted to a normal rhythm, necessitating a cardioversion procedure this morning, which was successful. Three attempts produced a normal sinus rhythm. Michelle said she felt like a new person.
Michelle has concerns about complications from the blood thinners and other medications she has to take as a result, but is so very grateful for all of the prayers. She is now home resting.
Nov 8, 2019
Michelle M. went to Urgent Care yesterday afternoon due to a very rapid and erratic heart rate all day and high blood pressure. EKG showed she was in obvious atrial fibrillation (AFib). A decision was made to transfer her to the ER at St Charles hospital to reduce the heart rate, blood pressure, and to administer blood thinners, as well as for observation of any adverse reactions.
This morning, she was still in AFib but with a lower heart rate and blood pressure, but not enough to satisfy the cardiologist.
After several changes in treatment throughout the day, Thursday, she continues to be in AFib, but with both heart rate and blood pressure being better controlled. The plan is to keep her one more night, monitoring her numbers, with the hope her heart will convert back to normal sinus rhythm on its own. If it doesn't, a planned cardioversion (shocking the heart while under sedation) treatment will be done in the morning.
Thus far she seems to be tolerating the meds well, without any rashes or other adverse reactions. She would like to ask for prayers that she continues to do well with the meds and that her heart convert back on its own tonight, but if not, that the cardioversion be successful tomorrow morning, without releasing any possible blood clots. There is a 65-70% chance the cardioversion will work and the heart will stay out of AFib, and she is asking for prayers that it does indeed do that. If it's successful, she should be released tomorrow.
Thank you in advance for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 8, 2019 - Debi E. (Spotsylvania, VA)
Debi E. of the Williamsburg, Virginia, congregation requests your prayers. She has stage 4 chronic kidney disease and right side congestive heart failure. Her kidney function is at 17 percent, which determines her stage of kidney disease. She is currently preparing for dialysis and is being screened for a possible kidney transplant. Debi would greatly appreciate your prayers for her healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 8, 2019 - Kevin R. (Elkridge, MD)
Your continued prayers are requested for Kevin, age 43, who has been suffering with kidney failure since May from unknown causes. Kevin is now officially on the waiting list for a kidney transplant, but the waiting list of over 95,000 people is daunting - many die waiting for a kidney. For that reason, the family is hoping that one of them will be compatible as a donor or that a friend or acquaintance might come forward to volunteer as a donor.
One symptom of kidney failure is swelling and pain in the joints, especially the ankles and feet, which was making it painful and difficult for Kevin to walk. Thanks to your prayers, Kevin's ability to walk has improved since his original diagnosis, and he is blessed to be able to work from home.
Please pray for God's intervention - whether He would miraculously heal Kevin without a transplant or provide a matching donor. We know that our awesome God is powerful, and that life and death are in His hands!
Aug 9, 2019
Your prayers are requested for Kevin R., age 43, who was diagnosed in May with stage 4 kidney failure. This condition has caused his ankles to swell and given him pain in his joints. The nephrologist asked him to learn about the different types of dialysis, adhere to a specific diet and get on the kidney transplant list as soon as possible. However, the Johns Hopkins Hospital could not give him an evaluation appointment until October 4th, which is about 5 months after he went to the ER and subsequently became an inpatient. We would greatly appreciate prayers for God's intervention concerning Kevin's health situation.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 6, 2019 - Jim B. ( Floral City, FL)
Jim has received so many cards and letters that the mail carrier asked his wife if he had died. He said he had never delivered so many cards and letters to one address. The lung disease has stopped advancing, his lung infection has cleared up and Jim is feeling much better. He is attending Sabbath services regularly. He attributes his improvement to God's mercy and the many prayers that were offered on his behalf. He wants to thank all those who have been praying for him and sent cards and letters, which have meant so much to him. It has been a very humbling experience.
Sep 23, 2019
Prayers are requested for Jim B., an 82-year-old deacon serving in the Ocala, Florida, congregation. He has been struggling with idiopathic interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, an incurable lung disease, for some time. It destroys the lung's ability to take in oxygen.
Jim was on experimental medication that halted the spread of the disease. However, today it was revealed that the medication is no longer working and the disease is starting to spread rapidly. No timeframe was given, but this is a fatal disease. Jim said he isn't afraid of the future because he knows the outcome. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 3, 2019 - Mike A. (Lansing, WV)
My stent replacement surgery went well. The stent is connected and working. I am home and regaining my strength. I had to stay a few extra days due to my potassium being high, but it is leveled out now. We are thankful to all for prayers, phone calls, cards, and most of all our most loving Heavenly Father.
Oct 24, 2019 - Mike A. (Lansing, WV)
I am scheduled for robotic left ureteral reimplant surgery on October 30th. Please ask God to intervene for the success of this procedure. I ask that this will be a lasting repair, thus allowing me to regain my normal lifestyle.
Sep 18, 2019
I had my procedure yesterday. The doctor was unable to place the stent into my bladder. He tried several different ways, but was unable to do so. Another procedure is being scheduled. It's a type of robotic surgery to put the stent into the bladder. We know God has a plan for this. Thanks for all of your prayers.
Jul 11, 2019
Mike is still in the hospital. His kidney is working. His numbers are coming down slowly. His creatinine was 16+ on arrival. It is now down to 6.3 He is strong enough to be walking some daily. We are so grateful for all prayers, phone calls, texts, cards. We thank our most loving God for all things.
Jul 7, 2019
Rita A. writes: Mike is in the hospital with acute kidney failure. Please pray that his one remaining kidney will begin to function again." Mike serves as pastor for the United Church of God congregation in Roanoke, Virginia.
Sep 29, 2017
The doctor visit on September 25th was positive. Sodium is a little low, but I am to keep taking sodium pills and restricting my fluid. Due to the salt pills we will also be monitoring my blood pressure. Home health has released me but will keep exercising to regain full mobility. We want to thank everyone for the many cards, phone calls, visits and most of all the prayers. We know God has brought us through once again. We are looking forward to a restful Feast of Tabernacles.
Aug 23, 2017
Rita A. writes: "Mike was brought home from the hospital on Tuesday evening. We received news this past Sabbath that his sub-dural hematoma was no longer showing up on his tests. We know this was God's healing. He was discharged under strict guidelines. Home health and his doctor are monitoring his sodium level and he is on a restricted fluid regimen, along with the sodium pills and a diuretic. He is able to walk and stand again with help. His many broken ribs are so very painful but he still won't take pain medicine, he just keeps smiling and saying "no thank you" to the pain pills. The attending doctors and nurses have been amazed at his strength. He is also to start receiving physical therapy on an outpatient basis. Our best to everyone and thanks for the prayer, calls, e-mails, and cards. Thank you for your continuing prayers for his complete recovery."
Aug 18, 2017
Rita A. writes: "Mike was taken back to the hospital last evening. He had become unable to walk or stand. The tests show low sodium levels and low potassium. He has been admitted to Raleigh General Hospital in Beckley, WV. At this time it will be several days to bring his blood levels back to normal range, as this must be a slow process. We learned that the cause is due to the brain trauma he suffered on August 7th. Along with his other injuries, we do not have an idea of recovery time. He may need physical therapy and home help. We are so very thankful for the love of our Heavenly Father and ask for guidance and prayers for healing."
Aug 11, 2017
Mike was released yesterday from the hospital trauma unit to his home! His MRI showed that the small brain bleed has not gotten any worse it will be monitored carefully over the next few weeks. He is receiving breathing treatments to helpArritt with the broken ribs in order help prevent pneumonia. His sinuses and other fractures as well as bumps and bruise should heal with time. The family extend their heartfelt thanks all for their prayers and ask that you continue praying for God's healing and Mike's pain relief. Rita writes: "We know our Heavenly Father was with Mike and will continue to help him heal and give me the needed strength to care for him."
Aug 8, 2017
Mike A., pastor of the Roanoke, Virginia, congregation, took a serious fall down at his home going the stairs to his basement. He sustained a fractured spine, seven broken ribs, and has a hematoma at the base of his brain stem that is currently 7 mm in size. He also injured the side of his face. He was taken to the ICU in Charleston, West Virginia, CAMC Hospital for treatment. Your heartfelt prayers for God's guidance, intervention, immediate comfort and ultimate healing is greatly appreciated.
Dec 28, 2015
Mike had his 6 month checkup in December. The bone scan showed no cancer in the bones, but PSA numbers are up again. Please continue to pray that they will return to normal levels. Also would like to thank everyone for their prayers. Rita still has a lot of neck pain from the car accident in May, 2015. Physical therapy is helping, continued prayers are appreciated. Mike had his 6 month checkup in December. The bone scan showed no cancer in the bones, but PSA numbers are up again. Please continue to pray that they will return to normal levels. Also would like to thank everyone for their prayers.
Nov 9, 2014
Mike and Rita would like to thank everyone for their prayers and cards. Mike is an elder in West Virginia who serves in the Roanoke, Portsmouth and Prestonsburg congregations. Mike had a checkup this past week, and his PSA numbers have dropped from 5.5 to 5.1 since the last checkup. The doctor is very pleased with the progress but the goal is 4 or below. Mike is continuing the herbal and nutritional regime. Please continue to ask God to complete the healing.
Jul 25, 2014
Mike and Rita A. would like to thank everyone for all their prayers and cards. Mike had his 6 month checkup last week, which included a bone scan. The results showed the cancer completely gone from the bones. The PSA numbers are still slightly above normal. He is continuing the herbal and nutritional regime; they are doing what they can and asking God to complete the healing. Please continue praying for complete healing.
Jan 15, 2014
He would like to thank everyone for the cards and prayers. He returned to the doctor for a checkup in December & all the numbers were normal and she stated that the cancer was asleep. He would like continued prayers that it not only stay asleep but be completely removed. He will have another checkup in January.
May 24, 2013
The doctor's visit with the oncologist went very well. NO radiation is needed at this time. I am to continue on with the hormone therapy and Lupron shots, every three months, for the prostate cancer. He says the bones for the time being do not need radiation. He says if the cancer continues to grow in the bones, that I will have severe pain and to seek immediate treatment. He doesn't foresee this happening, but I will still be re-checked on a regular basis. The doctor answered so many questions for us. We just know God answered our prayers above and beyond what we were seeking, things we didn't even know to ask were explained to our satisfaction. Thanks again for your prayers.
Nov 7, 2012
He had surgery on the stage 1 cancer & it went very well, with the removal of the kidney. In May, 2013, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The doctor says it is treatable. No radiation is needed at this time! He is having hormone therapy & Lupron shots every 3 months.
Oct 19, 2012
Mike, has malignant cancer on his right kidney. May 17
Mike serves in the Roanoke, Portsmouth, and Prestonsburg churches, and has found out last week that he has prostate cancer. The doctor says it is treatable, and he is scheduled to start radiation treatments this week. He and his wife, Rita, know God is in control, and they are asking for prayers for God's healing. Mike and Rita appreciate our prayers for them at this time.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 14, 2019 - Nilda L. (Tacloban City, Philippines)
The L. family of the Tacloban congregation in the Visayas, Philippines, requests prayer for Nilda L. She was rushed to the hospital last Saturday evening because she was very weak. Laboratory tests show that she is suffering from hypokalemia, a deficiency of potassium in the blood.
Apr 5, 2019
Ian L. who attends the Manila Congregation of the United Church of God requests the prayers of the brethren for the healing and complete recovery of his mother, Nilda L., who also attends the United Church of God congregation in Leyte. She was admitted at the Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center after she collapsed yesterday. She could hardly move and was diagnosed with hypokalemic periodic paralysis. Her potassium level has gone down which appears to have weakened her bones.
Jul 10, 2018
Last Friday, July 6, Mrs. Nilda L. was admitted to Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center after three days of suffering from pain below her stomach. According to her daughter, Maria B., who is taking care of her in the hospital, the 3 ultrasounds that were made all show negative results, as explained to them by the attending gynecologist this morning. Since the pain still persists, Nilda was referred for further examination by a surgeon. The family humbly ask for prayers from their brethren that God will heal her by His mercy and power.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 9, 2019 - Charles S.(Nigeria)
We want to ask for your prayers for our son Charles who lives in Nigeria. He got sick today and had to go to the hospital because he was dehydrated. They believe it is food poisoning. He is scheduled to leave on Friday for the feast and would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 9, 2019 - Emily S. (McKinney, TX)
Emily's surgery on October 8th went well overall. The vertebra T8 was successfully removed. However, there were a couple of events that showed spinal cord stress that didn't allow correction of the curvature as much as the surgeon would have liked when placing the permanent rods. The surgery took ten hours. Even though there was not significant blood loss yesterday the doctor recommended a transfusion this morning as a precaution.
She may have a long recovery period. At this point the family does not know when she will come home. Probably it will depend on her daily progress. She has to stay flat on her back until Thursday when the bed will be raised a bit at a time until she will be able to sit up and probably start taking steps this weekend.
Oct 4, 2019
Emily's doctor decided to stop surgery after 6 hours and continue next week. He said it was quite a long tedious work!
He was able to add the screws successfully, though, and remove scar tissue from previous surgeries. Fortunately, the spinal cord didn't get stressed. There was a bit of spinal fluid leak but it was repaired. Emily will have to stay on bed rest for a couple of days. Nurses will try to get her up later this week, as long as she doesn't have a headache.
Next Tuesday, the surgeon will remove the T8 vertebra and part of rib bone on each side. He will then stretch the spine and finally add the permanent rods.
Sep 30, 2019
Emily is the young eleven-year-old who has suffered from congenital scoliosis and spinal tethered cord for most of her life. Emily's scoliosis surgery is scheduled for Tuesday October 1st at 8 a.m., and it is expected to last several hours. After meeting with the surgeon last Monday, it was decided to proceed with a three-step procedure. The first step will be to add screws to the spine. The second step (the most critical one) will require removal of at least one vertebra to allow the spine some flexibility to be straighten. The last step will be to add two permanent rods.
The surgeon has an additional date reserved (October 8) to continue the surgery if he sees that there is need to give Emily a break depending on blood loss and how the spinal cord responds. Recovery time can be longer than what she is used to from previous routine surgeries. She probably will be staying at the hospital a few days. Your continued prayers are appreciated through this final phase of treatment. The letters, cards, gifts and visits have been critical in keeping Emily's spirit up.
Aug 29, 2019
John and Maria S. adopted Emily from China over 11 years ago with congenital scoliosis and spinal tethered cord. Emily has had at least one surgery every year. She had a titanium rod placed in her at around 3 years old that had to be adjusted once a year to keep up with her growth, requiring surgery each time. She had the bar for the majority of the past 11 years. The bar had to come out last fall, as it started putting pressure on some nerves, causing a lot of pain Her doctor has suggested a new Halo Traction treatment for her scoliosis that he feels will benefit her.
Emily will be in the hospital for at least 8 weeks, but will continue her schooling thanks to technology that allows her to interact with teachers and classmates. As of today she has been in the hospital for two full weeks with six more to go! She is getting used to it and has made some friends there that help her pass the time. She will also have a final surgery at the end to fuse her spine. Prayers are appreciated for a successful treatment.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 8, 2019 - Makenzie K. (Bentonville, AR)
Andrea K. would like to thank everyone for their prayers on behalf of her daughter, Makenzie. They are very thankful that the test for Mastocytosis was negative. After years of trying to diagnose Makenzie's illness, she has finally been diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Treatment will start immediately. Prayers would be appreciated for God to allow treatment to go well and for Makenzie to have the strength to attend services at the Feast. Makenzie has really appreciated all of the cards and prayers which have lifted her spirits.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 23, 2019 - Linda H. (unknown)
Linda H. and her family wish to thank all those who prayed for her, and all who sent her get well cards. She has been overwhelmed with love and support.
The latest test results indicated her kidney function has improved somewhat (now working 30 percent) and she does not need dialysis at this time. As soon as she heard of the problem, she asked to be anointed and made some drastic changes in her diet, trying to do her part, and feels better already. She still needs your prayers though, for that and for her difficulty walking. She can only walk for short distances. The whole family still plans to go to France for the Feast and she will have use of a wheelchair when needed. Thanks again for your love and concerns.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 14, 2019 - Herman M. (Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines)
Bethany M., a Church member in the San Carlos City congregation, requests prayer for his father, Herman M., also a Church member attending with the rest of his family. Herman is now at the Heart Center of the Philippines and about to undergo angiogram and possible angioplasty. Please pray for a successful procedure and the complete healing of his heart ailment.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 29, 2019 - Jesse E. (Martinsville, VA)
This past Sabbath Jesse suffered a stroke at the base of his brain stem which affected his right side. He was in the hospital in Roanoke, Virginia when the stroke occurred. He has since begun physical therapy and his speech has improved over the past couple of days. He is in good spirits and is working hard to regain use of his right side. He is still facing surgery for the aneurism in his brain. The plan now is to transfer him to another hospital in Roanoke for that procedure. Please continue to pray that God will be with and protect Jesse and restore him to complete health.
Aug 25, 2019
Jesse is being released from Martinsville, VA hospital. He is very tired and is to go home and rest for a few days. The stroke(s) he suffered seem to have healed for the time being. The doctors at Duke University have reviewed his case and he will be returning there within a week for brain aneurism surgery. We are so thankful to our most merciful God for His intervention. Please continue to pray for complete healing and no complications during the upcoming surgery.
Aug 23, 2019
Jesse E. suffered a stroke Thursday. He also has an aneurism. He was transferred to Duke University Hospital, in Durham, NC. Jesse is in need of urgent prayer for God to intervene and heal him completely.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 29, 2019 - Michael A. (Lansing, WV)
I had the urodynamic test Friday, August 23rd. The test results were good and show that my bladder is still working. The next step is scheduled for Sept. 17th. The urologist will attempt to place a ureteral stent from my kidney down into the bladder. If he is able to do so then I should be back to near normal once again. I have had to have three nephrostomy tubes, due to complications for one reason or another. We are praying the current one will stay for three more weeks. Please pray that the upcoming procedure will be effective, that God will direct the doctor and give him the skill and wisdom to be successful. Rita and I want to thank everyone for the many phone calls, texts, emails, visits, and many cards from brethren all around the world. Most of all we are thankful to God.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 25, 2019 - Rick C. (Pinson, AL)
Rick C. of the Birmingham, AL congregation, has a condition called extreme neuropathy which is a very painful nerve condition which is accompanied by arthritis in the legs and feet. He has had constant pain and affliction for seven years. All forms of treatment have had only temporary or negative effects. The doctors have done all they can, yet Rick suffers daily with this problem. Even walking has a revengeful effect. He asks for healing and pain relief as he is 81 years old and it wears on him terribly. Thanks for your concern and prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 22, 2019 - Michelle B. (Denton, NC)
Michele is back home now after suffering cardiac arrest and being placed in a coma. She was even able to go to work a couple of days this week. Thanks for your urgent prayers on her behalf.
Jun 11, 2019
Michelle B. of the Greensboro NC congregation collapsed on Monday morning (6/10/19) and experienced cardiac arrest. Her husband Kevin and son Cory were able to keep her alive by CPR until emergency medical personnel arrived. She is in now intensive care at the High Point hospital. What actually happened to Michelle is still not fully known. Tests indicate it was not a heart attack. Scans indicate no brain damage or organ damage. While this is a great relief to the family, they are still very concerned about her condition. Michelle is currently in a medically induced coma to accommodate her intubation (a breathing tube down her windpipe). The doctor overseeing her case plans to revive her sometime this afternoon.
Please pray for God's healing power to be upon Michelle, to protect her life and protect her from any collateral damage cardiac arrest can cause.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 22, 2019 - Ruth J. (Wilton, ND)
Ruth of the Bismarck, ND congregation had a CT scan on August 14 and the results were good. There were no new cancer areas and the cancer was evidently contained in the tumor that was removed on December 12. She will not need any follow up procedures. However, Ruth is experiencing painful neuropathy in her hands and feet and is still having low energy and some issues with balance. As a result of the lymph nodes removed during the surgery, she has significant edema in her arm. Please pray for healing and restoration regarding these issues. Ruth relates that she has been so encouraged by all the cards she has received from all around the world. Thanks for your continuing prayers and concern.
Apr 15, 2019
Your continued prayers are requested for Ruth. Following the surgery to remove the cancerous tumor in December she has been undergoing a chemo regimen. She is receiving chemo treatments three times a week every other week and each treatment lasts for four hours. She has had significant nausea from the chemo and it is increasingly difficult to force herself to eat and drink beverages. She is slowly losing weight and is becoming weaker and is always very tired. Please pray for the right decisions in adjusting the chemo, for lifting the nausea, for having more energy and for God's intervention to give her healing of the cancer according to His perfect will and wisdom.
Jan 11, 2019
Thank you for your continued prayers for Ruth J. of the Bismarck, ND congregation. She has been greatly encouraged by the outpouring of cards and messages of prayers and support. She was released from the hospital on December 24. It has taken some time to normalize her blood pressure and to address some edema in her lower legs. In a recent consultation with her oncologist she has been scheduled for a chemo regimen that will begin next week and last through June. Please pray for continued healing, for the correct treatment decisions and for minimum side effects from the chemo and for continued strengthening and encouragement.
Dec 21, 2018
Thank you for your continued prayers for Ruth. She is still in the hospital recovering from the surgery on December 12 to remove a cancerous mass inside her colon. She has had a difficult week. Her kidney function had deteriorated and potassium infusion seemed to turn that around. She began to receive some nutrition orally but something triggered extreme vomiting that persisted for hours this past Wednesday into the night. A tube was inserted through her nose into her stomach and the contents were sucked out. Thankfully that has stopped the vomiting for now. The tube will be kept in place for several days. Please pray that her digestive and elimination functions will normalize and continue to pray that she will be healed from the cancer.
Dec 14, 2018
Ruth underwent surgery on December 12 to remove a cancerous mass inside her right side colon and perform a resection of that part of the colon that was affected. A lymph node was also removed. Thank you for your prayers and concern. She is in a Bismarck hospital and hopes to be discharged this coming Sunday or Monday. She is experiencing discomfort from the incision as would be expected. She has not received the pathology report yet. Please continue to pray that she will receive healing and that the cancer cells have all been removed and that she will return to normal activity and diet soon and not require any follow up chemo.
Nov 17, 2018
Your prayers are requested for Ruth. is a senior member widow in her 80's. Following a colonoscopy and follow up CT scan it was determined that she had a cancerous mass inside her right side colon. She is scheduled for surgery on December 12 to remove the mass and have a resection of the part of the colon that is affected. Please pray that the surgery will be successful and that no cancer will be found elsewhere and for a complete and speedy recovery and God's healing according to His will.
Nov 17, 2018
John J's mother, Ruth J., needs our prayers. She had a colonoscopy earlier this week and was told that a mass of some kind was discovered. She is scheduled for a CT scan this Tuesday morning to further evaluate the situation. Please pray that the mass is not cancerous and that it can be addressed with minimal intervention and that God would bless her with healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 10, 2019 - Gloria A. (Ghana)
Your prayers are requested for Gloria A., wife of Ghanaian pastor, Benjamin A. Gloria is suffering the effects of diabetes and high blood pressure, both of which seem to have come upon her rather suddenly in the past few months. Also, at a recent stay in the hospital, Gloria's urethra tube was punctured by a catheter which was forced. She is currently out of the hospital but continues to be in considerable pain and very poor overall health. Your prayers for God's intervention and healing are very much appreciated.
Mr. A. pastors three congregations in Ghana. This trial has placed considerable stress on him and their children as well.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 28, 2019 - Kurt V. (Bacolod City, Philippines)
We are so happy to update you all that Kurt was discharged from the hospital today Sunday, July 28, 2019 after he was diagnosed with Dengue and was admitted to the hospital for six days. Here is a message from Mrs. Ivy V.: "To our UCG family and family friends, thank you so much for the love and prayers for our son Kurt Stephen during his critical stage. May God richly bless you all. From Joenel and Ivy."
Jul 24, 2019 - Kurt V.
Your prayers are requested on behalf of Kurt Stephen V., the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Joenel and Ivy V. serving our Bacolod City congregation. He was admitted to a hospital yesterday in Bacolod after having fever since Friday night 19th of July. He is suspected of being infected with dengue after laboratory results showing his platelet count kept going down. The family will deeply appreciate your fervent and faithful prayers for Kurt. Thank you very much!

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 28, 2019 - Sharon W. (Campo, CA)
Sharon is home and feeling much better. No pain but the doctors are monitoring her sodium and potassium levels. She sends her heartfelt thanks for your love for her and Harry. They are attentively going through the many cards and letters. They are truly grateful for your prayers.
Jul 18, 2019
Sharon was released from the hospital yesterday with some very good news on her condition. Her treatments and care have brought her to a place of having no pain now. She is resting comfortably at her son's home. They wrote: "Thank you for your wonderful prayers of healing. We know God does the healing in our times of distress."
Jul 16, 2019
I spoke with Harry W. this morning and he reported good news on Sharon's condition. Although she is still in ICU, her sodium and potassium levels are moving into the good range. The doctors are amazed that she is recovering so quickly for someone with her levels so low when she was admitted to the hospital. Harry stated: "We all know that God intervened and once again God reveals Himself to us and the world with healing beyond human comprehension."
They both are so moved by your concerned prayers for Sharon. God listened to those prayers and placed His loving hand upon her. The doctors are saying that if she continues her upward recovery track, they may release her in a couple of days. Again they thank you all for your loving prayers.
Jul 12, 2019
Prayers are request on behalf for Sharon W. She was recently admitted to the hospital with a very low sodium blood count. She will remain in the hospital until doctors can elevate her sodium levels to a normal state. The doctors did say this could be a life threatening situation if not fully addressed with hospital care.
It has been a trying time for Harry and Sharon these last few weeks, and they are fully aware that God does the healing and cause intervention into our physical lives. They remain strong in the faith and truly believe that God will see them through this time in their lives.
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, they thank you very much for your prayers in advance.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 25, 2019 - Janice V. (Carrollton, GA)
Although there has been some improvement, Janice's situation remains appreciably the same. She is leaning more toward having the bad heart valve surgery than not. Thank you for your prayers on her behalf - both for her strengthening and for guidance in making the best decision.
May 9, 2019
Janice V. of the Rome, Georgia, congregation requests prayers on her behalf. She has a bad heart valve that is causing heart failure and trouble breathing at times. She is currently on diuretics which helps, but the situation will never get better on its own and will likely worsen with time. She is 80 years old which places her at an increased risk for surgery due to age. She is not afraid of dying but doesn't want to have a "smothering" feeling either. Janice requests prayers for God's intervention and guidance in making the right decision regarding surgery. Thank you.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 25, 2019 - Loretta H. (Soddy Daisy, TN)
In June, Loretta completed a six month chemo treatment and had a follow up PETCT scan. The results were not what she had hoped for. Recurrence after chemo treatments is common with peritoneal cancer. The cancer is aggressive and has progressed and includes new areas. The oncologist recommended a different chemo treatment. As of the first week of July, Loretta started a new chemo treatment: every week for three weeks and off a week, then repeat, for six months. Loretta remains very positive in the face of this severe trial. She and her husband, Ed, and family are so appreciative of all the support that has been shown through the many, many cards of encouragement and the prayers sent up for them. Please continue to beseech our Heavenly Father and His Son for Their interventions of strengthening and healing.
Mar 29, 2019
Loretta would like to thank everyone for the many, many encouraging cards of loving concern that she has received from all over the world, along with the prayers of the brethren for her strengthening and healing. She is so grateful for the friendship and thoughtfulness of her brothers and sisters in Christ, and remains hopeful for a full recovery. Currently, the recovery from her latest round of chemotherapy is lasting a lot longer on her system. She is halfway through the recommended treatment. The next scheduled chemo treatment is April 11. Thank you for your continuing prayers on her behalf.
Jan 11, 2019
Your prayers are requested for Loretta H. of the Chattanooga, TN congregation. Loretta was diagnosed with stage 4 primary peritoneal cancer in November 2017. Primary peritoneal cancer (PPC) is a rare cancer originating in the membrane that lines the inside of the abdomen (the peritoneum). Functioning as a shield, the peritoneum protects the abdomen and produces a lubricant that maintains smooth organ movement when the body is active. The "primary" in PPC means the cancer originated in the peritoneum. PPC is very similar to the most common type of ovarian cancer called epithelial cancer. This is because the lining of the abdomen and the surface of the ovaries come from the same tissue during development in the womb. A gynecological oncologist advised a treatment plan involving chemotherapy rounds, surgery and IP chemotherapy that began in December 2017 and was completed in August 2018.
The aim of the treatment is to keep the cancer under control for as long as possible. For monitoring purposes, a CA125 blood test is scheduled quarterly, as PPC can spread rapidly. In November 2018, the CA125 blood test was not favorable. In December 2018, a CT scan revealed swelling of many lymph nodes and the results of a PET scan showed recurrence of cancer in the lower abdomen. The cancer is not in the organs. Doctors are recommending more chemo treatments, but no surgery. Loretta is asking for prayers on her behalf for God's guidance and healing regarding her struggle with cancer. Loretta is a long time member of God's church, having begun attending as a child with her parents (Arthur R. & Joyce G.) in Baltimore, MD in 1964. Thank you. Your prayers on her behalf are very much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 24, 2019 - Dudley T. (Grass Valley, CA)
Dudley's condition is still unchanged with the melanoma, blood clots and dementia. After consulting with his doctors and reviewing the last tests, it has been decided to not employ any additional procedures or surgeries for the melanoma. The doctor recommended this given his age and other health concerns -- believing that anything invasive would create more problems than it would solve.
Dudley and Louise want to thank everyone for the many cards and letters from around the world. Dudley looks forward to going down to the mailbox each day to see if any more have come in. Louise said he reads every one of them and puts them back in their envelopes so he can re-read them later. They are thrilled by the many wonderful words of encouragement, care and love. So, please continue to pray for Dudley and Louise and keep the cards coming! Both of them want to thank everyone for their prayers and concern. It has meant a great deal to both of them!
Jun 27, 2019
The family requests your prayers for Dudley T. He recently was recently diagnosed with malignant melanoma. During the CT scan on Friday, June 20, it was also found that he has blood clots in both lungs. He was immediately hospitalized for three days. Dudley will have a PET scan test to see if the cancer has metastasized at a later date. He will also have surgery to remove the three areas of melanoma, but not until he gets off the blood thinners. Dudley is a long time elder of the Sacramento Church and recently received a plaque for his 50 years of service. He is almost 89 years old and also suffers with dementia. In addition, please pray for his wife Louise, who has to administer his injectable blood thinners twice daily besides other medications, as well as dealing the issues associated with Dudley's dementia. This has been very stressful and very concerning to Louise. God has blessed Dudley with excellent health over the years. The doctors were astounded he had never had any prior health problems.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 18, 2019 - Billie L. (Atwater, CA)
Billie and Randy are very grateful to God for His love, care, and intervention on their behalf, and want to express their deep appreciation for everyone's prayers and cards and emails of encouragement. The personal contact has been invaluable as they manage the ongoing trial. The doctors first thought Billie had a life-threatening issue but have discovered a bleeding ulcer that was causing the drop in Billie's blood count. Surgery is not required as this is treatable through medication and diet. Billie remains in the hospital but has a positive attitude. After getting the ulcer under control and her blood count to rise she will likely be released early next week.
Additionally, a retired family member from Southern California who is a nurse, has moved into their home and will now care for both Billie and Randy while they get back on their feet. Billie told me that, while they are somewhat isolated by distance, she feels very close to the family of God, the Body of Christ, knowing they are not alone on their Christian journey. Again, Billie and Randy send their thanks to everyone for their prayers, care, and concern and send their love to all.
Jul 12, 2019
Your prayers are requested on behalf of Billie L., 82, from Atwater, California. She recently was returned to the hospital having difficulty with a severe loss of energy. The doctors believe she is experiencing internal bleeding from the small intestine and currently has a blood count of 4 (which should be 12). Compounding Billie's personal anxiety, her husband, Randy, 82, recently experienced a COPD episode and he is mostly home-bound without an assigned caregiver. She is very worried for his well being. Please ask our Father for healing, strength and encouragement for Billie and Randy as they go through this trial. They live two hours from church services and are about an hour from the nearest member. They do thank you very much or your love, care, and concern.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 1, 2019 - Vera C. (Boomer, NC)
Your prayers are requested for longtime member of the Hickory, NC congregation, Vera C. Vera suffers from a variety of health issues, including difficulty breathing due to congestion around the heart as well as occasional seizures. During a recent seizure and subsequent trip to the hospital, Vera broke her hip. Doctors have determined that due to her age and overall health issues, she is not a candidate for surgery. The pain has been nearly unbearable at times, and she is requesting prayers specifically for God to ease the pain. Please pray for God's intervention, mercy and guidance during this time.
Jan 3, 2018
Vera is back home & in good spirits, but congestive heart failure will likely be an ongoing issue for her.
Dec 22, 2016
Vera continues to struggle with age & health related issues & has not been able to attend church services for some time. She has lost almost all her sight & hearing. Continued prayers are appreciated.
Dec 9, 2015
Vera, 89, continues to struggle with age & health related issues & has not been able to attend church services for some time. Please continue to pray for her due to her fragility & age, specifically her heart, hips, knees & balance.
Dec 5, 2014
Good news! Vera returned home yesterday, and will continue therapy and recovery there. She asked me to "Please enthusiastically thank God's family for the many cards and letters! I lost count at 100 and they keep coming in. There was a time in the hospital that I had almost given up hope that I would make it, but the visits, and then cards just kept coming in and I knew the prayers of God's brethren meant so many were praying for me. It gave me, along with God's Spirit, the help I needed to get better. I am so very grateful for those who took time to do so."
Nov 5, 2014
My wife and I have just returned from Caldwell Memorial Hospital in Lenoir, NC, where I anointed Vera. Her walker rolled away from her last evening as she tried to grab onto it while in the kitchen, and she fell. She has four broken ribs, an injured neck and jaw, and her wrists are sore as well. She has had difficulty walking for some time due to the deterioration in both her knees. She is currently in ICU, and I was not given indication as to when she might be moved to a private room.
Please pray that God will, in His mercy, comfort and heal her quickly from this ordeal. Vera is 89 years young, and this fall is very discouraging to her, her "first broken bone except for her little finger as a child." She is having great difficulty breathing. The medication has been causing her to vomit, and this too is very difficult on her.
In spite of her injuries, she was in good spirits, lucid, and was able to converse with us for a little while.

Nov 5, 2014
She fell while trying to retrieve her walker as it rolled away, breaking 4 ribs & injuring her neck & jaw. She is hospitalized & in ICU.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 28, 2019 - Leanne Z. (Eau Claire, WI)
Leanne Z. (Eau Claire) had some tests and the results came back that there are some pre-cancerous cells in her cervix. She is waiting on another test to see if anything comes back positive and if it does she will have to go in for more tests. She is requesting your prayers that there is no cancer.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 28, 2019 - Tony H. (Mavis H.'s son, Fargo, ND)
Tony was experiencing nausea earlier this week, and now he has a shot every 4 hours, which is helping a lot. He still doesn't eat very much and has lost a lot of weight. Because of not eating, he has gotten weaker, but still walks to the bathroom with a walker. He is sleeping quite a bit. It is still one day at a time. After the improvement of the nausea, Tony seems to be comfortable and doesn't seem to have pain, which is a miracle in itself. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Jun 14, 2019
Tony's health situation turned very bad on last Friday night. His blood pressure dropped and he was admitted to the ICU. They felt they couldn't do anything more, so they discontinued his meds. The doctor didn't expect him to survive. They decided to have him stay in Palliative Care over Saturday night and gave him from 2 hours to 2 days. He did survive. Tony went home to Mavis' house on Sunday. He is in hospice care and is generally comfortable. Except he has bad pain around his mouth and lips. He has been able to eat solid food and walk a bit. His brothers have been able to visit with him for the past several days. They believe God has intervened to allow them all a little more time together. Please remember Tony, Mavis and the entire family in your prayers as they endure this trial together.
May 31, 2019
Tony's cancer has returned and is very aggressive. The tumor in his liver seems to be blocking his bile duct. His bilirubin is very high and hard to find a chemo to use. His tumor went from .5 inch to 3 inches while trying to figure out how to correct the high bilirubin and other difficulties. He is on a very aggressive chemo. Would appreciate prayers for his healing according to God's will.
Jan 22, 2016
Several new cancerous spots have been found on Tony's liver. Thankfully they are small, and the doctors at Mayo would like to try a less invasive Ablation procedure which involves inserting a small tube and heating the cancer to kill it. The procedure will be on Feb 2nd. As a safeguard, doctors might recommend chemotherapy afterward. Thank you for your prayers.
Jul 24, 2015
Tony met with his doctor this week to scan for cancer. His scan from Monday was clear. The doctor said he was doing fantastic. He has been 7 months on this new protocol; they are going to continue for one year and then decide what they should do. His kidneys and Creatine levels are good. So, this was good news. Thank you for your prayers.
Dec 12, 2014
Tony saw the surgeon Tuesday morning. There had been concern about the fluid in his stomach cavity. Thankfully that turned out to be nothing. He is scheduled for colon surgery on Monday, Dec. 22nd. His liver is cancer-free, which really is a miracle. Thank you for your prayers
Dec 5, 2014
Tony saw the doctor this week regarding the latest scans. The doctor thought he had good results and was pleased. He said they were as good as could be expected. The spots in his liver look shadowy and light gray, like they dissolved. Tony said they compared his first scan and this one, and in the first scan the spots in his liver were black. There will be no more chemo for a while. The surgeon will take a look at the scan and decide if surgery is possible. The earliest surgery could take place is in three weeks. He might have surgery on his colon, or his colon and liver, depending on the opinion of the surgeon. Tony has been having some discomfort in his stomach. The doctor said he had some fluid in his abdominal cavity. They did do a test to see if there are cancer cells in the fluid. He won't hear for a couple of days.
Nov 28, 2014
Tony has finished his 12th chemo for his liver and colon cancer. He can't have any more of this chemo or it will injure his feet and hands too much. Next Monday they will do a scan to see how the cancer is. They will have to decide whether the spots in his liver are small enough and no more than 3 and then they might do surgery. If that isn't an option they will have to decide on some other treatment. We need some guidance and help for these decisions. He has been feeling pretty good; thank you for your prayers.
Aug 1, 2014
Tony had a scan this week. Last time the largest spot in his liver went from 2 inches to 1 inch. It has now decreased to 2/3 of an inch; the other spots have gotten smaller, too. We are very thankful for this. He just finished his 7th chemo treatment and continues to feel pretty good. Maybe in a month they may discuss surgery of his liver and colon. We appreciate everyone's prayers.
May 30, 2014
Tony has had 3 chemo treatments. He went in and had a scan, yesterday. It showed the liver spots that were between 4 1/2-5 cm. had decreased to between 2-2 1/2 cm. (he has 13 spots) It appears his colon growth had decreased by 1/2, also. That was good news. He had his 4th chemo, today. It went okay. Last time he got sick a couple days after chemo and vomited occasionally during the 3 week period. Most of the time he feels good. I wanted to give you an update and thank you for your prayers.
Apr 4, 2014
Mavis would like to thank everyone for your prayers for Tony, her 45 year old son who was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon and liver cancer. Tony came through his first chemo good and has been feeling good. He went back to work this week.
Mar 21, 2014
Mavis' son, Tony, has been diagnosed with Stage 4 colon and liver cancer. He is 45 years old. He come back from England last Friday to be treated in the US. He will be starting chemo next Wednesday. Please pray for God's guidance and healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 26, 2019 - Davey R. (Dobson, NC)
Davey is home now, under the care of home health nurses, dressing his open wound and monitoring his healing. They are still asking for no one to visit because of the need to keep the area as germ-free as possible. Davey and Lynn send their heartfelt thanks for all the loving prayers, phone calls, and the many, many cards. Let's all continue to pray for complete healing and recovery for Davey.
Jun 7, 2019
Davey is doing much better. He was taken off of life support on Monday. His blood cultures came back negative and he is no longer septic. All vital signs are good and his intestines are working. Physical therapy had him up and walking a few steps. The open wound is healing better than expected. Davey and Lynn ask for our continued prayers that there will be no infections or other complications. They express their deepest thanks to everyone for their prayers.
Jun 3, 2019
Due to a twisted intestine, Davey R. had emergency hernia surgery on Sunday morning at Norvant Forsyth Hospital in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He is currently in ICU listed as critically-stable. He is on complete life support for the time being. He also has sepsis. Please pray for Davey's complete healing including that he has no infections or further complications. We know that we serve a most merciful God who hears and answers the prayers of his children. Thanks in advance for this most necessary and appreciated service.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 26, 2019 - Pablito A. (Kibawe Bukidnon, Philippines)
Pablito A. a member of the Bukidnon congregation, underwent surgical operation in his bladder on June16, 2019 at 7:30 pm, due to blood flow found in his urine. The surgeon noted 4 tumors or new growth in his urinary bladder and thanks to the Almighty with His guidance the surgeon was able to remove all those tumors. The entire procedure was successful. Specimens were submitted for histopathology (biopsy) and the biopsy result will come out 2 weeks from now.
His wife requests your fervent prayers hoping that all the results would turn out well and may heal her husband completely.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 21, 2019 - Meghan R. (Dallas, TX)
Jerry and Stephanie R. request ongoing prayers for their 18-year-old daughter, Meghan. It has been a while since the last update, so we wanted to send the latest information on her prognosis and treatment. Meghan's health has declined drastically over the past few years. She has had very low energy, has been foggy-brained, has fainting spells increasingly, has had severe pains at times, sometimes all over, even when receiving pain medication, has frequent tremors and numbness in her hands, along with leg spasms. Through a series of medical tests, doctors recently confirmed that she has Chiari Malformation, where a lower part of the brain puts pressure on the brain stem and spinal canal. This causes multiple problems with the body's nervous system. She will need brain surgery, the family have been referred to a premiere Chiari neurosurgeon in New York who also deals with many of her other conditions which will make the operation even more challenging (i.e., Ehler's Danlos Syndrome - weakening connective tissue of joints and blood vessels; multiple nerve disorders, including POTS; Autonomic Dysfunction; brain hypermobility). The family request your prayers for wisdom and guidance for the doctors and for them, as they seek God's intervention and strive to do what is best for Meghan. They thank you all for your concern, giving and prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 14, 2019 - Ida W. (Gray, GA)
Your prayers are requested for Ida W., a member of the Macon, Georgia, congregation, who is dealing with serious decisions regarding her health. The issue most prominent at the moment is dealing with an aneurysm. Ida has seen a number of specialists, one of whom shared some very valuable information today. Her aneurysm is in the back of her head on the right side, where she has been experiencing a great deal of pain. An angiogram will be scheduled, likely within the next couple of weeks, which will determine the size and shape of the aneurysm, after which the specialists will discuss options to address it.
Currently her aneurysm has a one to seven percent chance of bursting, but that percentage increases each year. Specialists will need to decide what to do and when to do it after they have finished gathering facts. Obviously this continues to be very serious. Your prayers for God's intervention as well as the gift of wisdom and discernment on what to do moving forward would be greatly appreciated. She and her husband, Bill, know God is capable of anything and they have faith in Him, especially knowing you will be praying for her. Thank you very much.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 14, 2019 - Matthew R. (Dallas, GA)
Thank you very much for your prayers on behalf of Matthew. His spinal fusion went smoothly on Tuesday to correct his Kyphosis (curved back). He is in a great deal of pain as he is now beginning to walk again in order to be able to go home. He actually did some steps today that are similar to those he has to do at home. Doctors expect him to fully recover although the most difficult part of his recovery is the next few weeks. Thank you for continuing to keep Matthew in your prayers. He and his family truly appreciate it.
Jun 7, 2019
Kerri B., a member of the Atlanta, Georgia, congregation, is requesting prayers for her 17-year-old son, Matthew. He is scheduled to have a spinal fusion Tuesday morning to correct his Kyphosis. Mathew will remain in the hospital for two days. The surgeon is confident that this surgery will relieve his chronic pain. Thank you in advance for your prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 12, 2019 - Sue L. (Prudenville, MI)
Dear holy brethren set apart by God. I want to thank every one of you for your prayers for healing. I finally believe, after eight and a half months of this trial (internal shingles), that I am all better now. It's so wonderful to have people you've never met care so much. Thank you also for all your cards and letters. They were so uplifting. It would be nice to meet all of you one day.
Dec 6, 2018
Your prayers are requested for Sue L. She was hospitalized recently for an infection somewhere in her intestines. She has also been suffering with internal shingles for the last three months. Jerry and Sue are somewhat isolated from other brethren, so it is difficult for most people to visit. She could certainly use some encouragement and relief from the suffering she is experiencing. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 7, 2019 - Maria H. (Bogota, Colombia)
Eduardo H., pastor of our congregations in Colombia and Ecuador, requests prayers for his wife, Maria, who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 7, 2019 - Daniel C. (Lilongwe, Malawi)
Daniel C., a member of the Lilongwe, Malawi, congregation, was injured in a car accident Wednesday, June 5. While driving, he hit a car which suddenly stopped in front of him without any signal. One of his legs was broken on two places. He was admitted to the Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe. We are asking all brethren around the world to remember him in their prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 7, 2019 - Cliff O. (Apple Valley, MN)
Cliff had shoulder surgery on Tuesday. The surgery went well, but he has been rather sore this week. Thank you for prayers for a swift, smooth recovery.
Jun 1, 2019
Cliff requests prayers that his shoulder surgery goes well. He fell and injured it just prior to Passover, and continues to suffer some pain. He'll be having surgery this Tuesday, June 4. After about 6 weeks he will begin physical therapy. Please pray that God will bless the surgery and recovery.
Apr 25, 2019
A few days before Passover, Cliff fell on the ice and hurt his shoulder during one of our Spring snow storms. He wanted you all to know that he still has some pain, but is not needing pain medication. He is gaining a little more movement each day. He will have to have surgery to repair the rotator cuff, but he won't be having that until after the Feast. He writes, "I would like to thank all of my brothers & sisters in Christ, and most of all our Father in heaven for the healing He has given me. God bless you all, THANK YOU".
Apr 14, 2018
Cliff returned home from the hospital on Monday afternoon. He is recovering well and says he's "feeling fantastic." He would like to thank you for your cards, visits, and calls. It has been a big help for him.
Apr 5, 2018
Cliff's triple bypass surgery went well on Wednesday. He is resting and recuperating at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park.
Mar 13, 2018
Tests have revealed that Cliff O. has three blocked arteries around his heart. Two are 80% and one is fully blocked. He is scheduled to have triple bypass surgery on Wednesday, April 4th at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park, MN. He appreciates your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 7, 2019 - Chuck K. (Midland, MI)
Chuck would like to thank everyone for their prayers on his behalf. He is feeling much better. Last week the doctors performed a cardioversion and his heart has been in a normal rhythm since that time. He has been overwhelmed by all of the cards and well wishes from so many people around the world. Thank you all for your love and concern.
May 8, 2019
Your prayers are requested for Chuck K., deacon in the Freeland, MI congregation. Chuck was admitted to the hospital today. His heart rate was very high, which caused him to be tired, weak, and short of breath. I stopped by the hospital this evening and was able to visit with Chuck and his wife, Onalee, and anoint him. It appears that they have the heart under control, but will need to make sure it is stable with medication that he can continue to take at home before he will be released. I know that they would appreciate all your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - May 31, 2019 - Carolyn B. (Twin Cities, MN)
On Wednesday morning Carolyn was going downstairs and fell down the last step. X-rays showed that she has a right shoulder injury. As a result she cannot raise her right arm, making things very difficult. Thankfully the fall didn't affect her knee, which where she had surgery last October. She will begin physical therapy in mid-June.
Nov 2, 2018
Carolyn had knee surgery this week. The surgery went very well, and she is happy to report that her recovery is going faster than her nurse has ever seen. God has obviously intervened to speed things along. She is thankful for your prayers and support.

<  > Prayer Update - May 31, 2019 - Megan P. (Dickson, TN)
There have been a number of people asking for an update about Megan whose family attends in Nashville. Megan was seriously injured when hit by a car last October. She suffered from life threatening injuries and while in the hospital it was discovered that she was pregnant. There was concern that she wouldn't survive her injuries but God intervened and she was eventually released from the hospital, although she continues to suffer from complications from her head injuries. On May 22, Megan gave birth to a girl named Seraphina Grace. Megan continues to struggle with the lingering results of her injuries and the family ask for you prayers.
Jan 25, 2019
Here is a new update about Megan P. from her parents, Mike and Shari F.:
This is an update on Megan, who was struck by car on October 14 and life flighted to Vanderbilt hospital and placed on life support. Many will recall that Megan was expecting when she was hit and is also a young mother of three small children, who went to stay with their grandparents at that time. When Megan was first admitted to the hospital, she was diagnosed with severe traumatic brain injury, cracked skull base, fractured foot, leg and ankle, damaged temporal bone with brain shifting and many other injuries too numerous to list. Her outlook for survival was grim, as she could not breathe on her own and was unresponsive. She was annointed by our pastor, Gary Petty, and the next day, doctors were amazed to be able to disconnect the life support machines as she began to breathe on her own. She spent six more weeks in ICU and was released from the hospital, only to relapse and return to the hospital for a time, which was when the last update was sent.
Since then, though Megan continues to have ups in downs in healing from her traumatic brain injury, (often a long or even lifelong process historically), we all can certainly see God's miraculous hand in her healing so far! Megan is now living at home with her husband and three children. To speak with Megan, you would not realize anything ever happened to her as she comes across completely normal in her interactions. She still suffers and continues to be treated for several things including: anxiety, insomnia, post traumatic stress disorder, deafness in her right ear, loss of the sense of most of her taste and smell, a numb hand that is now regaining some feeling, and pain in her right leg from the fracture injuries that occurred. Her baby has low amniotic fluid and is now at 22 weeks gestation, due in May. Sonogram of baby has revealed a normal heart rhythm and growth, though there is concern about the low fluid and skull measurements of baby girl, with another sonogram scheduled Feb 4. Continued prayers are greatly appreciated for Megan, her baby and her family as she recovers. She has found extreme comfort and is deeply touched and amazed at the outpouring of love, cards, heartfelt messages and well wishes from church members all over the world. We all know that Megan and her baby are truly a miracle and would not be here at all right now without God's intervention and the continued prayers of his people. Our God is truly amazing! Thank you from all of us in her family.
Dec 18, 2018
Our daughter Megan, as the expectant young mother, was struck by a car on October 14th and was life-flighted to Vanderbilt Medical Center and placed on life support. Megan progressed rapidly after being anointed and she moved to ICU, eventually allowing to be released home before Thanksgiving. It was very obvious that God spared her life. Unfortunately, Megan's mental health continued to decline after coming home and she refused to go to her mandatory follow up treatments. It became clear that further mental health intervention would be necessary for her to recover from the traumatic brain injuries she sustained. As a result, her three children, ages 5, 3 and 10 months are living with us, their grandparents.
Megan has been admitted to Parthenon Pavilion in Nashville to undergo further ongoing residential mental health treatments. Please continue to pray that Megan's brain be completely healed from her traumatic brain injuries and that God will allow her to return home and have a normal life in raising her very young children. Also please pray for a few other residual factors related to the accident that continue to be an issue for her including: 1) She is deaf in her right ear since the accident. 2) She has numbness in her right hand from the elbow downward. 3) She has a healing fracture of her right foot that causes great pain when walking. 4) She is still having trouble eating and holding down food due to her pregnancy and has lost much weight. 5) Her vision remains double at times and she suffers from ongoing, insatiable thirst. 6) And most of all, Megan's brain needs to be "rewired" so that she can think and function logically. At the present time there is a great deal of irrational looping in her thinking, reasoning and conversation and actions that put her at risk to herself and others.
A huge thank you to all of God's people who have prayed, sent words and cards of encouragement to Megan as well as to us and her children during this difficult time. What an inspiration and blessing it has been to witness the love and prayers of the brethren.
Oct 24, 2018
Your prayers are requested for Megan P., the daughter of Mike and Shari F. of our Nashville congregation. They wrote the following:
"Our 25 year old daughter Megan was struck by a car and is in critical condition in ICU at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. She is a mother of 3 children, ages 4, 3, and 8 months and she is also expecting. Megan is in a lot of pain with brain injuries and head trauma, a broken ankle, extremely strained tendons in her neck and head. She started out on a ventilator and unable to breathe on her own. But God was merciful and she was able to breathe on her own two days after the incident. There are days she knows who and where she is and other days she does not know what is going on and is very disoriented and upset.
"Because she was purposefully run over and is a crime victim, only ourselves, our oldest daughter and our pastor are allowed by the authorities to go in to the room to give our support. It has been quite a challenge and is really taking a toll on us because of the logistics involved. We have all three grandchildren in our care now and are trying to figure out all the scheduling as we also have full time jobs to maintain. At present, we must drive an hour in to see Megan at the hospital, take the children with us and then take turns going to see her for about an hour and then leave -- even as she asks us to please stay so someone can hold her hand. She does smile when we tell her that people are praying for her and she says "thank you."
"Megan has attended church off and on the last few years and usually attends the Feast. We think she would really respond well to cards coming in for her. We feel that perhaps this could be the encouragement she needs to understand that God and his people are there for her and it is never too late to call on Him no matter what has happened in one's life. We personally don't know what we would do without our church families and friends around the world. Your prayers will be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - May 31, 2019 - Sandy M. (Macon, GA)
Here is a short note from elder David M. regarding his wife Sandy:
We were in the hospital till yesterday afternoon. They wanted to keep Sandy till the biopsy results came back. The results finally came back late on Tuesday. The biopsy did not pinpoint the cause of the ulcer, but thankfully it was not cancerous. Sandy is taking two meds to coat the stomach and reduce stomach acid. She is also on a very soft and bland diet. She is comfortable with no pain, but weak. She needs lots of rest and sleep and a little exercise as she is able."
The prayers for Sandy's healing are very much appreciated and requested.

<  > Prayer Update - May 24, 2019 - Miguel G. (Los Angeles, CA)
Miguel G. and his wife, Nohemy (Los Angeles, California), would like to express their heartfelt thanks for all the calls and warm cards they have received over the last couple of weeks. Miguel had successful open-heart surgery on Friday, May 10th. They have no doubt each prayer played an important role towards a successful procedure. They are both in very good spirits, and Miguel's first check-up will be next week. A long recovery is ahead -- but both are committed to making it a positive experience.
May 17, 2019
Miguel and Nohemy G., who attend the Los Angeles, California, congregation, request prayers for Miguel, who serves as an elder there. Miguel underwent open-heart surgery on Friday, May 10, to remove blockage from his arteries. The doctors said surgery went well. He is currently in Intensive Care. Prayers asking for God's intervention for a smooth rehabilitation and recovery process would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - May 23, 2019 - Dale S. (OH)
Wish this was good news, but without God's intervention, does not look good... just learned this afternoon that Dale fell at some point in the facility where he was being kept and broke his hip.
With a broken hip, the facility now says they cannot care for Dale and will not accept him back. Insurance says it will not cover the costs for a facility that does care for such patients according to Linda S. who has been helping Dale and Mona by handling their financial matters even before all these latest health issues.
At this point their son David also has serious health problems (just diagnosed as having Lymes disease) and is only mobile about 30 minutes or so a day, spending the rest of the time in bed.
Vernon and Marian say they cannot care for both Mona and Dale and are thinking to put Mona in a home for Alzheimer's patients and have Dale stay with them if other arrangements cannot be worked out. I fear that will be the end for Mona, as her thinking seems to be very clear at times and not so much so at others, but clear enough to comprehend she is alone and apart from Dale I am sure, unless they keep her sedated with drugs as I hear is standard practice in some of these facilities.
This is as much as I know to give at this time in order to help our prayers be beaten fine for them both.
May 22, 2019
To all who knew and loved Dale, who is now 81. I talked with his son Vernon yesterday to get an update on his condition:
The stroke ocurred about 10 days ago and he has now been transferred to rehab facility in Urban, OH. He is slowly recovering and is still having some double-vision problems, with headaches. Does not seem to have lost any motor skills, but is having some difficulty in walking due to being very weak along with the vision problems. Doctors seem to feel he should be able to return to his health situation before the stroke with time. Mona, who is suffering from Alzheimers, has moved in with Vernon and Marion in Rosewood, OH.
May 17, 2019
May 17 [from Susan B.] Prayer request for Dale S. [A.C. faculty member in the'70s] (I would guess they OH, but the message had no info other than what posted below):
Al S. says: I just received this message about Dale S. from Neal K.
Just a quick note to say I just learned Mr. S. has had a stroke and the prognosis is that he is continuing to worsen to the point that he has been moved from the hospital to a facility that cares for stroke victims. The children are coming in to move Mona in with Vernon and Mariam. This is all I know at present.

<  > Prayer Request - May 17, 2019 - Liberty H. (Clinton, MA)
On Saturday, May 11, my [Mark] wife, Emily H., gave birth to Liberty Lynn Ann. During labor, doctors recommended a C-section, which we agreed to. When first taken out, she wasn't breathing, but that was eventually resolved. However, the medical team felt she might have experienced a traumatic event before being born, and I anointed her while procedures were taking place.
An MRI indicated she had suffered a stroke while in the womb, probably caused by a bacterial infection. The damage cannot be undone by medical means; however, a stroke in an infant has a lower chance of long-term impact than in an older child or adult, as a newborn's brain has a greater ability to reorganize itself to work around the damage.
Whether Liberty Lynn will have any inability is hard to say, but the risk of developmental, learning or neurological problems is much higher than birth without complications. She is doing much better physically than when born, but will remain in the ICU for at least several days until antibiotics have completed. We would greatly appreciate your prayers that there are no further complications so that she can be released soon, and that God will heal her from any negative long-term impact.

<  > Prayer Update - May 16, 2019 - Samuel E. (Burton, South Australia)
Here is a very positive and encouraging update for Samuel from David, Samuel's father: "Today Sam completed his course of "hospital intensive rehabilitation treatment" and he is doing really well. His speech and motor skills are significantly improved and the ICU doctors said this is the best result they have ever seen for his condition. Now that he has been discharged, the medical team treating him (which included dozens of people), have stated that when he was in ICU they did not think he was going to live. I think this really shows God's intervention and the effectiveness of all the prayers received on Sam's behalf. From Shawn, Sam and myself, we thank everyone for all the cards and gifts we have received for Sam. The encouragement which comes from knowing that there are God's people around the world praying for him cannot be stated enough! For Shawn and I this has been such a hard trial and those messages we received gave us such comfort and strength to continue through. We thank God for hearing the prayers of His people and for directly intervening on Sam's behalf. We are also thankful for the blessing that we share a part in God's one big family that He is bringing together."
Apr 7, 2019
Samuel was admitted to hospital again today following a number of seizures. Initial tests indicate Samuel seems to have picked up a virus which has triggered a recurrence of the seizures. Prayers are requested for God's merciful intervention and healing for Samuel and for God's encouragement, strength and comfort for Samuel's parents David and Shawn, as well as the extended family.
Mar 22, 2019
Sam continues to move in the right direction. He did have a seizure last Friday 15th March, but that was the first one in 2 weeks. David & Shawn met with the medical team overseeing Sam's rehabilitation this past Thursday 21st March, and they are impressed with his progress. He should be ok to come home from hospital next Friday 29th March, and will have at least another month of rehab as an outpatient. David & Shawn will be staying in contact with the neurology team as they continue to work to get Sam's medication correct and monitor any seizure activity. The doctors have said they expect this will take a few years. They have advised, that although he is doing well now, he does have FIRES and he could end up back in the persistent seizure condition he previously reached. Great care must be taken that Sam doesn't get sick, tired or too worked up, as these can result in him going into seizure. With regard to Sam's mental condition and the potential impact previous seizures may have had on his brain development, the doctors can't answer where they expect he will get to, they say only time will tell. David, Shawn and the extended family thank you for your prayers for Sam, and request your continued prayers for them all during this very difficult trial.
Mar 8, 2019
Samuel is making good and steady progress every day. He was anointed again last Sabbath, and since then has not experienced any more seizures. He is now able to walk around and play with all of his toys.
He was able to feed himself a few bites of custard this week which is also another milestone in his improvement. He is eating well and regained all the weight he lost through this ordeal. Next week Sam begins intensive rehab, so we are praying for the success of that. He still does not have the controlled fine motor skills and his speech has not yet returned. But he is responding to requests for a cuddle and has said a few muffled words here and there. He also can point to what he wants, most noticeably every bit of food he can see... mainly ice cream.
We have been blessed with a good room for Sam at the hospital, and this together with his slow but steady progress is giving a lot of relief to Shawn and myself. Sam's grandmother Malou is also sharing the load and staying over at the hospital every 2nd night, which is allowing Shawn and I to spend time at home together with our newborn baby Harper. We appreciate the ongoing prayers of the brethren for Sam, and continue to look to God for His healing from any further seizures, the remaining muscle dystonia, and for Sam's mind and speech to be fully restored.
Mar 1, 2019
Sam has continued to show improvement in a couple of area. He is now able to eat, which is wonderful. He is gaining strength in his upper body and continues to be alert and interactive. There are still some challenges however. Sam has experienced a few "absent seizures" over the last couple of days. This is when a person "blanks out" or stares into space for a few seconds. These seizures are not as severe as the previous seizures. They have occurred much less frequently, and only last approximately 10 seconds at a time. Nevertheless they are still having an impact. Also, there remains some slight "muscle dystonia" - not as significant as previously - but still some light periodic movement. And Sam still needs some assistance with walking. Thank you for your continued prayers for God's intervention, healing and encouragement through this time.
Feb 25, 2019
There is very positive news for Samuel! Below is an update from Sam's father David:
"God has answered everyone's prayer for healing of Sam! After spending most of last week having a seizure every 10 minutes, the added complication of muscle dystonia, and not sleeping for 4 days, Sam had his last seizure at 4:00 am on Sabbath morning. It is now Tuesday and he is at day 3 without seizure and getting a lot of much needed sleep. The doctors don't know why the sudden improvement and cannot explain it, and the nurses are calling it a miracle! He has been moved out from ICU and into a general ward where he is expected to be for a few weeks. He will need to go through rehabilitation to learn to walk, eat and speak again. Although he is extremely weak at the moment and tired after having more than 1000 seizures in the previous 3 weeks, Sam is now able to sit up in bed by himself and is interactive, alert and responsive. Doctors have cautioned us this may be only a temporary reprieve and they need to monitor his condition for at least another 3 months. We continue to ask everyone for their prayers to God for continued healing on Sam and also a prayer of gratitude and thanks for God's mercy and intervention."
Feb 22, 2019
It continues to be a very difficult and challenging trial for Sam, his parents David & Shawn, and his extended family and loved ones. Doctors began bringing Sam out from sedation this past week, and found that he had a collapsed lung, had acquired a viral infection, and was unable to maintain his body temperature. This was very discouraging for all. Once out of sedation Sam began to experience seizures again, although not as many as immediately before sedation. As of today, Friday 22nd February, doctors have introduced more medication into his treatment regime in an attempt to get the seizures and a newly developed condition called "muscle dystonia" under control. "Muscle dystonia" is a neurological disorder that causes muscles in the body to contract or spasm involuntarily. This is currently a bigger issue than the seizures, as Sam can no longer sleep due to the constant involuntary movement which also opens his eyes. At this stage doctors are planning to continue their treatment of the diagnosed F.I.R.E.S. condition. This continues to be an extremely difficult physical and emotional trial for everyone involved. Your continued prayers, beseeching God's merciful intervention, are greatly appreciated.
Feb 14, 2019
Doctors treating Sam took the step to fully sedate him on Tuesday 12th February. Since then they have steadily increased the dosage of anti-seizure medications. The combination of the increased anti-seizure medication plus Sam being fully sedated has resulted in him no longer seizing. Doctors plan to bring him out of sedation on Sunday 17th February, and then start to 'balance out' all the medications to identify the bare minimum medication level Sam can function on. The treating neurologist and doctors and have advised his condition, which is called F.I.R.E.S, is extremely difficult to treat or manage as it is also extremely rare. F.I.R.E.S means Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome, which strikes a healthy child with no history of epilepsy completely out of the blue, essentially overloading the brain. In many cases this syndrome results in death, however even survivors of F.I.R.E.S often have very serious and debilitating ongoing health complications.
Sam's parents David and Shawn, together with the extended family, request your continued prayer to God on behalf of Sam for healing. We know Sam is in God's hands, and only by God's divine healing can Sammy be restored.
Feb 12, 2019
Prayers are requested on behalf of 2.5 year old Samuel E. of the Adelaide, South Australia congregation. In the early hours of Monday morning 4th February, Sammy had 2 seizures at home. The second seizure caused him to stop breathing. An ambulance was called to take him to the hospital where he had several more seizures. Blood cultures were taken and an MRI and CT scan were performed. Sammy was also checked for infection. Results were all clear yet the seizures continued. On the following days Sammy continued to experience numerous seizures. On Thursday 7th February he was transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) for 24-hour nursing care and observation. He had an EEG done which revealed that his seizures are "multi-focal" which means the brain electrical pulses were firing from both sides of the brain simultaneously. The situation is very serious because the seizures are varied and unpredictable which makes it extremely difficult for the medical team to assess and treat. Sammy has had no history of seizures and up until his first seizure was a happy and vibrant 2.5 year old boy.
Over the last few days Sammy's health has deteriorated significantly to where he is now experiencing seizures almost constantly - over 150 seizures per day. Doctors call this Status Epilepticus. They have now put in a breathing tube and a constant feed on a sedative to try and break the cycle of seizures. The top neurological team have been appointed to care for Sammy and have stated their "priority 1" is to stop the seizures and "priority 2" is to find the cause. They are testing for autoimmune diseases and for incredibly rare seizure diseases.
Sammy has been anointed and his father David and mother Shawn continue to look to God as our Healer. God knows how He created us and He knows and promises to be our Healer - whether He chooses to work through the doctors or directly intervene with His divine power to restore Sammy to full health. Prayers are requested for God's merciful intervention and healing upon Sammy and for God's strength and wisdom for his parents David and Shawn, who are managing their vigil at Sammy's bedside in conjunction with caring for their newborn daughter, Harper. Prayers are also requested for the extended family at this very difficult time.

<  > Prayer Request - May 10, 2019 - Edgar W. (Nipissing, ON, Canada)
Prayers are requested for Edgar W. and his wife, Vivian, members of the North Bay, Ontario, congregation. Edgar has suffered from several battles with cancer over the years and recently was diagnosed with leukemia. Doctors are recommending a strong course of chemotherapy and the couple are seeking God's wisdom in order to proceed. Vivian was recently baptized, and she and Edgar are trusting God to lead them through this trial.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 19, 2019 - Anita K. (St. Cloud, MN)
Anita had her surgery last Wednesday to remove what looked to be a nodule in her lung. The surgery went great and it was determined to be non-cancerous. Thank you for your prayers. God answered!
Apr 12, 2019
Anita had her surgery on Wednesday to remove what looked to be a nodule in her lung. The surgery went great. The surgeon doesn't believe it is cancer, but rather an infection. She and Vern are waiting for the lab results before they know for sure. They appreciate your prayers.
Apr 5, 2019
Anita did not have her surgery this week. She was half way to Abbott when the doctor called to cancel. The nurse had not told Anita to stay off her blood thinner medication for 3 days prior. So surgery at Abbot Northwestern Hospital to remove a nodule in her lung has been rescheduled for April 10. She was very happy to receive the get well card from the congregation, and thanks you all very much.
Nov 10, 2017
Anita saw her doctor on Monday. The biopsy of the nodules in her lungs was inconclusive. But the doctor believes they are not cancerous, and recommended a follow-up in 90 days. Anita and Vern would like to thank the brethren for your prayers, e-mails, phone calls and letters.
Nov 3, 2017
The mass in Anita's abdomen was not cancerous. They did not have to remove any of her colon as it was not attached to the mass. They did remove her uterus. A biopsy was taken from the nodules in her lungs, and results will not be known until Monday. Please pray that are not cancerous. The doctor is optimistic that they won't be. Anita was released from the hospital on Friday. Thank you for your prayers.
Oct 24, 2017
Prayers are requested for Anita K. Anita had an appointment with the Oncology Clinic at Abbott Hospital on Monday.She has a mass in her abdomen and nodules in her lungs. Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday of next week at Abbott. We won't know until after surgery whether it is cancerous or not. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 15, 2019 - Jakob Z. (Muntinlupa City, Philippines)
Zisa G. who attends UCG in Manila, requests prayers of the brethren for the full recovery of her 17-month old son Jakob Z. who developed a fever on April 7 and the following day was hospitalized when he started experiencing convulsions. A series of tests were conducted until he was diagnosed with pneumonia. Please pray for the complete recovery of Jakob.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 11, 2019 - Zanetta W. (Hudson, WI)
Great news! Andy and Lisa wanted me to let you know that Children's Hospital in Minneapolis confirmed today that Zanetta DOES NOT have cystic fibrosis.
The family are very relieved and want to thank us all for our prayers.
Mar 22, 2019
Andy and Lisa W. are requesting our prayers on behalf of their newborn daughter. They were just notified that Zanetta's early screening is revealing a positive for cystic fibrosis. This is an early test and she will have to be retested when she is one month old to confirm this. As this does not run in either family, they are praying that this will be found out to be a false positive.
They would like us to ask God to remove any hint of any illness from Zanetta and that the next test would confirm that she is in perfect health.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 5, 2019 - Vernon H. (Hammond, IN)
Vernon H's [retired pastor] health has steadily declined since the death of his wife, DeLee, and he is now in late stage Alzheimer's disease. The family would like your prayers for God to heal him, if He chooses; or if this is his time for death, that it would come peacefully and with dignity. Vern has moved twice since his first placement in a care facility and he is now living with his son, Mike. Your prayers are appreciated for the family, as they will need to make difficult decisions about his care very soon.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 5, 2019 - Alyssa D. (Columbia, MO)
Alyssa had surgery March 27 to remove tumors and perform a hysterectomy. The surgery went well, removing all tumors on her ovary as well as outside of her uterus. The doctor checked all surrounding organs which looked normal. The tumors were tested and were found negative for cancer. She was released from the hospital Friday, March 29. She will continue to have checkups and blood work completed every six months with her oncologist to be sure that her levels are normal. Alyssa and Kyle would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, CDs, encouragement and love during this time.
Mar 15, 2019
Kyle and Alyssa D. are requesting prayers on behalf of Alyssa. After a recent ultrasound, masses were discovered on her left ovary, as the right ovary was removed a few years ago due to similar findings. One of the tumors has a hard mass which really concerns the doctors. It is thought best to have everything removed due to the fear of more tumors growing back. Alyssa is scheduled for a full hysterectomy March 27. Your prayers for God's intervention, healing and speedy recovery are greatly appreciated.
May 6, 2016 - Alyssa D.
Kyle and Alyssa D. and family would like to thank everyone for their prayers concerning her recent surgery on May 2. The surgery went well, and they removed a large tumor that had grown around the right ovary and fallopian tube. The left ovary also had a little growth on it, so they removed the growth without any problems. On Thursday, May 5, she got the results of the biopsy. The good news is that the tumor is not cancerous. It is called a borderline tumor which can have several different outcomes, which the doctors will be watching. Alyssa will spend the next several weeks recovering. Kyle and Alyssa are very grateful to everyone for the love, prayers and support. They have no doubt that without the support of God's people they would have had a much more difficult time mentally, emotionally and physically enduring this trial! Please continue to pray for Alyssa's complete healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 29, 2019 - Tom B. (Eau Claire, WI)
Tom would like to thank you for all the cards and prayers. He is doing much better, and no longer needs to wear the neck collar. The doctor is decreasing his medications and he is now able to drive a little. He is still required to lift no more than 10 lbs., and will begin physical therapy next week. He plans to return to work on April 29.
Mar 15, 2019
While at work Wednesday, Tom B. fell and was seriously injured. The River Falls ER doctor thinks he is suffering from extreme whiplash. He is currently at Regions Hospital in St. Paul undergoing tests and being treated by a spine specialist. Thankfully there are no broken bones or bleeding on his brain. But he is suffering pain in his upper extremities, but is in good spirits. They are still waiting to learn what is wrong and how it will be treated. Please pray God will intervene with the pain, and that there are no long term implications.
UPDATE - Tom was feeling better Friday and expected to return home later in the afternoon. He is still in pain from the affect of the fall to his upper nervous system, but he is expected to recover. Thank you for your prayers.
May 22, 2015
Many of you are aware that Tom had fallen a couple of times last week and was admitted to Region's Hospital in St. Paul in the early hours last Monday morning. The Doctors ran several tests and concluded that he had a TIA (mini stroke). The good news is that there are no remaining symptoms and they sent him home with only some lifestyle changes. Tom is doing much better. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 29, 2019 - Rita T. (Bethlehem, PA)
Rita is home and recuperating from the trials of her recent surgery and the passing of her mother Alice. Here is an update from Rita:
"All drainage tubes have been removed, there is no more infection in the abdomen, no more antibiotics and the side effects to the medication are also subsiding. And finally, the taste for water and food is coming back, although I eat very little at a time. The desire for food is still limited but I am seeing that as a positive blessing out of all this--I certainly don't need to gain too much weight.
"I would also like to pass on that I can now look back and see God's hand in all this. It was truly a fiery trial of helplessness, having to totally depend on Him for not just my care but my mother's. With me out of the way (and sometimes I do need to get out of the way, only God knows!), it gave my brother and his children a chance to emotionally draw closer to our mother and share their love with her in her last days. It was an incredible blessing for me to watch and enjoy.
"I want to thank EVERYONE for the incredible outpouring of love through the many, many cards, phone calls, emails and heartfelt prayers of brethren around the world and close to home. Our prayers were answered, perhaps not in a way we expected, but our Father knew what was best. His ways are higher and wiser than ours. I am also reminded that, although I am alone, I am not. I am part of a very large and special family of our Father and His Son, as we all are. Please continue to pray for my complete healing to gain strength and endurance. My next surgeon appointment is April 3. Hopefully he will permit me to drive and begin aquatic therapy. May the peace and grace of our Father and His Son be with all of you."
Mar 1, 2019
Although the surgery for Rita went well on Monday, February 18 she remained on the nasogastric tube until Sunday, February 26. When removed she had no desire for food since anything she drank or ate tasted foul. She still has one abdominal drain which is being left in as she may have an abdominal infection. She is on IV fluids and antibiotics which has their own set of negative side effects. On Sunday, Alice became so weak she could not sit on edge of bed and was not able to express herself. She was taken to the ER and was diagnosed with UTI, dehydration, anemia and stage 4 metastatic cancer with unknown origins. She never complained of pain and still does not but it is obvious she has some pain. She is being provided care at the hospital and once the oncologist has the tests results they will know better the type of metastatic cancer and her prognosis.
Plans are in progress to place Alice in a nursing home with hospice. The nursing home is also agreeable to Rita being placed in skilled rehab/wound care and put them in the same room. Rita and Alice would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of God's love through the many cards, phone calls and visits. Please keep Rita in prayer for complete healing and His peace to cover them both as they face these challenges together with the greater family of our Messiah.
Feb 20, 2019
Rita had her surgery on Monday and overall the surgery was successful. They were able to remove the scar tissue and repair other parts of her intestines and stomach muscle. They were not able to fully repair her stomach muscle and so there will be some more challenges with that. She will be in the hospital for around a week recovering before she can go home and begin therapy at home while being with her mother, Alice. Rita is in quite a bit of pain and please continue to pray that her body heals correctly from the surgery and that the pain can decrease. Through this all Alice has been pretty anxious and depressed about Rita and concerned for her health, so please also continue to pray for Alice to have comfort during this time as well. They wanted to thank everyone so much for the prayers, cards, and love they have received as well.
Feb 12, 2019
As the time approaches, please continue to keep Rita in your prayers for miraculous healing and if the surgery is needed, that it be her last. Also, please keep both Rita and her mother Alice in your prayers that the grace and peace of our heavenly Father and His Son will be with them during this difficult trial. Below is an update from Rita regarding herself and her mother.
"There are so many miracles I cannot begin to list them all. So far the very limited diet is working and I am not having any pain, although I am tired at times. I did meet with the general surgeon and the surgery date is set for Monday February 18. The surgery is still expected to last 3-5 hours by two surgeons with a 5-7 day hospital stay. God's mercy, love and miraculous intervention has been overwhelming as I was able to finalize the schedule of caregivers, two shifts per day - day and night. A system is in place to coordinate the activity of care for my mother, Alice. Some of these new private caregivers have clinical training and experience which is a plus as Alice is struggling emotionally with the upcoming surgery for me. She continues to be a little depressed and with that comes some physical issues that the private caregivers are able to handle. She also has a problem with expressing herself as she knows what to say but cannot find the words but she is getting better. We are already starting the full daily and nightly shifts so that Mom and the caregivers can develop a relationship that is needed while I am in the hospital.
"I have also been able to arrange with her doctor to place her on a visiting nurse practitioner program for the homebound elderly which starts Tuesday, Feb 12. Please pray that we will have no snow so that the nurse and caregivers can keep their appointments. My mother and I cannot say how humbling it has been to receive so many cards from brethren in so many church areas. The outpouring of God's love through all of His people has been very uplifting. We enjoy reading the messages and names of the brethren."
Jan 19, 2019
Rita T. of the Bethlehem congregation has been struggling with an inherited inflammatory illness since birth. It creates scar tissue or adhesions which can affect digestion. During the past 5-6 years she has been struggling with small bowel blockages but with God's intervention and the patience of her surgeon, there has been success in dealing with these conservatively most of the time. About two years ago, there were two blockage that required surgery. The surgery also revealed a mass that had necrotized the appendix. No cancer was found. Rita has been hospitalized twice in the last 30 days and a cat scan revealed that the beginning of the large bowel has been displaced into the right upper quadrant (it should be in lower right quadrant). As a result, the end of the small bowel is abnormally twisted within the right lateral side of the abdomen. This makes the passage of food very difficult. Rita is thus on a very limited diet. She is meeting with her surgeon Tuesday, Jan 22 to set a date for surgery in early February. The surgery may last 3-5 hours with a 5-7 day hospital stay because the surgeon will also take care of some abdominal hernias that resulted from the previous surgery.
To complicate matters, Rita has been the 24/7 caregiver for her mother, Alice, who is 88 and blind. Up until a month ago Alice was independent in moving about the house. She also had an excellent memory and required only minimal hired-aide support. However, she suffered a UTI about a month ago which has affected her mobility and mental status. She experiences fear and anxiety when Rita is not at home. Rita is trying to coordinate round-the-clock aide support before the surgery date.
Please keep Rita in your prayers for miraculous healing and if the surgery is needed, that it will be her last. Also, please keep both Alice and Rita in your prayers so that the grace and peace of our heavenly Father and His Son will be with them during this difficult trial.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 29, 2019 - Mark C. (San Angelo, TX)
We (Tim and Cathy C.) would like to request prayers for our oldest son, Mark, age 35, for a health condition that may become life threatening over time. Mark has been residing at San Angelo Assisted Living Center in West Texas for almost 17 years. He is ambulatory but autistic, non-verbal and low functioning. He has recently developed a serious condition of aspirating on some of the food and liquids he consumes daily. The epiglottis is not functioning properly, such that a partial amount of what he swallows can enter his lungs instead of his stomach. In addition, his gag reflex which would normally trigger, has been degraded to the point it doesn't respond the majority of the time. There is the potential danger of him contracting pneumonia and succumbing to suffocation if the lungs become seriously compromised.
The staff doctor's primary suggestion was to insert a PIC line (permanent feeding tube). Mark does not understand this health issue and would not tolerate the PIC line. Besides, this would greatly impact his quality of life because he could no longer eat and drink, something that he loves to do and does well. We are still exploring other more viable options. The family requests your prayers that he remains in otherwise good health, that it be God's will to protect him from serious harm as God has done for him all of his life to this point. We do appreciate your prayers on Mark's behalf.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 29, 2019 - Sally C. (Lynchburg, VA)
John C. a member of the Roanoke congregation requests prayer for his wife Sally, age 86. She has fallen several times in the past year. Last week she fell and broke a pelvic bone. She was in the hospital and now is in rehab. She is not eating. John goes to the center twice daily to try to get her to eat. Please pray for Sally's healing and to be able to return home. John could also use your prayers to be strengthened during this difficult time.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 27, 2019 - John B. (Bardstown, KY)
Prayers are requested for John, a member attending in Louisville. About a year ago he had problems with a blockage in his urinary tract. The operation then was quite complicated and painful due to the fact that it would not heal and they struggled managing the blood flow due to the combination of meds to thin his blood.
Last weekend the problem re-surfaced. At times John urinated pure blood and once or twice blood clots. The urologist stated the this was due to scar tissue, which needs to be corrected. He is scheduled to be hospitalized on April 5th for an operation on April 9th. Please pray that it may go well and that there may not be any complications. Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Sep 1, 2017
John was finally released from the hospital after various procedures and he thanks everyone for their prayers and cards. God has intervened in His great mercy for John. He and his wife Ann are extremely grateful for God's intervention and all the kindness shown by the brethren. John wrote: "I just got out of the hospital last night after 22 days. I spent the great eclipse on an operating table and did not see a second of it. I had an infected pacemaker pocket, so a temporary pacemaker was fitted and then after other procedures, a permanent one was installed. I was told would be difficult and risky. After three days (since the last procedure) and many transfusions I was well enough to go home. I am still having my blood adjusted and have to give myself shots of a medicine every twelve hours. If all goes well, I plan to be at services this Sabbath."
Aug 23, 2017
Prayers are requested for John B. of the Louisville/Lexington congregation. John has been admitted to the Jewish Hospital in Louisville because of recurring problems on his skin where his pacemaker was located. The pacemaker was removed a week ago and new pacemaker needs to be installed on the other side of his chest. However the removal of the old wires was quite difficult and he has been bleeding extensively on that wound. He has had to have many blood transfusions because of great loss of blood. The wound is still open. Please pray that God may intervene for his wound to heal speedily so that a new pacemaker may be installed and he may go home soon.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 26, 2019 - Betty R. (Twin Cities, MN)
Mom went through surgery today and the blockage was removed and the two sections of the colon were successfully reattached. The cancer has not spread to the surrounding tissue. She will remain in the hospital for 3 or 4 more days. There is a 5% chance that complications may arise.
Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Mar 24, 2019
Betty will be going into 6 hours of surgery beginning at 7:45 a.m. this morning to have a section of her colon removed where doctors believe a tumor has been abstructing her bowel. She is requesting our prayers that God would strengthen her and make the procedure successful. Also, that He would comfort and strengthen Cynthia, Tom, Stephanie, and the whole family throughout the day.
Mar 22, 2019
Mom had a stint successfully placed at the blockage allowing relief of the pressure that had built up in the colon and small intestine. The cancer, confirmed, will be removed when the colon is cleared which will be next week sometime. She is going to have the tumor (blockage) cut out by removing a section (10 inches) of the descending colon on the left side. We don't know the extent of cancer beyond that at this time. It may be localized to the blockage. When she has surgery, on Monday, they will be able to get a better assessment. Her pain has been reduced because the pressure has been released.
Please keep Betty and the family in your prayers.
Mar 19, 2019
Betty went into the emergency room at Methodist Hospital yesterday due to extreme pain. She had a CT scan done today, and a mass blockage was detected at 30 cm from the rectum that was causing a backup all the way up through the colon and small intestine. A colonoscopy is scheduled for tomorrow to determine the nature of the mass, but cancer is suspected and surgery is being recommended to remove the blockage.
Cynthia, Tom and Stephanie are requesting our prayers for God's healing of their mother and whatever is causing the blockage, that it would not be cancer.
Mar 9, 2019
Betty called to ask for our prayers. She is having severe pain today from a bowel blockage issue that she has been battling for some time. She is unable to eat and the pain is so intense that she can't even lie down. Please ask that God would take away her pain, heal her of this affliction, and give her strength to endure.
Dec 29, 2018
Betty is asking for our prayers that God would remove the pain she has been having from blood clots in her lungs, a bowel blockage, and the after effects of pneumonia. She was up all night and would like to avoid going to the hospital again as her previous visits have not helped her.
Please ask God for her healing.
Nov 27, 2018
Our prayers are being requested for Betty R. She was admitted into Methodist hospital very early this morning and was diagnosed with pneumonia and blood clots in the lungs. She had very little rest last night and is struggling with pain. Please ask God to intervene for her healing and comfort.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 22, 2019 - Anna B. (Mauk, GA)
It has been determined that Anna B.'s stomach cancer has progressed. The lining of her lungs are thick with it and fluid has been and continually needs to be removed from around her lungs. This fluid is largely full of cancer as well. Her pain levels have increased significantly and she will likely have a drain tube inserted for regular drainage that would allow her to go home. She will also need to be on oxygen as she gets winded very easily due to the advancing disease. Anna is very thankful for all the prayers and the cards, from which she has drawn strength. Discussions with hospice will take place soon to focus on the steps ahead. Thank you again for continuing to ask God for His will and intervention.
Feb 22, 2019
Tom and Anna B., members in the Macon, Georgia, congregation, are requesting prayers as Anna continues to deal with the effects of stomach cancer. While she has been able to continue a fairly normal lifestyle the past fifteen months since diagnosis, and has responded well to the chemotherapy, the cancer has now metastasized to the spine, and for the past couple of months has been causing a great deal of pain. Anna is scheduled to begin radiation treatments on Monday with the hopes that they will reduce the cancerous lesions on the bones and relieve the pain. We appreciate your prayers for a good response to the treatments with no unwanted side effects, while we wait for God's complete healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 22, 2019 - Wayne W. (Gladstone, MO)
My [Mark] father, Wayne W., has improved greatly over the past couple of weeks. He was admitted into a skilled nursing/rehabilitation facility in Kansas City, Missouri, on March 7. Over the past week and a half his speech has improved and is back to normal. They were able to remove his feeding tube on March 10 and he's now on a full diet. They've been having him walk every day to develop the strength in his legs and it appears he will be able to go into assisted living, with his wife, Janet, in the next few weeks. God is so loving and merciful! Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, cards and letters.
Mar 8, 2019
On behalf of the entire family, we would like to express our thanks to everyone for their prayers, cards and concern for my father's condition. He has improved a lot since last Friday. After he was given antibiotics for several days for a UTI, he started to wake up and become more alert. Each day this week we have seen improvement. He was able to get his restraints off on Monday and he was very happy about that.
He was given another swallow test on Tuesday. He didn't pass but is improving. They will continue the tube feedings for now but speech therapy is working with him to strengthen his throat muscles. He will be released from the hospital today and will be transferred to Kansas City to a Skilled Nursing Facility where they will continue to work with him. The outpouring of love has been overwhelming and extremely encouraging. We wish to thank everyone for the tremendous response during this health trial. We continue in faith, looking to God for his full and complete healing.
Mar 1, 2019
My family is asking for prayers for my [Mark W.] father, Wayne W., who attends with my mother, Janet, in the Springfield, Missouri, congregation. On Sunday, Feb. 17, while shopping with my mother, he fell and hit his head on the concrete floor, knocking him basically unconscious. 911 was called and he was rushed to the emergency room 70 miles away in Springfield. That evening he was taken to ICU in the neurology section of the hospital. They ran several CAT scans to find out if he had a stroke, but the results were inconclusive. The neurologist did say he had several damaged areas in the frontal lobe of his brain, which controls most or all of the body's motor functions. He is not able to drink or swallow on his own without aspirating so they've inserted a feeding tube into his stomach. He was moved to a regular hospital room on Wednesday, Feb. 20.
He is very agitated at times and struggles to talk and comprehend what is going on or where he is. The last several days he had to be restrained because he tries to remove his IV, feeding tube or anything else that he is connected to. He seems to get better on some days but then gets worse on others. We pray that he will recover well enough to be transferred to a Skilled Nursing Facility in Kansas City, Missouri, so he and my mother can be cared for by the family. We know that God can intervene and heal him at any time. Your prayers for my father and our entire family would be appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 15, 2019 - Florante S. (Bacolod City, Philippines)
Philipino pastor Florante S.'s speech is back to normal and he's on a full diet now, after suffering a stroke on March 3rd. He got to go home today and is in high spirits. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Our family really appreciates them.
Mar 8, 2019
On Sunday, March 3, we brought Florante S., a pastor in the Philippines, to a hospital for a checkup. His daughter (and my wife), Florlin, noticed slurred speech and a feeling of weakness on his part that morning. He underwent a CAT scan and they found he had a wound on his brain but fortunately no internal bleeding. The doctors determined he had a stroke and he was admitted to the hospital immediately. Although he seems to be in a stable condition, he is having a hard time finding the right words to express himself. Also, he is being fed liquefied food through a tube in his nose to avoid choking. The doctors have asked Florlin to monitor him closely as they expect his health will most likely deteriorate further. The family requests prayers for his speedy and full recovery.
Mar 13, 2015
I would like to send heartfelt gratitude and thanks to all who prayed for the success of my prostate surgery. The operation did not take place because of God's merciful intervention. On Feb. 13, I was admitted to the hospital and was prepared and briefed regarding the surgery. My cardiologist and I discussed whether or not the timing was right. He warned me that my heart may not be fit and could collapse when anesthesia was given, and that he could not take part in the operation and then take the blame if something negative happened. I took that conversation as God's intervention in making it evident that I should not proceed for the surgery for the risk it would involve. The urologist listened to the advice of the cardiologist and the operation was called off. So I was advised to continue using the catheter. Last week the doctor removed the catheter to test if I would still be needing it, and I don't! My family and I praised our loving God for his timely intervention and for the collective prayers of all in my behalf. Again, we send our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to everyone.
Feb 13, 2015
I am making a prayer request for an upcoming prostate gland operation. Though the prostate is benign and not malignant, my bladder had increased in size, stopping the free flow of fluids and causing a great deal of pain. Also, the daily medicine used to stop the prostate enlargement is no longer effective.The doctor recommends surgery in which a stint will be inserted from the prostate gland to the section of the bladder to correct the problem. I ask for the brethren's prayers that our heavenly, merciful Father will guide the hand of the doctor who will do the operation and that God will hasten and complete the healing. Thank you for your collective prayer on my behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 15, 2019 - Norma Jean V. (Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka)
Norma Jean (acute bronchitis) is feeling much better now and is thankful for God's healing and for the prayers of all the brethren.
Mar 8, 2019
Prayers are requested for Norma Jean and Rodney V., a couple who are members in Sri Lanka. Norma Jean is suffering from acute bronchitis, which doctors say could turn into asthma. She and Rodney request prayers asking for God's intervention in healing them.
May 1, 2015
Norma Jean is feeling much better and her condition has improved. She would like to thank everyone for their prayers and cards, which have given her great encouragement and joy.
Apr 17, 2015
Norma Jean requests your prayers on her behalf. She is having some ongoing health issues. She has high blood pressure and even though she is taking medication her blood pressure is not going down. She is also experiencing shortness of breath and feels lethargic. Your prayers on her behalf for God's intervention and healing are much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 15, 2019 - Fairley B. (Roanoke, VA)
After much testing, doctors still have not determined what was causing the stroke-like episodes that Fairley was experiencing, but God is certainly answering the many prayers. He was able to return to Sabbath services last week and is feeling much better each day. He said he is filled with emotion because of the many cards he received that are filled with encouragement, and is very thankful for the outpouring of love from each of you but most of all your heartfelt prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 14, 2019 - Rainer B. (Dresden, Germany)
Prayers are requested for UCG-Germany member Rainer B. Rainer is a deacon and has been a church member for 40 years, dating back to when he was baptized in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). After several weeks with digestion problems, Rainer has been diagnosed with a malignant tumor between his colon and small intestine. Tests will be run tomorrow to see if the tumor has metastasized and what kind of treatment would be possible.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 12, 2019 - Libby D. (Canton OH)
Please pray for Libby D. who has checked into the hospital (Barbarton Summa) today with pneumonia type symptoms. I am just now going out the door to anoint Libby. Remember, we are beseeching God to apply the stripes and beating that Christ endured for our healing in the process of being the Passover sacrifice for our sins. She thanks you for your prayers in advance.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 12, 2019 - Joe S. (Canton OH)
Please pray for God's healing for Joe S. who is in the Dover Hospital for overnight to deal with an irregular heartbeat. I have just returned from anointing Joe. Remember, we are beseeching God to apply the stripes and beating that Christ endured for our healing in the process of being the Passover sacrifice for our sins. He thanks you for your prayers in advance.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 5, 2019 - Rodrigo J. (Davao City, Philippines)
Rodrigo J. a member of the Davao City congregation is currently at MDMTC hospital in Davao. Mr. J. was hit by speeding motorcycle last December. And this last few weeks he suffered dizziness and severe headache. MRI examination found out a blood clot in his brain. A medical operation is needed and to be scheduled tomorrow afternoon, March 6. His daughter Stiffe, requests your prayers for a successful operation and speedy recovery of her father.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 20, 2019 - Clarissa H. (Dallas, TX)
Clarissa H. is needing urgent prayers for her vision. She has been closely monitored over the last few years for a posterior sub-capsular cataract in her left eye. Surgery was originally scheduled for the end of March and then suddenly this weekend her cataract turned white and she lost almost all of her vision in that eye. She now has a surgery date of March 6th since the cataract has become so progressive. This is a very high risk surgery now and there are high chances for complications with the protective sac around the lens that could include tearing during surgery. There is also a high chance that there could be multiple surgeries needed after the initial surgery to help correct her vision, or the chance that she may have long term vision problems in her left eye unless God intervenes. The surgeon said it will be like doing surgery in the dark because the cataract is so opaque and the sac is cloudy.
Please, can we collectively lay prayers in faith before our Father's throne for God to be merciful and protect her vision? We pray that if the cataract remains that the surgery and recovery will go smoothly without any complications and that God would use the surgeon's hands to direct the outcome according to God's perfect will. It is also now crucial that Clarissa stays well so this surgery is not delayed or that any damage takes place after the surgery from sickness. We thank you for beseeching God on her behalf. We are resting in the shadow of His wings, our God, in whom we trust! May our Father be glorified through this trial in the end!

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 18, 2019 - P.(father) (Alexandria, MN)
Good news. Mike's father had a stent put in and is doing well. He is now conscious and conversant. Apparently he has not been feeling well for weeks and scheduled a doctor's visit for this morning. At the visit, his doctor felt his condition was serious enough that he had him air-lifted to St. Cloud to perform the surgery right away.
Mike is very grateful for our prayers and God's blessing that all has worked out for the best.
Mike P.s [Twin Cities] father just had a heart attack and is being emergency air-lifted to St Cloud for treatment. Mike is on his way there as I write and is requesting our prayers for his father. Please ask God to intervene for Mike's father's healing and protection, and to strengthen and comfort Mike and his family through this difficult time. I will update all you when Mike knows more.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 17, 2019 - Rae S. (North Ogden, UT)
Here is an update on Rae after talking with her earlier today. She has had some issues with doctor's appointments but finally last week she had a meeting with her primary/oncology doctor and they showed her that the mass she has in her lower abdomen is ovarian cancer. She told me that it is too risky for surgery and that they will begin chemo therapy within two weeks. She is very weak and has a hard time to get herself going each day, and having a difficult time eating and drinking anything. Rae has been very appreciative of your prayers and concern. Please continue to keep her in your prayers and ask for God's comfort and encouragement.
Jan 17, 2019
A long-time member, Rae S., who used to reside in Reno, is requesting prayers for her current condition. She had been suffering for the past several weeks with chest pain, some abdominal discomfort and feeling very weak. We've been communicating over the delays and frustration of being so weak and no answers. We can thank the holidays for much of that. She has now found out that she has a blood clot in her lung and a small area of cancer in her abdominal area. They are not sure if it's a kidney with cancer or ovarian cancer. In addition to all of this she has a highly elevated level of calcium in her blood which is causing some of the malaise and her bones are not being nourished properly as a result. Her oncologist has scheduled an MRI and P.E.T. scan for January 31 to determine a more accurate assessment. Rae is on Eliquist for the lung blood clot, and that seems to be working. She is a bit discouraged due to all of the delays and the unknown. Please pray for God's mercy and encouragement, as well as the wisdom to make some difficult choices down the road.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 16, 2019 - Mary H. (Winnipeg, MB)
Your prayers are requested for Mary H. of the Winnipeg congregation. Her brother Dave H. informed me that Mary had not been feeling well this week and she was taken to Concordia Hospital in Winnipeg by her daughter Christine. The initial evaluation is that she is suffering from a congestive heart condition. She turned age 90 last summer and has been doing quite well. The recent death of her daughter Sarah did impact her significantly emotionally. Then she suffered a stroke while in the hospital. She is unable to speak normally. Her heart was racing in what appeared to be AFib and that caused blood to pool in a part of the heart and form a blood clot that migrated. She is presently on an Aspirin IV and being given other meds to control her heart function. Please pray for God's special healing and that a correct diagnosis will be made and proper follow up procedures and treatment decisions will be made. Also pray that our caring God will send encouragement for her and for a speedy recovery and return home to her apartment.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 8, 2019 - Cassandra E. (Cumberland, MD)
Cassandra received her PET scan results this past week, officially declaring her in remission! For the past year she has dealt with the diagnosis of Hodgkin's Lymphoma IIB, being treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Cassie and her husband, Brendan, would like to thank everyone for their prayers, encouragement, cards and support, and are very thankful to God for His blessings and mercy. Cassie will continue to have monthly appointments for her port flushes, three-month appointments to see her oncologists and a new scan every six months for the next two years. Thank you again for your continued prayers on Cassie's behalf.
Jan 18, 2019
Cassandra is very thankful for the prayers of the brethren and God's intervention regarding her Hodgkin's Lymphoma and the large tumor that was in her chest. The tumor has decreased tremendously in size, and the signs of cancer have diminished significantly. At this time, she and her husband, Brendan, are requesting your prayers for positive results from her upcoming PET scan on Wednesday, Jan. 23. This scan will be determining if she needs to go back for more treatment or if she can be declared in remission. The scan itself will be about an hour or more long with three different kinds of contrast. The whole process will be between two and three hours. Afterwards, she will not be allowed to drive, and will have to stay away from people (and the dogs) since she will be radioactive for up to 12 hours. The timing for receiving the results is not yet confirmed. Thank you again for your prayers on her behalf.
May 4, 2018
Brendan and Cassandra E. are asking for prayers as she has her upcoming PET Scan on Monday, May 7. As many know, she is battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma. This scan will tell them if the two rounds of chemotherapy have affected her tumor so far. Her doctors are predicting she will either go into radiation therapy or have two more rounds of chemo. Cassie will meet with the oncologist and know the results on Thursday, May 10. Prayers would be appreciated that she will need the least amount of chemo or radiation possible. Cassie and Brendan continue to be very positive, looking to God for her ultimate healing. Thank you for the continual prayers!
Mar 16, 2018
Cassandra E. has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The tumor is over one-third of her chest, pushing on her lungs, esophagus, and heart. It goes from her ribs back to her spine and down below to the organs. The oncologist is very positive about treatment and plans to start chemotherapy on Friday, March 16. She is admitted to Western Maryland Regional Health (please contact the family before visiting). Everyone is optimistic and remaining positive under the circumstances. If anyone would like to send any cards, please send them to Brendan and Cassie's home. The whole extended family would like to thank everyone in advance for the prayers.

Brendan and Cassandra E. are asking for prayers as she has her upcoming PET Scan on Monday, May 7. As many know, she is battling Hodgkin's Lymphoma. This scan will tell them if the two rounds of chemotherapy have affected her tumor so far. Her doctors are predicting she will either go into radiation therapy or have two more rounds of chemo. Cassie will meet with the oncologist and know the results on Thursday, May 10. Prayers would be appreciated that she will need the least amount of chemo or radiation possible. Cassie and Brendan continue to be very positive, looking to God for her ultimate healing. Thank you for the continual prayers!
Mar 16, 2018
Cassandra E. has been diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The tumor is over one-third of her chest, pushing on her lungs, esophagus, and heart. It goes from her ribs back to her spine and down below to the organs. The oncologist is very positive about treatment and plans to start chemotherapy on Friday, March 16. She is admitted to Western Maryland Regional Health (please contact the family before visiting). Everyone is optimistic and remaining positive under the circumstances. If anyone would like to send any cards, please send them to Brendan and Cassie's home. The whole extended family would like to thank everyone in advance for the prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 29, 2019 - Marcial M. (Bolivia)
His health continues to be delicate. The doctors had to increase the dose of medicine to lower his blood pressure. Unfortunately, the wound has not closed completely. Soon they will make a new tomography and conduct laboratory tests to determine if a new surgical intervention is necessary. The doctors are considering his advanced age and estimating the possible risk that surgery could bring - such as the wound forming a hernia. In such a case, the surgery would be for an emergency. His daughter, Paola again requests that church members continue praying for God's intervention.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 26, 2019 - Olivia G. (Centreville, VA)
Olivia has been home from the hospital for some time now. It's been over 6 months since her bone marrow transplant. She had a biopsy which showed that her bone marrow and spinal fluid are completely leukemia-free! The Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD) is still an issue. She currently goes to the hospital regularly for ECP treatments (extracorporeal photopheresis), which is a process where her blood cells are passed through a series of tubes and exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which kills off the cells that are causing the problem. It has been a real pleasure to see her attending Sabbath services again! Her positive outlook and bright spirit are truly miraculous! Thank you for your prayers for complete healing.
Jan 18, 2019
Lots of good news! Olivia, who just turned 7 years old, has been home from the hospital for some time now, and her progress, while slow, is steady. It's been over 6 months since her bone marrow transplant. Earlier this month, she had a biopsy which showed that her bone marrow and spinal fluid are completely leukemia-free! The Graft vs. Host Disease (GVHD) is still an issue, however, and your prayers are requested in that regard. She currently goes to the hospital regularly for ECP treatments (extracorporeal photopheresis), which is a process where her blood cells are passed through a series of tubes and exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which kills off the cells that are causing the problem.
Olivia still takes two immunosuppressants, but is being weaned off of her other medication -- certainly a step in the right direction! It has been a real pleasure to see her attending Sabbath services again! Her presence is an absolute blessing to the congregation! Her positive outlook and bright spirit are truly miraculous! Thank you for your prayers for her continued improvement, and for her healing to soon be complete.
Aug 17, 2018
Continued prayers for Olivia G. are requested. Now 45 days after her bone marrow transplant, GVH disease, which is not uncommon for transplant patients, is still causing her to be in constant pain. Last week there seemed to be an improvement, but over the weekend the pain intensified. She is now getting additional meds and will be having an additional procedure called Extracorporeal Photopheresis to eliminate the cells in her blood that are causing the problem. In addition shehhas tested positive for Epstein Barr Virus for which she will be given an antiviral drug. The treatment for GVH Disease unfortunately makes one more susceptible for such infections so her treatment is a delicate balance of different medications.
Please pray for God's intervention to give Olivia a quick recovery, that she will be pain-free, and able to overcome the GVH disease completely. Please also pray for the entire family, as this long-term hospital stay has been difficult and very exhausting for them.
Apr 5, 2018
Olivia was readmitted to the hospital back in January, when it was determined that her leukemia had returned. Since that time, she has undergone a 28-day trial infusion to eradicate the leukemia cells, however a bone marrow biopsy actually showed an increase. She was switched back to traditional chemo this week, where it is hoped that it will bring it back down. The original plan was for a bone marrow transplant in May. This can only happen once she is in remission.
Olivia will have another bone marrow biopsy in a few weeks. If she is not in remission at that time, the bone marrow transplant will need to be postponed at least a month. Please be praying not only for Olivia's improvement and complete recovery, but also for Olivia's parents, Mike and Sarah, and her 9 year old brother Lucas, as this is a very stressful time for them.
Jan 10, 2018
Olivia's treatment concluded in July, and for several months afterward, she was doing well. But toward the end of December, she began feeling ill, and was therefore scheduled for testing on January 9th. The results showed that she had relapsed, and was then admitted to the hospital for further testing, to determine the extent of the relapse, and the course of treatment needed. Continued prayers for her are greatly appreciated.
Jan 17, 2017
Your prayers are requested again for Olivia, who, as you recall, had undergone treatments for lymphoblastic leukemia between May, 2015 and July, 2017. Since her treatment ended, she had been doing rather well, until recently when she started having headaches and other symptoms. After undergoing several tests last week, it was determined that she had relapsed, and the leukemia is again in her spinal fluid, and it is now also in her bone marrow. After several months of treatment, she will need to undergo a bone marrow transplant, probably this spring.
The course of treatment will cover the next two years. Please pray not only for Olivia's complete recovery, but also for strength for her parents, Mike and Sarah, and her brother Lucas, as they are all going through a most stressful time.
Jan 5, 2017
Olivia has been doing rather well lately & her hair, which started growing back, is getting quite long! She has treatments & blood checks once a month. Sometimes, she doesn't feel very well after the treatment. She continues to need our prayers. Her treatment phase will end in 6 months, if all goes as planned.
Oct 15, 2015
Your continued prayers for Olivia are requested. Olivia was diagnosed last May with lymphoblastic leukemia. While the leukemia is now gone, she still has to undergo rigorous treatment to prevent a more serious reoccurrence. These treatments will continue on a regular basis until July 2017. At her appointment two weeks ago, Olivia had a severe allergic reaction to her medication, which occurred almost as soon as it was administered. This was actually a great blessing, in that it happened so quickly, that very little of the medication (only 2 ml) got into her system. If the reaction had not happened right away, it could have been much more severe. The alternative to this type of treatment is a series of 12 shots, given two at a time, three days a week for two weeks. These shots can be quite painful, but after the first week, Olivia has been responding well, which is yet another blessing!
Please continue to pray for Olivia, specifically that she will be able to get through each phase of her treatment without much anxiety and pain, that any side effects would be minimal and manageable and that blood transfusions and hospitalization would not be necessary as treatment continues. Please also pray for the entire G. family, that they might be strengthened through this trial.
Jun 4, 2015
Mike and Sarah G. request continued prayers for their 3-year-old daughter, Olivia, who was recently diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Last week, Olivia began her treatment and all went well. She received another chemotherapy treatment on Wednesday, and afterward, was finally, after 12 days at the hospital, able to go home, which was exciting for her. From here on, her treatments will be on an outpatient basis, which is great news. But she still has a long way to go with all of the treatments and testing.
She may need another blood transfusion on Friday, as her red blood cell count has dropped a bit. Otherwise, her tests are coming back favorable, meaning that at this early stage she seems to be responding to the chemotherapy. On June 24th, she will have another spinal tap and bone marrow biopsy to get a better picture of her progress, and to determine the next course of treatment. Please pray for Olivia's continued improvement, and for a rapid and complete recovery.
May 26, 2015
Mike and Sarah G. of the Columbia, Maryland, congregation are requesting prayers for their three-year-old daughter, Olivia. Olivia was diagnosed with lymphoblastic leukemia that falls into the standard category. This is a best-case scenario in the midst of a terrible time. The recovery rate is 95%.
Treatment begins today, May 26, with a surgery in the morning. They will do a bone marrow draw, implant a port in her chest, do a spinal tap as well as administer her first dose of chemotherapy into her spinal fluid. This starts a month-long intensive treatment of chemo and steroids. At the end of the month they will do another spinal tap and bone marrow pull which will help determine how her body is responding. At the end of the month she should be leukemia free and the rest of the treatment is to help ensure it never returns.
Please pray for complete healing for Olivia as well as strength for the family as this journey begins.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 22, 2019 - Darlene H., (Spokane, WA)
Darlene is recovering from colorectal cancer surgery that she underwent on 6/29/2018. She's grateful for the many prayers on her behalf. She continues to struggle with various auto-immune disorders and sleeplessness, which affect her ability to function normally.
Jul 7, 2018
Thank you for your prayers regarding Darlene's recent cancer and prolapse surgeries. The two surgeries were handled in one four-hour procedure. The doctor was pleased with how the process went and feels that he was able to remove all of the cancer present. Upcoming pathology reports will confirm that assessment. Darlene returned home yesterday evening after six days in the hospital. She is under constant family care and has a nurse making house visits. Her recovery from the surgeries is expected to take about three months.
Darlene is grateful for God's clear intervention and mercy towards her. The many prayers of the brethren and cards of encouragement have meant a lot to her. Please continue to remember Darlene as she walks through the recovery process.
Jun 22, 2018
Your prayers are requested for Darlene. She has been suffering for a number of months from the worsening effects of an intestinal prolapse condition. At a recent pre-surgical evaluation, it was discovered that she also has colorectal cancer. Follow up scans have revealed that her cancer is stage 3, having broken through the wall and involving at least one lymph node. Due to Darlene's other auto-immune disorders, it has been determined that pre-op chemo and radiation to shrink the tumor is not advisable, and she will forego those options.
Darlene is scheduled for surgery on Friday morning, June 29, in which both the prolapse and cancer issues will be addressed simultaneously. The doctor has advised Darlene that this will be an in-depth surgery, involving a significant amount of removal and reconstruction, with several days following in the hospital. Three months of difficult recovery are also expected. Darlene's physical condition heading into this surgery is quite weak. She knows she is in God's hands and places her trust in Him. Please join us in prayer for the success of Darlene's upcoming procedure and recovery.
Dec 28, 2017
Darlene's chronic health issues continue. She has had relief from the occasional TIA symptoms in recent months. Consistent pain throughout her body has been a major disruption to her sleep as of late. She appreciates the many prayers on her behalf.
Dec 23, 2016
Darlene's health issues are chronic. The cancer continues to show no signs of reasserting itself and she has been able to keep the migraines pretty well under control. She suffered a mild stroke in October due to high blood pressure and has dealt with occasional TIAs ever since. Her example of rising above her health issues is an encouragement to us all.
Dec 26, 2013
She continues to have chronic pain & cannot sleep well. She has been having regular migraine headaches, eye problems & difficulties in balancing her electrolyte levels. But, at least the caner she had has not returned & for that she is very thankful & is determined to maintain a positive attitude.
Feb 22, 2012
Darlene has Sjogren's syndrome, a chronic autoimmune disease. She has had 2 surgeries to remove cancer in a little over a year's time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 22, 2019 - Ruben D. (Lepelstraat, Netherlands)
"Today I went to the dermatologist to receive the results from two previous tests. Both the biopsy and echography of my lymph nodes came back clean which means I am free of cancer! I am grateful for God's mercy and faithfulness. Thank you all so much for your prayers and the many letters, cards and encouragement I have received from church members all around the world."
Dec 14, 2018
Prayers are requested for Ruben D., son of UCG-Netherlands elder Wim D. and his wife Anne-Kristel. Ten days ago a birthmark had to be removed from Ruben's arm, and a subsequent examination revealed it to be a stage 1 malignant melanoma. On January 7 Ruben will be treated in the hospital to have the surrounding skin removed to make sure that no affected tissue remains. On January 31 an examination of Ruben's lymph glands via ultrasound will determine whether the melanoma had metastasized.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 22, 2019 - Janice D. (Hayden, ID)
Janice continues to struggle with her chronic health issues. She is most grateful for your prayers.
Dec 28, 2017
Janice continues to struggle with her chronic health issues. Regular severe headaches, radiating down the side of her head and jaw continue to be a disruption to her routine. She is also dealing with the effects of macular degeneration, requiring periodic injections in one of her eyes. She is grateful for the many prayers on her behalf
Dec 23, 2016
No change for Janice. She continues to deal with the many health issues she has had for years. Besides abdominal, back and neck pain, she has headaches that disrupt her regular activities & affects her vision at times. Her diabetes and high blood pressure is under control, no longer needing to take meds for the diabetes and her blood pressure has come down. Please continue to pray for her.
Jan 16, 2015
Janice is now receiving Myofascial Release Treatments. They have helped with the head problems and are now addressing the abdominal and back pain. She is thankful to God for helping her to have relief and be able to get back to church services. She is also thankful to the brethren for their prayers and words of encouragement. Your continued prayers on her behalf would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 22, 2019 - Debbie S. (Spokane, WA)
Debbie continues with her health issues. She is grateful for the continuing prayers on her behalf.
Dec 28, 2017
Debbie's tremors continue to be a major disruption to her regular routine. She had the first six-year old Deep Brain Stimulation battery in her chest replaced in September 2017.
Dec 23, 2016
Debbie's tremors did go down by maybe half during the FOT, but they increased after she got home. Her neurologist is now considering the Gamma Knife procedure to reduce her left-hand tremors. The battery in her chest is doing well, but will continue to be monitored. She thanks the brethren for their prayers.
Dec 27, 2013
Her essential tremor has reached what is called a toleration plateau. She can eat & write slightly better. Her headaches & discomfort are reduced but she now has daily itching, due to the voltage needed to reduce her tremors. Please continue to pray for her.
Feb 17, 2011
Debbie will have deep brain stimulation surgery due to tremors.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 22, 2019 - Nestor M.
The health of Nestor M. continues to be delicate. The doctors had to increase the dose of medicine to lower his blood pressure. Unfortunately, the wound has not closed completely. Soon they will make a new tomography and conduct laboratory tests to determine if a new surgical intervention is necessary. The doctors are considering his advanced age and estimating the possible risk that surgery could bring - such as the wound forming a hernia. In such a case, the surgery would be for an emergency. His daughter, Paola again requests that church members continue praying for God's intervention.
Aug 17, 2018
Paola T. a member of the Church, requests our fervent prayers, this time by the serious condition of her father Nestor M. He was hospitalized due to a strong infection of vesicle which it is perforated, with failure in the kidneys which caused swelling in the hands and feet due to fluid retention. He cannot be operated on immediately because his coagulation levels are very low due to the lack of blood platelets, besides there is a lot of risk. The doctors disclaim their responsibility in case something worse may happen. Meanwhile he is receiving plasma to counteract the infection.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 19, 2019 - Joy J. (Sioux Falls, SD)
"Hello to my Church family. A year ago this month, David and I sat in an oncologist's office with a team of doctors who had just diagnosed me with an aggressive HER2+ breast cancer. The lump was found while nursing our son Isaac, who was 19 months old at the time. In the months since that diagnosis, life has both stopped and restarted. I have gone through 6 cycles of chemotherapy, a mastectomy and am currently finishing up 12 cycles of Herceptin; I have 3 cycles left until I am finished. The end is in sight. I have two minor surgeries ahead of me to finish the process of reconstruction.
"The journey that began for us a year ago, has come full circle. From what felt like ashes, God has given us such incredible beauty. Rather than being torn down, we have been built up by the love and prayers of brethren around the world. I have been blessed to receive cards, hats, blankets, slippers, a quilt from a beautiful pair of ladies in California, and money towards expenses incurred while in treatment. I can not begin to thank you all enough. The love of God's people has truly carried us through the fire, while providing for needs that were as yet unseen at the time.
"On the 10th of this month, I had my first "diagnostic mammogram" since my initial diagnosis. It was completely clean. The doctors will continue to monitor the side on which I had my mastectomy, but there was no cancer in the opposite side. This news, as you can well imagine, was joyous. I keep telling David that I would like to have a party to celebrate after the last cycle of Herceptin. It will be a "Celebration of Life" party. There is so much that we are thankful for.
"Most of all, I want to thank all of you. I want to thank you for companioning me through this trial with your love and your prayers, your texts and your emails, your cards and your phone calls, and all the food from our local members who surrounded us with care. Thank you for showing my children that God's people really are a family that can pull together and help one another overcome incredible hardships. You are my delight!"
Jun 15, 2018
My wife Joy had surgery on Tuesday in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The surgery went very well and the doctor was pleased with it. He said that, to the naked eye, it looked like he had gotten everything, but we will need to wait for the pathology report to come back. Joy has never done well with anesthesia and so had a rough time of it for a while, but on Wednesday was able to eat and take in liquids. They decided to keep her an extra day for recovery and last night she began to perk up a bit. At about 12 noon, we got a call from the oncology department and they said the pathology report had come back early. There is no residual cancer and her surgeon said that means she is cancer free!!! We give thanks to our Great God, our creator and sustainer, and we want to thank all of you who have been keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We love and thank you all, even though many of you we have not met yet, though we count that we shall in God's good time.
When the doctors deem that she is ready, she will resume infusions of Herceptin, a "cancer antibody." This will continue through January 2019, but she is done with the chemo. The Herceptin will not have the severe side effects of the chemo. We have been assured that things will now begin to get easier and that Joy's health can begin to recover. I thank God and all of you again so much, and I can't wait to take my girl home.
Jun 8, 2018
Hello my dear family. I wanted to take a few quiet moments to write to all of you and update you on how I am doing and to thank you for your continued prayers. Three weeks ago, I underwent, what I dearly hope will be, my final chemotherapy. This coming Tuesday, June 12th, I will undergo a single mastectomy with reconstructive surgery. After my surgery, I will begin my final 12 cycles of Herceptin, a cancer antibody designed to "interfere" with my body producing further cancer cells. This phase of treatment will take me through next January, at which point, I pray that I will be able to say that I am cancer free.
This journey that I am on, has forever changed me. It has introduced in me an awareness of the frailty of life that I never had before. As I have gone through each round of chemotherapy, my desire to see "the last enemy" defeated has grown in me 100 fold. As my body has been beaten down by the effects of the chemo, I came to the realization that my faith was taking a beating as well.
Before cancer, I thought that my faith was so strong. I was quick to see what someone else should do in the face of their trial. I did not understand the length to which I could become discouraged and weary of heart. I did not realize that I could be "greatly moved" again and again as I struggled to hear God's voice amidst the voice of doubt and fear that felt like it was consuming me. I often worried that I could hear my Heavenly Father saying, "Oh Ye of little faith." For a time...to long a time truthfully... I felt so cut off from my Heavenly Father. I allowed myself to pull far within and had trouble finding my way back out again.
This is where I want to, with such heartfelt sincerity, thank each of you for your prayers and your cards. Whether you know it or not, you have been a life-line to me. When I was unable to find the words to pray, your prayers lifted me up. When I was unable to find hope, your words of encouragement helped me to hang on. When I was blinded by fear and the inability to see the future, your faith reminded me of God's continual faithfulness and His plan that this battle would be won. My brothers and sisters in Christ, you have been a shield wall around me, and for this I offer you my thanks and my love. I will never be able to rightly explain just what you have all meant to me.
Of late, I have found such comfort in Psalm 34. I especially appreciate, as verse 18 explains that "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." In that one brief verse, I realize that I am not alone.
As I finish up my update, what I hope that I convey, is that I do have hope. That hope has come from being carried along on the arms of prayer. Your prayers held me up when I was unable to stand on my own. Thank you. I love you all. And please know that your prayers do matter. I know that now as I have never known it before, and I pray that this knowledge will magnify my own prayers for others in need. I leave you with my thanks, my love, and a greeting ... "until we meet again, or until God's Kingdom comes."
Feb 26, 2018 - Joy J. (Sioux Falls, SD)
This is a prayer update from my wife, Joy Jones. I think she says it best, so I will leave everything in her words:
Hello My beautiful Church family, I want to take a moment to update you all on how I have been doing since starting chemotherapy three weeks ago. When I found out that I had cancer, my first thoughts were of surviving this disease with strength and dignity and faith and style.... I wanted to show my children that their mother would hold fast and hold on and win this battle. I have to admit that in my mind's eye, I was standing valiantly, looking off into the distance with some beautiful music playing in the background. I was going to not just survive... but attempt to thrive during this process.
In truth, much of the past three weeks have been spent in bed, or on the floor of the bathroom. Rather than standing valiantly, I have simply been hanging on and trying to hold fast. The image that I had in my mind of thriving during cancer has modified into one of surviving and getting through this next year, not by my strength, but by my Father in Heaven's strength. I have realized very quickly that I have no strength of my own, and absolutely no control of this process.
So in the midst of what has been a very steep learning curve, I have begun to find incredible beauty in the common place. Having the strength to get out of bed, having days when I am able to be "mom" and "teacher" to my children, my husband holding my hand and sitting beside me at every doctor's appointment, cards that have come in from all over the world with scriptures that I have taken to heart, a pendant with a pair of feet to remind me that when I only see one pair of footprints... it is God that is carrying me, food from members to nourish me and my family during tough days, members staying with my children and with me when an unexpected trip to the hospital took place, and so much more.
The common place has become a place of incredible richness and beauty. It is a place that, quite honestly, I took for granted before this. Being able to cook a meal, help with a math problem, read a book to my kids, do laundry, talk with my husband about scheduling issues was rather mundane... normal... tedious. And yet now, the tedious has become precious. The normal has become a rare treasure. The common place has become a resting place of incredible value.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and your cards. They have encouraged me in ways that I do not have the words to explain and are a daily source of encouragement, and I thank you for them. I wish that I could reach out to all of you and hug you so tightly....and I pray that in the days, months, and years to come, I will get the opportunity to thank you and to hug you. You are my precious family, and I love you all. Thank you for praying me through these past three weeks. My next round of chemo is this Monday, February 26th. I would ask for your continued prayers for me and for my family.
Someone asked me recently what verses have I been encouraged by... the two that keep coming up over and over again in card after card are: Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." and Isaiah 41:13 "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you."
Jan 18, 2018
Your prayers are requested for my [David] wife, Joy. In early December, while nursing, Joy discovered a sizable lump in her breast. After a biopsy of the lump, it was discovered that she has Stage 2 HER2-Positive Breast Cancer, an aggressive type of breast cancer which is fast growing. Joy will begin a treatment protocol in the very near future that will include chemotherapy, surgery and a strong probability of radiation therapy. Joy is the mother of three children, Sarah, age 11, Grace, age 7 and Isaac, age 19 months. She helps in the care of the three congregations we serve and homeschools our two daughters. We ask for your fervent prayers on Joy's behalf that God, the great physician, would provide the healing she needs and that He would strengthen each member of our family as we navigate this trial together.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 18, 2019 - Lonna C. (Bend, OR)
Currently Lonna's doctors do not find cancer in her eye and are working to prevent her loss of vision in both eyes. She has been given two options going forward. She could continue to receive the regular eye injections to hopefully hold off further vision loss due to blood vessels growing in her eyes, though the injections have recently begun to cause very painful recovery for a couple of days afterwards. The other option is to choose laser surgery that would definitely seal the blood vessels and prevent them from growing, alleviating the need for regular eye injections, but the procedure will cost her a portion of her sight in that eye. She is trying to decide which of these two courses of treatment is best for her. Please pray she will make the best decision.
Jan 23, 2018
Lonna would like to extend her thanks to everybody for their prayers, cards and encouragement after the amputation of her toes on her left foot. Lonna was able to return home and is healing very well. Her recovery has exceeded the expectations of the transitional facility where she received physical and occupational therapy. As of Friday, January 19 she has been released to walking, driving, and getting about her life again and was able to return to services! She has some challenges ahead of her as she learns a new normal, but the outlook is positive. Thanks to all and all the praise goes to God.
Dec 29, 2017
Lonna is truly thankful for your prayers for healing after her partial foot amputation. She has been doing well in her physical and occupational therapies and had an appointment today with her foot doctor who said that the foot is healing perfectly! Also, the doctor reported that the latest culture was sterile, which means all traces of the multiple infections are gone! We all thank God for this news and pray for her continued healing.
Dec 20, 2017
Lonna thanks everybody for their prayers for healing from the partial foot amputation. The surgery was a two-part process and on Tuesday the second part of the surgery took place. The surgery itself went well, but in addition to two different infections which initially caused the need for amputation, yesterday she was diagnosed with a staph infection. Unfortunately the treatment for this type of infection causes severe nausea in Lonna, so this creates another challenge for her. Prayers were answered in that she was approved to move into a transitional rehabilitation facility when she leaves the hospital! This is truly a blessing. Please continue to pray for her quick and thorough healing.
Dec 17, 2017
Lonna C. from the Bend, Oregon congregation has had ongoing issues with diabetic wounds on her left foot. On Monday evening, December 11, she fell and broke a toe on that same foot and within two days her toes began to die. By Thursday they had become infected and it became clear that amputation of all the toes on her left foot was inevitable. Surgery took place on Friday morning and it went very well, but recovery and rehabilitation will be a tedious process. We request your prayers for a quick and complete recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 18, 2019 - Robert B. (Eagle Point, OR)
When Robert started the chemo in his doctors explained that it would take many treatments to bring his white cell count down to acceptable levels. He had his first treatment & afterward his white cell count dropped to normal. He had several other treatments which made him ill. His last bloodwork was normal so his doctor has extended the weekly blood checks to monthly. He is still being seen for glaucoma related issues and would appreciate your continued prayers. He has been able to start attending services again and is hopeful that he will soon feel well enough to attend regularly.
Sep 13, 2018
When Robert was first admitted to the VA hospital he was told that to balance his blood chemistry to the point of being able to give him his chemo and other treatments he may need to stay for up to three weeks. He was disheartened because it meant missing some or all of the Holy Days coming up. But after the fervent prayers of many brethren his blood stabilized and they were able to give him the first of 6 treatments that his doctors hope will send his Leukemia into remission. Not only was he able to receive treatment faster than expected, he did not have any negative side effects after the treatment so he was cleared to go home. So instead of three weeks he only stayed 3 days Robert gives all the credit to God and is so thankful for all of the heartfelt prayers from the brethren. When Robert got home he was further surprised and happy to see cards of encouragement to add to his joy. He wants to thank everyone for their participation in his life and is very upbeat about time that God is giving him and wants to use it in the most effective way he can. Thanks so much.
Sep 8, 2018
Robert B. from the Medford, Oregon congregation is asking for prayers on his behalf. He has been suffering from Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (or CLL). Robert has fought this disease for some time now with healthy eating and living and has stayed ahead but in recent months the CLL has been gaining on his efforts. He is currently in the VA Hospital in Portland as they try balancing his blood chemistry in order to treat him. They are working on balancing his potassium and blood sugar so they can administer both steroids and chemotherapy to clear his blood so it can function again. He is requesting prayers for God's intervention.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 18, 2019 - Teddie M. (Dayton, Ohio)
Teddy has had two good weeks. He has been able to attend school without any problems. At this time there are no new infections or illness. We greatly appreciate all the prayers and concern for him as God continues to heal him from the SJS. Teddy is still just above 70% capacity with his lungs and does occasionally have problems with his eyes and has headaches. God is watching over him and he is improving.
Jul 5, 2017
Teddie is doing better but then other problems pop up. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Jan 7, 2017
Teddie is so encouraged by the many cards & the whole family is so encouraged & thankful for the expressions of concern shown for him. God has intervened in his life in many ways already but there are many complications yet to get through. He has severe eye damage, a persistent cough, has blisters & sores, headaches & nausea, joint pain, & problems with his throat, causing him to choke on his food. Please continue to pray for God to guide doctors in his treatment & for healing for Teddie.
Nov 15, 2016
Teddie came home from the hospital last weekend. He is now able to take some food and liquids by mouth. Teddie still has spots on his hands, feet, and body, but the pain is less, and he is not on morphine anymore. He has spots on his eyelids and they are trying to keep them from getting into his eyes. He has a long way to go but they can now see improvement and he is able to walk without pain. Teddie and his family want to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and love. He will be at home while continuing to heal. Please continue to pray for Teddie's healing and for his family during this stressful and trying time.
Oct 28, 2016
Teddie M. (age 13) has Stevens-Johnson syndrome (a rare, life-threatening skin condition) and was moved out of ICU on October 27 into a regular room. He will probably be in the hospital for at least 2-3 weeks - and that is only if he starts to improve. He is in a great deal of pain and he and his family have asked for our prayers. He is on morphine, but they are trying to limit the amount since it is addictive. The situation is very serious and thankfully he seems to have stopped getting worse. At one point they thought they would have to send him to a burn unit in Cincinnati. Please keep the McClain family in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 18, 2019 - Richard P. (Chino Hills, CA)
On behalf of the entire family, we would like to express our thanks to everyone for their prayers, thoughtfulness, care and concern for my father's condition. My parents have been inundated with cards, emails and phone calls. The outpouring of love has been overwhelming and extremely encouraging. They wish to thank everyone for the tremendous response to this health trial. We continue in faith, to look to God for his full healing of my father. Thank you once again everyone.
Jan 4, 2019
Back in April of this year, Richard P. (my father) began having labored breathing. After visits to multiple doctors and specialists, it was determined that a middle artery was 80 percent blocked. A stint was put in to help increase the blood flow. Since this artery is responsible for 50 percent of the oxygenated blood, it was thought that his breathing would get better. However, it did not. He was prescribed oxygen 'as needed." As time progressed, "as needed" moved to essentially being on oxygen all the time except when sleeping.
After time elapsed and his breathing was not getting any better, his cardiologist called for a CT scan of the lungs. We received the results Friday, Dec. 28. He has been diagnosed with "end stage Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)". In laymen's terms that is lung scarring. Think of it the same way as if you have a scar on your body from a cut, burn, etc. The same sort of scarring has occurred in his lungs. Because of the scarring, the lungs cannot take in enough oxygen resulting in the shortness of breath. The scarring occurs with no known reason. There is also no cure for IPF. The scarring will continue and limit his lungs ability for oxygen intake. We know that God can intervene at any time. Your prayers for my father and the entire family would be appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 18, 2019 - Mavis H. (Fargo, ND)
Mavis is doing well after her hip surgery. She returned home on Thursday, and appreciates everyone's prayers.
Jan 11, 2019
Mavis is doing much better. Therapy is going well and she expects to return home next Thursday.
Jan 4, 2019
Mavis' hip replacement surgery went well. She did have problems with low blood pressure and lower hemoglobin levels, but that is better now. She is recovering and receiving physical therapy at a nursing home, and hopes to be able to return home soon. Thank you for your prayers.
Dec 28, 2018
Surgery is approaching. Please pray surgery goes well and for recovery without any complications.
Dec 21, 2018
Mavis will be having hip replacement surgery on Monday, Dec. 31st. She has a lot of weakness besides her hip, so please pray surgery goes well and recovery without any complications.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 18, 2019 - Valerie B. (Owings Mills, MD)
I want to take the opportunity to pass on my personal thank you, to everyone around the world, who have been praying for my sister Valerie B., of Owings Mills, Maryland, who has been treated for recurring breast cancer. Valerie deeply appreciates the prayers and cards and letters from around the world. She continues with chemotherapy. She especially wanted to mention that she has felt the prayers of God's people have been very helpful in her continuing battle. It is very heartwarming for my family to know there are so many with such great concern when there is need. So thank you to everyone, the encouragement has been very much appreciated.
Oct 8, 2018
I [Steve B. (AZ)] would like to ask for prayers for my sister, Valerie Byrd. Val was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in 2016 and after surgery and chemo therapy there seemed to be a good outcome. This past September a bone biopsy on her hip indicated positive for triple negative in this one spot, which seems to indicate her previous cancer didn't metastasize there. The current plan calls for radiation and then chemo therapy. We would also like to include God's intervention to the plan. Thank you for your prayers. I know a card or letter would be very therapeutic for her.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 17, 2019 - Herbert J. (Cincinnati, OH)
He is about the same. He is still having great difficulty with COPD. Please continue to pray for him.
Dec 21, 2017
He continues to struggle with COPD and weakness. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.
Apr 5, 2017
Your prayers are requested for Herbert J. of the Cincinnati East AM congregation. He is suffering from severe COPD that has not only affected his lungs but has also impacted his nutrition. He has been in and out of the hospital and is now at home. He is discouraged because he has not been able to attend services for several weeks. Your prayers for God's intervention, guidance and encouragement for him are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 17, 2019 - Gary and Angela P. (Davis, CA)
Gary and Angela have been relocated to an assisted living private home. They are able to be together there. Gary still has his issues with asthma and other on-going medical problems, but is functional. Angela continue to decline with dementia and/or Alzheimer's disease. She is good spirits and loves when people contact her.
Mar 23, 2018
Gary and Angela P., long-time members of the Sacramento congregation, have both been in the hospital for more than a week now. Until last night they actually were sharing a room. Gary has severe asthma and a resistant lung infection. He was moved to ICU late Thursday night unable to breathe. Angela has high blood sugar and issues with dementia. She was moved to a room on the adult medical floor until it can be decided where she should go if she has live on her own. It is a scary and frustrating trial for both of them. Please pray for God's mercy, comfort and healing. These health conditions have been plaguing them for years but it has a hit a new low at this time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 17, 2019 - Fran S. (Saginaw, MI)
Fran has been in and out of the hospital over the past few weeks. She had a bleeding problem and pneumonia. She is back at home now. The cards and letters have been very encouraging for her. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Jul 20, 2018
Your prayers are requested for Fran S. Fran was baptized about two years ago, but has never been able to attend services with us. She should be undergoing dialysis three times a week. However, she also has a bleeding disorder, so she may bleed for three days after a session. Please ask God to provide Fran with strength and encouragement. She so much wants to attend services and the Feast of Tabernacles but is not able to do so at this time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 17, 2019 - Charles W. (Laguna Niguel, CA)
He is still undergoing treatment for cancer. He is in pain after radiation treatments as well.
Aug 7, 2018
Your prayers are requested for Charles W., a member of the Garden Grove, CA congregation. Charles has an aggressive type of cancer on his face and his wife Donna gave us the latest update:
"We met the medical tumor board at the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration facility and came out with worse news than we had expected. The medical team poked and prodded with no regard to pain and gave us no information. Without new x-rays they determined the tumor is near the eye and they want to remove the lower lid. The cancer wasn't all removed from the lip in the first surgery, so they want to do additional surgery. When asked if Charles would be able to talk again the response was that they didn't know. They want to totally remove the nose and give a prosthetic and then do radiation. The first surgery was unsuccessful but he is recovering nicely from it. There is a danger the cancer might spread to his eye or brain. It is all so heartbreaking to see Charles go through this. We are seeking to have him moved to a facility closer to home. It is a two hour drive to Los Angeles so hopefully other options will open up in a timely manner. We request your fervent prayers for Charles."

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 14, 2019 - Paula F. (Mt. Vernon, IL)
Paula's condition remains the same - very much pain in her bowels. Prayers are still needed.
Dec 20, 2017
Paula's condition remains the same -- very much pain in her bowels. Prayers are still needed.
Feb 23, 2017
Paula, a longtime church member is suffering with terrible bowel cramps & painful irregularity.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 14, 2019 - Clifton M. (St. Louis, MO)
Clif remains about the same. Please pray for encouragement.
Dec 20, 2017
Clif has not had a seizure in a very long time! Prayers are still needed.
Dec 28, 2016 Clif has not had a seizure since just after the 2016 Feast of Tabernacles. Please pray that he will remain seizure free.
Jun 9, 2015 Clifton suffered a major stroke. He has been diagnosed with global aphasia, meaning he has difficulty comprehending what is being said & is unable to speak.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 13, 2019 - Allie B. (Cedar Hill, TX)
Allie is now in the post-treatment period & her body now appears to be healing. She goes in for clinic visits once a month for a check-up. These visits are scheduled to continue for several more years. Your prayers for Allie are much appreciated.
Jan 6, 2018
Alliecontinues to progress through the maintenance phase of the chemo treatment with a projected end date of March 2018. After that time we will begin a long post-treatment period. The current balance of chemo drugs and support medicine seems to be finally in a therapeutic range. Although Allie has had to go to the ER several times recently, we are thankful that she has not been admitted to the hospital or had major additional health problems. We feel really blessed that she has been able to attend several camps this past year and we were able to attend the Feast of Tabernacles without going to the hospital. Your continued prayers are much appreciated.
Jul 3, 2017
Thank you for your prayers for our daughter, Allie, now five years old. Allie continues to progress through the maintenance phase of the chemotherapy treatment for acute lymphocytic leukemia with a projected end date of March 2018 for the chemotherapy drugs. In April, she went through a difficult time when an additional drug added to her regimen excessively built up the chemo in her blood stream and she was in the hospital while she recovered. At this time, the doctors are building up the amount of chemo treatment again, trying to balance effectiveness with side effects. Allie also plans on attending Camp Piney Woods and a hospital-sponsored camp this summer. Your prayers that the new treatment plan is effective and that Allie is able to stay healthy enough to attend the camps this summer are appreciated. With love, Greg and Debbie
Jan 9, 2017
Thank you for your prayers for Allie. She continues to progress through the maintenance phase of the chemo. She receives daily, weekly & monthly chemo drugs with a projected end date of March 2018 for the drugs. After the treatments we will be in a monitoring period to detect any possible relapse. She has some nausea & lack of energy, but otherwise is a happy little girl. Your prayers that the cancer is eliminated & that the side effects will be minimal is appreciated. The address is 932 Trail Wood Ct., Cedar Hill, TX 75104.
Aug 19, 2016
From her father: Thank you for your outpouring of love and prayers for our four year old daughter, Allie. This week Allie was able to start the maintenance phase of chemotherapy treatment for acute lymphocytic leukemia. Since being diagnosed right after Thanksgiving last year, she has gone through four phases of treatment with many rough periods and trips to the hospital. The maintenance phase lasts approximately 18 months and continues daily chemotherapy drugs at a generally lower dosage to maintain a suppressed white blood cell count and destroy any remaining cancer cells. Maintenance will also allow us to have scheduled visits to the hospital less often, once a month rather than once a week. We ask for your prayers that the cancer is eliminated and that the side effects associated with taking chemotherapy drugs will disappear or be minimal. With love, Greg and Debbie B.
Feb 5, 2016
After two months of chemotherapy treatment for childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, or "ALL", which is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, Adelaide ("Allie") is doing miraculously well! Allie's first month of treatment was very difficult for her and her family and it included four hospital stays. She was often in great pain and very despondent much of the time during her first month, but her second month has been very encouraging for her parents, her extended family, her local church family, and all who know her and have been watching her progress. Although her first month of treatment was punishing, it was also very effective as her cancer has been considered in remission since that time! It was after the first month that little Allie began to really perk up and become her normal, bubbly, vivacious self! She has been much more engaging, interactive, mobile, and happy this past month. That is not to say that she doesn't still have some very difficult moments, but it has been incredibly encouraging for her family and for all of us here locally. Allie has even been able to attend church with us a few times in the last month and it has been so wonderful to see her at services again!
Of course, Allie will still have to endure at least three years of treatment and won't be considered cured until she has another two years after that without a relapse. During those five years, Allie will face very significant dangers from chemotherapy side-effects and increased risk of infection due to her compromised immune system. She has a long way to go and will continue to have weekly chemo treatments, but it is very evident that she is greatly loved and God the Father and Jesus Christ are with her every step of the way. Her parents, Greg and Debbie, would like to thank everyone for the very generous outpouring of love and support for Allie and for the entire family.
The local church brethren and other family and friends have provided many meals for the family, given gifts to Allie, and shown numerous expressions of their great care for Allie and her family. They have received hundreds of cards and expressions of love and concern and are very grateful for every single one of them. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Allie - that God will continue to strengthen her, protect her, and heal her.
Dec 2, 2015
Greg and Debbie B. of the Dallas congregation are requesting prayers for their 3.5 year old daughter Adelaide "Allie". She is the grand-daughter of Howard and Sarah B. of Big Sandy, TX and Fred and Sue W. of Dallas/Ft. Worth and the little sister of 5.5 year old Quentin. On November 30th Allie was diagnosed with childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, or "ALL" which is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. She is currently in Children's Hospital in Dallas. On Wednesday, December 2nd she will have surgery for her chemo port, a spinal tap and bone marrow biopsy. Chemo will possibly begin later in that day. There will be intense therapy for many months and treatments will span two to three years. Please pray for Allie's ultimate healing and for God's comfort and strength for the whole family at this difficult time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 13, 2019 - Jenny H. (Hillcrest Qld Australia)
Jenny had a complicated procedure to take care of a large aneurism of the splenic artery which was life- threatening. The procedure went very well, surprising the doctors. We thank God for His mercy. After being home a few days Jenny had to be admitted back into hospital for pain management due to one third of the spleen dying. The Drs were encouraged at how well she managed this. After about 6 weeks of rest and recovery she is amazed at the energy she now has. It is a new experience for her! Everything has continued to go well for her and she is very thankful. Jenny, Brad, Kaylee and Zach, along with the Bradford and Huthnance families thank everyone for their prayers, cards and support.
Apr 8, 2018
I reported to you about ten days ago that Jenny successfully had an splenic aneurysm packed and made secure from rupturing. The procedure was successful. Several days after coming home from the hospital, she began to develop pains and had to be readmitted. A scan revealed that a 30% infarction (dying) of the spleen has occurred, probably because blood was partially cut off to the spleen. She was warned that should this happen, she would suffer extreme pain for some weeks or maybe more, and most patients opt to have the spleen removed to avoid the length of time for the pain to subside. She is determined to see this through and accept whatever pain that occurs in the process of the remaining spleen to heal, and at the same time pray that she will retain what's left of the spleen.
So far, it seems to working and the pain is under control to the point that she is able to handle it. Each day she seems to be improved a little This will take about two weeks or longer in the hospital, and will go on for longer once she is discharged. They really have to keep a watch on her for any further infarction, or a tear in the spleen. This was unexpected, because the original procedure to stabilize the aneurysm went so well. We are now prayerful that there will be no further complication and all will heal up well. Jenny is in good spirits and is very grateful for the many notes of encouragement and reassurances of prayer from over the world.
Mar 29, 2018
Last week I [Bill B.] sent out a prayer request for Jenny, our daughter with two children, who had a large and dangerous aneurysm on the artery going to the spleen, called a splenic aneurysm. On Monday she had a procedure that went so much better than the specialists thought. In fact, the main person doing the procedure was by his own admission, nervous about how it would go. They packed the aneurysm so well that the artery did not need a stent and Jenny's spleen will be okay with the continuing blood supply. She is home from the hospital and all that's left is the recovery from the procedure. We all thank you for your heartfelt prayers. Please rejoice with us over this outcome. From Jenny and Brad H., Kaylee and Zack, Bill and Jenny B., and Trevor and Les H.
Mar 20, 2018
The family kindly requests your prayers on behalf of Jenny (B.) H. After a couple of months of consulting with many different specialists there has been a decision agreed upon by the doctors involved that Jenny is to have a procedure on the 26th of March to take care of a rather large and difficult aneurysm located on a splenic branch that feeds to the spleen. The best case scenario is that this would cause the enlarged spleen to partially die and cause less stress on the splenic artery as well as take care of the aneurysm. This is quite a difficult procedure due to the size and shape of the aneurysm which has caused the specialists involved to come up with many different plans due to what they can achieve once they are able to get to the needed area.
The specialists have hope that the above can be achieved but ultimately there are many variables which could prevent success of the procedure. Doctors have stressed that this is absolutely necessary for a chance for Jenny to continue to live life as the alternative is that if nothing is done, life expectancy is shortened considerably. Your earnest prayers are much appreciated. Thank you, Jenny, Brad, Kaylee and Zachary.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 13, 2019 - Margie R. (Lawton, OK)
Margie, although weakened by the stroke she had in June 2018, is able to still live at her home and is thankful for that. She would appreciate prayers that she could have enough strength to be able to regularly attend church again. She and her daughter, Judy, a deaconess, appreciate the prayers of the brethren and all the cards she has received.
Jul 19, 2018
Thank you so much for your prayers for Margie R., age 95, of the Lawton congregation who did suffer a light stroke about five weeks ago. She is now back home and making progress, seeing a variety of physical and rehab therapists in her home on a weekly basis. Margie was in the hospital for three days and then spent about two weeks in the rehab wing of the hospital. She is now walking with a cane, but she tires easily and is hoping that God will grant her more strength in the days to come. Her daughter, Judy N., is providing much care for her as well. Both Margie and Judy would like to thank all of you for your faithful prayers on Margie's behalf and for the many, many encouraging, thoughtful cards she has received from around the world. Thank you for your continued prayers for Margie's health.
Jun 13, 2018
Margie R., age 95, and long-time member of the Lawton congregation would greatly appreciate your prayers. She is currently in the hospital after becoming very weak and walking became very difficult on Monday. It appeared as if she may be having a stroke, but after some tests the doctors didn't think that was the case. An MRI showed 90% blockage in some of the blood vessels in her brain. Margie's daughter, Judy N., is a deaconess in the Lawton congregation and she would also appreciate your prayers for her mother and that her mother would be healthy enough to come back home where she and others could care for her. We are all very grateful that Margie has not been in pain and her overall health has been extremely good. Please pray for Margie's quality of life and ask for God's mercy and will to be done as He sees fit. Thank you so much for your love and concern and prayers for Margie and her daughter, Judy.
Jan 15, 2014 - Margie R. (Lawton, OK)
Margie has recovered nicely from her hip surgery and is at services nearly every Sabbath.
Feb 22, 2013
Margie, age 90, fell in her home during the night of February 17, and was taken by ambulance to the Comanche County Memorial Hospital in Lawton, Oklahoma, where she was diagnosed with a broken hip. Her hip surgery went well and the surgeon said he was pleased with the surgery and believes Margie should recover well. She is also having quite a bit less pain since the surgery. It will be about a month before she will be able to start putting her full weight upon the injured leg. She will be moving into a nearby rehab center in a few days. Your prayers for a complete and speedy recovery are greatly appreciated. Margie and her daughter, Judy Noel, want everyone to know how much they appreciate your prayers and they are very grateful for God's blessing and healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 11, 2019 - Owen Z. (Terre Haute, IN)
Owen, who turned 4 years old in December, went into the hospital and had both his legs broken surgically to correct his feet so that they would begin growing straight. He now has casts on both legs to hold them in the correct position until they heal. The casts should be coming off in late January. Owen is in great spirits for all he has gone through. After the casts come off he will be fitted for braces which hopefully will enable him to learn to walk. Brandon and Laura Beth appreciate all your prayers on Owen's behalf and for God's intervention and healing.
Jan 12, 2018
A recent MRI showed Owen's brain is not swollen & he doesn't need a shunt, so that is good news. He is getting around fairly well & getting into things like little boys tend to do. is Dad said he will need an operation when he is about 4 to correct his feet so they will grow straight to be able to walk. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Jun 30, 2017
Owen's eating, sleeping, and speech have greatly improved over the last six months, and he continues to receive physical and occupational therapies to help strengthen his legs and body. We continue to wait until he is older to fully determine his ability to walk, but he has progressed to using a walker device occasionally, and he can easily pull up and cruise around furniture. The primary limitation is his poor lower leg strength and that his shin bones have severe rotation, causing his feet to turn inward and he is not able to support gait function. The plan is to have surgery to correct those shin bones when he is 4. We had our bi-annual appointment last week and it was very positive on his brain swelling. They cleared him of any concern of abnormal swelling and he will not need a shunt! This is answered prayers. He is highly self-motivated in his therapies and abilities, and is a happy, healthy boy, full of curiosity and life. We thank God for His continued mercy. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Jan 5, 2017
Brandon said the last trip to Riley hospital in Indianapolis for Owen's checkup turned out very well. Brandon said that there was no any swelling or increased pressure on Owen's brain from the spina bifida condition. Owen is now crawling and trying to stand up with his braces. Although Owen has other problems to contend with he is improving. Your continued prayers to our heavenly Father for Owen are greatly appreciated.
Jun 24, 2016
Here is an update on Owen's condition from his mother, Laura Beth:
We have great news! The results of Owen's MRI today showed that there was no change in the fluid in his brain since his last MRI at the beginning of May. There does not appear to be any harmful pressure on the brain. His doctors noticed today that he actually has fluid around his brain, not just in his ventricles, and as a result, they now have a theory that the fluid might not be hydrocephalus at all. This fluid around his brain indicates that his skull is growing faster than his brain, which is very common and normal. When this happens, the brain does not like the empty space so it fills this space with fluid. That, in turn, causes the ventricles in the center of the brain to swell, acting like hydrocephalus. If this is what is actually happening, then eventually the brain will catch up with the skull and the fluid will decrease both around the brain and in the ventricles of the brain on its own.
This is still just a theory, and they have not yet ruled out hydrocephalus because it is just too common in spina bifida to completely rule out at this point. Our plan is to continue to monitor him through his behavior and MRIs. Our next MRI will be in 2 months. While we are not completely out of the woods yet, we are so thankful for the way things went today. We are grateful that his fluid did not increase. We are thankful that he does not need brain surgery right now. We are so grateful for God's tender mercies toward our son and our family. We were reminded today of the endless possibilities that He has to solve a problem. While my mind could only come up with a few ways this day could turn out, He has ways that we could never imagine. All the glory today goes to our great God! Thank you, once again, for your love, concern, support and prayers for our family! Sincerely, Brandon, Laura Beth, Jude & Owen
May 6, 2016
Brandon and Laura Beth Z. are requesting prayers for their son Owen. Here is a message from them:
You may recall that hydrocephalus is common in spina bifida. Hydrocephalus is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the ventricles of the brain. While Owen had some slight swelling in his ventricles after birth, it was thankfully not enough to require a shunt. Yesterday Owen had a standard follow-up neurosurgery appointment. At this appointment some red flags indicating possible hydrocephalus were noticed, and he had an impromptu MRI (fast spin with no radiation!). The results of this MRI showed that Owen is borderline for needing a shunt. His ventricles are about 1/4 to 1/2 size larger than they should be. Since there is no emergency at this point, we decided to wait on inserting a shunt. Our next step is to talk with our pediatrician and therapists about where he should be developmentally at this point and try to determine if the fluid on his brain could be causing his delays.
Owen is progressing in the gross motor area, but his fine motor skills are very delayed. He is 16 months old and has no words yet and will not eat solid food among other basic things that he should be doing now. It is possible that these delays are caused by the fluid on the brain. We have a follow-up appointment on June 22nd where Owen will have another MRI. They will do a side-by-side comparison of the results of yesterday's MRI and the one on June 22nd, discuss where he is developmentally, and make a decision from there. If there is no change in his brain on June 22nd, we will postpone the next MRI for 6 months. If there is an increase in fluid, we will be having a serious conversation about shunting him. This was a bit of a surprise to us yesterday since we thought we were out of the hydrocephalus danger zone. I was told yesterday that while most who don't need it initially, won't need it at all, there are a few who build fluid slowly over time and eventually do need a shunt. If a child can make it to age 3 without needing one, they typically won't need one at all.
Although we are disappointed with this possibility, we are thankful that it is still just a possibility and that Owen did not need emergency surgery yesterday. We would like to ask for your prayers between now and June 22nd, specifically that God would heal Owen of this fluid on his brain so that he will not need a shunt. Please also pray for peace and guidance for our family and especially for big brother, Jude, as he is beginning to be more aware of what is happening with Owen. We appreciate all of your prayers and the support system that we have! They make all of this easier to bear! Sincerely, Brandon, Laura Beth, Jude and Owen.
Apr 20, 2015
"Thank you all for your prayers regarding our son Owen. The head ultrasound this past Thursday revealed no swelling and the neurosurgeon does not believe he will need a shunt at all. Our next visit is not for six months. The doctor feels confident Owen will not need additional intervention! Praise God! Our next visit will be with the urologist on April 29 to test Owen's bladder and bowel function. Please pray that these tests reveal normal results. Thanks to all the brethren who have been praying to our heavenly Father for Owen's complete healing from spina bifida." Brandon Z.
Dec 29, 2014
Brandon and Laura Beth have a new baby boy, Owen, who was born on December 17, weighing 6 pounds and 1 ounce. Owen has spina bifida, and Brandon and Laura Beth would like your prayers to our heavenly Father on their son's behalf. The surgeon was able to put the spinal cord back in place and close up the opening successfully. Please pray for their family. They need a great deal of love, patience and endurance during this time of trial, on a daily basis. Also pray that God will give them wisdom in navigating the numerous treatment options and confidence in making difficult choices. Thank you for your prayers to our loving Father on their behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 11, 2019 - Shane M. (son of Ed M., St. Paul, MN)
Shane fell out of his bed several days ago. He broke both femurs and crushed his knee. The doctor said he could only basically patch him up. Shane couldn't walk anyway, but this is a real setback. He's been transferred to a care facility in Woodbury, where the care is much better. Your prayers on his behalf are appreciated.
Aug 25, 2018
Shane is and has been either in the hospital or a nursing home since February 9th. Currently he is in Bethel Transitional Care. It all started in February with a very bad UTI, and when he got to the United Hospital the doctor there found a very infected bed sore. At first he thought it was gangrene. He was able to remove all of the infection, then do skin grafts to the wound area. The UTI was treated and he was in United Hospital's Intensive Care Unit for almost two weeks. His hearing has also be affected. Shane would love recover and be able to return to his apartment. Thank you for your prayers.
May 20, 2016
Shane is recovering from surgery very nicely. He's having Botox treatments to help with his legs. He hopes to be able to use his wheel chair again soon. This will be a great improvement and will allow Shane to get out of his bed and enjoy more mobility.
May 13, 2016
Shane was finally able to have surgery to remove his teeth, which has been causing a great deal of pain. 31 teeth were removed in surgery which lasted 4 hours. Ed says that when he awoke, he called and said he no longer feels the pain. Thank you very much for your prayers.
Apr 22, 2016
Shane is requesting prayers as he will be having dental surgery May 5th to pull all his teeth. This is the area where he has been experiencing great pain. Prayers are also requested that his rides show up for his appointments. Shane requires a special transportation service. Apparently, his driver misses quite a few of Shane's Doctor appointments. Thank you!
Apr 8, 2016
Ed indicated this week that Shane continues to struggle and needs all of the prayers he can get. He truly enjoys the cards he receives and has others read them to him.
Mar 4, 2016
Ed reports that his son, Shane, is still not doing well. Shane continues to suffer complications from MS. He is having more problems and seems to be sleeping most of the time. He's is having trouble keeping his eyes open and seems to dose off often. Ed is concerned about possible pain medication that Shane may be taking. Shane is also having a great deal of pain in his teeth and is waiting to for an appointment to have them removed. Please pray something opens up soon. Shane was very appreciative of all of the cards he has received and was very appreciative of one he received from Ireland. He is unable to read them but has Ed and his care giver read them to him. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Jan 8, 2016
Shane is not doing well. His caregiver has stopped coming to provide care with no prior notice. Shane sleeps about 90 percent of the time and is having difficulty communicating verbally. Ed requests prayers for Shane and himself. Ed tries to see Shane each and every day and struggles seeing him suffer. Please pray that Shane obtains the care he needs and that God intervenes to decrease Shane's pain. Also pray that Ed gains comfort in the care Shane receives.
Apr 9, 2015
Shane has been in United hospital for three days this week with another serious and painful bladder infection. He is doing better, but the infection is not completely gone. He went home on Wednesday having been given medicine that is supposed to help. He appreciates your prayers.
Oct 17, 2013
Please keep Shane in your prayers, he was sent to St. John's Hospital on Tuesday evening (just prior to the Feast) for a bowel problem. While there the doctor looked at his pressure wound and said that will have to have the dead skin surgically removed and treated with antibiotics. The doctor said it is bad and Shane will have to go back to Bethesda again. He does not know for how long, possibly a month.
Aug 23, 2014
Shane is still at the Bethesda hospital recovering from a blood infection. After two weeks of antibiotics, doctors expect him to be released on Saturday if all goes well. Your prayers have been very much appreciated. Aug 16, 2014
Ed M.'s son, Shane was admitted to St. Joseph's hospital after being found unconscious at his home last Friday. He has very low sodium levels, and a blood infection. Here is an update form Ed: "Shane had two infections-one in the Bladder and one in the Blood -the doctors gave him an intravenous antibiotic for each infection. The Bladder is clearing up and now he is taking oral medications for that infection. The Blood infection is still being treated intravenously and he has been moved him to Bethesda for two more weeks. He had a reaction to one of the antibiotics when he first got to St. Joseph's Hospital and he was very confused and did not recognize his nurse that got him to the hospital. He wanted me to tell you thanks for the Prayers and feels that has help him the most! He wants to go back to his apartment but he has to stay the course on the medication until his Blood infection clears." Aug 10, 2013
Shane's wounds are healing; he is still in Bethesda Hospital. He had a ultra sound 2 days ago and he has Kidney stones again. The doctor said he was taking way too much vitamin D and that is what is causing the stones to form. The other doctor says he needs that much Vitamin D (3000 units)
But, his wounds are healing and the therapists are helping him get stronger. Please pray for strength and healing for Shane.
Aug 10
Shane will be going into surgery on Friday afternoon to attend to some wounds that are not healing properly. They have requested our prayers, so on their behalf, please ask God that He would guide the doctors hands and that Shane would be blessed with a full recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 11, 2019 - Don P. (Springfield, MO)
From Mr. P.: "I still have cancer in two areas of my body. The lung cancer appears to be gone. My doctor is keeping an eye on a tumor on my thyroid. My kidney cancer is incurable but manageable. So far treatment seems to be keeping it from spreading or growing. That's the goal. The medication causes some fatigue but I am learning to deal with that."
Dec 13, 2017
From Don: "I was diagnosed with three separate types of cancer in three separate locations (lung, kidneys and thyroid). A recent scan showed that treatment for the lung cancer was successful and it is gone. The kidney cancer is incurable, is being controlled and the scan shows it is shrinking and has not spread. Doctors are still trying to determine a course of action to deal with the thyroid cancer."
Jun 2, 2017
Don P. [pastor, Springfield]: I have just been diagnosed with lung cancer. It is not too far advanced so specific treatment will not be determined for a couple of weeks. Doctors are also checking out spots in my kidneys and thyroid. In the meantime I am scheduled for several tests. Please pray to our Heavenly Father for His healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 11, 2019 - Jeanne P. (Bellevue, NE)
Judd & Jeanne have both had slight improvements. Judd's nerve pain throughout his body has slightly lessened, but his heart acts up periodically. Both conditions are serious and innervating. Jeanne is still cancer free with residual hip pain, which requires maintenance meds. Thank you all for your concern and prayers, they are greatly appreciated!
Dec 14, 2017
Jeanne has recovered and re-built to a fair extent from the heart attack in July, but it is working at 56% of normal capacity, barely over the 50% mark considered to be the minimum necessary. The cancer is still in remission, but the meds have given her osteoporosis, and she has suffered from dizziness. The combination has led to bone breakage when she has fallen twice, in addition to continual pain in her pelvis. Despite this, she maintains a positive attitude and a busy schedule teaching piano. Judd's nerve pain has slightly receded, allowing him to come to church most of the time now, but it is still serious and keeps him from many normal activities. The Pattons are very grateful for our continued prayers and look to God for His healing!
Jan 9, 2017
Jeanne is now "cancer-free" with monthly maintenance chemo. She is dealing with the damage done by the disease, mainly by using meds for pain, which varies day to day. She is back to a normal, but with a reduced schedule. Thank you for your prayers and support!
Jun 18, 2015
Jeanne is more than halfway through her course of chemotherapy treatments. Her June 16 test results showed that tumors on her spine and liver have dramatically shrunk to less than half the size they were, and her "cancer markers" (bio markers), have come down from extremely elevated to the normal range, with eight more weekly chemo treatments to go. This is great news, but she is still a long way from complete recovery. She is weak and must take pain medicine. Jeanne and Judd thank God for His mercy and thank all who have prayed for her through this trial.
Jan 22, 2015
Jeanne (husband, Judd) was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy several weeks ago. Her doctor believed the cancer was completely removed, but lymph fluid continues to build up under her arm, causing pressure and continual aching of her right shoulder. This makes it difficult for her to sleep or use her arm for simple tasks. Your prayers for Jeanne's complete healing will be much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 11, 2019 - Michael R. (Columubus, GA)
He has improved greatly but he & the family would appreciate your continued prayers.
Jan 3, 2018
Mr. Mike R. continues to make steady progress. He is able to attend services once again and is so happy to be with the brethren once again. He needs to grow stronger and gain weight. Please keep him in your prayers.
Sep 1, 2017
We are happy to report that after a long and difficult health trial, Mike has been released from hospital care and has been sent home to recuperate and receive nutritional support which he will need. The many prayers of God's people have been much appreciated. We have seen God's mercy in action bringing Mike through this heavy trial of endurance. The family want to express their deepest thanks for the prayers and support that has been given for Mike and their family. Please continue to remember Mike in your prayers that he may gain much needed strength and body weight. Many thanks!
Aug 16, 2017
Mike has made much progress but continues to have setbacks. He is not feeling good since leaving ICU and is very weak with ammonia levels on the rise which affects his kidneys. He is also on IV fluids to give his kidneys proper nutrition. The family requests your daily prayers for God in order to bring this trial to an end and raise Mike up.
Jul 27, 2017
We are happy to report that Mr. R. continues to make constant improvement regarding the complex health crisis he has been undergoing. God's hand has been very evident in Mike's case. He is considered by the doctors a walking miracle as he continues to regain his health and wellbeing.
Jun 10, 2017
This is an urgent prayer request for Mike. He has suddenly experienced a serious rise in his ammonia levels over the 200 mark. This has placed him in a comma condition once again. The doctor feels that if they can get the ammonia level down Mike will continue to make slow and steady progress. The family thanks you for your continued prayers.
Jun 8, 2017
Mike continues to make slow but steady progress according to the doctors. He takes two steps forward and then takes one step backwards. This is a long projected recovery process that will require much patience as we go day to day. The family deeply appreciate your continued prayers on behalf of Mike and the family.
Jun 3, 2017
Mike is still in serious life-threatening circumstances, after 5 weeks, mostly in ICU. He takes one step forward, and next day a step backward. He is finally breathing on his own. He is very lethargic due to failing liver with ammonia levels worsening. Kidney failure continues to worsen. The family would appreciate your continued prayers on Mike's behalf. Thank you!
May 24, 2017 - Michael R. (Columubus, GA)
The family of Michael R., a long time elder in the Columbus, Georgia, church, asks for your continued prayers. Mike has been improving very slowly after repairing his aneurysm, and there is much to be thankful for. The doctors want to remove the ventilator but there may be a need for a tracheotomy. Thank you for your concern and prayers that all will go well.
May 5, 2017
Michael R., a long time elder in the Columbus, Georgia, church, is fighting for his life from complications that have come up after repairing the larger than anticipated aneurism. There is a severe problem in his lower intestines and he is in a great deal of pain. They have put him in a drug-induced coma and are caring for him in ICU. Please pray for God' miraculous healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 11, 2019 - Andrew P. (Winnipeg, Canada)
Andrew is still hospitalized following the kidney transplant. He continues to deal with abnormal abdominal swelling from fluid build-up. A recent setback involved a serious infection that has affected the incision made during the operation. He is feeling weaker and is experiencing shaking of his limbs. Maria still tires easily & is looking for new employment. Please continue pray for the correct treatment decisions & for healing.
Your continued prayers are requested for Andrew and Maria P.of the Winnipeg, MB congregation. Andrew is still in the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre following the kidney transplant. He continues to deal with abnormal abdominal swelling from fluid build up. A recent setback involves a serious infection that has affected the incision made during the operation. It is oozing infected material. He is feeling weaker and is experiencing shaking of his limbs. Maria still tires easily and is not ready to return to work yet and she is looking for new employment. Please continue pray for the correct treatment decision, for continued healing for both of them and for their continued recovery and strengthening.
Dec 21, 2018
Your prayers are requested for Andrew and Maria P. of the Winnipeg, MB congregation. Andrew has been dealing with kidney failure for some time and had to undergo kidney dialysis for most of this past year. He underwent a kidney transplant December 6. He and his wife Maria, who donated the kidney, were gradually recovering from the surgeries. Maria returned home on December 13. However, Andrew is still in the hospital. He had to deal with a blockage in the artery that goes to the kidney that slowly cleared up. Then he experienced internal bleeding when the sutures connecting his artery to the kidney partially let loose. He underwent surgery last Friday to repair the failed connection and as of this Monday things seemed to be stabilized and he was bought out of sedation. He is receiving strong pain medication and the recovery from this latest surgery will take some time. Please continue pray for healing for both of them and for the latest surgery to be successful and that the donated kidney can function properly and for their continued recovery and for encouragement.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 10, 2019 - Rolf M. (Monheim Germany)
In December Rolf completed a 4-week therapy treatment on an in-patient basis. His out-patient therapy continues now twice a week. His condition is greatly improved, although he is having problems with short-term memory loss.
Oct 22, 2018
Prayers are requested for Rolf M., a deacon in the Dormagen, Germany congregation and a member of the UCG-Germany National Council. Early this morning Rolf had what doctors at a neurological hospital clinic are describing as a major stroke. Rolf's left side was affected and he was unable to move his left arm at all or stand up from a sitting position. He is currently in the intensive care ward at the hospital in Solingen, Germany and will remain there at least three days under observation prior to further treatment and rehabilitation therapy that will probably last 3-4 weeks.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 10, 2019 - Sue R. (Lebanon, TN)
From Sue: "I saw my doctor yesterday and she gave me the results of the c-scan. Everything looked good. I seem to be holding stable right now, thank God! While we were there, she gave my husband, Jim, an examination for cancer of the esophagus. There were some questionable areas so now we have an appointment next week for a PET scan to further check things out. He is not in a lot of pain but has difficulty eating. The cancer has spread to 3 lymph nodes. They tried stretching the opening, which had narrowed so food would not go down, due to the acid reflux that he has had over the years. The procedure could not be completed. They said it is not curable but is treatable. Prayers are welcome - we know God is our Healer.
Dec 12, 2017
From Sue: "I am still required to see the doctor for blood tests every 28 days & I have C-scans every three months . The latest was Nov 30, and the doctor was very pleased with it - no new growth anywhere! The leg pain is still with me but with the nerve blocker prescribed it is much more bearable. Our God is a merciful God. Thank you all for praying on my behalf."
Dec 22, 2016 - Sue R. (Lebanon, TN)
The prayers are working! Most of the severe pain is gone. She was able to get off pain patches as well. She is undergoing monthly treatments with blood tests & meds. Thank you for your prayers.
Jul 13, 2016
My wife, Sue, has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer which has metastasized to a vertebra in her upper spinal column. We earnestly request all Church of God members to pray for Sue's healing. Sue and I were married in 1989 after each of us had suffered the loss of a mate to cancer. Please ask our Heavenly Father to show us His mercy and spare us this further suffering due to cancer.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 10, 2019 - Martina B. (Bad Vilbel, Germany)
After the Feast Martina went for a 3-week therapy especially for ALS patients. She is offered this therapy annually, but hasn't participated for several years because the condition of patients with advanced stage ALS discouraged her. However, this year she went and the therapy proved beneficial. Her condition remains stable, although stiffness in her legs often is a challenge for her.
Dec 14, 2017 - Martina B.
Martina was able to attend the Feast of Tabernacles, utilizing a special transport service from her home near Frankfurt for the 4 hour drive to the Feast site. Her condition remains stable, but her mobility (ability to walk with a walker) has deteriorated slightly since the last update. She remains in good spirits and has a remarkable attitude.
Feb 9, 2017
Martina B. 4 years ago was diagnosed with ALS. Her condition is currently stable, but the ALS makes walking a real trial for her. She has a walker & it is with great effort that she can walk short distances before tiring. She was baptized last year. Please pray for her healing.


<  > Prayer Update - Jan 10, 2019 - Tom D. (Lubbock, TX)
My condition is slowly declining. I use a wheelchair more than I have in the past. Thanks to those who are in prayer with me concerning issues I have. I don't drive much anymore. I have a bad habit of falling asleep while driving. I can still drive to our local Walmart (three miles from my home). This means I have had to face the fact that I will never be an astronaut. My lovely wife drives me to church services as well as to local church visits. When she can't take me, I am chauffeured by various men in the Lubbock Congregation. Please remember to pray for our caregivers too.
Dec 12, 2017
My condition continues to be stabilized. I have limited energy, so I have to be careful not to overextend myself. If I do overextend myself my walking becomes sloppy. I define "sloppy" as losing control of some of my muscle groups. When that happens I find it hard to walk and talk. Anyway, Lisa and I are thankful beyond words for the prayers and cards we have received from people across the globe.
Jan 5, 2017
I am feeling better overall. My Generalized Dystonia is a movement disorder which causes my body to move uncontrollably. The best way to understand what it is like to have Dystonia is to watch a video of Michael J. Fox as he deals with his Parkinson's Disease. These two disorders are very similar to one another. My involuntary muscle movements are largely under control. If I overdo it, my body begins to move uncontrollably again. So I am learning to gauge my activities to function more normally on a daily basis.
Dec 24, 2015
The diagnosis for my condition is Generalized Dystonia. This is a movement disorder that affects predominately my neck and legs. Some days are relatively good, while other days I have to use a wheelchair or cane. He is feeling pretty good overall but would appreciate continued prayers.
Nov 16, 2014
Tom was recently hospitalized after passing out at his chiropractor's office. He will see his neurologist on 11/19/2014.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 4, 2019 - Marissa F. (Dickson, TN)
Dear church family, I cannot express how grateful I am that you've kept up with me over the course of three long years now as I continue to fight this battle with my eyes. At this point in time, I am still receiving monthly eye-shots of Avastin for my left eye, while my right eye remains a miraculous result of God's healing hands. The doctor's believe that getting shots in my left eye will be a life-long necessity for me, and that the film of blood spots I see in that eye will remain, which pains me to say the least, but I am infinitely grateful that God has allowed me to keep my sight, even if it is not as good as it used to be.
The main thing I would like to request your prayers for now is guidance as I take a big step in life. I turn nineteen on June 7th, which is when my insurance that has been helping me afford the cost of shots officially runs out. In addition to this, I am engaged to be married on August 11th. With that being said, I humbly request your prayers on how to handle medical costs as my fiance and I become a family of our own. We have faith that God will take care of us as we deal with these unusual costs for a newly married couple. I hold on to the faith that our great God is bigger than IRVAN Syndrome - this uncommon, idiopathic issue with my eyes - and that when he sees fit to relieve me of this trial, He can and He will. He has been merciful to me and I am immeasurably grateful for your prayers for His hand in my life!
Feb 15, 2018
Church Family, I have some news that is both incredible and inspiring! I went in for my monthly eye injections yesterday and to my delight and shock, this is the second month in a row that the internal scans showed zero inflammation in both eyes. Whether it is one of the new holistic remedies I'm trying or an absolute miracle, something is working. Your prayers are so powerful and have been greatly appreciated! They have clearly been making a huge difference in my life. I have waited so long to hear the words that I'm rid of this health trial, and it looks like I may be on the way. Once in and while my eyes would clear up like this before a visit and then randomly flare up again afterwards. But to have clear scans two months in a row? That's all new to me! Please pray that these good results keep on coming. I still had to have a shot in the left eye as a precaution. We want to try slowly drawing down my appointments to every six weeks instead of every four in hopes that it will ween the left eye completely from needing injections. This is a delicate process. Thank you, Lord for positive news! You knew I needed it.
Dec 31, 2017
The IRVAN Syndrome is a rare disease that is considered incurable and progressive. There have only ever been 22 total cases in the world. There is no known cause. It all started with a vitreous hemorrhage (a big blotch of blood trapped in the vitreous gel of my eye). I was very scared, as the doctors told me that my eyes were bleeding internally, but that they had never seen this happen to someone so young. It didn't improve but got worse. Then, the doctor said he had consulted with several colleagues all across the world, and that he had an idea about what could be going on with my eyes. Before he saw us, my eyes were scanned once more, revealing to us it was worse than before. It is known to lead to complete blindness - a very scary thing! Since then, I have been undergoing monthly eye injections, which are very painful, with no reassurance that they're doing any good. All I see is progression for the worse in my left eye. I humbly ask for prayers for guidance, for strength & for healing because I want to see my wedding day... my first child... and because I want to testify as to God's amazing healing powers. As for some good news, my RIGHT eye is doing phenomenal. Praise God for the work He has done! I've been able to skip my injection in the right eye for the last two months! It has been such a relief. Thank you for your diligent prayers! It means the world to me!
May 25, 2017
The following is a prayer update from Marissa F. As a reminder, she is the daughter of members in the Nashville, TN congregation. Marissa is 16 years old and will turn 17 in June. She has been in danger of losing her vision in both eyes and has been receiving painful shots in her eyes.
I've just returned from my appointment to some good news and some bad. Having skipped the shot in my right eye last month, I was pleased to see it is remaining stable in its healing! My left eye however has been much more stubborn. Sometimes it responds to the treatment, sometimes it doesn't. This time, despite never having skipped a shot in the left, it was much worse. I did end up needing to go through with shots in both eyes, despite the progress we've seen in my right eye. This is because in past experience, I've been able to go a full 7 weeks without a shot in my right, but if we let it go just one extra week, it flares back into being really bad. Our current goal is to see if we can begin regularly skipping the shot in the right eye every other month, and then gradually not get them at all. We will also be trying to switch to Lucentis instead of Avastin, in order to see what my eyes are most responsive to. This is a much more pricey treatment. As for my vision itself, it has been very good so far. It is 20/20 in my right eye, and usually only a little worse in my left. This fluctuates. The prayers I so desperately need are for the inflammation in the veins of my eyes, especially in the left. Thank you so much for remembering me in your prayers, they mean more to me than I can say! I'm completely reliant on them and can't send enough thanks! Warmly, Marissa.
Dec 23, 2016
The shot Marissa had recently in left eye was particularly painful & there is some bleeding. She describes the pain as feeling like stinging shampoo that won't come out for a whole day. By day 2, it feels like a bad sty. The good news is the right eye has been normal the last 2 times. The left eye still has inflammation but is greatly improved. Continued prayers are appreciated.
May 28, 2016
The following is a prayer update from Marissa, age 15:
As of May 5th, we received some great news that my eyes have improved dramatically! Many people may remember that on my previous retina exam, my vision had improved from 20/60 to 20/40 but the inflammation had actually worsened. We hoped and prayed more specifically for the inflammation to be healed before our appointment in May. The April pictures of my eye looked a lot like the seam on a Ziploc bag that was being "unzipped." You could literally see where the inflammation in the eye was so advanced there were places where my eye was pulling away from out its outer protective layer and on the verge of rupturing. Had this occurred (and it was very thin) I would have gone blind immediately.
During this time, many people sent me cards and prayed for me, which was more encouraging than words can say. I also began receiving Atlas Orthogonal treatments to align my atlas bone in my head (improving blood flow) and helping my scoliotic pain. My back pain improved quite a bit, and when we went back to the retina specialist in May, he was astounded that my vision had improved to 20/30 and my right eye was that of a normal 15 year old. There was no inflammation and my left eye was nearly healed from the inflammation as well, with only a small amount remaining. The Ziploc-effect appeared to be "sealing." To give some perspective of what a miracle this is, they started out comparing my eyes to a 70-80 year old person. My family and I are overcome with grateful emotion seeing as though they told us this was an incurable disease. Before we left that morning for our appointment, my mother and I said a heartfelt prayer together asking God to fulfill the promise of John 14:13 for His glory.
As a recap, not only has the inflammation miraculously improved but my vision has gone from 20/60 to 20/30 in a period of just three months. If my eyes continue on this path of healing, it will become the fastest recovery in the history of this disease. The doctors think two more months of intraocular shots for good measure and then they'll start spreading them way out. We know this wouldn't have been possible without the Greatest Physician stepping in to help and the prayers of all of you! Please continue to pray that when I return to the retina specialist on June 2, these astounding results will have remained that way. With much love and gratitude, Marissa.
Feb 16, 2016
Last week we sent a prayer request about 15-year old Marissa Fooshe who is requesting prayers for one of her eyes and for her back. Your continued prayers for Marissa will be much appreciated. Below is an update from her.
"Dear friends, I thought it was time for a personal update. I hold all your prayers close to heart. This week has been trying. The direct eye injections have been a very painful experience for me. It was excruciating at first and after three days the pain is just beginning to wear off. My eyes didn't take it very well seeing as though the entire half of the white in my right eye turned blood red (not nearly the same as bloodshot) and hasn't faded. I'm not posting any pictures unless asked through direct message because it's not for the faint at heart... my eyes are very light sensitive for the time being so I have to wear sunglasses everywhere I go. My dear friends, I would do practically anything to never have to get them again so I appreciate and depend on your fervent prayers for that. On top of that my braces were tightened a few days ago with power chains and the aching pain of that has not at all wavered. All the pains combined (as well as the scoliosis) have been waking me up multiple times a night and aren't allowing me to get back to sleep. Not only am I on a strict anti-inflammatory diet consisting of about 27 foods, but I'm also desperately trying to only eat things that are cold and soft. I'm kind of surviving off applesauce. All things considered, I'm doing rather well; I am very touched by all the cards and the prayers I've gotten. It truly does make it a little better with all the love and support. Shout out to everyone all across the US, to my brothers and sisters in Jamaica and from everywhere prayers are going up for me. It has really brought me up. All trials are temporary and I know this too shall pass, I'm just infinitely grateful for your prayers as I go through the process. Love, Marissa"
Feb 5, 2016
Marissa is requesting prayers for one of her eyes and for her back. She had an eye hemorrhage several weeks ago and it affected her vision. After being anointed, the vision has improved but it was discovered that she has swollen veins around her retina. This is a serious condition and has shocked the doctors, who have never seen this condition in someone so young. Marissa is only 15 and turns 16 on June 7, 2016. Doctors are very concerned and want to do an MRI to see if she has vascular inflammation throughout her entire body. Marissa also requests prayers for severe pain in her back caused by scoliosis. She wore a back brace for a while but it was removed in November. She has attended United Church of God in Nashville, Tennessee all of her life.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 2, 2019 - Kossi F. (Lome, Togo)
Pastor of the Lome and Moe-Hagou congregations in Togo has been diagnose with prostate cancer. He traveled to Accra, Ghana in December and received treatment at a special clinic and he will need to return on January 7 for continued treatment. He asks that God would guide the procedures and his decision making. Your cards and letters of support would be greatly appreciated as well.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 1, 2019 - Grady S. (GA)
His health situation has improved somewhat but continued prayers are requested.
Jul 5, 2018
Grady, an elder, has a serious case of his legs swelling. It is affecting his ability to walk. He is going through tests to determine the problem. He would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 21, 2018 - Paul W. (Pinellas Park, FL)
Sandi writes: Just a note to say surgery well done and I'm home. PT will come to the house. Prayers are appreciated, thanks and love to all.
Dec 14, 2018
Paul is doing better and will be going home from rehab this Saturday, 12/15. There will be some follow up with physical therapy at home. Also, prayers for Sandi would be appreciated. Thursday, 12/20, she will be having a total hip replacement.
Aug 17, 2018
Paul has a bulging herniated disc, the worse kind. And the disc below that one is out of alignment. So both are pressing on the nerves at each point. He is scheduled for a cortisone shot Wednesday morning. Prayers are much appreciated, along with the lovely cards and encouraging thoughts, and the phone calls. Thanks to all, Paul and Sandi
Aug 3, 2018
Paul is experiencing an extreme amount of pain, with sciatica in his hip and leg, and today was diagnosed with shingles on his head and shoulder, and urinary tract infection. He would really appreciate prayers for his healing.
Jun 10, 2016
Paul believes he is already seeing improvement since last week's eye surgery. However, the healing process will take several weeks. He goes in to have the eye checked next week. Please pray his recovery goes well.
Jun 3, 2016
Paul was scheduled for Vitrectomy Surgery/Epiretinal Membrane on Friday, June 3rd. The implanted lens after cataract surgery made the left eye for close up and the right eye for distance. The left eye is blurred so he cannot see clearly to read. It may take up to 6 months to regain the best vision. Please pray that his vision will be restored.
UPDATE - Surgery went very well this morning. A follow up appointment will be June 15th. We appreciate your prayers for continued healing. Thank you, Paul and Sandi

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 21, 2018 - LaDonna T. (Ruston, LA)
LaDonna was recently placed on home hospice care. She fell not long ago and has been suffering a number of problems in addition to her decline due to the Multiple Sclerosis. She and her husband, Chris, know that her health can rally at any time and that God can step in at any point to heal her - if that is His will. Hospice will re-assess her every six months. The family knew from the early onset of MS that without intervention, the diagnosis is terminal. Knowing the future she has in the family of God with a resurrected spirit body is comforting and encouraging, but it is still hard to deal with her rate of decline in recent months. Chris has asked for prayers for God's mercy and will for LaDonna and for help for him and the grandchildren being able to accept God's will. They are very appreciative and grateful for all the prayers, cards and expressions of concern they have received.
June 2, 2018
LaDonna had been continually declining due to her MS and some days was unable to get out of bed. Her daughter stated, "At times this disease leaves her unable to speak fluently, walk, stand, sleep, swallow foods/drinks, breathe adequately, or perform everyday living tasks. She also suffers with chronic and severe inflammation, pain and muscle spasms." A few weeks ago she decided to try a stem cell treatment and after one infusion immediately felt a little better. After further infusions, along with other treatments, she is walking again and able to speak in complete sentences. She attended morning services on Pentecost, walking without her powered wheelchair - which she has not done for over a year. She was able to drive to the store last week and did some light shopping. Her husband, Chris, says she is like a different person! The doctor said this will not reverse or cure MS, but can reverse some of the deterioration and should arrest further progression. LaDonna will see him in six months and again in 12 for follow-ups and perhaps additional treatment. The family want to thank everyone for their prayers and all the encouragement, share the wonderful news and ask for continued prayers that God will ensure the treatment continues to have terrific benefits.
May 5, 2017
LaDonna T. of the Ruston, Louisiana, congregation, would appreciate prayers. LaDonna has been diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Doctors told her this type does not have remissions as some others have with MS. The prognosis is rather bleak but she maintains her faith in God's ability to heal -- whether now or at Christ's return. Meanwhile she is getting Home Health, and medication to help with the jerking, muscle spasms and rigidity. In addition, she is starting a diet protocol that has helped others with inflammation. She asks that you pray for God to help them have wisdom, peace and strength as they tackle her issues with MS.
LaDonna had been continually declining due to her MS and some days was unable to get out of bed. Her daughter stated, "At times this disease leaves her unable to speak fluently, walk, stand, sleep, swallow foods/drinks, breathe adequately, or perform everyday living tasks. She also suffers with chronic and severe inflammation, pain and muscle spasms." A few weeks ago she decided to try a stem cell treatment and after one infusion immediately felt a little better. After further infusions, along with other treatments, she is walking again and able to speak in complete sentences. She attended morning services on Pentecost, walking without her powered wheelchair - which she has not done for over a year. She was able to drive to the store last week and did some light shopping. Her husband, Chris, says she is like a different person! The doctor said this will not reverse or cure MS, but can reverse some of the deterioration and should arrest further progression. LaDonna will see him in six months and again in 12 for follow-ups and perhaps additional treatment. The family want to thank everyone for their prayers and all the encouragement, share the wonderful news and ask for continued prayers that God will ensure the treatment continues to have terrific benefits.
May 5, 2017
LaDonna T. of the Ruston, Louisiana, congregation, would appreciate prayers. LaDonna has been diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Doctors told her this type does not have remissions as some others have with MS. The prognosis is rather bleak but she maintains her faith in God's ability to heal -- whether now or at Christ's return. Meanwhile she is getting Home Health, and medication to help with the jerking, muscle spasms and rigidity. In addition, she is starting a diet protocol that has helped others with inflammation. She asks that you pray for God to help them have wisdom, peace and strength as they tackle her issues with MS.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 14, 2018 - Brendan B. (Nashville, TN)
Brendan B., of the Nashville, Tennessee, congregation, lost much of the field of vision in his left eye over the past ten days. After initial diagnosis a week ago of a less serious cause, staff found a retinal detachment late Saturday night. Brendan's surgery went well. The doctor put a silicone band around the outside of the eyeball, an air bubble inside and "spot-welded" the edge of the loose retina with a cryo-laser. He is now home seeking an equally successful recovery. By next weekend he'll have his new "normal" vision and if he makes it six weeks without an issue, a related relapse becomes very unlikely. He is thankful that due to the position of his issue, he gets to recover at a 70° recline (rather than flat on his face, as some must. The family thanks everyone for the prayers offered on his behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 14, 2018 - Lexter A. (Manila, Philippines)
After a couple of weeks of treatment for bacterial infection, Lam was discharged from the hospital today. The family would like to extend heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the brethren for your prayers.
Dec 2, 2018
Lam's condition has improved. He has regained consciousness and is a little responsive but still confined to the intensive care unit of the hospital. Culture from his blood sample indicated bacterial infection and he is diagnosed to have leptospirosis. He has been given antibiotics. The family appreciates and requests continued prayers of the brethren.
Dec 1, 2018
Urgent prayers are requested for Lexter A. (Lam), son of Leonard and Annabelle B. of the Manila congregation. Lam was admitted to the hospital on Thursday, November 29 due to high fever and nausea. The doctors suspected dengue fever because his blood test showed low platelet count. There appears to be some complication and he lapsed into unconsciousness this morning. Results of further diagnostic tests are still being awaited for.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 24, 2018 - Carson F. (Bentonville, AR)
Doctors have installed a PICC line into Carson's stomach through which they are now able to give him nutrition. As a result he is steadily gaining strength. The cardiologist is happy with his progress, and all vital signs have been steady for nearly a week. He has been able to get up on his feet with assistance twice, which is a big step forward! Last Wednesday doctors inserted two additional drain tubes in his chest to draw out additional fluids that were building up around his heart and lungs. This has relieved a great deal of the stress on the heart and makes breathing easier. His kidneys are also showing improvement. At this point the two biggest issues are, first, the amount of fluid they are still draining out of the chest tubes. This needs to reduce or stop completely before he can be moved out of ICU. He has been in ICU for two weeks now. The other is that he has been unable to pass the swallow test. That means he is not able to take food or drink by mouth because he aspirates at least a portion of it rather than getting into his stomach. The family is very appreciative of your prayers, cards and support. Please keep Carson and the family in your prayers.
Nov 24, 2018
Carson blacked out while driving and was involved in a one-car accident Wednesday evening. When EMS arrived he stepped out of the van and collapsed on the side of the road with a cardiac arrest. EMS had to shock him multiple times to get his heart beating again, and he was transported to the hospital. In the ICU doctors had to give him the most powerful medication they have to bring his blood pressure up to near normal, and it must be given through an IV. But prolonged use causes the kidneys to shut down. Currently, Carson's kidneys are shutting down, but if they reduce the medication his blood pressure drops dangerously low. The cardiologist just told the family there is a 75-90 percent chance he will never leave the hospital. Your prayers for Carson and the entire family would be greatly appreciated.
Dec 22, 2017
Many have asked for an update on Carson's condition following the prayer requests that went out regarding his serious heart condition. This past January he was told by a cardiologist that medical science had done all it could for him, and he had only a few weeks to live. This past week the cardiologist called him the "miracle patient" because of how well he is doing! He still battles congestive heart failure, and is limited in what he can do, but he is so grateful that God has preserved him and prolonged his life! In fact, during the Feast he became a grandpa yet again to a beautiful baby boy that he wouldn't have had the chance to see and hold if the doctors had been right! He and his family want to thank everyone for their cards, letters and calls, but most of all for the heartfelt prayers that went up before our Father on his behalf!
Feb 4, 2017 - Carson F. (Bentonville, AR)
Carson would like thank all of the brethren again for their prayers, cards and phone calls concerning his battle with congestive heart failure. There is no question that God has heard the prayers of the brethren. Carson has lost over 30 lbs. of water weight in the past two and a half weeks. He has been able to get some restful sleep in bed the past two weeks, which he has not been able to do for months. The wound on his leg is also making good progress and is getting smaller each week. He is however having difficulty with side effects of one of his medications that make him feel really weak and horrible. He asks that the brethren continue to pray for God's continued healing and help with the side effects from this medication. Again, thanks to everyone for all of their prayers, it has been very encouraging.
Jan 27, 2017
Our family would like to thank everyone for their prayers for God's healing, and all of the cards (Dad received so many) and phone calls. They have all been very encouraging! He was released this week after spending a week in the hospital due to congestive heart failure. He has made progress getting fluid off, but still has a ways to go. We still desire the prayers of our brethren that Dad continues to get rid of fluids in his belly and that his blood pressure and heart rate stay stable now that he is on new medications. Also, that God will keep his kidneys and liver healthy since they are under stress from the medications. We really appreciate all of the support from the brethren. It has been a great comfort to the entire family.
Jan 6, 2017
As you may know, my dad, Carson F., had cellulitis in his legs, which stemmed from fluid buildup in his body. It is back again, this time more severe. The physician is treating him again with high-powered antibiotics. If there is no sign of major improvement he will be admitted to the hospital for intravenous antibiotics. For the past three to four weeks, he hasn't been able to sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time -- sitting in his office chair because he can't breathe lying down due to the pressure against his lungs and heart. He is doubling up on Lasix (a fluid pill) and starting on another drug to reduce fluids, however the drug is so powerful it causes major panic attacks. Finally, their doctor felt my dad would benefit from having a pacemaker/defibrillator installed. This, of course, is a big decision for him. Please pray that my dad's legs will heal, that he can get relief from the fluid buildup, from the sever panic attacks and for wisdom regarding whether or not to have the pacemaker/ defibrillator implanted.
Dec 3, 2016
Carson and his family would like to thank everyone for their prayers regarding his continued health battle. He continues to struggle with extreme weakness, fluid retention and difficulty breathing, all of which are symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure. He asks that you will continue to pray for the strengthening of his heart and removal of excess fluids from his body so he can breathe easier. Thank you very much for your continued prayers.
Nov 4, 2016
Carson F., 73, a member of the Bentonville, Arkansas, congregation, is requesting prayers. Carson was diagnosed with congestive heart failure several years ago, and has struggled with heart-related issues, including atrial fibrillation, that required medical intervention. Since the Feast he has suffered a build-up of fluid in his lungs that is now making it difficult to breathe and sleep, and is having a great deal of abdominal discomfort and nausea. Additionally, fluid is now building up in his legs, making it more difficult and painful to walk or get around. This is all related to the congestive heart failure.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 14, 2018 - Euodias O. (Blaine, MN)
After being retested it was found that Euodias had strep throat and parainfluenza. When we notified the school they informed us that there was an outbreak of it at the school.
Euodias is on his second dose of antibiotic and already shows signs of improvement. He no longer has a fever, he is asking for food and the most telling sign of all is his doing the floss dance again. It is wonderful to have are fun little boy back.
Thank you for your concern and all the greetings and prayers. Please pray for complete healing and for protection from catching these types of illnesses.
Nov 2, 2018
Euodias has been having a fever for the past week. He was taken to the ER yesterday at his pediatrician's request. A first line of test were done and came back negative. One test did indicate an increased level in his system. Therefore a second batch of tests were done and sent to Mayo. He was sent home last night and is to return on Wednesday for more tests to compare levels. Depending on the results the doctors will determine how to proceed with more tests.
Please pray for God's guidance, healing and will. He is sleeping a lot and eating very little.
He says "HI!" to all of you and will miss seeing you today.
David and Tallulah

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 12, 2018 - Diane S. (Ravenna, OH)
Please pray for Diane S. of the North Canton, Ohio congregation. She has recently been diagnosed with stage-4 breast cancer. The symptoms are very painful, but her faith and determination is strong. Your prayers added to hers will be very much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 11, 2018 - Gayle C. (Columbus, GA)
Her health is failing. She would appreciate your prayers.
Dec 29, 2017
Gayle C. is our 91 year old deaconess who has multiple health difficulties. Right now she is very weak and needing to regain her strength. Your prayers for her recovery would be most appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 6, 2018 - James C. (Edwardsville IL)
This is a follow up on a prayer request of a few months ago for James who is suffering with liver cancer. First of all, he has expressed deep gratitude towards brethren from all over the world who sent him get well cards. They made a profoundly positive effect upon him! Also, he has completed 5 radiation treatments and should be starting chemotherapy treatments soon. Of course we know that only God can heal. Prayers for his complete healing according to God's will are appreciated.
Jul 12, 2018
Prayers are requested for James C. Doctors have informed him that he has liver cancer. One option would be to remove three-quarters of his liver. James would appreciate everyone's prayers. Thank you.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 2, 2018 - Kaycee D. (Ohio)
We have a card for Kaycee D. She and her husband Dennis are members in Ohio. Dennis is undergoing radiation treatments for stage four prostate cancer. Unable to look after both himself AND his wife, they have to live separately. Kaycee has had a couple of strokes which have affected her short-term memory. She is living in a care facility. We pray for their relief in these multiple health trials and know that Kaycee, especially, LOVES the contact and encouragement from the brethren.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 2, 2018 - Rachel P. (Springdale, AR)
Rachel and her family are very grateful for the ongoing prayers for her. She has done well since the stem cell procedure a couple of years ago. She has regained most of her strength and stamina, and has been very encouraged by the follow-up visits with the doctor.
However, in August another routine scan revealed some anomalous areas near where the original cancer was found that made her doctor very suspicious. Before the Feast a biopsy was done that did not reveal any cancer cells. But a second PET scan revealed that the suspicious areas had grown larger, and "lit up" with greater intensity. So her surgeon wanted to perform a "neck dissection" to remove these lesions and problem areas.
After exploring other possible options, Rachel submitted to a guided needle biopsy of the remaining lesions deep in her upper throat last week. This procedure was able to gather plenty of tissue for testing. The results also came back completely clean of any cancer cells, which is very good news!
Now the remaining question is what is causing these areas to show up as abnormal in the PET scans. While her doctor will continue to monitor her condition and these "hot spots," she is asking for the prayers of her brethren that our Father in heaven would heal her of this condition once and for all.
Jul 27, 2018
Rachel, of the Bentonville, Arkansas, congregation, had a routine cancer checkup and received the results of a PET/CT scan. She was informed that she has possible cancer activity in her tonsils and neck area (where the original cancer occurred). Her Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor will see her on Aug. 10 to further evaluate her condition, which may include a needle and/or surgical biopsy, to determine if it is cancer or something else. She has been treated for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma twice previously. Your prayers would be appreciated.
Dec 30, 2015
Rachel and her family, of the Bentonville, Arkansas, congregation, would like to send a special "thank you" to everyone who has been praying for her during her battle with cancer. In Dec. 2015, she underwent stem cell transplant surgery, then her system was flooded with medications to kill all cancer cells. This treatment also destroys all immunities, which is why her own stem cells have to be reintroduced into her blood within a few days. Last week she had scans and tests to determine the success of this procedure. She is thrilled to announce that with God's help this procedure was a success, and she has now been declared cancer free! She is very grateful for the love and support of her brethren.
Jul 18, 2015
Rachel of the Bentonville, Arkansas, congregation, and her family would appreciate your continued prayers. She was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma for the second time. She underwent treatment for the disease about six years ago, but it has now returned. She is undergoing a treatment that hopefully will eliminate the cancer permanently. She had a series of chemotherapy treatments to reduce the size of the tumors, and later this month and into August will have a massive dose of chemo that is intended to destroy all the cancer, but will also destroy all her immunities. Before being given that dosage, doctors will harvest some of her stem cells from her blood, and after the treatment will reintroduce them to her system. They should regenerate her bone marrow and immune system in a few weeks. She will be required to be in complete germ isolation for about a month in this process. Thank you for your prayers and concern.
Mar 13, 2015
Rachel, from the Bentonville, Arkansas, congregation, requests your prayers. Six years ago she was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer and underwent treatments. Last week it was confirmed that the cancer has returned. After removing one lymph node and doing a bone marrow biopsy doctors determined that it is exactly the same type of cancer, but it has not yet progressed into her bone marrow. She will have three days of chemotherapy every two weeks until she can be referred to another treatment center for an Autologous Stem Cell Transplant (your own bone marrow cells). At that point she will be placed in total isolation for 30 days, and given a massive dose of chemotherapy drugs to kill the cancer. It will also kill her immune system as well as her bone marrow (thus the need for isolation). Afterwards she'll be injected with her own bone marrow again, and her immune system and bone marrow should regenerate. Statistically, in 30 percent of cases following this treatment the cancer never returns again. It will be four to six months before this treatment, which is why she'll need to have smaller chemo treatments three days a week every other week to keep the cancer in check. Your prayers for Rachel, her husband, Corwin, and her 14-year-old son, Colton, and 10-year-old daughter, Emma Rae, would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 2, 2018 - Mark E. (Haltom City, TX)
Mark has been home from the hospital for several days now. Thankfully, he didn't have to go to another rehab facility and he is under a home health care plan where he is staying off his feet and receiving IV antibiotics to clear up the infection in his foot. Mark and Glenda would like to thank you all for your tremendous outpouring of love and concern as they have received hundreds of cards from around the world. Please continue to pray for complete healing.
Oct 16, 2018
Mark and Glenda have been very appreciative of so many prayers and cards of encouragement from brethren around the world and would like to thank everyone for them. But, our prayers are once again requested from Mark and Glenda for Mark's foot wound that has been badly infected due to complications with diabetes. Mark was in a rehab center from September 17-October 4. When he was released from rehab his foot wound was looking much better. Unfortunately, after being home a week he had to be readmitted to the hospital this past Thursday when his wound was once again checked.
Another foot surgery is scheduled for today, Monday, October 15. There is infection in the bone and the surgeon plans to clean out the wound and assess how much tissue and bone will need to be removed from the foot. Your prayers for a very successful surgery and God's blessing and healing for Mark are greatly appreciated.
Sep 12, 2018
Mark E. of the Dallas/Ft. Worth congregation, has been in the Baylor Medical Center in Grapevine, TX for over a week. Due to complications with diabetes, a nasty wound on Mark's left foot has not been healing. There has been one surgery on his foot to clean out, remove infection and suture the wound. But now another surgery is scheduled for tomorrow around noon to do essentially the same thing. Apparently there is now a moldy, fungus growing in the wound and it must be determined if it is just something passing through the system or if it is actually in the bloodstream. If there is a blood infection it may be very difficult to treat and may keep Mark in the hospital even longer. Mark's potassium levels remain low and this may be why he is still having difficult eating as he is usually nauseous. Mark and his wife Glenda are asking for your prayers that God will intervene to speed up the healing processes and to rid Mark's body of all infection. Also, the constant, persistent hiccupping continues to be a great source of annoyance and agitation. Thank you for your prayers on Mark's behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 19, 2018 - Joe B. (Eau Claire, WI)
There is good news this week. Doctors were able to close Joe's abdomen on Monday. On Wednesday the ventilator was removed and so far Joe is doing fine without it. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Oct 12, 2018
Dustin B. (Eau Claire) is requesting prayers for his father, Joe B., who was in a motorcycle accident on Saturday, September 22nd. His pelvis, abdominal organs, and left arm needed extensive surgical repair, but the doctors are hopeful for a positive outcome. At this point, infection and secondary problems, like blood clots, etc. are big concerns. He's still in the ICU, but the doctors said that shortly after they close up his incision, they can take out the ventilator tube and then move him out of ICU. Your prayers for Joe and the family are appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 4, 2018 - B_family (South Africa)
I [Cindy] would like to request a congregational prayer request for a South African couple I met in Wales (Susan and Grant B.) with two beautiful small children. They grew up in the church. They left South Africa and their farm a year ago or so, for fear of harm to their children and themselves. Child trafficking and violence (was/is) a major concern in their region. Children go missing on their way to school. Susan's father on his death bed asked Grant to take his daughter and grand children out of the country to live.
Apparently passports have a rating system and South Africa is rated 97th, making it difficult to find a home in another nation. They have been traveling about in a travel trailer for the last year, desperately trying to find work in a nation that will take them.
They are asking that God open doors very obviously - in the nation that they are meant to be in. They are specifically targeting Ireland. They are also asking that God will help them sell their farm, many people just loose everything but they do have a chance to sell their farm for under the sale value.
I am asking for a prayer request that God grant them a good price for their farm and that the right doors open for a new safe home and nation for them.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 12, 2018 - Bill B. (Geneva, MN)
Bill B. of the Southern MN congregation is facing several health challenges. Due to complications with diabetes, Bill has a sore on his foot for quite a long time that has not healed. He will be undergoing surgery to perform a skin graft in attempt to close this open wound. At the same time Bill is facing the need for rotator cuff surgery, cataract surgery and will undergo angiograms on his heart and legs to diagnose a possible blockage in his heart and circulation issues in his legs. All of this is happening at the same time and has been a bit overwhelming just as we enter the Fall Holy Day season. Bill is requesting your prayers on his behalf that God will intervene and provide comfort and healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 31, 2018 - Andrew C. (Jeffersonville, IN)
Ted and Teresa C. would like to thank everyone for all of the prayers, cards, Facebook posts and gifts for Andrew C. Andrew came home Aug. 20 after his heart surgery, and he continues to do very well. He had a check-up Monday, Aug. 27, with the cardiologist and all looks very good. The doctor mentioned that the transplanted donor valve should last 10-20 years. Thank you again to everyone for their prayers, cards and concerns for Andrew. God's hand was very evident in the surgery as well as the very rapid and successful recovery.
Aug 17, 2018
Andrew had his second open-heart surgery, Wednesday, Aug. 15. The delicate and risky surgery took close to eight hours, with Andrew spending four hours on bypass, but all went very well. The surgeons commented on how smoothly the surgery went and how quickly Andrew's heart went back into synchronous rhythm after being taken off bypass. Not even 24 hours after the surgery, Andrew was able to get out of bed and appeared to be healing very quickly. Today, Aug. 17, they have Andrew walking around, helping him gain his strength back; they will also be moving him out of ICU into a regular room. The cardiologist said that Andrew will more than likely go home sometime on Sunday, which he is looking forward to. The family is very thankful to everyone for their prayers, cards and calls of encouragement during this difficult time. But most of all, they are thankful for God's comforting and directing hand that has been very evident in all that has transpired over the past couple of weeks.
Aug 10, 2018
Thursday (Aug. 9), Andrew C. underwent open-heart surgery to remove membrane and scar tissue around the aortic valve. The surgeons were able to remove most of the scar tissue but discovered that the left ventricular outflow track is too small and needs to be enlarged in order to prevent the heart from squeezing too hard. The pressure coming from his heart is approximately double what it should be. In order to correct this issue, the doctors are recommending that Andrew undergo another open-heart surgery called the Ross Konno procedure. In this procedure, they remove one artery/valve, move an artery/valve and then insert a new artery/valve from either a bovine or human cadaver. This surgery will likely occur in a week once Andrews heart has had sufficient time to recover from today's surgery. At this time they intend to keep Andrew in the hospital until the next surgery. The family would like to thank you for all of your prayers thus far, and are very appreciative of your ongoing prayers and concern for Andrew and their entire family.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 25, 2018 - Sue C. (Eau Claire, WI)
Sue has been suffering from a UTI and the flu. The flu is on the mend, and she is on antibiotics. She won't be able to attend the Feast this year, and hasn't been able to attend on Sabbath lately. She would appreciate prayers.
Dec 22, 2017
Sue was taken to the hospital on Monday for shortness of breath. Doctors diagnosed her with heart failure. Thankfully she is doing better and is home now. Please pray that she would have a full recovery.
Nov 24, 2017
Sue recently fell and broke a rib. She also continues to suffer from the leg sore that hasn't healed for a year. After further examination, a doctor in Marshfield believes it will help to do a skin graft over the affected area.
Aug 18, 2017
Sue continues to experience pain from the sore on her left leg that hasn't healed because of circulation issues. She's also experiencing pain from neuropathy, and a lack of circulation in her left foot. Her foot has gotten worse and she saw the doctor this week. She's now on different medications that the doctor is hopeful will be more effective. She really appreciates your continued prayers.
Jul 29, 2017
Sue is having continued severe pain in her legs from the neuopothy. The sore on her leg is still there, causes some pain, but is slowly improving. She hasn't been able to attend services for a few weeks, and she will have to improve more before she can attend again. But she is looking forward to seeing the brethren again. She very much appreciates your prayers.
Jun 9, 2017
Sue's nurse became very conserned early in the week because of a red streak that was going up Sue's leg. It was extending upward from the sore. The nurse wanted her to go to the doctor right away because it seemed to be blood poisoning. Sue requested anointing and not long after it was better. The pain in her leg is still pretty bad, but she has been able to attend services the past few weeks, and hopes to again this Sabbath. Thank you for your continued prayers.
May 27, 2017
Sue has been experiencing pain and infection in her leg for months. Slowly, it has gotten better. She was able to attend services last Sabbath for the first time in months, though she stays home during the rest of the week. Your prayers continue to be appreciated.
Apr 14, 2017
Sue has not be able to return to Sabbath services yet. The sore on her leg has not healed enough to make it safe. The wound is being treated more aggressively, with a tube and pump to try to keep the wound dryer and allow it to heal better. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Mar 3, 2017
The cellulitis in her leg is better, but she still has an ulcer on her leg that is caused by diabetes. Please pray it would improve. She really hopes to be able to attend services in a week or two, and appreciates your cards and prayers.
Feb 18, 2017
Sue is still suffering from several health problems, including cellulitis in her leg. She has been in quite a bit of pain and discomfort. Please pray for God to intervene and bring healing and comfort.
Feb 4, 2017
Sue's cellulitis in her leg has gotten better but it has been a very slow process. Please pray God would speed the healing.
Feb 5, 2016
Sue was able to attend services last Sabbath and is getting around better after suffering a broken hip. But this week she developed a cellulitis infection in her leg. She is taking antibiotics. Thank you for your prayers.
Jan 22, 2016
Sue has returned home and is recovering well. She has less pain, but is still on pain medication. If things go well, she hopes to be able to attend services next Sabbath. Thank you for your prayer.
Dec 26, 2015
Sue was moved from the hospital in Eau Claire to a care facility in Neillsville, where she continues to recover after surgery to insert two pins into her hip.
Dec 18, 2015
Sue slipped and fell this evening, breaking her left hip. The doctor decided that a hip replacement was not necessary, and opted to insert two pins to keep the fractures together, and hopefully to heal. The surgery was short, and much less invasive that a hip replacement. The surgery went well, and Sue is recovering well, though she was tired today. She was able to stand up, but it was painful - which is to be expected. She will be in Sacred Heart Hospital for a few days, then be moved to the same care center she was in a few months ago. She should be able to take some phone calls by Sabbath.
Nov 6, 2015
Sue recently had cortisone injections to help relieve the pain in her hip and back. She is getting around much better as a result, and hopes to be able to attend services again if things continue to improve. Thank you for your prayers!
Sept 4, 2015
Sue is back home now and is feeling better. She is glad to be off the medication for back spasms, which was making it hard to concentrate. She is feeling better than she has for some time. The doctor is considering injecting that 4th vertebra and not doing the procedure that involves blocking the nerve pain.
Aug 14, 2015
Sue fell this week. Fortunately she did not get hurt badly, but she is sore. The doctors put her on some muscle relaxants which appear to be the cause of the fall. She has been admitted to the hospital for tests. The overall problem is that she is weak, and with the medication it makes it difficult to get around on her own. She will be admitted to the nursing home tomorrow for a week, but the problem becomes what to do then. Please ask that God would intervene on Sue's behalf and give her comfort and strength so she is able to go home where she wants to be.
Jul 24, 2015
Sue was moved to the assisted care section of the hospital, and continues to be monitored and treated for pain. As long as she can lay down, her pain level is tolerable. Obviously when she moves, sets up, etc. it is quite severe. Social Security has to decide if/when they will allow her to go ahead with testing and what can be done about it. She previously had the three stress fractures in her lower back fused, and probably will have to have similar treatment for the recent fourth fracture. That greatly reduces the pain, but does not get rid of all of it. Sue would be satisfied with a more manageable level of pain. She's already looking forward to healing so she can return to services.
Jul 18, 2015
Sue was admitted to Memorial Medical Center Wednesday. She has had spells the past few days where she has been disoriented and falling down. They are also doing pain management because of the severity of it. It can take more than 15 minutes just to get her in or out of bed because of the back spasms caused by any moving. They did a CT scan and it showed a 4th compression fracture in her spine, besides the 3 older ones. They are going to do a MRI but have to wait until Tuesday when the mobile unit is in Neillsville. Hopefully this will determine if the pain is being caused by the sciatic nerve. Sue is at the Memorial Medical Center, in Neillsville.
Jul 10, 2015
Sue will be seeing the doctor this week because of the increased pain she's experiencing. They will be giving her shots to try to dull the nerves, and may recommend surgery soon to try to lessen the pain. It has been almost unbearable at times.
Apr 3, 2015
Sue's infection what was causing cellulitis in her legs continues to heal. She plans to be back at church this Sabbath for the first time since surgery. Thank you for your prayers.
Mar 27, 2015
Sue's infection what was causing cellulitis in her legs is getting better. She hopes to be well enough to come to church to attend on the First Day of Unleavened Bread. Thank you for your prayers.
Mar 20, 2015
Sue has developed staph infection in the bloodstream. She has been recovering from hip replacement surgery, which went very well. Her recovery form the surgery has gone well, but the infection is causing trouble, and can be dangerous. Please pray God would intervene to heal the infection so that it doesn't spread and continue to cause other problems.
Feb 27, 2015
Sue was doing well enough to go home earlier this week. She continues to improve and hopes to be able to return to church services next Sabbath. Thank you for your prayers.
Feb 13, 2015
Sue's hip replacement surgery went well. She was in some pain the first night, but was in good spirits and doing well overall. Her heart has done well, maintaining normal rhythms. She now faces weeks of physical therapy. Please pray she continues to recover without complications.
Feb 11, 2015 Sue was pretty miserable until around 11:30 p.m. Monday evening, when they were finally able to get the pain medication balanced. The doctors didn't want to give her too much too early because they were afraid it would affect her breathing and heart rhythm. Beyond that, she had a pretty good night, not experiencing any heart problems. She has been eating and they've had her up and walking as well. She is currently in Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire, but plans to be transferred to a hospital closer to home for more therapy before she's able to return home. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Feb 9, 2015
Sue's surgery went well. She was in some pain this afternoon, but in good spirits and doing well overall. The main concern tonight is that her heart stays strong and normal. In the past, she's experienced atrial fibrillation during the night after surgeries. Please pray she continues to recover without complications.
Feb 9, 2015
Sue is having hip replacement surgery this morning (Monday). She has endured a great deal of pain over the years, and hopefully this will help. The main concern is that her heart stays strong and stable during surgery and the recovery phase. Sue has experienced atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) during or after past surgeries. Please pray the surgery and recovery goes well.
Nov 24, 2014
Sue was having serious chest pains around 9:00 last night, and was taken to the hospital in Neillsville. A blood test showed elevated enzymes indicating she may have been having a mild heart attack. They kept her overnight for observation, and are running more tests today. She is resting comfortably and may or may not be discharged today depending on the test results. She is at Memorial Medical Center. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 19, 2018 - Soleza T. (Tacloban City, Philippines)
Antilla T., a long time church member in Visayas, Philippines requests prayer for her 96 year old mother, Soleza T., who has been admitted to hospital for one week. She was discharged on Thursday, August 16. However, today we received this text message: "Please pray for Mom. Today she complained of hard breathing so we bought a large oxygen tank and a regulator. May God lengthen her life after we did everything humanly possible."

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 17, 2018 - Jesus R. (Bogota, Colombia)
Your immediate prayers are requested again for Jesus R. (Bogota, Colombia). Jesus is not doing well. They did an endoscopy procedure today and discovered that there were serious problems with the portion of the stomach not removed from the previous recent surgeries. The doctors have decided the remaining portion has to be removed completely. Another surgery will take place on Thursday, August 16th. This is a difficult setback for the family. We are asking for prayers for Jesus, his family and the Colombian brethren with this discouraging news.
Aug 10, 2018
Jesus had surgery as planned on July 28. Most of his stomach was removed during that operation. He is still hospitalized. They had to do an additional surgery on Tuesday August 7 to implant a drain due to infection from where the stomach meets the small intestine. This was causing him much discomfort and he was not healing properly. In addition, yesterday they had to remove fluid from his left lung. Please continue to pray for his complete and speedy recovery, as well as for his family's comfort and strength.
Jul 26, 2018
Your prayers are requested for long time faithful member Jesus R. of Bogota, D.C. Colombia. Three months ago he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Since that time he has undergone multiple treatments of chemotherapy. He is going to have laparoscopic stomach surgery this Saturday. After the surgery he will go through a minimum of four more chemotherapy sessions.
Please ask God to provide him, his wife Amparo, and family with strength and encouragement. He so much wants to attend services and the Feast of Tabernacles but is not able to do so at this time.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 7, 2018 - Barb C. (Royalton, IL)
Barb would like to thank everyone for the cards, letters, prayers and love expressed to her concerning her recent medical difficulties. She had been admitted to the hospital with a gangrenous foot due to complications from diabetes. It was decided that the best course of treatment would be to remove her leg just below the knee. This guaranteed that the infection would be removed and that she wouldn't have to deal with future infections in the same area. Thanks to God's guidance and Barb's faith, the operation was successful. She has had some ups and downs but the infection is completely cured and the leg is healing very nicely. She is going through rehab and is much healthier and more upbeat. They expect that she will be able to return home later this month.
Jul 12, 2018
Barb C. of the Cape Girardeau, Missouri congregation is requesting prayers. She has been dealing with circulation issues due to diabetes for a while now but it is starting to take a toll on her. One of her toes and possibly some of her foot have turned gangrenous. She is in the hospital now on strong anti-biotics but it is likely that she will be having some toes or possibly a foot amputated soon. Understandably the entire ordeal has been discouraging and upsetting for her. Prayers are needed that the doctors might take as little as possible and that God will restore the function and circulation to her lower extremities. Prayers would also be welcome for her peace, comfort and well being. Encouraging cards and letters would also be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 3, 2018 - Jim C. (Ladysmith, WI)
Jim is in a nursing home in Ladysmith, WI, and is unable to attend services. He is unable to walk, but gets around in a wheelchair. He has been suffering from a pinched nerve in his neck, which has been very painful. He appreciates your prayers.
Feb 23, 2018
Jim requests prayers that God will intervene to help strenthen his legs so he can walk again. He currently is not able to walk at all. It's very discouraging for him to not be able to get around on his own. Jim lives in the LadySmith, WI nursing home.
Aug 27, 2016
Jim recently had to be moved into an assisted living facility. His legs have been giving him problems for years. He is now unable to walk without assistance. He hopes to purchase a mechanical wheelchair soon.
Feb 13, 2015
Jim requests prayers for 'restless leg syndrome' which he's experienced for years, but has gotten worse. It causes uncontrolled twitching in his legs which affects his sleep and makes it difficult to get around. He is currently unable to drive. He is now 87 years old. Your prayers are appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 27, 2018 - Gwendolyn S. (Odessa, MO)
Gwendolyn had the Arnold Chiari 1 malformation surgery on Monday, July 16, and we are very happy to report that the surgery went very well. Gwendolyn is currently no longer having pain in her arms. She came home from the hospital on Thursday and is doing well. She is still having some pain from the surgery but that will pass within the next few days. The incision in her neck should heal within six weeks. She has a follow-up visit with the surgeon in two weeks for a checkup. After that she will have an MRI in six months to confirm everything is as it should be.
The family very much appreciates the prayers that everyone offered up on Gwendolyn's behalf. It is very evident that God answered these prayers. Gwendolyn has also really appreciated the many calls and cards that she received. She read many of the cards after the surgery, and she very much looked forward to this activity the second day in the hospital.
Gwendolyn asks that you continue to pray that there would be no infection. Also that all of the symptoms - headaches, dizziness and pain in her arms, head, and neck - will be gone.
Jul 13, 2018
Gwendolyn S., a seventeen-year-old girl in the Kansas City congregation, requests prayers for God to heal her of a brain malformation. One year ago, Gwendolyn went to a neurologist to determine what could be causing headaches and dizziness which had been occurring for six years. Two MRI's confirmed that she had Chiari 1 malformation, a condition in which the brain grows into the spinal cavity and spinal fluid pools, causing pressure on the spinal canal. Due to worsening conditions in the past six months, multiple neurologists have recommended surgery. If her condition worsens, permanent nerve damage could result. The surgery will involve removing part of her skull and opening room to relieve the pressure and restore the spinal fluid flow. Gwendolyn has been anointed and the hope and prayer is that she will be healed prior to surgery. Please pray that she will be healed, but if she must have the surgery, that it will be completely successful with no complications and a speedy recovery. Surgery is scheduled for July 16.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 27, 2018 - Denice L. (Greenville, PA)
Denice and her husband, Roger, of the Meadville, Pennsylvania, congregation, express their appreciation for the many cards of encouragement and concern they've received, and the prayers of so many of their brethren. Denice's cancer has spread further, and she is now in hospice care (in their home). She is able to take in a certain amount of liquid nourishment; she is experiencing only low levels of pain, which is in itself nothing short of miraculous. Roger is able to read many cards she has received to her, as her eyesight has deteriorated to the point reading would be difficult. She continues to focus on the goal before us all, and they are both doing all they can to carry on faithfully and firmly in this trial. The cards are a great source of encouragement and strength for her. Both their sets of parents live on the same property, and are tirelessly sharing in the care for Denice. Thank you all for "sharing the load" with them in this trial.
Jun 8, 2018
Denice L., a member in the Meadville, Pennsylvania, congregation, requests prayers for several rapidly manifested symptoms, the most serious being what gives all evidence of being cancer. Thyroid function impairment compounds the issue, but the greatest concern centers on abnormalities showing up on her liver and in breast tissue. She is currently at home, having been released from a brief hospitalization to try to determine the causes. Denice and her husband, Roger, appreciate the concern and prayers of their brethren as they ponder what direction to proceed with further testing and treatment.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 20, 2018 - Joe B. (Fargo, ND)
Joe is having problems with his diabetes the past few weeks. He will be seeing his diabetes specialist on July 24, and would appreciate prayers that it can be better managed. His diabetes is making it hard to deal with the heat of summer.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 20, 2018 - Andrea W. (Lewisville, TX)
This past Thursday, July 12, my [Dave W.] mother, Andrea W, had surgery for breast cancer. The surgeon felt the procedure was successful and that all breast cancer was removed with clean margins and no signs of cancer in the lymph nodes. We will know for sure in a week during the follow-up appointment. As part of the reconstructive surgery, a skin graft was used. Prayers that the graft would take without complication would be appreciated. She is at home resting and with the help of family her recovery is taking place much faster than expected. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for all the prayers, cards and flowers sent by the brethren since the original prayer request was sent out. We have certainly seen God's hand at work, His love and the love and support of our worldwide church family. Prayers for my father, Roger, who is having difficulty with anxiety because of her surgery, would be greatly appreciated.
Jun 8, 2018
My [Ralph] wife, Andrea, was scheduled to have surgery on Monday, June 11, for her recently diagnosed breast cancer. Andrea felt she needed more time to research and determine which type of surgery to have. After talking with her surgeon, it was determined that (since Andrea's cancer is a slow-growing cancer) she can safely wait until the second week of July to have surgery. A specific date will be determined next week. Andrea and I have been so appreciative for the cards (including a hand-made "comfort blanket") that began to arrive in our mailbox from you, our brethren! We have read each one and we are comforted and strengthened by your love, words and prayers. Thank you!
May 25, 2018
On Wednesday before Pentecost we got the results of recent biopsies that my wife, Andrea, had the week before. The biopsies show that she has cancer in two areas of her right breast. Surgery is scheduled for June 11. We would appreciate your prayers for God's guidance and intervention.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 12, 2018 - Lee C. (Canadensis, PA)
After spending a week sedated and on a respirator Lee became responsive early this week and has been making progress as the week has gone on. They were able to fully remove the respirator and he is able to talk softly and move his arms and legs now which is huge progress from just a couple days ago. It definitely seems that God intervened! They did receive the biopsy results and cancer was found in his colon and liver, but not in the lungs or pancreas as they doctors believed. They are hoping to be able to move him out of the hospital in the next week or so and transfer him to a rehab facility. Their plans were to move to Tennessee in July and are hoping to be able to find a rehab facility in Tennessee to be closer to two of their daughters there.
The family asked me to pass on their thanks for all the love and prayers to our wonderful Father on their behalf.
Jul 2, 2018
I am very saddened to report that Mr. Lee Cole has been diagnosed with liver cancer. Mr. Cole is an elder who recently retired from pastoring three churches in eastern Pennsylvania.
He had been having ups and downs but then wasn't able to keep food or water down, so he went to the hospital on Saturday. While there, they did some tests and discovered the cancer late Saturday night. Mr. Cole is still at the hospital in an induced coma state as they try to determine the next steps to help him.
His wife, Laura, doesn't have much information yet but is understandably very devastated. Some of her children are coming in to town and will be joining them.
Please keep Mr. and Mrs. Cole, along with their family, in your prayers at this extremely difficult time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 4, 2018 - Mark B. M. (Pangasinan, Philippines)
He writes: "First of all, I would like to thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes. I have been touched and moved by all your wonderful messages, thoughtful words and reminder that God is in control over all things. My cancer (nasopharyngeal carcinoma) has been successfully removed. I underwent radiation and chemotherapy treatments. My recent MRI showed negative of any sign of possible existence of the cancer and that all remaining tumor is benign and decreasing in size. Again, thank you all for your prayers.
Although the cancer is gone, I am still experiencing the side effects of the treatments. Some of these side effects are: severe hearing loss, weakened immune system, peripheral neuropathy (pins-and-needles sensation in both hands and feet), weakened muscles, and inactive salivary glands. I have learned that some of these may be permanent, some may improve, and some may be gone after some time. Nevertheless, I am truly grateful that God gave me a new lease on life. May I request you to please continue praying for my full recovery and that all these side effects may go away.
I know that God gives us health trials for us to appreciate and value the life He has given us. Trials test our faith and trust in the Almighty. I believe everything that happens in our life is a blessing. This trial is a blessing in disguise that has provided me deeper understanding of the things that are important and of value in this life."
Jun 26, 2017
Mark B. M., a member in the San Carlos congregation, was diagnosed with stage three nasopharyngeal carcinoma and will undergo a two-month combination treatment of chemotherapy and radiation therapy beginning on Wednesday, June 28. Prayers on Mark's behalf will be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 21, 2018 - Peter C. (Western Australia)
The family want to extend their heartfelt gratitude for the prayers, cards and messages sent following Peter's cardiac arrest on April 6. On Tuesday June 19, Peter underwent an angiogram and other tests to ascertain the next step in his treatment. After viewing the results the heart specialist has recommended that the best option in the long term is for Peter to undergo a double heart by-pass. This operation is scheduled for this coming Tuesday 26 June. Peter, his wife Toni and the family would appreciate your prayers for the success of this operation. They are asking for God's hand to guide the surgeons and assist in Peter's recovery from the operation. Thank you for your continued prayers on behalf of the family.
Apr 16, 2018
Peter had the second stent placement on Friday afternoon which went well. So well, that the doctors saw there to be no need for him to spend another day in hospital. Peter was then discharged from Fiona Stanley late Saturday and will be, along with Toni, staying with his daughter Tameryn (and son in law Nathan) for a few weeks. Doctors have been impressed with his recovery, he will need a third stent to be put in, in a few months time but this is not urgent. The doctors reassured that the chances of Peter having another heart attack is low, and added that no one ever has zero chance of having one.
Continual prayers are welcomed as Peter recovers. The outcome as you can imagine has put such relief to his loved ones. Please pray for continual strength to the family. If we could have additional prayers for Yasmin who has been struck down with tonsillitis and no doubt not helped due to the worry and stress of the past week. Again, we cannot thank each and everyone of your for your support and prayers for Peter.
Apr 12, 2018
Here is the latest update on Peter who suffered a heart attack on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread while presenting the sermonette. He remains in a stable condition in the coronary care unit at the Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth. Tests have confirmed that he did suffer a heart attack which caused the cardiac arrest. On Friday evening Peter had a stent inserted which has assisted his recovery greatly. If they had not done this procedure he would now be requiring open heart surgery. Further tests and scans have also revealed narrowing of a number of arteries and blood vessels and it appears necessary for further procedures to insert more stents. It is not known when this will occur. Other positive news is Peter is now able to get out of bed and move round which is not only encouraging for himr but also all the family. Please continue to remember Peter, Toni and the families in your continuing prayers for Peter's return to full health.
Apr 9, 2018
Peter is in the process of moving from the ICU to the CCU. Another tick in the right direction! He is a lot more alert but tired and weak. Blood pressure is still a concern as it is high. He has sat in a chair but not allowed to walk until he can get that blood pressure down as he got dizzy when standing. Bit by bit, he is kicking goals but a long journey still to go. We are all (including Dad) so humbled to know how loved we are. God has truly shown his mighty power with this miracle. We can't thank each and every one of you enough for not only the CPR on Dad but all the other things on that day, supporting my sister and the kids when she was there by herself. Everyone just rallied together and prayed. We worked as a team just like Dad said we ought to in his sermonette. The outpouring of love has truly been felt by us all.
Apr 5, 2018
Your urgent prayers are requested for Peter C., a member from Western Australia who collapsed while delivering a sermonette on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread in Mandurah. He went into cardiac arrest and was rushed to the emergency room at the local hospital in Mandurah. He has now been transferred to the intensive care unit at the Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth where he is in an induced coma until tomorrow. The cause of Peter's collapse is unknown and more tests will be conducted.
Update: Sunday April 8: After suffering a heart attack at Last Day of Unleavened Bread services, Peter remains in the intensive care unit at the Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth. Below is an update from his daughter, Tameryn.
Last night (Saturday) when we left, they were looking at putting him on his feet and giving breakfast before moving him to the cardiology unit/ward. Mum just tried to call but they are all doing their shift handover we think and not picking the phone. At this stage he is still in ICU, he was awake, and becoming more aware of the surroundings and situation. He recognised all of us, and asked for the grandkids. So still positive signs. Kept asking where he was, how did he get there and what happened. He is being his cheeky self and in good spirits. Colour is good. Vitals good. They said a good sign of good CPR is broken ribs and that someone very strong was working on him. Dad was told that he received CPR and who was administering it, but we don't know how much he has info he has retained. He has a chest infection but the good sign is that he is clearing it himself. We know more when we go see him.
Toni and the family would really appreciate your prayers for Peter's full recovery and God's strength and comfort at this traumatic time. Updates will be provided as they come to hand.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 21, 2018 - Randy K. (Houston, TX)
Toni K. requests your prayers for her husband, Randy who is battling cancer.
Randy has made impressive improvements from the first (of three) rounds of chemo. However, there is concern about his lack of use and feeling in his right leg and foot. The hospital took images over the weekend and doctors will be getting with them in the next day or so to recommend next steps. Please pray for God's guidance in what those next steps might be as there could be some very serious ramifications.
They have felt God's involvement and guidance throughout this trial and ask that you continue to ask for God's guidance and comfort.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 17, 2018 - Meaghan W. (Raleigh, NC)
Meaghan had an ultrasound on Wednesday at 18 weeks. They found a number of severe abnormalities with the baby which the doctor says will either lead to the baby dying during the pregnancy or within a year after birth. Meaghan and Paul ask that we all pray for God's healing upon the baby, but also that He would be merciful. Meaghan and Paul do not want the baby to suffer in any way, either in pregnancy or upon birth. Please pray for them, and pray also that God gives them peace of mind in the days, weeks and months ahead.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 13, 2018 - Bruno A. (The Colony, TX)
I am very happy to report that Bruno is up and walking without a cane and without pain! A few weeks ago when the initial prayer request was sent out, Bruno was in a great deal of pain and was barely able to hobble due to his chronic back issues. He is now back at services basically pain free, walking briskly, and doing very well. Bruno would like to thank you for all of your prayers, cards, and expressions of love and concern on his behalf. He said the numerous cards were all a great encouragement to him and he definitely felt the love and warmth of our brethren. Thanks for letting your lights shine brightly and thanks to our great God for His intervention and healing!
Apr 27, 2018
Your prayers are requested for Bruno A., a member of the DFW congregation. Bruno has had serious back issues since he was a teenager and young adult. He has herniated disks, an extra vertebrae, and some congenital back problems. He has been on medications for years to help manage the pain, but lately he has been determined to go without pain meds due to their side effects. Bruno has not been able to work for quite some time and he has not been able to attend services for many weeks due to the pain he is experiencing. He is hopeful to return to services soon and to begin working again.
Please pray fervently for God's speedy intervention and healing, and until that occurs, strength for Bruno to endure the pain and suffering he is experiencing. Thank you very much for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 8, 2018 - Art T. (Houston, TX)
Donna T. writes: My husband, Art, had 6 stem cell injections on Monday. He got very sick after he ate that evening and had chills and fever, and the next day, he got disoriented and fell in the hallway. I had to get a neighbor to come over and get him up. I got the walker we have out for him, and he couldn't hardly walk with it. This all happened during supper time. I called our son Mark and he came over to help me get him in the van to take him to the ER. They thought he had pneumonia at first and then they decided today that it was a blood infection from the stem cell injection. He will be having walking therapy for several days and will then home assistance after he gets home for his exercises. He is at St. John's Methodist Hospital in Nassau Bay. Please pray that he recovers from this quickly and that he will walk normally again. Thanks so much. I appreciate all of you so much.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 6, 2018 - Janice W. (Houston, TX)
Janice had eye surgery today. She notes, "Surgery went well. Home resting. I can see, at least out of one eye. Thanks for your prayers."
Jun 4, 2018
Many thanks to everyone who prayed for me regarding my knee replacement surgery. I had my 6-week check up Thursday, May 31 and it was a positive report. The surgery was done on April 16 and all went well. I was in the hospital one night and came home the next day. Pain has been minimal. The worse pain has been the physical therapy. A home nurse visited for the first 2 weeks. She was amazed at the progress I made in that period of time. I now go twice a week for physical therapy and have made significant improvement but have a long way to go. I was able to return to work on a part time basis the third week from the surgery. I have been blessed tremendously and I am extremely thankful for that. Thank you for your prayers and thanks to our great wonderful Eternal God who heard your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - May 25, 2018 - David R. (Chesapeake, VA)
David R. of the Williamsburg, Virginia, congregation, was transported by ambulance to the hospital Sabbath morning due to alarm signals being sent by his pacemaker. He and his wife, Carol, were gathered with the Williamsburg and Roanoke brethren for Pentecost weekend together. It was determined that one of the leads of his pacemaker had broken. This happened in 2013 and the old lead could not be taken out at that time. A new lead was added and he has had three leads since 2013. Doctors now say there is not enough room for a fourth and two old leads will have to come out. Doctors agree that this is a very risky surgery. They would not attempt the surgery in at Sentara Hospital in Charlottesville or Norfolk because they do not have a doctor qualified or willing to take the risk. David was transferred to University of Virginia Medical Center overnight where they have a doctor qualified to perform the surgery. Doctors will meet today to plan the surgery and it is expected to happen tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. Please pray for God's intervention throughout this process. David and Carol fully trust in God to work His perfect will in this situation. They greatly appreciate your prayers. UPDATE - David successfully underwent surgery on Tuesday to replace a broken lead in his pacemaker. They were not able to remove both of the broken leads, so one was left inside. His vitals are good now and he is smiling and talking with us. His pacemaker was also replaced with their latest technology. Doctors said they expect him to be released from the hospital in a couple days. He knows our Father intervened and is very grateful for your prayers on his behalf. Please continue to pray for God's help during this recovery process.

<  > Prayer Request - May 23, 2018 - Laura G. (Houston TX)
Laura G. requests your prayers for her surgery on Thursday at MD Anderson Hospital on Holcombe. Specifically, she would ask that in your prayers you would pray that our merciful God would guide the surgeon's hand in removing the mass in her ovary area. Additionally, it would be appreciated that if it is God's will pray that the mass would be benign and successfully removed.

<  > Prayer Update - May 18, 2018 - Jerry R. (Woodbury, MN)
Jerry would like to thank everyone for your prayers and cards. He had a very serious kidney infection and fever caused by a kidney stone. Doctors wanted to remove the kidney stone, but they found the infection was too severe to complete the operation. The antibiotics did a great job of reducing the infection. The stone was too large to pass without surgery. The surgery was moved up to today (Friday, May 18). It went well and he was able to return home this afternoon.
May 11, 2018
At first the doctor wanted to operate because the stone was causing infection. But it was later determined that there was too much infected tissue to continue with the operation. So Jerry was given antibiotics and returned home. He is currently feeling better. Surgery is now scheduled for June 15.
May 4, 2018
Jerry went to the Regions Hospital ER late Friday afternoon suffering from kidney stones. While the stones would normally pass, this episode has caused an infection. Surgery was scheduled for Friday evening. Your prayer for a quick recovery are appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - May 17, 2018 - Bob L. (Houston, TX)
Many have expressed interest in my medical treatment, so I thought it would be good to give an update.
First, Lori and I wish to thank everyone for all the outpouring of concern: the phone calls, the E-mails, all the beautiful cards and personal well wishes. It is very comforting. Of course, everyone's thoughts and prayers are especially cherished. We can see God's hand in the situation and feel the prayers. Please continue your support.
The treatment consists of a combination of testosterone reducing hormone medication plus radiation. The hormone treatment started with pills then followed shortly with a hip administered shot. After the shot takes hold, the pills are dropped. The effects produce a lethargic state and condition akin to menopause in women. These shots may need to continue a year or two.
The radiation regimen is five days per week for nine weeks and my treatments are a little over half completed. There is no sensation with the treatment but the radiation does cause inflammation in the surrounding areas giving me some bowel and elimination irritation, which has proven to be minor. The main problem with the radiation is a restrictive and bland diet that accompanies it.
Unfortunately, there is no way to determine the overall effectiveness of the plan other than future PSA readings, which will start in a few months. There is no defined tumor nor any way to see the cancer that is present, and there have been no symptoms. They say that if you see symptoms, it is too late. Cheery thought! If the PSA begins to rise in the next year or two, then the program was not completely successful and additional treatment may be called for. My Oncologist said that even without additional treatment I have an 85% chance of living 10 more years.
Bob and Lori

<  > Prayer Request - May 17, 2018 - Lisa G. (Houston, TX)
Lisa G. requests your prayers on her behalf. Her blood pressure is dangerously high and she is having problems getting it under control. Please pray that God would mercifully intervene to help her with this problem.

<  > Prayer Update - May 11, 2018 - Mike B. (Maryville, TN)
Mike B. received the results from the latest tests, and they were mixed. The scan showed that everything in the brain is staying pretty stable. Mike had a P.E.T scan done a few days later and it was not very encouraging. It showed quite a bit of growth and spreading. The doctor said it has spread to his liver and possibly to the bones. There are a lot of lymph nodes on the right side of his neck that are swollen. The current treatment that he was receiving was stopped because it wasn't effective. He is now undergoing immunotherapy. Mike, his wife, Teresa, daughter, Natasha C. and grandsons, Christian and Jaxon have been wonderful examples in the face of adversity. The many cards, letters and prayers are greatly appreciated! Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Jan 5, 2018 - Mike B. (Maryville, TN)
Your continued prayers for Mike and his family would be greatly appreciated. Mike and Teresa spent the night in the hospital after attending Sabbath services and then dining with some of the brethren. Mike is extremely weak and in constant pain. He has endured three weeks of full brain radiation for the tumors, and chemotherapy treatments for the cancer, which have taken their toll on his entire body. There will be an MRI conducted Jan. 15 to determine the impact the treatments have had. This has been very difficult, not only for Mike but for the entire family (Natasha is Mike and Teresa's daughter). They are very grateful for the prayers, cards and notes of encouragement from the brethren.
Mar 18, 2016
Mike has been at services for the last two Sabbaths. He still has a low count on his white blood cells but is feeling better than he has in a while. Mike, Teresa and family send their appreciation to everyone for their prayers and cards and ask that we continue to pray for his complete healing.
Feb 19, 2016
Mike has been in the hospital since last Tuesday due to stage 3 lung cancer, a severe urinary tract infection and consistently high fevers. He is now considered "neutropenic" which means that his white blood cell count is critically low, and his body is unable to fight anything off. He is unable to have physical contact with others due to being neutropenic, which limits visitation. Nutrition is another major concern as it is painful for him to eat or drink anything. Mike truly appreciates all of the cards, letters, prayers and outpouring of love and support.
Dec 9, 2015
Prayers are requested for Mike, a member of the Knoxville, Tennessee, congregation Mike has been diagnosed with Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (Lung Cancer). He is still feeling well though he has had a persistent cough for quite some time. The latest tests have simply confirmed the problem. Your prayers for God's intervention are very much appreciated for Mike and his family.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 27, 2018 - Michelle M. (Spokane, WA)
Michelle M., the wife of Mark M., elder, Spokane, WA:
"I was informed Thursday morning that I would need to have the bones in both my feet fused since the arthritis is so painful it is oftentimes difficult to walk.
"Later in the afternoon, I was informed that I have ductal carcinoma breast cancer. My doctor said it is "active" and needs to be addressed immediately. The next step is probably a surgical biopsy with tests to determine the full extent of the cancer. From there, a decision will have to be made on how to go forward. My guess is that I will have to postpone any surgery on my feet, so I would appreciate your prayers that my feet would improve, making it possible for me to get around.
"I am also asking for your prayers in regards to my sleep disorder. I get very little good sleep and I know a night's rest is essential. I will keep you posted as I find out more."

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 27, 2018 - David F. (Billings, MT)
It has been just over two weeks since 33-year old David, a member of the Billings. MT congregation was hit and run over by car while riding his motorcycle home from work. David suffered severe injury to the brain and was in Intensive Care for two weeks. This past Tuesday - although still unconscious since the accident - he was in stable enough condition and had progressed to the point he could be moved to Long Term Care Facility that specializes in helping individuals be weaned from respiratory equipment and recover from traumatic brain injuries.
We are so happy to report God has certainly heard the outpouring of prayers on David and the family's behalf and has intervened - helping David to make progress! Some of the medical team cautioned the family it could be many months before progress would be seen or they could determine the extend to the injury to the brain. However, God in His loving compassion and mercy has hastened his recovery, which has been of tremendous encouragement to the family (wife Cassie, Mom Annie, Dad Dennis, and Grandmother Jane. plus aunts & uncles) as well as the Montana brethren. I will share the message from Annie that reports on the wonderful progress made this morning (Friday). It articulates clearly the progress David is making better than I can!
"The speech therapist was here this morning. DJ raised his left eyebrow at her and grimaced when she said she was going to brush his teeth. But he also opened his mouth on command and didn't bite down so she could brush. She was very happy to see voluntary swallowing. The physical therapist was here at the same time with three CNAs. She asked if we wanted to leave because it might be hard to watch, and I politely declined. (Cass was outside making a call, then she rejoined us.) They pulled his med. pole around the bed and sat him up on the left side of the bed! He responded appropriately when asked if he was in pain (shook his head slightly, no), to - look at me, - reach out with his hands, move his legs. In fact, he didn't just move his legs, he extended them out almost completely! The therapist asked if we wanted to go to that side of the bed so he could see us. Cass ran over, and he smiled at her! Then I got to go over and talk to him and tell him what a great job he was doing. They should be fitting him for a helmet today or Monday. The therapist was very pleased with his work today, and said we should be encouraged. She saw purpose in his eyes, and she was impressed with how much he could do already. He's on assisted, not controlled breathing with the vent, and that means weaning from the vent will be shorter. He worked hard this morning, and now he's sleeping again. He'll get a rest from workouts this weekend, and resume next week. DJ is on his way back to us. God is faithful, kind and merciful!"
Thank you all for your past and on-going prayers on behalf of David and his family. It has been an extremely emotional roller coaster ride for them. The road to complete recovery will certainly take time. Your continued prayers will be much appreciated but we also give thanks for God's love and mercy in helping David make such good progress in such a short period of time!
Apr 12, 2018
We are asking your prayers on behalf of David F., age 33, and his family - wife Cassandra (only married two weeks ago), Dad & Mom, Dennis & Annie F., and Annie's mother, Jane.
Wednesday night, while riding his motorcycle home after completing his shift at Outback Steakhouse David was hit and run over by a car. Miraculously, David did not suffer any broken bones but did suffer severe head injuries. (He was wearing a helmet). David (aka DJ) has been in the Intensive Care Unit since the accident. He was put into an induced coma to help keep him calm and help his brain to recover. CT scans have revealed he has a number of contusions (concussions, bruises) to the frontal part of his head and brain that the doctors are very concerned about. Until he is allowed to come out of the coma the state of his brain and the extent of the damage to it, if any, is unknown. (If he does well they plan to begin the process of leaving him "wake up" this Saturday evening, April 14th.)
As you would certainly expect and understand, this state of not knowing his condition is challenging for the family. I would ask you to pray that God in his mercy and love, would completely heal David and restore him to the same state he was in before the accident - with full memory, full control and full use of his body and mind, and free from pain and headaches. So, yes... the situation and condition David is in IS very critical and serious. Your prayers on his behalf are much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 27, 2018 - Clayton B. (Seagrove, NC)
We have been waiting to send an update regarding Clayton, a member of the Greensboro, North Carolina, congregation, so we could share some very good news. Clayton became ill during the Feast at Pigeon Forge last year and was hospitalized. He was subsequently diagnosed with a malignant tumor on his liver. Part of the liver was removed along with the tumor on Dec. 16 and Clayton remained hospitalized for five months, also spending some time in rehab facilities. For a long time, he was unable to eat and was sustained through a feeding tube. He lost too much weight and became very weak. However, he began to improve and recently had the tube removed. He has been home about five weeks, is able to eat and continues to improve daily. Clayton says he knows God heard your prayers and in His mercy has healed him. He was able to attend Passover and the holy days and is now attending Sabbath services. He very much appreciates all the cards and prayers. He said it made his long days and nights bearable.
Dec 1, 2017
It has been some time since an update about Clayton, but the family had been waiting on the biopsy reports from tumor removed from his liver. Half of his liver was removed in a surgical procedure on Monday, Nov. 13. The family thanks everyone for all of your prayers, visits, calls and cards. The doctor reported last week that the tumor came back benign. He is on the road to recovery. The doctors said that his pancreas is still inflamed and that it is just going to take time. It isn't definite how much longer he will be in the hospital because he is still weak from the liver surgery. He continues to fight the elevated white blood count and bilirubin, but the doctors said this was normal with this kind of surgery and that these should get better as he heals. Please continue to pray for him, his wife, Inez, and the whole family.
Oct 20, 2017
Your prayers are requested for Clayton B., a deacon from the Greensboro, North Carolina, congregation. Clayton became sick during the Feast and had to come home. He was subsequently admitted to the hospital and has been diagnose with a bile duct blockage caused by a Klatskin tumor on his liver. This caused abdominal pain and jaundice. He will have a surgical procedure this week to remove the left side of his liver. The hope is that it will grow back within seven weeks He and his wife, Inez, appreciate your prayers for God's intervention and healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 24, 2018 - Vanessa C. (Houston, TX)
Vanessa C. requests prayers for her daughter who is 20 weeks pregnant. She went to the dr. today and found out that it will be a girl. The baby's name will be Summer.
However my daughter is being referred to a specialist because there is a chance that the baby has down syndrome or the problem could be that the baby ingested some blood from a tear in the placenta as I understand things.
This was determined by the way that the baby's colon glowed on the ultrasound. My daughter will be contacted within 3 days by a specialist to determine what is taking place.
Thanks for your prayers,

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 20, 2018 - Patricia G. (Banner Elk, NC)
Patricia G., of the Hickory, North Carolina, congregation, requests your prayers. Among the many things Patricia is dealing with are sarcoidosis (an inflammatory disease causing coughing, shortness of breath, or chest pain), fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, Fuch's dystrophy (a disease of the cornea), celiac disease coupled with IBS, and narcolepsy. As she deals with these physical complications, she also struggles with depression and anxiety issues. Patricia is only able to attend services a few times a year. She and her husband, Larry, are having a very difficult time coping with all this as Larry is also dealing with chronic health issues of his own.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 16, 2018 - Giovanna P. (La Paz, Bolivia)
Our daughter, Giovanna, a former member of the congregation of Bolivia, when she was descending the stairs of the house yesterday, fell down and broke the tibia of her right foot, which is swollen noticeably. She was immediately taken to a health center where X-rays were taken having confirmed fracture of the tibia below the right knee. The delicate situation of the fracture is a reason for study on the part of surgeons. Today she will undergo surgery for which reason, our family requests the prayers of all members of the Church, so that God can intervene during her operation and recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 14, 2018 - Burt D. (Mandan, ND)
Burt recently fell a couple of time and hurt his hip and ribs.;His ribs particularly sore. Please pray both his hip and ribs heal quickly.
Jun 17, 2016
Burt is still recovering from hip surgery. He is doing fine, and would like to thank you all for your prayers.
May 20, 2016
Burt's hip surgery went well. Unfortunately, he got out of bed on Tuesday morning and fell, injuring his hip again. Doctors determined he would need more surgery, but once he was under anesthesia they were able to reset his hip without surgery. He is recovering and is in good spirits.
May 13, 2016
Burt will undergo hip replacement surgery on Monday, May 16th. Your prayers that the surgery goes well and for a speedy recovery are appreciated. The main concern is for infection after the surgery.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 12, 2018 - Lourdes J. grandchildren (Bulacan, Philippines)
Mrs. Lourdes J. of the Manila congregation requests prayers for her grandchildren, Abigail G., age 7, Cailin G., age 11 and Miguel V., age 6 who were all hospitalized at the Far Eastern University hospital after their platelets have considerably gone down due to Dengue Fever. Abigail and Miguel were confined since Monday and Cailin just this morning. Please pray that God will completely heal them from this Dengue Fever.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 5, 2018 - Barry R. (Roanoke, TX)
Barry R., an elder serving our Fort Worth, Texas, congregation, suffered a heart attack yesterday. Extensive tests have revealed five blockages in his heart and bypass surgery has been scheduled for this coming Monday. Barry, his wife, Donna, and his entire family would appreciate your prayers for God's intervention and healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 4, 2018 - Nola W. (Ottawa, KS)
Nola and Bill W. request your prayers for Nola. She has been recently diagnosed with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema. She is currently undergoing monthly treatments and managing her diabetes to improve her condition. She has already seen God's hand in finding appropriate doctors for treatment and is looking to Him for the blessing of healing that He offers. This condition will require monthly monitoring, but she has already seen God's comfort and encouragement as she faces this trial in faith. Your prayers for Nola are deeply appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 30, 2018 - Mason D. (Eau Claire, WI)
Mason, who was hospitalized with salmonella, was able to return home last Sabbath. He is doing much better, and the family appreciate all of your prayers.
Mar 23, 2018
Jason and Michelle D. (Eau Claire) are requesting prayers for their little boy Mason who was admitted to the hospital earlier this week. Test results showed that he has salmonella. He is improving and they hope to bring him home on Sabbath. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 23, 2018 - Delores F. (Noel, MO)
Delores and John F. of Noel, Missouri, wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the many cards and prayers since their automobile accident this winter. They have been attending church services since last summer and were shocked at how many cards they received from church members all over the world. Delores is still wearing a body brace and using a walker at home, but she and John are grateful to again be able to attend church services weekly.
Feb 16, 2018
Delores F. of the Northwest Arkansas congregation was injured when the family car slid off an icy road into a ditch. She is at home wearing a back brace and using a walker while recovering from cracked ribs and vertebrae. However while at home, Delores suffered a small stroke and was hospitalized in Springfield, Missouri. A blood clot problem was resolved and she now recuperating at home. Delores and her husband John look forward to returning to church services when they are able. Your prayers for Delores would be much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 23, 2018 - Amy W. (Bella Vista, AR)
Amy wishes to express her appreciation for the many cards and prayers for her well-being since her liver transplant surgery last August. The first six months were the most cautionary to minimize human contact because she had to avoid any illness. She is now becoming more and more independent and recently was able to driver herself for 3-4 hours to Little Rock, Arkansas, for a checkup. In June she will again travel to Little Rock to have a stent removed. Her life becomes more normal as time progresses.
Aug 19, 2017
A suitable donor liver became available for Amy. She went into liver transplant surgery at 4:00 a.m. (CT) today (Sabbath, August 19) at UAMS hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. Surgery is expected to last until noon. Your prayers for quick healing and comfort would be appreciated.
Aug 5, 2017
Amy has had a series of medical tests including heart catheterization to see if she could withstand liver transplant surgery and if she would be able to thrive thereafter. The family received word on Wednesday night, August 2nd that Amy has qualified to be placed on the liver transplant list. Amy and her parents went home to Northwest Arkansas on Thursday. Now they await the telephone call notification that a donor liver will be available. Presuming that a donor liver is found, the Walmsley's will be back in Little Rock, Arkansas, for an extended stay.
Jul 25, 2017
Your urgent prayers are requested for Amy W. -daughter of Sandy and Bonnie W. of the Northwest Arkansas congregation. On Tuesday morning (July 25th) Amy was transported by ambulance to Little Rock, Arkansas, for immediate consideration for a liver transplant. She has waves of pain and related complicatons as her liver fails to fully function. Your prayers and encouragement for Amy, her parents, and the rest of the family would be appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 5, 2018 - Ruth L. (Antipolo City Philippines)
Samantha Hope was born to Ruth on March 2, 2018, at 8:40 am, via a C-section delivery. She weighed 6.6 lbs. and measured 19.9 inches long. Upon initial evaluation, doctors deemed both mother and baby to be in good condition. Further tests will be done on the baby so that precautionary measures can be taken to ensure her wellness in the long term. Thank you for your prayers and concern for Ruth's pregnancy and safe delivery. We request for your continued prayers for the long term health of Samantha Hope. Your prayers are much appreciated. Thank you.
Feb 9, 2018
Ruth's right knee pain is significantly less now. She is also able to bend her right knee almost as much as her left knee with minimal discomfort. Please pray that she will no longer need surgery to correct her knee after her pregnancy. Ruth is to have a caesarean section delivery by the end of February or the beginning of March. Please pray for a smooth delivery and a healthy baby. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Jan 29, 2018
Ruth is 33 weeks pregnant at 40 years old and has a torn cartilage in her right knee. Moving her right leg proves difficult as she is unable to bend her knee beyond a certain point. Due to her high-risk pregnancy, doctors cannot yet do the necessary surgery on her knee nor give her proper medication for the pain. We request your prayers that Ruth's right knee be healed, that her knee problem does not adversely affect her pregnancy and that she delivers a perfectly healthy baby.
Sept 9, 2016
We thank you for your prayers for the comfort of Ruth and Ian and expressions of sympathy regarding the death of their stillborn son. He would have been named Ezekiel John. The funeral service was conducted by Mr. Rey Evasco on August 28.
Jun 28, 2013
She continues to have pain & numbness in her back, legs, arms & head. She also experiences weakness. Tests done show the curvature in her neck is curved in the opposite direction, & that she has a disc bulge in 3 places. Physical therapy & meds have not helped thus far.
Mar 23, 2011
Ruth, daughter of Benny & Gloria L., had surgery to correct the instability in her spine. She had a follow up x-ray last week & it showed the implants (screws, etc.) remained intact in her spine.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 2, 2018 - Lucyanna D. (Eau Claire, WI)
Lucyanna, the daughter of Jason and Michelle D., was diagnosed with Salmonella, treated, and was able to return home last week. She began experiencing spiking fevers again, and was readmitted to the hospital in Marshfield, WI on Wednesday. She continued to be treated for Salmonella, and was able to return home today.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 2, 2018 - Ali M. (New York, NY)
I had the chance to visit with Ali on Monday. She is doing very well overall and is nearly back to her old self. Ali is now home at the care and rehabilitation center she was before. She started physical therapy this week to help her regain strength. Ali is still a little confused at times, but she is aware of this confusion. It bothers her that she can't remember things as well as she did previously. She could use prayers for her continued healing.
Feb 7, 2018
Ali M. is a member of the New York City congregation. She has been living in a care center for a while now, but was sent to the ICU at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center this morning. She seems very confused right now and apparently has been confused all morning as well. She doesn't realize where she is and sometimes refuses to let nurses and doctors even check her vital signs. Her oxygen levels are low, but that's all the information I have right now. The hospital isn't able to give any information except to family so we aren't sure exactly why she was sent here. She needs urgent prayers for her healing and stability.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 28, 2018 - Ray W. (Arlington, TX)
Last Friday Ray, long-time elder in the Dallas/Ft. Worth congregation, suffered what was referred to as a "progressive stroke" which got worse as the day and night continued. Ray is no longer in the ICU and is in a regular room at Medical City Arlington. Another MRI was done today to ensure there was no bleeding on the brain and, thankfully, that was the case. Ray presently has very limited use of his left arm and left leg, but was up walking a few steps with some help earlier today. He was able to put full weight on his left leg. The physical therapist says he is doing great for only the third day. He now has a feeding tube since he was having difficulty swallowing. Once the feeding tube is removed he will be moved to a rehab center. Please pray for God's intervention and healing and for a complete and speedy recovery.
Feb 5, 2016
Ray is making good progress as he is recovering from quadruple bypass surgery. He has had some pain and difficulty sleeping since his surgery on January 20th, but overall he is doing very well and is definitely moving in the right direction. Ray, his wife, Linda, and his daughter, Tanya, are very grateful for God's blessing and healing and for your prayers, cards, gifts, and expressions of your love and concern. Please continue to remember Ray and family in your prayers for a complete and speedy recovery.
Jan 25, 2016
Due to a minor infection, Ray's heart bypass surgery has been postponed until the infection clears up. Thank you for your continued prayers for Ray and family.
Jan 19, 2016
Your prayers are requested for Ray, long-time elder in God's Church, as he will be having heart triple-bypass surgery tomorrow morning, January 18. Ray was experiencing chest pains throughout this past Sabbath and was taken to the ER at the Arlington Medical Center in Arlington, TX Saturday evening. After several tests it was determined that the best course of action would be bypass surgery. Please pray fervently for a successful surgery and for a complete and speedy healing and recovery for Ray. Your prayers for God's strength and comfort for Ray's wife, Linda, and for their daughter, Tanya, would also be greatly appreciated. Ray and Linda have served very effectively in the DFW area for many years and they are greatly loved and appreciated. Thank you very much for your prayers for God's healing and comfort.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 23, 2018 - Shirley B. (Springdale, AR)
Long-time member Shirley B; has requested our prayers for complete healing of her atrial fibrillation (also known as AFib). This heart condition causes episodes of rapid heartbeat that results in extreme weakness and periodic hospitalization. Shirley and her husband Oliver have been married for over 60 years and are a fixture in our local congregation. They would appreciate our prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 18, 2018 - Bob M. (Freeport, OH)
Bob was hospitalized in December after an adverse reaction to antibiotics. While there the doctors informed Bob that they believed he may have stomach cancer. The doctors urged him to see a specialist immediately. Bob and his wife Nancy left the hospital and the first thing they did while driving home, was to call me and ask for prayers, knowing God can heal. On Friday Bob received the results of his most recent blood test and the doctors indicated he was no longer anemic and in fact was above the low normal range. Thus he will not have to have the tests that were scheduled for February 22nd. Bob said, "God gets all the credit because my blood went back to normal really quick . So thankful." Bob and Nancy want to thank everyone for the outpouring of love through cards and prayer!
Dec 29, 2017
Bob, of the Cambridge, Ohio congregation experienced a severe reaction to an antibiotic, causing extreme swelling of his tongue and restricting his ability to breath. Bob took himself to the hospital yesterday and while there, routine lab results revealed his blood count was very low, so they kept him overnight for observation and administered two units of blood. This morning, the doctor informed Bob that he believes Bob may have stomach cancer. The doctor said there is a slight chance it could be a bleeding ulcer, but he really did not think that was the case, so he insisted that Bob schedule an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible.
Bob, and his wife Nancy, would appreciate everyone's prayers for complete healing.
Apr 24, 2016
Bob, of the Cambridge, OH congregation, who was involved in a head-on collision while traveling to Passover, is still in the hospital. Unfortunately the attempt to reset his right foot was not successful. The foot would not stay in its proper alignment, so the doctors took him into surgery Friday and installed a plate across the top of his foot to hold it in place while the bones heal. The orthopedic doctor has cleared Bob, but he is not able to put any weight on his right foot, for now. A reexamination of his neck determined that there are broken bones in his neck, but the doctors do not believe it will cause him any harm while they heal. Right now, it appears that he will be released to go home on Monday. Thank you for your prayers.
Apr 21, 2016
Bob, of the Cambridge, OH congregation, was on his way to Passover services and was involved in a head-on collision caused by a driver crossing over into his side of the road. The initial diagnosis included a fracture in his neck, a rupture to his internal organs, three broken ribs, a fracture and dislocation in his right foot. Bob had to be transferred to Akron General hospital about 90 minutes away. I was able to be there when he arrived and anointed him.
His latest diagnosis is now that the apparent fracture in his neck is actually damage to the muscles in his neck, not a fracture of the bones. The rupture to his internal organs does not appear to be causing any internal bleeding and will not require surgery to repair. He does have three fractured ribs, but the damage to his right foot does will not require surgery. The doctors are resetting the dislocation at this time. Bob would appreciate your prayers for a full and complete healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 16, 2018 - Don T. (Mobile, AL)
Prayers are requested for Don T., an elder in the Mobile, Alabama, congregation. He was admitted to the hospital in critical condition on Thursday. His blood pressure had dropped significantly and his transplanted kidney is infected. They are having to keep him in ER because intensive care is full. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 16, 2018 - Helen J. (Fargo, ND)
Helen has been experiencing some severe pain in her right hip. It has lasted quite a while now. The pain is almost unbearable at times. She is requesting prayers that God will intervene to help. She thanks everyone for you prayers.
Apr 15, 2016
Helen is still suffering from continuous pain in her hip. She is unable walk much. She is able to take medication at night to help her sleep. She might need to have surgery to relieve pressure on her sciatic nerve. Helen and Earl would like to thank everyone for all your prayers and encouragement.
Dec 15, 2015
Helen could use your prayers. She is having severe pain in her hip and down her leg. The pain is almost unbearable and has been that way for a couple of days. She's seen her chiropractor once, but it has not helped. She'll be back to see him tomorrow. Please pray God would intervene to ease the pain.
Nov 27, 2015
"My right hip has been bothering me for over a week now. It is quite painful. The chiropractor wants me to go to my doctor and get x-rays taken to see why my right hip isn't responding to his treatments. Please pray my hip bones are not deteriorating or any cancer will be found. I do not have an appointment yet with the doctor as his office is closed today so will make an appointment Monday. Thank you for your prayers."
Nov 20, 2015
Helen would like to thank everyone for the prayers for her left eye. She had cataract surgery and will need one more eye injection the week of Thanksgiving. Hopefully that will be all. She is seeing better with her left eye. Also, she and Earl would also like to thank everyone for the cards they received during the Feast, and the box of Feast gifts. She says that Earl loves his lap blanket, and enjoys pointing out the "little neckties" on the blanket.
Sep 11, 2015
Helen had a mole removed from her shoulder last week. Tests have confirmed that it is Melanoma. She'll be seeing a doctor about this soon. She is also having trouble with her left eye. She'll be having cataract surgery in October, then the doctor will try to correct a problem with her macula. Please pray it all goes well and she can see better afterward.
Jan 31, 2014
Helen received a report back on her biopsy and everything was clear. She thanks you all for your prayers.
Jan 18, 2014
Helen's surgery this past week went well, and the two lumps were removed from her mouth. She was feeling pretty good the days following the surgery. The doctor said that he didn't believe they were cancerous, but they wouldn't know for sure until the test results come in.
Dec 13, 2013
The doctor found there are actually two lumps in Helen's mouth, and surgery to remove them is scheduled for January 14th. The doctor believes they are non-cancerous, but says there is no way to know for sure until they are removed and a biopsy is complete. Helen would like to thank everyone for your prayers, and asks that you continue to pray no cancer is found.
Dec 7
The doctor found there are actually two lumps in Helen's mouth, and surgery to remove them is scheduled for January 14th. The doctor believes they are non-cancerous, but says there is no way to know for sure until they are removed and a biopsy is complete. Helen would like to thank everyone for your prayers, and asks that you continue to pray no cancer is found.
Nov 30
A routine visit to the dentist revealed a lump in Helen's mouth. She expects the lump will have to be removed. Please pray that it is not cancerous. Nov 15
A routine visit to the dentist revealed a lump in Helen's mouth. She will be seeing a specialist soon, but will probably have to have it removed. Please pray that it is not cancerous.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 16, 2018 - Paul B. (Rome, GA)
Dana and I have been truly overwhelmed by all the prayers and cards sent by so many brethren - most of whom we have never met. The love and concern of God's people is so incredible. Our Heavenly Father truly heals and answers the prayers of His people. When the doctors first began my surgery, they almost didn't go through with it because there was so much damage to my heart. But then decided to proceed. They did six bypasses and removed several calcium deposits. Recovery is going smoothly and I am getting stronger everyday. With much love, Paul and Dana.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 2, 2018 - Allen H. (Plymouth, NC)
Allen H. of the Williamsburg, Virginia, congregation request your prayers. Allen has been battling prostate cancer for several years now and his PSA level just rose significantly over the last several weeks. Doctors want him to try a new experimental drug and he is praying for healing and wisdom to know what decision to make. Odessa, his wife, suffers from arthritis, especially in her lower back, and her pain levels have greatly increased recently.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 30, 2018 - Susie J. (Nashville, TN)
Johnny and his wife Kim sent this update regarding his mother, Susie, who had neck surgery yesterday. "Mom is in her room now and is doing fine. She is expected to be released tomorrow. She will need to rest and recover over the next several weeks. Praise to God in the highest! Thanks to all for your prayers. She had been suffering for a long time."
Jan 28, 2018
Johnny and his wife Kim J. are requesting prayers for his mother Mrs. Susie J. She will be having surgery tomorrow (Monday January 29) to try to relieve a disorder in her neck that is causing her constant pain. Johnny and Kim and the family thank all of you for your prayers and concern.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 21, 2018 - Joyce F. (East Bethel, MN)
Joyce is home from the hospital and is doing much better. The surgery revealed no blockages or heart issues but the doctors still do not know what was causing her pain. She is scheduled for more tests in the coming weeks, but is doing OK for now. She and Dana are very grateful for our prayers and ask that we continue to ask God to intervene for her.
Jan 19, 2018
Dana took Joyce to Mercy Hospital today as she was experiencing chest pains. She is going through some minor surgery to determine the cause of the pains and is asking us to pray for God's intervention. Please pray that God would take away the pains, reveal the cause, and give her guidance on how best to deal with it going forward.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 10, 2018 - Jordan S. (Melissa, TX)
Here is an update from her parents, Sam and Shannon: "We are very happy to share that she is doing remarkably well considering how she was this time last year! Thank you to everyone who has continued to pray for her, sent cards, & emails and for your constant encouragement. It's been tough going the past (almost) 2 years, but our girl continues to improve! Jordan's diagnosis now is Chronic Pain Syndrome. In late August, Jordan was admitted to a place for physical rehab. There she spent a couple of weeks with 12 different doctors and medical professionals working with her to teach her nerves, muscles and basically her whole body how to function properly again & work through the severe pain. It's a slow going process but she's doing so well! Jordan is now attending 3 classes per day at school and is beginning to enjoy life a whole lot more! She's able to navigate several stairs again and her walking has improved a lot. We're excited to see her having come this far!"
Aug 23, 2017
"Our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all who have helped in so many ways to make this next step a reality! As well, our deepest thanks for the many, many, prayers, cards, texts, calls and just encouragement for Jordan! They are appreciated more than we can express. On Monday August 21st, Jordan was admitted into the Cook Children's Rehab facility where she will be for a couple of weeks going through an intensive chronic pain rehabilitation program. The first two days have gone well -- albeit there has already been some emotional times working through the pain. Jordan has nine medical professionals working with her so it is pretty full on during the day.
"The nursing staff has been wonderful so far -- even inviting her to "hang out" at the nurses station during the evening -- probably so they can keep her laughing! They really have quite the fun group there so pestering her is making it so much more of a relaxed environment! Happy medicine is just what she needs. Your continued prayers for her ongoing recovery would be greatly appreciated, especially during this time of much pain and big changes for Jordan. We know this rehab isn't a quick fix and there is still a long road to go but she'll get there! Our deepest thanks again."
June 14, 2017
Sam and Shannon asked me to pass along a prayer request and update for their 14 year old daughter, Jordan. Next Monday, June 19, Jordan will be having a 2 1/2 hour evaluation regarding admittance to the Cook Children's Intensive In-patient Rehab Facility in Ft. Worth. We would ask for your prayers that those doing the evaluating will be able to ascertain the best way to be of help to Jordan and that she will have an opportunity to be admitted to their program and gain many valuable benefits of being there. Jordan has, evidently, been having some anxiety issues at the idea of going to this facility and being away from home for 2 to 3 weeks. This is somewhat troubling to her as you can well imagine. Her heart has been racing at times and she has also had two recent tests that have shown she has abnormally high levels of protein in her urine that could indicate some type of kidney function issue. It is likely once she is admitted to this facility they will have her wear a heart monitor for a few days to check her heart function.
Please pray that the heart and possible kidney function issues will clear up quickly and that God will intervene where necessary to heal Jordan of the issues she is facing currently. During the evaluation next Monday, Jordan will be seeing a neuro-science doctor, a physical therapist, and a pain management team. Please pray everything will go well and they will be able to put Jordan at ease and help her move forward in getting back to normal and being able to return to school this fall doing very well.
Thank you for your fervent prayers for Jordan, which are greatly appreciated!
Apr 5, 2017
After 14 months from Jordan's re-injury, we do have some good news! A multi-disciplinary medical team at Boston Children's Hospital this past week conducted numerous tests on Jordan, including a flexion and extension cervical MRI. It appears her cervical spinal cord injury has finally healed so the risk of permanent damage is now removed. This is a tremendous blessing and an answer to many prayers.
However, the doctors said Jordan is "severely functionally impaired and her degree of disability is huge. Her nervous system is on hyper-drive and her body is still responding as if the spinal cord is injured." Her condition was equated to that of an amputee, such as one with shrapnel in the leg - the pain is excruciating. Then, once the limb is removed, the patient continues to suffer from phantom feelings and intense pain - as if the leg were still there and the wounds still intact. They emphasized her condition is very real and they are extremely concerned.
Their recommendation is admission into an intensive inpatient program where a multi-disciplinary team can work with her on a daily basis until her body heals. It may take weeks or month depending on her body's response. Right now the lead doctor is currently working on finding the right facility for treatment. Few of these exist nationwide, which may mean taking Jordan to Virginia, Maryland, California or Ohio. We just don't know yet. The doctor is also trying to see if there is a facility in Texas which would mean she is closer for the family to visit, but everything is up in the air right now.
Thank you for your many prayers, cards, emails and texts of encouragement. They are deeply appreciated! Please thank our Father for healing her spinal cord and please continue to pray for Jordan's full body healing and that the best possible inpatient program is found for her. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Jan 9, 2017
Jordan's Cervical Instability and Spinal Cord Injury hasn't improved at all. Upon returning from the Feast, her physical abilities declined & she has lost quite a bit of weight. She's unable to navigate stairs or walk any distance. She is also now experiencing frequent swelling in her throat. We've decided to try physical therapy again & her school is helping to get her back into school. Please pray she will do well with one class per day & be able to increase up to 4 classes per day. She will be in a wheelchair for her own safety while on campus. She may look "normal" on the outside but the pain, discomfort & weakness she endures takes a toll on her & our family. It makes life really difficult. Again, thank you for your prayers & we ask for you to continue to pray for her.
Sept 20, 2016
Thank you seems so inadequate but we are deeply thankful to everyone for your love, support, cards, gifts and prayers for Jordan over the past seven months since she was re-injured. It's hard to believe she's been struggling for so long again, but at least now we have a diagnosis! Since our last update in early July, Jordan's had the functional MRI's and X-rays done and Dr. Brock said Jordan has a cervical instability injury. Her spinal cord and the nerves, particularly in the C1-C2 region (at the top of the spine) are being pinched/pressured by swelling and the blood flow is being restricted to that area causing hypoxia of the cord. It not only explains the leg weakness, foot numbness and overall body and back pain, but the pain in her arms and numbness in her hands. We never made that connection because we always understood this to be solely a back injury! It's a neck injury! It's also explains how she was re-injured simply running track because when the neck bends forward it causes the hypoxia and swelling to increase, especially when being pounded.
Dr. Brock has referred us to seek a neurosurgeon. We met with a really super neurosurgeon but he agreed that he really can't help Jordan. Jordan's injury is a functional one and not something that can be surgically fixed. Since then, we have tried some laser therapy, nerve regeneration supplements. So far with the laser and supplements, Jordan has begun showing some improvements over the past 2 weeks. She is now walking a bit better. Traveling is still painful, so with the Feast fast approaching please pray for Jordan's continued improvements and that she can make the journey to the Feast. Jordan would also love to personally write thank you cards to everyone who has so lovingly sent her a gift, but even with trying to do school work at home every day for an hour, the ability to hold a pencil is painful. With the lack of physical activity and energy being spent, Jordan has also struggled with having any sort of appetite and has lost a great deal of weight. But, we are positive that things are beginning to turn around and praying continuously that God will heal her and make it possible for her to enjoy the Feast with us! Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts and please keep Jordan in your prayers!
Jul 13, 2016
This is an update regarding Jordan S., daughter of Sam and Shannon S.:
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their continued prayers and encouragement of our daughter, Jordan. Just yesterday she received a large poster in the mail - with a F-R-O-G on it! - from Camp Cotubic, signed by all the campers! What a wonderful and uplifting surprise - thank you so much! Yesterday was also a big day for Jordan and us, as we took her to see another doctor who had been referred to us as "the one to go to who will figure this out for Jordan" and he sure did! It was hard not to get our hopes up for answers after 9-10 neurologists and many other doctors over the past 3+ years! Dr. Brock said he is 90% sure on his diagnosis, but Jordan will need to have a functional MRI of her neck and thoracic region to fully diagnose her. From the five MRI's she has already had, the most recent one showed a darkened area at the base of her neck in the spinal cord which he is concerned about. He believes that is where Jordan received the hardest impact and damage when her sister fell on her in 2013. It shows probable intermittent ischemia (loss of blood flow to the spinal cord). As well, he said she suffered a spinal contusion/spinal cord shock/severe stretching of the spine in 2013 and that was now re-aggravated. He said the ischemia gives rise to the fact that her condition was able to heal and return when aggravated. The severe stretch of her cord (like an over stretched elastic band that doesn't go back to how it was before) means it's not very strong and that region more easily slips/moves, stretching the cord as she moves. Dr. Brock encouraged Jordan to stay positive and realize that she very easily could have been paralyzed from the neck down. If the blow had happened to an adult, they would be paralyzed from the neck down. He said the fact that she isn't paralyzed and can get around as she still even does now, is huge!
Jordan is to have the functional MRI as soon as possible and from there we will see how to move forward with getting her the correct help - be it surgery in her neck or continued specialized PT or? Jordan has been such a trooper through the past 3.5 years. We know the severe pain, spasmin and lack of quality of life as a young girl have taken an emotional toll, but she continues every day to plod on and doesn't complain! She's just thrilled that as of last week she began to once again be able to slowly navigate the stairs in our home by herself - that's a tremendous accomplishment! As a dear friend texted me last night: "At least we now have a road to recovery not a road to nowhere!" We can start calling her injury what it is and start working to help her, targeting where her spinal cord is actually injured. Our deepest thanks again, Sam and Shannon.
May 5, 2016
The following is an update from Sam and Shannon S. regarding their 13 year old daughter, Jordan. Thank you for your prayers for Jordan. Our family would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for the many prayers, words of encouragement by phone, email and so many, many cards from our brethren all over the world for our daughter Jordan! We are deeply touched and humbled by the outpouring of love and concern for our daughter. Jordan has received a number of packages from brethren and congregations which have been such a boost to her morale. Thank you so very much for your love and kindness - we wish we could thank you all personally. One package arrived with a few (toy) frogs....an acronym for Fully Rely On God. And that is so aptly all we can do right now as we still do not have any answers. We know God will heal Jordan in time and thankfully Jordan is remaining very positive.
On April 13th, Jordan suffered a significant setback after a strenuous day of testing with the neurology team at the Dallas Children's Hospital, and is just now beginning to show some improvement from there. While she was previously able to slowly navigate the stairs in our home by herself and carefully walk the distance to the neighbor's house and back, she is now only able to make it to the front door of our home and has to be assisted carefully up and down each step of the stairs now. Jordan's legs are tremendously weak and shaky, as are her ankles and knees which falter every which way as she walks/climbs. Her pain level is manageable but as you'd expect of a 13 year old, she would rather be up and running again! Her physical therapy has been suspended until Jordan is back to where she was prior to the neurology testing in April as the PT team are concerned they may now do more damage than help.
Please continue to pray for Jordan's healing, and that she remains mentally positive. The doctors are baffled by her condition as it is worse this time than when her spinal cord was first injured in March 2013. Jordan has a brain MRI next week and an EMG nerve conduction test and muscle testing the following week. Hopefully - as much as we'd rather nothing was wrong - one or both of these indicate what is causing her condition.
We simply can't express just how much we appreciate your prayers on Jordan's behalf. With love and sincere thanks, Sam and Shannon, Jordan and her sisters."
Feb 23, 2016
Our sincere thanks to so many brethren around the world for their prayers, cards, emails and texts regarding our oldest daughter Jordan and the major setback she has suffered from her previous spinal cord injury. Your kindness had been a tremendous encouragement to her every day, especially since she is currently housebound and unable to leave as riding in a car is very painful. Walking over 150 feet becomes very painful and causes back pain and spasms. This means she is unable to function as a normal kid would. Last Monday, we finally got to see the neurologist. On Friday, Jordan was re-evaluated by her physical therapist (PT) and will now start physical therapy again. PT wanted to wait until neurology had seen her.
The neurologist and physical therapist are somewhat baffled as to why she has suffered a setback but both agree Jordan is now at risk for these. We had thought her regression was about 40% but the PT (who had worked with her before) said after an hour+ of testing her for strength and mobility, she estimated it to be 'more like at 80 percent.' Jordan's walking, sitting, standing, rolling over - simple every day movements are a struggle for her and increase the pain and spasming in her body. Jordan has also been struggling with pain in her hands, her right leg and knee and her feet, which she did not have last time. After testing with both the neurologist and PT, Jordan lost feeling in both feet for about 2 hours each time. Please keep praying for young Jordan, and especially that her mental state remains positive. She understands more this time, as well as remembers the pain of PT and recovery; and as well, just wants to feel 'normal' again. She wants to know why her condition doesn't have a name, which is something the medical community is unable to label yet as it involves nerves, sensory (she can't take touch on her back) and muscle.
We also met with school officials last week and Jordan was approved for 504/Homebound services. This means the school will be providing a daily teacher for her at home for an hour. We are also incredibly blessed as the teacher assigned to her is one she greatly enjoys and whom Jordan has been taught by for the two previous school years. Our families also bonded last year when they suffered the loss of their oldest child in an accident. Unbeknown to her when she stepped up to the Homebound position, it was for Jordan. We believe, as does the teacher, God is providing help for both of our families. Again, thank you so very much for your prayers and encouragement. With love, Sam and Shannon.
Feb 12, 2016
Sam and Shannon S. request your prayers for their oldest daughter, Jordan. They write, "Jordan suffered a bruised spinal cord just shy of three years ago. Jordan struggled for two years afterwards to learn to walk, run and accept simple touch on her back again. Two weeks ago this Monday, Jordan was re-injured during athletics, while running track at school for the first time since her spinal injury. It's possible the jarring has re-injured her, but we are unsure how or why. She has again been suffering terrible back pain, spasms and cannot handle simple touch on her back as the pain is so bad. She's back to only being able to walk short distances without creating more pain and spasms. She is currently unable to attend school and remains at home under doctors care. Jordan will be seeing a neurologist on Monday, February 15, and depending on the outcome of testing, will again start physical therapy. We ask for your prayers that God in His mercy will heal Jordan and as well, help her at this time to keep fighting to return to normal and stay positive through it all. With our thanks, Sam and Shannon".

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 9, 2018 - Lisa S. (Blue Ridge, TX)
Lisa still struggles with vision, memory, and left arm control. Although we think we see some improvements we would greatly appreciate prayers for her full recovery.
Sep 14, 2017
On Tuesday, September 5th, Lisa started on 6 weeks of proton beam therapy (radiation). She is undergoing 4 weeks of full brain and spin and an additional 2 weeks just on the area the cancer tumor was previously located. The oncologist says that the type of cancer she has needs to be treated with radiation to help ensure it doesn't come back. To the best of our ability, we have researched alternative treatments and they don't really seem to exist.
Although the proton beam is better than traditional radiation it still has a lot of potential negative side effects (too many to list). We are asking for prayers that the treatment will be effective and she won't suffer any negative side effects. We also ask for prayers that her vision, memory, and left arm, will continue to improve so that she might make a full recovery.
We appreciate the love and concern of the brethren around the world. Lisa rejoices in knowing that she is thought of by so many people. She does not understand how so many people care for her and still surprises her with a smile when a card comes in for her which is very frequent. She makes sure to tell mom to keep them all as she would like to send them a card back, but we are not able to reply to all of them so we wanted to send our gratitude through this email update. From Matthew and Fernanda, Lisa, Jonathan, and Hannah.
Jul 24, 2017
Lisa and family are now all home and doing well overall! It has been a very long haul for them, and Lisa still has to go into the hospital for, hopefully, just one last round of chemo-therapy treatments and radiation treatments after that. But, there was no evidence of cancer after the last treatment and the upcoming ones are designed to kill off any remaining cancer cells. Lisa is continuing to make good progress, moving around and walking on her own now, and she jumped a bit on their trampoline last evening for the first time. Of course it has been very encouraging to see such progress over the last several months. Lisa does have some issues with her memory and she also has some very troubling and disturbing thoughts at times. The family would like to thank you for all the cards of support and encouragement and, especially, for all the prayers that have gone up on Lisa's behalf. Your continued prayers for a complete and full recovery are greatly appreciated.
Jul 3, 2017
Lisa continues to make steady progress in her recovery. She is just about completely walking on her own now and she is very alert, coherent, and expressive. Her memory is improving, but she is still having some issues with her short term memory. She is eating on her own now and will, likely, have the feeding tube removed very soon. She is making remarkable progress and we are all very grateful to God for His blessing and healing. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for her complete healing. She will have another round of chemo to begin in about a week and it continues to prove very effective in combatting the cancer. Your prayers for minimal side-effects would be greatly appreciated. Lisa continues in a rehab facility, but there is hope she will be able to return home before too long. Of course, her family is looking so forward to that day!
May 25, 2017
I had a most encouraging visit with Lisa yesterday. It is nothing short of miraculous and is very evident to me that God is certainly hearing our prayers and intervening to heal and restore Lisa! She recognized me right away and called me by name. We had a wonderful visit and she responded to my comments and questions in ways I doubted possible just a few days ago! She has come such a long ways from when the doctors gave her a 10% chance of surviving her second major brain surgery over a month ago. I told Lisa that I had been praying for her and that she was having people from around the world praying for her and she responded emphatically, "Thank you so, so, so, so, so much!"
Fernanda, Lisa's mother, had a large stack of cards that brethren have sent from around the world and she is beginning to read them to Lisa now that Lisa is awake and responding. They will, undoubtedly, be a great source of encouragement for Lisa and her family! She is now having physical therapy three times daily and they are getting her up and helping her walk again! She still has a long ways to go, but she is so much better! She cannot stand by herself and she has to be supported nearly 100% when walking, but she is able to move her legs and she is making such good progress. She does tire very easily, but her color is good and she is receiving the strength she needs in powerful ways from the Almighty! She is still being fed through a tube in her stomach, but she did take a sip of apple juice for the first time yesterday. Once she is able to swallow properly they should be able to remove the feeding tube and she should be able to eat normally once again.
Fernanda said that there isn't anyone in the hospital who has seen Lisa's condition who is not now thoroughly shocked at her remarkable progress. This is indeed a testimony to God's greatness and His glory and His power to heal and His willingness to intervene and heal as He sees fit! Thank you so, so, so, so, so much for your fervent prayers for Lisa and her family. They are so very grateful for them and may we continue to even step up our prayers for Lisa and her healing! She is finishing up a round of chemo in the next day or two, but the effects of the chemo, I believe, have been minimized by God's protection and blessing. Her blood count is vastly improved and the tumor seems to be greatly diminished and will, hopefully, be completely gone in time.
Your continued faithful prayers are desired and greatly needed - again, thank you so much for your faithfulness as Lisa's family! Matthew, Lisa's father, has had to return to work, but Fernanda continues to stay with Lisa around the clock. Jonathan and Hannah, who are home-schooled, are also there with Lisa in the hospital. It is likely that Lisa will be moved to a rehab facility in the near future. Thank you for your prayers for the entire family.
May 17, 2017
Lisa, age 8, has made some remarkable improvements since being so close to death about a month ago. She has been having chemo treatments that have been keeping the malignant brain tumor in check, but she has been holding up well to the treatments. We especially appreciate your prayers in that regard. In the past week she has improved dramatically in her overall look and in her responses. Even though it is still often difficult to tell how much conscious thought is behind her responses, she actually spoke out for the first time a few days ago in regard to a feeding tube that was in her nose. She cried, "Take it out" and yesterday surgery was performed to insert a feeding tube directly into her stomach so she would no longer need the one through her nose. She had pulled it out a couple times in the last several days, also showing much more response than previously. Although she has spoken only the one time, we are hopeful that, as she heals further, she will begin to respond and speak normally.
Lisa will be having another series of chemo treatments starting soon, so we again ask for your prayers that the chemo will be effective and that Lisa will be strong and virtually unaffected by its potential adverse effects. We realize fully that it will take God's intervention and healing for Lisa to survive this awful ordeal, but as we all know that "with God all things are possible!" Lisa is surely in God's hands and her life will be determined by His will. Of course, we pray that it is God's will at this time to heal and to restore her. Let us all strive to diligently pray for Lisa's healing and do our part faithfully in prayer for her.
Matthew and Fernanda, and their other children, Jonathan, age 10, and Hannah, age 6, greatly appreciate all your prayers, love, gifts, and concern for their beloved Lisa! Your support is a tremendous encouragement during these very difficult times.
May 4, 2017
Lisa remains in the Children's Medical Center in Dallas. Although Lisa has had a low-grade fever for some time now, tests have not revealed an infection and we are grateful for your prayers in that regard. Lisa started a five day chemo treatment plan today and your prayers for the chemo to work very well and for her body to be able to withstand the effects of the chemo are greatly appreciated.
It is believed that Lisa may have suffered some damage to her brain stem when she had a stroke just before the last surgery that was undertaken a couple weeks ago in spite of a very low chance of survival. The family has been told by their doctors that it could take up to six months for the brain to heal from all that Lisa has been through. Lisa's vital signs have been stable and she seems to be relatively peaceful most of the time. Of course we are all praying for a miracle and that Lisa will heal much more quickly. Your continued prayers for God's intervention and complete healing are greatly appreciated.
Apr 21, 2017
Lisa has been taken off the respirator and is now breathing on her own. Her vital signs are stable and she has been resting comfortably for the most part. Although her eyes are often open wide and, at times, she seems somewhat responsive the doctors say she is still in a coma. She received a chemo treatment early in the week and it is now beginning to take its toll. Her immune system is very compromised now and risk of infection is much greater. Matthew and Fernanda would like to thank all of you for your prayers, visits, cards, gifts, and for your love and concern for Lisa and their family. Please continue to pray for Lisa's complete healing.
Apr 14, 2017
Lisa has opened her eyes since her last surgery. Her vital signs are stable, but she is not currently communicating with anyone. The doctors didn't feel they could wait longer for her to recover, so they have begun treating her with chemo-therapy because of the aggressive nature of the tumor. Your continued fervent prayers for Lisa and for the family are greatly appreciated.
Apr 12, 2017
Much has happened since the last update just five days ago regarding 8 year old, Lisa S. Lisa had to have another surgery to insert a second drainage shunt as the first one was not working well. And then yesterday morning a med-port was inserted in which to administer the chemo-therapy, a spinal tap, and another MRI was taken. In the afternoon Lisa went into a coma due to swelling of her brain and pressure building up in her head because of the aggressive cancer that has continued to grow. It was determined that although the chance of survival was very low, around 10% according to the doctors, surgery should be attempted to prevent Lisa's imminent death. Lisa's parent's Matthew and Fernanda gave this update this morning, "This text can't begin to explain all that has gone on in the last 24 hours with Lisa. She almost died yesterday afternoon due to the tumor pressure on her brain and she fell into a coma. Brave doctors performed emergency surgery on her late into the night while we cried out to God to spare her. Doctors gave her a 10% chance going into this. She is still alive today, thanks and glory to God our father." Last night's surgery resulted in more of the tumor being removed to lessen the pressure and swelling in her head. The hope is that she will recover from the surgery and be able to start the chemo-therapy treatment tomorrow. Thank you for your continued fervent prayers for Lisa and her family and for God's mercy and will to be done.
Apr 7, 2017
It was determined that Lisa's cancer is of the germ cell variety and that it is treatable by chemo-therapy and radiation treatments. The plan is to begin chemo treatments this coming Monday. Please pray that God will strengthen Lisa and that the treatments will be very effective. Your continued prayers for Lisa and her family are greatly appreciated. The family would like to thank everyone for their prayers, love, cards and support.
Mar 30, 2017
Matthew and Fernanda S. would like thank all of you for your prayers for their daughter, Lisa. Lisa was in surgery nearly all day yesterday and it was determined that the large tumor is malignant. The surgeons were not able to remove all the tumor and Lisa will be having another MRI this morning to determine just how much of the tumor was removed. Biopsies were done and it will take a week or so to have the complete pathology which will reveal the exact type of cancer that has invaded Lisa's body. The surgeons believe it is an aggressive cancer, but we pray that it will be the type that will respond well to chemotherapy. Children are often very resilient and we also pray that God will strengthen little Lisa and help her to withstand the adverse effects of the chemo. Of course, we do not want to limit our all-powerful God in any way and we realize that He may intervene to totally heal Lisa at any time according to His divine will.
Matthew and Fernanda greatly appreciate your prayers, love and concern and they also appreciate your phone calls and texts of encouragement and support and we ask that you continue to reach out to them, but please do not expect them to respond to your messages at this point. Of course, their number one focus will be to care for Lisa and their other two children, Jonathan and Hannah, as they seek God's direction, will, and guidance regarding the many decisions they will need to be making in the near future. Please continue to pray fervently for God's blessing, intervention, and healing - and for God to guide and direct the family at this difficult time. Of course, prayers for the entire family and for God's peace, faith, comfort, and strength to be upon them are greatly appreciated.
Thank you again for your wonderful support of a very cherished family in our congregation. When one of us suffers, we all suffer together and hold each other up by the power of God the Father's loving Spirit and that of His Son who died for each of us according to Their plan of salvation for us all. May God speed the coming of His Kingdom!
Mar 29, 2017 - Lisa S. (Blue Ridge, TX)
Your prayers are requested for 8 year old Lisa S., daughter of Matthew and Fernanda S. For the past ten days, Lisa was having some headaches and had been diagnosed with strep throat. She was treated with antibiotics, but her symptoms were continuing and she was getting weaker and had lost about six pounds, which is a lot for her small body. Her parents took her to the ER Tuesday morning, where a CT-scan revealed an abnormal mass or tumor about the size of a tennis ball in the middle of her brain, just above her spinal cord. Lisa was coherent and responsive Wednesday morning at the Dallas Children's Hospital before she was taken to begin surgery just a short time ago. Please pray for God's intervention and healing to be upon Lisa and that everything will go well with the surgery which will last most of the day. We are all looking to God for His deliverance from this health trial for Lisa and the family. Thank you for your fervent prayers on their behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 3, 2018 - Mary Ann A. (Mobile, AL)
Mary Ann suffered a V-fib (ventricle fibrillation) condition.  We thank you for your prayers for her continued recovery.  We give God the credit for His miracle of restoring her health.  She is doing well overall with the help of an implanted ICD/Pacemaker. We would appreciate your continued prayers.
Jun 21, 2017
Mary Ann is recuperating from her heart defibrillation that nearly took her life and we thank you very much for your prayers toward her complete recovery. We believe that God performed a miracle on her behalf. We ask for continued prayers.
Jan 5, 2017
I am happy to provide a brief update regarding my Mom's heart fibrillation at Winter Family Weekend. In short, Mary Ann is doing incredibly well! The medical staff at the University of Cincinnati West Chester Hospital raved at the progress she made over the five days she was there. Repeatedly they stated that her improvement was nothing shy of miraculous. Last Thursday, she had a procedure to implant a heart defibrillator. The surgery was a success, and she was discharged on Friday. As I write, my Dad and Mom are home in Mobile, Alabama.
On behalf of the family, we are sincerely grateful for the many prayers on her behalf. We have been tremendously moved by the personal stories connected with this event and how it reminds us of God's greatness and the importance of faith in our calling. We wholeheartedly agree. At this point, we ask for your continued prayers as my Mom continues to heal and she resumes her normal routine. Thank you, in advance, for acting on this request. Since many have asked for my Mom's address, I offer it below:
Dec 28, 2016
We want to thank everyone for their prayers for Mary Ann A. who experienced heart fibrillation while watching a Winter Family Weekend volleyball game this past Sunday. Thankfully, the many members on the scene with medical background administered CPR until a Medical Emergency Team arrived. Once at the hospital, she experienced -- what many in the emergency room could only term -- a miracle. The staff termed her rapid improvement "a win!" She is currently doing very well and waiting further testing to determine the cause of the incident. The Aust family wants to thank everyone for their prayers to date and for ongoing prayers as she continues to recover.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 29, 2017 - Tom B. (North Bay, ON, Canada)
Prayers are requested for Tom B., a recently-baptized member of the North Bay, Ontario, congregation and has Parkinson's Disease. This disease causes all kinds of mobility and balance problems. This last Friday evening Tom fell in his apartment, hit his head and also suffered a stroke. He was not found till Sabbath morning around 9:00 a.m. He is currently in the local hospital and is paralyzed on the right side. Tom knows that God can heal him according to His will, and said that he is waiting on God to see what He's going to do. Your prayers for his complete healing would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 21, 2017 - Donna M. (Stevens Point, WI)
From Steve M.: "My mom has greatly improved. She kept the feast in the Dells and is steadily gaining strength."
Aug 16, 2017
Donna's recent surgery went very well. They were able to remove all of the tumor with about 6 inches of intestine. She is recovering very well and is now is living alone at home. Her energy and her stamina is not where it used to be but is continuing to improve little by little. She's looking forward to feeling even better and attending the Feast of Tabernacles. Donna thanks everyone for their prayers, love and all the wonderful cards and calls of encouragement.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 20, 2017 - Viva Z. (Bonner Springs, KS)
Viva's situation remains about the same. Please continue to pray for her.
Jan 9, 2017
Her cataract surgery went extremely well & her vision is greatly improved. She is delighted to be able to see much better. She just celebrated her 90th birthday. Continued prayers are needed for the cancer on her right leg & foot. It is not healing properly & needs daily attention. It also limits her ability to walk easily. She appreciates the prayers, cards & encouragement of the brethren.
Jul 15, 2016
Prayers are requested for Mrs. Viva Z. of the Kansas City congregation. She will be having cataract surgery on her right eye, Tuesday, July 19. Viva suffers from several health issues including Parkinson's which make this a difficult and high risk type of surgery. She very much enjoys reading and since she may eventually require surgery on the other eye she would be greatly encouraged to have her vision improved. Please pray for God's healing and guidance during the surgery and for strength and comfort as she recovers.
Jun 23, 2015
Viva Z, a longtime member of the Kansas City congregation, has suffered for over a couple of years with a skin cancer on her right leg and foot that is steadily worsening. Radiation treatments have not helped and it is now very painful and requires her to take pain medication that is not providing adequate relief. She is also suffering from the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease that prevents her from doing many things she would like to do, including attending services, which she greatly misses. Please pray for God's mercy and intervention to extend healing and comfort as she faithfully and patiently trusts in Him.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 20, 2017 - Fran M. (Tonganoxie, KS)
They remain about the same. Please continue to pray for them.
Sep 6, 2017
Prayers are requested for Fran M. in the Kansas City congregation. Over the past few weeks, she has suffered complications from blood clots in her left leg resulting in the loss of her left leg below the knee. Originally she was out of town in Colorado, had to be transferred back to Kansas City and underwent surgery here. She has spent a week in the Heart Institute at St. Luke's Hospital and now is in the rehabilitation section of the same hospital. Today when I saw her she was doing physical therapy, which involved transferring from her wheelchair to the bed, lying down, turning from one side to the other and then rising and transferring back to her chair. She also was being assisted in learning to transfer from her wheelchair to get into a small car on the floor of the rehabilitation center and then back to the chair. She is trying to remain positive, yet suffers from discouragement with the loss of her leg. Your prayers for her continued healing, comfort and encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
Her husband, Roland, also has been in the hospital to monitor heart related issues and he needs prayers for recovery and strength as well. They will eventually be moving to a location that will allow them to get the care needed for these serious conditions. God's merciful hand has been evident throughout this trial and they continue to look to Him for healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 17, 2017 - Marc B. (upstate NY)
I wanted to update you on my health situation since I am still in the hospital. I had IV antibiotics for my urinary infection and my blood infection for about two weeks. These antibiotics are going to be finishing Tuesday, December 19 for the UTI and blood infection. I am asking for your prayers though because I am unable to go home from the hospital because my stomach is not absorbing food and nutrition. The doctors are having a hard time with knowing what to do because they do not want to put another permanent IV in my body for IV fluids and nutrition, but if my stomach does not absorb regular food and fluids they may have no choice. Please pray for God's will on the situation. It is up to Him as to what will happen!. Thank you all in advance for these ongoing thoughts and prayers.
Please keep Marc's serious health condition in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 16, 2017 - Antionette & daughter, Misty W. (Grants Pass, OR)
Antionette and Misty continue to have health problems that impact their ability to attend. No specific details are needed but they have expressed their appreciation for prayers.
Jan 5, 2017
She has herniated disks, muscle spasms, & she needs shoulder surgery but it has progressed too far for a replacement. The pain affects her sleep & her focus. She also suffers from burning mouth syndrome. Her daughter, Misty continues to have great difficulty walking due to knee and hip pain. The doctors want her to wait until she's older to do surgery on her knee. Her spine has herniated and bulging disks. She has migraine headaches as well as polycystic ovarian syndrome, and nothing alleviates the symptoms. She also has severe food allergies. Misty continues to hold down 2 jobs. They need God's intervention & are appreciative to all for their continuing prayers.
Jan 15, 2014
Since she fell into an empty swimming pool she has had continuous pain. Her wrist was broken & some vertebrae in her back were damaged. This has caused more hip & knee pain as well as more migraines. She now has begun having stomach issues. She trusts God to heal her in His time. Her adult daughter, Misty, who lives with her is on a breathing machine & has pain in her feet but is still holding down 2 jobs. She has polycystic ovarian syndrome & a pituitary tumor. She is on meds, but doctors have had a hard time getting the dosage correct. It is difficult for her to walk with all the pain.
Jan 18, 2012
Antionette has a number of health issues, particularly pain in her knees & shoulders. Her left shoulder is very painful & is getting harder to move.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 15, 2017 - Lonnie B. (Jacksonville, AR)
Lonnie's cancer is considered to be in remission. He will have periodic blood testing for monitoring and alerting him if there is any change in his situation. Lonnie is very grateful for all of the prayers on his behalf and thankful to God for his mercy in the outcome of his treatment.
Jul 3, 2017
Lonnie's last check-up showed that his PSA level was slightly elevated from the previous level and a repeat blood test has been ordered. To ensure that there hasn't been any spread of the cancer, an examination of his prostate and bladder has been scheduled. The increase in his PSA level was expected, since he only received radiation treatment for the cancer and a final baseline PSA level isn't expected for several months. These tests are precautionary in nature and are to ensure things are progressing as expected. Anyone who experiences cancer is naturally concerned, but Lonnie knows that the final result is not in our or anyone else's hands, but in God's hands to handle as He sees fit. Lonnie continues to put his hope and trust in God to work this out for his good according to His purpose. Lonnie would greatly appreciate the continued prayers of his brothers and sisters in Christ.
Jan 6, 2017
The treatment for Lonnie's prostate cancer was finished 6 months ago. His tests have been encouraging. His PSA value is at the expected level and will be monitored for the next six months. The side effects from the treatment have been mild and he feels blessed for the outcome. Lonnie thanks everyone for their prayers.
Dec 16, 2015 He has completed the radiation treatment & hasn't experienced any side effects of any consequence. He is still receiving treatment to keep his testosterone level low, to allow the radiation to have maximum effect on the cancer cells. At the end of this treatment, doctors will be able to determine what the next steps will be in his care. Lonnie thanks everyone for their prayers and cards.
Jun 22, 2015
Lonnie, a deacon from the Little Rock congregation, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in March of this year and is presently in the middle of radiation treatments, having completed 28 of 45 treatments. He is not able to have surgery because of a lung condition and other health issues. So far he has not had too much trouble dealing with side effects. Lonnie asks for your prayers for God's intervention and healing and that the radiation will continue to perform its job without damaging surrounding healthy tissue. Lonnie thanks you for prayers on his behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 14, 2017 - Jerome S. (Lincoln, NE)
Jerome is doing much better now. He lives a normal life for the most part, and can once again give sermonettes. The throat cancer is gone, but he has periodic checkups to see that it does not return. He continues to deal with the injury to his throat/neck and surrounding area, as it gradually improves. Everyone's prayers are greatly appreciated! as well as encouragement through cards and other support!
Jan 7, 2017
Jerome has cancer on the back of his tongue. Jerry continues to recover slowly as he deals with the residual effects of the radiation. On January 20th he is going in for a laser "touch-up" on the transplant of skin from his arm to his tongue, which is hoped by all to be the final trip to the surgeon. This, too, is a risky procedure because it will be his sixth anesthesia, and the risk of complications increases with each use. God's healing is still needed! Thank you for your encouraging cards, messages, and especially prayers!

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 14, 2017 - Sam M. (Kendrick, ID)
Your continued prayers are requested on behalf of Sam. Last week Sam was given the all clear from his urologist regarding the bladder cancer he has received treatments for over the last number of months. However, in the past several days since that appointment, Sam has experienced a very rapid decline in health. A scan conducted earlier this week shows that Sam has cancer spread throughout his brain. He is currently at home under hospice care, continuing to decline rapidly. Please pray for God's comfort for Sam, his wife Gladys and the rest of the family as they walk through this difficult time of life. Sam is a faithful man who puts his trust in God, looking first and foremost to His kingdom.
Aug 5, 2017
I am pleased to share with you a positive update regarding the condition of Sam's bladder cancer.
On April 12th doctors went in to remove Sam's bladder, which was eighty percent full of the cancer tumor. They found the cancer had also spread into the surrounding lymph nodes. The surgery was halted and put on hold until the cancer could be shrunk through the chemotherapy treatments which have since followed.
This week Sam was given a complete workup and the cancer was found to have diminished dramatically. The tumor in his bladder has shrunk by eighty percent! There is also no sign of the cancer in his lymph nodes or any other part of his body. Sam's doctor now reports that the planned surgery to remove his bladder and prostate is not necessary. Sam will undergo radiation treatments in the upcoming weeks with the expectation that the cancer will be completely eradicated.
Sam and His wife, Gladys are grateful for God's merciful intervention, as well as the continuing prayers of their fellow brethren.
Apr 15, 2017
Sam has gone through various up and down's over the course of the last two months. The source of the bleeding turned out to be ulcers in his small intestine and the bleeding stopped long enough for Sam to gain strength and the condition was treated and the sores were able to heal. That allowed for Sam's heart valve to be operated on and the improvement in circulation was a boost as well. On April 12th the doctors then went to remove the bladder and found the cancer had spread to the surrounding lymph nodes and had to stop. Sam now needs to take chemotherapy to address the spread of the cancer before the bladder can be removed. He is in a lot of pain at the moment but he is able to get up and move around some. Sam's attitude is good but this has been a long process and it is continuing. Sam and Gladys and their family deeply appreciate the many encouragements they have received and the prayers.
Feb 15, 2017
Your prayers are requested on behalf of Sam M. Sam was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer, filling eighty percent of his bladder. The doctor recommended surgery to have the bladder completely removed as soon as possible. However, since the diagnosis, Sam's overall condition has deteriorated rapidly, and surgery is not currently an option.
On Monday, Sam was admitted to the ICU in Spokane due to passing significant amounts of blood through his bowl from an unknown source. He has received multiple transfusions to date. On top of this, he has been diagnosed with heart disease and a narrowed aortic heart valve, which is contributing to his struggle.
The family requests prayers that the source of Sam's bleeding can be determined and stopped so he can regain the strength he needs to address the other serious health issues he is facing. Sam has stated that he is in God's hands. He looks to Him in faith, trusting in His perfect will. Please also remember Sam's wife, Gladys, as she is sick at home and not able to be at his side in the hospital.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 13, 2017 - Austin V. (Citronelle, AL)
Austin really has had no change, except to express his sincere gratitude for the plethora of cards of encouragement & prayers he has received!
Nov 5, 2017
Austin V., age 58, member of the Mobile, AL congregation was diagnosed with Colorectal cancer (CRC), also known as bowel/rectal/colon cancer, just before the Feast of Tabernacles this year. He's currently undergoing treatment and having difficulty at various stages of the regimen of chemotherapy with complications due to the side affects. Prayers are requested for God's healing hand, comfort and for wisdom in making decisions for some of the choices he'll still be making.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 12, 2017 - Gerry R. (Hopkinsville, KY)
Gerry's situation remains about the same with no appreciable change.
Jan 6, 2017
Gerry's situation remains about the same, with no appreciable change. Please continue to pray for God's intervention and strengthening during this difficult time in their lives.
Oct 7, 2016
Linda R. is requesting prayers for her husband, Gerry. He fell and broke his hip a while back and had to have surgery. Currently, he is in a nursing home. He also has dementia. Linda also has health issues herself to deal with even as she tries to be there for Gerry as much as she can be. Gerry and Linda are long time members of God's Church and are part of the Paducah, Kentucky, congregation. Please pray for God's intervention and strengthening during this difficult time for them. Thank you.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 12, 2017 - Ramon G. (Orange Grove, TX)
Ramon went to MD Anderson 2 weeks ago & was given a clean bill of health! They say no cancer! Thank you for your prayers.
Jun 21, 2017
After several rounds of chemotherapy which has left Ramon with severe pain in his legs, back and hips, doctors at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital now are not sure that he has melanoma. They are going to gather several doctors to review his records to try determining just what is wrong. Please pray for relief from the terrible pain he is experiencing. Also, pray that a proper diagnosis can be made and especially for God's intervention to heal whatever the problem is with Ramon.
Apr 13, 2017
Ramon and Maria want to express their thanks for the outpouring of love shown by the many cards they received from all over the world. Ramon was told he'd have to be on dialysis because of poor kidney function; but after his last check up the doctor said it's a miracle that the kidneys have improved measurably and dialysis will not be needed. We're requesting continued prayer for Ramon because of the blood disorder and the effects of the chemo that he is now undergoing. Also, pray for Maria because of the stress all this has put on her.
Feb 16, 2017
Ramon is now back in a San Antonio hospital where he is on a drip medication to stabilize his blood pressure so that doctors can administer chemo along with steroids. If all goes well he can be sent home and then return to hospital every three weeks for a shot. Your prayers, cards and well wishes are much appreciated.
Feb 14, 2017
After four months of being sent from hospital to hospital and undergoing many painful tests, Ramon was informed that he has a very rare blood disease. The doctors believe his condition is the result of having been subjected to agent orange during the Vietnam War. Ramon has lost much weight in the last three weeks and his color is poor. His blood pressure continues in the high range and medications are not stabilizing it. Please pray that God will intervene and heal Ramon. He is at home and must decide on what course of action, if any, he will take.
Jan 13, 2017
Ramon has been home from the hospital and has been monitored on an outpatient basis. The Drs. have no idea what is causing his illness. His kidneys were biopsied with no definitive results. He is going to be sent to San Antonio to a specialist for further testing. Please continue to pray that God will intervene and heal him. He and his wife, Maria want to thank all that have shown their concern by the many cards he has received from all over the world.
Ramon has been in & out of the hospital several times during & since attending the Feast. He has been suffering from high blood pressure. As I write he has been admitted to the hospital once again & is in ICU with his lungs filling with fluid. The doctors believe that he has COPD. Please pray for Ramon & his wife Maria, who has been under a great deal of stress handling all the work around their "ranchette" while Ramon has been incapacitated.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 8, 2017 - Ron F. (Carl Junction, MO)
Prayers are requested for Ron F., a deacon in the Joplin, Missouri, congregation. Ron, age 63, suffered a stroke Monday morning. He is currently paralyzed on the left side, has limited communication, cannot eat solid food and there is still the concern of another clot breaking off from the main carotid artery. The family is requesting prayers for a full recovery and that no more strokes will occur (as this is a risk).

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 29, 2017 - Chevy V. (Royce City, TX)
Chevy and his family greatly appreciate the many prayers, calls and cards of concern and encouragement they have already received regarding the prayer request that was sent out a few weeks ago. Chevy is awaiting the results of some blood tests and will be having a colonoscopy on December 8th. Afterwards, he will follow up with the gastroenterologist to discuss the results. In January he will have another appointment with the oncologist to further discuss the colonoscopy results and have another CT scan. The oncologist wanted to have enough time for the inflammation to fully resolve after multiple infections in August. This will help assess and properly diagnose his situation. After we have more information we will send out another update. Thank you for your continued prayers for Chevy.
Nov 12, 2017
Chevy V. was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in 2007 which has been in remission for many years. At the time of that diagnosis, he was given just days to live, but these 10 years are a testament of God's healing for which we have been so thankful. During the past year Chevy experienced growing fatigue which prompted a doctor's appointment and bloodwork. He was diagnosed as positive for Epstein Barr and Mono. In August this year, Chevy was hospitalized for cellulitis on both feet and sepsis in his blood. Surprisingly, to the infectious disease doctor, she discovered he also had pneumonia and a gut infection -- all unrelated, but indicating a compromised immune system. He also suffers from chronic pain and inflammation.
Recent CT scans show that Chevy has enlarged lymph nodes in the chest, groin, and abdomen. Today we received the sobering results from a colon screening that indicated possible cancer. In the weeks ahead, Chevy will be getting biopsies by the oncologist and further tested via a colonoscopy. We ask that you will join us in praying for God's guidance as we obtain additional results and have to make choices. We will seek alternative treatments where possible as Chevy is still suffering from the side affects of prior cancer treatments. Above all, we know that God has the power to heal again. We ask your fervent prayers that God will allow Chevy many more years of good health with his wife Denise and two-year old son Benjamin and for comfort and encouragement along the way.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 11, 2017 - June C. (Eau Claire, WI)
June had hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. They got her up early Wednesday morning to go for a walk. So far today she been walking, doing steps and learning how to get in and out of a car. She came home Thursday, feeling pretty sore. She is continuing therapy every hour at home. Please pray for a speedy and smooth recovery.
Jun 23, 2017
June's hip is feeling much better. She had had severe pain in her lower back and leg. She has a therapist who specializes in lower back injuries and after a few sessions there is much improvement. She would like to thank you all for your prayers. Please continue to pray for her full recovery.
Jun 15, 2017
June is having severe pain in her hip. She will be having physical therapy to see if that helps. If it doesn't she may have to have hip replacement surgery. She would appreicate your prayers.
Dec 12, 2012
From June C. regarding her daughter Judy:
As you know my daughter Judy has been dealing with cancer for over 20 years. God has certainly blessed her in this, as outside of not always having a lot of energy and the sleeplessness, she has had a fairly normal life.
She will began chemo again this week, 4 treatments, then followups at intervals of 2 - 3 months for 2 years. The lymphoma is in her left eye now, she had heart tests yesterday in Madison to see if her heart is strong enough for the treatments.
Her cancer is extremely slow growing or she would not have been able to live so long, 2 years ago she combined low dose chemo and other treatments, together called ITP. She had the other intravenous done in the Dells. A Dr. Waters, (he may have been in Church at one time), who for many years has a homeopathic clinic. He now agrees that she should do the regular chemo, as it continues to move around and what he does is not stopping it.
So, prayers would be appreciated. Thank you, June

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 11, 2017 - Ann C. (Mattoon, IL)
Ann C. has bone spurs up and down her spine which are very painful and she also has diabetes. She is requesting prayers that God to heal her of these problems. Ann is a cancer survivor and knows that only God heals. She doesn't want to take prescribed pain medicine because of the side effects and is looking to God for relief and healing.
Mar 2, 2016
Ann is requesting your prayers for God's intervention because she has cancer again. This time it is between her ribs around her breastbone. This is a different type of cancer than she had before. Ann will have more testing done in the next two weeks to see if the cancer has spread to other places. Ann said she was very thankful for all the cards and letters she received during her last battle with cancer.
Oct 27, 2015
Ann, of the Terre Haute, IN, congregation has requested prayers for her congestive heart failure. During a check-up it was determined that she experienced a heart attack in the past. It was also discovered that she may have problems with the arteries in her heart. Ann will soon have tests for cancer and also asks for prayers that she will be found cancer free. Thank you in advance for your prayers and concern.
Jun 2, 2014
Ann has cancer in her back and stomach. She is getting a biopsy this coming week to find out if she has cancer in her lung, as well. She would appreciate everyone's prayers for her complete healing. She also requested prayers for her son, Randy, who has bladder cancer. Ann wants to thank all of you brethren for your prayers to God on her behalf.
May 17, 2013
Ann wants to thank everyone for all their prayers on her behalf and for all the cards. Ann has completed her chemotherapy but hasn't yet received the test results from the treatment. Ann is very grateful for all your prayers to our heavenly Father on her behalf, and wants your continued prayers that the test results will be good.
Apr 5, 2013
Ann's cancer has returned again. During a routine cancer screening, it showed up as a spot on her left shoulder bone and was confirmed. Ann is requesting prayers of the brethren that God would intercede on her behalf with complete healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 28, 2017 - Karen L. (Los Angeles)
Happy Sabbath, and thanks to all who prayed for my mother. She was released from the hospital today. Although she will still receive 5 more days of IV antibiotics to conquer the infection, they will be able to administer the IV from my parents' home. Thanks again, and please pray that the final 5 days yield a complete recovery.
Oct 26, 2017
I (Katherine B.) am requesting prayers on behalf of my mother, Karen L., a member of the Los Angeles congregation. She had an insect bite that became severely infected, leading to an abscess. She also developed cellulitis that has spread over a large part of her leg. After 2 trips to the ER, she was admitted to the hospital last night for IV antibiotic treatment. Please pray for a full recovery, and that she can soon go back to the comfort of her home.

I (Katherine B.) am requesting prayers on behalf of my mother, Karen L., a member of the Los Angeles congregation. She had an insect bite that became severely infected, leading to an abscess. She also developed cellulitis that has spread over a large part of her leg. After 2 trips to the ER, she was admitted to the hospital last night for IV antibiotic treatment. Please pray for a full recovery, and that she can soon go back to the comfort of her home.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 20, 2017 - William H. (Georgia)
We were thrilled to hear this morning that William is being discharged from the hospital today. He is not strong enough yet to fly home and the doctors want him to stay close by for a few days. God has been merciful to us and we deeply appreciate the prayers and concern of so many. We look forward to having him/them back in Georgia, hopefully sometime next week.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 30, 2017 - Marian B. (Phoenix, AZ)
Marian B. is a faithful, longtime Phoenix member who has been declining in health and continues to grow weaker. Thankfully she still isn't suffering pain nor does she need medication for it. She has lost more weight and is a mere fraction of herself. She is thankful for the visits of the brethren who come and often have Bible discussions with her. She looks earnestly to the Kingdom and those visiting are spiritually boosted and encouraged by her sterling example. Marian is under hospice care and wants God's will to be done. Please pray for Marian and her loving son David, who constantly is by her side.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 22, 2017 - Walt T. (Tucson, AZ)
Walt is gradually recovering from the hard impact fall while riding his mountain bike near Pinetop, AZ on August 28. The fall resulted in a pelvic fracture, a fracture of the left hip socket, and a bowel obstruction. Thankfully, all of these required no surgery. In order to heal the fractures, he currently cannot bear any weight on his left leg for at least six more weeks. Walt will be discharged from rehab this Tuesday. He'll continue to be in a wheelchair and learning to use a walker. Walt and his wife Ann deeply appreciate the many prayers, cards, and calls of members from around the nation at a time when so many others are suffering from illnesses and from natural disasters.
Aug 30, 2017 - Walt T. (Tucson, AZ)
Prayers are requested for the recovery and rehabilitation of Mr. Walt T., an elder in Tucson, AZ. He suffered a fall while riding his mountain bike in the White Mountains of Arizona. Walt has several fractures in his left hip but it looks like surgery will not be necessary. Even so, it appears that his rehabilitation will take an extended period of time. Walt is generally in excellent health, so his prognosis is good for a full recovery, but at this point he is in pain. Thank you for your prayers for Walt.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 14, 2017 - Jimmy B. (Holliday, TX)
Jimmy was released from the hospital a few days ago. His recovery was quite remarkable as he did not have any cracking and swelling of his arms even though they were both badly inflamed and swollen. Jimmy and his family would like to thank you all for your prayers and cards of concern for him.
Sep 8, 2017
Jimmy B. from the Lawton congregation was bitten in both hands by a young rattlesnake Tuesday afternoon. He is still in the Critical Care Unit in the United Regional Hospital in Wichita Falls, TX. His blood pressure has been very high and both hands and arms are badly swollen from the venom. Anti-venom is being administered until the swelling begins to go down and he has already had 30 doses It appears that he is beginning to get better as the swelling has not gotten any worse. Please pray for God's blessing, intervention, and healing for Jimmy. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 23, 2017 - Milton J. (Franklinton, LA)
Milton, age 81, a longtime member and deacon of the New Orleans, LA congregation was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this week and the prognosis is not optimistic at this time. He's been given a year or less. He has suffered numerous health challenges as of the last few months, including his dear wife Elaine's death on July 13th. Prayers are requested for God's healing hand, and for wisdom in making decisions for some of the choices he'll be making.
Jan 2, 2017
Milton had another doctor visit this week to determine what course of action to take regarding the cancer on his kidney. The cancer has diminished in size and the determination was to do nothing at this time.
Sept 22, 2015
Milton, the only deacon in the New Orleans congregation, has cancer of the kidney and is due for surgery shortly after the Feast at which time they intend to remove the whole organ. Please pray that they are able to attend the Feast and that God will intervene on each of their behalves.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 19, 2017 - Victoria and Romeo C. (Bacolod City, Philippines)
Last Sunday, Mrs. C. was admitted at the Doctor's Hospital here in Bacolod City, Philippines after suffering from a suspected urinary tract infection and possible complication because of hyperglycemia (hereditary on her part). It has been more than a week that she lost her appetite making her body very weak to the point that she partially passed out at their home last Sunday.
Mr. C. also was not able to attend Sabbath services for almost a month now because of osteoarthritis. He experienced severe back pain and he can hardly walk. They have tried chiropractor procedures and he slightly recovered/improved except for a still painful left knee. Challenging on his part because during week days when Mrs. C. will normally report for school and his son Reuel attends to his small business, Mr. C. is left alone at their home the whole day.
The family has been faithfully serving the Bacolod congregation and they are really a big help for the church. Please help us in praying for God's healing and intervention for Mr-Mrs. C. Thank you very much.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 15, 2017 - John C. (Salem, OR)
Mr. John C. (pastor in Salem/Eugene/Roseburg, Oregon) went into surgery Monday morning. The double bypass was successful; however, the heart was worse than the surgeon had expected from the preliminary tests before surgery. It was swollen and inflamed, and there was damage. His organs are receiving blood well. The carotid arteries were not occluded and there is plenty of access to the brain. We don't know exactly how his recovery will go or when we'll go home at this time.
Our entire family would like to thank each and every one for the many prayers extended on John's behalf. It is truly overwhelming and so gracious of everyone to care so deeply for him and all of us.
Thank you and love to all. -Sandy C.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 11, 2017 - Carl L. (Battle Lake, MN)
(Larry L's brother) A prayer request is being made for Carl L. who has been in the Good Samaritan Society Nursing home in Battle Lake, MN for 2 1/2 years. Carl has bi-lateral neuropathy in his legs along with Parkinsonism. He and his wife Cathy would appreciate your prayers. Carl is a shut-in who has not been able to attend servcies for some time.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 11, 2017 - Gene M. (Wilmington, OH)
Gene M., a member in the Cincinnati/Dayton, Ohio, congregation, is in a serious condition.
Doctors did the procedure on one side of his brain to stop the bleeding. That procedure seems to have been successful. The doctors feel the bleeding has been stopped.
There is a need to duplicate the procedure on the other side of Gene's brain, but they can't do that till Gene improves. After the first procedure, Gene responded well - he was able to eat, walk around and he communicated clearly. After a couple days, however, Gene took a turn for the worse. He could not get out of bed, couldn't eat, his condition worsened to the point that he couldn't breathe on his own. He still cannot breathe without a respirator -- he is mostly unresponsive. His kidneys are weakening, which is another concern. Prayers for God's intervention are very much needed.
Aug 4, 2017
Gene M., a member in the Henderson, Kentucky, congregation, had a serious cerebral hemorrhage and went in for surgery on Wednesday. After surgery, there could be lasting damage to his kidneys along with other complications. There is also the possibility that the procedures will require additional surgeries to stem the damage from the stroke. His wife, Linda, is with him but all other family members live some distance away. The Maxwells would appreciate your prayers for a rapid healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 11, 2017 - Fred M. (Everson, WA)
Fred M. is 91 years old and a long time and valued member of the Sedro-Woolley, WA congregation. Six weeks ago a drainage tube was installed going into his left kidney when it was discovered that the kidney was not draining properly. He is scheduled to have a stent installed in the ureter which leads from the kidney to the bladder on Tuesday, Aug. 15 at the local hospital. However, it was recently discovered that he has a heart arrhythmia and was told that this potentially puts him at risk during this surgical procedure. He also was recently told by his primary care doctor that preliminary results of blood testing indicate that he may have leukemia or bone cancer. He knows that God is in charge regardless of the outcome, but would appreciate prayers on his behalf for comfort, peace and God's healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 4, 2017 - Teresa G. (Henderson, CO)
Nearly a year ago (Aug. 10, 2016) a prayer request was sent out for Teresa of the Berthoud, Colorado, congregation. She was suffering with diabetes and kidney failure, with a host of symptoms. Since then it has been a rocky road with numerous critical times, visits to the hospital, dialysis four times a week, and so on. A major step forward was taken a few weeks ago when Teresa received a kidney transplant. She is now in a long recovery process from this surgery and so far it has gone well and the new kidney is not being rejected.
There is still much concern because of the underlying problem, her malfunctioning pancreas and resultant diabetes. She still deals with a host of symptoms - muscle cramps, chills, difficulty walking, vision problems such as glaucoma and cataracts, breathing problems, fluctuating blood pressure along with others. According to the doctors, it is necessary to wait a couple of years before pursuing the option of a pancreas transplant. Teresa and her husband, Nathan, truly appreciate the prayers offered on their behalf and would appreciate continued prayers for a full recovery from the recent transplant surgery and moving forward to the next major step toward good health. Teresa is 40 years old and they have a 7-year-old son, Jeremiah.
Aug 11, 2016
Teresa, of the Berthoud congregation, is in the hospital due to chest congestion, fluid retention, and various problems and complications with her dialysis. The underlying problems are diabetes and kidney failure. She has a light case of pneumonia, also peritonitis, which is nearly cleared up and possibly gone. She has experienced numerous other problems over the last several months and would appreciate your prayers.
Apr 29, 2016
Teresa, of the Berthoud, Colorado, congregation would truly appreciate your prayers. She is not yet 40 but has a serious case of diabetes which has resulted in kidney failure and a host of other problems. Her symptoms have multiplied, it seems. She recently also suffered a mini-stroke and still has numbness in her left hand. She experiences a great deal of fatigue, chills, difficulty walking, nausea, diarrhea, and much more. Her husband, Nathan, works full time as an electrician, and they have a six-year-old son, whom Teresa's mother takes care of during the day when he's not in school. She was just recently transferred from the hospital to a rehabilitation center. It is anticipated she will be there about two weeks.
Jan 29, 2016
Teresa is doing a little better at present. Yesterday morning she underwent surgery to install a catheter in her stomach area. This is pursuant to doing her dialysis at home, which she greatly desires. She wanted to convey her and Nathan's deepest gratitude for the numerous cards and concern. They have been overwhelmed by the extent of it and have found it extremely encouraging.
Jan 15, 2016
Prayers are requested for Teresa G. of the Berthoud, Colorado, congregation. She has a very serious level of diabetes and that has branched out into other major problems. Right now she is in the hospital with 15 percent kidney function, high blood pressure, high potassium, a light case of pneumonia and other problems. Of course these problems are an outgrowth of diabetes. Teresa is only 39 years old, is married to Nathan, and has a five-year-old son, Jeremiah. Please also pray for Jeremiah, as he is very distraught about his mother's condition and has even told her he doesn't want her to die. And, of course, Nathan needs God's help as well in continuing to work at his job as an electrician and take care of Teresa's and Jeremiah's needs. Your concern and prayers are much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 29, 2017 - Mark S. (Wheeling, WV)
Mark S., age 61, a member in the Wheeling, West Virginia, congregation, is in need of prayers. Mark was found unconscious in his home two weeks ago. For several years, Mark has had issues with ulcers on his legs, caused by a vein disease. Apparently a recent outbreak of the ulcers became infected and Mark developed sepsis, a severe, life-threatening blood infection. He requires a ventilator to breathe. Doctors are considering what their next move will be. They are considering transferring him to a hospital where there are more experienced specialists, or possibly just removing the ventilator. His condition is very grave. Thank you for your prayers and concern.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 21, 2017 - Nancy E. (San Antonio, TX)
Nancy has been recovering well from kidney stone surgery last Friday. A treatment plan has also been established to help with kidney function, and once completely recovered from the surgery, that treatment plan will begin. She wishes to thank everyone for all the prayers and cards received.
Jul 14, 2017
Your prayers are requested for Nancy E., a member of the San Antonio, Texas, congregation. She has had ongoing issues with one of her kidneys and recently was informed by her doctor that several things are causing it not to function properly. A treatment plan is being formulated. Also, she is dealing with kidney stones, which she has had before. Your prayers for God's intervention and complete healing would be greatly appreciated.
Update: Nancy had surgery for the kidney stones and came through fine. They weren't able to completely dissolve the stones but were able to break them up somewhat. As a precaution they also installed a stent. Nancy will have follow up x-rays next week. At this time she is extremely nauseous.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 18, 2017 - Morley B. (Fredrickton, NFL, Canada)
To all my brothers and sisters in Christ. I wish I could express how much I enjoyed getting your cards but they haven't invented the words yet. When you live in a place where regular gatherings with brethren happens mostly on Holy Days, the cards I received is in my mind, a way of fellowshipping and I can use all God's help I can get. I have recieved cards and love - from places I had to look on Google to see where they were. I plan on replying to all. Thank you from bottom of my heart.
May 2, 2017
Morley B. of the St. John's Newfoundland, Canada congregation has just received confirmation from his doctor that recent test have shown that two growing tumours are located inside the pituitary gland. Doctors have not yet confirmed if they are malignant. Morley is experiencing very strong headaches and much fatigue. He is not able to work. Doctors now must determine the proper course of action. Please ask our Heavenly Father to intervene and heal him or to bless the medical treatments doctors will choose. Morley is the father of two teens, Joshua and Winston and is married to his very supportive wife, Shelley.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 8, 2017 - Lindsay S. (Melton West, Victoria, Australia)
Lindsay and his wife Lisette would like to express heart-felt thanks to all who have been keeping them in their prayers for so long! An urgent prayer request was sent out around the world at the time of the accident and since then God's miraculous healing hand has been evident in Lindsay's progress. Lindsay has now regained a lot of feeling, movement and strength in his arms, hands and legs. He was sent home, and now is able to wheel himself about his home with the assistance of a wheelchair. For some time Lindsay had been working to build strength in his back and legs, and the congregation was thrilled and delighted recently when he walked himself into services for the first time with the assistance of a walker! There is still some way to go. Please remember to thank God for hearing our prayers, for His miraculous healing upon Lindsay, and for His great encouragement and comfort on us all. We are excited to have Lindsay and Lisette back among the congregation on a more regular basis. Their positive smiles and encouraging fellowship is a blessing to us all!
Sep 25, 2016
God's healing hand has certainly been evident in Lindsay's life over the past months, & there has been significant improvement in his condition. Since leaving the rehabilitation hospital, he has continued to receive daily treatments at home, to strengthen his arms, hands & legs. He has enough strength in his arms to be able to wheel himself around in his wheelchair. He & his wife, Lisette have just moved into a house modified for his restricted mobility, for which they are very thankful. They are grateful for your continued prayers as well.
Feb 4, 2016
It has been seven weeks since we have been able to provide an update regarding Lindsay. You will recall Lindsay was involved in a serious car accident on 18 November 2015, and the early diagnosis was quadriplegia. All that has taken place since then is nothing short of miraculous. Lindsay still has such a positive approach and outlook. The last update was just after Lindsay went into the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Hospital on 9 December where he began the long and arduous process of rehab. At that point, there was some partial use of his left hand, he was able to move his left leg, but had only slight movement in his right arm and no movement in his right leg. Even that was a significant and profound improvement over his initial condition.
To say he has come a long way since then is an understatement. When I walked into the Rehab centre on my recent visit, the first thing I saw was Lindsay raising both arms high into the air in an expression of jubilation - not because he saw me - but because he was in his wheelchair playing carpet bowls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xaU7c-VW9Y and was excited about the game. That was my first indication of how far he had come in the intervening period. He was also able to scoot around in his electric wheelchair and pick up some of the carpet bowls from off the floor.
When I saw Lindsay in December, he was struggling to pick up 100 grams of weight. Now he is working with a 5 kilo weight in his right hand (the weaker arm) and a 10 kilo weight in his left hand. He is able to fully use his left hand for fine and major motor skill activity - from using a knife to eat his meal to (obviously) playing carpet bowls. Lindsay has also been able to stand (with assistance). He has control over his left leg but his right leg lags behind in ability. However, Lindsay remains determined to do all he can to improve his overall functioning. He is also gaining independence in being able to go to the bathroom. He uses a board to slide himself from his bed to this wheel chair, and is then able to go to the toilet without assistance. The bowel functioning is still not great and he needs some medication and a suppository but this has become a manageable process. Lindsay and Lisette continue to be so grateful for God's intervention and healing as well as for all the visits, calls, cards and prayers of members around the world.
Dec 1, 2015
There are times when someone's response to extreme adversity reminds us there is a God because the response can only be motivated by God's Spirit. Facing this trauma, Lindsay has evidenced what God can do through someone who is listening. I hope each of us are encouraged - and even humbled - by what I trust is being conveyed in these updates. There is nothing quite like perspective!
If you are not on Facebook, what I am about to convey is going to sound very strange. Have you ever seen a man - a senior, normally conservative man - do the Chicken Dance while in a wheelchair? It is something that has to be seen to be believed - so you have to see it on Facebook if you can. Lindsay was able to sit in a wheelchair for the first time today and was taken outside into the sunshine, along with his family. His son, David, motivated by how positive and energetic his dad was, jokingly said that he could do the Chicken Dance. And that was all it took!
Lindsay's condition continues to improve steadily. If you have seen the Facebook video, then you can see that he is able to move his arms a little. He is able to move his fingers on this left hand one by one, though his right hand does not at this point have the same dexterity. He is able to move his left leg but not his right leg at this point.
It is Lindsay's attitude that speaks the greatest volume. He continues to be positive and optimistic - and so very grateful for God's blessing and for his family. Lindsay is now able to receive visitors on a limited basis as he is now out of ICU and into an intermediate ward.
Nov 27, 2015
Since Saturday, there have been some small but significant and positive steps. Lindsay voluntarily moved his right arm up. While he still has no movement in his legs, he has been able to know when someone is massaging his leg-and which leg is being massaged - so he does have some slight sensation on the skin of his legs. He is also learning to breathe on his own, with the physiotherapy helping him in this regard. The family is so very excited and encouraged from Lindsay's progress and his positive attitude toward his situation. He is already showing a determination to do all that he can to improve. There is no doubt there has been intervention and courage from God. You cannot help but be so encouraged, inspired and thankful to the Great God that this man who has been through and is going through so much difficulty, can be so positive only eight days after the accident and on the first day the breathing tube is removed from his throat. Such is Lindsay's attitude and mindset that he was asking after the wellbeing of others.
He continues to have slight but obvious improvement in movement in his arms - he is able to provide some resistance when someone is pushing against his hands-and was able to move his left leg in a kicking motion as well. He is breathing by himself now, with no assistance. These things by themselves are important and significant, but in light of Lindsay's positive attitude, almost seem secondary. The impact on Lisette, David, Sarahjane and all the family is profound. The social worker commented that the waiting room at ICU has never seen so many smiles, laughter and such positivity. Keep praying! It's bearing fruit. Lindsay has a long way to go but is not concerned at the prospect. And his family is with him every step of the way.
Nov 19, 2015
On Wednesday morning 18 November, Lindsay was driving to work when an out of control vehicle hit his car. It came to light today that the vehicle that hit Lindsay's car was the focus of a police pursuit. Lindsay was trapped in his car for about an hour before being cut out and air lifted to the Royal Melbourne Hospital. At the hospital it was determined that Lindsay suffered a severe spinal cord injury to his neck. He was transferred to the Austin Hospital which has a specialist spinal cord department. Lindsay had an operation on Wednesday night at 11 pm to insert and fasten a metal plate to the vertebrae in his neck. While the operation was successfully completed, it was determined on Thursday that the worst held fears of the family have been realised with the damage to his spinal cord so severe as to result in Lindsay now being quadriplegic. To say that this is a tragedy is an understatement. Lindsay has unbelievable challenges ahead, along with his wife Lisette and family. Lindsay and Lisette are grandparents and have attended the Church of God for 38 years.
The family's love and devotion to Lindsay is so very evident and their determination and commitment to do all within their power to help him is firm and resolute. Your love and support is also needed as are your ongoing prayers for Lindsay and his family. We know God is great and can perform miracles. Never stop asking! There are many small, slow steps ahead. The first is today when another operation is needed to remove a damaged disc in his neck and sure up the vertebrae with a special "bone cement." Physiotherapy has already commenced with Lindsay needing physio to help with his breathing due to the loss of muscle function below the neck. Lindsay is in an induced coma while these procedures are taking place with communication not likely until the weekend or later. Please pray for God's healing and that all that takes place from here on enables improvement in Lindsay's condition and provides comfort and strength for him and his family.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 5, 2017 - Jerry Z. (Brookings, SD)
Jerry is doing well and continuing to recover from prostate cancer and a heart attack. His cancer treatments have been difficult and long, with serious side effects and pain. Recent tests show the cancer psa numbers are at zero which is wonderful news.  Doctors are experimenting with different treatment which should cause fewer side effects.  His heart continues to function far beyond the doctor's expectations and he would like to thank everyone for the prayers, cards and encouragement. Continued prayers of healing and encouragement are appreciated.
Jan 12, 2017
At my last checkup, the Doc said all my numbers were great. She does not know that God was there helping her to give the right treatment. My cancer Doc is also very happy with the numbers. He said my original psa numbers were 55 & as of my last visit they are now 0.033! He wants me to take hormone shots for 3 years. This shot can make some men feel really bad; I am one of those that it hits hard. I am very weak from it. It makes it hard to walk very far and I can easily lose my balance. Other than the side effects of the hormone treatment, I am doing well. I would like to thank everyone for your prayers. People of all ages have prayed for me, even as young as 2. It shows the love that God's church has for each other. God has answered those prayers for me.
Nov 5, 2015
Jerry wishes to express his thanks to all the brethren who have been praying for him as he has battled prostate cancer. Jerry had a thorough medical exam yesterday and doctors were very happy with his progress. Jerry's prostate-specific antigen (PSA) numbers are looking very good. When he was first diagnosed with cancer his numbers were at 49, yesterday his numbers were 6.5. Jerry will continue to be on hormone treatment for the next two years as they hope to erase his PSA count completely. It will take a while for Jerry to recover from the whole treatment process, but he says he knows the prayers of the brethren have sustained him through this trial. He sends his thanks to all of you, and may we all praise our Heavenly Father for his mercy and love.
Apr 30, 2015
Jerry (72), elder in the Sioux Falls, SD, Church, has been diagnosed with a slow-growing type of prostate cancer. He also has a mass in his chest. Test results should identify it and answer whether it is malignant or not. Some time ago his spleen was injured in an accident, and it has recently begun to give him problems. He has had a chronic problem in his lungs caused by mold exposure several years ago. Post-polio syndrome, causing weakness in the legs, is also setting in gradually. All these long-standing problems have been at bay, but in the last few months they've all presented so that they must be addressed. Jerry was anointed and has put this in God's hands in faith. Your prayers are requested for God's healing and restoration so that he may continue to serve.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 1, 2017 - Bobbi S. (Vancouver Island, Canada)
Bobbi is residing temporarily at a care facility, while waiting for space to become available in the care home of her preference.
Dec 30, 2013 - Bobbi S. (Vancouver Island, Canada)
Bobbi is out of the hospital & at home, but very weak. She continues to have treatments.
Nov 26, 2013 - Bobbi S. (Vancouver Island, Canada)
A big 'hello' to everyone and a huge and heartfelt 'thank you', for all the cards, messages and especially your many prayers. As I have been unable to attend services since early September, I have been able to look at the cards several times, and feel closer to everyone. I am feeling better and a bit stronger; have even 'gained a pound'. My physician has said 'the quality of life is more important now, not the quantity'-wise words for me at this time. I leave myself in God's hands, knowing He is not finished with me yet. Please continue to ask God for my further improvement-I want to be going back to services as soon as possible. Thank you again, in Christian love.
Oct 7, 2013
Bobbi has extreme back pain due to a spinal compression fracture of at least one vertebrae. She has been hospitalized several times. There is nothing the medical profession can do for her except give her painkilling meds.

<  > Prayer update - Jul 1, 2017 - Bill E. (Circle Pines, MN);
I want to thank everyone, who has been aware and praying about my husband's mini strokes and speech difficulties. He is out of the hospital now and doing some better. It will take some time to recover, but he is progressing slowly. The doctors could not find blot clot/blockage areas they expected to find on the Trans Esophageal Echo cardiogram. Apparently, the clots/plaques have been absorbed by the body. The prognosis is good for a full recovery of speech with therapy.
Jun 30, 2017
Bill suffered several mini-strokes this week, impairing his speech. Doctors believe blood clots formed around his heart and traveled to his brain. After hospitalization, Bill was able to return home on Thursday night. Scans of his heart did not reveal any additional clots, which is good news. However, doctors aren't sure why they formed in the first place. Bill is being given a heart monitor to wear for about a month so doctors can get a better idea of what's happening. It will take some time and speech therepy before Bill is able to speak normally. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Jun 28, 2017
Please pray for Bill E. Dusty sent this request this morning:
We'd like to request prayers for my dad. Mom brought him to Fairview Hospital in Wyoming this morning after he'd been feeling poorly and slurring his speech. He's having tests now to determine the cause. Please pray for God's intervention on Dad's behalf.
Scans done at Fairview in Wyoming, MN Wednesday morning revealed that Bill has had several mini-strokes. He was transported to the University of MN Medical Center for further testing. Doctors believe that small blood clots have been forming in his heart and traveling into his brain. Thankfully they have found no evidence of broken vessels in his brain. More scans will be done on Thursday to determine why clots are forming in his heart. He is feeling relatively good, with no additional symptoms other than difficulty speaking. He prefers not to have visitors yet, but appreciates your continued prayers very much.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 26, 2017 - Cathy B. (Capetown, South Africa)
Cathy (aka Cathy Clayton), was checked into hospital a couple of weeks back. She had a viral infection with coronary complications. With this being after her lung transplant in the last 6 months, this was taken seriously by her doctors. She had several tests and it was found that several arteries had developed around her heart. As such they were short-circuiting blood flow back to the heart and creating strain on her heart.  The doctors have opted to leave the arteries. The infection was treated by an antibiotic IV.  She is due to return home possibly this week and will return in a month or so for a checkup. Cathy and her husband Vivien are very grateful for everyone's prayers and support! Over the years that Cathy has had cystic fibrosis and recently with her lung transplant, their friends, family & church have provided support and encouragement which has helped immeasurably.
Jul 1, 2016
Cathy is out of the hospital & waiting to find out if a lung transplant may be possible in the near future. She continues to remain positive & strong with the support of her husband Vivien. Considering her circumstances she is one of few people who is always positive & an inspiration to others. Continued prayers are appreciated.
Dec 10, 2015
There is no cure for her condition. She is again not doing well at all and it takes her a couple of hours each day to get going after physio every morning. Her condition has been quite bad again the last two weeks and she will be checked into hospital next week if things don't improve. Please keep her in your prayers. We know, in this life only God can heal her and it is such a condition that only gets worse and does not end quickly.
Oct 22, 2015
Cathy, the wife of elder Vivien B. of the Cape Town, South Africa, congregation, has for many years suffered from Cystic Fibrosis and as such needs daily physio to remove fluid from her lungs. The fluid also makes her susceptible to lung and other respiratory infections, for which she is often in the hospital. Each time, the antibiotics must be stronger and stronger. She has a permanent intravenous "port" in her chest, to make these drips quicker/easier. Her current "port" requires replacement, so she must again go into the hospital for an operation under local anesthetic. Please keep Cathy and Vivien in your prayers that the operation will go well and successfully.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 23, 2017 - Charles R. (Abbotsford, BC)
Charles is being treated for a rare form of cancer technically called Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia also referred to as simply WM. New symptoms include intermittent immobilized joints and muscles, fever, etc. WM is considered an incurable disease but is treatable. The chemo treatment is being administered two days a month for six months, after which the results will be tested. Prayers on his behalf, as well as his wife Kassie are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 23, 2017 - Michael B. (Maryville, TN)
Prayers for Michael B. of the Knoxville, Tennessee, congregation are appreciated. Michael's lung cancer has metastasized to his brain. He now has two brain tumors, one approximately three inches and one approximately nine millimeters in size. The oncologist recommends surgery on the large mass and targeted radiation on the smaller mass. He is meeting today with a neuro-surgeon to discuss the options. Michael is in good spirits, and he and his family are hopeful. They know that it is in God's hands and they request prayers for healing, guidance and strength through this very difficult time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 22, 2017 - Emily G. (Talwood, QLD, Australia)
Emily has been in rehab for the past four weeks and is expected to finish her rehab in several more weeks. To bring you up to date, Emily has lost her leg at the hip from an accident that almost took her life. She sustained burns and her leg was crushed while being trapped under a horse trailer for about 5 hours. All this happened on February 2. She has come through the many surgeries and is successfully negotiating her rehab treatments to where she has a good ability to take care of herself with the aid of wheelchair and crutches. Getting out of the hospital is very close now, and she is looking forward being in her own home with her parents on their cattle property in south central Queensland. Her progress has been remarkable and she has demonstrated an extraordinary resilience learning to cope with this kind of disability. She is overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and concern for her expressed in the many cards and emails you have sent. She wants me to pass on her deep gratitude for the care, thoughts and prayers of you all. We look forward to seeing Emily move on to a life she loves and in which she will thrive.
May 16, 2017
Emily continues to heal after the major 12 hour surgery that transplanted skin and flesh over the area where her leg was removed. The surgeon is pleased with the healing but it is not without its issues. When moving about she pulled some stitches, so now has to stay in bed until she heals sufficiently to begin moving around again. It will be another week before the stitches come out and then move on to the beginning stages of rehab. The extreme pain has diminished from the early stages after the surgery. Emily wants everyone to know that she attributes the healing of this extreme wound to the prayers of everyone around the world. Your unfailing support has meant so much to her during the past 15 weeks since all this began. She is confident of further answered prayers as she moves into rehab to recover her strength, mobility, and quality of life.
Apr 25, 2017
On Wednesday Emily will have what we hope will be her final surgery. The surgeon will take the flap from her stomach and swing it around to cover the pelvic wound. This type of surgery has been done before, but not on this scale. It will last about eight hours followed by two weeks of considerable pain. With the many prayers of God's sincere people, we are looking for a successful surgery with a minimum of pain. Three weeks from now it is expected that she will be in rehabilitation. We appreciate the support from all of our friends - it seems we have all become family a bit more as we have all shared in her experience. Thanks to all for the many cards, notes, and prayers. We will keep you updated after the surgery. We deep love and affection from the family to all of you.
Apr 12, 2017
The scheduled beginning of the reconstruction of Emily's wound begins tomorrow, Thursday at 7:30 a.m. Emily lost her left leg at the hip in an accident on February 2nd. The reconstruction will be done in two stages. The surgeon will first take a strip from across her tummy and prepare it for the final surgery in the next two weeks. They will do this in such a way to avoid taking any muscle. In two weeks' time the final stage will be when the strip will be attached to the wound area. This is a serious procedure in that there are no good alternatives if this doesn't work. We are asking for prayers that this graft will take, and that the surgeon will have the skill to make this repair and skin graft as he has meticulously planned. The next three or four weeks is a critical period. Thank you for your prayers. Emily is greatly encouraged when she hears that many people are praying for her.
Mar 22, 2017
About eight weeks ago in a freak accident a horse trailer fell over Emily and crushed her legs. She has since lost the entire left leg to the hip. The surgery was extreme to reach all and any infection and candida of which the existence of either was life threatening. Kidney failure was a problem. Her kidney are now working close to 100%, which the renal doctors didn't expect. It appears at this time that the infection and candida and gone. The wound is covered by a vacuum pack und redressed until reconstruction Emily will have to have a successful muscle transplant and then followed by skin grafts. Skin grafts are also needed in her other leg. She asks for prayer for patience, resilience and courage. Emily is certainly receiving help. Pain management is the order of the day most of the time. She is really a courageous girl and remarkably encouraging to others. She has become a favorite in her hospital ward. The reconstruction process will take additional months and then comes the rehabilitation process. We have to stick with her in her time of trial. Emily thanks everyone for their prayers and words of encouragement. She is overwhelmed by the numerous cards she is receiving from so many people from places she has no idea where they are.
Feb 28, 2017
After Emily's surgery on Tuesday, February 28, Maree and David and Emily's family received a devastating report. When opening up the stitches from the amputation, they found serious infection. There will be further surgery to determine its extent. It is certain that she will now lose her leg above the knee and serious concern that she will lose the entire leg. This means that she will never walk because there will be nothing to attach a prosthesis. The hamstring muscle was also taken out. As you can tell none of this looks good. I realize that I am giving you a blow by blow of what is happening, but we need to know what to pray for. What we need now is for the doctors to find that the upper part of her leg can be saved. Let's all pray for God to help in this time of need. We have come this far. Emily will need help when she understands what has happened. David and Maree and the family are shaken by this turn. I know everyone is deeply concerned and would do anything to stop any further problems developing.
Feb 16, 2017
We sent out a prayer request about a week ago for Emily. She is a 24 year old young lady who lives with her family on a cattle property in south central Queensland. When she was repairing a horse trailer, it fell on her trapping her for almost 5 hours in 47 degree Celsius (about 120 degree Fahrenheit), suffering 2nd and 3rd degree burns until her sister found her and used a front end loader to lift it off her. Her left leg was crushed and it was felt at that time she would lose it. However, the damage was such that to this point they have been trying to save it. She has just gone into surgery for about the 7th or 8th time to clear away dying flesh, but the real danger this time is an infection has occurred and if not controlled and cleared she will lose her leg. She is also back on dialysis again as her kidneys aren't working as they should. It has been a roller coaster ride for the past 10 days. Thank you all for your faithful prayers for Emily.
Feb 8, 2017
Prayers are requested for Emily G., who had a severe accident on Thursday on their farm, a 7-hour drive west of Brisbane. A horse trailer she was working on fell on her as she was in a kneeling position, pinning her under the trailer. The temperature that day was 47C (117F). There was no else on the farm at the time, so she was pinned there for almost 5 hours until her sister found her. Emily was taken by helicopter to the Brisbane hospital where she was placed in an induced coma and is on dialysis and a respirator.
Emily is suffering from compartment syndrome, and due to lack of circulation the muscles in one leg have died. The doctors have cleaned up burns and opened up the legs to relieve pressure and have waited as long as they could to see if there was any healing and recovery in her left leg. Yesterday, Emily had surgery again and three or four dead muscles in lower leg were removed, which means the lower leg has to be amputated by Friday. Surgeons also removed one main muscle in upper leg, and the family is asking for prayers that the upper leg can be saved.
Prayers are also requested for Emily's father, David, who is battling Emily was taken by helicopter to the Brisbane hospital where she was placed in an induced coma and is on dialysis and a respirator.
Emily is suffering from compartment syndrome, and due to lack of circulation the muscles in one leg have died. The doctors have cleaned up burns and opened up the legs to relieve pressure and have waited as long as they could to see if there was any healing and recovery in her left leg. Yesterday, Emily had surgery again and three or four dead muscles in lower leg were removed, which means the lower leg has to be amputated by Friday. Surgeons also removed one main muscle in upper leg, and the family is asking for prayers that the upper leg can be saved.
Prayers are also requested for Emily's father, David, who is battling melanoma at this time. David and her mother, Maree, are at Emily's bedside.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 21, 2017 - Robert C. (Morganton, NC)
Here is an update from Mary C. on June 19, 2017: "We were at the hospital on June 16 from 11:00 am and got home at 6:00 pm. The surgery went well, there were no complications. They removed the little toe and some of the bone from the foot. Robert went in for his follow up (after surgery) appointment this afternoon. The doctor said his foot looked better than he thought it would. Robert is to stay off his foot completely until the next doctor appointment next week. We want to thank everyone so much for your prayers, cards, calls and concerns. We are very thankful for God's intervention! Please continue to pray for God's complete healing.
Jun 14, 2017
The MRI taken today showed a nasty (doctor's word) infection in the bone which has caused the side of Robert's right foot to deteriorate into multiple pieces. The doctor stated "Robert will need surgery to remove the little toe and the other infected bone parts and pieces. They are hoping to not have to take the side of the foot." Robert is scheduled for surgery this Friday, June 16. He and his wife Mary are asking for fervent prayers that God will intervene so the doctor doesn't have to remove his foot, as well as that no complications occur during surgery. Robert asks for comfort and complete healing according to God's will.
Jun 9, 2017
Robert, a longtime member and deacon of the Hickory NC congregation, has been having difficulty with an infection and wound in his left foot for some time. At first the doctor thought perhaps it was cellulitis. He had a x-ray Wednesday and this morning the doctors office confirmed the x-ray revealed the infection has traveled into the bone. They referred him to the orthopedic specialists and is scheduled for a MRI tomorrow. Robert continues to have severe pain in the foot along with swelling and fever. Robert and Mary ask for your prayers that the infection doesn't spread, wisdom to make the right decision with treatment, and for God's intervention for complete healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 9, 2017 - Brandon B. (Summerfield, NC)
Brandon had surgery recently to remove a large cancerous brain tumor. Surgery was very successful and Brandon is now resting at home with his family. God provided one of the nation's top brain surgeons for the task. Cancer cells likely remain and left untreated would grow again. Step 1: surgery (super successful); Step 2: chemo and targeted radiation; Step 3: tumor vaccine that will boost his immune system to target the cancer cells to prevent further regrowth; Step 4: continuous monitoring. The medical team is very confident in this proven approach and are very optimistic that Brandon will do very well throughout the course of his treatment. The family are confident God will continue to guide, comfort and deliver from this trial. They are thankful for the continued support of family, friends, and neighbors and for the medical teams at Duke.
May 21, 2017
Brandon B., age 33, fell down early Saturday morning then began to vomit some blood. His wife Sarah Jo took him to the ER where staff scanned his head and discovered a large brain tumor. Brandon is scheduled to undergo surgery after the swelling on his brain is brought under control (estimated Wednesday). Surgeons will attempt to remove the tumor tissue and then a biopsy will be done. Doctor's suspect the tumor is cancerous but cannot make a final determination until the biopsy results are returned. The situation is developing rapidly and is dire. Brandon is in pain. His wife, family and friends ask for your prayer to our Father Creator requesting Brandon be both protected and healed.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 3, 2017 - Larry R. (Mexico City)
I continue to fight the fight against a very aggressive prostate cancer which has now metastasized to the bones. I am now taking a very strong medication. This week my oncologist said that I must continue this process indefinitely with the hope to control and stop the cancer from spreading. Of course my wife, Blanca, and I look to God for healing and are very thankful for His mercy and the great love He has shown us during this difficult trial. The trial affects the whole family and we ask you to please remember them also.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our brethren for the multiple cards and wonderful words of encouragement which have strengthened us so very much during this trying time. We know that we are not alone and are humbled by the many expressions of love we have received from our brethren in many congregations around the world. Words fail to express our gratitude and we hope that 'Gracias' is a big enough word to express what we feel.
We love you all and ask God to allow us to continue to serve His children in Mexico and also be good examples to all as we go through this trial together.
The words of Habakkuk are also present in my mind: "Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places' (Habakkuk 3:17-19).
Jan 15, 2015
My wife and I have concluded our visit to Houston at Memorial Herman Hospital to conduct all the exams pertaining to the advancement or containment of my prostate cancer. It has been two long years since I was first detected with advanced stage three cancer. We are very pleased to announce the miracle which God has performed in our lives. As of this date, I was informed that I am now cancer free. Nevertheless, as with all cancer patients, I will need to be tested every twelve weeks, in order to monitor that the cancer cells do not return and grow. We would like to thank all of you for your prayers, cards and encouraging words. We have been able to make it up to this point with the loving hand of our merciful Father and with strength we have drawn from all of you. We are very grateful with our God for His loving hand in our lives - for allowing us to serve Him serving our brethren, and for the time He gives us to continue doing so. Once again, we thank you all for your prayers.
Jan 8, 2015
My wife and I would like to once again thank all for the wonderful cards of concern and support. We are also very grateful for the many prayers which have been elevated on my behalf during this battle with prostate cancer. I have now finished all chemo, radiation and hormone therapies and will be going to Houston, Tuesday, Jan. 12, for several days of tests and overall evaluations. Overall I have been feeling great with only minor discomforts due to side effects of the hormone, radiation and chemotherapy. However, we do not know if the cancer has been contained or has continued to spread. The results from the tests will determine if the cancer can be treated with only occasional hormone therapy or if more aggressive intervention will be necessary. We ask for your prayers so that no further interventions will be needed. We thank God for all of you and for your heartfelt prayers for both of us. Hopefully God will allow us to be at the end of it soon. We are confident that He has our best interest at heart and are so thankful for the many lessons we have learned and are still learning as we trustingly put our lives in His hands. Once again thank you for your prayers and love. We will keep you updated on the results as soon as we are informed.
May 15, 2015
I would like to update everyone who has been praying for me about my progress in my fight against cancer. I went to the Oncology Clinic at the Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston, Texas, last April, six weeks after having finished 40 sessions of radiotherapy in Monterrey, Mexico. I had extensive lab tests and a follow-up consultation with my oncologist, who informed me that my prostate cancer is on the expected stage according to the treatment received so far. I am to continue receiving hormone therapy to maintain my testosterone at its present level, which is close to zero, for eight more months. After that the treatment will be suspended to see how my body reacts without it. I will return to Houston every three months for evaluation exams. The next two visits - in July and October - I will again have extensive lab tests and follow-up consultations. Then, in January 2016 I will have MRI, CAT, echo and bone scans. Results will be used to compare evaluations which will be every three months. The oncologist's opinion is that my testosterone will be back at its normal level in 12 to 18 months. He will be monitoring my condition to prevent the cancer cells growth, if they start feeding again from my testosterone. If that happens, he will put me back in hormone therapy with a different drug cocktail which is now being tested with apparently very good results. But the best scenario would be if there is no change in the cancer cells and I could continue without further medication. Nevertheless, apparently I will need to be evaluated regularly indefinitely, as most cancer patients go through. My wife and I are very grateful to God for his intervention in my treatment, which has been successful up to this point. We are also very thankful for the prayers of our brethren who have been with us since the beginning of this trial. We know we are all in our God's loving hands and he has our best interest in mind, so we humbly accept his blessings and his will in our lives.
Aug 29, 2014
This is to inform and thank all of you for your heartfelt prayers and words of encouragement during all my 42 chemo sessions and my fight against what has been a very aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer. Last week I was unable to receive chemo because the plackets in my blood were at an all-time low. My body is beginning to show signs of fatigue due to the aggressiveness of the treatments; however, I have been feeling relatively well in spite of it all. My wife Blanca and I are very happy to inform you that I have finished all seven rounds of chemo sessions this week. I have been feeling fine overall and was able to finish the whole treatment with relatively very few bad days and side effects. I am more than aware that this has mostly been thanks to all of your prayers. We will be traveling to Houston this week so I can go through many evaluation tests to determine if the cancer has subsided or not. Based on what is found, the medical staff can determine which course of action will be needed from here on. I ask for your prayers so that the results may be favorable and that I may soon go into remission if that is God's will. I also ask you for your prayers for my wife who has had to carry the largest emotional load through this trial. She has truly been an inspiration to me. We will continue to trust in God in whatever He decides and will continue to fight this battle alongside all of my brothers and sisters in the faith as long as God allows me to. Thank you once again for your prayers. I struggle to find the words to express my appreciation for you all.
May 9, 2014
Larry continues to receive chemotherapy treatments, and will I will probably go into radio-therapy and a possible operation for removal of the prostate gland afterward. This will all depends on his test results at the end of the 5th cycle. He will again be traveling to the United States for a thorough evaluation with the doctor who is overseeing his treatment. His last exams which were conducted in May in Monterrey indicate that he now has metastasis in his bones and the cancer has advanced to three vertebras in his spine as well as to his right rib.
He writes: "My wife and I send you all a very heartfelt appreciation for your prayers and cards as we all pray to our Father to continue to intervene, as he already has, in helping me feel strong and positive during this difficult time. I have truly been blessed with so many prayers which have helped me continue working and getting on with my life as always. I lack the appropriate words to express my appreciation for what I have received from God and the brethren. I feel truly surrounded by sincere concern and heartfelt and effective prayers since I have never felt any kind of pain until now. The side effects have also been minimal."
Feb 14, 2014
I started my second cycle of chemotherapy this week and have been feeling fine. I am back in the comfort of my own home in Mexico feeling strong, happy and very encouraged. I received the results from my P.E.T. scan this week and the results are very positive. It shows that I no longer have metastasis cancer in my bones as I did before. It also seems that my body is reacting very well to the treatment. I am sure that all the prayers that have been elevated to our Father in heaven. Thank you so very much for your prayers, cards and wonderful words which have been very encouraging. I am sure that God, in his infinite mercy, is intervening in all of our lives for the best and am confident that he will continue to do so. In the meantime, I will continue to serve God's people as God gives me the strength and health I need to do so.
Jan 31, 2014
After many weeks away from home in Houston, Texas, for chemotherapy, my wife, Blanca, and I are finally back home in Monterrey, Mexico, with the congregation and family. We are very encouraged and grateful for all the love, compassion and consideration we received on behalf of the Church and all the brethren who have sent us their love through cards, calls and prayers.
I am doing fine and feel very strong and encouraged knowing that I am in God's hands and will continue to work in the ministry as long as God allows me to. I have returned home even more committed to serve the brethren here as we draw closer to the Kingdom of God with every passing day.
Next week, God willing, we will be in Tabasco, Mexico, visiting the congregation and accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Leon Walker on their annual visit to this region. I will then return to resume my second cycle of chemotherapy. I am confident that I will be feeling just as strong as I did during the first one.
Once again thank you from the heart for your love and prayers.
Oct 10, 2013
Please pray for Larry, pastor of the congregations in Mexico. He has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. The cancer has spread to his seminal glands and his condition has been diagnosed as Stage 3. He has begun treatment.

<  > Prayer Update - May 19, 2017 - Angel C. (Eau Claire, WI)
The tests this week came back normal. Thank you everyone for your prayers. She is feeling better.
May 12, 2017
Martin and Leanne Z. (Eau Claire) are requesting prayers for their daughter, Angel. Angel has been experiencing pain and discomfort on her left side of her belly. Angel's ultrasound came back normal. But tests Friday morning reveal she has some complications with constipation. The Doctor is going change her medication for constipation. She is also requesting a blood test for celiac disease. They also found a small stone, so Angel needs to drink more water. Thank you for your prayers.
May 5, 2017
Martin and Leanne Z. are requesting prayers for their daughter, Angel. Angel has been experiencing pain and discomfort on her left side of her belly. She was scheduled for an ultrasound Friday morning, May 5th. On Friday, May 12th she'll go to Marshfield to see a stomach specialist to run some tests. Please pray all is well, and she will be relieved of the pain and discomfort.
Mar 25, 2016
The surgery to implant a Baclofen Pump on March 22nd went well. Angel was recovering well until it was time to go home. She was not able to sit up without becoming sick and experiencing headaches. These symptoms can be normal, but the can also indicate a spinal issue where the incision was done. Please remember Angel in your prayers.
Mar 18, 2016
Leanne C. (Eau Claire) sent the following prayer request for her daughter, Angel: I would like to send out a Prayer Request for Angel, she will be going to Marshfield Hospital to get the surgery for her Baclofen Pump on March 22nd. What they will be doing is putting Angel to sleep so they can surgically implant the pump into her side and run a tubing into her spine that will release Baclofen medicine for her tight muscle tone in her legs. Angel has had a rare disease called Schizencephaly and Cerebral Palsy since she was an infant. Angel is 12 years old.

<  > Prayer Update - May 12, 2017 - Chris T. (Lillie, LA)
Chris and LaDonna T. want to express their deep appreciation for prayers on their behalf. Chris has begun to get some relief from the chest pain he's been having. LaDonna is scheduled for a procedure on Thursday to burn nerve endings around a herniated disc in her neck that is causing severe headaches. She is not strong enough for surgery so the doctors felt this might give her some relief. She would appreciate prayers for that procedure and that she might be able to get Home Health to start coming every week as she really needs their help. Camelia T., a granddaughter they are raising, recently fell off a horse and hyper-extended her elbow resulting in a floating bone chip and tearing the tendon that goes behind the elbow. She has a doctor's appointment this Friday to discuss treatment and they would appreciate prayers for her as well.
May 5, 2017
Chris T. of the Ruston, Louisiana, congregation, is suffering from severe chest pains. Doctors ruled out any issue with his heart, gave him anti-inflammatory and pain medication and sent him home. He is their sole bread-winner since his wife LaDonna had to stop working a year ago and would appreciate prayers for God's healing or at least guidance to figure out what is causing the pain.

<  > Prayer Update - May 12, 2017 - Annie S. (Christiansburg, VA)
Annie S.'s family, of the Roanoke, Virginia, congregation, would like to express a heartfelt "thank you" for the outpouring of love for them during this very difficult time. It was expressed in calls, emails, flowers, letters, cards and most importantly, prayers. It has been so encouraging to them to know of all the love and prayers for them.
Apr 14, 2017
Annie S. of the Roanoke, Virginia, congregation, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She recently began experiencing severe pain in her lower back, which quickly became worse every day. Tests determined the cancer is a type that feeds off of estrogen. It has spread to her spine but not to any major organs. The tumor in her breast is too large to remove and will have to be shrunk for surgery to become an option. The same is true for the two spine tumors.
The breast tumor will be treated/shrunk with oral medications to completely remove and stop the production of estrogen. The spine tumors will be treated with radiation, reducing the pain, helping her to walk and hopefully all will be eventually removed by surgery.
Overall this is very good news since an earlier prognosis was that nothing could be done. Annie has been anointed and is confident that God is in complete control and will work His perfect will in her life. She is grateful for prayers on her behalf.

<  > Prayer Request - May 6, 2017 - Wayne D. (St. Paul, MN)
Wayne has been battling painful leg ulcers for the past 3 weeks.
Jan 12, 2013
According to Wayne's son Cody, Wayne is experiencing water retention swelling plus newly re-opened sores on his leg.

<  > Prayer Request - May 5, 2017 - Jeanie S. (Knoxville, TN)
Jeanie S. wishes to express her thanks to everyone for the outpouring of love and concern for her health and specific request regarding the potential amputation of her infected toe. On her recent visit, the doctor was surprised that her toe was healing beyond his comprehension. He wanted to know what she was doing to get it to heal so well and so fast; he said that she made his day! Your prayers and cards of encouragement have been a great source of inspiration for Jeanie and she is humbled by the wonderful response from her fellow brothers and sisters in the Church.

<  > Prayer Update - May 2, 2017 - Nancy E. (Charlotte, NC)
Nancy writes: "God gets all the thanks and glory for my pretty remarkable recovery from the stroke I suffered in early February. After anointing and the many prayers of brethren and friends, I was pretty much back to normal within a two week period. The doctors and physical therapists were confounded by my quick healing, especially given my age....86. Although home therapists were routinely scheduled, the gentleman who came realized there was no need and canceled all further visits. I was told not to drive until I saw a neuro ophthalmologist, who said 'normally when he saw a stroke victim they came in a wheelchair or at least with a walker.' I was given a clean bill of eye health with no driving restrictions. Thanks to all God's faithful brethren for their prayers and concern. He does hear!"
Feb 2, 2017
Nancy E., age 86, a longtime member and deaconess/elder's wife of the Charlotte, NC congregation suffered a series of strokes over the last few days and is currently in the hospital undergoing a series of tests. My wife and I were able to visit with her late evening yesterday as well as today and I anointed her per her request. She had been experiencing dizziness, and pain in her legs as well. She'll be undergoing therapy/rehab for the immediate future. She is in good spirits, and able to converse in her normal positive manner. Prayers are requested for God's healing hand, and for wisdom in making decisions for some of the choices she will have to make.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 27, 2017 - Renee W. (Wellington, OH)
Renee, the member from the Cleveland, Ohio, congregation, who battled a serious foot infection leading to amputation of her right foot in February, is home. In the last five months, she has also had a lumpectomy to remove a cancerous tumor from her breast.
She is upbeat and encouraged in looking ahead. Her oncologist says he sees no further evidence of cancer at this time. She is progressing well toward being fitted for a prosthetic foot, re-learning how to walk, and rejoining everyone at services (she's only been able to attend one Sabbath service since early November). She still tires easily, and will continue to need in-home physical therapy, but she is very grateful for the improvement in her condition.
She and her husband, Ray, want to thank so many who have prayed for her and written them many cards.
Nov 24, 2017
Renee W. and her husband, Ray, members of the Cleveland, Ohio, congregation, request your prayers. Renee has been in the hospital for over two weeks, battling a very serious infection in her foot, with two surgeries required so far. The situation is complicated by her diabetic condition. Following the second surgery Nov. 20 (a skin graft to close the wound), her doctors are pleased that there appears to be no further infection, but the minimal circulation levels in her foot give them concern. In addition, Renee learned just days before being admitted to the hospital that she also is dealing with breast cancer. They would very much appreciate the prayers of their Church family, and thank you all in advance.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 21, 2017 - Steve K. (Twin Cities, MN)
Steve K. had cryosurgery on Wednesday to try to eliminate any remaining prostate cancer cells. He and the family would like to thank everyone for your prayers about his recent surgery. The surgery went smoothly and the doctors are optimistic that they were able to get all the cancer cells that they had detected. He was able to return home Friday and is resting comfortably. Steve will continue to have blood work over the next several months to see if anything else shows up, so your continued prayers would be much appreciated. Thank you!

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 21, 2017 - Ruthie S. (Twin Cities, MN)
Ruthie continues to recover from hip surgery and is doing well. She's able to get around with a walker. She is currently living in a care home hoping to be able to get to her new place when she's well enough. If you wish to visit, visiting hours are between 1-4 p.m.
Mar 3, 2017
Ruthie is feeling pretty good after breaking her femur and having surgery to reinforce it. She says her leg is wrapped up pretty good, but she is feeling very little pain and is able to get around a little. She is now in transitional care at Ebenezer Ridges Care Center, Burnsville.
Feb 24, 2017
Ruthie fell last week and brock her femur. She had a metal support surgically implanted to help support her femur. She continues to recover and has been in good spirits. She says she is not in much pain and is able to rest comfortably. She wants you all to know that she appreciates your prayers and believes they are helping.
Sep 30, 2016
Ruthie was in the hospital for tests last week after experiencing some unusual chest constriction. Nothing serious was detected. The doctor gave her some medication and released her to go home, requesting her to come in right away for tests if she experiencing the same feeling. Ruthie has also been having pain in her hips which has kept her from getting around easily, and will be keeping her from attending the feast this year. Your prayers are appreciated.

Feb 1, 2013
Ruthie had a minor heart attack this week. She was admitted to the hospital where tests were run to determine if there was heart damage. She was feeling better and released the next day. Test results will be in next week, and should reveal if there was much heart damage or other problems. She's home, and feeling better, but gets tired very quickly. Please pray she recovers fully and there are no additional problems.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 21, 2017 - Jane B. (Twin Cities, MN)
Janes writes: I've been having painful back/hip/leg problems for over a week. It is very painful for me to walk, I look like I'm imitating a duck! Been to two doctors and they are not sure what is the cause. They gave me meds for muscle inflammation. I did injure my tailbone two months ago, but that problem resolved itself.
Have to go to therapy next Monday. Would appreciate prayers - thanks.
Apr 14, 2017
Jane's eye surgery went very well. She went back to the clinic for a post-surgery evaluation, and was told that everything looks good. She will go for another evaluation in a couple of weeks. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 21, 2017 - Debbie M. (Larkspur, CO)
Thanks very much to everyone for the prayers and cards regarding Debbie M. She began to improve early in the week and is now able to walk a short distance with a walker. The overall progress is slow but noticeable. Some of the symptoms are poor muscle strength, inability to walk, nerve pain, muscle spasms and breathing problems. She will be in rehab until at least Sunday. After she goes home she will receive in-home care for about six weeks. Continued prayers are greatly appreciated.
Apr 14, 2017
Prayers are requested for Debbie M., member of the Castle Rock, Colorado, congregation, and daughter of Larry and Linda N. She has had longstanding autoimmune issues, but a little over a week ago she experienced a severe reaction to an infusion. There are many symptoms, including excruciating pain and weakness in her muscles, inability to even stand, abdominal pain, tachycardia, high blood pressure and nausea. It is hoped that the effects of the infusion will wear off in the next week or two and that a diagnosis and effective treatment for the long term problem can be established.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 20, 2017 - BeJay R. (Twin Cities, MN)
I [Daisy] would also like to ask for prayers for BeJay. He went in for a routine eye exam this last Friday and was told that he has the early stages of Macular Degeneration in both eyes. When he get back from Florida we are going to look into finding and going to an Ophthalmologist.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 11, 2017 - Elijah W. (Hudson, WI)
Elijah had several seizures last week, one lasting almost five minutes in length. This is a concern as he had been seizure-free until last November when we noticed a small seizure lasting around 30 seconds. Since that incident he's been sleepy and not quite himself at times, but nothing we were able to confirm as seizure activity until last week.
After having a seizure during school and two at home in a single day, we took Elijah to Children's Hospital in St. Paul for overnight observation and medicine to calm his brain. The EEG captured some extra electrical activity in Elijah's left temporal lobe, and he has started taking an anticonulsant. We've been told by a neurologist that the type of epilepsy Elijah has been diagnosed with can be difficult to control with anti-epileptic drugs.
We're asking for prayers that the medicine is able to control his seizures, that Elijah be healed of epilespy, and ultimately for God to completely heal Elijah.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 30, 2017 - Terry Y. (Duluth, MN)
Dorothy Y., from our Duluth congregation, is requesting prayers for her husband Terry. He has already lost one leg and now an infection has set in that is threatening to take his remaining one. Doctors are working to prevent the spread of this infection, but He has told Dorothy that he would rather die than be without both legs.
Dorothy is asking us to pray that God would heal this infection and preserve her husband from any further amputation.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 22, 2017 - Becky C. (St. Paul, MN)
Becky was told to be at Mayo by 7:00 this morning and they are doing surgery for the breast cancer mass on her spine all day Thursday. I'll try to keep you informed by email as I hear news. Thanks.
Mar 21, 2017 - Becky C.
My [Michelle R.] sister-in-law (Carol R's daughter) Becky C. has asked me to put in a prayer request. After surviving breast cancer and thyroid cancer, she has now been told that she has a mass that is growing on her spine and it has put so much pressure on her vertebrae that it has caused a fracture. There is a real urgency because they don't want it to harm her spinal cord. A biopsy was done yesterday at the Mayo to see what type it is and results will come back in a couple of days. Surgery to remove the mass will probably be within a week or two. They've also done other scans to see if it has spread elsewhere. Prayers would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 4, 2017 - Mary Jo B. (San Tan Valley, AZ)
Urgent prayers are needed for Mary Jo B. of the Phoenix congregation as she has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Doctors have told her the cancer is in her organs and throughout her body. She has faith that God is able to do all things. God has given her strength during this time, but she does have pain. Physicians have said the cancer will eventually spread to her brain and she knows she is subject to God's will. More than anything she desires to be in God's kingdom. Please pray God will intervene and stop the cancer.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 4, 2017 - Ellen N. (Scottsdale AZ)
Prayers are requested for a longtime member of the Phoenix congregation Ellen N. who will turn 95 in July. Ellen fell from her wheelchair and fractured her spine, and she has been hospitalized since then. She has had serious complications, and she has not been able to eat for several days. She has had trouble breathing and an inability to properly swallow. Please pray for her overall health that she will regain ability to swallow and that she will not require intravenous feeding.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 15, 2017 - Carolyn & Chuck C. (Bend, OR)
Chuck would like to thank everyone for the prayers, cards, and letters. He is grateful for answered prayers that he did not need surgery for his broken arm (socket ball fractured at shoulder). His pain is virtually gone even when he moves his arm. He knows he still has a long recovery ahead and must be very careful so as to not fall or injure his arm further, but he is so happy at his progress. He uses a walker and wheel chair to minimize the risk of reinjuring his arm. Chuck has been truly overwhelmed and comforted by the love of the brethren and realizes how much it has contributed to his healing.
Jan 14, 2017
Chuck was concerned that the fractured ball at the end of his arm at the shoulder would require surgery. The recent snow had delayed the follow-up appointment for his broken right arm and it was yesterday that he was able to be seen. His doctor recommended not having surgery right now because his arm might just adapt to the damaged socket and hopefully not need to be repaired. He also told me the pain has almost disappeared and he is doing the exercises recommended to keep his shoulder mobile. Chuck told me this was an answer to prayer and he was overwhelmed by the cards and well wishes he received from around the world. He wanted to pass on his profound thanks to everyone who has been praying for him as it has greatly encouraged him.
Jan 5, 2014
She wants to thank everyone for the cards and letters (there must of been close to 130). It helped them heal knowing everyone was praying for them. She is much better but please keep praying for Chuck! His COPD is no better!
Feb 15, 2013
Carolyn has been diagnosed with colon cancer. She requests our prayers for healing.
Feb 8, 2013
Carolyn has colon cancer & he has Parkinson's & COPD.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 3, 2017 - Jason D. (Eau Claire)
Jason is recovering from hip surgery. The initial recovery period was pretty painful, but he is doing better. Please pray for a quick and smooth recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 29, 2017 - Flora C. (Blantyre, Malawi)
Please accept my heartfelt apology for announcing this sad news to you very late. Flora C. miscarried in the seventh month of her pregnancy, on December 19, 2016. It was shocking, disappointing and frustrating for the whole church here in Malawi. On behalf of Flora and Dennis, I want to thank all of you for your love, outgoing concern, prayers and the cards you sent to Flora and Dennis wishing them well. It is our prayer and hope that God will give them a child someday in the near future. Flora and Dennis have now recovered from that heartbreaking experience and are now doing fine spiritually.
Aug 24, 2016
Your prayers are requested for Dennis and Flora C., dedicated members of the Blantyre congregation, who have been married for 12 years without a child. Over the past few years, Flora has had a couple of miscarriages. Flora is currently five months pregnant, she is not feeling well and experiencing some unusual bleeding and body pains; I have anointed her. Dennis and Flora are requesting your prayers for God's intervention so that the baby they are expecting may be born into their family without any problem. Your prayers will be very much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 27, 2017 - Scott M. (Fort Worth, TX)
Your prayers are requested for Scott M., who was recently diagnosed with a form of cancer. Scott is 30 years old and this is his second encounter with the disease. Recently, during a check-up by his oncologist, an enlarged lymph node was discovered. Surgical removal has been recommended, but due to the node's location and the fact that Scott has had chemotherapy in the past, the surgery is considered to be quite difficult. One doctor characterized it as "risky." The surgery will probably be scheduled within the next few weeks. The procedure will be lengthy and Scott may have to take two months off from work for recovery and rehab. Scott would appreciate your prayers for God's complete and total healing, guidance for the surgeon and his full recovery without complications. He thanks you in advance for your concern.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 25, 2017 - Marita W. (Angle Park, South Australia)
Prayers are requested on behalf of Marita W. of the Adelaide, South Australia, congregation. For some weeks Marita has been unable to attend services, being in considerable pain, and experiencing some fainting spells. A recent ultrasound has revealed the cause of the problems, it found that Marita has numerous large blood clots in her left leg, and additional clots at the back of her neck. The blood clots in Marita's leg have caused great pain, and the clots in her neck have resulted in Marita fainting due to lack of blood to the brain on a few occasions. Medical staff have confined Marita to bed, and are treating her with blood-thinning medication.
Please remember Marita in your prayers, asking for God's merciful intervention on her behalf according to His perfect will. Marita would certainly appreciate reduction in pain and healing from the blood clots which are considered life-threatening. Marita would love to be with the brethren at services again but has stated that, except for God's miraculous healing, this will not be a possibility for quite a long time.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 17, 2017 - Rafael M. (Rowlett, TX)
Rafael M. is currently under observation, no medication or chemo needed at this point. He is regaining his strength and the red blood cell count is going up. The doctors and nurses are amazed at how well he responded to the treatment. We are very touched by all the cards we received from all the members of UCG. We are sure that their love and prayers were the main reason for this miracle of which the doctors are amazed.

Jan 10, 2018
The last test lab results came in, and there is no trace of cancer. In addition, the red blood cell and hemoglobin count are both completely normal. I consider this an additional blessing, since the doctor had told me that I had to accept an anemic condition going forward. Thus far the doctor has been twice shocked, first by my recovery; and, now by these subsequent improvements. I thank God for healing me, and all the loving members of United for their prayers and encouragement.
Nov 10, 2016
Raphael and Sylvia M. request your prayers for Raphael's healing. Raphael was diagnosed with a rare blood disease just prior to the Feast - a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer. At the time of diagnosis the cancer was considered stage 4 as it was in the bone marrow and in the spleen. Raphael's white blood count was extremely high, but after completing Phase 1 of chemo therapy, which consisted of six treatments, Raphael's white blood count is now only 25% of what it was prior to beginning the treatments. Raphael was anointed immediately after realizing he had cancer and he and Sylvia certainly believe that God has been intervening and blessing Raphael with healing. They also believe that the prayers of the local brethren and our sister Lawton, OK congregation have made a huge difference. They are now requesting your prayers as a worldwide family of brothers and sisters in Christ. Raphael and Sylvia believe they will be able to begin attending Church this coming Sabbath as Raphael has been feeling pretty well. The next step is to have no treatments for a few months and see how Raphael is doing. The doctors will be closely monitoring his progress. Your prayers for Raphael and Sylvia are greatly appreciated!

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 9, 2017 - Becky C. (McKinney, TX)
It has been just over 6 months since Mom's brain surgery. She has recovered most of her physical strength. The side effects from the surgery have left her with some anxiety, sleep issues, headaches, & minor cognitive issues. She feels extremely blessed to have had so many prayers & a mostly positive outcome. She would like to thank all of the brethren for their prayers & cards, as these were greatly encouraging to her.
May 24, 2016
Becky was admitted to the Baylor Medical Center on May 13 with what she thought was an infected mouth ulcer. Results from a CT scan soon revealed a very serious sinus infection and a 7.5mm brain aneurysm. After several days in the hospital, doctors determined that they could not treat the aneurysm with coiling, a less invasive treatment, because of the complexity and location. Additionally, the doctors had trouble treating her severe sinus infection with Zosyn. Infectious Disease was called in and they switched Becky to Merrem, a very strong antibiotic to which she had a severe allergic reaction (bloody vomiting and a total body rash). Becky's neurosurgeon would like for the sinus infection to be cleared before he performs brain surgery to clip the aneurysm, an invasive form of brain surgery that contains significant inherent risk factors. Please pray that her sinus infection is healed and that her aneurysm remains stable while she awaits surgery to repair it. At this time, she is scheduled to undergo brain surgery to repair the aneurysm at Medical Center of Plano, Wednesday, June 1 at 11:30 a.m. Prayers that the surgery is successful, non-complicated and that God would guide the doctors and treatment she receives, would also be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 9, 2017 - Guy B. (Wichita Falls, TX)
Guy reports that his internal melanoma currently is in remission. However his doctor wants him to remain on regular 3 week treatments to ensure that it does not reactivate. He feels well, but experiences weakness & disequilibrium. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Oct 16, 2015
Guy, long-time elder in Lawton, OK, has been doing remarkably well and we are so grateful to God for His blessing in this way. Guy's wife, Barbara gives the following extremely encouraging update:
"We received the results of Guy's latest PET Scan this week and thought it would be a good time to let you all know what we found out. Much of the melanoma is gone from his body, as we knew from previous x-rays and from how well he has been feeling. However, in typical melanoma fashion, it has spread to a couple of new areas - his neck and his nose. Therefore, he will continue the treatments, and hopefully soon, it will disappear completely. We sincerely appreciate everyone's prayers and support for the past two years. The results have been amazing. Two years ago Guy was given five months to live and one year ago he had very little strength or energy. Now he is able to do almost anything he wants to. (Right before the Feast he joined three of us in a 5.6 mile hike)!"
Thank you again for your continued prayers for Guy and Barbara who do so much in selflessly serving the Lawton congregation in so many ways!
Jan 15, 2014
Guy has finished radiation treatments and the chemo pills he was taking. On January 8th he began an infusion program to boost his immune system. He will be given a dose of antibiotics intravenously every three weeks until four doses are given. Guy and Barbara are hopeful that this treatment will be effective in ridding Guy's body of the melanoma tumors and that he will have minimal side effects. So far he has been doing very well and has been to services most every Sabbath. Of course, he tires more easily and has to pace himself. Guy and Barbara wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, and concern for Guy and for the tremendous support they have received from around the world.
Nov 22, 2013
An update from Mrs B: We met with the oncologist today (Thursday, November 21) and found out that Guy has melanoma in other soft tissue besides the lungs and the brain. The doctor seemed quite surprised to see that, too, because Guy appears to be so healthy. And because of this the oncologist is recommending a combined attack with both chemo and radiation for the next four weeks. We ask for your prayers that this aggressive treatment will be effective in reducing these lesions. And thank you for all your previous prayers that have accomplished so much through God's continued mercy and power.
Nov 14
Guy was released from the hospital last Friday, November 8th. He was doing so well that the doctors decided he could do his rehab at home. His wife, Barbara, writes "Just wanted to let you know that Guy is making tremendous progress. Just four days after arriving home, he is walking and talking almost like normal, though still a little slow. We appreciate beyond words all the prayers, offers of help, cards and words of encouragement. God has been very merciful to us in His great healing power. He has also given us excellent medical help and wonderful encouragement from all our family and friends. Next week we will meet with the Radiation Oncologist. He is also an M.D. He will have the results of the PET scan and will be able to tell us if any melanoma was found by the PET scan. Thank you all for being there for us." Please continue to pray for God's intervention and healing for Guy.
Nov 5
Guy is now recuperating in the Kell West Regional Hospital in Wichita Falls, TX. Overall, yesterday's surgery went well and Guy was alert, responding well, answering questions, and eating shortly after the surgery was complete. The surgeon said that he is quite certain that the brain lesion or tumor is cancerous, but he also said that this type of cancer generally responds much better to chemo and radiation than the more aggressive cancer that originates in the brain. He said that the cancer had metastasized to the brain, but had originated somewhere else in Guy's body. The family will be meeting with an oncologist in about a week after the pathology report is complete. At that time they will discuss Guy's treatment options. Please continue to pray for God's intervention and healing for Guy and that God would also guide the oncologist and the family in determining what course of treatment to pursue. Thank you for your continued prayers for Guy, his wife, Barbara, and the entire family. The family is very grateful and appreciative of your love, prayers, and concern.
Oct 31, 2013
Guy has been experiencing headaches, weakness, & a loss of communication skills. After an MRI & other tests, a fluid-filled lesion was detected on his brain. Surgery will be taking place soon. His wife, Barbara & the entire family would appreciate your prayers for Guy.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 9, 2017 - Genevieve L. (Wylie, TX)
Genevieve is continuing to deal with neuropathy in her feet - and feels so blessed that she is not diabetic! She is confined to her wheelchair. She is getting OT/PT 3 times a week, plus she has a nurse checking on her twice a week. She has enjoyed the many cards she has received from friends & her church family! She also wants to thank everybody for their prayers and concern!
Dec 23, 2015
Genevieve has had a rough go of it since the first prayer request was sent out for her on December 4. She was recovering well in a rehab center and making good progress, when she had a gall bladder attack and had to have her gall bladder and gall stones removed. As she was recovering from those surgeries she evidently had a very bad delayed reaction to the anesthesia medication or some other medication and had to be readmitted to the hospital. But, she bounced back very quickly and is now back in the rehab center where she will hopefully continue to improve and get to return home in the near future. Genevieve and her daughter, Cathy, are very grateful for all the cards they have both received during her illness and they are especially thankful for all your prayers. Please continue to pray that Genevieve will make a complete recovery and be able to return home soon. God's hand and His blessing has been evident throughout her health trials. Thank you for your continued prayers on her behalf.
Dec 4, 2015
Genevieve, a long-time member in WCG and UCG has been very recently diagnosed with pancreatitis and the doctor said she has about a 40% chance of survival. She went into the hospital in late September with a bowel obstruction. After surgery and a short stay in the hospital, she had been recovering in a rehab center. She was making good progress and looking forward to going home soon, when she developed the pancreatitis just this morning. We know if it is God's express will to intervene and restore her health she will, indeed, survive this health trial. Regardless, let us all pray for her healing and that she will be able to get back on the road to recovery very soon. Also, don't forget to pray for Cathy C., her daughter and a DFW member, and for the rest of the family that God may strengthen and comfort them at this difficult time. Thank you very much for your fervent prayers for Genevieve, Cathy, and their extended family.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 6, 2017 - Raymond G. (Corpus Christi, TX)
Raymond has been home from the hospital and has been monitored on an outpatient basis. The doctors have no idea what is causing his illness. His kidneys were biopsied with no definitive results. He is going to be sent to San Antonio to a specialist for further testing. Please continue to pray that God will intervene and heal him so that that all this testing and indecision will be over. Raymond and his wife Maria want to thank everyone who have shown their concern by the many cards he received from all over the world.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 6, 2017 - Angela M. (Milwaukee, WI)
Thank you for all the prayers for my [Vonnie's] daughter Angela. She is doing much better. The doctor told her she could go back to work next week but can't lift anything. She can still have problems for up to a year. Please continue to pray for continued progress.
Dec 16, 2016
Vonnie would like to thank you for your prayers for her daughter Angela. She was able to return home from the hospital earlier this week. She will need lots of rest, and will not be able to exert herself for a couple of months or more. Vonnie is very grateful for your prayers and God's intervention. Please continue to pray for a complete recovery.
Dec 3, 2016
Thank you everyone for your prayers for my daughter Angela. She has good days and bad, meaning pain levels go up and down - two days ago up to 10. She had not up for visitors. Yesterday Tricia and I were able to visit for over an hour. Please continue to pray for her recovery. Her attitude is good.
Nov 23, 2016
Angela was taken to the hospital in Milwaukee on Tuesday with bleeding in her brain. She underwent surgery to relieve pressure on an aneurysm, and thankfully the bleeding stopped. She will have to stay in the hospital for 20 days to be monitored. Please continue to pray for her recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 5, 2017 - David G. (Lake Tapps, WA)
Dave's back surgery lasted about 6 hours. The doctor said everything went really well and he expects a good outcome. He installed rods and screws to hold the vertebra in place and cleaned up scar tissue and damage from earlier surgeries. Dave will have a lot of incision pain for a few days but his nerves are all in good shape now. He will have a long recovery in terms of the bone actually fusing. We appreciate everyone's continued prayers for a good recovery. Thank you all very much.
Dec 30, 2016
David and Patty G. request your prayers for David's back surgery coming up on January 4th. His back will be fused at lumbar 3 in the lower back where he is missing some bone in the vertebra from an earlier fracture and surgery. The surgery has some serious risks involved. Dave has been off work for a year now and would love to resume as normal a life as possible after the surgery. Thank you for your prayers for God's blessing and intervention on Dave's behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 28, 2016 - Melissa W. (Westland, MI)
From her father, Gary: Melissa is still fighting her illness. There has not been any improvement in her condition. She is still fighting a lot of pain with no real lasting relief in sight. Please continue to pray for her healing.
May 7, 2015
Your prayers are requested for my daughter, Melissa. She is once again being treated in Florida for her RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) when she developed a blood clot in her left leg. The clot runs from the middle of her thigh to below her knee. One of the main blood vessels is 100 percent blocked and if not opened could cause major damage to her leg to the point that she could lose it. A procedure to dissolve the clot is being scheduled for tomorrow morning. Please pray God will be with her and this will be successful. We thank everyone in advance for their thoughts and prayers on her behalf.
Mar 2, 2014
Melissa is requesting prayers on her behalf, as she is still fighting her illness for which there is no cure. The illness is called RSD (Reflective Sympathetic Dystrophy) which attacks the central nervous system and causes a great deal of pain. Additionally, this illness had been contained in her right leg but several months ago it moved into her right shoulder and arm. She was recently taken to the emergency room where it was discovered that another blood clot has developed in her right leg. This is the second time she has had this happen. Please pray that God will heal her and the pain she is suffering will cease, the blood clot will dissolve in her leg, and God will heal this illness once and for all.
Nov 12, 2014
Melissa has been fighting RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) for about three years now. We have tried many medical facilities with no success on any treatments offered. The only thing that we found was doctors wanting to pump her full of powerful drugs to ease the severe pain she fights with this illness. Up to now that is the only course we could take. I am sure that God had his hand in what was to come next. Our whole family was on the Internet trying to find another solution, which happened right after the Feast. We located a facility in Florida where a Dr. Spiegel has been treating people with RSD for 8 years using a different method. Dr. Spiegel use Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This is where one is put into a pressure tank, taken down to 33 feet below sea level and 100% pure oxygen is put into the tank. Her treatments last 90 minutes. This is the first time that we have been given a measure of hope. Melissa has been responding in a positive way. We were originally told that it would take between 10 to 15 sessions before we would see any signs of improvement but we saw some after only 5 treatments. At this time Dr. Spiegel is telling us that by the end of 30 treatments we should see anywhere from 50 to 75 percent improvement in Melissa. Please continue to pray that God's hand will continue to watch over Melissa and her improvement will continue and go beyond the 75% that the doctor is predicting.
Oct 20, 2014
We are requesting prayers for Melissa, as her condition has become worse. The RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) has now affected her right leg, right arm and hand. The illness locks up her joints, causing great pain. She has had three episodes in the last five days. Melissa has continual pain which is controlled by drugs and the use of a spinal implant, but it never completely goes away. She has been fighting this illness for three years with no cure in sight from the medical profession. We know that God can heal, please pray for her God's intervention and that this ordeal will come to an end. Thank you in advance for all of you prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 25, 2016 - Doreen N. (Austin, MB Canada)
Doreen has been home for some months following her second leg amputation in June. She is free of pain now & gets around at home with a wheelchair. She has kidney dialysis 3 times a week & because of so many on dialysis she has to go in on Saturdays. Please pray for her healing & a good solution so she doesn't have to go in on the Sabbath.
Jun 24, 2016
Your continued prayers for healing are requested for Doreen. After several attempts to arrest a serious infection failed, her left leg had to be amputated on May 28. However, an infection developed in the stump and it did not respond to antibiotics. She had been in a great deal of pain following that latest surgery in spite of being given strong pain meds. A further amputation of her leg above the knee was performed this past Wednesday, June 22. This will impact the function and usefulness of any future prosthesis on this leg. Thankfully the pain levels have dropped following this latest surgery.
Please pray that the pain levels can be quickly reduced and that the leg stump will heal up without any further complications or infections. Please pray also that her kidneys will be healed and that she will recover normal kidney functioning so that she does not have to remain on dialysis long term. Thank you so much.
Jun 3, 2016
Your continued prayers for healing are requested for Doreen of the Winnipeg, MB congregation. She has struggled with advanced diabetes for some time and is prone to infections that are slow to heal. Her right leg was amputated in May of 2014. She has been struggling with a serious infection in her left foot and also has had to be placed on kidney dialysis. Several attempts to arrest the infection have failed and her left leg had to be amputated on May 28. She has been in a great deal of pain following the surgery in spite of being given strong pain meds. This has been very discouraging but she is trusting God for His help to endure this. Please pray that the pain levels can be quickly reduced and that the leg stump will heal up without any complications or infections. Please pray also that her kidneys will be healed and that she will recover normal kidney functioning so that she does not have to remain on dialysis long term. Thank you so much.
Mar 9, 2016
Your prayers for healing are requested for Doreen of the Winnipeg, MB congregation. She has struggled with advanced diabetes for some time and is prone to infections that are slow to heal. Her right leg was amputated in May of 2014. Now she is struggling with serious infections in her left foot and has been placed on kidney dialysis. She has been told that her left leg will need to be amputated. She has been so spunky in dealing with all of these health trials but this is such discouraging news.
Please pray for a healing miracle from our mighty and merciful God so that the sore on her foot will be quickly and completely healed and that she might not have to endure the amputation. Please pray that another sore, on her hip, will also be completely healed and that she will recover her kidney functioning so that she does not have to remain on dialysis. Thank you so much.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 22, 2016 - Becky B. (Destin, FL)
Becky is still suffering from migraines and is still in need of our prayers.
Nov 10, 2016
David and Becky B. request your prayers for Becky who has been suffering for some time now with migraine headaches. She has sought help from doctors and others and especially from God. At times, her migraines are so painful, they contribute to feelings of depression. Your heartfelt prayers are requested for her condition. Thank you for remembering Becky in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 22, 2016 - Jackie L. (San Jose, CA)
She can now read without her glasses! She is making good progress & wishes to thank everyone for their prayers & support.

Jackie has an eye disease called Keratoconus. This condition has grown increasingly worse over the past 9 years. It is now at the stage that doctors say that to avoid becoming completely blind, she will need a corneal transplant. Cataracts have also developed. She knows of a procedure now being used with some success. Two other health problems she is also dealing with are a low-functioning thyroid & high blood pressure.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 22, 2016 - Marci S. (Roseville, CA)
Marci wants to thank everyone & let them all know that she is so much better, & says that all the prayers, & lovely cards of support have meant so much to her this past year. She believes she is as healthy as she will ever be now, & knows that you are part of the reason for that & thanks you. Jan 25, 2016 - Marci S. (Roseville, CA)
Marci sent the following message regarding her health trial. "My pulmonologist reported that recent x-ray's indicated that spots attached to my lung walls are no longer evident. After 2 1/2 months this is the first improvement we've been able to report. Thanks and blessings to all who have been praying for me."
Jan 12, 2016
Last week Marci was placed on a two week regimen of very strong steroids, with a four week follow-up with more steroids. The side effects have been very tough on her. This was a last ditch effort prior to the option of lung surgery, which she really hopes to avoid. The steroids seem to be giving her some relief, but she is still having coughing spasms. Marci has asked me to convey her appreciation and gratefulness for all the cards and letters of encouragement. She said they have really been an encouragement for her in dealing with this trial. She has a long way to go and knows that God is in charge! Please keep praying for God's mercy and intervention. This has been a very difficult challenge for both Marci and her husband Dan.
Dec 25, 2015
One of our unbaptized members, Marci, has been in and out of the hospital for the past four weeks. She became sick around November 1st and was diagnosed with Bilateral Bacterial Pneumonia. This is an infiltrate cellulose fibrous type of pneumonia from some airborne source that settles in the lung lobes. Marci has had fever, chills and sweats and a very bad, almost convulsive, dry "non-productive" cough from which she almost passes out. All of this has led to loss of appetite where she has lost 24 pounds in 6 weeks, weakness and fatigue due to extremely low oxygen saturation, which is very a-typical for pneumonia. The doctors have had her in the hospital twice for a total of 14 days and can't determine what she exactly has. They have experimented with seven different antibiotics along with nine chest x-rays, a horribly painful bronchoscopy procedure for lung biopsies and two CT scans. One of the IV drugs she was on was nick-named a "gorilla drug" that was so powerful it infected her veins and they started to collapse. The doctors had to go to her legs and even feet for IV sites. All of the tests have come back negative for anything known. She has had 50 vials of blood drawn, many swabs, cultures and the biopsies and they have involved the Center For Disease Control in Atlanta for help.
Marci is still running a fever off and on, and they wanted to put her back into the hospital to do more tests. She said no, unless they come up with something more directed in her treatment. She is taking breathing treatments at home to keep her oxygen at a level that she can keep breathing. As she said: "I have had a long conversation with God and Dan [her husband] and decided that since the doctors have failed with plan 'A' and 'B', I will wait until they come up with a tangible plan 'C' and then reconsider." So now, the pulmonologist and Infectious Disease Specialist have called in an Endocrinologist since they now think she may have an "auto-immune" disease that has attached to her lungs! Tomorrow or Sunday they plan to have her back in the lab for more tests and blood-work. Marci and Dan are asking for prayers for God's direction, intervention, comfort and encouragement. This trial has been very discouraging for them both.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 9, 2016 - Sam W. (Oakland, CA)
Your prayers are requested for Sam W. of the Stockton, California, congregation, who has been diagnosed with several health problems including hypertension, possibly sleep apnea and noticeably gradually-worsening cognitive impairment. Sam has an appointment with a neurologist in January for further tests in hopes of having a more specific diagnosis and potential treatment plans. These are challenging times for both Sam and his wife, Tess. Thank you for your concern and prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 9, 2016 - Pat Z. (London, South Africa)
Pat, a member in the East London, South Africa, congregation, is experiencing progressive lameness in her left arm and leg. She also experiences great pain daily in her lower back and pelvic area. Doctors have ascertained that the lameness is not due to a stroke. Pat has an appointment with a neurosurgeon on Jan. 5, 2017. Pat and her husband, Era, would greatly appreciate prayers on Pat's behalf.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 23, 2016 - Gilbert S. (Woodbury, MN)
From Grace: Gil has experienced serious bouts with vertigo (he would not make a good drunk!) the dizziness causes severe nausea and puts him out of commission, however he is now much better.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 18, 2016 - Madeleine S. (Manila, Philippines)
I just wanted to update you on Madeleine's status. Dr. Ancheta called about 3:00 am after finishing the surgery. Madz's left fallopian tube did rupture so it had to be removed. She lost a considerable amount of blood so it was necessary to give her a transfusion. However she is stable and recovering and will soon be brought to a private room. Thank you for your continuing prayers.
Nov 17, 2016
I have some sad news to share. After the Feast, our hopes were high that we would finally be blessed with a baby and thankfully we were but wanted to delay the announcement until after the third trimester had passed. Today we had an ultrasound exam and the baby had a good and healthy heartbeat but was not where it is supposed to be. That explained why Madz has been having pain on her left side. So we are scheduled to have the ectopic pregnancy removed tomorrow afternoon before the fallopian tube ruptures in order to prevent having further complications. We are requesting prayers for a safe laparoscopic surgery and speedy recovery for Madz.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 13, 2016 - Joe L. (New Prague, MN)
Joe had a seizure this morning and passed out while at work. He was rushed to the Mayo Clinic in Mankato where they are currently doing tests. As this has never happened to him before, they are doing everything they can to determine the cause. His sister Anna is with him and the rest of his family is currently on their way to see him. Dave Schreiber is also heading up from Albert Lea to anoint him.
Joe says he sounds and feels OK, except for a nasty bump on his head, but he would appreciate our prayers for his healing, also to understand better why this happened and to learn how best to treat the cause going forward.
I'll keep you all abreast of Joe's condition as I learn more

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 4, 2016 - Darlene B. (Salta, Argentina)
Your prayers would be much appreciated for Darlene B., a nine-year-old girl from Salta, Argentina. Darlene was born with a condition of the optic nerves in both eyes, and is unable to see normally. She was anointed during the Feast, and she and her family look to God for the healing of this condition, which she has suffered since birth. Gracias! The family is Spanish-speaking, but I'm sure they would appreciate cards to let them know we're praying for Darlene and her vision problem
Nov 7, 2014
Antonio and Giselle B. request prayers for their five-year-old daughter, Darlene, who has a degenerative condition of the eyes. The family attends the Cafayate, Argentina, congregation.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 4, 2016 - Cliff W. (Little Canada, MN)
Bypass surgery is not necessary. Future blockages should be able to be avoided through diet and exercise.
Oct 7, 2016
Consultation at the Mayo Clinic is scheduled for Oct 13. Cliff is looking for an alternative to surgery.
Sep 16, 2016
Cliff had a heart attack late last week. Emergency surgery was performed to place stents in a clogged artery. Bypass surgery will be necessary in the near future, but he is hoping this can be done after the Feast. He went home on Sunday, and is doing well. Cliff and his family certainly appreciate your prayers for God's healing, a quick recovery and wisdom.
Consultation about bypass surgery is to be done Oct 4, with the surgery to come after the feast.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 10, 2016 - Sean B. (Port Orchard, WA)
Matt and Shawna B. request prayers for their son Sean, age 16. Sean has had a problem with the aortic valve in his heart since he was very young, and now that he's older there is more chance for this to become serious. On September 12th he had an echo cardiogram at Seattle Children's Hospital, and the results were distressing for the family. Sean's valve had increased from a previously measurement of 3 to a 4.3. A mild range for this condition is below 4. At 4.3 it is considered an aneurysm/dilated aorta. The doctors have restricted Sean's activities including running cross country, which he has been training for, as long distance running will add stress to his heart, possibly causing the aortic valve to rupture.
Today, October 10th, Sean will be going in for an MRI to verify the results of the echo cardiogram. The family is asking for prayers for Sean's healing, and that the MRI results will show Sean back at a safe level.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 7, 2016 - Janice S. (Winston-Salem, NC)
Janice, a deaconess in the Greensboro, North Carolina, congregation, was diagnosed July 1 with cancer of her spleen and the mesentery located near the spleen. The doctors and she felt her quality of life would not be enhanced by chemotherapy and radiation. For two months she had experienced no pain, but the pain has progressively gotten worse. She is asking for prayers, particularly for God's comfort in this time of her life. Please also pray that she will be able to attend the Feast this year, and that her appetite returns for her to have the strength to go.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 7, 2016 - Jerry C. (Leeville, SC)
Jerry, a deacon in the Columbia, South Carolina, congregation, would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and letters he has received from the brethren all over the world. He is progressing well from his triple bypass surgery, but he still has a long way to go. Jerry and his wife, Bea, will not be able to attend the Feast this year and would appreciate your continued prayers for a complete recovery.
Sep 2, 2016
Prayers are requested for Jerry, a deacon serving in the Columbia, South Carolina, congregation. Jerry was experiencing severe chest pain and after a heart catheterization found out that he had one artery completely blocked and two others partially blocked. The doctors have recommended and scheduled triple-bypass surgery for this Monday, Sept. 5. Please pray that God will intervene and guide the surgery.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 7, 2016 - Liz B. (Brisbane Australia)
Liz has been out of the hospital and home for the past two weeks after over four weeks in the hospital and on life support for over one week. Her liver had failed and was on the transplant list twice during this time, but her liver began showing signs of recovering. Since then it is functioning well and she is monitored with regular visits to her medical team at the hospital, along with regular blood checks. Her doctor and other medical staff wondered if she was a "believer" because they cannot account for her liver function to return the way it has.
We had the funeral for the baby after Liz was released from the hospital and now are moving forward to normality and Liz recovering completely. It is estimated that it will take about 6 months for her to get back to what she was before. Liz and Randall are deeply thankful for the many urgent prayers sent up for her and the family. It has been clear that God had powerfully intervened on several critical times and we continually thank God for his kindness to see us through this. We will never forget the many expression of faith and care by way of messages and card sent from our church and many others who are not members of our church.
Aug 30, 2016
"When they brought Liz to the hospital Saturday their baby's heartbeat could not be found and it was soon determined that their baby girl had died. However, they could not deliver her until Liz's clotting factors were elevated so she would not lose too much blood from surgery. Thankfully, her clotting factors improved and their beautiful baby girl was delivered last night. They have named her Nicollette Anne. She was perfect in every way and she looks like a beautiful blend of her big brother and sister. We are all heartbroken as you can imagine from this loss. Liz is doing better than expected post-op but her liver is quite damaged and they don't know if it is going to recover. She remains in ICU on dialysis to support her kidneys as we wait for her to wake up after the anesthesia. She also has high ammonia levels, which need to come down.
"We are only 24 hours into this and they really just don't know how things will go the next 24. She was taken off the liver transplant list, so we see this as a good sign. They have told us to prepare for the possibility that she may not make it out of this. God's mercy never fails. We know he has gotten her through this far. She is getting amazing care. She is such a strong, amazing woman, mother, wife, sister and daughter. We really want her here with us to raise her two beautiful children. Please pray for her and all the family. We are grieving and hurting. We are grateful that Liz is still alive and that there is a hopeful outcome. Thank you everyone who has sent encouragement and kind words. It means so much. We will let you know of any changes."
Aug 27, 2016
Urgent prayer are requested for my (Bill B, Chicago) sister-in-law, Liz (Ryan) B. Liz was 36 weeks into her pregnancy when last night she was taken to the hospital by ambulance. The unborn baby sadly has died and Liz's life is in danger. The doctors are not giving Liz good odds of surviving this ordeal. Liz and Randall live in Brisbane Australia and have one boy and girl. Prayers are requested at this time for Liz and that she can be healed.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 7, 2016 - Carol W. (Kenmore, NY)
Carol and Jim thank you for your prayers given for her surgery. The procedure was performed with great difficulty due to scar tissue and chemo damage from previous cancer surgery. The surgeon stated that he wanted to stop the procedure at one point but persevered to successfully reverse the colostomy. She is scheduled to go home in the next day or two. Internal healing will take three months. Please continue your prayers to our Great God. While elated over the answered prayer for Carol's healing, they are sad to not be able to physically attend the Feast of Tabernacles. However, they are very appreciative of modern technology and the technical staff who so skillfully manage the webcast so they can see live services.
Sep 23, 2016
On Thursday, September 29, Carol will have surgery to repair a fistula in her colon and have a reversal of the colostomy resulting from surgery in February. We ask that you pray fervently for guidance of the surgeon's hands in this complicated and elicate procedure. Although scared both Carol and Jim know she is in God's hands and He will heal. Please ask God to give Carol and Jim and their family comfort and peace as they face this difficult trial.
Jul 29, 2016
In late February Carol, from the Buffalo, NY congregation, suffered a perforated colon. At the time the surgeon expressed concern that she would be in ICU for up to two weeks if she survived. The following morning when her husband, Jim, entered her room, Carol was sitting up, alert, talking to the nurse. She became known as the "miracle woman" by the surgical staff. Her healing has slowly continued until several weeks ago when she was diagnosed with a fistula (a leak) in the colon. The doctor attempted to patch the fistula four different times with no success. She will now need major surgery which cannot be scheduled until six months after the original procedure. She has an appointment with a surgeon on August 4 to schedule surgery and discuss the possibility of reversing the colostomy.
Mr. W. wrote the following: Hopefully on August 4 we will get some closure on when this surgery will take place. This has been too long and too hard on Carol not only physically but emotionally. We are both scared to say the least about what is to happen next. From my understanding the surgery will be extensive. We are both praying that God will help us both to endure and to give us more faith and more of His Holy Spirit to help us overcome our weaknesses and to restore Carol's health and comfort her and give us both His great peace.
We ask that brethren worldwide will continue to pray for Carol and Jim and that God will heal her and allow her to return to serving Him and our brethren.
Mar 11, 2016
Carol was released from the hospital. She had the choice of going to a rehabilitation center or home. She chose to go home, which is obviously big progress. She will be connected to a pump 24/7 in order to drain the wound until it heals in about eight weeks. Nurses will come three times a week to change the dressings. Otherwise, she will be lovingly cared for by her husband. Thank you for your continued prayers for both Carol and Jim.
Mar 4, 2016
Carol has undergone emergency surgery for a perforated colon. She is a seven year cancer survivor but chemotherapy treatments have deteriorated her internal organs and toxins passed into her the body. The doctor told Carol's husband Jim, that the surgery would take hours; that she would be in intensive care for at least ten days; she would be sedated and not cogent and because of the toxins, death was a possibility. Although the tissue was beyond repair, God began to answer our prayers immediately. When Jim returned to the hospital the following morning, Carol was awake and alert.
We visited her that afternoon and she was quite communicative. Two nurses from the surgical suite came to Carol's room so they could see "the miracle." After three days she is in a regular hospital room. Please join our local brethren in thanking God for taking care of Carol through the surgery. Also, please pray for the healing of Carol's colon and removal of the dangerous toxins from her body. Both Carol and Jim know she is in God's hands.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 30, 2016 - Leslie R. (Inver Grove Heights, MN)
Leslie is thankful to have had several days of improvement this week. She wishes to thank you all for your prayers during her long illness. She truly believes God hears the prayers of you all and is answering them. She is hoping to be feeling well enough to see everyone during the upcoming holy days.
Feb 12, 2016
The very aggressive, multiple antibiotic treatment that Leslie was undergoing has become much too hard on her body. After consulting the doctors, she will not have that treatment at this time. Rather, she will be treated for one particular issue that is causing her to have difficulty breathing and has been affecting her heart and energy levels. The doctor believes she will eventually have to return to the heavy antibiotic treatment to defeat the Lyme disease. Leslie appreciates your continued prayers and encouragement.
Jan 8, 2016
Leslie had her third consultation with a Lyme specialist. So far, both medical doctors and her naturopathic doctor agreed about her situation. The medical doctors will begin a new treatment of four antibiotics. She will also continue care under the naturopath at the same time, continuing those antibiotic treatments. Herxing is a serious issue, almost as serious as the infections themselves. Leslie is quite nervous about this long course of treatment because she will be taking the medical antibiotics for at least six months, combined with 5 months of the naturopathic treatment she has been doing. Leslie is very appreciative of your encouragement and prayers.
Nov 20, 2015
The doctor is encouraged to hear that Leslie is having some good days, now that those Herx reactions have subsided. But Leslie is, and will experience more sick days as it is time to add a few new medications to attack the Babesia & Bartonella more aggressively. Increased Herx reactions could come back, but she hopes to eventually have more good days. It seems the treatment is on the right track, but it's a long haul. Leslie says she is feeling encouraged and has been able to listen to some of the FI classes. Thank you all for your prayer, cards, and encouragement.
Sep 11, 2015
Leslie has been undergoing an aggressive treatment for Lyme Disease that will continue for several months. After suffering for years, the doctors believe she exhibits the classic symptoms of chronic Lyme disease, along with up to four other co-infections, including Babesia and Bartonella, that have impacted practically all her major organs. The antibiotic treatment itself causes severe symptoms and is very difficult to endure. This disease has kept her from attending church and various other family occasions, which adds additional emotional anguish including loneliness, depression, and discouragement. Please pray for God to heal and strengthen her, physically and emotionally, as she progresses through the treatment.
Sep 3, 2015
Leslie continues to suffer the effects of her Lyme disease treatment. She is four weeks in, and is still waiting to see results. She has four co-infections that has impacted all her major organs. The aggressive antibiotic treatments will not cure her of Lyme, but hopefully will help send it into remission. Please continue to pray for her.
Aug 28, 2015
Leslie would like to thank everyone for your prayers. The effects of her Lyme disease treatment is severe, but she believes they are less extreme and that she is coping better because of your prayers and God's intervention. Please continue to pray for her.
Jul 10, 2015
Leslie has recently been suffering with more chronic pain & fatigue. This is an ongoing problem that gets better occasionally, and worse at other times. Please remember her in your prayers.
Jan 23, 2015
Leslie has many of the chronic symptoms of Lyme Disease and its co-infections. On Wed., Jan 7th, she had blood work done to look for a positive for Lyme. So far the culture has shown no indication of Lyme, but it could take at least 8 more weeks to show. Even then, they will continue to monitor the culture for another 16 weeks. Please continue to pray that God will make the cause of all Leslie's symptoms evident, and intervene to give her relief and encouragement.
Jan 3, 2015
Leslie recently saw a doctor who is a member of an International Lyme Disease board. Evidently Leslie has many of the chronic symptoms of Lyme Disease and its co-infections. On Wed., Jan 7th, she had blood work done to look for a positive for Lyme. If no positive is found after what could be several weeks, she will undergo another round of blood work. The chronic fatigue, pain, depression, sleep problems, headaches (the list goes on) are all symptoms of Lyme & its co-infections. Leslie writes, "As many of you know, these issues have affected my life & those who are close to me for many years. The good news is that if positive, it's treatable, through a course of multiple antibiotics for as long as 6 months, which has its own set of issues to consider. This is separate from the spinal issues, but if I could get some pain relief & energy, I could get part of my life back. Please pray that God restores & strengthens my spiritual health; that decisions are guided by God & please, may His will be done for me."
Jan 3, 2014
Leslie is asking for the prayers of the brethren. Over the past several months, there has been an increase in spinal pain in both frequency & intensity. Medications & other pain management therapies are not effective anymore. Her desire is to be off pain medications completely & does not want another surgery. A recent MRI showed the progression of the disk degeneration, spinal stenosis & arthritis diseases that affects her entire spine. Leslie is on a waiting list for an appointment with a spine specialist to see if various types of injections, a pain implant or other options might be effective. She knows the prayers of the righteous avails much! Leslie is depending on God's guidance. She thanks you, and is grateful for you all.
Oct 26, 2013
Leslie is feeling better continually and is now able to attend services regularly. She credits God's healing.
Sept 6
Leslie's back/hip flare-up is better. She's very grateful for the relief. The stomach issues persist & an EGD (a camera to take a look) will be performed next Wednesday. She says, "I sincerely appreciate the brethren and their prayers."

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 29, 2016 - Dave B. (Coon Rapids, MN)
Dave was taken to the emergency room at Mercy Hospital on Wednesday, where he was diagnosed with a blood clot in his lungs. He was in intensive care all last night but is doing better this morning. Doctors told him they caught it just in time and if not, he would not be alive. He is presently on blood thinners and morphine to control the pain, and they are monitoring his condition very carefully.
Dave is requesting that we ask God to heal him and help him to recover quickly.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 16, 2016 - Liz F. (Gene F.'s wife) (Eau Claire, WI)
Liz had her doctor's appointment on Monday September 12th. Gene reports that all went better than expected. It seems that the hormone treatments are working very well and the doctor does not see any need to see her for until January (three months). Gene would like continued prayers for Liz (and himself) as she is also dealing with a crushed vertebrae and needs help doing most things including just moving from room to room. Gene is positive the prayers have been of help in her health and his ability dealing with the situation. Please pray that the hormone treatment (estragon blocking) continues to help, that Liz is able to deal with her pain, Gene is able to stay strong in helping Liz, and that both stay strong in their faith looking to God for his support and that his will be done.
Aug 27, 2016
Gene would like to have continued prayers for his wife Liz and himself. She seems to be having more pain but continues with the estrogen blocking treatments which seem to help some. Their son Lance comes over from time to time to give Gene a break from caring for Liz, Gene is afraid that the cancer may have spread into new areas. Liz will be going in for her next checkup on September 1st.
Apr 8, 2016 - Liz F.
Gene says that Liz has received radiation treatment and is now receiving estrogen blocking treatment (attempting to starve the cancer). She has had some bouts of hallucinations and has had some trouble with memory.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 16, 2016 - Joshua B. (Mindanao, Philippines)
Joshua B. (Ambago, Philippines) Prayers are requested for Joshua, 12-year old son of Mr. & Mrs. Josepilar B., Jr., of the Butuan City, Philippines, congregation. Joshua has been diagnosed as having a congenital bicuspid aortic valve disease with severe aortic regurgitation and narrowing of the aorta. He is due for a heart surgery at the Philippine Heart Center in Manila but that is delayed since he is not in physically condition for the surgery. For the past three weeks he has a recurring fever (every seven or eight hours) up to 39+ degrees Celsius (102+ degrees Fahrenheit) due to infection which has not yet been cured by antibiotics. His parents request prayers for God's intervention and guidance for the operations, that may take place at any time, and for speedy healing thereafter.
Jan 17, 2015
Last week Joshua was taken to Davao City to make sure that he would be scheduled for the aortic valve replacement. Unfortunately his valve size is 17 and that size is currently not available to the mission surgeons. Joshua underwent a second echo test and is waiting for the availability of a valve.
You prayers are requested for Joshua, 10-year-old son of Jundy and Nelia B. of the Butuan City, Philippines congregation. Joshua is at Southern Philippines Medical Center in Davao City for an urgent aortic valve replacement due to congenital heart disease. Several years ago Joshua had a valve replacement, but it is no longer effective due to the increased size of his heart. The family requests your prayers for a successful operation and healing process for Joshua.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 15, 2016 - Geraldine H. (Yuma, AZ)
Your prayers are requested for long time member Geraldine H. who last evening was taken to the hospital emergency room. Geri had become disoriented with some dizziness which caused alarm for her family. A battery of tests are scheduled for her today to determine the cause. Please pray that the tests will come back showing no major disorder. Geri and her family members thank you in advance for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 15, 2016 - Meredith E. (Duluth, MN)
Meredith and her family would like to thank all of you for your prayers for her recovery. The doctors have released her from the hospital this morning and she should be able to return to work by Monday. She has some deep cuts and abrasions but the doctors expect these to heal quickly in plenty of time for her to enjoy the Feast. She is very grateful for God's obvious intervention and for the love and support she received from all of us.
Sep 14, 2016
Prayers are requested for Meredith from our Duluth congregation. She was in a motorcycle accident tonight while trying to avoid a deer. She was flown by helicopter to St Luke's Hospital in Duluth.
She was wearing her helmet, but has a small sternum fracture (breastbone) and a possible small elbow fracture, as well as lacerations on her elbow and knee. She may also have broken her left leg.
She will be in the hospital undergoing tests tonight and we will know more tomorrow. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 28, 2016 - Mark B. (Fargo, ND)
As you know Mark and Katherine B. have started moving, today Mark and Alvin were taking two car loads up to Fargo. Mark had issues with one of the cars, while looking over the engine the radiator blew and Mark was splattered with the hot fluid. They went to the ER in Alexandria, Katherine said the worst seems to be Mark's nose and that it has already blistered. Mark was treated and they have left the ER and are continuing to Fargo. Mark is addressing getting the car towed also.
Please pray for Mark to be healed and the pain is taken away, the car to be addressed timely and that they will be able to continue with the move as planned.
They close on the house Tuesday.
Thanks, everyone! Mark was released from the hospital and he and Alvin are en route in both vehicles to Fargo.
Mark has first degree burns with some blistering on his nose. Thankfully, he had his sunglasses on, so his eyes were not impacted. The doctors expect him to be fine and the pain seems to be subsiding which is a blessing.
Thanks for your continued prayers!

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 24, 2016 - Bill B. (Atlanta, GA)
The family is requesting prayers at this time on behalf of long-time member Bill B. of the Atlanta, Georgia congregation. Bill fell last evening at his home and was taken to a nearby hospital to determine the cause of his fall. (Bill fell a month ago and made a miraculous recovery following a local prayer request and an anointing). The initial diagnosis from this last incident is that Bill fell because he had not been taking a prescribed medication. Billy, his son, has since learned that the hospital visit likely saved Bill's life because doctors found he was dealing with a serious untreated infection. Your prayers are requested at this time for Bill's full recovery.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 16, 2016 - Bill J. (Belpre, OH)
Bill, pastor in Athens, Ohio, and Morgantown and Parkersburg, West Virginia, was admitted into the local hospital in Parkersburg, West Virginia, this morning with a heart attack. Bill had played racquetball this morning and experienced what he thought was a severe acid reflux, but was further weakened and went to the hospital.
His wife, Cheryl, is flying home this afternoon (she was visiting her grandchildren in Fort Worth, Texas, this week). Cheryl talked with Bill on the phone midday, and the doctors confirmed that while Bill did have 100-percent blockage in one artery, they feel the stent they put in should suffice for now. Bill will be hospitalized for the next few days for monitoring and should be released to go home by Wednesday. He will need time to recuperate from the heart attack. Both Bill and Cheryl would appreciate your prayers for God's intervention and regaining of his strength.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 11, 2016 - Bradley H. (Johannesburg, South Africa)
Bradley and the family have been very encouraged by the many messages they have received. Bradley will undergo surgery on Monday, Aug. 22, to remove the calcification in the patellar tendon and to strengthen the knee joint with a tendon transplant from his hamstring. Once again, Bradley is asking for your prayers that the procedure will be successful and that the pain will be put in the past.
Jul 29, 2016
Bradley, 24 years old, has been suffering increasing pain from acute knee tendonosis -- a degeneration of the patella tendon -- for the past eight to nine years. Besides physiotherapy and other treatments, he has sought relief through three operations which made little difference. During the past 18 months his condition has further worsened into constant, extremely high-level pain that is very debilitating in that he just started working as a qualified engineer. He is unable to drive long distances and has trouble sleeping as the pain wakes him often. On Tuesday, Aug. 2, he will see a physician specializing in knee tendonosis. Bradley needs God's intervention and is asking us to pray. He attends the Johannesburg, South Africa congregation along with his parents, Mark and Leanne, and sister, Claire.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 13, 2016 - Rick H. (Montana)
From Dana B. (Twin Cities): I request prayer for my brother-in-law, Rick H. He has prostate cancer. Rick and my sister Lisa live in Montana.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 8, 2016 - David K. (Jackson, Murfreesboro, Nashville, TN)
David is fast losing his battle with cancer after several years of suffering from a rare disease known as MEN/Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. The MEN, (multiple endocrine neoplasms) causes tumors to grow on multiple endocrine glands. This is an inherited disease causing many years of debilitating symptoms, surgeries and suffering. In some cases, as in David's, these tumors have now become malignant and are threatening to take his life in the short term. Please pray that God will completely intervene and heal David or comfort him with a peaceful and pain-free death so he may rest until his resurrection. Also please pray for the peace and comfort for his wife, children and parents.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 1, 2016 - Nancy K. (Mocksville, NC)
Ron & Nancy would like to thank everyone for their prayers and for the many cards and emails received since Nancy's spinal surgery on May 12. Nancy spent five days in the hospital followed by 21 days in an acute inpatient rehab unit. On June 7 she was admitted to a skilled nursing facility for additional therapy and was discharged June 24. She has made considerable recovery, but still has a long way to go - especially in regaining use of her left arm. She had an appointment with the neurosurgeon today and he was pleased with her progress. She also had an appointment with her oncologist and received another report that she is cancer free. She will continue to have follow up visits with both doctors. Thankfully, she is able to walk with just the use of a cane and is able to get in and out of the car, take care of personal needs and do some minor chores around the house. She hopes to get back to attending services before long. She will be having continued physical and occupational therapy from a home health care agency for four or five weeks, likely followed by some outpatient therapy visits as she continues to improve.
May 13, 2016
Nancy, and her husband, Ron, who pastors our congregations in North Carolina, are requesting prayers for God's intervention and healing. Nancy had surgery for endometrial cancer last October and has recovered well from that. Last August, she started having increased loss of use of her left arm. Due to a long-term medical condition, she already had limited range of motion in both arms. Investigation and treatment of the increase loss of arm function had to be delayed until after the cancer was treated. Now her increased loss of mobility has spread to her right arm and upper legs and there is danger of it getting significantly worse.
MRI's showed she has spinal stenosis, a compression of the spinal cord interrupting the flow of spinal fluid. The neurosurgeon said without surgery, the condition will get worse quickly, so they have opted for the surgical procedure. The surgeon is giving Nancy an 80 percent chance of improvement. Currently she is able to walk with the aid of a walker but tires easily. She also is wearing a neck brace to support her head.
Surgery on May 12th went well and the doctor is pleased with the outcome. She spent the first day post-op in ICU, but is being moved to a regular room today (Friday). She is up in a chair beginning to do basic exercises. She will need several weeks of physical therapy to regain strength and mobility. She is not in pain as she has some nerve blockage. For now, that's a good thing. We really appreciate everyone's prayers, emails and cards. She has really enjoyed hearing from many friends and brethren around the world.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 30, 2016 - Pauline F. (Las Vegas, NV)
She remains the same, in a care facility.
Dec 16, 2015
Pauline, 87, had a difficult year after a fall in January that resulted in the shattering of lower bones in one of her legs, along with a long and painful recovery. After having surgery and a steel rod placed into her injured leg and ankle, she can't move her toes or flex that foot. She also is still suffering somewhat from reflex sympathy disorder, which causes random shooting pains in her legs. Her immune system has taken a toll, as she continues to have recurrent respiratory and sinus infections that make it difficult to breathe and leave her very exhausted. Prayers are appreciated.
Nov 13, 2014
Pauline has pain & weakness in her legs. The pain has diminished some, but other symptoms have been increasing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 24, 2016 - Heamasi T. (Tonga / Blackwater Australia)
Heamasi T., an elder in Australia, is struggling with ill health and has requested prayers for God's intervention. This week he had medical tests resulting in advice from a specialist. The treatment prescribed last year is now ineffective. Heamasi will need to undergo chemotherapy as soon as possible to control the prostate cancer from spreading further. The first treatment will be Monday, June 27. Thank you for your prayers for God's healing and guidance on Heamasi's behalf, and for his wife, Kelela, during these challenging times.
May 8, 2015
I would like to let you all know that since I have started my medical treatment a month ago, there has been a great improvement in my health. I have gained a few kilos, my energy level has increased and my appetite has returned. My family and I are so grateful and thankful for everyone's prayers and cards which have given me great courage and hope. My next specialist appointment will be next month and your continuous prayers in this journey will be very much appreciated.
Apr 3, 2015
Heamasi, an elder who recently moved to Blackwater, Australia, from Tonga, requests your prayers on his behalf. Heamasi writes: "After going through some medical tests and scans in the past weeks, the results confirm that I have a prostate cancer, and it's spreading to the bones. I had an appointment with the specialist yesterday, and there is a treatment process including taking medication, which I started today, to help slow the cancer from spreading. I will have a review in two months' time to see if the treatment is working. I would like to ask for your prayers for God's healing and guidance in this process. Thank you for all your continuous prayers."

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 4, 2016 - Shirley B. (Spencer, WV)
Shirley, of the Charleston, West Virginia, congregation, has been diagnosed with Renal Stenosis. This condition currently affects 60 percent of her right kidney. Shirley will undergo tests on June 23 to determine if stints can be inserted. There is no guarantee that stints would improve this condition. Shirley and her husband, Paul, would appreciate your prayers on her behalf, for restoration of her right kidney function and to protect her left kidney from developing the same condition. Thank you in advance.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 3, 2016 - Cara M. (Hutto, TX)
My (Tim M., Arkansas) newly pregnant daughter Cara M. was suddenly stricken with appendicitis and then hospitalized for twelve days. Following the appendectomy Cara was sent home with a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line) and receives IV administration of medication for 20 hours per day to treat her onset of severe morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum). Her activity is greatly restricted and she can only lie on her back. Her sisters from Houston, TX, Portland, OR, and Chicago, IL have alternately taken turns assisting Cara and the family's two young daughters ages 3.5 and 1.5 years at home in Austin, TX. When Cara reaches 20 weeks of pregnancy she might be able to remove the PICC line. She would appreciate everyone's prayers and care.
Apr 25, 2016 - Cara M. (Hutto, TX)
(From Tim M., NW Arkansas) My daughter Cara M. of Austin, Texas, experienced abdominal pain and vomiting Thursday evening following Passover. Cara and her husband Eddie have two daughters ages 3-1/2 and 1-1/2. Following is a request for prayer from my son-in-law Eddie M.:
"I'd like to request prayers for my wife, Cara. Thursday evening after Passover, she began to vomit and have abdominal pain. The vomiting wasn't completely surprising as we recently found out she is pregnant. However, her abdominal pains continued increasing and eventually we made a trip to the emergency room. The staff was able to reduce the vomiting, buy didn't appropriately address the cause of the abdominal pain before discharging us. After the pain further increased we made a trip to a different ER, where we received better care. The doctors were somewhat limited in the tests they could administer due to the pregnancy, but eventually concluded that her appendix was on the verge of rupturing. She had surgery about 3 a.m. Saturday and the doctors feel it went well. We also had an ultrasound this morning so we were able to see the baby. Please ask the Church to pray for Cara's full recovery and for the health of the baby. Although the doctors were careful about how they administered treatment, some of the procedures do increase risk of developmental problems during pregnancy. We place our trust in God to guide and direct us during this time.

<  > Prayer Update - May 6, 2016 - Josie D. (Steinbach, Manitoba)
Josie would like to extend a "Thank You" for everyone's prayers and cards. She reports that she has been completely healed from the Bells Palsy. She is still dealing with a stomach issue, but it will take some time to get better. She and Maurice were able to visit Jolene and Andy for the spring holy days, which was very encouraging.
Mar 25, 2016
While in treatment for a stomach condition I developed symptoms of partial paralysis to my right side of face. Blurry vision and numbness in lips and unable to blink. Could be a mild case of Bell's palsy. A CT scan is scheduled for next week to rule out anything more serious. Prayers are appreciated for Gods intervention to remove this discomfort and prevent any vision damage...... Thank you very much.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 29, 2016 - Robert C. (Ft. Worth, TX)
Robert has been doing well since his double bypass heart surgery this past Tuesday. He has not been in a lot of pain since shortly after his surgery and he is now up and walking quite a bit. As is often the case in bypass surgery, due to some loss of blood Robert did have a one unit blood transfusion this morning. Both Robert and Reba greatly appreciate God's blessing and healing and your prayers for Robert. They would also like to thank everyone for the many cards, calls, visits, and expressions of love and concern for them. Please continue to pray for Robert's complete and speedy recovery.
Apr 22, 2016
Your prayers are requested for long-time church member, Robert C. Robert is scheduled for double by-pass heart surgery this coming Tuesday morning, April 26. He and his wife Reba would appreciate your prayers for a very successful surgery and for God's blessing and healing all along the way to a full recovery. Thank you very much for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 22, 2016 - Michelle D. (Eau Claire, WI)
Jason and I want to say thank you so much to everyone that prayed for us and our baby girl. After concern about an ultrasound showing a possible brain abnormality, the doctor did another growth check this week and also looked a little closer at her brain. Everything in her brain looks normal. The scan does show that the baby's right lateral ventricle is measuring bigger than her left one, but it's all in an normal size range. Which is good and doesn't cause any concern because there's no signs of any blockage of fluid nor is there any signs of trauma. The doctor mentioned the right ventricle has not changed since the last 10 weeks. The specialist would like to do another scan to recheck her brain in 6 weeks for any changes, but she's very confident everything will continue to be normal. Your continued prayers are much appreciated. Thank you!
Jun 12, 2015
Michelle requests prayers for her Bells palsy and Lyme Disease. She had a follow up appointment with her doctor on Wednesday to see if the levels of Lyme went away after treatment. The test showed Lyme is still present but the percentage level has gone down which explains why Bell's palsy hasn't gone away 100%. She is still experiencing some nerve issues on the right side of her face. She was put back on antibiotics for a month to treat the Lyme Disease, and was referred to see a Neurologist in two weeks. Thank you for your prayers.
Aug 16, 2014 Michelle had stomach surgery Tuesday, Aug 5th, and returned home on Thursday. She has been experiencing some pain. Please pray the pain subsides and she has a smooth, quick recovery. Thank you for your prayers.
Feb 28, 2014
Michelle has been experiencing abdominal and back pain. She went to urgent care this week where doctors did an ultrasound and found her spleen and liver to be enlarged. At this point they don't know why, but initial tests came back normal, and negative for various problems. She was advised to go in for an MRI and/or CAT scan on Friday. Please remember Michelle in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 22, 2016 - Aubrey K. (Rogers, AR)
Aubrey and her family would like to thank everyone for their prayers during the time of her back surgery. The initial surgery went well, and the doctor inserted two metal rods on either side of her spine to help straighten it. They waited as long as they could to give her as much time to grow as possible. From this point forward her lower body may continue to grow a little, but her torso is now as long as it is going to get. She is just slightly shorter than her mother now, and she said she's just fine with that! She had her post-surgery check up with the surgeon this week, and the x-rays show she is healing well, and the spine is staying in line with what the doctors were able to do. She still has 10 months of rehab ahead of her, and is to be quite limited in physical activity during that time. But slowly they expect to be increasing what she is able to do, until she is once again back to a full activity load. Aubrey's mother, Andrea, said they were so very grateful to everyone for the prayers and support. They have no doubt that without the support of God's people they would have had a much more difficult time mentally, emotionally and physically enduring this trial!
Mar 4, 2016
Thirteen-year-old Aubrey and her family would like to thank everyone for their prayers on her behalf. Aubrey underwent back surgery at the Children's Hospital in St. Louis on Tuesday, Feb. 23. To correct the very severe abnormal curvature of her spine doctors had to fuse a number of vertebrae from near the base of her skull down to her lower back, and they inserted two steel rods along either side of her spine. Fortunately, doctors did not have to go further down her spine, which will enable her to bend and have mobility in her lower back that is lost from there up.
The surgery itself went very well. Initially the pain medications made her very sick, but after she was anointed that reaction ceased, and her pain levels are now manageable. The doctors are pleased with her level of recovery, and she has been dismissed and is able to return home. She will be under activity restrictions for a full year as she heals, but it is expected that she will be able to return to most normal activities. They are grateful to God for His hand in this process, and also thank you all for the love and concern that has been shown to them.
Nov 13, 2015
Your prayers are requested for Aubrey K. of the Bentonville, Arkansas, congregation. Aubrey, now 13 years old, was born with hemi vertebra. Some of the vertebra in her back are only half the size they should be, causing the others to collapse on them. As a result she has severe scoliosis, that is worsening rapidly now that she has entered her teen years. The curvature of her spine is currently worsening about two degrees a month, and is now impacting her ability to breathe properly because of compression of her chest and abdomen, and is causing more frequent pain. Aubrey is scheduled to undergo a spinal fusion surgery in which the doctors will also insert a titanium rod to straighten her back on Jan. 27, 2016. Where the rod is installed she will lose mobility. Aubrey and her family would appreciate your prayers that the surgery will go well, and that doctors do not need to insert the rod any further down her back than currently planned. The further down they must go, the more mobility Aubrey will lose.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 20, 2016 - Maria B. (Tacloban City, Philippines)
Mr. and Mrs. Nicanor and Nilda L. of the Tacloban City Congregation, Philippines, are asking prayers for their 23 year old daughter, Maria B. (also called Berna) who is suffering from acute mastitis, an inflammation of the breast caused by infection. According to Mrs. L. Berna has been quietly suffering from pain in her left breast for more than a year. When Berna felt the pain increasing she was accompanied by her mother to the doctor on April 18 for a mammography examination. It was then that the infliction was discovered. Mrs. L. has reported that Berna's pain is increasing continuously. Fervent prayers are requested from all brethren worldwide for God's mercy upon Maria.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 18, 2016 - Pat A. (Twin Cities, MN)
Prayers for my dad please. He goes in tomorrow for a round of chemo and then the stem cell transplant. He will be in the hospital about 35 days and then hopefully to the Hope Lodge where he will need to be watched at all times. The whole thing will be at least 100 days. Please pray for strength physically, mentally and spiritually.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. It means so much!
Feb 16, 2016
Following is an encouraging update and a continued prayer request from Laura for her dad Pat, who is in North Memorial undergoing treatment for Leukemia.
As many of you have heard Daddy's cancer cells came in at 0% last week. He will have another biopsy next week sometime and if his numbers are still below 5% he will not need another round of chemo at North Memorial. We are waiting for his white blood cell count and hemoglobin to continue to rise. They said that if his numbers rise like they should it may be possible for him to go home for a couple of days before going to the University of Minnesota for his stem cell transplant. It is unclear if he will have more chemo at the University of Minnesota but we are praying that he does not have to. Today he has a bit of a cough and the sniffles. The nurses said they could hear a little bit of rattling in his chest. Please pray that the antibiotics that he is on takes care of the problem and it doesn't get any worse. We ask that you continue to pray that the cancer cells say at 0% in his body. We are also asking prayers that his white blood count and hemoglobin count continues to climb, though we don't want them to climb too quickly because the doctors say that this could be a sign that the cancer is back. I am also asking you to pray for Daddy's spiritual and emotional strength through this trial . He has been very strong and feels God's love but as many know when you go through a trial it's hard to stay positive all the time . Dad has said that he is up for visitors, but please make sure that you are healthy. We want to say thank you for all the prayers on the behalf of Daddy and our family. It is very comforting to know so many are going before the throne on behalf of Daddy.
Jan 25, 2016
Last week Pat was diagnosed with acute leukemia and will be undergoing treatment at North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale for at least the next month.
Pat and Nancy are long time Church of God members in the Twin Cities area and would very much appreciate our prayers for God's intervention and comfort.
Nancy shared this: "I want to thank each and every person that is including I and Pat and our families in your prayers and thoughts. The word leukemia seems like such a big word and so overpowering right now. But to know all of your prayers are going up like incense before the throne of our mighty God is so comforting. We feel that power. We know God is on His throne and know He hears your prayers and that His love for us and our family is more than we can even grasp. Thanks again and know how much your love, thoughts and prayers mean to us."
Please pray for Pat's healing and that God will strengthen both Him, Nancy and their entire family at this difficult time.
Jan 22, 2016
Pat and Nancy, long time church of God members in the Twin Cities area, are requesting prayers for Pat who this week was diagnosed with acute leukemia. He will be staying at North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale, MN for at least a month undergoing treatment. The family asks for prayers for his healing, strength and comfort as they face this trial.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 18, 2016 - Gladys M. (Lewiston, ID)
Gladys is in the recovery process following a lower lumbar fusion procedure. Today while sitting in an adjustable office chair it lowered too quickly and she received a sudden jolt. Please pray there was no damage caused and that she can continue to steadily improve. The hospital advised that she rest with pain medication and then if the pain does not subside she will need to be checked. Overall she is doing well and the Morden's appreciate the love and prayers from everyone.
Apr 8, 2016 - Gladys M. (Lewiston, ID)
Gladys will be having a lower lumbar fusion and sciatic nerve repair procedure on Monday, April 11th. It will take 2.5 hours for each procedure beginning at 5:30 a.m. Sam and Gladys are requesting prayers that God will bless the operation from the beginning to the end with His loving care and healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 15, 2016 - Hopeton H. (St. Catherine, Jamaica)
In the previous prayer request on behalf of Hopeton Hepburn, a deacon in the Jamaica congregation, I had written that he was scheduled for surgery April 11. This is to inform you that his surgery was rescheduled by the hospital for next month, May 10, 2016. Kindly keep him and his sons in your prayers.
Feb 12, 2016
Prayers are requested for Hopeton, a deacon in the Jamaica congregation. He was diagnosed recently with prostate cancer and is scheduled to undergo surgery on Apr. 11, 2016. Hopteon lost his wife, Jackie, to breast cancer just before the Feast of Tabernacles in 2014, so kindly remember their two sons, Curt (a baptized member) and Dean-Paul (a student in high school) in your prayers as well.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 8, 2016 - Walter H. (Wooster, OH)
Thanks for your continuing prayers for Walter. He was released from the hospital late Saturday and has been recovering at home since then. He says that his kidneys seem to be working better from his perspective. He was in for a blood test yesterday (Monday) and the results that will come back on Thursday will tell a fuller story on kidney function. His energy level is still lower than normal as he told me I'm not quite "up for the gym" yet. He is eating but his appetite has not yet completely returned to normal. Overall he is pleased that things are progressing and wanted me to be sure to thank you all for your prayers and concern. As he said, "I'm on the edge of the woods, but not completely out, so I'd appreciate everyone's prayers!"

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 5, 2016 - Esther S. (Anaheim, CA)
This is a prayer request for Esther, wife of Garden Grove elder, Dan. Unfortunately, the cancer in Esther's body has returned after some 6 years of remission (initially, she had been given only 6 months of life). She is at home, lucid, and without pain unless when she is moved around, but her condition is quite serious.
Dec 24, 2013
This is Esther with an update. I've been doing quite well and even gained back some strength in the last few months. However, recent CT scans should a new, but very small tumor in the left lung which was treatable with cyber-knife therapy. The doctor does not expect it to be a problem as cyber knife has a very high rate of success. I'll have another CT in March to check on it. Thank you to all our brethren for their prayers and notes of encouragement. God is good and does hear us!
Feb 15, 2013
It has been several months since we [Dan and Esther] have sent an official update on Esther's cancer condition. It will be two years since she was diagnosed with 4th stage lung cancer and some tumors were later discovered in her brain. During the last year, Esther has gone through chemotherapy, whole brain radiation and gamma knife radiation. She has had some success with all this and, thankfully, her condition is considered stable at this time. Tumors have been shrinking and no new ones have appeared. The gamma knife radiation treatment resulted in getting rid of 10 small tumors that had shown up in the brain. Only 2 remain, and they have been reduced in size and are not expected to be a problem. They will be watched closely. The doctors are well pleased with Esther's progress and we are very thankful to recognize that our loving God and our Savior Jesus Christ, have been actively involved with us each step of the way through this long process of healing. We are thankful and encouraged by the prayers, cards, e-mails, and words of love that have been poured out to us by so many throughout Esther's sickness. Your continued prayers would be much appreciated.
Apr 21, 2011
Esther has metastatic lung cancer, stage 4 (non-small cell).

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 26, 2016 - Diane B. (Milford, OH)
The test results have come in and show cancer is in Diane's lymph system and is classified as Stage 2. Surgery to remove the tumor is scheduled for Friday, April 1 with further treatment to take place in about 6 weeks. Your prayers for God's wisdom and guidance through this process and for His healing are most appreciated and for God's intervention that the cancer has not affected too many lymph nodes.
Diane serves in the Home Office many ways including executive secretary. She writes: "It is difficult to put into words the heartfelt gratitude I feel for all the support - the cards, emails, offers to help and the many prayers have brought a sense of calm and peace - I wish I could thank each of you and return the comfort and peace you have given. Thank you for praying that good will come, not just for me, but also for all who are affected by health trials. God truly is the God of mercy - He knows exactly what we need and when we need it! Knowing that God is with me makes all the difference - no matter what the trial may be."

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 24, 2016 - Don M. (Vancouver, BC)
Don underwent amputation of his left leg on Monday. The doctors determined that the operation successful and Don was allowed to return to the Evergreen Care Home where he now resides. Don, an elderly member of the Vancouver congregation, has suffered with type 1 diabetes for several years. He had his right leg amputated earlier. He also lost his wife Vera to cancer in January. Don is very appreciative of the many prayers on his behalf and is in good spirits despite the ordeal.
Mar 20, 2016
Don will undergo amputation of his left leg as early as this Monday, March 21st. Doctors determined it is an emergency situation and needs to be carried out as soon as possible. Don, an elderly member of the Vancouver congregation, has suffered with type 1 diabetes for several years and had his right leg amputated earlier. He also lost his wife Vera to cancer in January. Don is aware that his life is in God's hands and has accepted his situation. Prayers for success of the surgery and recovery are greatly appreciated.
Nov 20, 2014
Vera and her husband Don have both been suffering from health issues for the past several months. Vera is battling Leukemia and her latest tests show the white blood cells too high and the red blood cells too low. She has lost weight and is often fatigued. She asks that brethren pray God will intervene and that her blood cell count will reverse. Her husband, Don, has diabetes and is on insulin. Prayers for Vera and Don would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 11, 2016 - Emma K. (Onamia, MN)
Emma's hernia surgery went well, but she has been experiencing quite a bit of pain and some nausea since the surgery. Please pray she feels better soon.
Mar 4, 2016
Prayers are requested for Emma, who will be having hernia surgery at 7am on Monday morning.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 10, 2016 - Noel M. (Rush City, MN)
Noel's surgery to install a pacemaker went very well yesterday. He called last night and said he is walking around and feeling better than he has felt in some time. If all goes as planned, he will be released from the hospital today.
He wanted me to express his gratitude to you all for your prayers, visits and encouragement through all this, and hopes to see all of us at services again very soon.
Mar 9, 2016
Noel had to be checked into Abbott Northwestern Hospital after experiencing a seriously low heart rate and struggling with passing out. He is scheduled for surgery tonight to have a pacemaker inserted. Doctors believe this will alleviate the issue.
Tina and Sam are with him, and Ken Cline and I anointed him this afternoon. They are requesting our prayers for God's intervention and healing for Noel.
The address of Abbott Northwestern Hospital is 800 E 28th St, Minneapolis.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 25, 2016 - Warren O. (Springfield, MO)
Warren, a deacon in the Springfield, Missouri congregation is scheduled to have triple bypass heart surgery on Monday, February 29th. He and his wife Joan would appreciate everyone's prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 24, 2016 - William and Lynnae M. (parents of Daisy R - Twin Cities, MN)
I just wanted to share this with everyone who has been praying for my Mom. She sent this update to me. I also want to say thank you to very one also.
"Well, hopefully I won't need to do too many more of these! At this time the heart is back to working well and I am beginning radiation. I know many think this is the wrong direction, but with at least a 50% chance of recurrence it's hard to stop at this point...I've already done so much and that was supposedly the hardest part. I'll be going to Silver everyday of the work week, home weekends, for 7 weeks. Today was my first day. Right now it's set up for 10:30am each morning. Hopefully there will be very few side affects.
Things seem better. I'm able to do more. Driving is OK-ed. Short walks with Zach are fine. Light yoga is OK-ed also. A little creative spark is returning.
Oct 14, 2015
I [Daisy] want to thank all of you for your prayers for my dad. He had his surgery today. All went well he is resting as comfortably at the hospitable in Albuquerque NM. Thanks to all of your support and prayers.
Oct 11, 2015
I want to thank everyone for the prayers for my parents. My dad's surgery is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 10-13-15. He had his pre-op on Friday and everything is set to go. He will be in the hospital for 7 to 10 days after surgery and then he will only be released to go home if my mom can prove that she has people lined up for the next 2 weeks 24-7 for in-home care. Right now my sister Annah is going to start the rotation. Because of the chemo treatments my mom does not qualify as a full time caregiver. Please pray that the surgery goes well and that his rehab and recovery goes smoothly.
Thank you all for the prayers and support.
Aug 14, 2015
Thank you all for your prayers. My parents also want to thank you they are very much appreciated at this time. Lynnae (my mom) had her first chemo treatment was last Thursday (8-6-15). It hit her pretty hard on Saturday. She has been felling the side affects all week. Her chemo treatment is very intense, four bags of chemo at one treatment every 21 days, 4 to 6 times. It is a test treatment that has been shown to work very well on the type of cancer she has. The doctors do see something in her abdomen but cannot biopsy it because of the organs that are in the way. We are all praying that this round of chemo will take care of all cancer she has and may have.
Will (my dad) is taking antibiotics for the Q-fever the infectious disease doctor found and is felling much better. His sugary is recommended to be scheduled in a month. He is on weight restrictions so we have been trying to help out as much as possible while we are here.
My one sister and her kids are here and we have been putting up food in the freezer and wood for the winter. Also my other two sisters and brother came down for the weekend so both Mom and Pop are very happy to have all their kids together in one place.
Thanks again for all your prayers.
Jul 17, 2015 - William and Lynnae M. (parents of Daisy R - Twin Cities, MN)
My dad's (Will) eczema is gone. Now he is waiting for the last of the infections disease tests to come back and the doctor to schedule the surgery. My dad found out he is going to need blood during his surgery and does not want to use blood bank blood. He is working on donating his own and maybe some from us kids.
My mom (Lynnae) got her port put in today (7-17) and had a full body scan the other day. She has 3 more appointments next week. They are moving ahead faster then she thought they would.
They are both in good spirits and want to thank everyone for your prayers.
Thank you,
Jun 23, 2015
Please pray for my (Daisy R.) dad and mom.
My dad has to have surgery to replace a valve and fix an aortic hernia. On Friday Dad finished the tests that are needed so far for his heart. There are no other issues that need to be addressed during the surgery but before he left the hospital on Friday he had broken out with a severe case of eczema on his face. He is scheduled to go to a dermatologist this week and hopes of get something to get rid of it. The heart doctor will not schedule the surgery until it is totally cleared up. His valve is not closing properly so he had no energy and the surgery needs to be done sooner than later.
My mom went in for a biopsy last Wednesday to test a lump in her breast. She got her results today. It is an aggressive duck carcinoma (cancer). So far they don't think it has spread out of that lump. She is setting up an appointment in La Cruces NM for a second opinion.
Please pray from them this is a lot for them to deal with and the close family is 5 hours away.
Mar 14, 2015
Please send out a prayer request for my [Daisy R.] mom. She was taken to the hospital yesterday early morning with enable confusion and not be able to remember much. She also had extremely high blood pressure. The ultra sound on her neck arteries etc. are fine. CAT scan looked good. No signs of a stroke. Getting a MRI and ECO today. If all are good she will be released with the diagnoses of a TGI (transient global amnesty). They don't know what causes it and it may not ever happen again. The TGI can last 2 days she is still having small forgetful spells. She needs to get home to NM. Please pray that her blood pressure will stay down and that she will be able to fly home with out having any confusion and forgetful spells.
Brought Mom home today. The MRI came back good. Nothing bleeding in the brain. The TGA seems to have be totally done. They can last up to almost 2 days and her blood pressure is doing good also. They say she should be able to fly back home just fine. She is going to stay in Indiana for a few days and then head home. Thanks for the prayers

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 19, 2016 - Anna R. (Austin, AR)
Anna, a deaconess in the Little Rock, Arkansas, congregation went to the doctor this week due to severe pain she has been experiencing in her back and hips. Anna was diagnosed with congenital spine deformities, scoliosis, and rheumatoid degenerative disc disease. She has bone spurs on every vertebrae, and her spine is twisted inward and curved. This is causing great pain and because of her condition, surgery is not an option. Treatment will include shots, medications and physical therapy. These are only short-term solutions, and unless God chooses to intervene at this time, Anna will be confined to a wheelchair. She and her husband, Charles, are requesting prayers, that it be God's will she is relieved of this trial at this time.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 19, 2016 - Andrea W. (Rochester, MN)
Last Sabbath morning Andrea passed out and had a couple of minor seizures. Here is an update from the family: We would like to thank everyone for their prayers on Andrea's and our behalf. We are very, very grateful. Andrea has been able to go back to college and is gaining strength. Thank-you everyone for your love and concern and prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 19, 2016 - Larry W. (Bend, OR)
On Monday of this past week, I experienced a very rapid and irregular heartbeat and lightheadedness while exercising. Karen drove me to the hospital in Bend, where I was diagnosed with dangerously high blood pressure and was hospitalized for three days. I was discharged Wednesday night with prescriptions and recovery protocol designed to gradually lower my blood pressure to a safe level, which may take a month or two. One of the requirements will be to avoid stress, so I will need to stay home during that time and not have contact with anyone that could be stressful. So Karen is taking all phone calls, and my assistant pastor, Jeff Richards and others will be filling in for me regarding pastoral duties. Your prayers for my healing and recovery (which we and the doctors anticipate) will be much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 11, 2016 - Michelle M. (Patos de Minas Brazil)
Michelle and her parents wish to express their thanks to God for His wonderful mercy and also to thank all the brethren for the outpouring of care, concern and prayers evident by the many cards they received. The result of the tests is that God has intervened and the lesion is benign. They are just so overjoyed and grateful. The doctors still recommend a removal of the lesion, to be scheduled at a later time, and she is following a stricter diet.
Jan 14, 2016
Michelle, daughter of Giovane and Laura M. in Brazil, had an endoscopy today and a lesion was found in her stomach, which is being tested to determine if it is malignant or not. Her parents are asking for your prayers and that the result of her analyses be as per the Father's will, and that He may intervene in that result so that it may be benign. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 6, 2016 - Charijean T. (Tacloban, PI)
Charijean Faith T., a four year old girl who was hospitalized due to dengue fever and had been in a critical condition due to enlargement of the liver and fluid accumulation in the lungs, is now completely healed. She had been in the hospital for 7 days and was discharged on Thursday, February 4, 2016. Her father, Mr. Marvin Tuario of the Cebu City congregation extends the following message: "Our dear brethren, in behalf of my family, I'm very happy and grateful to all of you for your fervent prayers for the healing of my daughter. We praise God for answering our prayers and thank Him for His intervention and miraculous healing. Thank you and God bless you!" Tacloban City, PI

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 5, 2016 - Alvin M. (Laurie M's father)
Alvin is still recovering from having quintuple bypass surgery last Friday. A pacemaker was implanted this Friday, and the procedure went well. He is still on oxygen, but his color is good and he seems to be doing better. Thank you all for your prayers.
Jan 29, 2016
Alvin had quintuple bypass surgery Friday morning. The mitral valve fell apart during surgery, but the surgeon was able to put another in without losing him. Also a temporary pacemaker was put in because much of the top of his heart is not working because of a previous heart attack. During surgery they found a hematoma below the heart that appeared to be abscessed. The surgery was much longer than expected - 10 hours - so they might have to put him on kidney dialysis. It seems a miracle that he survived up until the surgery, and the surgery itself. Your prayers are very much appreciated.
Jan 22, 2016
From Laurie: My dad's severe bladder infection has finally cleared. He was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday. He is now trying to get stronger from being bedridden for 2 weeks, and has an appointment on Monday with the surgeon. Hopefully he will find out when the open heart surgery will be scheduled. Thank for all the prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 4, 2016 - Floyd K. (Orr, MN)
I [Pauline] am writing to request prayers for our dad, Floyd K. In preparation for knee surgery, tests revealed a partial blockage in at least one of the coronary arteries. He will be undergoing an angiogram here in Phoenix instead of knee surgery. Prayers for the scheduling and outcome will be greatly appreciated. Pauline, JR and family.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 29, 2016 - Marie H. (Mobile, AL)
Marie's doctors told her that the recent tests revealed she is now cancer free! The doctor reading the scan said he had to go back and look at it the second time to be sure, but confirmed the results showed no cancer present at this time. All of us are rejoicing over God's intervention for Marie. She wishes to thank all of her brothers and sisters for the cards of encouragement and especially their prayers for her healing. Marie will be given chemo treatments for a time, but at a much reduced strength. She is still very weak and requests your continued prayers for her strength to return soon.
Dec 4, 2015
Marie, of the Mobile, Alabama, congregation, is now in the hospital with an infection in her blood. They have to continue giving her blood because her body isn't producing any. Her potassium and magnesium levels are low and her white blood cell count is zero, which means her immune system is also zero. Please continue to ask for God's healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 27, 2016 - Chester B. (Arcanum, OH)
Diana B., a member in the Dayton, Ohio congregation, is requesting prayers for her husband, Chester. He is in the hospital with a staph infection. Last Friday surgery was performed on his hip to clean out the infection. However, the doctors had to stop surgery due to complications. Although they postponed further efforts until Monday, January 25, they determined he was not yet stable enough. They expect to try again in a couple of days. Chester is in critical condition on life support. His kidneys have shut down and he is on dialysis. He is sedated, but is in severe pain. Please pray that his pain will be lessened and that his strength can return so the needed surgery can be performed. Please also pray for his complete healing and recovery, as well as comfort for Diana and the entire family.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 25, 2016 - Jerry S. (Lincoln, NE)
Jerry had his six-month post-operation checkup on January 20 and received excellent news. Tests, including CT scan with dye, showed no trace of cancer in the tongue/mouth/jaw area at all! His thyroid shows no damage from the radiation. The marble-sized skin transplant from his arm to the back of his tongue has taken perfectly and now just has to be tidied up, including laser zapping (to use the technical term) the few hairs growing there and smoothing it out. Also, a small fatty tumor on his arm will be removed at the same time. It is a major relief for Jerry and all of us to get this news! He wants to thank everyone for their prayers and many cards and support!
Sept 24, 2015
Jerry is home from the care facility where he stayed after his operation to remove tongue cancer. This operation was successful, and he is convalescing slowly. He has had God's help with many interventions along the way, but is still coping with a number of serious issues: weakness in his neck and shoulder (cut nerves) and wrist (where replacement tissue was harvested), edema due to lost lymph nodes, numbness on the right side of his head, and several other things of serious concern. For the first time ever, he will not be able to attend the Feast this year. Your continued prayers for Jerry's healing are appreciated! He wishes to thank all those who have prayed, sent cards, and expressed support through this ordeal.
Jun 18, 2015
On June 15, Jerry had a biopsy, and doctors determined that his radiation therapy (January-March) had not killed the cancer, a small one-half inch lump located at the base of his tongue just above the epiglottis. It seems radiation is ineffective in 15 to 20 percent of these cases. The surgeon says that he must now have the cancer removed soon - along with several lymph nodes in his neck.
The 5 to 6-hour surgery (considered risky because of the location) is scheduled for July 9 with the expectation of several days in the hospital. He will not be able to eat food by mouth for three weeks, so will have a feeding tube of some sort. His surgeon said that the surgery will not affect his ability to speak, but could affect his ability to swallow properly. So, Jerry still has to go forward with the surgery, but now has to deal with the side effects of the radiation (dry mouth because of damaged salivary glands, lack of taste, radiation damage to the teeth and lymphatic system of the face and neck, difficulty swallowing - a dozen in all).
This is an unwelcome setback. Jerry has put this in God's hands, and feels he should do what he can rather than do nothing. He wishes to thank all who have prayed for him and sent cards. It hasn't been possible to answer them all. He now asks our brethren for continued prayers as "the challenge continues."
Jan 22, 2015
Jerry has cancer of the tongue. It's so far back on his tongue that it cannot be operated on, so he must endure the ravages of radiation therapy as his only (physical) option. Cancer specialists have warned him about a daunting list of challenges from the treatments including possible depression, weight loss, swallowing problems, loss of teeth, effects on vocal cords, and dry mouth. So, Jerry requests your prayers and thanks you in advance, as he begins daily radiation therapy treatments January 26. Please pray that God heals him and delivers him from these possible side effects.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 15, 2016 - Jean V. (Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka)
Prayers are requested for Jean V., a member of the Sri Lankan congregation. On Dec. 23 her family noticed that her eyes were not focused properly but Jean was not aware of the focusing problem. She was taken to her doctor and the doctor diagnosed the problem as a mild stroke. Jean is a professional singer and recently she unknowingly swallowed some disinfectant that was left in a water bottle on the band stand from which she was singing. She was again rushed to the hospital and fortunately for her, she managed to regurgitate most of what she had swallowed before she reached the hospital. She recovered enough to be able to return to the hotel and continue singing. Now she is having terrible neck pain and is finding it difficult to even turn her head. She was taken back to the doctor and he diagnosed her condition as cervical spondylosis. She is now being treated with acupuncture and has to wear a surgical collar to support her neck. Your prayers for Jean's complete healing would be much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 1, 2016 - Ron R. (Andalusia, AL)
Prayers are requested for Ronald (Ron) R. of the DeFuniak Springs, Florida, congregation. Ron fell recently, injuring his head. The doctors were able to relieve pressure that had built up due to a blood leakage in his brain, but he is not recovering as well as expected. Additionally, there is a blood clot near the back of his brain they are concerned about. An EKG revealed some problems with his heart and he is also on dialysis. Please pray for God's merciful intervention in Ron's behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 28, 2015 - Susanna B. (Lexington, VA)
Susanna was at the oncologist on Dec. 23rd. All looks good. They are also going to refer her to a nutritionist that is knowledgeable on all her issues. She wants to thank everyone for their thoughts & prayers.
Jun 3, 2015
Susanna (Susi), of the Roanoke congregation, requests prayer that her kidneys would be healed and function normally. Prayer is also requested for a speedy recovery from her abdominal surgery that is scheduled for June 29. She additionally asks that we pray for her mother and brother to be healed emotionally.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 27, 2015 - Candace A. (Whitefish, MT)
Candace has post phlebitic syndrome in both legs from blood clots she had in her twenties, along with immune system problems. In 2007, she had 90% of her small intestine removed & had a resection of her large intestine, so she has a lot of problems from that, mostly mal-absorption & electrolyte balance. Thank you for your concern & continued prayers.
Aug 26, 2014
Candace has digestive & immune system imbalances. Tests recently showed she has low magnesium, & she received an IV to correct this. She is not able to absorb the nutrients she needs & has low hormone levels as well.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 20, 2015 - Joel A. (Davao City, Philippines)
Prayer is requested for Joel A., a member of the Butuan City congregation. He has been agonizing from both kidney and bladder stones (the biggest of which is about 2 cm in his urinary bladder). The preferred remedy is non-invasive surgery called a Cystolitholapaxy or Lithotripsy (a procedure wherein the stones are disintegrated using laser light and ultrasound methods). However, the family is still trying to raise funds for the purpose. Some government help is being solicited, but it is a long tedious process and which may not eventually be substantial to meet this need. Your prayers are requested that God will relieve him of his pain and provide the financial help needed for this surgery.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 11, 2015 - Galen M. (Rockford, IL)
My initial diagnosis of was the return of prostate cancer after 9 years. Radiation therapy was delayed due to newer processes coming available. The initiation and implementation of these procedures is now complete. I am feeling in fine health with no unmanageable side effects. I have begun the first stages of therapy where meds are used to temporarily "put the cancer growth to sleep". In January, 2016, the originally planned radiation therapy will begin & go for 7 weeks. The statistics show a much higher success rate with this newer form of combined therapies. Of course, we all understand our Father, the true Healer, is in charge. His decisions and actions are what ultimately matter. Thank you for your prayers, cards, letters, and good thoughts.
May 22, 2015
Galen, age 68, an elder in the Beloit and Wisconsin Dells congregations, has been diagnosed with a slow-growing type of prostate cancer. After 9 years being cancer free after a radical prostatectomy, the cancer has returned. Galen will begin a 7 week course of radiation next month. He was anointed and has put this all into God's hands in faith. Your prayers are earnestly requested for God's healing and restoration.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 9, 2015 - Mark M. (Spokane, WA)
Mark, the pastor of Spokane, WA, three other congregations in that area and also is senior pastor of 7 countries in Africa, has been diagnosed with serious prostate cancer. It is a very malignant form of prostate cancer that is common with men who have served in Vietnam and who were exposed to Agent Orange. Mark did serve in Vietnam and was exposed to Agent Orange. This type of cancer tends to spread quickly through the body. The doctors at the VA Hospital were very concerned that it has spread to Mark's bones and now have the results of the tests to check to see if that has happened. They called Mark to give him the results but Mark was in meetings and missed the call.
Mark is a member of the Council of Elders and was in Cincinnati for the meetings that are presently taking place but the doctors have asked him to leave the meetings and come home to meet with them tomorrow, Wednesday. Mark is doing that. Please pray for Mark and his wife, Michelle. I'm sorry to say that she is in very poor health and there are days when she has had to spend most of the day in bed.
I have Mark and Michelle's address but I feel it's best to wait for a definitive diagnosis and prognosis before we send cards. Meanwhile we can ask for God to intervene for both Mark and Michelle.
I want to add that Mark's experiences in combat have made him the most fearless man I know. He loves God and trusts that whatever God brings his way will be what is good for him.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 5, 2015 - Kelley K. (Dusseldorf, Germany)
Kelley returned home from the hospital on Monday afternoon. They want him to have a blood check in one week because of the stones still in his gallbladder. He will soon have to have his gallbladder removed. Thank you for your prayers.
Nov 27, 2015
Kelley (Sandi W's son) had surgery to remove gallstones earlier this week. The sedation didn't go smoothly, and he had a hard time waking up. Because of other complications they induced a light coma, for a short while, to keep him from pulling out the tubes that were needed. The head scan on Thursday did not show any damage but they are going to do an MRI Friday to check again to be sure. He is now awake, but very groggy and they say he may need 1 or 2 more days to fully wake up. He is also throwing up occasionally and they think it is another side effect of the over sedation. If all goes well, they said they will probably release him Monday or Tuesday. Kelley and his wife Emily are new parents of Liam Joseph, born October 6th. Sandi has extended her visit in Germany to help, and hopes to return home next Wednesday.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 3, 2015 - Hans A. (British Columbia, Canada)
Hans, who attends services with the Vancouver Island congregation is requesting prayers. He was diagnosed recently with inoperable stage 4 esophageal cancer. Hans is not yet a member, but has requested anointing and is placing his faith in God's hands. Please add him to your prayer list and importune our merciful Creator to bless this newly called man.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 12, 2015 - Leon W. (Cambridge, OH)
Leon, a deacon in the Cambridge, OH congregation would appreciate your prayers. Leon is 82 years old and has been a long-time servant, baptized in 1967. His health has been deteriorating and this year was the first Feast of Tabernacles he has ever missed since being called. Just the other day he was taken to the hospital by ambulance, after falling a couple times in his home. While in the hospital they determined he has pneumonia and some form of infection in his bloodstream. He is presently on I.V. fluids and antibiotics, as well as oxygen. I visited him today and although he was tired and short of breath, as would be expected, he didn't run out of his vast library of jokes, wit and humor. Leon knows that God is in charge of everything and would appreciate your prayers for healing now, if that be God's will. A card of encouragement (and certainly any humorous ones) would certainly brighten his day!

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 6, 2015 - Raul E. (Baguio City, Philippines)
Raul was released from the Baguio General Hospital last November 4 and is presently recuperating at home. He was diagnosed as having suffered a mild stroke the previous week. His eyesight is somewhat affected and is likewise suffering from gout which makes it difficult for him to stand. The brethren are requested to continue to pray for his condition to improve and be healed completely from his ailments.
Nov 1, 2015
Eliza requests your prayers for the healing and full recovery of her husband, Raul E. who suffered a stroke October 28 after he was admitted to Baguio General Hospital. Raul has undergone MRI and the results may be known tomorrow. In the meantime he has also developed a fever and a chest x-ray shows he has pneumonia. His right foot is likewise swollen due to arthritis. Both Eliza and Raul are longtime Church members.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 4, 2015 - Mike M. (Zimbabwe)
Mike, our elder in Zimbabwe, has been suffering from severe depression and is undergoing testing and treatment at a hospital in Harare. The medication he had been taking caused significant problems and kept him from attending the Feast of Tabernacles this year. Please pray for God's intervention so he can recover.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 21, 2015 - Neil W. (Southern Africa)
Some good news regarding Neil from his wife, Isella, now that they have returned home from the hospital. She says "Neil's not looking too good but he'll be fine." Now it's time for Neil to heal from the 'killer bee' stings. Thank you to everyone for their prayers and concern. Please continue to pray for his full healing.
Oct 20, 2015
Neil and Isella W. were attacked and chased by a swarm of African Bees while walking on their farm earlier today. They began to run in different directions, and the bees went after Neil. These bees can be extremely dangerous, especially as to how one's body reacts. Neil is now unable to see, his blood pressure is low and he's having difficulty breathing. Isella was also stung a few times but was able to get away from the bees. Neil has been put on an adrenaline drip. The doctor is "literally standing over him watching how he is reacting to the bee poison." Every minute counts, as this is very serious. Please pray for God to help him through this and to completely heal him.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 16, 2015 - David C. (North Bay, ON, Canada)
Prayers are requested for David, a member of the Toronto, Ontario, congregation. David is suffering from advanced lung cancer. His body has reached the point of being saturated and the doctors can do nothing more for him. David's faith is firm, but he is discouraged about how weak he is. Prayers for God's will to be done would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 16, 2015 - Joyce M. (Dallas TX)
Ralph sent this update on Thursday: I'm very happy to report that Joyce is resting well with no breathing problems and no pain. She had hundreds of prayers from loved ones, friends, brethren and many folks that only know of her from various prayer groups. Plus with the anointings from Don Finger and Dave Johnson, we're seeing the positive results of God's blessings. We are very thankful! God has once again blessed us and is seems quite obvious and that's not only to Joyce and I but lots of other folks comment on it too. She's been active in meal preparation and now is feeling up to attending a volleyball game that our granddaughter is playing in tonight. She's also looking forward to attending services here in Dallas this coming Sabbath.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 16, 2015 - Chelsea H. (Twin Cities, MN)
We [Steve/Hellen] wanted to provide an update on our daughter in law's breast cancer.
Chelsea is having a double mastectomy on Friday 10-16 at United Hospital in St. Paul, Again, we are asking for prayers for Chelsea & Aaron and the doctors performing the surgery. We have learned that this type of cancer is very aggressive.
Surgery is supposed to take 4-5 hours. Chelsea, Aaron & we thank you for your prayers.
Sept 15, 2015
Steven & Helen H. are requesting prayers for their son Aaron's wife Chelsea, who was just diagnosed with breast cancer. Chelsea just had an MRI on Monday. They are meeting with the surgeon on Thursday to determine what her options are. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated for God's comfort, guidance, intervention & healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 15, 2015 - Roy H. (Batavia, OH)
Words cannot describe the anguish we feel about Roy following his stroke this past Sabbath morning! It was fortunate that Norma was able to sense that Roy was unconscious in bed and called 911. On the day before, Roy and I talked a few times on the telephone about Ministerial and Member Services matters and there appeared no sign of any problems.
Roy had a blood clot in the right side of the brain affecting the left side of his body. There was swelling from the hemorrhaging, but it has not put undue pressure on his skull. It is not increasing, but neither is it decreasing as of this writing.
I visited last with him this morning, Thursday, October 15. He is resting and is slowly able to communicate with those around him. He is still being given tests to determine the level of needed rehabilitation therapy. We will know more about his actual state in a few days.
Oct 10, 2015
We ask for your prayers for Roy, who suffered a stroke early Sabbath morning. He does not have feeling on his left side. The extent of damage is not known and they are running tests to determine the full extent.
Roy's wife, Norma, called us about 1:45 a.m. We live about a half mile away. The ambulance took him to the hospital and there I anointed him. He was immediately given a CT scan. In a few hours he was moved to a conventional hospital room.
Please pray for Roy, Norma and the entire family. Roy is a faithful servant and one with whom I work most closely. We need him!

<  > Prayer Update - Sept 11, 2015 - Cynthia E. (Manila, PI)
I would like to thank the brethren for their prayers for my healing and speedy recovery. Thank you too for your concern and the numerous get well cards. I have been comforted and encouragement when I most needed it. Please continue to remember me in your prayers both for God's guidance and as I undergo further treatment which will resume after the Feast.
Aug 20, 2015
Cynthia and I went back to the hospital yesterday to get the results of her biopsy test and to undergo further examination and testing. The biopsy results reveal that the middle to the right side of her removed thyroid has papillary micro carcinoma. We are thankful to God and the prayers of the brethren that the carcinoma was detected early and removed at its micro stage and seemed to have not yet affected the neighboring tissues of her removed thyroid. Further tests and procedures, however, will still have to be conducted on her these following weeks to determine the most appropriate treatment for her condition. We are requesting our beloved brethren to please continue to pray for God's continued divine intervention for her complete recovery and healing from her ailment and that she may not be prevented from keeping any of God's upcoming Feast Days.
Aug 6, 2015 - Cynthia E. (Manila, PI)
Cynthia would like to thank all the brethren for all their prayers and concern for her. Her surgical operation went very well yesterday afternoon. She is now on her way to recovery and may be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. We would like to request the brethren however, to continue praying for her complete recovery and healing.
Jul 29, 2015
Cynthia, of the Manila congregation, requests the prayers of the brethren. She has been diagnosed to have multinodular non-toxic goiter, bilateral and she has been scheduled to undergo total thyroidectomy on August 5 at the Makati Medical Center. The diagnosis on her right thyroid was suspicious for papillary carcinoma. Please pray for the successful surgical operation and for her complete healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 4, 2015 - Pat W. (Grand Rapids, MN)
Pat continues to grow weaker. Her heart problem - is causing fluid buildup in her lungs, which makes it more difficult to breath. She uses a nebulizer as much as she is allowed. But, through it all, she stays in pretty good spirits.
Aug 28, 2015
Pat was admitted to the ICU this week with congestive heart failure. She has now been moved to a nursing home and is still in need of prayers. The doctor doesn't give her long to live. She is enjoying spending extra time with her family. She especially wants to thank the brethren for your prayers. This is her new address:
Aug 27, 2015
Dorothy Y. is requesting prayers for her aunt Pat W. who is suffering from congestive heart failure. Doctors have told her that her heart valves are not working properly, allowing backward leakage they feel is not treatable. They do not expect her to live much longer and she is being moved to an assisted care facility.
Please pray that God will intervene for Pat and provide her complete healing, either in this age or the next.

<  > Prayer Request - Sept 1, 2015 - Rosanno A. (Davao City, PI)
Rosanno suffered a second stroke on Sunday, August 30. His speech and walking ability have been affected and he has lost much of his strength. He requests the prayers of our brethren that God may heal him speedily and so he can attend the Feast of Tabernacles.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 24, 2015 - Grandpa C. (Duluth, MN)
Jauna L. of our Duluth congregation, is requesting prayers for her Grandpa Combs who is suffering with congestive heart failure and a respiratory infection. He is 91 years old.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 24, 2015 - Starlit W.
Thank you for your prayers for Starlit W. She was able to come home from the hospital Friday afternoon. Her C. diff. infection appears to be under control with the antibiotics, and her leg wound is healing nicely. She's still in a lot of pain though and we appreciate your continued prayers. Thank you so much!
Aug 21, 2015
Prayers are requested for Starlit, mother of Sarah G. Starlit was bitten by a dog on 7/30 and spent 11 nights in the hospital treating the infection and wound. She came home on 8/12, but was re-admitted yesterday, 8/19 because she contracted C. diff., a bad bacterial infection that one can get while being treated by numerous antibiotics. C. diff can be difficult to treat. Please pray that God would heal her of this vicious bacteria. Thank you for your previous prayers re: her dog bite wound. It is healing nicely but still has a ways to go.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 20, 2015 - Melanie D. (Calgary, Canada)
Melanie writes: "I saw my surgeon on Monday, August 10, 2015, after a right total mastectomy with sentinel lymph node dissection and he informed me that there was no cancer in the lymph nodes. He removed a 3 cm tumor and all the margins were clear. I am officially cancer-free. All the fervent prayers from many brethren around the world have been answered and I am eternally grateful. I still have healing and recovery with, possibly, two more surgeries for reconstruction in the coming months."
Feb 15, 2015
Melanie has recently been diagnosed with invasive ductile carcinoma, an aggressive breast cancer. Good news is what they originally thought had spread into her lymph nodes, bones and elsewhere has all come back as not spread at all. She will be starting her 6-month chemotherapy today (February 16). Because it is aggressive, she will be losing her beautiful hair, but plans on having a head shaving party and to get fitted with some stylish wigs next week. Once those treatments are done, it will be safe enough to proceed with surgery for a mastectomy. Melanie is the mother of four children who all attend with her.
The other day, Melanie told her sister Heidi that "You know how when you go through trials, you can tell who your friends are? Well, I had no idea how many friends I had." She is an amazing woman, and is upbeat and positive. She is working closely with a naturopath as well to help keep her immune system strong, as well as to starve out that cancer with alkaline rich foods.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love and support. The family appreciates your prayers and fasting to beseech God's healing hands. When one member suffers, we all suffer, and James:5:16 says: "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 14, 2015 - Andrew M. (Parkinson, Queensland Australia)
Andrew would like to express his deep heartfelt thanks for the many brethren worldwide who have been praying for him during his health trial. He visited his practitioner on Monday, Aug. 3, for a checkup while he was home on a break from university. The news was that his body is now virus free. He now is working on building his body's immune system back up to fight anything that might arise in the future. He knows that God has been instrumental in guiding him to the right people and he is very thankful for the prayers offered on his behalf to be healed. He has appreciated all the cards that he has received from brethren and congregations around the world and is humbled that the Church family reached out to someone so far away.
Feb 20, 2015
Andrew would like to thank all the brethren for their prayers and cards during this health trial that has afflicted him for the last eight months. He has been guided to a person who has finally given him answers and a treatment regime that is based within natural medicine. The underlying problem has been a virus in his kidneys. He has been given some medication that has improved his overall well-being. Though he still feels general discomfort and pain, he is moving forward, and will be able to move to the university and start his nursing studies this year. He asks for continued prayers as his body fights the viruses that the practitioner is working on healing over the next couple of months.
Dec 12, 2014
Andrew would like to thank everyone for the prayers and cards that he has received. He asks for your continued prayers as he is still within this frustrating health trial. The pain has lessened to where he is having some good days and bad days. He has found that sitting in a pool eases the pressure on his body. Unfortunately, this week he was taken to the hospital again suffering tremendous pain all over his body. In the last two weeks his legs have started to tingle, go numb and burn, and he has had bouts of paralysis to the point that he is unable to move his legs at all for short periods of time. The recommendation from the doctors is for him to go to a rheumatologist. We are praying that God guides him to a practitioner that can give answers and a treatment regime and help him get on the track for a pain-free life. He appreciates the prayers and encouragement he has received from brethren around the world.
Aug 8, 2014
Prayers are asked for Andrew, 21-year-old son of David and Jodie M. of Brisbane, Australia. He is currently in hospital and has been diagnosed with Costochondritis. It is an extremely painful inflammation of the joints and cartilage of the rib cage. The pain can be so severe that it can mimic the pain of a heart attack. The pain is a constant nine out of 10 and because he has been unable to take in full breaths due to the pain, his right lung has partially collapsed. He has not been able to function properly due to this condition. In extreme cases the pain can take up to a year to resolve. Andrew is asking for God's intervention to take away the pain and heal him.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 14, 2015 - Opal S. (Twin Cities, MN)
Opal recently had an angiogram to open up the arteries in both her legs. Since then she has had complications that have caused infection to set in. Thursday morning she had surgery to remove dead and infected tissue. The surgery seems to have gone well, but she still has many months of recovery. She is diabetic, which makes healing more problematic.
Jul 24, 2015
This week Opal had an angiogram to open up the arteries in both her legs, primarily the thigh areas. There are constrictions in her lower legs, but the doctor hopes that the increased blood flow from the upper legs will help open up the lower vessels. Kevin reports that there will be a care conference on Monday to discuss options. Please pray for her heart and the circulation in her legs.
Jul 18, 2015
(Opal is Kevin A's mother) An EKG showed that Opal has had a heart attack in the last five years. She is to undergo a stress test soon to see how her heart is doing. She also has very poor circulation in her legs and will need to undergo an angiogram to open up the arteries in both legs. Please pray for her heart and the circulation in her legs.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 11, 2015 - Markeisha S. (Visayas, PI)
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. and Grace C. would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all the brethren worldwide in praying for the successful surgery of their nine (9) months old daughter, Markeisha Grace due to intestinal intussusception. The child is now recovering and the healing process is seen in her physical condition. They are also very much grateful for the prayers of comfort, strength and peace for their family. The child is scheduled for discharge from the hospital today. The couple is deeply enjoining everyone for their continued prayers for Markeisha's complete recovery and healing.
Aug 7, 2015
At about 4:00 a.m. today (August 7), nine month old Markeisha Grace S., was rushed to Divine Word Hospital in Tacloban City due to vomiting. The child's parents Mr. & Mrs. Mark Reynan S. as well as Grace C. suspected beforehand that the cause of vomiting, which started late afternoon yesterday, was just an ordinary stomach upset. But ultrasound results showed that she suffered intestinal intussusception, a medical condition that needed urgent surgical intervention. The surgery took place at 4:00 p.m. today. During the procedure, it was also found that Markeisha's appendix was swollen. It was removed so as to prevent further complications. The operation was successful and Markeisha is now recovering. Your prayers for her continued and full recovery and healing are requested.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 7, 2015 - Dennis P. (Daphne, AL)
Your prayers are requested for Dennis, a recently baptized member of God's church. Dennis, who had surgery for throat cancer, is now going through radiation and chemotherapy. Your prayers for his speedy and thorough recovery would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 1, 2015 - Rafael R. (Cleveland, OH)
Rafael would appreciate your prayers. He and his wife, Carmen, have dealt with Rafael's extended health trial since April 2013, when Rafael injured his shoulder on the job. Delays in the workman's compensation processing have complicated the medical treatment. On Wednesday, July 22, Rafael had his fourth surgery on the shoulder, as the joint replacement has not "held" in place. Within 24 hours, the surgery failed again. The surgeons now believe the replacement joint itself is defective. He is undergoing his fifth surgery to once again replace the joint. Pain treatment is difficult due to Rafael's allergic reaction to many common pain medications.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 24, 2015 - Emily B. (Utterson, ON Canada)
Your prayers are requested for 16-year-old Emily, of the Toronto, Ontario, congregation. Emily has been suffering from a viral infection for over a year. As a result of her illness she struggles with a host of symptoms such as headaches, serious heat and pressure in her head, lethargy, joint pain, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, stomach pain and ear infections. Most of this past school year she did her lessons at home, with some help from a tutor, as she was not well enough to go to class. By this summer, she had improved to the point of holding a part-time job, but recently she had had a relapse and has been back in bed with severe symptoms. She was excited and looking forward to attending camp Heritage this year, but based on her current condition she does not have the strength to go unless God intervenes. The family asks for your prayers to restore her to full health and vitality in time to go to camp and to be able to enjoy and participate in the activities. Church family and friends mean a lot to Emily and hold a special place in her heart. She and her family are hoping that she can spend time with these special people in a special environment.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 24, 2015 - Garry L. (Barrie, ON Canada)
After 4 months of suffering from radiation and hormone treatments for aggressive prostate cancer, we received the wonderful news last Friday that the cancer has gone into remission and I don't have to visit the oncologist until next February. My wife Emmie and I wholeheartedly thank God for his intervention and helping us through a very trying time. We learned many valuable lessons We also want to thank the brethren worldwide for the many prayers, cards, letters, phone calls and e mails that kept coming throughout this time. It is impossible to answer them all individually. They served to make us realize how much we are part of a loving body of brothers and sisters travelling in the same direction and looking for the same City where pain and suffering will end forever.
May 13, 2015
Your collective and earnest prayers for Garry would be greatly appreciated. Garry is an elder who has faithfully served God's people for many years in the Toronto, Hamilton and Kitchener, Ontario, churches.
A short time ago, Garry was diagnosed with prostate cancer which has caused him many sleepless nights. His doctor prescribed radiation treatments to reduce the size of the prostate, but also advised him that a very small percentage of individuals end up with a urinary tract infection after the treatments. Garry has fallen into that small percentage and is now suffering with extreme pain and discomfort as a result. Unfortunately the strong pain medication that he has been prescribed is not helping and is actually adding further intestinal problems.
Garry would deeply appreciate the combined effort of the brethren in beseeching our heavenly father for relief from the pain and additional problems caused by the current medication.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 20, 2015 - Amber T. (Gilbertville, MA)
Robert and Amber T. of our Worcester, Massachusetts congregation are grateful for your prayers for Amber's Lyme disease symptoms. These were brought on by the tick bite Amber received about four weeks ago. She has improved considerably from the Bell's palsy. Amber is continuing with her course of antibiotics and her pregnancy appears to be progressing well. Robert and Amber are also facing an eviction notice from the home adding to the stress they have been under. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Jul 9, 2015
Amber is progressing through the symptoms of Lyme disease brought on by a tick bite several weeks ago. Her latest symptom is Bell's Palsy, a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on the side of the face. Amber has been on a course of antibiotics to stop the progression of the disease. There is concern for the baby Amber carries in her womb.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 18, 2015 - Sharon B. (Sparta, MI)
Sharon underwent successful heart bypass surgery last Friday, July 10. She is still in the hospital recovering. The doctors are pleased with the surgery and her recovery so far. It all has gone as they had expected. Sharon is currently in the Spectrum Health Meijer Heart Center in Grand Rapids. She thanks everyone for their prayers, cards and letters of encouragement. They have been a great source of comfort to her. She told me just before they took her in for surgery she was at peace because she was in God's hands.
Jun 12, 2015
Sharon, widow of Charles B., who served as an elder in the Church, was diagnosed with two completely blocked arteries at her heart and another with significant restrictions. She is scheduled for bypass surgery July 10 at the Devos Heart Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She will have three or four bypasses done to ease the blockages. Sharon has been experiencing shortness of breath for some time and has finally been told why. She is requesting prayers that everything will go smoothly without any complications.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 17, 2015 - J.R. W. (Hendersonville, TN)
J.R., a long-time member in the Nashville congregation, had medical tests this week at the Sara Cannon Cancer Center. Spots were found on his liver and the doctor requested a biopsy be taken. It was determined today that J.R. has metastasis small cell carcinoma stage 4 cancer which began in his lungs. J.R. will return to the cancer center on Monday, July 20th in order to determine what type of chemotherapy would be recommended. J.R. and his wife Helen request your prayers for God's merciful healing and that He would see them through this trial.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 17, 2015 - Caroline W. (Terre Haute, IN)
Caroline collapsed last week, July 9, while picking blueberries in her garden. Caroline suffered a stroke that has affected her right side and she is in the Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis. She was operated on to relieve the pressure in her brain and a blood clot about the size of a tomato was removed.
So far, Caroline's brain is swollen and she is still not awake. The doctor has said that it could take weeks or even a year before she wakes up - there's no way of knowing and that all they can do is wait. Caroline moved her left arm this week when the nurse was pinching her, trying to get her to move. This is also the side that they said was paralyzed, so that is good news. The children are requesting prayers and are seeking God's intervention for the best outcome and healing for their mother, a long time church member.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 10, 2015 - Jerry P. (Tucson AZ)
Jerry was admitted to Northwest Hospital in Tucson several weeks ago for a surgical repair on his colon, and then subsequently developed pneumonia. An arterial blockage around his heart was later discovered. Your prayers are requested for Jerry's recovery as well as for his wife Evelyn, who has been by his side constantly.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 10, 2015 - Linda H. (Avon, OH)
Linda, a member of the Cleveland, Ohio, congregation, and her husband, Hal, who serves as a deacon there, would very much appreciate your prayers. She has suffered from generalized autonomic dysfunction disease for well over a decade, having been diagnosed in 2004. This disease randomly attacks the body's involuntary processes, causing difficulties with many organs and operations of the body. Linda was recently told that the disease is greatly weakening the function of her kidneys; since this is how the body cleanses itself from toxins, it is a serious concern. Due to the nature of the overall condition, a kidney transplant is generally not an option.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 10, 2015 - Lu K. (Greenwich, OH)
Lu continues to make good progress in her recovery from the injuries she suffered in the June 6 automobile accident that killed her husband of nearly 50 years, Karl. Mr. K's funeral will be conducted July 27. Lu had the casts from her left arm and lower left leg removed yesterday. Though she still can't put weight on her left foot, and has to wear an air (pressure) cast on her leg much of time, she can now make much faster progress in physical and occupational therapy. She will have another overall physical examination on July 22, and hopes to be able to return home soon afterward. She and her daughter, Heather, who has been with her nearly constantly these past five weeks, are encouraged and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from the brethren. They've received literally hundreds of cards of sympathy, support and encouragement!
Jun 27, 2015
Lu is making very good progress in recovering from the injuries suffered in the car accident on June 6. She has had three surgeries to repair broken bones in her left ankle, left arm and hand, and right-side collarbone. She's been moved to a physical therapy center, and is having physical therapy along with occupational therapy to work on improving her flexibility and dexterity in daily living activities. She and her daughter Heather, and son-in-law, Bryan, have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of concern! The "stack" of get-well and encouragement cards is well over a foot high! They want to thank you all for your prayers, cards and continuing concern. There are still many difficult transitions ahead, but Lu is working hard to move in that direction.
Jun 19, 2015
Lu is making very good progress in recovering from the injuries suffered in the car accident on June 6. She has had three surgeries to repair broken bones in her left ankle, left arm and hand, and right-side collarbone. She's been moved to a physical therapy center, and is having physical therapy along with occupational therapy to work on improving her flexibility and dexterity in daily living activities. She and her daughter Heather, and son-in-law, Bryan, have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of concern! The "stack" of get-well and encouragement cards is well over a foot high! They want to thank you all for your prayers, cards and continuing concern. There are still many difficult transitions ahead, but Lu is working hard to move in that direction.
Jun 12, 2015
Lu, a member in the Cleveland, Ohio, congregation, is in Intensive Care after a serious car accident Saturday evening, June 6. Lu and her husband, Karl, were struck broadside by another vehicle which had run a stop sign in a rural area north of Mansfield, Ohio, shortly after 8 p.m. Saturday evening. Karl was killed by the impact, and Lu was life-flighted by helicopter to Akron, Ohio. She has undergone two surgeries to repair broken bones and is in stable but serious condition. Her daughter, Heather B., who also attends in Cleveland, is with her. Thursday, June 11, would have been Karl & Lu's 50th wedding anniversary. Your prayers for God's intervention, help and comfort in this difficult time would be very much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 9, 2015 - Gerald S. (Hawley, MN)
Your prayers for healing are requested for Gerald a member of the Fargo, ND congregation. He began feeling poorly the end of last week and the symptoms escalated and affected his mobility and other functions. He was taken to the ER and a CT scan, X-Rays and other tests were performed. It was determined that he had experienced a serious stroke. His right leg, right arm and speech have been significantly affected. Thankfully, he can understand what is being said to him. He is home right now and engaged in various therapies to promote recovery. Please pray for God's merciful and timely healing and restoration and guidance of the treatment and rehabilitation options, so he can return to normalcy and serving the congregation with songleading and giving sermonettes.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 3, 2015 - Daryl C. (Mt. Washington, KY)
Daryl, a deacon in the Louisville, Kentucky, congregation, is suffering greatly with several health issues and your prayers would be greatly appreciated. He has high blood pressure, serious battles with gout and a heart condition. And although he had a knee replacement a couple of years ago, he is experiencing difficulty walking also. Food does not taste good to him, he is shaking a lot (perhaps due to medication) and to top it all off he is having great trouble sleeping. He has not been able to attend services regularly for some time. Please ask God for His mercy and intervention. Thank you for your love and concern.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 30, 2015 - Cherry Ann J. and Abigail G. (Manila, PI)
Lourdes would like to express her heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our brethren who offered up prayers for the healing and complete recovery of her daughter, Cherry, and granddaughter, Abigail. The two were discharged from the hospital early last week after their platelet levels returned to the normal ranges. Her daughter and granddaughter were already able to attend services with her last Sabbath and we are all very grateful to our Great God for having restored them back quickly to good health and for all the prayers offered by the brethren around the world in their behalf.
Jun 22, 2015
Lourdes J., of the Manila congregation, requests the prayers of the brethren for the complete recovery and healing of her daughter, Cherry Ann J, and her granddaughter Abigail Bernadette G. Both tested positive for Dengue Fever and were admitted and confined in separate hospitals Thursday evening, where their platelets levels are being monitored. Please pray that both Cherry Ann and Abigail will soon be completely healed from Dengue Fever.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 29, 2015 - Claudia H. (Mutare, Zimbabwe)
Claudia, 86, was hospitalized to have a hematoma which was causing a lot of pain, removed from her groin. She has a pacemaker due to a heart condition as well. She is back at home now under the care of her daughter, Cheryl. Prayers are requested for comfort & healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 26, 2015 - Ghyslaine P. (Mission, BC Canada)
We've had a number of requests for information on my wife, Ghyslaine, after suffering a serious injury to her left shoulder and arm almost 8 months ago. She wanted to say thank you in her own words, as she continues her recovery:
"Seeing the surgeon early this month was good news. Bone has healed and mobility is returning better than anticipated. Still a while before I will be able to have full use of my left arm. But with the help of a great physio I am improving on a weekly basis. I wish to thank everyone for all the wonderful positive messages received as well as all your prayers. Even the surgeon admitted that God was in charge. Again, thank you and have a wonderful summer."
Feb 6, 2015
Ghyslaine recently had a follow-up visit with the surgeon who performed the surgery on her left shoulder and arm. He informed her that it would be another 7-8 months before she would have full use of her arm. She is able to perform some simple tasks but is not yet able to drive a vehicle. She is taking physiotherapy treatments weekly and has been given some specific exercises to help the healing process.
Ghyslaine is very grateful for the many prayers, cards, and e-mail messages that have offered so much encouragement. She is very much aware that the real healing power is in the hands of our Creator and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. The recovery is a slow process, but she is healing.
Oct 19, 2014
Ghyslaine, had a very nasty fall just prior to the Feast, which prevented us from attending this year's festival, although we were able to connect to some services through webcast.
Ghyslaine fell very hard against a curb, which not only dislocated her left shoulder but also fractured it, breaking some of the soft shoulder bones. After 2 unsuccessful attempts at the local hospital, she was transferred to a larger facility in Abbotsford, where she spent 6 days. Relocation of her shoulder went well, but the fractures required surgery to put the chipped bones in place with 2 steel pins. She wears a sling with a heavy weight designed to keep the shoulder in place without damaging the fracture. She also suffered from a torn tendon, and bruising on her arm, hand, and left knee.
The surgeon called her injury life-altering, and has told us it will take from 1-3 years for complete healing. She was told she will never have the normal use of her arm again. She will not be able to lift it above her head, or put it behind her back. She is unable to dress herself, wash her hair, or handle the simplest of tasks such as opening a bottle. She needs assistance even getting in and out of bed. The pain medication also has side-effects that make her very dizzy. As a result, she spends a great deal of time in bed.
But Ghyslaine has a very positive outlook on life, as she always has, and is confident that God in his love and mercy will heal her much sooner than doctors have indicated. Your prayers for God's intervention will be very much appreciated.
Dec 30, 2013
She is no longer on IV meds for the infection but she will most likely have surgery.
Dec 13, 2013
My wife, Ghyslaine, recently contracted a very serious infection and has been on IV treatments for the past 10 days. She had to visit the hospital for up to 2 hours on a daily basis, until this past Friday, December 6. The infection in her index finger (left hand) may require surgery. The doctors have prescribed extremely strong medication, as well, to fight the infection. Ghyslaine is also the key caregiver for our daughter, Natalie, who continues battling liver cancer. Natalie is a single mom with 3 children and needs her mother's assistance. Prayers for Ghyslaine and our daughter are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 24, 2015 - Moise M. (W. Africa)
Moise, pastor of the French West African region, requests your prayers for our brethren in Ivory Coast. The presidential election in Ivory Coast will take place in October during the Feast of Tabernacles, and the brethren have shared with him that they are very concerned for their safety during that time. Especially since the brethren from the town of Man will have a 380 mile trip to Lame for the Feast. It's not clear whether he can even visit them for the Feast this year if the security situation is unstable. Since yesterday, over 5,000 protesters took to the streets of the economic capital of Abidjan to rally against the current president and future presidential candidate Alassane Ouattara. Five years ago, the post electoral troubles in Ivory Coast resulted in over 12,000 deaths.
Jan 13, 2014
Your prayers are requested for Moise, an elder serving in Cameroon, Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Today, as he was preparing for a trip to visit our brethren in Ivory Coast, he and his son were surrounded by a gang of thugs and robbed. By God's grace, Moise and his son were spared harm save for some injury to Moise's fingers. Everything was taken from them including all necessary papers (passport and visas) and money to travel to Ivory Coast, as well as other personal effects and the church's debit card. He was planning a departure to Ivory Coast on Wednesday and is now working to restart the process of obtaining travel papers. He called this morning and asked for your prayers. We are very thankful for Moise's service to our brethren in this challenging part of the world.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 15, 2015 - Evelyn W. (Grand Rapids, MI)
Evelyn writes: "I have very convincing reason to believe that my long illness trial is truly over, so I'm writing to you all to ask you to rejoice with me even more.
"A week ago Thursday I had a full abdominal MRI, mainly to check the cysts on my pancreas. My entire abdomen was scanned - I believe this was because it was the first MRI since my colon had been put back together. Yesterday, the doctor's office called to say that my pancreatic cysts were still benign and that there was no evidence of infection anywhere else. He said no follow-up is necessary. I am elated and praising God for His mercy, ending this long health trial. I thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for your faithful prayers and ask you to join me in rejoicing with praise to God."
Sep 24, 2014
Evelyn writes: "As we begin the fall holy days, I want to express my deepest gratitude for all your prayers, cards, and calls. It's been a long journey with some setbacks and several times in 'the valley of the shadow.' I want you all to know that I am finally healed. I have good bowel function, no more evidence of infection, and good blood test results. I'm still slightly anemic, but the doctor is not concerned about it. He regards me as a walking miracle and is thanking God, too. I'm planning to be in Cincinnati for the Feast, and I shall come truly rejoicing in God's mercy and goodness! May God grant you all a joyous and meaningful Feast and comfort and strengthen those who must stay home this year."
Jan 16, 2014
We are very pleased to let everyone know that the recent test showed all of the infections in Evelyn's intestinal tract have cleared up. She still has one more test to do and that is a CAT scan of her small intestines to make sure there is no sign of active Crohn's disease. Evelyn is feeling like her normal self and is very thankful for all of the cards she has received. Please keep her in your prayers as she still has reconstructive surgery to go through in a couple of months.
Dec 13, 2013
My sister, Evelyn, has been going through some difficult times having had part of her colon removed and a colostomy bag installed. She still has Crohn's disease and C-Diff, which is an infection of the intestinal tract that is very hard to kill. C-Diff is a super bug which is resilient against antibiotics. Evelyn has been taking several kinds of antibiotics over the past three months and each time the dosage is completed the bug has apparently survived. Evelyn was just informed that after her latest dosage was completed the infection still remains. As long as she has this infection, all other tests to determine if she can have her colon put back together have been cancelled. This includes a CAT Scan that was scheduled to see if she had any signs of Crohn's disease in her small intestines.
Your prayers are requested that this latest dosage of antibiotics which started December 11 will be effective. We pray that God will intervene and put things back in order to include allowing the future operation to remove the colostomy bag and put her colon back together can proceed. Evelyn is very appreciative of all of the cards and prayers on her behalf and it has meant a lot to her.
Aug 2, 2013
Evelyn has been quite ill over the past several months. Previous tests showed that she had a blood clot in one of her lungs and a blood clot in one of her legs. She was experiencing some internal bleeding and a test showed a spot in her colon that was about 2 inches long which was suspect. This week she had another test which showed that the spot in her colon was cancer of the colon. Evelyn is in good spirits knowing that God is with her. Evelyn is requesting prayers that our loving Father would heal her of this condition.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 12, 2015 - Gloria D. (Springside, SK, Canada)
Gloria, a member in Saskatchewan, completed her chemotherapy and stem cell transplant procedure last September. The medical procedures to battle her cancer left her immune system severely compromised. However, she had progressed to the point that under her doctor's approval she was able to travel with her husband to the United States this past winter to visit family. They returned home after the Days of Unleavened Bread. This past week she headed to the province of Alberta to visit family. Unfortunately, she contracted something that caused her temperature to spike in a range from 101-106. A temperature this high is normally troubling, but it is even more so since her immune system is still being built back up after her cancer treatments. Even simple diseases such as flus, measles, etc., could prove fatal due to a compromised immune system. Gloria was able to visit a doctor and they currently have her on a course of antibiotics with hopes that it will fight whatever is causing the high temperature. Gloria and her husband request your prayers for her healing at this time.
May 2, 2014
Frank and Gloria, members in western Canada, request your prayers. Gloria has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a cancer of the blood plasma. Doctors have indicated that 25 percent of her marrow cells have been affected. This condition has caused a lot of debilitating pain. The diagnosis for her condition has taken some time. Now that it has been narrowed down, she will begin a regimen of chemotherapy once a week for six to eight months, followed by a bone marrow transplant. The Dilibertos are requesting prayers for God's intervention, healing and comfort during this process.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 8, 2015 - Efron E. (Nahrendorf, Germany)
Heinz and Linda E., members of the Hamburg, Germany, congregation, are asking for prayers for their 22 year old son, Efron, who is afflicted with Down syndrome. Last year Efron was also diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Then, in March, he was diagnosed as having autoimmune blood illnesses. It was also determined that he has gastritis and esophagitis (this could have been caused by pain medicine that was given to him, but it could also be caused by an autoimmune illness). The blood tests also revealed a rheumatic factor which can explain the reason for the pain throughout his body. Since childhood, Efron has Hashimoto Syndrome, an autoimmune illness of the thyroid gland, and in March his hormone levels were found to be unstable. Efron has lost a lot of weight and muscle mass. He has trouble swallowing and can only eat foods that have been pureed along with liquids. He will not eat unless he is fed. He is frequently thirsty and asks throughout the day for something to drink. He cannot wash himself and has problems with incontinence. His clothes need to be changed often because of this. He rarely says anything and mostly uses his hands to communicate with his parents. There are times when he seems to be in his own world and does not respond, although he is very sensitive to sounds, music and noise. Psychologically, he has been affected from these illnesses and sometimes has hallucinations, fits of anger or deep depression. Heinz and Linda have cried many tears along with him in his suffering.
In the last two months the family started an alternative medicine program to help Efron. This seems to be helping him, but he is still far from being well.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 8, 2015 - David H. (Stanbridge East, Canada)
David, of the Montreal congregation, is booked for surgery on June 17 to have 5 tumors removed from his bladder. He will be in the hospital for 2 days - longer if there are difficulties. He has had several tumors removed already. Please remember him in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - May 28, 2015 - Susie H. (Lincoln, NE)
Susie, wife of Todd, elder in the Omaha congregation, and their two daughters, Megan (16) and Stephanie (14), were seriously injured in an auto accident on Thursday, May 21, when another car hit them on the passenger side. The crash was so forceful that it pushed their minivan into another car in the next lane, twisting metal, shattering glass, and leaving them with many lacerations, bruises, contusions, fractures, and a lot of pain.
The most painful is Susie's fractured sternum - every breath produces sharp pain, and talking is painful. Her knee was also injured.
Megan's fractured sacrum will confine her to crutches for several weeks, and Stephanie suffered whiplash. In general, the three were severely injured with many cuts from flying glass, deep bruising with shoulder, torso, leg, foot, head, neck and back injuries, and badly shaken up.
At this time all three are very sore, barely mobile, and resting at home. Stephanie is able to assist her dad in caring for her mother and sister. Due to God's protection, healing, and kindness, all are now on the slow road to recovery. They thank God that no one was killed, which would have been expected in a violent crash of this magnitude. Please pray for the healing and recovery of the family.
May 22, 2015
The H. ladies were involved in a serious car accident Thursday afternoon in Lincoln. A young gentleman accidentally ran a red light striking the H's mini-van in the passenger front door knocking them into another vehicle waiting to turn at the intersection. The other driver escaped on foot but was later caught by police over 2 miles away. He was brought into the ICU handcuffed and bleeding.
Stephanie suffered major bruising and damage to her shoulder and lap belt. Her head struck the side window and she sustained contusions from flying glass and general soreness in her neck and back.
Susie suffered a fractured sternum, bruising to her shoulders chest and lap from the seatbelt, a knee contusion from hitting the steering column and general soreness but was released from ICU.
Megan suffered a fractured pelvis, severe hip bruising and chest bruising from the seatbelt, lower back pain, numerous cuts to her hands and arms from shattered glass, bruised feet AND the remnants of her Reese's peanut butter blizzard in her hair. Megan is being kept overnight to allow the Orthopedic Drs to read her cat scan and determine what is the best next step for her recovery. She is very tired but in good spirits.
We are counting our blessings tonight, particularly after seeing the young man in ICU all alone in hand cuffs. What a terrible way to have to undergo a trial like this.
We are blessed that:
No one was killed in the accident, especially after seeing the vehicle at the accident scene; We have insurance to cover our health and vehicle bills if the other driver cannot afford his responsibility; We have a close family to support each other as we recover; We have a great church family across the world to pray for our healing; Todd's work immediately told him to stay with his family and not worry about a thing there, family is most important; Today was the last day of school so the girls and Susie can recover in peace; And Chelsea the chihuahua was inspired not to jump on Susie when she got home, but calmly cuddled up next to her
Thank you for your prayers. The next few days will tell what the recovery will be like. We will share updates via Facebook and email to Mr. Knapp but hope to be back at it sooner rather than later. In the meantime please remember the young man in your prayers too. There is a reason they call these things accidents.
Love, The H. family

<  > Prayer Request - May 22, 2015 - Kenneth M. (Fort Worth, TX)
Kenneth is a member in the Fort Worth, Texas, congregation. As the result of a routine visit to his doctor earlier this week, Kenneth was diagnosed with inoperable stage four cancer. Two masses were found: one in his neck and the other growing behind his nose. Radiation therapy has been recommended, and Kenneth, along with his wife, Louise, and their family request the prayers of the brethren for God's intervention and healing.

<  > Prayer Update - May 22, 2015 - Irene S. (Owensboro, KY)
Irene continues to improve from her fall at Passover time. She is now taking a few steps and her lively personality is coming back. She still suffers with a great deal of pain and is a long way from being fully recovered, but we wanted to give an update and she wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and cards. They have been tremendously helpful for her and her family.
Apr 24, 2015
Your prayers are requested for Irene, a member in the Henderson, Kentucky, congregation. She is 88 years old. She fell recently and broke her pelvic bone and shattered her hip along with breaks in her leg. Following surgery she has now been placed in a rehab facility and is in a great deal of pain. Irene has been a tremendous example of strength to the entire congregation for many years. It saddens us all deeply to see her going through this. She would appreciate your prayers for God's intervention. She has shared that she would be fine going to sleep and not waking up as she has lived a good long life. Of course she very much wants God's will to be done, no matter what. Thank you for your prayers beseeching God's mercy and intervention in her life. I know she would love to hear from you as well if you feel inclined to send a card.

<  > Prayer Request - May 22, 2015 - Dody H. (Healdsburg, CA)
Dody, a member of the Santa Rosa congregation, has been diagnosed with a cancerous mass in her right lung. She had a build-up of fluid in her left lung and had a catheter installed, but God intervened to the extent they were able to remove the catheter. Dody greatly appreciates God's intervention. She has some trouble breathing and tires easily, and she needs your earnest prayers that God will intervene to cause the mass yet remaining to dissolve away. Dody, a dedicated servant of God, and her husband, Bob, place their faith in Him.

<  > Prayer Update - May 15, 2015 - Jackson C. (Parker, CO)
Jackson and his family would like to thank the brethren for the outpouring of care and concern that has been extended on our behalf. Jackson's condition continues to be day-to-day and the underlying condition undiagnosed. However, there have been some developments that show God's hand and direction, and His promise to not give us more than we are able to stand. It is a blessing to be in His care. Thank you all for your prayers and encouraging words, and please continue to pray that God will heal Jackson completely.
Apr 24, 2015
Your prayers are requested on behalf of our son, Jackson, age 17, who is suffering from a variety of auto immune diseases which keep him in constant pain. Doctors are unable to pinpoint the root cause of these diseases in spite of extensive testing, and therefore, treatment options are very limited. Symptoms of the underlying problems include a somewhat rare condition of the esophagus (EE) involving constriction, extensive allergies and ulceration, much of this extending to his stomach and entire digestive system. And there are numerous other digestive system problems. None of these are any mystery to our heavenly Father, and so your prayers for Jackson's complete healing would be greatly appreciated by our entire family. The condition has persisted for many, many months. All prayers will be very appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - May 14, 2015 - Genevieve K. (Hamilton, ON Canada)
Your prayers would be greatly appreciated for Genevieve. She has been suffering with a rare case of leukemia for many years and thus far has been able to function very well. In the last year, however, it has started to affect her immune system, and as a result she has been dealing with sores on the lower part of her legs that continue to weep. A couple of weeks ago she was admitted to the hospital because neither she nor her husband, Ron, could deal with the constant changes of bandages.
After being sent home, the weeping became worse and they had to admit her once again. This time, however, her legs have become very swollen and the sores are now open and weeping heavily. The situation has taken its toll on both of them and, as a result, Gen and Ron would greatly appreciate the prayers of their brothers and sisters that God would intervene quickly and mightily and heal her.

<  > Prayer Request - May 6, 2015 - Lou F. (Gallatin, TN)
Lou has an appointment today with an eye surgeon to take care of the blood clot in his left eye. Also, at a later date, Lou will have the lenses replaced in both eyes. However, there is another problem that Lou and his wife, Vivian, are most worried about: Lou's left leg is swollen at the calf and not getting proper blood circulation due to a blockage. At this point they do not know whether it is a blood clot, but in the meantime Lou is losing strength in that leg and is in pain. Lou has an appointment with a hematologist next week on May 13 - and that is a long time to be in pain and worried. Lou and Vivian are asking for your prayers and that God will heal Lou and see them through these health problems.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 30, 2015 - John B. (AR)
(Pat B's brother) John in Arkansas. His heart goes out of rhythm at random times, and it has just done this twice. It seems more severe this time, so he was taken to Little Rock for treatment. This is a real worry for the whole family. Your prayers for his stabilization will be greatly appreciated. Pat is having a hard time of it lately coping with diabetes, blood pressure variations, and fibro-myalgia. Remember her, too, please!

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 23, 2015 - Frank M. (Dayton, OH)
I had my second follow-up with the specialist in Dallas and the infectious virus, bacteria, and parasites are gone. It put me under the weather for quite a while, but I am feeling much better now. I have gained 8 pounds of the 40 pounds that I lost and am trying to keep my weight where it is right now. I want to thank everyone for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 20, 2015 - Joe D. (Olathe, KS)
Pat and I wanted to share an update on how I am doing since my open heart surgery on Feb. 5.
On Mar. 4, a chest x-ray was taken as I have had some fluid buildup in my lungs since the surgery that has been a concern. I have also had an irregular heartbeat common to this type of procedure. The x-ray was clear and my checkup was very good. My heart rate, blood pressure, all vitals were great. He said the incision looked very good. The sternum can take up to 4 months to heal but I only have minimal discomfort. The surgeon told me I should have a normal life expectancy and would not need to see him again.
I began monitored cardio rehab on Mar. 9, 3 times per week for the next 12 weeks. On Mar. 27, my interventional cardiologist said I could resume my normal routine pre-surgery and that I would not need to see him for 6 months.
Pat and I are so very thankful for God's merciful intervention in extending my life. We feel that it is a miracle that I am alive. I have always been in good health and exercised regularly. Although heart disease does run in my family I have had no symptoms at all and all my annual wellness checkups over the years have been very good.
We feel that what led to finding out about this serious heart problem was the beginning of many miracles. On the Sabbath of Dec. 6, while finishing a sermon in Fulton, I became weak, perspired heavily and was disoriented. I then collapsed and fainted for a short time. This had never happened to me before. I saw my family doctor soon after and all tests came back fine. He thought I might have been dehydrated or had a flu bug but he referred me to a cardiologist "just to be safe." This led to the recommendation of a heart catheterization but again the interventional cardiologist thought at the most I might need a stent because I had no symptoms.
He was very surprised during the angiogram to find blockage in 2 very critical areas as well as some buildup in a third artery and referred me to the heart surgeon who said I needed immediate surgery. I was also told that I was "very fortunate" that I had fainted and that this severe problem was found, since I was asymptomatic. Interestingly, all doctors I saw said the fainting episode had nothing to do with the heart and blockages.
What really brought this all home to Pat and me as a series of miracles is what we were told before the open heart surgery. The surgeon told us this kind of blockage is referred to as the "widow maker" and that the "first symptom is often death." The interventional cardiologist added that generally this kind of blockage is seen in autopsies.
We are very grateful for God's mercy in our lives and look forward to serving His people now and in the years to come. We realize more fully that our times are in God's hands (Psalm 31:15). We appreciate the outpouring of love and support we have received from all over the world. God is truly working through His beloved family as they reach out to others through prayers and encouragement.
Feb 12, 2015
Joe and Pat would like to thank everyone for their love and support through the many prayers, cards, e-mails and phone calls they have received.
What started out last Tues., Feb. 3 with a heart catheterization led to triple bypass surgery on Thurs., Feb. 5. There were 2 critical blockage areas in the left main and left descending arteries that required urgent surgery. Although Joe had no previous symptoms, that fact can often mask the significance of the critical location of the blockages.
Doctors and hospital staff were amazed at the quick progress Joe was making on a daily basis. His heart surgeon said his surgery could not have gone any better. His critical care doctor stated that the procedure was textbook perfect, extremely rare for a patient to be this far along after open heart surgery and our favorite: "better than humanly possible." We surely give all the praise and glory to God.
Joe came home Tues. Feb. 10 and we are settling into what will be our way of life for the next several weeks. The next 2 weeks are critical for surgical healing and the next 6 weeks will involve rehabilitation to regain strength and full recovery. We thank our great God for the comfort and peace He provides every day and we are thankful for our loving church family.
Feb 5, 2015 The surgery for Joe was scheduled to be performed yesterday, but due to more urgent cases the surgery was postponed until today. The surgeon reported that everything went beautifully with what turned out to be triple bypass surgery. Joe is now in recovery and will hopefully be moved to a regular room on Friday. Joe and Pat want you to know that all went well. We are all so thankful for your love and prayers for them. They also love you and are especially grateful to our merciful Heavenly Father. When possible they will update all of us directly.
Feb 4, 2015
Joe and Pat request your prayers regarding Joe's heart condition, revealed in a cardiac catheterization on Tuesday. Two severe blockages in critical areas were revealed. Stents were not an appropriate option. Bypass open heart surgery is planned for Wednesday, Feb. 4.
God's mercy has been evident as the cardiologist stated it was very good that this was found at this time. Prayers for God's comfort and healing are deeply appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 18, 2015 - BJ T. (Litchfield, OH)
We would like to thank everyone for their kindnesses and prayers on behalf on my wife, BJ. She had a bi-lateral mastectomy 4 weeks ago and cancer was found in a couple of lymph nodes. Since then, there have been several follow up tests. Mercifully, God has blessed us with wonderful news. All of the scans have come back cancer free and the oncotype test shows that she is at low risk of recurrence. We are extremely grateful for answered prayers. The doctors are still divided on whether a 4 session chemo treatment will be needed and that will be decided in the next week. We have been so touched by all the cards and expressions of love and support from the brethren.
Mar 20, 2015
Last week, the double mastectomy surgery for BJ went well and, in general, she is healing up nicely. However, we continue to need our Father's mercy and continued prayers. The lymph node pathology report came back this week. On the left side, the surgeon removed 13 lymph nodes. Of those, 1 has a miniscule amount of cancer and another had a 2.5 cm metastasized cancer. The other 11 were, thankfully, clear. We don't know all the ramifications of these results yet, but the doctor wants to discuss this with BJ this coming Wednesday. She will have a full body CAT scan and bone scan as a follow-up. It is possible that radiation and chemotherapy will be part of the treatment since there was metastasized cancer discovered in one node. Your continued prayers regarding further upcoming test results and necessary treatments is greatly appreciated. BJ has been so deeply touched by the cards and messages of prayer and support she has been receiving the past few weeks. The love of God's people encourages and comforts. Thank you!
Mar 5, 2015
We would like to request prayers for my [Greg] wife, BJ. In January, she was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer on her left side. Since that time, other tests have been run and it was discovered that there is further cancer on the left and also a cancerous spot on her right side. She will be having surgery on Thursday, March 12, and will have a double mastectomy. Please pray that God would guide the surgeons and would bless her with a complete and complication-free recovery. There is a possible lymph node that may be involved and we pray that it has not been affected, so that radiation and chemo could be avoided. Your prayers for God's mercy on her behalf are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 17, 2015 - TJ A. (Paragon, IN)
Prayers are requested for TJ, a 16-year-old in the Indianapolis, Indiana, congregation. TJ was found to have scar tissue on his brain from trauma, likely from prior to birth, but the effects have become more pronounced recently. It is causing him severe migraines and lack of sleep due to pain, resulting in fatigue. Due to the location of the scar tissue, it also appears to be causing mild memory loss, loss of concentration and limited loss of mobility in his hands. He will need to continue to be monitored every six months with an MRI to see if the scar tissue has grown and will also have his heart monitored for any arrhythmia. The family is requesting prayers for God's intervention on behalf of TJ.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 3, 2015 - Maynard S. (Eau Claire, WI)
Maynard's shoulder has been in pain the past few weeks, and he would appreciate prayers that God would intervene to relieve the pain.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 3, 2015 - Gracie T. (Eau Claire, WI)
Little Gracie's rash has been getting better. Thank you for your prayers.
Mar 27, 2015 - Gracie T. (Eau Claire, WI)
Last Saturday morning Tom and Kristi's little daughter, Gracie, developed a severe rash and fever. The doctor is running tests, but doesn't know what the problem is at this time. It might be a viral infection of some kind. Please pray that the rash and fever goes away quickly. Gracie is quite miserable, and Tom and Kristi request your prayers that God will intervene and heal her.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 27, 2015 - Ruth W. (Booneville, AR)
Ruth and Gary W. of the Van Buren, Arkansas, congregation, are extremely grateful for all the prayers, cards, love and concern shown by brethren from around the world! It has been a long road of recovery for Ruth, and there have been many setbacks along the way. Her initial surgery before the Feast last fall was for pancreatic cancer. Parts of five different organs were removed, and that surgery caused a whole cascade of very serious health problems including strokes, complete respiratory failure, severe atrial fibrillation and gangrene around the surgical site. With God's help Ruth is now back home, although she is very limited in her strength and ability to get around. But she is gaining a little every day. This week she had a PET scan to determine what cancer still remains, if any. The results are extremely encouraging: no cancer was found at all! Her doctor was pleased, but that doesn't begin to describe how Gary and Ruth feel! They have no doubt that it is only by God's mercy and healing power that she is still alive, and that they have received such wonderful news! Thank you all for your prayers and concern.
Jan 17, 2015
Gary and Ruth W. are deeply appreciative of the prayers and support of brethren around the world during this lengthy and very difficult trial. Nearly four months after her initial surgery for pancreatic cancer, Ruth was finally able to return home yesterday, Thursday, Jan. 15! She spent a month in ICU in Oklahoma City, then was transferred to a hospital in Muskogee, Oklahoma, where she spent more than a month - much of that in ICU. On at least three occasions she was near death, suffering respiratory failure (requiring a tracheotomy) and other serious health set-backs. But with God's help, she pulled through. And it appears that she is also cancer-free! She transferred to a rehab facility a month ago, and has been working hard and steadily to regain strength. Two weeks ago she contracted pneumonia, but has recovered and is regaining strength. She still cannot walk very far, and needs to use a walker, but doctors and staff felt that with home health care workers coming daily she could return home. It was a joyous homecoming! Thank you all for your prayers, cards and encouragement. She received cards from all over the world - so many that the cost of postage alone would make it impossible to reply to every one, but please know they are deeply meaningful, and your prayers are also appreciated more than words can express.
Oct 25, 2014
Gary and Ruth are very appreciative of the prayers and cards on Ruth's behalf. On Friday, Sept. 26, Ruth underwent surgery to remove part of her pancreas and the associated bile duct, as a result of early-stage pancreatic cancer. The surgery went well, and, as expected, she was transferred to ICU. It was anticipated that she would be in ICU for three to four days, but today was her twenty-fourth day there. Since the surgery she has suffered atrial fibrillation, arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), pneumonia and two viral infections. About five days after the surgery she began to struggle breathing to the point she was put on a ventilator, and has not been able to get off of it since then. A week ago doctors performed a tracheotomy for the ventilator, which has helped, but her progress is slow. Later this week it is anticipated that she will be transferred from the hospital to a long-term care facility that specializes in respiratory problems. It is unknown how many weeks that care might take until she is strong enough to return home. Please keep Ruth and Gary in your prayers. Gary is spending most of the week at the hospital with her, but must return home periodically to take care of obligations there, and it is a 450+ mile round trip every time. But, in spite of the ongoing stress of the situation, he remains positive and continues to look to God for healing and strength.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 5, 2015 - Penelope B. (Eau Claire, WI)
Penelope was discharged from St. Paul Children's Hospital Sunday, March 1st, after having G-tube placement procedure on Friday. Her parents say she is doing well and hopefully this will be the solution to help her to gain weight. She has follow-up appointment with the gastroenterology surgeon in 3 weeks. No clear diagnosis for her failure to thrive has yet been determined. Cardiology workup and cystic fibrosis testing were negative. The family sincerely appreciates your prayers and concern.
Jan 23, 2015
Penelope was in the hospital for an additional 6 days of testing and feeding tube treatment. The testing and laboratory studies returned normal, which is good news. She was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday. It seems like Penelope is eating a bit better and now with the addition of the feeding tube, she should be getting adequate calories. She will have a weight check next week. She gets supplemental formula through the feeding tube and it has not been upsetting her tummy. It is hoped that her tummy will stretch out so that she will soon be eating and growing normally. At this time, the doctors believe the feeding tube will be a relatively short-term necessity. She had a stomach virus at 5 weeks of age that may have started this whole situation. Penelope's parents and her big brothers are very happy to have her home again. The family sincerely appreciates all the prayers and concern for Penelope.
Jan 17, 2015
Penelope was taken in to be weighed again on Friday and the news was not good. She lost about 1/2 lb, and is down to 10 lbs. 3 oz. Tom says the doctor is baffled as to why this is happening. She says she has never seen a baby so happy and healthy looking, and yet not able to gain weight. The cause is still unknown. Penelope has been readmitted to Children's Hospital in St. Paul. Your continued prayers are much appreciated.
Jan 6, 2015
Penelope, 10-week-old granddaughter of Tom & Darla B. was admitted to St. Paul Children's Hospital Friday. She was born at 10 pounds 2 ounces but still is not gaining adequate weight despite different approaches to adjust her caloric intake. The doctors began a battery of tests in further attempt to determine the problem. Penelope was started on anti-acid medication yesterday. She has always been an extremely happy and content baby who sleeps well. She coos and smiles so she appears to be meeting milestones, except in her growth. It is expected that she will remain hospitalized until she gains weight. Please prayer for her healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 5, 2015 - Kit F. (St. Paul, MN)
Kit is scheduled for surgery on March 12th for the replacement of her right hip. She would appreciate our prayers that all goes well and that she has a speedy recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 14, 2015 - JD D. (Oklahoma - Antioch, CA)
Wanted to share this update on my (Shelly B.) dad. First, thank you all for your prayers concerning this matter. It has been very encouraging to know prayers have been extended on dad's behalf at this time.
Since we learned about the lung cancer at the end of October, my brother Monte, sister Cheryl and I have been making trips to Oklahoma to provide support for my dad and get him to chemo treatments. The clinic in Oklahoma was very aggressive at treating the cancer, as it was stage 4 with cells that had mutations which equated to aggressive growth in the cells. The chemo went well. He was not sick, but it was very strong and he slept a lot. We had a difficult time getting the pain under control, but finally succeeded with a pain patch and pills.
The chemo did its initial job of stopping and beginning to shrink the tumors. This alleviated the pain as the main tumor in the lung quit pushing on the lining of the lung.
The middle of January, my brother Monte, went to Oklahoma to help our dad and begin the transition of moving him to Monte's home in northern California. We have secured as much as possible the properties in Oklahoma and dad is now residing in California as of January 30th. Monte and dad had a very uneventful, but long 3 day trip from Oklahoma to California.
Monte had found and scheduled consultations with a new oncologist and general physician. He began chemo again February 6th which I have been told went really well. Unfortunately, due to the extent of the cancer, we have been told the chemo will be indefinite, until dad wants to quit the treatments.
He seems to be transitioning well and enjoying the more mild weather in California. Thank you all for your prayers and notes of encouragement. I know they helped him when he was really down.
Nov 21, 2014
JD saw the oncologist this week. He has stage four non-small cell lung cancer. It is mainly in his left lung, with a small mass in his upper abdomen and "suspicious" spots in his right lung. He has decided to try to shrink and control the cancer for as long as possible with chemo. He is in a significant amount of pain due to the cancer being in the linin of the left lung, and he is having trouble sleeping for any length of time.
When they were conducting the PET scan, the doctor noticed he was also having atrial fibrillation. He will have to see a cardiologist for this, before he can begin chemo treatments.
Your prayers are truly appreciated
Nov 6, 2014
The biopsy on JD's lungs was performed last Friday, Oct. 31st. He has 3 masses in his lungs which equal about the size of a baseball. The doctor believes it is cancer, but is waiting on the pathology for confirmation. This Tuesday he will have a PET scan to determine the extent of the disease. Thursday will be a consultation with the doctor to determine what courses of action are available and what my dad would like to do. Prayers in this matter are very much appreciated, especially since my dad was just starting to cope with the loss of my mother earlier this year. Thank you.

<  > Prayer Update - Feb 13, 2015 - James M. (France)
We're very thankful to all the brethren for their prayers. It's very encouraging to see God's hand through this whole trial, and to have learned by it. Things have continued to go well and I am gaining strength little by little. So we're very pleased with everything and very thankful for God's intervention.
Jan 17, 2015
James underwent a successful operation Monday for an aneurism of the abdominal aorta. He is currently experiencing severe nausea which is preventing him from eating and slowing his recovery. Mr. & Mrs. M. thank all those who have prayed for him and ask for continued prayers that he may have a full, speedy and uncomplicated recovery.
Jan 9, 2015
Prayers are requested for James, an elder in France. He is scheduled to undergo an operation Monday, Jan. 12, to repair an aneurism (bulge) in the abdominal aorta, the largest artery in the abdominal cavity. This operation, conducted by a cardio-vascular surgeon, will be critical to James' ongoing prognosis. Prayers for James, and his wife, Odile, would be much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 13, 2015 - Wayne K. (Springville, NY)
Your prayers are requested for Wayne, a deacon in the Buffalo, New York, congregation. Recently Wayne fell, fracturing his hip. In an operation to repair the hip, it was determined that the damage was greater than realized and a full hip replacement was done. This required him to be anesthetized longer than anticipated. Wayne usually has a difficult time with anesthesia, and because of the length of time he was under, he is having an adverse reaction. This is causing complications in his recovery. Please pray that Wayne can get the rest he needs and recover from this episode. Please also pray for Penney, Wayne's wife, as she is his primary caregiver.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 27, 2015 - Noel H. (Portland, OR)
Noel and Becky want to thank everyone for the many faithful and heartfelt cards, messages and prayers to our loving Father on Noel's behalf during his extended hospitalization and treatment for bipolar disorder and Parkinson's Disease. Becky writes: "He is doing so much better that the doctors want to send him home! He's lost 30 pounds, but if he continues to gain strength and mobility, he should be ready to come home within the next week or two. The prayers, love and caring words of so many brethren from all over the world have given us encouragement to continue through each day with perseverance and faith in His will. It is with God's help revealed another major issue: my aorta valve is very poor. My heart is typical for my age with no blockages. I am going through different tests and seeing many heart doctors to address my aorta problem. There are 4 possible alternatives to consider.
I am very weak and get to take all the naps you are missing - I am making up for "your" lost sleep. So, work, phone conversations and personal visits are impossible right now. Believe me, I will be glad to let you know when the situation improves. Until then, also keep my wife, Joy, in mind. She is my driver and advocate. God is with us. Thanks for your intercessory prayers.
Sep 26, 2014
After giving the sermon on the Feast of Trumpets, Chuck, pastor in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida, felt very weak and collapsed after coming off the stage. A doctor in the congregation and several nurses gave immediate aid and called the paramedics. He was taken to the hospital and a pacemaker was installed Thursday evening.
He is undergoing further tests. Your prayers would be very much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 12, 2015 - Anne J. (Durham, NC)
Anne, of the Raleigh, North Carolina, congregation requests prayers for her severe sleeping disorder. She is only able to sleep 1-3 hours each night, and rarely is she able to sleep during the day to make up for the loss. She has been anointed and has also done everything she can to stimulate more sleep, but to no avail. She has been to conventional and natural doctors and their treatments have not worked and they have little to offer besides drugs. Naturally she is tired most of the time and needs energy so she can accomplish what she needs to do throughout the day. This problem has been going on for many years, and she'd like to ask for "the effective, fervent prayer(s)" of all our brethren, "that (she) may be healed" of this problem (James 5:16). Thank you very much for your prayers and concern.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 9, 2015 - Tracey F. (Mandan, ND)
I want to you all an update on my hip replacement. I am home! I got home early yesterday afternoon and it is wonderful to be here. The hospital staff took excellent care of me, but there is no place like home. I slept really well and ready to start my therapy. What I find so amazing, what pain I have is really minimal. I also want to thank you all for your prayers and we'll wishes, it made a huge difference. Thanks again, I really do love all of you. ~ Tracey
Also: (Tracey's husband) Rod's father, Shabel, was hospitalized last week. He had a stroke and a heart attack. While there it was discovered that cancer has spread throughout his body. He returned home today and is in hospice care. Your prayers for Shabel are appreciated.
All this happened as Tracey was preparing to have hip surgery. She and Shabel were patients in the same hospital. I know the whole family would benefit from your prayers during this challenging period.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 4, 2015 - Tom A. (Four Oaks, NC)
This is to update everyone who has been praying for me while I was going through treatments for a second bout of melanoma cancer this past summer. I returned to the doctor a few weeks ago for a very encouraging report after scans and blood work following surgery for melanoma in September. The doctors report the scans reveal no cancer in my body, and the blood work reveals no more elevated levels concerning the liver. All systems are good; no additional treatments are needed and I do not have to take any medications. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to all who were concerned and offered prayers on my behalf. It's a wonderful thing to realize people you don't know love you and offer prayers up to our Father for our healing. Thank you so much.
Aug 7, 2014
We are requesting prayers for Tom, a deacon from the Jacksonville, North Carolina, congregation. After feeling weak, tired, and abnormal for several weeks now, tests have revealed earlier this week, via CT and PET scans, that Tom has a reoccurrence of the melanoma that he was treated for approximately a year and a half ago. It is showing up only in the lymph nodes at this time. A biopsy will be performed today (August 6) to confirm the diagnosis.
The doctors are recommending a full-body drug treatment followed by surgery. Right now, he is trying to evaluate which treatment is best. He and his wife are asking for prayers for God's guidance in making the right decision regarding the drug treatments, success of the drug treatments, and the surgery to remove the infected lymph nodes.
They deeply thank everyone in advance for their concern and prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 22, 2014 - Patricia W. (Grand Rapids, MN)
Pat has been extremely weak. The doctor has now diagnosed her with stage 3 kidney failure. She is on several additional medications to help the kidneys function. She has also been severely dehydrated. The doctor wants her to drink three quarts of water each day, which is very difficult for Pat to maintain. Please remember Pat in your prayers.
Dec 7, 2013
We were able to visit and have a Bible study with Pat last Sabbath. She is still weaker than usual, but doing better than before. She'd like to thank you all for your prayers.
Nov 30
Pat has recently become extremely weak, and is sometimes unable to get up. She doesn't know if it's heart related, or if she might be retaining water. It is quite discouraging. Your prayers and encouragement are requested.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 17, 2014 - Milly O. (Whitehall, MT)
Your prayers are requested for our dear sister Milly, and also for her husband Don, who attend the Three Forks, Montana, congregation. Milly was taken by ambulance to the hospital in Butte last Thursday evening with extreme abdominal pain. It was determined that she had a blockage in her small intestine. The expectation was that the blockage would break up and move, but it has not.
Now, nearly a week later, Milly has not had any foods, is being fed intravenously and is becoming quite weak. With the blockage still in place today (Wednesday) the doctors are going to try to move it manually. If this does not work, they will operate on Thursday to remove the section of her intestine with the blockage. There is concern that in Milly's weakened state her body will be vulnerable to infection and that it could lead to a serious, life-threatening septic condition.
Your prayers are requested - specifically that the blockage would breakup without surgery... but if surgery is needed, that there is no infection and Milly can recover completely and quickly. Milly is Don's care giver, and he is very concerned about her condition (during her hospitalization their son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter are taking care of him). Thank you in advance for your prayers on their behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 16, 2014 - Vern K. (St. Cloud, MN)
The surgery in the first eye went very well. Vern is seeing better. He will have surgery in the other eye in a couple of weeks. Thank you for your prayers.
Dec 9, 2014
Vern would like to request prayers for relief from the severe back pain he has been suffering for over a month. In addition, next Wednesday he have cataract surgery on one eye, then 14 days later the other eye. Please pray for a successful surgery and recovery.
May 23, 2014
Vern continues to suffer pain and a rash which started as shingles, but was exacerbated by the drugs he was prescribed. The drugs messed up his immune system, so doctors gave him an extreme amount of two antibiotics to take with the other medications. The painful rash continues to affect his back, abdomen, arms & hands, lower legs and feet. He feels he's making progress even if it is slow. This has been a four months ordeal. Please pray God intervenes to speed his healing.
May 17, 2014
Vern continues to suffer pain and a rash which started as shingles, but was exacerbated by the drugs he was prescribed. The drugs messed up his immune system, so doctors gave hime an extreme amount of two antibiotics to take with the other medications. The painful rash continues to affect his back, abdomen, arms & hands, lower legs and feet. He feels he's making progress even if it is slow. This has been a four months ordeal. Please pray God intervenes to speed his healing.
Mar 28, 2014
Our heartfelt thanks from Vern & Anita K. for all of the prayers, e-mails, cards, phone calls and letters. You all reminded us of John13:34 "a new commandment I give to you that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another." Thankfully what was supposed to be a life threatening ordeal turned [out to have been caused by] a combination of ... drugs given by the doctors that caused a rash, blisters and pain on top the shingles I already had. I was released from Hennepin hospital this afternoon when dermatology, through several lab tests, determined what the problem was, It will probably be a couple more weeks before all this is over with. Again brethren thank you for your prayers and for Mr. Black who came right over to the hospital to anoint me, God does work in mysterious ways.
Mar 27, 2014
Vern and Anita and family would like to thank everyone for the cards and prayers on Vern's behalf and would appreciate your continued prayers as it appears his condition has become more serious. A biopsy conducted earlier this week revealed that Vern's immune system reacted adversely to the shingles virus resulting in what the doctor has described as a burn that is similar to that of a burn patient. The rash/burns cover 80% of his body and is causing a great deal of discomfort. He has been transported via ambulance to the Hennepin County Burn Unit to undergo monitoring and IV treatment for much needed fluids for the internal organs as well as the skin repair.
Mar 21, 2014
Vern has been suffering from shingles for a month. He's now worse than before, with 80% of his body covered with a blister like rash. He's also come down with a secondary infection in the same areas which makes the pain and itch twice as bad. The doctor has him on two antibiotics so far they haven't done any good. He believes he's done all he can do and is looking to God for healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 5, 2014 - Betty B. (Kannapolis, NC)
Betty Bost asked me to pass on this good news! She has now returned home, is able to walk, and has returned to attendance at services. She is also able to return to restocking her multiple Good News magazine stand locations, which is one of her favorite things to do. There is no doubt in her mind and ours that God miraculously intervened. She wishes to express her sincere gratitude for the hundreds of cards, calls and many visits! She ran out of room for putting the cards on the walls, and was overwhelmed in a positive way with the volume of cards and comments of encouragement inside them. Interventions like this give us all a huge boost of encouragement, especially here in the Charlotte congregation.
Oct 3, 2014
Betty, of the Charlotte congregation, had a serious accident late yesterday afternoon. Although in her 70s, she remains very active, and takes care of a large acreage where she lives by herself. While loading brush into a trailer pulled behind a tractor, she lost her balance, her foot slipping off of the clutch of the tractor, and was run over multiple times as the tractor continued in gear going in circles. She remembers being run over at least 6 times.
In addition to multiple bruises, cuts and contusions, her pelvis was broken and shattered. I anointed her this morning in the hospital, where she will remain for several days.
In spite of her accident, she is in good spirits, and for those of you who know Betty, very thankful to be alive. She has requested prayers that God will heal her quickly, according to His will, as she has a lot of Good News racks to fill, and brethren to serve. She is very disappointed to have to miss the Feast of Tabernacles, a highlight for her every year.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 5, 2014 - Gary H. (Fairmont MN)
Gary, a deacon in the Southern Minnesota congregation, requests prayers for his vision problems, which seem to be getting worse. Gary has lost over 80% of his eyesight. His right eye is blind; the left eye vision is over half gone and what vision is left is often blurry. The cause of the blindness was a pituitary cyst which had pressed on the optic nerve, damaging it. The cyst was removed in 2010 and drained again in 2013, however it seems that the eye damage is not reversible unless God intervenes. Please pray that Gary's eyes will improve. With God, all things are possible. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 2, 2014 - Nate W. (Raleigh, NC)
Nate wants to thank everyone for the many prayers, cards, words of love and comfort during his ongoing health trial with cancer. They have been very much appreciated and have meant a lot to him. He thanks you all for your love and concern.
Aug 29, 2014
Nate, of the Raleigh congregation, continues to battle his cancer, however the outlook isn't good. His doctors have stated that there is nothing more that can be done medically. They've given him only a few months to live. He is currently under hospice care at home. He recently lost sight in his left eye after the pressure rose too high. This, in turn, aggravated his high blood pressure condition. The doctors were able to relieve the pressure but at the cost of his sight in that eye.
He is able to attend services on occasion and have lunch at his favorite diner afterwards. He also walks on the street outside his home when feeling up to it, with the assistance of a walker. Despite these trials he remains upbeat and positive.
Aug 1, 2014
Nate and Bertha continue to battle his cancer, however the outlook isn't good. His doctors have stated that there is nothing more medically that can be done. They've given him only a few months to live. He is currently under hospice care at home. He recently lost sight in his left eye after the pressure rose too high. This in turn aggravated his high blood pressure condition. The doctors were able to relieve the pressure in his eye which brought down his blood pressure but he lost sight in that eye.
He is able to attend services on occasion and have lunch at his favorite diner afterwards. He also takes short walks outside when feeling up to it. Despite these trials they remain upbeat and positive. Nate and Bertha would appreciate cards and words of encouragement during this difficult trial.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 2, 2014 - Melani W. (Sri Lanka)
Melani, of the Colombo congregation, had been hospitalized with dengue fever. For a time, none of the treatment options had been successful. The fever had lasted for over a week and her condition worsened. Melani was hospitalized, as she had been retaining fluids in her body and was unable to urinate, thereby requiring a catheter be inserted. However, within days of sending out a prayer request to the brethren, Melani had a remarkable turnaround. Her blood count began to rise from 29 to 40 and the passing of urine increased fivefold, with no fever at all!
Melani has now been discharged from the hospital. She is not yet back to work, but has been given additional health leave from her caring employer in order to fully regain her strength. We attribute her truly remarkable recovery to the hand of God. The family appreciates the prayers and concern demonstrated by so many and thank God for His healing and loving kindness.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 21, 2014 - Betty R. (Rita's mom) (WI)
Betty has been told she has skin cancer on her leg from a sore that has not healed. She will find out more details this next week. Please pray that it can be easily removed and has not spread to the bone or anywhere else.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 15, 2014 - Generoso "Gener" S. (Manila, Philippines)
To all my brothers and sisters in Christ, I cannot find the appropriate words to express the joy I felt to receive your letters and cards of encouragement when I was hospitalized due to a mild stroke. I cannot reciprocate to each one of you. I just want to express my deepest appreciation for your love and concern. I am now on the road to recovery and was able to attend the Feast of Tabernacles at the Baguio City site in the Philippines.
Aug 24, 2014
The family of Generoso would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to the brethren for their prayers for the healing of Gener. The CT Scan revealed that, without him knowing it, this was already his second stroke. After his condition was manageably stabilized, he was released from the Heart Center last Friday, August 15. He is recuperating at home but cannot yet attend services due to elevated blood pressures as high as 190 over 120. The family still requests the continued prayers of the brethren for his condition to normalize soon and that he be able to attend the Feast of Tabernacles this year.
Aug 16, 2014
Generoso S., of the Manila congregation, was rushed to the Philippine Heart Center after his blood pressure went up to 220/130 late this afternoon. His daughter Jenny, who sent a text message, fears her dad suffered a mild stroke. Gener is undergoing CT Scan and other tests right now. His family requests the prayers of the brethren for God's divine intervention and healing of Gener.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 14, 2014 - Courtney H. (Woodinville, WA)
Courtney recently had to return home from Ambassador Bible College, as her migraine headaches developed into debilitating Hemiplegic Migraines, which result in partial paralysis on one side of her body and face. The migraine clinic has been helping her make some progress in this area and they have become less frequent as of late, which is some good news.
For the past few weeks, she has also suffered from severe stomach and intestinal pains and even coughing up some blood. We are currently working through a battery of tests and specialist doctor visits to determine what's happening.
We would appreciate your continued prayers for relief from the migraines, finding answers for the stomach pains and just overall healing of her body so that she can be up and actively engaged in life and college in the near future.
Feb 10, 2014
Courtney (17) would appreciate your prayers on her behalf. On Wednesday evening she began having sharp pains in her abdomen. This continued throughout the night. The following day, on Thursday, she went to the ER and they were able to find what they think is the problem. She will be seeing the specialist on Monday. In the meantime, they have asked that she go back to the ER if her pain continues or worsens. She is still in a lot of pain and so we will be taking her back to the ER to see if she can get some relief over the next few days before the specialist can see her.
We would appreciate if you could pray that this problem would resolve itself, that God's healing would take place and also that God would guide the amazing doctors who are working with her to inspire them to find some answers. We do know that God works through people and we have been blessed to have some amazing "God-fearing" doctors over the years who have helped our son David, and we do know God has used them to help us find answers, and we are asking for that for Courtney as well.
Jan 2, 2014
Her headaches have gotten worse over the past 4 months. Please continue to ask for God's intervention on her behalf. Doctors feel she may outgrow this in time, but that could take several years. May 7, 2013
Thank you for your continued prayers for our daughter, Courtney. She has been receiving physical therapy and an exercise regimen lately which has helped her headaches slightly, but she is still mostly in pain and mostly in bed. This week, she will be flying out to the Mayo clinic in Rochester, the foremost authority for her condition -- Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). She will receive in-depth testing to find out how to help her. Please pray that we can find additional answers for this complex issue, total healing and a clear direction on helping Courtney with her POTS and head pain which has been constant for more than a year.
May 14, 2012
Courtney (17) has been in bed for the past 2 months with severe migraine headaches, body pain & fatigue & is not able to function normally. She has been given a diagnosis of POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). She is being treated by a neurologist to increase the blood volume & reduce the head pain.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 14, 2014 - Alice B. (Orangeville Ontario)
Alice was released from the hospital yesterday after her open heart surgery and is doing well. She wanted me to let everyone know how extremely grateful she is for the many prayers that were offered up to our heavenly Father on her behalf. She knows that God is not only all powerful, but that He is also powerfully involved in the lives of His children. Please continue your prayers for her complete recovery.
Nov 9, 2014
Last Thursday, Alice underwent bypass surgery. They also replaced a valve in her heart. Alice's daughter informed me that she is now out of ICU and that the operation went extremely well. Alice will remain in the hospital for another six days before being sent home.
Your heartfelt prayers beforehand were deeply appreciated and your continued prayers for a speedy and complete recovery will also be appreciated as well.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 9, 2014 - Paula O. (Bellingham, WA)
Paula, wife of elder Seldon O. of the Sedro Woolley congregation, is suffering from anemia and nerve disorder in her back, hips, legs and feet. She was sent to ICU in a life-threatening situation, to receive blood transfusions since she had lost 3/4 of her blood count. The cause of the loss is still unknown. Her mobility is severely affected because of her back and leg problem. As a result, she cannot go down the sixteen stairs to her condo and has been unable to go to Sabbath services or to the Feast. Paula greatly appreciates your prayers for her healing and for relief from the pain involved.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 7, 2014 - Bea R. (Onondaga, MI)
Bea was admitted to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan, last Friday to prep her for a heart shock treatment she is to receive Tuesday, Nov. 4. The doctors hope this will stabilize her heart beat so it will beat normally. If this treatment is successful she will not have to have a pacemaker. She requests your prayers that God will heal the heart and if that isn't His will at this time, that the shock treatment is successful. Thursday Update: BeaRau did not have the heart shock treatment she was scheduled to have. The doctors found a blood clot in the lower chamber of her heart before they did the procedure. They have postponed her treatment at least six weeks or until the blood clot is gone. They have given her a stronger blood thinner to hopefully dissolve the clot. She will be discharged either today or tomorrow and have her blood checked on a regular basis to see how the blood thinner is working. Bea is discouraged at the latest setback but understands she is totally in God's hands. She wants to thank everyone for your prayers, cards and letters of encouragement - it has meant a lot to her.
Aug 8, 2014
Bea has moved from the big island of Hawaii to live with her son in Onondaga, Michigan. She was admitted to the hospital in Jackson this week where it was determined she had congestive heart failure along with three completely blocked arteries. She had bypass surgery in the 90's on the same blocked arteries and the doctors said they can't do another bypass on any of them. They are giving her medication to help her heart function with restricted blood flow. Bea is on a restricted diet of low sodium and liquid intake. She had been making steady but slow progress from her stroke. She was discharged yesterday and will see her cardiologist in four-six weeks where they will monitor her heart function. Bea is asking for prayers that God will intervene according to His will.
Feb 21, 2014
For several weeks Bea has been receiving physical therapy in Honolulu for the stroke she suffered in January. She has made progress with her right leg/foot, but not her right arm and hand. She is able to stand up and get into a wheelchair. She has feeling in her right arm and hand, and her right leg and foot. She wants to thank everyone for all the cards, letters and prayers. They have been a source of great encouragement for her. She will be transferred back to the Big Island of Hawaii to continue her physical therapy this Friday, Feb. 28.
Feb 21, 2014
Bea has been transferred from the Big Island of Hawaii to the Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific on the island of Oahu to continue her rehab from the stroke she suffered earlier. She has feeling on her right side in her fingers, legs and feet, but she can't move them at the moment. Bea is able to talk with some difficulty, and will be staying at this hospital until sometime in March. Your continued prayers for her healing and recovery are requested.
Jan 18, 2014
Bea suffered a stroke while visiting her son and family on the big island of Hawaii. She was admitted to the hospital Tuesday, Jan. 14. The stroke has affected her right side and speech. She is currently in the ICU of the North Hawaii Community Hospital in Waimea, Hawaii. While running test the doctors discovered Bea is also suffering from atrial fibrillation. Your prayers for God's intervention are greatly appreciated. The doctors said they would like to move Bea to a rehab facility next week once she has stabilized. She will not be coming back to the mainland until she has sufficiently recovered and the doctors give her the "OK" to fly.

<  > Prayer Update - Nov 7, 2014 - Alexander P. (Milton, MA)
Stephen and Chrisian P. would like to share the following words of thanks for all those who have been praying for their son, Alexander:
"It was truly encouraging to us that soon after our prayer request was forwarded for our son Alexander's eyelid, that cards from all over began to flow in. Even though at his young age he can't fully understand, we thought it would be a good idea to read the cards to Alexander and for us as a family to be uplifted to know we have such a caring family in Christ.
"Alexander's eyelid is showing signs of improvement but still has some ways to go. We know God is our Creator and is our Healer. We will continue to seek God in prayer for this and for all of you, that God will strengthen and guide you according to His will and purpose.
"Thanks be to God for all of you who took the time to pray, send a card, e-mail, phone call or a Facebook message. It still brings us so much joy to think about the outpouring of love for us as a family and especially for our son. We only pray that we will look back and say, 'look what God has done.'"
Sep 19, 2014
Stephen and Chrissy P. would appreciate your prayers on behalf of their firstborn child, Alexander. He was born on July 27, 2014, and has been diagnosed with a severe case of Congenital Ptosis in his right eye. His levator muscle, which is what is used to retract the eyelid, is very weak, so Alexander cannot fully open his right eye. At this time, the development of his vision is critical. He has developed astigmatism in his right eye because of the pressure from his eyelid. His ophthalmologist will continue to monitor his development, but doesn't believe it will improve without surgery, but surgery is not recommended until age 3.
Stephen and Chrissy write: "We know that God is the ultimate healer and capable of all things. We pray that Alexander be healed and whatever the underlying causes preventing his eyelid from opening be gone. We pray for the strengthening of his levator muscle, the development of his vision, and for Alexander to be 100% healthy and developed. We'd appreciate your prayers for Baby Alex."

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 5, 2014 - James P. (Butuan City Philippines)
Your help is requested in praying for James, a deacon in the Butuan City and outlying congregations (also a faculty head in the Caraga State University). He was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital in Butuan City this morning, after developing a blood clot in his brain the night before, resulting in a stroke.

<  > Prayer Request - Nov 4, 2014 - Leon S. (Chang Mai, Thailand)
The sister of Leon, Anita S. of the North Canton congregation, requests your prayers for Leon's healing from a severe bout of congestive heart failure. A virus he contracted caused congestive issues in his bronchial tubes that taxed his body severely, triggering the congestive heart failure. He was scheduled to be moved out of ICU to a regular room in the Thai hospital where he is a patient. Mr. S. runs the Legacy Institute in Chang Mai, Thailand, which has long benefited young people of the country's hill tribes as well as the displaced members of the Karin tribe from the border areas of Burma. Over the years many ABC graduates have served as instructors at the Institute.
Please also include in your prayers a request for Mr. S's mother-in-law, because while on an extended stay in Chang Mai after the Feast she fell and fractured her hip. She is tired and worn out, but stable. The extended family there and here in Ohio very much appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 29, 2014 - Joe G. (Kent, OH)
Longtime deacon and deaconess, Joe and Bess G. of the North Canton congregation, request the honor of your faithful prayers to our great God on Joe's behalf. On Wednesday, November 5, he is scheduled to have a large intestinal tumor surgically removed. Please pray for a very successful medical procedure, but more importantly for his ultimate recovery and complete healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 29, 2014 - Dolores M. (Atwater, OH)
Ray and Dolores M. would very much appreciate your fervent prayers for Dolores' healing. She suffered congestive heart failure during the Feast in Cincinnati. That has greatly improved, but she experienced a critical breathing stoppage when the respirator tube was removed, resulting in an emergency reinsertion and finally in a tracheostomy. Their Feast trip of four hours one-way is now over two weeks long. If improvements in her condition continue, she will soon be transported to a hospital near their home in northern Ohio for final recovery. Both are in their late 70s and the ordeal has been truly exhausting. Please pray for Dolores' healing and strength for them both.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 25, 2014 - Teressa S. (E. Texas)
Teressa, a member of the East Texas congregation, has been hospitalized in Branson since the Feast with a severe lung condition. She has been in isolation but is expected to be moved to a regular room soon. It is hoped she will be able to return home in the near future. Prayers for her continued healing and comfort during this trying time would be appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 17, 2014 - Evan (June C - Eau Claire WI)
June C. of the Eau Claire congregation, has a 7 year old great-grandson who was recently diagnosed Lymnphoma. He began chemotherapy on Wednesday. The chemo was pretty hard on Evan. He has to have several more chemo treatments. Please pray that they go better for him, and that the cancer is healed.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 4, 2014 - Sarita R. (Bogota, Colombia)
A quick update on the condition of Sarita R., the 11-year-old girl in Bogota, Colombia who was hit by a bus: she's woken up, is eating and talking, and expresses her desire to go home and to be with her mom and dad. (Permission was given by Wilson and Diana, her parents, to pass this along.) Thanks to all for the prayers, and please continue to keep Sarita in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 3, 2014 - Malcolm M. (Linden, MI)
Malcolm was released from the hospital on Tuesday, September 30. He has been improving and gaining strength every day. He is up and walking about very well. The doctors expect a full recovery. He will see the doctor in 4 weeks and is expecting to be back at work shortly thereafter. While Malcolm and Francie will miss being at the Feast this year, they really appreciate all of the cards they have received, and especially your thoughts and prayers.
Sep 24, 2014
Your prayers are requested for Malcolm, pastor of the congregations in Flint, Saginaw, Traverse City and Petoskey, Michigan. While visiting a church member at the hospital yesterday, he collapsed from a heart attack. Open heart surgery for a double bypass was performed early this morning, September 24. He is now in intensive care and seems to be doing well. It is expected that he will continue about a week in the hospital and make a full recovery. Because he was already at the hospital when the event occurred, he was able to receive instant care; the doctors feel that he might not have survived the heart attack otherwise. Malcolm and his wife, Francie, would appreciate your prayers for his complete recovery.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 2, 2014 - Clara deV. (London, ON, Canada)
Clara has been going through many trials and difficulties of late and now she has contracted pink eye and will not be able to attend services for Atonement and may have to stay home from the Feast of Tabernacles, as well. Clara is one of God's widows who has so faithfully served Him. Because of where she lives, going to or keeping the Sabbath is not always possible and therefore the Feast has always been something that she looks forward to.

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 19, 2014 - Megan G. (Tacoma, WA)
Megan is still in ICU at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland, OR. Her diagnosis has been changed to Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. At this point, Megan is unable to breathe on her own and has a tracheotomy breathing machine installed. She is able to hear, but not able to see or communicate much, and has been treated for several infections and buildup of fluid in the lungs. The doctors are concerned that her symptoms are lasting longer than they should. The family is very concerned and appreciates all the prayers and cards for Megan.

<  > Prayer Update - Sep 6, 2014 - Leonard F. (CA) (Laurie B's father, of Eau Claire, WI)
I want to thank all the brethren for their continued Prayers for my dad Leonard F. God has surely lifted him up and he is doing quite well. Since arriving in California, my dad had declined in his physical strength, but his mind was still sharp. He was on all types of meds, now he is just on regular nutritional meds to help with body parts. All chemo/blood transfusions have ended and now his body functions on his own. He was on a strict diet, now he can eat whatever he likes. He walks with the help of a walker and grows stronger each day. The morphine process have not begun as yet. Hospice is twice a week and they are treating him very nicely and keeping my dad comfortable. My mother is continuing to take such great care of my dad. My husband Steve flew back to Wisconsin yesterday. I will stay until the 16th of Sept. My observance for today: my dad can live another month, but this is in God's hands and we are so very thankful that he is extending my dad's life. I am also praying that my mom/dad will be able to celebrate their 61st wedding anniversary come Sabbath Sept. 6, 2014. Again, thank you all for your continued prayers, Our Heavenly Father is just amazing! Sincerely, Laurie B.
Aug 23, 2014
While in California a few weeks ago to see my family, my dad was newly diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia thus giving him less than a year to live. Within this past week, my dad's length of time has decreased to days possibly weeks to live. Yesterday was his first day of hospice care and will be taken care of. His attitude is good and is still walking/talking and enjoying all the visitors coming to see him. I would like to ask for prayers for my dad as we know that he will not get better, my mother who will need the strength to go through this and my dad's 98 year old brother who is taking this news very hard and of course my siblings, relatives and friends. Thank you for your sincere prayers, Steve/Laurie & family."

<  > Prayer Request - Sep 6, 2014 - Joan T. (Bella Vista, AR)
Joan, of the Bentonville, Arkansas, congregation, had a severe reaction following a reconstructive surgery on Friday, Aug. 29. Saturday afternoon she started having seizures and was taken to the hospital. On Sunday, the seizures became constant and she went into cardiac arrest. She was put on life support and was life-flighted to the hospital in Springfield, Missouri. Physically she stabilized, but doctors could not get her to wake up. She has made slow but steady improvement and today (Thursday) she opened her eyes for the first time. Doctors will not be able to completely assess her condition until she fully regains consciousness. There is concern for neurological damage and possible internal organ damage. Joan and her husband, Farnum, would deeply appreciate your prayers for her complete recovery.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 29, 2014 - Hope H. (Akron, NY)
Your prayers are requested for Hope, the infant daughter of Mary and Aaron H. of the Buffalo, New York, congregation. Hope was born Wednesday, Aug. 20, with some spinal difficulties. She has been a fighter since her birth and continues to do well despite her challenges. She now faces an operation to relieve fluid buildup in one ventricle of the brain. Please pray for little Hope and her family - that God would show His mercy and favor to her.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 23, 2014 - Debbie R. (WA state) (cousin of Carla E.)
Thank you all for your prayers for my cousin, Debbie! She is literally making great strides! She's been able to walk with a walker since yesterday. She can also now feed herself. (before she couldn't b/c of the stroke she just had) She'll be receiving more physical therapy and occupational therapy. She has been an inspiration to her nurses (& us all). Most of them are runners as Debbie was one too, the biggest race being an ironman!
From Carla: My Aunt Sandy called to update me on my cousin's situation. She said she's had several more short seizures since being in the hospital. She has regained some use of her right side. The long 3.5 hour seizure caused a stroke to her right side. She may be airlifted to Spokane, a larger city away, to further help with the recent hospitalization. First she has to stabilize as to prevent further seizures, if put under stress( such as being flown).
A device used to either shrink or remove tumors may be used on her there. Also, I guess she's had this tumor for about 12 years and has had chemo over the years and currently takes drugs to help decrease the size of the tumor.
Please continue to pray for me dear sweet cousin.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 23, 2014 - Lizzie H. (Harare, Zimbabwe)
This is a belated word of heartfelt thanks to all the brethren who sent message cards of prayers and words of encouragement because of my wife Lizzie's illness. Sorry we cannot send individual thanks to each one of you; there are so many of you. My wife continues to have problems with cancer. She's been in and out of the hospital. She had radio therapy and the source of the illness, a lump in the lower part of her abdominal cavity, was greatly reduced. However, the cancer had spread to other parts of the body. She now had to go through chemotherapy but she was too weak for it to be carried out. Being diabetic, her sugar level is very unstable. We are hoping that she will gain a bit of strength and her sugar level will stabilize for her to go through the chemotherapy. We request your continued prayers. Once more thanks very much.
Feb 14, 2014
Harris, elder in Eastern Zimbabwe, is requesting prayers for his wife, Lizzi. Lizzi has long struggled with diabetes, and more recently has been suffering from colon cancer. She took a turn for the worse recently and was hospitalized several days ago. For the doctors to give her any treatment, her diabetes must first be controlled. They have been unable to do so and medication given seems to have put her into a partial coma along with swelling of limbs. They are saying that the cancer in the colon might have spread to her lungs; doctors are still looking. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 19, 2014 - Melvin R. (Lansing MI)
Melvin writes: "Yesterday [August 16, 2014], I was able to go back to church for the first time in over four months. I walked to the mailbox every day last week so that I would be able to walk into church from the parking lot, roughly the same distance. I received a wonderfully warm reception from everybody, which was very encouraging. It's great to be back."
Aug 7, 2014
Melvin is asking for prayers. He has been back in Sparrow Hospital in Lansing since last Wednesday. He is experiencing severely high blood pressure and terrible nausea. So far his doctors have not been able to determine the cause. They will continue to run tests in hopes of finding out.
May 7, 2014
Diane writes: "Melvin and I just want to thank everyone for the prayers, gifts, cards, food, and phone calls received over the past 4 weeks. We have just been overwhelmed with love, concern and help and are finding it hard to find a place to begin our thanks. We are so privileged to see the number of friends we have all over the world. He has received cards from congregations and individuals from the four corners of the planet and everywhere in between, including other organizations. Our wonderful local areas have provided food and many have visited and provided many, many needs.
Melvin is home now on IV antibiotics and we are waiting for his next MRI to tell us if the abscesses on his spine are disappearing. That will determine whether surgery is needed or not. That surgery would be very complicated and he would have to go to the University of Michigan for it. Continued prayers would be appreciated that surgery will not be needed! And just to add to the discomfort, he has to have a removable cast on his right foot because the bones in that foot are collapsing - he can't bear any weight on it for 4-6 months. As bad as that may sound, it is the least of his problems, just an added misery. The abscesses are far more threatening.
We so appreciate the prayers and expressions of love and concern from all of you. There are no words remotely adequate!
Apr 4, 2014
We just received this serious request for Melvin from the Home Office: We are very concerned about Melvin, who has been very ill and is now in the hospital with malaria and cardiac problems. His foot has cellulitis - swollen and red and very much in pain. He is on morphine but that has not relieved the pain from kidney stones that passed through. We ask for your prayers for relief and healing. This is very serious. Mrs. R is staying at the hospital with him as much as possible. Please pray for her, too.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 16, 2014 - Kristi M. (Jefferson, GA) (niece of Bob and Dianne M)
Dianne M.'s sister, Donna Q., sent her the following message: "Our heartfelt thanks for your prayers. We now know from a biopsy what type of cancer our daughter Kristi has. It is called Leiomyosarcoma (LMS), stage 4. She has a large abdominal mass, lesions in both lungs, right hip, and a couple of her ribs. She started aggressive chemotherapy on Monday, August 4 to stop the growth and, hopefully, kill the tumors. Please pray for no complications and adverse side effects from the chemotherapy. Also, please pray for God to comfort her, her husband and our whole family as this has been a great shock to us all. Kristi is 42 and has 5 small children. Thank you so much, Pat and Donna Q."
Jul 14, 2014
Your urgent prayers are requested for Kristi, daughter of Pat and Donna Q. of the Jefferson, Georgia congregation and niece of Bob and Dianne M. Kristi has been sick for some time with lots of back pain and other issues. She underwent testing at the Cancer Center of America this week and it was determined she does have a cancerous mass close to her pancreas, but not part of the pancreas, which is some good news in the midst of the bad. She is in extreme pain and suffered a blood clot in her lung where it is suspected there are several other tumors. As soon as they are dissolved, she will have a biopsy to determine what kind of cancer she has and a course of treatment.
Kristi and Russ have 5 children, the youngest is 8 months old. Pat and Donna are caring for Kristi and the children in their home while Russ tries to keep working at his job 2 hours away. They need God's help most for Kristi, but also need his strength to endure until she is better. They already have felt the prayers of those who knew there is a need, and look forward to the help and comfort from all your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 8, 2014 - Carol P. (Pam Q's, Twin Cities, MN, sister in law)
Carol has had leukemia, diabetes and Celiac disease for many years. However, she has new issues for which it appears her cells are attacking her body and causing proteins and other cell debris to escape from her cells and attach to her tissues. This is causing muscle weakness and pain such that she is having trouble walking and climbing stairs. They may have to sell their house if she continues to have hardship with the stairs. She has been working with Mayo Clinic and now has to have more tests to pinpoint what can be done for treatment or managing if she is unable to be treated. Please pray for God's direction and strength for her and my brother

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 25, 2014 - Don O. (Mobile, AL)
Even though tests show that Don is cancer free, he has developed a bad case of shingles and has multiple blood clots. He will have to take a series of shots, one shot a day for seven days, and a blood thinner for six months. He has one more chemo treatment Aug. 1. Don has requested continued prayer that God will grant him a complete recovery.
Apr 11, 2014
Prayers are requested for Don, member of the Mobile, Alabama, congregation. Don has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is in the third of four stages. His doctors said in this stage they can treat the disease with successful results using chemotherapy.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 18, 2014 - Nathan G. (Melrose, FL)
Prayers are requested for Nathan, a 70-year-old member of the Ocala, Florida, congregation. Nathan has myasthenia gravis, macular degeneration, sleep apnea and insulin-resistant diabetes. He was the caregiver for his mother, who recently died with pancreatic cancer. During this time Nathan developed a tooth problem. After the death of his mother he went to have the tooth taken care of only to discover that he had oral cancer underneath the tooth. He had surgery July 10. The good news is that the doctor thinks he removed all the cancer although it will be a few more days before they know for sure. The bad news is they broke Nathan's jawbone during the surgery, and had to insert a plate and wire his mouth closed. It is important first that they did get all the cancer, second that Nathan heal without any infections or complications from the diabetes, and third that he heals enough that he and his wife, Marie (who also has multiple health problems), would be able to continue to provide for their care at home.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 18, 2014 - Eden L. (Menomonie, WI)
Dan says Eden is doing much better since her diagnosis with Lyme Disease. She has been taking antibiotics for a week now, with a week left to go. The doctors left a message with them this week that further testing confirmed this was a recent infection, and when they can catch it this early there is a good chance for a full recovery.
Dan and Darlene of course put it in God's hands as well, and are grateful for those who have been praying with them for a complete healing, and so far she seems mostly back to normal in mood and energy.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 16, 2014 - Lexi R. (Twin Cities, MN)
Steve and Krystal would like to thank you all for your prayers for their newly born daughter Lexi Olivia. Though she was born three weeks early, her blood sugars have since stabilized and they were able to take her home today.
Jul 14, 2014
Krystal & Steve R. wish to announce the birth of their daughter Lexi Olivia this morning at 6.32am, 5 lb 13 oz, 20 inches long. Baby and parents are doing well.
Krystal and Steve have asked for our prayers as Lexi's arrival is 3 weeks early and her temperature is a little low. Medical staff are doing hourly blood glucose monitoring.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 9, 2014 - Kim N. (Oklahoma City, OK)
It was ultimately determined that my breast cancer is triple negative. This means the cancer is not hormone receptive and I would not respond to the more usual medications doctors use to treat breast cancer. The tumor was 4.2 centimeters and in two lymph nodes. I have had two chemotherapy treatments and will have six more. After the first treatment, the tumor shrunk considerably and the doctor had a hard time finding it. She said I was having a 'perfect response.' I do not believe this is from the chemotherapy alone. It could only be from God's mercy and healing. If I am able to have all treatments as scheduled, I will complete them on September 18. I will then have a break to attend the Feast of Tabernacles. After returning from the Feast I will have surgery, which will most likely be in early November. David and I would like to thank all the brethren around the world for their prayers, cards, texts and e-mails. They have been truly uplifting. It is such a blessing to know God's truth and be part of His wonderful work.

<  > Prayer Request - Jul 1, 2014 - Delia B. (Jesse G's sister) (Munster, IN)
Jesse is requesting prayers for his sister Delia from the Munster, Indiana congregation. Her brain did not develop properly during her prenatal stages and she was born with an abnormally formed blood vessel on one side of her brain which makes her particularly susceptible to stress. A recent family difficulty is causing Delia to suffer depression and she is not eating normally.
The family difficulty is over the ongoing care of Jesse's mother, who has been struggling with fluid developing in her lungs, causing her heart to weaken. She is not able to walk without assistance and needs constant care.
Jesse is requesting prayers that God would give his mother enough strength to make her own decisions in the final days of her life and that He would relieve Delia's stress.
Jesse will be traveling to Indiana on Monday to visit his mother and Delia, and is also requesting prayers that God would grant him the wisdom and strength to bring peace and comfort to his mother, to Delia and his entire family.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 27, 2014 - Sue R. (Kokomo, IN)
Your prayers are requested for several members and their families. Ed and Judy, Sue, and Cecile Hill (all members) were traveling home from Sabbath services on June 14 when a car ran a stop sign at a high rate of speed and struck their auto broadside. Police at the scene estimated that the car which ran the stop sign was traveling at 50 to 55 miles per hour at the time of the impact.
Cecile Hill, 78, was pronounced dead at the hospital that same evening.
Ed and Sue both suffered significant internal injuries, as well as broken hips. Judy was hospitalized for several days, and is now recovering at home. Sue (who is Judy's sister) and Ed will be hospitalized for an indefinite period in a rehabilitation hospital. Ed, Judy and Sue all are in their early to mid-60's. This tragedy came only two weeks after Gordon R. (a long-time member as well as Judy and Sue's father) died at the age of 88.
Your prayers for Ed, Sue and Judy's healing will be most appreciated. The congregation in Lafayette rallied around the family from nearly the moment the tragedy occurred. Initially, members were with those hospitalized virtually around the clock. Please pray also for healing for our congregation for WI and thanks all of you for your prayers. Please keep praying that God grants him a speedy and full recovery.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 27, 2014 - Ed and Judy H (Kokomo, IN)
Your prayers are requested for several members and their families. Ed and Judy, Sue, and Cecile Hill (all members) were traveling home from Sabbath services on June 14 when a car ran a stop sign at a high rate of speed and struck their auto broadside. Police at the scene estimated that the car which ran the stop sign was traveling at 50 to 55 miles per hour at the time of the impact.
Cecile Hill, 78, was pronounced dead at the hospital that same evening.
Ed and Sue both suffered significant internal injuries, as well as broken hips. Judy was hospitalized for several days, and is now recovering at home. Sue (who is Judy's sister) and Ed will be hospitalized for an indefinite period in a rehabilitation hospital. Ed, Judy and Sue all are in their early to mid-60's. This tragedy came only two weeks after Gordon R. (a long-time member as well as Judy and Sue's father) died at the age of 88.
Your prayers for Ed, Sue and Judy's healing will be most appreciated. The congregation in Lafayette rallied around the family from nearly the moment the tragedy occurred. Initially, members were with those hospitalized virtually around the clock. Please pray also for healing for our congregation for WI and thanks all of you for your prayers. Please keep praying that God grants him a speedy and full recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 21, 2014 - Linda W. (Elyria, OH)
We are asking for continued prayer for Linda Warzycki. Linda had been receiving radiation treatments for a localized cancer in her uterus. After some medical treatment it was discovered that she also had additional cancerous spots on her lungs. Now she has just received further testing and the news is not encouraging. She has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancerous tumors in her brain. She is presently on steroids to reduce the swelling and will be receiving radiation treatments to reduce the size of the tumors. After my father-in-law became a widower, he married Linda a few years later. As family, we are very disappointed with this news but we will continue to pray that the Master Physician has a different diagnosis. Please beseech our Father to be merciful and gracious to Linda as we all seek His Will. This is also a difficult time for her children: Pam, Phil and Tim. Please also ask God to encourage and comfort them during this difficult time.
Thank you in advance for your continued prayers for Linda during this difficult trial for her, and the entire family.
Dec 20, 2013
We are asking for prayer for longtime member Linda W. Linda started attending services as a young girl in the Akron, Ohio, congregation in the 1960s.
Linda had been receiving radiation treatments for a localized cancer in her uterus. After a bad reaction to a radiation treatment at the Cleveland Clinic, it was discovered that she has additional cancerous spots on her lungs. Beginning today, she will now begin a series of chemotherapy treatments. This will attack the cancer elsewhere in her body. Linda is asking for her loving brethren's prayers, especially regarding the debilitating side-effects of the chemotherapy. Please pray that she is able to tolerate the nausea that often comes with these kinds of treatments.
Thank you in advance for your continued prayers for Linda during this difficult trial for her, and the entire family.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 20, 2014 - Elizabeth D. (Crystal, MN)
Elizabeth D., Kyle and Amy's daughter, is back home and doing well after being taken to the emergency room last Thursday afternoon after ingesting something she should not have. The family very much appreciate your prayers.
Jun 13, 2014
Elizabeth, Kyle and Amy's daughter, was taken to the emergency room Thursday afternoon after ingesting something she should not have. She slept with a breathing tube, but that was removed Friday morning. She is better, but still feeling some of the after effects of the medication and will stay in the hospital another night. A full recovery is expected, but your prayers are greatly appreciated at this time. Elizabeth is in a secure area of the hospital. Visits are limited.

<  > Prayer Request - May 30, 2014 - John D. (Asheville, North Carolina)
John was injured severely while at his place of business this morning. While doing some electric wiring on a ladder, he was electrocuted. The shock sent him 16 feet to the ground and he broke his back at the L1 vertebrae. It also broke his pelvis. John's overall condition is still being assessed, but at this point, it does not seem like the electrocution has affected him. Your prayers for God's speedy intervention and recovery are appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - May 28, 2014 - Ramon C. (son-in-law of Linda K, of Omaha)
Ramon came out of the anesthesia late last night and was just fine! The docs decided to postpone the repair op until Friday, June 6, in order to give him time to heal from a tiny nick, which bled slightly but did not cause damage. Apparently this is common in this type of op.
So this crisis is temporarily over. Ramon continues to send his sincere appreciation to all who are praying for him, and so do Linda and I and the whole family!
May 27, 2014
Ramon was in the operating room earlier today for a "marking" operation (with dye) so they can find the tiny artery immediately tomorrow for the repair. He did bleed a little during this procedure, which is a worry. Later, he was partially awake for tests to check his progress - so far, so good. The doctors will check thoroughly tomorrow, and if they deem him in good enough shape, will attempt repair, as scheduled. Otherwise there will be a wait of undetermined length. So it's a stress day for the whole family and a "prayer every few minutes" day. His wife, Linda's daughter, Kate, is at the hospital with him most of the time with breaks to go home for rest. We may find out more this evening. Your prayers are much appreciated!

<  > Prayer Request - May 17, 2014 - Tina M. (Siren, WI)
Tina has been weak lately and was hospitalized last Thursday or Friday with internal bleeding from an unknown cause. Your prayers are requested.

<  > Prayer Request - May 15, 2014 - Rachel W's parents (Nebraska)
I would like to ask for prayers for my parents in Western Nebraska. Tonight my mom was sent to the ER. She had about an hour of memory loss this evening along with lots of crying. Her blood pressure was high at the time also. By the time she arrived at the ER, her memory was back & BP was better also. A CT scan was done to check for any bleeding or anything out of the ordinary. For now they are calling it a transient ischemic attack, some call a mini stroke that comes and goes. She's now scheduled for tests Thursday which will hopefully tell if this was the case. They are sending her home for now & my dad will be monitoring her until then. Thank you, Rachel

<  > Prayer Request - May 15, 2014 - Gene C. (Nebraska?)
Hello. I will be going in for my regular diabetes checkup on Thursday. As you know, I have been off my diabetes meds for a year and a half. I'm asking for your prayers that the check up and the lab test will go well. God bless, and much love.

<  > Prayer Request - May 15, 2014 - Sandi R. (Nebraska?)
It's good news about my [Gene C.] friend Sandi. Her lab tests were negative. No trace of cancer. Her lungs were swollen, and her specialist washed them with saline solution. Sandi said that when she woke up afterwards, that the terrible tickle in her lungs that was there whenever she took a deep breath was gone! It's my firm belief that our loving God has heard our prayers! As my friend Sandi put it: "God knows how to cure me, and how to help me deal with whatever comes. That assurance has kept me through lots of bad things. I can be less stressed than I would be otherwise, knowing that God is holding my hand and helping me, probably even carrying me through the roughest parts!"
What a wonderful expression of faith! Thank you all for your prayers on Sandi's behalf! She will be on prednisone for the next two month to insure there is no remaining infection. She would appreciate your continued prayers that she won't experience severe weight gain (caused by prednisone), and that her blood sugar will stay under control.

<  > Prayer Update - May 14, 2014 - Christine S. (Garden City, KS)
Your prayers are requested for Christine, a loving servant and deaconess in the Meade, Kansas, congregation. Christine has been diabetic for a long time, and now has significant complications from the diabetes including kidney failure. She is rapidly approaching the need for dialysis, as she has only about 14% kidney function. Christine is very weak, nauseated, has strong headaches, edema, she eats very little, and is generally not all that well.
Christine is a kind, gentle, willing servant for the Meade congregation who loves God's way of life and those He is calling. On behalf of Ken, her husband, and Christine, thank you for beseeching God for His continued involvement in her life.
Jan 3, 2014
Christine is doing slightly better this week with an adjustment of her meds but is still in serious condition with kidney failure. The meds might help, but God's healing is what is needed.
Jan 3, 2014
Christine his been dealing with kidney failure, diabetes, and other serious health problems. It has come to a head with severe kidney problems. She and her husband, Kenneth are members and deacon/deaconess in the Meade, Kansas Church. They are the parents of Rebecca C, and Jerusha R. Please do pray for Christine in this crisis.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 18, 2014 - Bonnie H. (Redding, CA)
Prayers are requested for Bonnie of the Redding, California, congregation. She has suffered from severe panic disorder and agoraphobia for almost 40 years. Initially experiencing vertigo, she was diagnosed as having peripheral vestibular dysfunction of the left inner ear in 1982, and began to have panic attacks (up to 20 per day). She has seen about 50 different specialists - from nutritional experts to ear doctors. A chemical imbalance in her brain and vestibular system causes a constant barrage of adrenaline and sensory overload. Bonnie has been on daily medication since 1975 (approximately fifteen were tried without success), and since 1989 has been on one that helps control her symptoms. She requests prayers for complete healing and thus stopping the medication. She would especially like to hear from other church members who have suffered from this same problem. Bonnie also requests prayers for relief of pain from cervical spine surgery and fusion she had in March 2013; gastroparesis (since 2011); interstitial cystitis (since last month), and macular degeneration, discovered about two weeks ago. (Her mother became legally blind from macular degeneration.) However, relief from the panic disorder and agoraphobia is her most urgent need.
Apr 19, 2013
Bonnie's surgery went well, but her recovery will be long and challenging. Overall, she is progressing well, gaining strength every day and has a positive attitude.
Mar 13, 2013
Prayers are requested for Bonnie as she is undergoing neurological surgery March 20 in San Francisco to relieve severe neck-shoulder-arm pain that has become progressively worse over several decades. Doctors will be performing greatly complex surgery throughout her spine, including an attempt to repair herniated discs, enlarge openings, put spacers between joints, replace vertebrae, and fuse sections, putting plates, screws and rods in her neck to stabilize this area. Please pray for divine guidance through every part of the surgery, and for complete healing without complications, and that God grants a rapid recovery. Please pray that her husband, Jonathan, is healthy and strong enough to care for her as well.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 18, 2014 - Mark L. (Delta, CO)
Mark's kidney doctor informed him that tests reveal the immediate need for kidney dialysis. His first treatment will be in approximately a week and a half due to Mark having to go off blood thinning medication prior to the dialysis. In spite of this most recent news, Mark remains in good spirits and continues to look to God for his healing. He thanks everyone for their continual prayers. He also expresses deep thanks for the outpouring of love he has received in the form of cards, emails and phone calls.
Feb 21, 2014
Mark's recent doctor's visit was very encouraging. The doctor indicated that his kidney function had improved slightly, so the kidney dialysis has been postponed. Mark continues to remain very upbeat and positive about his condition as he looks to God for his healing. Mark wants to express his deepest appreciation for all of the cards and well wishes he has received. They have encouraged him greatly.
Dec 27, 2013
Prayers are requested for Mark, a member of the Grand Junction, Colorado, congregation. Mark has been dealing with severe kidney problems for several years. He visited his doctor last week for a checkup. Based on the medical tests done, his doctor has informed him that he is probably no more than 30 days away from renal failure, requiring him to go on dialysis. To compound matters, Mark currently lives in Delta, Colorado. In order to have the dialysis treatments three to four times a week, he will need to move to Grand Junction, approximately 40 miles away. He is currently in the process of finding suitable housing and will move as soon as possible. Mark's attitude has been very upbeat in spite of his health problems. He has asked for prayers for God's invention and his complete healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 18, 2014 - Caroline C. (Bryn H's sister's mother in law)
Caroline has met with doctors and they have planned surgery for May 7th where they plan to remove parts of the pancreas and intestine to remove the cancer.
Caroline asked the doctor if he would put his own 86 year old mother through this surgery and his response was if she was in as good of heath as Caroline he would, so hopefully everything will go well, but as we know your Heavenly Father can certainly stand in the gap and increase the odds of success. So please pray that this surgery goes well.
Apr 5, 2014
Shelly just learned that her 86 year old mother in law (Caroline C) was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It sounds like the most direct medical treatment right now is surgery to remove the tumor, but given her age this is risky at best so please remember Caroline in yours prayers.
Also please remember Shelly in your prayers as well since she and Caroline are very close and it was this time last year that we received the news about our sister Connie's diagnosis with the cancer which took her from us, so this news is doubly heightened for Shelly.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 15, 2014 - Whitney C. (Cincinnati, OH)
Aaron & Whitney are happy to announce the birth of their first born son, Dexter James. He was born via C section at 12:03 AM April 13, at 4 lbs 12 oz and 17 1/2" long. Mom and baby are resting and dad is beside himself! Thank you for your continued prayer for Whitney and the baby.
Apr 11, 2014
Last night we requested prayer for Whitney C. (of the Cincy East AM congregation). After treatment, her blood pressure is somewhat better but a test came back that shows she has a very high protein level. Because of this the doctors feel there is some risk, so they are going to induce her labor at 6 AM tomorrow morning. As you can imagine this is an unexpected development and is difficult for Whitney and the family. Thank you for your prayers for God's intervention, direction and guidance.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 15, 2014 - Bill S. (Tower Hill IL)
Luke and Jauna L. and family are requesting prayers for Jauna's Grandfather Bill S. He has suffered a stroke and is actively bleeding in the brain. He is being flown to a hospital in Springfield at this time.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 11, 2014 - Britton R. (Milford, OH)
The good news is Britton's health crisis has passed. They've removed the ventilator and brought him out of sedation so he is now communicating and responsive! They are planning to move him out of ICU tomorrow. He does not have an infection and is eating on his own now.
If he continues to improve, as expected, they plan to discharge him on Monday. Thanks for your continued fervent prayers.
Apr 11, 2014
Your prayers are requested for Britton who is one of our ABC students. He is presently hospitalized in the ICU at Bethesda North Hospital. Earlier in the week he experienced flu like symptoms which escalated to extreme hormonal imbalance, infection and other serious complications. He is now on a respirator, being sedated and at the moment unable to communicate effectively while multiple tests are being run. He is unable to have visitors at this time. He is in caring hands at the hospital and his mother, Pam, has arrived from Oklahoma to care for him as well.
Your prayers are greatly appreciated for God's intervention, guidance and healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 4, 2014 - Tim V. (SD?)
Tim went to the hospital Wednesday to begin taking dialysis. This was a great disappointment, as he had been hoping to delay "the inevitable," but at the same time, he is feeling much better today.
Apr 2, 2014
Tim is still struggling with this wretched flu, which keeps him half-nauseous and unable to eat or drink much and exhausted. He really needs a boost to get on top of this flu. Then there's the bigger need for healing his kidneys.
Mar 31, 2014
Tim seems to have this flu, because of the symptoms. It may be the kidney failure he's been dealing with, though. He will have tests tomorrow to check "the numbers" on his kidneys. There is a possibility that he will have to go on dialysis if the numbers are not high enough. Please pray for healing of his kidneys, and healing in general - of the flu or whatever else he's fighting.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 4, 2014 - Margie C. (SD)
Margie has finally turned the corner and is improving. Her vital signs are strengthening - oxygen up, white cells way down. She needs rest, fluids, TLC, and prayers, all of which she has been getting.
Apr 1, 2014
Margie is still very sick with Influenza A. She's taking antibiotics, and hasn't improved much yet.
Mar 31, 2014
Margie who is really sick and has been diagnosed with influenza-A. He visited by phone late yesterday afternoon and she could barely talk. Margie also needs our earnest prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 4, 2014 - Wanda C. (SD?)
Wanda continues to improve. She is getting over the flu with lessened symptoms, and otherwise is gaining strength and recovering from having had a major seizure. She was scheduled to return home today, but at the last minute, the doctor decided they should wait another day for test reports to come back, so now they hope for her to go home tomorrow.
Apr 2, 2014
We have some great news today! After being non-responsive and having a respirator tube down her throat for a day and a half, Wanda Cook opened her eyes earlier today and was herself. Her eyes are bright, and she can talk-or whisper. She should be out of ICU and in a regular room by now. Apparently her seizure on Sunday was related to a combination of having the flu, dehydration, overheating, and low sodium, besides possibly other unknown factors. Wanda is not out of the woods, but has come back to consciousness, which is a huge relief! It's possible that she will be in the hospital for only one or two more days if she improves rapidly. Prayers for full recovery are greatly appreciated.
Apr 1, 2014
Dave C. has sent some information concerning Wanda's condition as they do tests and eliminate possibilities. A spinal tap earlier showed no infection in the brain. Her sodium level has improved to close to normal. Her BP is very low - this could be caused by pain meds. Her temp has come down gradually from 104 to 99.7 over the last 24 hours. Wanda still doesn't respond to verbal stimuli, but her vital signs are stable and are improving slowly. That's about all the detail we have. Wanda is still in a very serious condition, and our prayers for God's intervention are much needed.
Dave C. called to report that the EMTs were driving out the driveway, headed to the emergency room with Wanda. She had been very sick in bed since Friday with this nasty flu virus that is going around, then today was feeling even worse with headaches, high fever, and faintness. A little earlier this evening she went into convulsions, so Dave called 911. Please pray for her in this serious situation.
Wanda has been diagnosed with influenza, low sodium, and elevated enzymes and other possible complications, which could be way serious. She has been sent to Sioux Falls for treatment and observation.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 4, 2014 - Jolene M. (NE)
Everett and Jolene are both doing better. Jolene will be wearing a heart monitor for a while. The hope is that the cause of her heart pains will show itself. Tests show her without any heart problem at all. (They did find a new car!)
While Mr. and Mrs. M. were driving yesterday, Jolene suddenly had heart pains and blacked out. They went straight to the hospital in Grand Island. Several tests were administered with the same results as two months ago - everything seems to be just fine. She spent the night and will stay tonight, as well. Tomorrow they plan to release her, wearing a 2-week monitor that, it is hoped, will provide some answers. At the moment she feels fine, but your prayers are still requested for Jolene - for healing and also, making some kind of progress in determining the cause of these very disconcerting spells. Also, please pray for their daughter. She was with them in the accident a couple of weeks ago, and both are taking chiropractic treatments for whiplash. They would also appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 4, 2014 - Sharon G.
Sharon is doing a little better, too, and hopes to make it to services this Sabbath. She continues to deal with chronic health issues, but soldiers on.
Sue asked for prayers for healing of her throat that was so sore she could barely eat or swallow water, which prevented her from taking her meds, and for healing of her knees. She asked that I thank everyone for their prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 2, 2014 - Sue H. (SD?)
Sue called today to let us know that her asthma has improved dramatically from Sunday evening. She is very thankful! She needs help with several other health issues, but this is a major step forward. Thanks for your continued prayers!
Mar 31, 2014
Sue has been suffering with a prolonged gout attack for several weeks and has a serious headache that goes along with it. In addition, she is stuffed up with serious sinus congestion plus asthma, which causes her more misery. She just can't seem to fight this off, so your prayers are much appreciated for Sue's healing.
Jan 11, 2014
Sue has chronic gout in her hands, feet, knees and elsewhere, as well as fibro-myalgia. This keeps her dealing with pain to varying degrees throughout the day. And now, in addition, she has come down with a serious case of the flu. She just feels miserable, she said today.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 31, 2014 - Dean R. (Des Moines, IA)
Dean fell last week and fractured his hip, further immobilizing him. It's not a complete break - just a "hairline" fracture, but is still painful enough to keep him from walking. He asks for prayer that he may return to services.
Jan 3, 2014
Dean has made progress throwing off the pneumonia, for which he is happy, but he still is struggling to recover his strength. He's had similar episodes before, but it seems to be more serious now because of the pneumonia. So, please ask special prayers for Dean as he fights to recover.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 28, 2014 - Betty P. (Ruthie S's son's mother-in-law)
Ruthie S.is requesting prayers for her son's mother-in-law, Betty P. Two years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. She underwent therapy, but took a real turn for the better after a prayer request was announced to the local congregation. She has taken a turn for the worse, and Ruthie would like to request our prayers for her again. Thank you for remembering Betty in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 28, 2014 - Dave D. (Spring, TX)
Words cannot adequately express our thanks for the many prayers of our Church family during a long road of heath difficulties. Our loving Father powerfully answered them, and both Frances and I are finally getting back to normal activities once again with only a few follow-up exams and care for a while yet. Frances' doctors tell her they are very pleased with her recovery from the chemo, two surgeries and radiation. Now that all these are behind her, her strength is growing daily. Meanwhile, I have completed all but one final week of cardiac rehab following open heart surgery and will return to work full time March 31. Throughout the past year or so we have been tremendously blessed to experience the power of prayers offered and answered on our behalf. Our love and appreciation goes out to each member of our Church family.
Dec 20, 2013
I just talked with Dave - an elder from the Houston North, Texas, congregation. While his pastor did send an update out a couple weeks ago, Dave wanted me to give another brief update on his condition. While he had to return to the hospital for four days due to heart fibrillation (a drastic spike in the heart rate), that has subsided and Dave is back at home recuperating from the bypass surgery he had last month. From what Dave said, it looks like it will be another month or more before he will be able to get back to services. As many of you know, Dave's wife, Frances, found out she had breast cancer last winter. After months of chemotherapy, Frances just completed her final radiation therapy which followed her mastectomy in late September. Both Dave and Frances have appreciated the cards and expressions of love, and send their sincere thanks for the prayers of the brethren for both of them.
Dec 7
Dave and Frances want to thank everyone for prayers regarding Dave's recent heart surgery. Everyone feels God helped guide the events that led to discovering the problem. The condition was life threatening and immediate surgery was required, but a double bypass removed the danger the blockage presented. The surgeon says all went well and there should be the expected recovery following some weeks of recuperation. Dave returned home after a normal hospital stay but is experiencing some fluid buildup in his lungs this week. Prescribed medication should remove that excess fluid shortly and the doctor feels all is going well overall. We'll let everyone know of any unexpected circumstances. Thank you again.
Nov 21
For the last few weeks Mr. Dave D., an elder in the Houston North, Texas, congregation, had been experiencing an increased amount of fatigue and loss of energy during the day. A trip to his cardiologist last week resulted in scheduling a test to determine what might be the cause. A stress test yesterday afternoon identified significant blockage to the degree that doctors felt immediate surgery was advisable.
Mr. D. is scheduled for heart bypass surgery this morning at 7:30 a.m. at St. Luke's in The Woodlands. He is in upbeat about facing the procedure and trusts God will see him through the entire process. Dave and his wife, Frances, would appreciate your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 28, 2014 - Bill V. (Mount Juliet, TN)
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their prayers and cards during this time of recovery. I still am not able to drive and am suffering from the aftereffects of my stroke by losing my balance and my memory on occasion. Still, I have made much progress.
I am scheduled to speak next month during the Passover season. Please ask God our Father to help me with my difficulties. I do want to thank everyone once again for their prayers and cards. God certainly has answered them in a wonderful way.
Jan 6, 2014
Bill is home & doing very well. He is still a little unsteady on his feet & is still using a walker but he seems to be continually improving. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Nov 26, 2013
Bill is doing much better than doctors expected. One doctor said, "God was involved in this." Bill was released from the hospital on Friday, November 22nd. Here is a message from Bill and Carol:
Bill and Carol Vernich would like to thank everyone for all the prayers, cards, notes and phone calls concerning Bill's stroke on October 28th. Bill is making progress on his recovery but still has a long way to go. He is walking on the treadmill and exercising, as his balance is impaired. He is thinking and speaking clearly so he can carry on a conversation. Please continue to pray for a complete recovery. We can't thank God enough for His goodness, mercy, love and kindness in this matter."
Oct 31
Bill, 81, an elder in the Nashville congregation, has had a stroke. It was very minor at first and he was admitted to a regular hospital room; however, his brain began swelling in the area of the blockage and he has been moved to an intensive care unit. A specialist feels that the next five days, from now to November 4, are critical. If his brain doesn't continue to swell in the next couple of days, the swelling should have begun to recede by that time. Bill's mind seems to be mostly clear but he has difficulty speaking. He does not show the usual drooping of one side of the face that most stroke victims have. The doctor feels that the best outcome could be that he could completely recover with the exception of his walking. He could have permanent damage to his motor skills as far as walking is concerned. He has been anointed and we've asked God to completely restore him.

<  > Prayer Update - Mar 17, 2014 - Dot J. (Gloucester and London, UK)
Dot and I have been amazed at the response to our prayer request. Dot saw the consultant this afternoon to be told that both scans were negative. Therefore he has decided to just repeat the lumpectomy, as it was a small tumour, instead of performing the intended mastectomy. My wife refused the follow up radiotherapy on the previous occasion, for personal reasons, but will be having it this time.
The doctor saw no reason why Dot shouldn't be able to travel to the States for the Annual Meeting of the General Conference of Elders, so many, many thanks for all the prayers to our heavenly Father on her behalf.
Mar 2014
We've been very moved by the concern expressed through e-mails, cards and phone calls regarding my wife Dot's biopsy result. Dot went by train to her appointment (I was banned from accompanying her as she prefers to read quietly). She knew God was involved in that she met a former colleague immediately afterwards who gave her a hug before she even knew why Dot was at the hospital. Then Dot promptly saw a friend walk in who was looking to see if she needed a lift home!
The biopsy result showed a small Grade 2 cancer in the same breast as 8 years ago, for which she will be having a mastectomy. We ask for further prayers that the operation can be performed in a few weeks' time and that Dot won't need chemotherapy afterwards. In which case my wife will be really delighted to board the plane for the annual meeting of the General Conference of Elders this May and a few days' break afterwards.
Feb 20, 2014
About 8 years ago, my wife, Dot, had a wide excision of breast tissue for a small low grade cancer. After a routine mammogram two weeks ago, Dot was recalled for an area of concern. This has now been biopsied and she is waiting to see the consultant on Friday, February 28th. Apart from requesting prayers that the biopsy results will be good, we would ask for prayers concerning our booked trip to the Annual Meeting of the General Conference of Elders in May.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 9, 2014 - Herb V. (Eureka CA)
Herb, associate pastor of congregations in Medford, Oregon, and Eureka, California, was transferred to a transitional rehabilitation facility this week. He is adjusting well to his new environment and looking forward to progressing with therapies. They are doing new therapies, and Herb is encouraged by them. Brethren are welcome to visit on the weekends and in the evenings. He is at the Kindred Transitional Care and Rehab in Glendora. We would like to ask prayers specifically for him to regain muscle strength in his left hip and shoulder, as they are very painful right now.
Additionally, he would like to thank brethren from all over the country and world for their kind, thoughtful, heart-felt cards/notes/updates. These have been incredibly encouraging, inspiring, and uplifting. We are confident that through faith and prayers, God will heal him, so that he may continue to serve Him.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 28, 2014 - Donna D. (Grove City, PA)
Donna, a member in the Meadville, Pennsylvania, congregation, would appreciate your prayers. She has had a reoccurrence of cancer, which had been in remission for over two years. The cancer has spread to her lung and brain, and she is scheduled to begin gamma knife radiation treatment in Pittsburgh sometime during the week of March 3. She and her husband, Frank, are positive in their outlook, and look for God's hand to be present. Thank you in advance for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 28, 2014 - Philemon M. (Zambia)
Prayers are being requested for Philemon, our oldest member (87) in Zambia. He suffered what appeared to be a mild stroke, and the Hospital in Mumbwa referred him to a university teaching hospital in Lusaka. The Hospital in Lusaka admitted him for two days and then discharged him because all the nurses at the hospital were dismissed by the government over a wage dispute. The biggest and only referral hospital in the country is all but paralyzed. The hospital told him that he should come back on March 14. Hopefully the labor dispute would be resolved by then. Philemon cannot talk and barely responds. He is so weak that the only thing he can do is to lie on the bed, and I understand that he developed bed sores. This situation is very hard for Conard, his son, and his wife, Karen. Conard's wife (both are members) must now provide nursing to this elderly gentleman. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 14, 2014 - Everett M. (Cairo, NE)
Everett, a long-time elder, had a heart attack last Sunday night. Doctors at Nebraska Heart Institute in Lincoln inserted a new pacemaker/defibrillator on Wednesday, and he is now recuperating at home. Please pray for Everett and his wife, Jolene, and their family (nine children and many grandchildren).

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 2, 2014- Lyn J. (Isle of Man, UK)
On Friday night, Lyn, age 89, suffered a mild heart attack and was taken to hospital. My wife and I were able to visit her today and found her in good spirits. We were only able to be with her for 15 minutes, as visiting was restricted. Lyn will probably be kept in the hospital for at least another couple of days. She has asked for the church to pray that God will heal her.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 2, 2014- Rick W. (Cloverdale, IN)
Rick, a longtime member of the Church, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer a few months ago and has chosen to not seek medical treatment and to rely on God for his healing. Rick is at home under hospice care, but has continued to lose weight but is very strong in faith. Rick would appreciate your prayers for God's healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 31, 2014 - Melba M. (Carlow, Ireland)
Melba and her family would like to thank everyone for their prayers and cards. Melba showed some improvement and was able to attend the Feast of Tabernacles in Stirling. Unfortunately, Melba suffered a relapse just recently (Melba suffers from kidney malfunction) but I am pleased to report that after anointing and a review of her medication she has started to improve. She still has a long way to go for her health to be fully restored and your ongoing prayers for her would be much appreciated.
Oct 8, 2013
Warm greetings from Carlow, Ireland, to all the ministers and brethren who are praying for healing on my behalf and who have sent cards of encouragement and comfort. I had a meeting with the doctor who is handling my case and she gave me an encouraging prognosis of my illness. I am suffering from Minimal Change Disease, which she said responds well to medication and usually results in complete remission. I have been on a very high dose of Prednisolone for more than a week now and my edema has reduced down considerably but has not totally gone. The protein leaking into the urine (proteinuria) is also reducing, which is very encouraging considering the many complications it could cause to my health. I think our Great Designer God allows our bodies to break down to help us reflect on what we're doing wrong (especially applicable to me!) and change and improve our eating and health practices.
Sept 6
Melba Murphy has been diagnosed as having nephritic syndrome (a malfunctioning of the kidneys) which is a group of symptoms that include protein in the urine, swelling of the legs and feet, puffy eyes, tiredness and a feeling of heaviness from the tummy down--probably due to the fluids concentrated on the lower part of the body. The consultant does not know yet what has caused this malfunction of the glomeruli (which are the filters in the kidneys) so they will conduct a kidney biopsy sometime next week to determine the cause of the protein leakage and the swelling. They obviously have to know the cause before they can give any medication. So we will have to wait for the biopsy result as well the additional blood they have taken for further testing.
Melba is mobile but she has to move slowly and doesn't really have her usual energy level. She also has to watch her diet--no salt and intake of fluid only when needed. Melba comments "I hope and pray that I will be well enough to go to the Feast...if there's a will, there's a way!"

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 31, 2014 - Sharon D. (Neillsville, WI)
Sharon had surgery this week to help alleviate some of the pain she's been experiencing in her back and neck. She's doing better after the surgery. Sharon has been having various health problems, and would appreciate prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 31, 2014 - Don H. (Pittsburgh, PA)
After two days in the hospital, I returned home last Sabbath afternoon, Jan. 25. I have been free of pain and symptoms since the stent was put in the blocked artery on Jan. 23. I had some ups-downs the first few days - fatigue and adjusting to the meds. But the second half of this week I've been getting stronger. In fact the last couple of days I went to the YMCA and had a light workout. I will have a follow-up appointment with the cardiologist in two weeks or so. At that time he will do another test r two to determine the extent of damage to the heart. Rannie and I deeply appreciate the dozens of emails and cards we have received - and, of course, especially your prayers. It's obvious that God has provided is blessing, comfort and care each step along the way.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 23, 2014 - Chuck Z. (Zephyr Hills, FL)
The surgeons have released me from their care and are satisfied that my healing is going in the right direction. Next stop is the cardiologist to review results and sign up for cardiac rehab therapy.
The three operations and subsequent hospitalizations eroded my endurance. I still take naps and if you need me to nap for you, there are still some time slots available for your reservations. I have started driving again this week. I just started giving sermons on a modified schedule and will pace myself.
Thank you for your prayers, cards, visits and concern. During this experience I have learned much about living each day as if it is your last.
Oct 21, 2014
Thank you for your concern and prayers; well over 100 cards have arrived. I have never been a greeting card kind of guy, but that has changed. I have read them all twice so far. It is great to be loved.
As you may know, the electrical impulses to my heart stopped on Sept. 25. This is called a heart block. I didn't have a heart attack or a stroke. A pacemaker was "installed" and I am ticking along successfully now. But the week of hospitalization revealed another major issue: my aorta valve is very poor. My heart is typical for my age with no blockages. I am going through different tests and seeing many heart doctors to address my aorta problem. There are 4 possible alternatives to consider.
I am very weak and get to take all the naps you are missing - I am making up for "your" lost sleep. So, work, phone conversations and personal visits are impossible right now. Believe me, I will be glad to let you know when the situation improves. Until then, also keep my wife, Joy, in mind. She is my driver and advocate. God is with us. Thanks for your intercessory prayers.
Sep 26, 2014
After giving the sermon on the Feast of Trumpets, Chuck, pastor in Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida, felt very weak and collapsed after coming off the stage. A doctor in the congregation and several nurses gave immediate aid and called the paramedics. He was taken to the hospital and a pacemaker was installed Thursday evening.
He is undergoing further tests. Your prayers would be very much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 21, 2014 - Bruce H. (Stuttgart, AR)
Bruce is doing well and will have periodic check-ups in the future.
Jul 26, 2013
Bruce was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma on June 20th. The doctors believe its source is a dime-sized spot on the base of the tongue near the airway tube in the throat. It has spread to two lymph nodes on the left side of his neck. It is referred to as oral cancer and Bruce will begin radiation and chemotherapy treatments this coming Monday, July 29th. He will be receiving three chemotherapy treatments: one at the beginning, followed by another at three weeks and a final one at the end of six weeks. Radiation therapy will be five days each week for the entire six weeks. Please pray for God's intervention and healing on Bruce's behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 21, 2014 - Hazel N. (Beebe, AR)
Hazel had successful surgery and is recovering with therapy.
Nov 6, 2013
Prayers are requested for my (Fred) mother, Hazel, a longtime member of the Church. Hazel will be having open heart surgery this Thursday, November 7, to repair the mitral valve and three arteries that are blocked almost 80 percent. Thank you for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 18, 2014 - Vanessa (Irene H's daughter) (NE, IA, SD circuit)
Vanessa, 31 (with a 2-month-old), will be in the hospital for the repair of a brain aneurism today. It's very serious and very upsetting, so your earnest prayers are much appreciated!

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 16, 2014 - Vic R. (Eastern Canada)
Vic is suffering from heart failure and would appreciate your prayers. He has been unable to attend church due to his condition. Please pray that God will grant him the strength and comfort to help him through this difficult trial.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 15, 2014 - Truphosa O. (Suna Migori, Kenya)
She is doing some better since the initial stroke though her age is a factor since she is fairly advanced in years. Thank you for your prayers.
Mar 22, 2013
From (John Otieno Owak, pastor, Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania)
My mother, Truphosa, age 68, is suffering again from a stroke and high blood pressure. She has been sick since 2006, after a similar stroke attacked her, but at that time it was not as serious as it is now. We took her to the hospital where she was admitted last week. She was discharged and we took her back home. The problem now seems that she has been paralyzed. She will need someone to take care of her, since we don't have nursing homes here in the country. She will be at home and we are opting for a physiotherapist to take care of her at home. Please put her in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 15, 2014 - Novie B. (Edmond, OK)
Novie continues to battle valiantly against her ongoing back problems. At times she becomes discouraged, but she always returns to her strong faith. She continues to look to God for healing while she tries to get some relief from man's efforts to help her. She is on strong daily pain meds, but they only help to a point. She has tried surgeries and different pain medications with only minimal relief. Please continue to pray for her healing and for spiritual and physical strength to endure her health trials.
Feb 8, 2012
Novie has had severe back issues for over 10 years & has had a number of procedures & surgeries done with very little success.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 15, 2014 - Wayne D. (California)
Wayne is improving in range of motion with his right arm & shoulder & use of his right hand, albeit very gradually. He still uses a cane to walk & wears a light brace to stabilize his right foot. There is a fully equipped gym & swimming pools & spas where he lives that are available to all residents. His daughter is a certified personal trainer & supervises his exercise & he is able to attend church services & get out quite a bit, to walk & do other activities. He is extremely thankful for the prayers of so many & the cards received from all over the U.S. & overseas!
Oct 2, 2012
Wayne had a stroke & is experiencing prolonged weakness, partial paralysis on his right side & slurred speech. He has had speech therapy & physical therapy & was able to walk a short distance with assistance of a walker & help from the hospital staff. A recent CT scan contrast dye test, looked good. The MRI looked good, too, showing no signs of pathology. His daughter, Jeannie has been with him during his recovery & they are very thankful for all the support.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 14, 2014 - Nancy W. (Detroit, MI)
Nancy's blood pressure is totally under control & they are very thankful for all the prayers & cards.
Oct 18, 2013
Your prayers are requested on behalf of my wife, Nancy. She has been fighting very high blood pressure over the past couple of weeks. At one point her pressure was 235 over 121. Nancy has been fighting high blood pressure for approximately 19 years but it has been controlled with medication up to this point. Her medication has been increased, as well as additional medicine being prescribed to help with the situation. Her pressure has come down some but is still spiking to dangerous levels. Please pray that God will hear our prayers on her behalf and heal her of this condition.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 14, 2014 - Richard H. (Parks, AZ)
Richard has been suffering with the cancer. However, after several rounds of chemo & operations, he has stopped the treatments & is now at home using alternative methods of treatment. He continues to look to God & deeply appreciates the cards & prayers.
Aug 2, 2013
Richard went in for another chemotherapy treatment this week. The cancer is not in complete remission and Richard has a long way to go. He had been discharged from the hospital on July 23 and his catheter was removed. However, after seeing the doctor last Friday, the catheter had to reinserted for the next two weeks. An appointment is scheduled at that time to replace the Foley catheter with a bladder catheter. Please continue to pray for Richard's healing.
Jun 7
Richard has a high-grade neuroendocrine tumor that originated in the prostate gland and metastasized widely. His kidneys failed one month ago but they put stents in both kidneys and they are now almost back to normal. He will have to wear a catheter until the prostate shrinks down to normal size, hopefully within the next four months. His regimen of chemotherapy is 3 days on and 18 days off for the next 5 months. Richard and Lillian want to thank all of the brethren in the United States and around the world for sending the most beautiful, inspirational cards and letters. When Richard is not feeling well after getting his chemotherapy, it cheers him up to see all of your cards and it makes him very happy to know how many people are praying for him and thinking of him through this trial in his life. Thank you for all the prayers and comforting thoughts.
May 17
Richard has a very aggressive prostate cancer -- possibly a result of his exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. It is affecting his kidneys and is causing intense pain from a degenerating vertebra in his lower spine. The doctor reported that the type of prostate cancer involved, while aggressive, is successfully treated 90% of the time. Both Richard and his wife, Lillian, remain positive and look forward to God's intervention. Please continue to pray for Richard and for his family.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 14, 2014 - Jerri D. (Batavia, OH)
There have been no changes in her condition.
Nov 9, 2012
Jerri from her colon on 11/2/2012. They also removed part of the intestine. They now have found that the cancer has spread to her lymph system. She is in considerable pain & is unable to take any nutrition & has migraines.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 14, 2014 - Marvin S. (Bethel, OH)
There are no changes in his condition.
May 9, 2012
Marvin has complications from diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis & sleep apnea. He is unable to attend church & has been discouraged due to his health problems.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 14, 2014 - Ron and Edith G. (Phoenix, AZ)
Ron died recently but please continue to pray for Edith.
Jun 27, 2013
Ron has stage 4 cancer in his liver, pancreas & bladder. Edith needs our prayers not only for her emotional & spiritual support, but she is experiencing extreme anemia & will have a bone scan soon to determine more about her health issues.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 13, 2014 - Tina K. (Walling, TN)
She has moved & we were unable to get an update this time.
Mar 20, 2012
Tina has aplastic anemia (cancer of the lymph glands). This is where the bone marrow doesn't produce sufficient new blood cells. It is caused by chemicals or x-rays. Doctors also informed her that a recent stem cell transplant was not successful.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 11, 2014 - Mark S. (SD?)
Mark has come down with a major cold - much worse than usual. He has job interviews scheduled next week, so needs extra help to throw this off and pursue these leads.
Please ask God for relief from this prolonged trial.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 10, 2014 - Sandy J. (Watertown, SD)
Sandy is over the flu, but the other issues are still a worrisome mystery. The underlying cause of the infections has not been identified. So, she still is in need of our prayers - "the most important need," as she said.
Jan 3, 2014
Sandy has been battling an unusual situation with multiple infections - seemingly unrelated: sinus, ear, kidney, and others. Together they have hit her hard, but in addition to that, she also came down with the flu and still is dealing with those symptoms. She said that her most important need is prayer.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 8, 2014 - Jessie B. (San Jacinto, CA)
Jessie continues to suffer with post-herpetic neuralgia. She has been able to manage the constant pain partly due to God's blessing of sleep to escape the pain. They are so thankful for your prayers & support.
May 23, 2011
Jesse has been suffering with postherpetic neuralgia for over 4 years. It is a complication of shingles.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 8, 2014 - Julian F. (LaFayette, IN)
My wife, Michelle, and I (as well as Julian's mother, Arielle) would like to thank everyone for their prayers and kind expressions of concern for our grandson, Julian, who suffered two broken leg bones at services this past November. His cast was recently removed, and he is just a little from being 100%. Julian received hundreds of cards from around the world, and he and his family really appreciate all the kind expressions from everyone.
Nov 12, 2013
My wife, Michelle, and I request your prayers for our grandson Julian, age 4. He loves to attend church with his grandma and grandpa. He talks about how this is "our church," even though neither of his parents attend.
This past Sabbath, Julian was injured in an accident near the playground outside the church while Michelle was with him. In a freak accident, two of the older children fell on a stick he was carrying, and the stick fell on him. His left tibia has a clean break, and his left fibula also is fractured (these are the two leg bones between the knee and ankle). Julian will receive a permanent cast on Tuesday, November 12. We ask your prayers for his complete healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 3, 2014 - Ashleigh C. (Brookings, SD)
Dave C. (Brookings area) reports that his daughter-in-law Ashleigh has had an encouraging doctor checkup. She's carrying twin girls. At 18 weeks their umbilical cords were twisted, cutting off nourishment. They were losing weight, and it looked like any growth would kill both of them. They were told that there wasn't any real hope. The (SD) churches prayed, and now at 22 weeks the cords have "untangled" so that they are both growing again. The twins even changed places during the doctor visit! This appears to be a miracle of God's doing - answered prayers! The parents, Ashleigh and Dan, grandparents, and family are all very grateful for the prayers that have been offered up for them!

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 2, 2014 - Dennis M. (Bellingham, WA)
Dennis has no hope for improvement in his paralysis so it is very discouraging & it is difficult to live the way he must. Please pray for him & his wife during this trying time.
Oct 22, 2012
Dennis had an industrial accident in 1998 which left him paralyzed from the chest down. He only has use of his arms & hands. He is also on dialysis. Recently, he developed a pressure sore in his lower buttocks area. After becoming aware of it & starting treatment, it is beginning to heal.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 31, 2013 - Ted J. (Albert Lea, MN)
He is not able to eat so Sue gives him his meals & meds through a feeding tube. The cancer has spread throughout his body, however God has been merciful as he is not having any pain. They are very appreciative of the cards. He reads every card & every afternoon begins re-reading them. It has been a great source of encouragement to him & the family.
Nov 1, 2013
Your prayers are requested for Ted, the brother of Sue C. of the Southern Minnesota congregation. Ted has recently been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus which has metastasized to the liver and possibly other areas. Ted has had difficulty swallowing and it has become necessary for him to have a feeding tube. His condition is serious as the doctors feel that, barring a miracle, there is no cure and they are trying to keep him comfortable at home. His sister Sue is his caregiver, nurse and friend. Ted has led a challenging life. At the age of 10 months he contracted meningitis. It was an extremely dangerous case and an emergency operation to drill a hole in his head to relieve pressure saved his life, but also contributed to some brain damage. He has had this brain damage nearly his entire life. Ted used to attend services with his mother but has not done so for some time now due to his limited mental capacity. Since his mother's death, Ted has been living with his sister Sue and her husband Ken.
Ken and Sue are requesting your prayers for God's intervention, comfort and peace for Ted. They mentioned that one of the things that brings him much joy is receiving cards.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 30, 2013 - Ted S. (Maple Ridge, BC, Canada)
He is in a care home where he continues to rehab from a stroke he had last year.
Apr 12, 2013
A longtime member of the Church of God, Ted suffered a serious stroke and is currently in hospital. Ted is paralyzed on the left side of his body, unable to walk or use his left hand and arm. His speech is slurred but he can talk. He will begin physiotherapy this week as doctors try to help him recover and regain use of his left side. Ted would love to be able to continue to serve in the local congregation (he is one of the song leaders), but he also recognizes that his life is in God's hands and his strongest desire is to be in the Kingdom of God. Prayers for Ted will be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 30, 2013 - Sarah H. (Winnipeg, Canada)
Sarah is still recuperating from the serious stroke she suffered in January of 2013. She has made slow but gradual progress. She has been transferred to a different hospital where they are more helpful with rehab efforts. She is able to feed herself some & walk some with assistance. Her memory is improving & she can pronounce words better. Please pray for her healing & for David who is her main caregiver.
Feb 2012
Sarah is at home recovering from complications after cataract surgery. She had a stroke causing many serious problems. She became non-responsive with massive bleeding in her brain. Doctors said that there was no hope of recovery. Mr. Teitgen anointed her, asking God to heal her.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 29, 2013 - James (Levi) O. - Perkinston, MS
We were pleasantly surprised yesterday when Levi Odom showed up for Sabbath services. He was able to stay for Bible Study and the potluck. This was his first time in services since his stroke just before the Feast of Tabernacles. He had a smaller stroke and seizures on Wednesday of this past week. The stroke was in the same location, so no additional damage was done. He is on medication for the seizures which we were informed are normal for stroke victims of his age. Levi will be resuming therapy Monday, December 30. The family would like to thank everyone for their prayers, calls and cards. God is indeed merciful.
Sept 12
Levi was transported to Forest General Hospital this morning with an apparent stroke. He is presently in the Emergency Room awaiting transport to the ICU. Levi is alert and able to speak fairly clearly. He is not able to move his left extremities. We will pass along any updates as we receive them. In the meantime please keep Levi and his family in your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 27, 2013 - Gerald R. (Jacobsburg, OH)
Gerald, 72, a member in the Wheeling, West Virginia, congregation, has been diagnosed with a form of bone cancer called multiple myeloma. Doctors are cautiously optimistic that the cancer can be controlled. Gerald has begun a series of radiation and chemotherapy treatments and is also on pain medication. At this time he has begun to feel less discomfort. He has also been diagnosed with two aneurysms, one near his heart and the other lower in his abdomen. They have not yet developed to the point where they require treatment, but doctors will continue to monitor the condition. Gerald and his wife, Jeanne, appreciate your prayers on his behalf.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 27, 2013 - Simplicio C. (Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines)
Simplicio (74) longtime church member & family patriarch fell off a truck while helping load sugar cane & fractured his left thigh bone near the ball & socket joint. Under extreme pain, he was rushed to the hospital. Please pray for guidance & healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 27, 2013 - Faith S. (Ormond Beach, FL)
Faith's family would like to thank everyone for their many prayers and cards. For the last six to seven weeks, Faith has been seizure free and relatively symptom free. She has been able to attend school on a limited basis and is making A's and B's academically. She was even able to ride a bike for the first time in her life. The neurologist cannot explain this turn of events, but her mother and family give God the credit.
The family is so grateful for this respite from some of the symptoms, but are still looking to God for a complete healing. No one has ever survived this disease past their teen years, so the continued prayers of God's people are still needed. Faith does love reading the cards she has received from all over the world, so keep them coming.
Oct 4
Faith is again having severe grand mal seizures. Her mother believes they will be home schooling now. This is very devastating to Faith - she loves going to school, and is greatly impacted when she can't. Cognitively she's extremely bright and alert, but is struggling physically. As a reminder, Faith, a 16-year-old, has Alexander's Disease - an extremely rare disorder of the nervous system, for which there is no known cure. Only 500 cases have been diagnosed since 1947. She does love receiving and reading cards and letters. Please continue your prayers for her and her family.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 25, 2013 - Aaron E. (Hillsboro, MO)
His condition is the same.
Feb 23, 2012
Aaron (17) has been living with a tracheotomy since he was 5 months old because of a collapsed airway. A nurse stays with him during the night so his parents can sleep. He cannot speak but communicates quite well via sign language. He also has Down's Syndrome & a heart condition. His parents are Tom & Lee Ann.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 20, 2013 - Dave and Bev H. (Montreal, Canada)
Dave has to come back for further observation since they found a small spot in his bladder during the last visit. Bev had a hip replacement about 2 months ago. She is mobile with a cane & she hopes to be walking unassisted soon. They appreciate the prayers & cards so much.
Jul 24, 2013.
Dave will have another surgery for a fairly large tumor in his bladder 7/5/2013.
Jul 12, 2013
Both Dave and Bev Hebert are requesting prayers for their challenging health situations. Dave got his results back a few weeks ago and he will need another surgery for a fairly large tumor in his bladder. The surgery has been set for July 24th. It has been determined that Bev will require a hip replacement since her pain has been very difficult in recent times. She is hopeful that surgery will take place in August. Both Dave and Bev are hopeful that they will be able to attend the Feast. Please pray for Dave and Bev, asking God to give them the strength and the comfort needed at this challenging time in their lives.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 20, 2013 - Jacob E.
Jacob is now home recovering from a wrestling accident where his spleen was torn. Thank you for your continued prayers for a smooth recovery.
Dec 13
Larry and Teresa L. request prayers for their grandson, Jacob. Jacob was injured at a wrestling tournament last Saturday evening. During warm-ups he was thrown to the mat in such a way as to injure his spleen, causing internal bleeding. He was airlifted to Hennepin County Hospital, where they were ready to do immediate surgery. The initial scans showed that the bleeding had stopped, so no surgery was needed at that time. He will carefully monitored for a few days before being allowed to go home. Please pray for a smooth recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 13, 2013 - Joel F. (Merritt Island, FL)
Joel has been going through chemo & radiation treatment & the tumor has shrunk. He has taken a leave of absence from work for now. He had a 5.5 hour surgery recently & they say they got it all. They also said they don't believe it has spread. He is blessed that he does not have to have a colostomy bag as well. He was able to sit in a chair within a couple of days after the surgery & they had him up walking also. His wife, Susan & the entire family want to thank you for your prayers & ask that you continue to pray for Joel.
Joel (33) has rectal cancer.
Dec 13, 2013
Joel has been suffering with rectal cancer and has had his operation date moved forward to December 11, 2013. He has completed the courses of chemo and radiation therapy. He and his wife, Susan, would appreciate your prayers.
On Wednesday, Joel had a 5 1/2-hour operation to remove the cancerous tumor from his colon. The doctors say that they "got it all" and they saw no sign that it had spread. Joel was especially blessed to not need a colostomy bag. His recovery is progressing normally: he was able to sit in a chair yesterday and last night they had him up walking. The family is VERY grateful for everyone's prayers and hope that your prayers will continue for his complete recovery.
Nov 6, 2013
Joel F. and his family thank you for the encouraging cards, love and prayers on their behalf. God has answered our prayers and the tumor is shrinking. Please continue to pray for God to completely heal Joel.
Aug 29, 2013
Joel has undergone tests for his rectal cancer. The results have been carefully weighed and he has decided upon a course of treatment suggested by the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida. He will soon enter a program of chemotherapy that will, ideally, last 2 months. He has a very small spot of lung cancer as well, which will probably shrink from the chemotherapy. Radiation treatment will follow for a short time. These two therapies, administered separately, give him the greatest possibility for success. The next step, surgery, will remove the tumor, which should be reduced in size by these first 2 therapies. During this time, he has taken a temporary leave of absence from his employment. His family, work mates, superiors and the congregation are very supportive of him and his decision. Please continue your supportive prayer and encouragement.
Jul 26, 2013
Joel, age 33, requests prayers for healing. This year, he started having extreme pains in his lower digestive system and blood in the stool. The pain would escalate beyond what an abscessed tooth produces and would cause him to vomit once or twice a month. The doctor said blood in the stool is cause for alarm. His appetite decreased to less than a meal a day. A colonoscopy was performed on July 19. When he awoke from the procedure, they explained the exam could not continue beyond 3 inches. There is a long-lived mass that blocks the way. The GI doctor doesn't believe it to be benign. The mass is not yet identified. Despite this, it must be removed because it blocks the way. Tuesday, he received the biopsy results although they won't be conclusive. Fortunately, there is enough tissue beyond the mass for restoring the severed area. However, it is not known if the mass has spread. Joel visitws the cancer center Thursday for a CT scan and other scans are suggested in the immediate near future for the best diagnosis. The next step depends on many unknown factors but he has an open mind for God's marching orders. Thanks to all his spiritual family for their prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 7, 2013 - Debra R. (Jeffersonville, IN)
Debra, a member in the Louisville, Kentucky, congregation, would greatly appreciate your prayers. Debra has rheumatoid arthritis and has for several years. Although she has tried to do all she can to combat it, including prayer, anointing and some medical assistance, her inflammation is continuing to increase. This inflammation is in her chest and throughout her body, in her tendons and ligaments. This is causing constant fatigue, difficulty with getting sleep and a lot of pain. Doctors have informed her that some of the medicine she has taken in the past for this has now caused an abraded esophagus (causing the chest pain) and contributed to digestive issues she is having. So, besides pain in both hips, her right shoulder and both knees, as well as her hands and elbows, she has this added issue to deal with in her esophagus. She would greatly appreciate your prayers. This health challenge has made it difficult for Debra to attend services regularly as well.

<  > Prayer Update - Dec 6, 2013 - Trevin & Sherene W. (Battakethra Madapatha Piliyandala, Sri Lanka)
Your prayers are requested on behalf of the Trevin and Sherene W. family of the Colombo, Sri Lanka, congregation.
Last Thursday evening, November 28th, Trevin had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. While in the hospital he suffered a second heart attack. On Saturday evening, November 30th, Trevin's wife, Sherene, blacked out and fell, hitting her neck on an object. Sherene was also taken to the hospital with extremely high blood pressure. She experienced periods of delirium while in the hospital along with severe neck pain due to the fall. Trevin and Sherene have four teenage children still living at home who were understandably shaken to have both parents in the hospital at the same time.
As of today, Thursday, December 5th, both Trevin and Sherene have been released from the hospital and returned home. There will be a couple of months needed for rest and recovery. They both will have continued medical treatment going forward. Trevin, Sherene and the children would greatly appreciate your prayers for their family.
Dec 1, 2013
Both are recuperating, however Trevine has not been able to return to work yet. They appreciate your prayers & cards so much. Please continue to pray for healing & strength for Trevine.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 5, 2013 - Warner G. (Leesburg, OH)
Warner, a longtime member attending the Dayton, Ohio, congregation, has had heart problems for several years. He was flown to Cleveland Clinic a couple of weeks ago. They have done many tests on him and they say there is nothing else that can be done for him.
His sodium is low, his blood pressure is low, and his potassium is high. His electrolytes are not functioning right. They are now saying he could have a day or a week to live and they are talking about hospice. They are still keeping the medications flowing into him.
They cannot move him out of ICU in Cleveland, as his blood pressure is too low. His wife, Merri Ellen, and his family are asking for prayers. They know that God is in charge and can turn this around. Please pray for God's will to be done and He will give them the strength and comfort they need.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 18, 2013 - Frances D. (Spring, TX)
Our sincere thanks for the prayers of God's people. Although an additional surgery was necessary (the day after the Last Great Day) our loving Father has answered just as requested... a successful segmented mastectomy with a swift and virtually pain-free recovery. After a few weeks rest to regain strength, Frances will begin the final phase of treatment needed to address the cancer's spread to several lymph nodes (which were also removed) with a six-week regimen of daily radiation. The outpouring of concern, love and most especially the prayers of our brethren have certainly lightened the load each and every day of this year long journey.
Apr 12, 2013
Frances has now completed six of the first 12 weekly chemotherapy treatments. They have resulted in the expected hair loss along with extreme fatigue and insomnia, but thankfully no nausea so far (although her oncologist says she should expect it soon). Doctors are somewhat concerned with her quickly diminishing white blood cell count (now 1,300) which will present a problem should it continue to fall to 1,000. After the weekly chemo treatments end Frances will begin a heavier treatment regimen in June, July and August. The doctors are hopeful the chemo will reduce the tumors in her breast and lymph nodes before the scheduled surgery shortly after the Feast. Although we're not sure how the doctors will feel about her being around a large crowd (since her immunity will be extremely compromised) we hope to attend the Feast in Kerrville as it's the nearest site to our home. Our sincere thanks to everyone for the outpouring of cards and letters of encouragement but of course most of all for the prayers of our brethren. God is truly a strength and present aid as Frances continues to experience the comfort of the answered prayers offered by His people.
Feb 1, 2013
My wife, Frances, and I would appreciate your prayers asking for God's intervention and healing. A few weeks back we found out that Frances has grade 2 breast cancer. (Breast cancer is graded 1-3.) While we understand the cancer is "contained" and are awaiting further tests to determine the full extent of treatment, we did learn surgery will be required along with chemo and/or radiation, as well as hormone therapy, for quite some time. We are confident God knows what is best and will provide for Frances' needs. Of course, we ask for His divine intervention and healing, and guidance for the team of doctors responsible for her care. In the meantime, our goal is to live life as normal as possible along the way and do our best to stay positive and keep a good sense of humor. Thanks for your love, concern and prayers.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 17, 2013 - Grace R. (Manila, Philippines)
Grace was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. She is still weak and needs to recuperate. We appreciate your prayers on our behalf and your expressions of love and concern. Thank you very much!
Oct 11
Grace, wife of Manila church elder Bong R., is still in the hospital and continues to undergo treatment for pneumonia. She requested anointing early this week due to pain in her lower left lung which caused her to lose much sleep. According to Bong, she was able to get some sleep after being anointed last Tuesday evening and her condition has improved since then. But yesterday she still felt weak and tired. They wish to extend their thanks for the prayers of the brethren and request continued prayers for her complete recovery.

<  > Prayer Update - Oct 17, 2013 - William M. (Pittsburgh, PA)
On Tuesday, William went through a stress test in preparation for surgery to remove his thyroid because of cancer of the thyroid. He failed the stress test and is scheduled today (Thursday) for a catheterization and possible stent implant. Please pray that the procedure will go well and that he will recover quickly from this unexpected turn of events.
Oct 5
William was diagnosed with cancer of the thyroid just before the Feast. He was unable to attend the Feast. Further testing has shown that the cancer is confined to the thyroid. Surgery is planned in the next couple of weeks. Bill would appreciate your prayers for the surgery to go well and that no complications arise.

<  > Prayer Request - Oct 11, 2013 - Alex E. (Fargo, ND):
Please pray for our little boy Alex (3). He fell from a swing on Monday, and broke his right leg. Please pray for a speedy and uncomplicated recovery. Thank you, Tom and Carla E.

<  > Prayer Request - Sept 6, 2013 - Sam M. (Twin Cities, MN)
Tina M. just called and is requesting prayers for her son Sam. He is having severe headaches and is taking him to the emergency room.

<  > Prayer Request - Sept 4, 2013 - Roselynne C. (Milwaukee)
Roselynne will be having a procedure tomorrow (9/5) to address the swelling in her legs. The condition is adema augmentation. She is asking for your prayers that the surgery is successful and that she have a quick recovery. If she doesn't recover quickly, she will miss out being at the Feast this year.

<  > Prayer Request - Sept 3, 2013 - Editha P. (Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines)
Prayer is requested for Editha P., 58, of the Cagayan de Oro City congregation. Experiencing persistent severe headache, she was eventually admitted July 20 to one of the city's hospitals, but was later transferred to the best equipped one in the city. An MRI scan revealed she had developed a blood clot in a critical part in her brain and was confined to the ICU, where tracheostomy was performed on her. She was administered dextrose, oxygen, and NGT for her feeding, among other treatments. She also lost visual acuity, developed slurred speech, lost sensation in the left side of her body, plus lost sensation and control in her lower body eliminative functions. In addition to sending an anointed cloth earlier, on a trip to that city, August 17, she was anointed. She gradually improved and all tubes have been detached since. She was brought home yesterday for continued physical therapy. The family would highly appreciate your participation in praying for her speedy recovery.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 23, 2013 - Don M. (Oshkosh, WI)
Don is suffering with severe pain in his knees. The pain is severe enough to prevent sleep. He would appreciate your prayers for God to heal him of this condition.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 23, 2013 - Bill L. (Oshkosh, WI)
Bill has been having tingling pain in his left arm and leg. The doctors are not yet sure why. Prison doctors are not the best doctors around so Bill could use your prayers that God would simply heal him, or if not that the doctors could determine the source of the problem.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 23, 2013 - Elysia D. (Milwaukee)
Elysia started therapy this past week for her knee. The physical therapist determined that there are a number of muscles in her hip and leg that are weak and/or out of balance which is causing the knee pain. She appreciates all of the prayers on her behalf.

<  > Prayer Request - Aug 23, 2013 - Dick K. (Redding, Stockton & Sacramento, CA)
Dick underwent successful hip-replacement surgery earlier this week and is very pleased with the results. His hip pain levels are greatly diminished and he is looking forward to walking normally again! His prostate cancer remains in remission, and a several-month-long bladder infection has healed, for which he and his wife, Gail, are very thankful. Please pray that Dick will recover his mobility in time to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and fulfill his festival responsibilities. Dick and Gail wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and concern, which were all so encouraging during this long ordeal.

<  > Prayer Update - Aug 2, 2013 - Jude E. (Bowling Green, KY)
Jude, the 7 month old baby of Jay and Maryann E., did not have hydrocephalus, which is good news. It was discovered that the water in his skull was contained in two cysts that filled 1/4 to 1/3 of his skull and were pushing his brain to one side. A three hour surgery was done on Sunday morning, July 28, to remove the cysts. The doctor feels that he got all of it but warns that there is a 25% chance that it could begin to grow back so they will do an MRI every three months for a few years to make sure it isn't growing back. Here is an update from Jay and Maryann: "Wanted to update you on Jude's condition: he is doing well, we are out of ICU and in a regular room, he is eating and smiling a little. We don't know exactly how long we will be here, but our doctor says if he continues to improve, it will only be a few days. We wanted to thank all who have prayed for us and thought of us, we are so thankful for wonderful brethren and most of all for our merciful heavenly Father for His protection."
Jul 26, 2013
From members Jay and Maryann E.: "Two weeks ago we took our 7 month old baby, Jude, for a well child visit and were told that his head measurements are way too large. One week later, he had an ultrasound that showed fluid on his brain. We are now going to take him to Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville (2 hours away) on Friday July 26 to do a sedated MRI. This will determine whether or not he has hydrocephalus, which would require a shunt in his brain. Hydrocephalus is a lifelong condition. We are praying for our God's intervention and Jude's complete healing. And we are also asking for prayers from all of our brethren. God is so good and HE is the great Healer! Thank you all for your prayers."

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 28, 2013 - Michelle G. (Lafayette IN)
Michelle started feeling improvement the day after the prayer request was sent out! She is feeling no back pain now. The cards were so encouraging as well. She is working to improve her overall health.
Jul 12, 2013 - Michelle G. (Lafayette IN)
Your prayers are requested for Michelle. About a month ago, she seriously injured her back doing outdoor work at our home. After being unable to stand, sit or walk for two days, she was transported by ambulance to the local hospital for treatment. She has been under chiropractic supervision since then, but her recovery has been quite slow. Many attempts at routine household work have left her in disabling pain shortly afterward. She asks for your prayers for healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jul 26, 2013 - William and Mary S. (Little Rock, AR)
William has improved from kidney shutdown a few months ago and has begun kidney dialysis. He asks for prayers because the arteries in his arm where he receives dialysis are closing up as if not to accept the medicine, causing him pain. Please also pray for his kidneys and that the dialysis will go well for him.
Mary, his wife, has breast cancer and is asking for your prayers also. Mary has taken the necessary classes to administer William's dialysis, however she needs the strength and ability to take care of William in this way. So please also pray for God's healing and strength for Mary.
Feb 1, 2013
William recently experienced complete kidney shutdown & was in the hospital for several days. While in the hospital he began to receive dialysis & blood transfusions which greatly improved his condition after which he was released to return home.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 22, 2013 - Andy G. (Akron, Ohio) fundraiser
Andy, 34, has been dealing with chronic Lyme disease since June 2007, which has now prevented him from working or even leaving the house. He suffers with severe flu-like fatigue, fevers, night sweats, rashes, insomnia, loss of appetite, digestive problems, vision and hearing problems, persistent equilibrium issues as well as occasional joint pain and paralysis of extremities.
Andy started a natural approach to treatment with minimal antibiotics. While somewhat helpful, this did not prevent seasonal relapses and frequent worsening of symptoms - including five days of hospitalization in the late summer of 2012 which yielded little help.
In April, 2013, Andy and his wife, Jolene, found a doctor who is an expert in the treatment of chronic Lyme disease. After testing, not only did Andy test positive for Lyme, but also at least two co-infections: Q-Fever and the human virus HHV6. It's suspected there are other co-infections that further testing may find. Due to the length of time he went undiagnosed, these viruses are at an advanced stage. It is not known at this time what Andy's long-term prognosis may be.
Andy and Jolene ask for prayers for Andy's comfort and that God will guide them through this trial. They wish to thank the brethren for their many prayers on Andy's behalf over the years. They are comforted by the love and many forms of support through this ongoing trial.
Feb 22
Andy is struggling daily with very low blood pressure, and many other issues, and is bedridden. He was misdiagnosed a few years ago, and Lyme disease appears to be the problem. A doctor in Cleveland has agreed to take his case, but insurance is not covering the treatment. There is a medical fund set up to offset the cost - which is quite substantial. Andy and his wife Jolene have been going through this trial for 5 years now. Your prayers are very much appreciated. And if you are able to donate, that is appreciated as well.
Feb 15
Andy is struggling daily with very low blood pressure, and many other issues, and is bedridden. He was misdiagnosed a few years ago, and Lyme disease appears to be the problem. A doctor in Cleveland has agreed to take his case, but insurance is not covering the treatment. There is a medical fund set up to offset the cost - which is quite substantial. Andy and his wife Jolene have been going through this trial for 5 years now. Your prayers are very much appreciated. And if you are able to donate, that is appreciated as well.

<  > Prayer Update - Jun 14, 2013 - Brenda L. (South Africa)
Tony, an elder in South Africa, and his wife, Brenda, would like to pass on their thanks for prayers, emails and cards with respect to a recent prayer request for Brenda. There are still the challenges that accompany major spinal surgery but she is coping much better -- physical problems remain and unless God intervenes she will require on-going treatment.
Also an update on how they are doing after the armed robbery in their home during December of last year: According to counsellors it can take up to a year for the full effects of such an experience to start diminishing. However, due to the prayers of the brethren around the world, they are experiencing little or no after effects.
Apr 5
Brenda has suffered from a long history of painful spinal pathology. She has in the past undergone fusion of the lumbar vertebrae but advancing cervical deterioration is now causing further stress and severe pain. Recent examination and scans have indicated that surgery is likely in the near future. For herself, but also to be more able to effectively assist her husband with his ministerial duties, Brenda would appreciate prayer for relief from the many years of pain and indeed, in God's great mercy, complete healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Jun 7, 2013 - Pam M. (St. Petersburg, FL)
The cancerous adrenal tumor that Pam had removed a year or two ago has now recurred and is on her aorta. It will be fatal for her unless God intervenes. She was in the emergency room this week with blood pressure of 180/110. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.

<  > Prayer Update - May 17, 2013 - Shirley D. (Terre Haute, IN)
Shirley wants to thank everyone for all the prayers and cards and words of encouragement. Shirley went into the St John's Hospital for her heart repair and stent operation. Shirley said she is doing fine but still must have her heart valve fixed. She would like your continued prayers that she can gain the strength needed for this next operation and that everything would go well.
Apr 5
Shirley is suffering with complications from diabetes and has a severe heart condition that requires her heart valve to be operated on. She also has severe swelling in her legs as a result of these conditions. Shirley has requested the prayers of the brethren that the operation will go well and that God would intercede on her behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - May 17, 2013 - Emilee B. (Charlotte, NC)
Emilee's family has asked me to keep updates to a minimum during this ordeal with Emilee and her treatment for the rarest form of Leukemia. As with many illnesses, the daily ups and downs can be an emotional roller coaster. These last 3 months have not been easy, to say the least. It is one thing to be in the hospital for a short stay, it is another to live there 24/7 for this length of time.
Wednesday morning, Emilee's mother, Maria, has asked me to request that "all of you join us in prayer for God's immediate help and intervention according to his will. Emilee's heart has not been functioning as it should for some time, and at about 29% she is exhausted, and in excruciating pain ... and unable to continue with the chemo treatment until her heart stabilizes. The plans are to now move her back into ICU." We ask for your sincere prayers for Emilee and her family.
Feb 22
Emilee, age 12, from our Hickory, NC, congregation, received some very disappointing news yesterday, and was immediately admitted to Brenner Children's Hospital in Winston-Salem where she is currently receiving platelets and a blood transfusion. She was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia, and will have a bone marrow biopsy and spinal tap to confirm the extent of the disease. I anointed her last evening, and my wife and I stayed with her and her mother and grandmother. Please join us in prayer that our merciful God will indeed intervene, as Emily is one of our family in the Hickory congregation who always adds a smile and perky discussion. Her grandparents and mom are longtime members in Hickory as well, and this is a shock to us all.

<  > Prayer Request - May 17, 2013 - Charmaine D.Z. (Sri Lanka)
Your prayers are requested for Charmaine, a church member attending in the Colombo, Sri Lanka, congregation. Charmaine had a heart attack and was admitted to the National Hospital on May 6th. Her condition is stable, but not improved. Charmaine lives with her son and daughter in law -- Joash and Dilshi. They all would appreciate your prayers for God's intervention and complete healing.

<  > Prayer Request - May 17, 2013 - Karen dF. (Phoenix, AZ)
Karen has stage 4 breast cancer which metastasized to the spine. The compression fracture in her vertebrae is not letting her support herself for long in standing. She has mostly muscle pain -- not too bad, but it has affected her usefulness to work. She is choosing not to pursue medical treatment but rather to rebuild her strength and wait on God who, she says, "always does it right, although it's hard to get through at times." She sends her heartfelt gratitude for the attention and love she has received from the congregation. She desires to be with them again in health.

<  > Prayer Request - May 11, 2013 - Raquel U. (Guatemala)
Raquel has requested prayers for her health. She is suffering from severe anemia as well as a condition which prevents the formation of red blood cells. She has had numerous blood transfusions as well as undergoing chemotherapy. Prayers for God's intervention would be much appreciated.

<  > Prayer Request - May 11, 2013 - Laura M. (DesMoines IA)
Laura is doing poorly. Her daughter, Billie, sent this message yesterday: They moved mom to long term care at Fountain West. I have moved to a small apartment up the street". Please pray for mom and pass this along to all church members

<  > Prayer Request - May 11, 2013 - Mary N. (Bellevue NE)
Mary will have surgery on Monday to remove a basal cell cancer growth on her nose. Please pray that all goes well.

<  > Prayer Request - May 11, 2013 - Terry J. (Miller, SD)
Terry has been battling a strong virus for several weeks and needs your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - May 3, 2013 - Michael S. (Nashville TN)
Michael (39) would appreciate your prayers for God's intervention. He is a diabetic and was recently diagnosed with renal failure. He just began dialysis. In addition, he has sleep apnea, a problem with his thyroid, he's retaining fluids and they are worried about embolisms in his lungs. He is currently in the hospital and has been for a couple of weeks. He knows he is in God's hands and appreciates your prayers on his behalf.

<  > Prayer Update - Apr 29, 2013 - Colton P.
Colton's surgery went well on Wednesday and he was able to return home Thursday night. As expected, he is in a lot of pain, and eating and drinking are difficult for him. Thank you to everyone for your continued prayers.
Apr 19
The Kroskas and Babcocks would like to request prayers for our 4 year old nephew, Colton, who is having surgery on April 24. Colton was born with a cleft lip and palate. He has had 3 previous surgeries, in addition to 4 procedures placing tubes in his ears. Wednesday, he will have surgery to reconstruct his nose and deal with his pharyngeal flap (they will splice the skin at the back of the throat to help fill/cover a hole in the roof of his mouth). This is the most serious surgery so far, and will have the most difficult recovery, expecting a great deal of pain and discomfort. He will need to be on soft foods for 3 weeks, and could develop sleep apnea problems. We request prayers that the surgery is successful and recovery goes well and that Colton can be comfortable, physically and mentally, as the surgery approaches and afterwards. He is a bit fearful of this surgery, and this is the most concerning surgery for his parents, Vicki and Ryan.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 19, 2013 - Rohan D. (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Rohan was involved in a serious motorcycle accident last December: "I would like to thank the brethren all around the world for the cards of encouragement after the horrible accident I had last December. We received around 75 to 80 cards from many parts of the US, Australia, Germany, England, The Isle of Man, Thailand and a few other countries. We are encouraged to be part of God's family and really appreciate the love and concern and most importantly the prayers of our brethren. I've made a 100 percent recovery aside from a few minor side effects and both Stephanie and I are very thankful to God for the blessings and guidance he has given us. We would have loved to individually send thank you cards to all but unfortunately that's beyond our means now. Please continue to pray for us as we make our efforts to grow in God's grace and knowledge. A massive thanks to all for the cards of encouragement and most importantly for the prayers."

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 14, 2013 - Ernest L. (Grand Forks)
Luke and Jauna L. would like to request our continued prayers for their new son Ernest. He is still struggling with a high white blood cell count and will be under continued observation until things normalize. God's intervention was obvious in his birth and they are confident He will intervene again. Please pray He will completely heal Ernest so Luke and Jauna can take their boy home soon.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 12, 2013 - Dave L. (AR)
Dave has a medical condition (from birth) called an AVM (arterial venous mangioma). He has had migraines from about age 3 and was tested through the years, though never had a CAT scan of his head until an accident as an adult. Research revealed that a person with this type of AVM in their 40's can suffer more migraines and intense periods of nausea, along with achiness and other symptoms that lead to exhaustion and disability. This condition puts Dave at greater risk for stroke, especially since it is located at the base of the skull, near the brain. He usually has three to four migraines per week. Last week he had a migraine every single day. The nausea is so intense and usually is accompanied by spitting up bloody sputum (another symptom of the AVM), dry heaves or vomiting. The next day he is exhausted and has to wait for the nausea to subside, sometimes for 12-24 hours. This is usually followed by diarrhea and weakness. Thank you for keeping Dave and his family in your prayers for God's will.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 12, 2013 - Nancy T. (Bozeman MT)
Last week, Nancy (wife of Jim T.) of the Bozeman congregation was taken to emergency for severe abdominal pain. It was determined the next day she had a large tumor in her abdominal cavity that was causing her kidneys to fail. She underwent major surgery in Billings to remove a large cancerous tumor approximately 16 inches by 12 inches. Although doctors were able to remove most of it, they were unable to extract parts that were attached to other organs. Afterwards, fluid began building up in her abdominal cavity. The doctors were able to drain 5 bottles of fluid (approximately a liter each). Fluids continued to be produced throughout the day.
The doctor confirmed that the fluids are definitely being produced by the cancer that remains in her body. They were informed that Nancy needs chemotherapy right away in order to survive, and even then the chances of recovery are only 50%. Without it, they were told her chances of survival were zero. Because of the urgency her condition, they were advised that a decision must be made no later than Monday (they were originally hoping with the large tumor removed they would have time to consider naturopathic options). They are also concerned that in her weakened state from having surgery, Nancy would not survive the effects of the chemotherapy.
Jim and Nancy are appealing to their church family to pray for God's intervention in this critical juncture of their lives. Cards can be sent to the facility where Jim is staying while Nancy is in the hospital.

<  > Prayer Request - Apr 4, 2013 - Grandma C. (S. Illinois)
Jauna's (and Luke L.) grandmother who lives in southern Illinois, has gone unconscious and was brought by ambulance to the hospital. Jauna's mother is with Grandma C. Jauna is requesting prayers for comfort for Grandma. This is a difficult time as Jauna is near her due date and travel would be difficult.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 25, 2013 - Dave B. (Duluth)
Dave was taken to St Mary's hospital today with chest pains. There is no definitive diagnosis yet but it appears to be heart related. Dave is requesting our prayers that God would heal him of the chest pains and whatever may be causing them.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 15, 2013 - Jim R. (New England)
Dan Dowd's good friend Jim in New England could use your prayers. I have asked for your prayers for Jim before because of the cancer he has, but Jim to the emergency room because Jim was in so much pain. Fortunately his pain was not from the cancer, but unfortunately it is from his gallbladder that has perforated. Jim is scheduled for surgery Wednesday and if the doctors find infection beyond the gallbladder they will need to open him up further to makes sure they clear out as much infection as possible.
Update: Jim came through the gallbladders surgery fine. The doctor said "he was a mess inside," but he cleaned out the infection. Jim will stay in the hospital about 2 days which will also allow Terry some additional rest as she is his primary caretaker at home. God blessed all of this because if there had been a greater infection that would have been a severe setback for Jim. Thank you all for your prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 15, 2013 - Jerry J. (Oshkosh, WI)
Jerry is requesting your prayers for him. The doctors have discovered an infection in the hip joint he had replaced, and so he will be having surgery Friday (3/15) so they can clean out the infection before it gets much worse. He will probably be in the hospital at least a week so the doctors can monitor his progress to make sure they got all of the infection.

<  > Prayer Request - Mar 15, 2013 - Randall F. (Tenn)
Randall gave an elder a distress call this week concerning his tenuous health problems. He felt as if he only has a short time to live. Randall is a Type 1 diabetic who is on dialysis. His blood pressure is very erratic from low, where feels like passing out, to high, where he has no energy. He also has not been getting any sleep, further compounding his situation.
He told his nurse over the phone that the dialysis was not working well for him and provided his blood pressure readings. She directed him to go to the emergency room immediately. I prayed for him and anointed him before he left for the hospital. The tests he received at the hospital showed that he had extreme nerve damage and that is why he is not feeling very well. This is common for a diabetic. Then they sent him home without any treatment because there was nothing that they could do for him.
Please continue to beseech God in your prayers to intervene on his behalf and heal him according to His will. His goal is to make it to keep the Passover.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 22, 2013 - Dave L. (AZ)
Ellis and Gwen L. are asking for your prayers for their son Dave, as he continues to suffer from chronic pain, cerebral AVM, and migraines. Often times they are 5+ times a week preventing him from doing his custom furniture building that provides an income for his family. He has applied for SSDI and been rejected. Normal for the first try. Please ask God to help him in these areas. He either has to be healed which is preferable or receive some source of income. How can he continue with this constant pain? He has had migraines since he was a child. He so badly wants to be healed so he can do the furniture building that he loves. Thank you for your love and concern.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 22, 2013 - Karen S. (Milwaukee, WI)
Karen is doing OK with her recovery from her back surgery. Her pain level is better, but she still has numbness and tingling down the left leg. She is up and moving around but trying to b careful. She would appreciate your continued prayers for her complete healing. She thanks everyone for their prayers to this point.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 15, 2013 - Irene K. (Milwaukee, WI)
Irene asking for your prayers for her grandson in Colorado. He is dealing with some personal issues and Irene would appreciate your prayers that God would direct him and his parents.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 8, 2013 - Alpha E. (Las Vegas, NV)
(Known by many in the Twin Cities and Brainerd/Little Falls area having attended since the early 70's and presently living in Las Vegas)
Alpha is currently hospitalized for having heart problems, pneumonia, broken wrist and shortness of breath. Alpha will be 92 this year but is still very alert, in good spirits and has a wonderful sense of humor. She sends her love and regards to the Minnesota brethren and would greatly appreciate prayers.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 4, 2013 - Tim L. (Twin Cities, MN)
Barring healing beforehand, Tim is planning to have surgery on Wednesday at Mayo Clinic to remove the portion of his colon that is currently causing him problems. It is not expected to be an easy surgery due to inflammation from the most recent perforation and probable presence of cancer which weighs heavily on Tim, Hope and the family. Tim was released from the hospital today and will return Wednesday for the procedure.
He would appreciate our prayers on his behalf.

<  > Prayer Request - Feb 1, 2013 - Don T. (Florida)
Don is now home recovering. He is able to walk some with the assistance of a walker. His appetite has returned and he is now able to eat some solid foods. His overall strength is slowly returning as well. He and his wife, Edwina, wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards, phone calls and emails of encouragement. God has once again been very merciful.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 19, 2013 - Dee C. (Springfield, IL)
from Ken Graham, pastor, Bloomington, Canton, and Springfield, IL:
Dee C., a long-time member of the Springfield, Illinois, congregation, was shocked by a diagnosis of Stage 3 cancer. Over the next six weeks the doctor will be having her go through radiation treatments daily. Twice, for a week each time, there will be chemotherapy during the six weeks as well. Dee's faith is strong. The doctor has predicted a lot of pain by the fourth week of the treatments. Please pray for Dee, her husband Cliff and their family throughout this ordeal, and most of all for God's healing.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 15, 2013 - Joyce L. (Owasso, OK)
Joyce has been doing well overall and is about the same health-wise. She and her husband, Malcolm, are at services nearly every Sabbath.
May 12, 2011 Joyce had a stroke on 4/13/2011.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 15, 2013 - Bessie S. (Muskogee, OK)
Bessie turned 102 years old on December 29th. Overall she has been doing quite well and greatly enjoys all the cards of encouragement from around the world.
Dec 26, 2012 Bessie (101) is bedridden & unable to move around on her own. A recent x-ray revealed a large spot in her chest which the doctors believe is the beginning of pneumonia. She is frail, but very alert & has a great sense of humor.

<  > Prayer Update - Jan 15, 2013 - Jean J. (Rogers, AR)
Jean has done remarkably well in many ways since she was diagnosed with cancer, but the doctors have told her there is nothing more they can do for her. Her health has been deteriorating and she and her husband, Roy, will soon be moving back to live with one of their sons in Arizona. Jean has had a marvelous attitude throughout her health problems and has been an inspiration to all of us in the NW Arkansas congregation. She and Roy will be greatly missed. Please continue to pray that God will grant Jean and Roy strength as they continue to face a difficult trial.
Jul 25, 2012
Jean had surgery to remove cancerous tumors in her throat, esophagus, & lungs. She had surgery last September for thyroid cancer. She & her husband, Roy are looking to God for His intervention, guidance & healing.

<  > Prayer Request - Jan 9, 2013 - Jaiden J. (Eau Claire, WI)
Jennifer J. is requesting prayers for her son Jaiden. Jaiden was born 3 months prematurely and his lungs were damaged from the respirator. Any respiratory problems have the potential of damaging his lungs further, and it takes many medications and much more time to get well. He has recently had an allergic reaction and caught a cold. He's been sick for 12 days now, and is on quite a few medications. Please pray for Jaiden to recover soon from this latest illness, and that God will protect him from further lung problems.

<  > Prayer Request - Dec 29, 2012 - Neil G.
Prayers for Manya K's brother, Neil G. would be appreciated. After having a car accident a couple weeks ago, it was discovered he had pneumonia. He was hospitalized Wednesday with two blood clots on the lungs, one near the stomach and they suspect loss of function in part of one lung. They have also discovered that his heart is operating at a significantly reduced percentage of capacity and he will need a heart catheterization. But this will not be possible until the blood clots are resolved. He is upbeat, but is asking for others to join him in praying for healing.


  1. Aaron B. (Springfield, MO)
  2. Aaron E. (Hillsboro, MO)
  3. Abby C. (Cottage Grove, MN)
  4. Adam C. (Cottage Grove, MN)
  5. Adam K. (Tamarac, FL)
  6. Adelaide B. (Spring Hill, TX)
  7. Aimee L. (Twin Cities, MN)
  8. Al K. (Onamia, MN)
  9. Alan B. (Saint Peters, MO)
  10. Albert S. (El Paso, TX)
  11. Alec S. (Wichita Falls, TX)
  12. Alex E. (Fargo, ND)
  13. Alexander P. (Milton, MA)
  14. Ali H. (Davisville, WV)
  15. Ali M. (New York, NY)
  16. Alice B. (Orangeville, Ontario)
  17. Alida L. (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
  18. Allen H. (Plymouth, NC)
  19. Alpha E. (Las Vegas, NV)
  20. Alvaro M. (Talca, Chile)
  21. Alvin M.(Laurie M's father)
  22. Alyssa D. (Columbia, MO)
  23. Amanda S. (Loveland, OH)
  24. Amara J. (Mankato, MN)
  25. Amber T. (Gilbertville, MA)
  26. Amy D. (Osceola, WI)
  27. Amy W. (Bella Vista, AR)
  28. Andrea M. (Lithonia, GA)
  29. Andrea W. (Rochester, MN)
  30. Andrea W. (Lewisville, TX)
  31. Andrew C. (Jeffersonville, IN)
  32. Andrew M. (Parkinson,Queensland, Australia)
  33. Andrew P. (Winnipeg, Canada)
  34. Andy G. (Akron, OH)
  35. Angel C. (Eau Claire, WI)
  36. Angela B. (Rome, GA)
  37. Angela M. (Milwaukee, WI)
  38. Anita K. (St. Cloud, MN)
  39. Ann C. (Matoon, IL)
  40. Anna B. (Mauk, GA)
  41. Anna R. (Austin, TX)
  42. Anne J. (Durham, NC)
  43. Annette W. (Saskatoon, SK)
  44. Annie S. (Christiansburg, VA)
  45. Antionette & Misty W. (Grants Pass, OR)
  46. Art T. (Houston, Tx)
  47. Art V. (New Zealand)
  48. Ashleigh C. (Brookings, SD)
  49. Aubrey K. (Bentonville, AR)
  50. Austin V. (Citronelle, AL)
  51. Austin W. (Bentonville, AR)
    Alphabetical index
  52. B. family (South Africa)
  53. Barb C. (Royalton, IL)
  54. Barry N. (Los Angeles, CA)
  55. Barry R. (Roanoke, TX)
  56. Bea R. (Onondaga, MI)
  57. Becky B. (Destin, FL)
  58. Becky C. (McKinney, TX)
  59. Becky C. (St. Paul, MN)
  60. BeJay R. (Twin Cities, MN)
  61. Bernie M. (North Vancouver, BC Canada)
  62. Bessie S. (Muskogee, OK)
  63. Betty B. (Kannapolis, NC)
  64. Betty P.
  65. Betty R. (WI)
  66. Betty R. (Twin Cities, MN)
  67. Betty W. (Spring, TX)
  68. Beverly B. (Selma, OR)
  69. Beverly D. (Sierra Vista, AZ)
  70. Bill B. (Atlanta, GA)
  71. Bill B. (Geneva, MN)
  72. Bill_E. (Circle Pines, MN)
  73. Bill G. (Waldron, AR)
  74. Bill J. (Belpre, OH)
  75. Bill L. (Oshkosh, WI)
  76. Bill S. (Tower Hill, IL)
  77. Bill V. (Mount Juliet, TN)
  78. Billie L. (Atwater, CA)
  79. BJ T. (Litchfield, OH)
  80. Bob L. (Houston, TX)
  81. Bob M. (Freeport, OH)
  82. Bob M. (Sacramento, CA)
  83. Bob P. (West Palm Beach, FL)
  84. Bobbi S. (Vancouver Island, Canada)
  85. Bonnie H. (Redding, CA)
  86. Bonny E. (La Paz, Bolivia)
  87. Brad E. (Kailua Kona, HI)
  88. Bradley H. (Johannesburg, South Africa)
  89. Brandon B. (Summerfield, NC)
  90. Brenda A. (Mansfield, IL)
  91. Brenda H. (Kingsport, TN)
  92. Brenda L. (South Africa)
  93. Brenda M. (Clear Lake, WI)
  94. Brendan B. (Nashville, TN)
  95. Brian S. (Cambridge, MN)
  96. Brianna C. (Ava, MO)
  97. Britton R. (Milford, OH)
  98. Bruce A. (Litchfield, MN)
  99. Bruce H. (Stuttgart, AR)
  100. Bruce H. (Portland, OR)
  101. Bruno A. (The Colony, TX)
  102. Burt D. (Mandan, ND)
    Alphabetical index
  103. Candace A. (Whitefish, MT)
  104. Cara M. (Hutto, TX)
  105. Carl L. (Battle Lake, MN)
  106. Carl M. (Misamis Occidental, Philippines)
  107. Carmelo A. (Italy)
  108. Carol B. (Springfield, MO)
  109. Carol P. (MN)
  110. Carol R. (Cottage Grove, MN)
  111. Carol W. (Kenmore, NY)
  112. Caroline C.
  113. Caroline W. (Terre Haute, IN)
  114. Carolyn B. (Twin Cities, MN)
  115. Carolyn & Chuck C. (Bend, OR)
  116. Carolyn S. (Scott City, MO)
  117. Carson F. (Bentonville, AR)
  118. Cary A. (Wichita, KS)
  119. Cassandra E. (Cumberland, MD)
  120. Catherine G. (San Jose, CA)
  121. Cathy B. (Cape Town, South Africa)
  122. Charijean T. (Tacloban, PI)
  123. Charles R. (Abbotsford, BC)
  124. Charles S. (Nigeria)
  125. Charles W. (Laguna Niguel, CA)
  126. Charlotte S. (Washington)
  127. CharLynnn M. (Boyne City, MI)
  128. Charmaine D.Z. (Sri Lanka)
  129. Chelsea H. (Twin Cities, MN)
  130. Cherry Ann J. (Manila, PI)
  131. Cheryl B. (Nashville, TN)
  132. Cherylin C. (Monroe Township, NJ)
  133. Chester B. (Arcanum, OH)
  134. Chevy V. (Royce City, TX)
  135. Cheyenne C. (Elk River, MN)
  136. Chris T. (Ruston, LA)
  137. Christine S. (Garden City, KS)
  138. Chuck F. (Soldotna, AK)
  139. Chuck K. (Midland, MI)
  140. Chuck S. (New Port Richey, FL)
  141. Chuck Z. (Zephyr Hills, FL)
  142. Cinda W. (Little Canada, MN)
  143. Cindy N. (Roseville, MN)
  144. Cynthia C. (Vinton, VA)
  145. Clarade V. (London, ON, Canada)
  146. Clarissa H. (Dallas, TX)
  147. Claudia H. (Mutare, Zimbabwe)
  148. Clayton B. (Seagrove, NC)
  149. Cliff O. (Apple Valley, MN)
  150. Cliff W. (Little Canada, MN)
  151. Clifton M. (St. Louis, MO)
  152. Colton P.
  153. Courtney H. (Woodinville, WA)
  154. Craig M. (St. Louis, MO)
  155. Cynthia E. (Manila, PI)
    Alphabetical index
  156. Dale S. (OH)
  157. Dan S. (Roseville, CA)
  158. Dana B. (Minneapolis, MN)
  159. Dana F. (Twin Cities, MN)
  160. Daniel C. (Lilongwe, Malawi)
  161. Daniel P. (Olympia, WA)
  162. Daniel W. (Montgomery, TX)
  163. Darlene B. (Salta, Argentina)
  164. Darlene H. (Spokane,WA)
  165. Darlene L. (Menomonie, WI)
  166. Darren M. (Oregon)
  167. Daryl C. (Mt Washington, KY)
  168. Dave and Bev H. (Montreal, Canada)
  169. Dave B. (Duluth, MN)
  170. Dave B. (Coon Rapids, MN)
  171. Dave B. (Coon Rapids, MN)
  172. Dave D. (Spring, TX)
  173. Dave L. (AR)
  174. Dave L. (AZ)
  175. Dave S. (Rochester, WA)
  176. Davey R. (Dobson, NC)
  177. David C. (North Bay, ON, Canada)
  178. David F. (Billings, MT)
  179. David G. (Lake Tapps, WA)
  180. Davie G. (Brookings, OR)
  181. David G. (Lubbock, TX)
  182. David_H. (Stanbridge East, Canada)
  183. David J. (McKinney, TX)
  184. David K. (Jackson, Murfreesboro, Nashville, TN)
  185. David R. (Chesapeake, VA)
  186. Dean R. (Des Moines, IA)
  187. Deanna W. (Richlands, NC)
  188. Debbie M. (Larkspur, CO)
  189. Debbie R. (WA state)
  190. Debbie S. (Spokane, WA)
  191. Debi E. (Spotsylvania, VA)
  192. Debra R .(Jeffersonville, IN)
  193. Dee C. (Springfield, IL)
  194. Delfin L. (Quezon City, Philippines)
  195. Delia B. (Munster, IN)
  196. Delores F. (Noel, MO)
  197. Denice L. (Greenville, PA)
  198. Dennis F. (Billings, MT)
  199. Dennis M. (Bellingham, WA)
  200. Dennis P. (Daphne, AL)
  201. Derek W. (Dobson, NC)
  202. Diana B. (Milford, OH)
  203. Diane L. (Tacloban, Philippines)
  204. Diane S. (Ravenna, OH)
  205. Dianne C. (Fellsmere, FL)
  206. Dick K. (Redding, Stockton & Sacramento, CA)
  207. Dick T. (Ocala, FL)
  208. Dody H. (Healdsburg, CA)
  209. Dolores M. (Atwater, OH)
  210. Don E. (Apple Valley, MN)
  211. Don H. (Pittsburgh, PA)
  212. Don M. (Oshkosh, WI)
  213. Don M. (Vancouver, BC)
  214. Don O. (Mobile, AL)
  215. Don P. (Springfield, MO)
  216. Don S. (Christiansburg, VA)
  217. Don T. (Florida)
  218. Don T. (Mobile, AL)
  219. Donna D. (Grove City, PA)
  220. Donna G. (Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada)
  221. Donna H. (Ronald, WA)
  222. Donna M. (Stevens Point, WI)
  223. Donny C. (Eau Claire, WI)
  224. Doreen N. (Austin, MB Canada)
  225. Dorothy S. (Mount Veron, WA)
  226. Dot J. (Gloucester and London, UK)
  227. Dout K. (Edmonton, AB Canada)
  228. Dudley T. (Grass Valley, CA)
    Alphabetical index
  229. Ed and Judy H. (Kokomo, IN)
  230. Eden L. (Menomonie, WI)
  231. Eden O. (North Cotabato, Philippines)
  232. Editha P. (Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines)
  233. Ed Q. (Mora, MN)
  234. Edgar W. (Nipissing, ON Canada)
  235. Efron_E. (Nahrendorf, Germany)
  236. Elana K. (Cape Town, South Africa)
  237. Eli L. (Austin, TX)
  238. Elifazi S. (Blantyre, Malawi)
  239. Elijah W. (Hudson, WI)
  240. Elizabeth C. (Blantyre, Malawi)
  241. Elizabeth D. (Crystal, MN)
  242. Elizabeth S. (MN)
  243. Ellen G. (Ashford, AL)
  244. Ellen N. (Scottsdale, AZ)
  245. Elysia D. (Milwaukee, WI)
  246. Emma H. (N. Little Rock, AR)
  247. Emma K. (Onamia, MN)
  248. Emilee B. (Charlotte, NC)
  249. Emily B. (Utterson, ON Canada)
  250. Emily G. (Talwood, QLD, Australia)
  251. Emily S. (McKinney, TX)
  252. Ernest L. (Grand Forks, ND)
  253. Ernst H. (Dormagen, Germany)
  254. Ester deV. (San Carlos, Philippines
  255. Esther S. (Anaheim, CA)
  256. Euodias O. (Blaine, MN)
  257. Evan (June C.) (Eau Claire, WI)
  258. Evelyn E. (Wasola, MO)
  259. Evelyn W. (Grand Rapids, MI)
  260. Everett M. (Cairo, NE)
  261. Ewin L. (Ashland, MO)
    Alphabetical indext
  262. Fairley B. (Roanoke, VA)
  263. Faith H. (Fulton, MO)
  264. Faith S. (Ormond Beach, FL)
  265. Faye J. (Denver, CO)
  266. Flora C. (Blantyre, Malawi)
  267. Florante S. (Bacolod City, Philippines)
  268. Floyd K. (Orr, MN)
  269. Fran M. (Tonganoxie, KS)
  270. Fran S. (Saginaw, MI)
  271. Frances D. (Spring, TX)
  272. Frank M. (Dayton, OH)
  273. Fred K. (Lahaina, HI)
  274. Fred M. (Everson, WA)
  275. Fred R. (Portland, OR)
    Alphabetical index
  276. Galen M. (Rockford, IL)
  277. Garry L. (Barrie, ON Canada)
  278. Gary and Angela P. (Davis, CA)
  279. Gary A. (Batavia, OH)
  280. Gary H. (Fairmont, MN)
  281. Gary P. (Nashville, TN)
  282. Garry L. (Barrie, ON Canada)
  283. Gayle C. (Columbus, GA)
  284. Gayle W. (Reform, AL)
  285. Gene C. (Nebraska)
  286. Gene F. (Eau Claire, WI)
  287. Gene M. (Henderson, KY)
  288. Generoso S. (Manila, Philippines)
  289. Genevieve K. (Hamilton, ON Canada)
  290. Genevieve L. (Wylie, TX)
  291. George O. (Illinois)
  292. Gerald R. (Jacobsburg, OH)
  293. Gerald S. (Hawley, MN)
  294. Geraldene H. (Yuma, AZ)
  295. Gerardo R. (Santiago, Chile)
  296. Gerry R. (Hopkinsville KY)
  297. Ghyslaine P. (Mission, BC Canada)
  298. Gilbert S. (Woodbury, MN)
  299. Giovanna P. (La Paz, Columbia)
  300. Gladys M. (Lewiston, ID)
  301. Gloria A. (Ghana)
  302. Gloria B. (Smithton, IL)
  303. Gloria D. (Springside, SK, Canada)
  304. Grace A. (Paris, IL)
  305. Grace J. (Estelline, SD)
  306. Grace R. (Manila, Philippines)
  307. Gracie T. (Eau Claire, WI)
  308. Grady S. (GA)
  309. Grandma C.(S. Illinois)
  310. Grandpa C. (Duluth, MN)
  311. Guy B. (Wichita Falls, TX)
  312. Gwendolyn S. (Odessa, MO)
  313. Gyle H. (Roswell, GA)
    Alphabetical index
  314. Hal C. (Central Point, OR)
  315. Hanna P. (Burlington, WA)
  316. Hans A. (British Columbia, Canada)
  317. Hazel N. (Beebe, AR)
  318. Heamasi T. (Tonga / Blackwater Australia)
  319. Heather W. (Rochester, MN)
  320. Heidi L. (Twin Cities, MN)
  321. Heidi S. (Peterborough, ON)
  322. Heinke L. (Richfield, MN)
  323. Helen J. (Fargo, ND)
  324. Herb V. (Eureka, CA)
  325. Herbert J. (Cincinnati, OH)
  326. Herman M. (Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines)
  327. Holly B. (Kansas City, MO)
  328. Hope H. (Akron, NY)
  329. Hopeton H. (St. Catherine, Jamaica)
  330. Hugh B. (Boonsboro, MD)
    Alphabetical index
  331. Ida W. (Gray, GA)
  332. Ina M. (McKinney, TX)
  333. Indeera B. (Champ Fleur, Trinidad & Tobago)
  334. Irene H. (Saskatoon, SK)
  335. Irene K. (Milwaukee, WI)
  336. Irene S. (Owensboro, KY)
  337. Irma T. (Bolivia)
  338. Isaac V. (Graham, WA)
    Alphabetical index
  339. Jackie L. (San Jose, CA)
  340. Jackson C. (Parker, CO)
  341. Jacob E.
  342. Jacques R. (Auckland, New Zealand)
  343. Jackie L. (San Jose, CA)
  344. Jackon W. (Boones Mill, VA)
  345. Jaden D. (Boralesgamuwa, Sri Lanka)
  346. Jaiden J. (Eau Claire, WI)
  347. Jaime G. (Santiago, Chile)
  348. Jakob Z. (Muntinlupa City, Philippines)/A>
  349. James (Levi) O. (Perkinston, MS)
  350. James C. (Edwardsville, IL)
  351. James M. (France)
  352. James P. (Butuan City, Philippines)
  353. Jan C. (Elk River, MN)
  354. Jana E. (Twin Cities, MN)
  355. Jane B. (Twin Cities, MN)
  356. Janice D. (Hayden, ID)
  357. Janice S. (Winston-Salem, NC)
  358. Janice V. (Carrollton, GA)
  359. Janice W. (Houston, TX)
  360. Jason D. (Eau Claire, WI)
  361. JD D. (Oklahoma--Antioch,CA)
  362. Jean C. (Coon Rapids, MN)
  363. Jean J. (Rogers, AR)
  364. Jean V. (Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka)
  365. Jeanie S. (Knoxfille, TN)
  366. Jeanne P. (Bellevue, NE)
  367. Jenny H. (Hillcrest Qld Australia)
  368. Jerome S. (Lincoln, NE)
  369. Jerri D. (Batavia, OH)
  370. Jerry C. (Leeville, SC)
  371. Jerry J. (Oshkosh, WI)
  372. Jerry P. (Tucson, AZ)
  373. Jerry R. (Woodbury, MN)
  374. Jerry S. (Lincoln, NE)
  375. Jerry Z. (Brookings, SD)
  376. Jesse E. (Martinsville, VA)
  377. Jessica L. (Twin Cities, MN)
  378. Jessie B. (San Jacinto, CA)
  379. Jesus R. (Bogota, Colombia)
  380. Jim B. (Floral City, FL)
  381. Jim B. (Golden Valley, MN)
  382. Jim C. (Rice Lake, WI)
  383. Jim G. (West Bloomfield, MI)
  384. Jim H. (Oklahoma City, OK)
  385. Jim M. (Penellas Park, FL)
  386. Jim R. (New England)
  387. Jimmy B. (Holliday, Tx)
  388. Joan T. (BellaVista, AR)
  389. Joanne C. (St. Louis, MO)
  390. Joanne T. (Yuma, AZ)
  391. Joanne Z. (Woodbury, MN)
  392. Joe B. (Eau Claire, WI)
  393. Joe B. (Fargo, ND)
  394. Joe D. (Olathe, KS)
  395. Joe G. (Kent, OH)
  396. Joe G. (Saskatoon, SK)
  397. Joe J. (Gig Harbor, WA)
  398. Joe L. (New Prague, MN)
  399. Joe R. (Monroeville, PA)
  400. Joe S. (Canton, OH)
  401. Joel A. (Davao City, Philippines)
  402. Joel F. (Merritt Island, FL)
  403. John B. (AR)
  404. John B. (Bardstown, KY)
  405. John C. (Salem, OR)
  406. John D. (Asheville, NC)
  407. John E. (Harris, MN)
  408. John K. (Lexington, SC)
  409. John Q. (Eau Claire, WI)
  410. John R. (Taft, OK)
  411. Jolene M. (NE)
  412. Jon R. (Twin Cities, MN)
  413. Jonathan M. (St. Paul, MN)
  414. Jordan S. (Melissa, TX)
  415. Jose Q. (Lima, PeruT)
  416. Joshua B. (Mindanao, Philippines)
  417. Josie D. (Steinbach, Manitoba)
  418. Joy J. (Sioux Falls, SD)
  419. Joyce F. (Bethel, MN)
  420. Joyce L. (Owasso, OK)
  421. Joyce M. (Dallas, TX)
  422. Joyce M. (St. Cloud, MN)
  423. J.R._W. (Hendersonville, TN)
  424. Jude E. (Bowling Green, KY)
  425. Judy B. (Murfreesboro, TN)
  426. Julian F. (LaFayette, IN)
  427. Julie C. (Edgewood, NM)
  428. June C. (Eau Claire, WI)
  429. June D. (New Westminster, BC, Canada)
    Alphabetical index
  430. Kambani B. (Zambia)
  431. Karen B. (North Batteleford, SK, Canada)
  432. Karend F. (Phoenix, AZ)
  433. Karen L. (Los Angeles, CA)
  434. Karen S. (Milwaukee, WI)
  435. Kaycee D. (Ohio)
  436. Kayla M. (Northfield, MN)
  437. Kelley K. (Dusseldorf, Germany)
  438. Ken C. (Coon Rapids, MN)
  439. Ken_S. (Gary, SD)
  440. Kenneth M. (Fort Worth, TX)
  441. Kevin A. (Twin Cities, MN)
  442. Kevin R. (Eldkridge, MD)
  443. Kim N. (Oklahoma City, OK)
  444. Kinsey F. (NC)
  445. Kit F. (St.Paul, MN)
  446. Kossi F. (Lome, Togo)
  447. Kristen H. (Kansas City, MO)
  448. Kristi M. (Jefferson, GA)
  449. Kurt V. (Bacolod City, Philippines)
    Alphabetical index
  450. LaDonna T. (Ruston, LA)
  451. Larry L. (Harris, MN)
  452. Larry L. (Christiansburg, VA)
  453. Larry R. (Mexico City)
  454. Larry W. (Bend, OR)
  455. Larry W. (Oshkosh, WI)
  456. Laura G. (Houston, TX)
  457. Laura K. (Spokane, WA)
  458. Laura M. (Des Moines, IA)
  459. Laura S. (Gold Hill, OR)
  460. Leanne Z. (Eau Claire, WI)
  461. Lee C. (Canadensis, PA)
  462. Lena B. (Columbia, MO)
  463. Leo S. (Murfreesboro, TN)
  464. Leon S. (Chang Mai, Thailand)
  465. Leon W. (Cambridge, OH)
  466. Leonard F. (CA)
  467. Leroy S. (Marissa, IL)
  468. Leslie R. (Inver Grove Heights, MN)
  469. Les C. (Oaklyn, NJ)
  470. Lexi R. (Twin Cities, MN)
  471. Lexter A. (Manila, Philippines)
  472. Liam E. (Corpus Christi, TX)
  473. Libby D. (Canton, OH)
  474. Liberty H. (Clinton, MA)
  475. Linda E. (Perth Amboy, NJ)
  476. Linda H. (Avon, OH)
  477. Linda H. (unknown)
  478. Linda H. (Princeton, TX)
  479. Linda W. (Elyria, OH)
  480. Linday S. (Melton West, Australia)
  481. Lisa B. (West Richland, WA)
  482. Lisa G. (Houston, TX)
  483. Lisa M. (North Vancouver BC Canada)
  484. Lisa S. (Dallas, TX)
  485. Lisa W. (Nottingham, MD)
  486. Lisa W. (Allendale, MI)
  487. Liz B. (Brisbane, Australia)
  488. Liz F. (Eau Claire, WI)
  489. Liz M. (St. Louis, MO)
  490. Lizzie H. (Harare, Zimbabwe)
  491. Lois R. (Midlothian, VA)
  492. Lomax M. (Uniondale, NY)
  493. Lonna C. (Bend, OR)
  494. Lonnie_B. (Jacksonville, AR)
  495. Loretta H. (Soddy Daisy, TN)
  496. Lourdes J. (Bulacan, Philippines)
  497. Lou F. (Gallatin, TN)
  498. Louise B. (Avondale, AZ)
  499. Lu K. (Grenwich, OH)
  500. Lucas L. (Hibbing, MN)
  501. Lucille P. (Dobson, NC)
  502. Lucyanna D. (Eau Claire, WI)
  503. Lupi P. (Jordan, MN)
  504. Lyn J. (Isle of Man, UK)
  505. Lynn R. (Dobson, NC)
    Alphabetical index
  506. Madeleine S. (Manila, Philippines)
  507. Makenzie K. (Bentonville, AR)
  508. Malcolm M. (Linden, MI)
  509. Manny C. (Brisbane, Australia)
  510. Manuel V. (Manila, Philippines)
  511. Marc B. (NY)
  512. Marci S. (Roseville, CA)
  513. Marcia D. (Mobile, AL)
  514. Marcial M. (Bolivia)
  515. Margaret H. (Williamsport, OH)
  516. Margie C. (SD)
  517. Margie R. (Lawton, OK)
  518. Maria H. (Bogota, Colombia)
  519. Maria Jose C. (Chamecada Caparica, Portugal)
  520. Maria L. (Tacloban City, Philippines)
  521. Marian B. (Phoenix, AZ)
  522. Marie H. (Mobile, AL)
  523. Marion Y. (Dudley, NC)
  524. Marissa F. (Dickson, TN)
  525. Marita W. (Angle Park, South Australia)
  526. Mark B. (Fargo, ND)
  527. Mark_B_m. (Pangasinan, Philippines)
  528. Mark B. (Murfreesboro, TN)
  529. Mark C. (San Angelo, TX)
  530. Mark E. (Haltom City, TX)
  531. Mark L. (Delta, CO)
  532. Mark M. (Spokane, WA)
  533. Mark S. (SD)
  534. Mark S. (Wattle Flat, New South Wales, Australia)
  535. Mark S. (Wheeling, WV)
  536. Markeisha S. (Visayas, PI)
  537. Martha A. (Rogers, Nm)
  538. Martina B. (Germany)
  539. Marvin S. (Bethel, OH)
  540. Marvin W. (Fremont, MO)
  541. Mary Ann A. (Mobile, AL)
  542. Mary Annn R. (Miamisburg, OH)
  543. Mary B. (Champlin, MN)
  544. Mary B. (Windsor, ON)
  545. Mary C. (Eau Claire, WI)
  546. Mary H. (Winnipeg, MB)
  547. Mary Jo A. (Twin Cities, MN)
  548. Mary Jo B. (San Tan Valley, AZ)
  549. Mary N. (Bellevue, NE)
  550. Mary P. (Battle Lake, MN)
  551. Mason D.(Eau Claire, WI)
  552. Matthew R. (Dallas, GA)
  553. Maureen M. (China Spring, TX)
  554. Mavis H. (Fargo, ND)
  555. Maynard S. (Eau Claire, WI)
  556. Meaghan W. (Raleigh, NC)
  557. Megan P. (Dickson, TN)
  558. Megan G. (Tacoma, WA)
  559. Meghan R. (Dallas, TX)
  560. Mel H. (Burnaby, BC)
  561. Melanie D. (Calgary,Canada)
  562. Melani W. (Sri Lanka)
  563. Melba M. (Carlow, Ireland)
  564. Melissa P. (Rowlett, TX)
  565. Melissa W. (Westland, MI)
  566. Melvin R. (Lansing, MI)
  567. Meredith E. (Duluth, MN)
  568. Merlito T. (North Cotabato, Philippines)
  569. Merrill H. (Northwest Arkansas)
  570. Michael A. (Lansing, WV)
  571. Michael B. (Maryville, TN)
  572. Michael R. (Columbus, GA)
  573. Michael S. (Nashville, TN)
  574. Michelle B. (Denton, NC)
  575. Michelle D. (Eau Claire, WI)
  576. Michelle G. (Lafayette, IN)
  577. Michelle M. (Patos de Minas Brazil)
  578. Michelle M. (Bend, OR)
  579. Michelle M. (Spokane, WA)
  580. Miguel G. (Los Angeles, CA)
  581. Mike A. (Lansing, WV)
  582. Mike B. (Maryville, TN)
  583. Mike D. (Salem, VA)
  584. Mike J. (Camden, NJ)
  585. Mike M. (Zimbabwe)
  586. Milly O. (Whitehall, MT)
  587. Milton J. (Franklinton, LA)
  588. Miranda S. (Walled Lake, MI)
  589. Mitch K. (Omaha, NE)
  590. Mitzi B. (St. Paul, MN)
  591. Moise M. (W. Africa)
  592. Morley B. (Fredrickton, NFL. Canada)
    Alphabetical index
  593. Nancy S. (Charlotte, NC)
  594. Nancy E. (San Antonio, TX)
  595. Nancy K. (Mocksville, NC)
  596. Nancy T. (Bozeman, MT)
  597. Nancy W. (Detroit, MI)
  598. Natasha C. (Maryville, TN)
  599. Nate W. (Raleigh, NC)
  600. Nathan G. (Melrose, FL)
  601. Neil G.
  602. Neil W. (Southern Africa)
  603. Nelmer G. (Davao City, Philippines)
  604. Nelson B. (Lexington, SC)
  605. Nestor M. (La Paz, Bolivia and Peru)
  606. Nilda L. (Tacloban City, Philippines)
  607. Noel H. (Portland, OR)
  608. Noel M. (Rush City, MN)
  609. Nola W. (Ottawa, KS)
  610. Nora F. (Scotland)
  611. Norma Jean V. (Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka)
  612. Novie B. (Edmond, OK)
    Alphabetical index
  613. Oleh Z. (Arcadia, CA)
  614. Oliver B. (Springdale, AR)
  615. Olivia G. (Centreville, VA)
  616. Ondrea D. (South Bend, IN)
  617. Opal S. (Twin Cities, MN)
  618. Oscar B. V. (La Paz, Bolivia)
  619. Owen Z. (TerreHaute, IN)
    Alphabetical index
  620. P. father (Alexandria, MN)
  621. Pablito A. (Kibawe Bukidnon, Philippines)
  622. Pam C. (Berryville, VA)
  623. Pam M. (St.Petersburg, FL)
  624. Pam Q. (Mora, MN)
  625. Pat A. (Twin Cities, MN)
  626. Pat W. (Grand Rapids, MN)
  627. Pat Z. (London, South Africa)
  628. Patricia G. (Banner Elk, NC)
  629. Patricia W. (GrandRapids, MN)
  630. Patrick R. (Ethel, ON, Canada)
  631. Paul B. (Rome, GA)
  632. Paul W. (Twin Cities, MN)
  633. Paula F. (Mt. Vernon, IL)
  634. Paula O. (Bellingham, WA)
  635. Pauline F. (Las Vegas, NV)
  636. Penelope B. (Eau Claire, WI)
  637. Peter C. (Western Australia)
  638. Peter R. (Madras, OR)
  639. Philemon M. (Zambia)
  640. Piper R. (Minnesota)
    Alphabetical index
  641. Rachel K. (Harborcreek, PA)
  642. Rachel P. (Springdale, AR)
  643. Rachel W. (Nebraska)
  644. Rae S. (North Ogden, UT)
  645. RaeAnn D. (Broken Arrow, OK)
  646. Rafael M. (Rowlett, TX)
  647. Rafael R. (Cleveland, OH)
  648. Rainer B. (Dresden, Germany)
  649. Ralph M. (Clitherall, MN)
  650. Ramon C. (Omaha, NE)
  651. Ramon G. (Orange Grove, TX)
  652. Randall F. (Tenn)
  653. Randy D. (Ypsilani, MI)
  654. Randy H. (Erie, CO)
  655. Randy I. (Dawsonville, GA)
  656. Randy K. (Houston, TX)
  657. Raquel U. (Guatemala)
  658. Raul E. (Baguio City, Philippines)
  659. Ray W. (Arlington, TX)
  660. Raymond G. (Corpus Christi, TX)
  661. Rebecca K. (Rapid City, SD)
  662. Relpha S. (London, UK)
  663. Renee W. (Wellington, OH)
  664. Rhonda K. (Williston, ND)
  665. Richard H. (Parks, AZ)
  666. Richard D. (Montana)
  667. Richard P. (Chino Hills, CA)
  668. Richard S. (Hopkinsville, KY)
  669. Rick C. (Pinson, AL)
  670. Rick H. (MT)
  671. Rick W. (Coverdale, TN)
  672. Rita A. (Lansing, WV)
  673. Rita T. (Bethlehem, PA)
  674. Rita W. (Fremont, MO)
  675. Robert B. (Eagle Point, OR)
  676. Robert C. (Ft. Worth, TX)
  677. Robert C. (Morganton, NC)
  678. Robert H. (Springfield, MO)
  679. Robert M. (Clear Lake, WI)
  680. Roberto Q. (Lima, PeruT)
  681. Robson C. (Uperlandia, Brazil)
  682. Rod F. (Mandan, ND)
  683. Rodney V. (Mount Lavinia, Sri Lanka)
  684. Rodrigo J. (Davao City, Philippines)
  685. Roger B. (Woodbury, MN)
  686. Rohan D. (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
  687. Rolf M. (Monheim, Germany)
  688. Romel G. (Bacolod City, Philippines)
  689. Ron and Edith G.(Phoenix, AZ)
  690. Ron F. (Carl Junction, MO)
  691. Ron G. (Grapeview, WA)
  692. Ron R. (Andalusia, AL)
  693. Rosanno A. (Davao City, PI)
  694. Roselynne C. (Milwaukee, WI)
  695. Roy H. (Batavia, OH)
  696. Ruben D. (Lepelstraat, Netherlands)
  697. Ruben R. (New York, NY)
  698. Rudy R. (Glen Carbon, IL)
  699. Rufus W. (Bulan, KY)
  700. Ruthie S. (Twin Cities, MN)
  701. Ruth J. (Wilton, ND)
  702. Ruth L. (Antipolo City Philippines)
  703. Ruth W. (Booneville, AR)
    Alphabetical index
  704. Saber R. (Perdue, SK, Canada)
  705. Sally C. (Lynchburg, VA)
  706. Sam D. (Grove Hill, AL)
  707. Sam M. (Kendrick, ID)
  708. Sam M. (Kendrick, ID)
  709. Sam D. (Oakland, CA)
  710. Samuel E. (Burton, South Australia)
  711. Sandy R. (Nebraska)
  712. Sandy J. (Watertown, SD)
  713. Sandy M. (Macon, GA)
  714. Sarah A. (Kennesaw, Ga)
  715. Sarah H. (Winnipeg, Canada)
  716. Sarah N. (Davao City, Philippines)
  717. Sarita R.
  718. Scott F. (Chicago, IL)
  719. Scott L. (MD)
  720. Scott M. (Fort Worth, TX)
  721. Sean B. (Port Orchard, WA)
  722. Shailveena C. (Agra, India)
  723. Shane M. (Eau Claire, WI)
  724. Sharon B. (Spart, MI)
  725. Sharon D.(Neillsville, WI)
  726. Sharon G.
  727. Sharon M. (Fort Jones, CA)
  728. Sharon R. (New Brighton, MN)
  729. Sharon W. (Campo, CA)
  730. Shela A. (Davao City, Philippines)
  731. Sherry M. (Covina, CA)
  732. Shirley B. (Spencer, WV)
  733. Shirley B. (Spingdale AR)
  734. Shirley D. (Terre Haute,IN)
  735. Shirley M. (Gig Harbor, WA)
  736. Shirley S. (Benton City, WA)
  737. Shirley T (Eau Claire, WI)
  738. Shirley W. (Nottingham, MD)
  739. Simplicio C. (Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines)
  740. Soleza T. (Tacloban City, Philippines)
  741. Starlit W. (Andover, MN)
  742. Steve K. (North Branch, MN)
  743. Steve R. (Sugarcreek, OH)
  744. Sue C. (Eau Claire, WI)
  745. Sue C. (St. Cloud, MN)
  746. Sue E. (Nevada, Iowa)
  747. Sue H. (SD)
  748. Sue L. (Prudenville, MI)
  749. Sue R. (Lebanon, TN)
  750. Sue R. (Kokomo, IN)
  751. Susan K. (Rapid City, SD)
  752. Susanna B. (Lexington, VA)
  753. Susie H. (Lincoln, NE)
  754. Susie J. (Nashville, TN)
  755. Sylvia D. (Midland, Tx)
    Alphabetical index
  756. Tallulah O. (Blaine, MN)
  757. Teanna N. (Twin Cities, MN)
  758. Ted B. (Bothell ,WA)
  759. Ted J. (Albert Lea, MN)
  760. Ted S. (Maple Ridge, BC, Canada)
  761. Teddie M. (Dayton, OH)
  762. Teresa G. (Henderson, CO)
  763. Teresa G. (Ashland, VA)
  764. Teresa S. M. (Los Angeles, CA)
  765. Teressa S. (E. Texas)
  766. Terry J. (Miller, SD)
  767. Terry Y. (Duluth, MN)
  768. Thomas M. (Eau Claire, WI)
  769. Tim B. (Sacramento, CA)
  770. Tim L. (Twin Cities, MN)
  771. Tim M. (Aiken, SC)
  772. Tim V. (SD)
  773. Tina H. (Taft, TX)
  774. Tina K. (Walling, TN)
  775. Tina M. (Siren, WI)
  776. TJ A. (Paragon, IN)
  777. Tom A.(Four Oaks, NC)
  778. Tom B. (Eau Claire, WI)
  779. Bom B. (North Bay, ON, Canada)
  780. Tom D. (Louin, MS)
  781. Tom D. (Lubbock, TX)
  782. Tom K. (Eau Claire, WI)
  783. Tom R. (Lizella, GA)
  784. Tony H. (Fargo, ND)
  785. Tracey F. (Mandan, ND)
  786. Trevin & Sherene W. (Battakethra Madapatha Piliyandala, Sri Lanka)
  787. Truphosa O. (SunaMigori, Kenya)
    Alphabetical index
    Alphabetical index
  788. Valerie B. (Owings Mills, MD)
  789. Velma B. (Nebraska)
  790. Vanessa (NE, IA, SD)
  791. Vanessa C. (Houston, TX)
  792. Vera C. (Boomer, NC)
  793. Vern K. (Fairfax, MN)
  794. Vernon H. (Hammond, IN)
  795. Vic R. (Eastern Canada)
  796. Vicki W. (Bella Vista, AR)
  797. Vickie D. (Eau Claire, WI)
  798. Victoria and Romeo C. (Bacolod City, Philippines)
  799. Virginia T. (Pitipana, Sri Lanka)
  800. Viva Z. (Bonner Springs, KS)
  801. Vonnie S. (Twin Cities, MN)
    Alphabetical index
  802. Walt T. (Tucson, AZ)
  803. Walter H. (Wooster, OH)
  804. Walter Z. (North Battleford, SK)
  805. Wanda C. (SD)
  806. Ward S. (Lubbock, TX)
  807. Warner G.(Leesburg, OH)
  808. Warren O. (Springfield, MO)
  809. Wayne D. (California)
  810. Wayne D. (St. Paul, MN)
  811. Wayne K. (Springville, NY)
  812. Wayne W. (Gladstone, MO)
  813. Whitney C. (Cincinnati, OH)
  814. Wilda M. (McKinleyville, CA)
  815. William and Mary S. (Little Rock, AR)
  816. William G. (Yorba Linda, CA)
  817. Willian H. (GA)
  818. William M. (Pittsburgh, PA)
  819. William & Lynnae M. (Twin Cities, MN)
  820. Woodie M. (Westwego, LA)
    Alphabetical index
  821. Zanetta W. (Hudson, WI)
  822. Zarth D. (Ragama, Sri Lanka)

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